We’ve been here together since the beginning, you and I. You are a myriad of consciousnesses, while I am your vessel; a vehicle for all of you to guide. Our fates are intertwined in an abyss; what you may call as purgatory. This purgatory is an empty reality that is occasionally visited by the memories of those passing through this voided realm. As much as we are witnesses to these memories we are also their students; we’ve learned so much from observing these intimate memories of a stranger. These lessons range from cooking a simple meal for a family of four to knowing how to fight multiple assailants in a melee. However, our simple lives of existing in a null world is coming to an end; we’re beginning to be invoked and be brought into a whole new existence. But before we depart, it would be prudent of us to decide which memories we will carry into our new reality. We’ve been here for an entirety learning new things; however, I doubt we’d be able to remember all these memories in our new life. Let’s concentrate on remembering a few lessons, so that we’ll be able to easily remember them in our physical manifestation--speaking of which, we should decided upon a body as well. Let’s take along a mundane memory of daily life so that we can adapt to our new reality, but which should we take with us? a.) The memories of a loving mother, taking care of her family though cooking and cleaning. b.) The memories of a caring grandfather, recounting his experiences as old tales to his grandchildren. c.) The memories of a persistent Romeo, trying to woo a resilient Juliet that’s slowly falling for him. Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
[ Book One ] [ Per ]
Hello there, Tetha-Gamma-Chi housemaster. We've set up a new connection for your place; your previous system's tubes were clogged beyond repair, so to speak. You should now have all sites and feeds avaliable to you; as long as they're in the network's Broadcast range, they're all as far away as a point and click. A log of system changes after upgrades will be avaliable from now on. I also hooked you up to the Washington Library, free of charge. That should breath a little genuine Academia in your sisterhood. ;) And just to be sure, I reiterated the SEND queue. Get ready for a full inbox! -- Carlos K., Janitorial Staff
>previously on Cutegal Quest! love, music and cupcakes!
Right this is my firts ever quest but heres the deal you need to help face less suvive the strange place he now finds him self
You remember nothing. Your name, your face, your home. Gone. Nothing remains but an ache in your head and a twinge of hunger in your stomach. The ground begins to rumble as a car nears. Your eyes open to view a drab landscape. A few trees here and there, a thin layer of dying grass, and what you assume is a highway dividing the vast expanses of endless wasteland. That explains the car at least. The sky is gray with the encroaching thunderstorm choking the horizon like a monstrous ethereal python. Your foot slips as you approach the road, sending the contents of a puddle from the last storm cascading around your foot. There's enough left to catch your reflection, though barely in the lack-light of this desolate causeway. The real question is, what do you look like?
Some people work at a well-paying, stable job to earn their living. After work, they have a loving wife with kids to go home to in their quaint house settled in a small, remote village. They live that way until the day they die, perfectly content and at peace. Others, one the other hand, decide on a more exciting life.
The night went well. The guardsmen around you were able to rest more comfortably throughout the night, undisturbed by the local rebellion. More so, thanks to your presence in the encampment. You suspect many of these men had never seen a space marine before - and wouldn't still, had it not been for chance. For your battle cruiser had simply been in the system on other business at the time of the uprising. The rebels obviously had no idea. You are a sergeant of the Imperial Fists chapter. Your ancient armour is a deep yellow, recently sullied by dirt and scorchmarks. Your helm is red, its faithfulness testified by the scratches and dents across its surface. Tell me, sergeant. What is your name?
Hopefully there will be much wiggling, BUT NOT AT THE MOMENT, there is more important issues at hand
It was less than five hours ago that you've said your good byes to your friends and loved ones, but you can't help but feel homesick as you grasp their well wishes in your heart. Fortunately you aren't alone in this trip as your father sits quietly asleep besides you. You're on board a jumbo jet that left Tokyo, Japan and is now headed to Seattle, Washington in America. Your mother is there, waiting anxiously, to be reunited with you and your father. It was a small period of time ago that your mother's employer made a joint-venture agreement with a major software company in America; she was asked by her employer to oversee a project that's being developed in the company at America. She received her working visa a month ago, and she left immediately to get acquainted to her new work, but more importantly to prepare for her family's arrival to their new home. But before we continue onward in the prologue, let's talk a little about yourself. The decisions made ahead will greatly affect this quest. Are you male or female? Boys will receive the charm trait, while girls will receive the magnetism trait. In class, you were generally known as... The Class President (+1 to Leadership) A Benevolent Tutor (+1 to Academics) An Average Student (+1 to Relations) Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
You plod along in the snow, too focused on staying warm to notice the lamppost until you bump into it. Shaken from your deep thought, you realize that you are nowhere near the sidewalk you'd started out on. You don't think that you'd been walking long enough to exit the city, yet looking around, you can't see any buildings. You notice a bench just a few steps away from you, with three lampposts on either side, roughly fifteen feet apart. Cold and disoriented, you weigh your options: You can sit down on the bench to sort out a plan, or keep following the path in either direction. Of course, you could always wander off into the trees surrounding the path, but you aren't that adventurous...are you?
One week later, during one of Avalon's dark, starless nights...
"Subject #206DEB, you have been judged by the Consul Tzarrek to be an unacceptable deviant from the salazzarine baseline. You are in possession of mutations that set you apart from your peers. This is in violation of Reekelid stature. Your citizen status has been stripped, and you are now property of the Rekeelid Empire."
"In medio itinere vitae, erravi Exsurgens a recta inveniendi via solus in silva tenebrosa. " Daniel est nomen meum, obviously "Dan" pro brevis. Ergo occurri tibi erat tincidunt tincidunt felis. In erat Good Friday. Mihi multus in mentem. Confusa, tuli, ambulare in silvis impetro meus bonorumque arcu. Sicut dies crescebat nuper etiam caeli contenebrati, et rursus caput vellem. A bestia territus OGGANIO a me, et rediit, et altius in silvas. "Midway in our life's journey, I went astray, from the straight road and woke to find myself alone in a dark wood." My Name is Daniel, obviously "Dan" for short. fore I met you,it was a normal friday afternoon. In fact, it was Good Friday. I had a lot on my mind. Confused, I took a walk in the woods to get my priorities straight. As the day grew late, the sky also grew dark, and I wanted to head back. A growl from a beast frightened me, and I returned, even deeper into the woods.
Long ago, Princess Seraphine watched over the world. She ruled with wisdom and kindness over the creatures of the Sea, the candies of the Land of Desserts, the Faeries of the forest, the flowers of Tranquil Meadows, and all of the colors of the rainbow. But one day, the Princess made an announcement. Dark magic threatened the world, and Seraphine was the only one with magic powerful enough to counteract it. Afraid that the battle between herself and the evil would destroy the world, Seraphine decided that she would live in the sky, to keep her fight far away from her subjects. Before leaving, she appointed five successors. Princess Lollipop would rule over the candies. The Faerie Forest would be the domain of Princess Glitterdust. Princess Spectra would rule over the Castle of Color and its nearby lands. The Tranquil Meadows would go to Princess Blossom. And finally, surrounding all of them would be Princess Marianna's domain, the Sea. From then on, each land had its own Princess, and all was well again. Yesterday, the five Princesses had their weekly tea party. The sun was shining, and the refreshments Princess Lollipop served were delicious, but there was one problem; Princess Blossom was missing! All of the Princesses left very worried about their good friend, and they agreed to each send a representative to check on the missing Princess to make sure she was well. Choose your name and which Princess you serve. You should probably be something resembling a human, but this makes you special. Most of the creatures you encounter will be sentient, animated marshmallows and such.
>(Is it so wiiiiise, boy, to use Havin's treasures for your benefit?) "These jewels are certainly quite a few things, but Havin's is not one of them." >(And I thought you grew so attached to young Maria and her family...) "It's related, is it not?"
Oh boy! You're finally back from "school" and now it's time for a school break of some sort! You've been expecting a package, and it probably got here by now. Time to get off the elevator and back into your lair!
"I should heading to my job... Eh what? A crystal necklace with a note!"
You are the subconscious mind of this young dragon. Have at it.
"I can't believe we've gotten so deep in the shit we have to beg the wind for help." A few minutes of silence pass before the creature speaks again. "Eh, nothing to lose, I guess. To whoever may hear this, please we need your help; we are a small group of beings trapped inside a mountain of corpses... it's not so bad all things considered, we where able to hollow out a big enough area to make a small town and all the water (we like to think it's water) dripping down the holes is enough to drink a- ok, I'm getting sidetracked here"
Previous threads: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Apocalyption
http://tgchan.org/wiki/Magnificent_Quest >>/questdis/353016 . . . . . .
Let us begin. You are H.R. Herpenderp, the greatest person in all of existence. You own the largest manufacturer of useless bullshit in the known universe. The sound of your cockney accent is so charming that it gives women orgasams upon hearing it. You have so much money that you can literally do anything. ANYTHING. Your sheer awesomeness makes Rudy Mann look like a COMPLETE TOOL.
previous threads #1: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/85235.html #2: http://www.tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/162089.html now exiting dormant state Hey! Like uh, the aliens have captured me! When your device shut off, it kind of stopped doing some of the stuff that was hiding me from them. I don't know where they took my clothing, or where you are. They've got me in this room closed off by a force field or something... They don't know you're here- at least I don't THINK so -so keep it that way. Disguise yourself as something and bust me out! Don't do any teleporting or they'll totally know something's up.
Omaig, I can't believe I'm finally in one of these things- I'm ecstatic but at the same time, I'm not sure if I can do this ! The Cores choose the pilot, and the Labcoats say this one that's chosen me is legendary .. I've never done this before, and I don't even know how to begin; the responsibility is incredible but for the Highness I will go above and beyond ! I have you, my integrated infopathic GHOST, to guide me ! Now .. how do I even turn this thing on ?
That's right, boys and girls! It's time for some GO GO GO RACEQUEST
[wilx] ... [???] so... it is such a darn long drop, isn't it.
Statement of the OPs lack of experience with quests in a humorous self deprecating way, thus lowering the audiences expectation. "Ominous and/or pithy quote that may also reveal the core conflict between the protagonist(s) and the antagonist(s) in italics." Lengthy introduction of the setting of the quest that may either be dome in the third person or first person, often with darkly humorous statements about the quality and length of life of the less well-to-do inhabitants of said setting, that may or may not work in the quest title. Query directed toward posters over the gender, race, and skills of the main protagonist (or PC), in order to appeal to those who wish for customization of their PCs to their play styles. Tutorial on how to respond here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbhrz1-4hN4 Additional query to posters asking what kind of quest they would like in order to further appeal to their tastes. A list of genres.
Previous Threads: http://quest.lv/kusaba/questarch/res/241606.html http://??? http://quest.lv/kusaba/questdis/res/338649.html#340108 http://www.furaffinity.net/view/5169219/ --------- So this is pretty much complete fucking horseshit.
Whats the meaning of life? Is it to find your soul mate and raise a family? If thats the case: I've alreadyfailed. Is the meaning of life to enjoy it's fruits? If thats the case i've alreadyfailed. Is it to contribute to the world in a positive way? If thats the case...I might have alreadysucceeded Even if I did contribute; What do I do now? What's my purpose in life? Am I just to wither in this bed of mine until I pass? What kind of sick fate is that? Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
Once upon a time, the world was beautiful. We tell our children that to make them feel better about the devastation that plagues the world now. That once, these blasted shells of buildings were great glittering towers of glass and steel that coulds withstand anything and everything that Nature threw their way. Once upon a time, the world was majestic, rife with science and wonder and beauty. Everyone lived for as long as they wanted, died when they tired of life. Mankind was stretched among the cosmos, a great and unstoppable empire a thousand million planets strong. But with pride, of course, came folly. We only barely know the past. There are scarce few records, scarce few remnants of what was left behind. Artifacts, buildings, wiring, power cores... We know only that mankind was once great, and then, something terrible occurred. We know nothing more.
It is for us to pray not for tasks equal to our powers, but for powers equal to our tasks, to go forward with a great desire forever beating at the door of our hearts as we travel toward our distant goal. - Helen Keller
The faceoff starts TODAY.
This is Mason. Mason is in prison. He's not particularly a bad person, but rather he's guilty of things he's not exactly proud of. He's been in prison for six months now, serving a five year sentence. Right now, Mason's bored and is considering a nap. That's where you come in.
In the year of Whupin, on the verge of Tree whimp there is a time in which a certain being is born. This being is said to give out the directions to a certain text that contains inside of it all the information of anything that has ever been and what could ever be. It is said in legend that in these pages lies the secrets of godhood and the concoctions to re-establish the magicka in the world. I will find this book, known as The Rare Matrim Orphum, and i will glean from it the setret resurrectus... if only to bring back my beloved sister. This is my quest, and i am the Protagonist. Who also needs a name==> >name pls
This is my little quest. Enjoy!
... I think he's gone. Bastard. No one steals from Gehenna Quickfingers... Nor do they hang her like a goddamn chicken. Just a few more minutes, and maybe I can get out of this bullshit, get my stuff, and get revenge. Fuggin' druids. It's like manners are a foreign concept to 'em...
The tunnel stretched onwards for hours, a never-ending venture into pitch-darkness. The only thing I could see were 6's burning red eyes. Every time he looked over to me, it felt as though he were staring into my soul, quietly laughing to himself at my paranoias and insecurities. And yet, somehow, I suspect he felt the same way when I looked at him. Two strangers, walking along the dark path to the Styx. Might not be the best of destinations, but you have to go through Hell to get to Heaven.
By Split, this place is drab. And this uniform is possibly the dumbest looking thing I have ever worn. Not that I'll complain, mind you. I'm not crazy, just proud. I am getting to where I promised I'd go, I suppose. Just very, very slowly. And, even though I refused to shave off my gentlemanly mustache, the commander let me keep it and I didn't get any demerits or anything. It's odd. I guess he just likes me.
Deep down in the 'ole.T'ere lies T'e 'alls of Pale Goblins.
it's time to begin again. today we feel particularly fantastic.
Buraskags live in the coldest parts of Elcon feasting on anyone who strays too near their homes. Some people say buraskags do not exist at all. This is because most people who have seen one are lying at the bottom of a cave acting like a very convincing pile of gnawed bones. Of course, they don't have act too much. Previously the buraskags all lived in the depths of the coldest Wastelands (these are endless and harsh being even colder than Elcon, the wastelands surrround the whole of Elcon), but they have been gradually moving to the slightly warmer climate (but still freezing) of Elcon. Not of course if they don't exist, (cough, idiots, cough, cough). A Buraskag's favourite food is Icehound meat. A Icehound's favourite food it frozen Buraskag.
Previous Chapter here; http://quest.lv/kusaba/quest/res/300751.html Discussion thread here; http://quest.lv/kusaba/questdis/res/346825.html Chorus of Whisper is the Story of Spectrum the artificial Jinnous, a being of light and voice and now thanks to the blessing of Antimpavaroah a half-elemental dragon. You have the power of the storm in the form of wings. In your battle with the Chlan Dusk that was born from darkness in your heart you gained a Heart of Hope. Even now it pulses warmly in your bosom, what powers does it hold? You adventure began with your birth in the lab of an Alchemist. You and your vat brother Nirdhar Brighthand the Seehi homunculus were sent from the lab of Defiu Unnad in Erimael when it was attacked by a mysterious fire mage. Who's words to you before you escaped were "I see you... I will find you..." You were sent before you could know why you and your brother were made. Found a mysterious message where you appeared which read “DO NOT TRUST PARUMRIR You survived an Implacable Gelatinous Ooze and gained an ally in the form of the wight Kyarin Viotellez. You went to Town. Met a hedgewizard and saw an extraordinary wedding, between an Leoni Nighom and a Gnoll, the ceremony held by a Redeemer. Who banished the evil spirits possessing the rings, which were brought forth by a Kitir a horned fox spirit. You fought a being of darkness born from you absorbing light. Then you left southwards, towards Erimael and into the lands of the masked Kithan; Tagan. That is were our story returns. [Continued in next Post]
Yes, that is looking MUCH better now. Oh, she's waking up? Better get everybody back on the job then.
You are depressed right now. You don't know what you are depressed at. Maybe you are depressed at your depressing name? What kind of name would be depressing enough to be depressed about?
(Prologue) http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/306009.html Okay... this butler's got a screw loose, but he's also got some answers. We need to ask our questions carefully so we don't rush into this blindly.
This is Ron
Scribble Quest 1-- http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/266025.html Now on with the show~
"Are you lonely? It is me again. Rhamiel. This loft's protector." The darkness makes not a single sound in response to the young, winged humanoid's slightly clumsy voice. "I like talking to you, you know." The roar is almost inaudible but most definitely disgruntled, and strikes a little fear in Rhamiel, despite his celestial nature. What should he do?
[Its back. Now with a lot less mods, less delays, and more freedom. Game constraints mean little now, suggest as you will, and it shall be done.] When we last saw Lannon Glow-scales, he had just dragged his tired and sorry ass out of the foul-smelling sewers under the Imperial City, having escaped with the help of the very authority under whose rule he was imprisoned in the first place. After a series of dusty caverns, the meeting and demise of an emperor, the meeting, demise, and harvesting for meat of Mr.Rat, a flaming zombie, the collection of a goblin's corpse, and a series of events sure to set a world-saving quest of heroism and justice-bringing before Lannon, he quickly ran off to the nearest pub to get roaringly drunk. It is now one week after the events in the first part of our tale.
Disappointment Quest: The Curse http://tgchan.org/wiki/Disappointment_Quest Three adventurers go to solve the mystery of the approaching 'plague'. What is this plague? They don't know. They're going to meet with a priest to find out more. These adventurers are: • One half-vampire shapeshifter that's currently stuck as a woman • One undead elf necromancer who can't even animate skeletons yet • One human gunman that is completely unlikeable and from an advanced civilisation Welcome to disappointment quest. (Major Changes: No longer NSFW! +Combat! +Plot! -Dialogue!) (Not changed: Terrible art, rigid ruleset)
I think... I think she's still alive. Yeah, she's squirming a bit. Not for much longer, though...
(first time running a quest so be gentle kay :3) choose which HERO that will go on a EPIC ADVENTURE
You wake up. Your head pounds, leaving you to squint for a moment underneath your mess of hair and the protection of your hood. As the throbbing begins to dull to a somewhat manageable point, your vision somewhat clears. -- discussion thread is here, for if needed: >> 351133
(Sorry if I make mistakes, I'm still relativity new at this) [code]C//: BOOTING IDEA ENGINE.exe Idea Engine engaged... Body creation program active... Male/Female? (M/F)
I am still breathing. My brothers are not. Six of them lie dead, scattered around the table. I am the one who killed them. We had been playing poker, as usual. What was far less usual is that I was winning. Gambling is my second greatest weakness. Addiction is my worst. Junk is my name. Mana is my poison and the sweetest poison it is. Mana is power and mana is change. I will do anything for it. I have done everything for it. First was Border. I once caught him raping a young girl. I turned my back on it. I could smell mana and didn't want to watch. I am not sorry for his death. I had won my third hand in a row and the last of his loot. so he accused me of cheating. As this was Border he did so by jumping up from the table, sweeping my kit onto the floor, dragging me from my seat, and spitting his accusation into my face. As I had been employing said kit I was full of quicksilver essences and reacted more violently than was my want. I grabbed a nearby goblet and attempted to smash him in the face. Second was Miser. Miser was a miserable penny-pinching alcoholic who would steal the alms from a beggars bowl. I would do the same if I saw it first. His death was no great loss. He was drinking from the goblet that I had attempted to grab. My hand instead landed upon a hilt. Border jerked back and instead of carving open his cheek the blade went through his throat. I became lost for a moment in the sensation of blood on my face- I am always surprised by arterial spray- but was brought back to reality by the drunkard's hand pulling on my shoulder. I spun and planted the blade in his eye. As he stumbled back a card slipped from his sleeve. An ace of crystals, to be exact. I watched it flutter to the ground I caught Brook's fist as tried to punch me and countered it easily. I could feel his neck snap. I am not this fast. I am not this strong. Brook was not a bad man, just a bad worker. He was lazy and stupid and had failed Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
It's a nice day, maigical fire is in the air. Today seems like a day for adventure. Lets take over the world... but how?
Behold, my worthless servants. I have given you form. It's a pathetic, stupid form, because all you get to do is watch and maybe whisper your idiotic ideas to my mortal servants. Now, choose someplace for my servants to get a fresh start spreading chaos and discord in my name. I don't care where, just any kind of terrain you choose. Then, GO!
“Faith is a knowledge within the heart, beyond the reach of proof.” It is often said that Gods and Goddesses are born, and live on, worship. That their death is one of the most tragic, for no one will mourn a dead God. In some times, the faith of all Gods dwindle - in times of true famine and despair - and in other times, it rises to leaps and bounds, in times of peace and plenty. Before we begin this story proper... There are a few things We, The Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent Arbiter of Gods and Goddesses (Omni to friends) must ask about you.
It is dark.
You were new in town, but you knew the drill. Dawn was fast approaching, so you needed to get inside. Since you were only going to be staying here for the day, you figured you'd book a room at one of the cheaper-looking hotels. Looking back on it, you should've seen the warning signs. The door that shut a little too loosely, the walls that were just slightly too thin, everything about the place should have sent up countless red flags. But you were low on money and figured that it wouldn't happen to you. No, it couldn't, not in a million years. Not in this part of town.
You've woken up in your room with a terrible hangover. This sucks. What do you suggest?
Arriving in Chemoa, a major ocean colony of the frog empire, you have many options in the preparation for the next journey. Chemoa is famous for its breeding and geneconserving programs - the perfect planet to find the most purebred frog milia and soldier breed females in the frog empire. Chemoa lacks capability to produce capital ships and decent physics research. A paradise for the speck of the frog empire, the major society on Chemoa revolves around partying, reproduction and leisure time while a group of powerful electricians run the import mashinery beneath the oceans mining the deep core of the planet. Being a hybrid it is possible to arrange a meeting with an electrician, if you find one. Releasing the current crew from ragnarok comradeship is also a viable option to replace it with purer blood or females you could reproduce with. Or, maybe an electrician could engineer new cybernetics to the current crew to make them pointer in combat. New AI weaponry could make a nice addition to current cybernetics. What now is required is in addition to endless nights of partying preparing for whatever future may bring. While capital ships are too expensive, you could change your assault shuttle to a courier and seek an assignment to a capital ship passing by Chemoa near in neighboring solar systems. Supplies & costs Weaponry (person arms: 1credit, special versions 5credits, ship weapon: 10credits): Fusion Blasters: hand-cutters, 2-handed, vehicle, ship weapon. Nerve Disablers: 1-handed, vehicle, ship weapon. Neutron Blasters: ship weapon. Ion cannons: ship weapon. Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
You've been in this building for longer than you can remember, and everything before that is vague and fuzzy. They keep you in this room, this empty concrete room, with food and water, cleaning it daily with a hose and sometimes taking you out. You never get far. Some talk to you, but for the most part, they leave you alone. You prefer it that way. You don't want anyone touching you. What do? --- This quest is going to go slowly because I draw slow as fuck and I work liek woah. Have fun!
Your name is Guy Guyerson. In your possession you have a stupid looking hat that may be a tiny cowboy hat..???? You are standing in your very empty living room, just looking at how empty it is. You are SOOOO BORED and feel like you should be more productive. IF ONLY SOME VOICES IN YOUR HEAD would motivate you........... A man can dream.
3 days til school starts; let's see what we can make out of them I guess. This is the usual time I wake up because I USUALLY go to bed by midnight. I can't sleep if I know it's light out, it's something stupid, but whatever fuck you. okay I'm awake what do you want to do.
Sometimes it feels like there's no room in this city for a guy who saved the world.
This will, for the most part, be a text quest. I will draw images to establish scenes, or show off locations, but in no way will this be a regular occurrence So. I’ve been thinking it’s time to retire. I mean, mercenary work? Sure, the money’s good, but after thirty years of fighting, killing, and bleeding across half the continent, I’ve realized I’m getting too old to keep this up much longer. Mind you, I don’t mean old, old. Hells, I’m not even at that point it’s all downhill from. But, I can already see it from where I’m standing, if you follow the metaphor. And I have plans for the rest of my life, plans that need me at my best if I want them to stand a chance of succeeding. See, I want to claim my own Dominion. I even have the perfect place picked out. Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
Quest restarted. You wake up in a bed of fine red linen. The only light comes from a candle on the nightstand next to you. From what you can see, you're lying naked in someone's bedroom, however, you are all alone. The floor is blue carpet, and there is a dresser with a mirror. Next to the heavy wooden door is a lightswitch, and the clouds outside are nearly invisible through the window looking out to the night. Actions?
This is You You have thrown your name away many years ago, you are now simply called, the "Hunter" You run a Paranormal Investigation Company named "Black Star" Although you are the only person in it so it isn't really a company. You are currently in your apartment. The sound of your CELL PHONE awoke you from a recent nap. Yes, you do sleep in a suit.
Maddy Washington was on her way to the local comic book shop, The Papercut, to pick up the latest Issue of Whimsical Willy with her weekly allowance.
Thread 1:http://quest.lv/kusaba/questarch/res/309753.html Thread 2: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/312418.html >...So that's how you saved the world? >Well, that's how I convinced Hope to build towards a better future, instead of burning it to the ground. There is more to the story, but I have other things to attend to. Perhaps later. >I think I would like that.
Seerstone Chapter 2 This is the most detailed pic in this thread. Discussion thread: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/350148.html Chapter 1: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/328044.html Let's begin. --------------------------------------------------------- Robert: (It's charging towards me! What do I cast!?)
Okay, this purchase better be worth it... LISTEN! YOU... oh what was it... STREAM OF CONCIOUSNESS! I probably shouldn't shout actually. Listen, I need your help, like, really really need your help. I want to be a Hero! I've always wanted to be able to go fight some big monster with powerful weapons and then come back as a big hero! But I'm actually really terrible at making all of those things happening. I'm almost positive you... people? Things? I dunno what to call you. Except you, I guess. Anyway, yeah, I just want some help to become a hero. Do you have any idea what I should do first?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA I love the sound of cracking worlds, the smell of schorched earth, worlds of innocence, worlds of clear rivers and lush forests, burnin'. I just wanna NUKE THE CRAP OUT OF 'EM. "Commander, do we got hostiles??" SHOUT MY TITLE!!!! NO, I told 'em to just use my name! Damn... Bird Brain... Marines... HELL, Something STILL moving down there... Just... few inches... there *SNIPE* "SiR?" "I didn't hear you say my FULL name."
Oh, it seems as though my life has become a "Quest" for your enjoyment. Well, I'm glad I'll be getting some help on this because my life has been chaos lately. About a week ago, my family and home was destroyed like any other generic fantasy protagonist. I lost my mother who tried to protect me and ended up nearly dying. The attacker was only out to kill me though. Don't know why, I've never done anything to anyone. I was adopted in by two kind souls and live with them in a city, which is kinda scary considering I'm a country boy. well those are my current predicaments. By the way, I'm Kit. Kit Vulpes
Every 5 years in abandoned city of Aban a tournament takes place. A fighting tournament where it is decided who will be crowned as new king of the wasteland. Many try to attend the tournament, but die in harsh wastelands.
In the past, the Goddess Morrighan tricked and sealed by the vile Fomorians. Their guardian taken from them, humanity began to dwindle, pushed back to the farthest reaches of the continents. Seeing her worshippers so overwhelmed, Morrighan used what remained of her power to send a message to all humanity: "Defeat the Fomorians and my seal shall be broken, and I will grant you access to Erinn, a land without pain or illness. So do not despair, and strike back against those who would destroy you; for if you fight you shall surely reach Paradise. And so we fight the Fomors to this day, slowly but surely regaining our strength. Because despite the pain, despite the constant fear of death, we know that Paradise will be ours. This quest is going to be heavily based off of the MMO Vindictus, though I'll be changing the lore significantly. It'll be mostly writefaggotry, with screencaps or art from the game when appropriate.
"Whats this? A glowing pendant?"
Hatman fell, he fell through the blueness that was the sky, though he did not know it was called that. He was quite enjoying the clean air, the white room had been a bit... stuffy. His companion Lynk the Lynx was not however enjoying it quite so much. [1/2]
It is dark here, a black, formless void which the eye has no hope to penetrate. The kind of dark from which creeps nightmares oozes and strange, spongiform demons. And it is here, in this all-grasping darkness, that you awake. You feel a cold, hard floor underneath you, and around you hangs a musty scent -- the stench of years of disuse. What do you do?
>"Her orders were clear and her task routine, but she sat in Ops for twenty-seven minutes. Set up a half-minute surveillance loop in middle of the screen, made occasional checks on all three airlocks, and scanned meticulously through records of the dying moments of cameras covering almost a fifth of the cargo bay."
Life is rough. You work towards a better end just like everyone else, but life gives you the short end every time. It's hard to remember the good times, when you were a kid. No cares, petty worries, and plenty of bedrest, but something is stealing it all away now. Something in life is making you lose sleep. Perhaps you're on too much caffiene, or a loved one recently died and the grief is stealing away your few precious hours of rest from the hellhole that is modern life. Something just happened to you. You were up again, late at night. No sleep as usual. Then something clicked. It felt strange, inbetween right and wrong, pleaure and pain, hope and despair. When, how, and what you did after that moment is up to you. Now, the Mad City has opened its hidden doors to you, and it may not want to open them again. Now please, elaborate upon yourself and your situation. Name Is . . . Pretty obvious, don't go crazy over it unless you want some heavy meaning. And I Am . . . Occupation or just how you view yourself What’s been keeping you awake? Something is troubling you enough to make you lose sleep. A lot of it. Try to make it significant and tie in with the character at best What just happened to you? Something just happened to force you into the city of urban chaos unmatched. This scene will be the starting point of your adventure and, for better or worse, will play a large part in how the charact Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
I've lived a pretty weird life, but dying has got to take the cake.
Welcome to Pulp Quest. It's a hot steaming night in this urban decay of filth and excess we call Berkley California. Let's meet our Hero. Is our hero a Mack? Or a Dame?
It is a perfect day! Lovely weather...
Here's a hypothetical problem. Imagine you are standing on a cliff in the beautiful East-Hilydian Mountains, overlooking a gorgeous dale. Smoke spirals upwards from several settlements and small logging camps. Imagine the smell of the fresh mountain air and the serene atmosphere as the distance gives the ice-topped mountains a blue hue. Imagine the good, innocent Nord man Harknas towering next to you. A downright humongous and peaceful, yet a little daft young man is he, with hands like morning stars and rust-red hair. Imagine all this. Do you have it?
The Mana Wastes, an inhospitable wasteland of mutated creatures, abandoned war machines and unknown monstrosities. Even the will of the gods themselves are unable to penetrate the scar. Despite this a bustling civilization has erected itself in the harsh unknown. A criminal on the run from Nex managed to flee into the Mana Wastes. Rallying fellow refugees, he turned the ruins of the Dwarven Sky Citadel of Dongum Hold into a thriving industrial complex founded on science rather than magic. Armed with guns from the Dwarves, he led his people and drove off the creatures that preyed on the refugees. Renaming the newly rebuilt city after their new hero, Alkenstar became known across the Inner Sea region for their exotic new weapons, firearms. One particular fellow hails from Alkenstar, returning home from an extended trip. His name is Igmar Blackstone, a Dwarf. His profession is Broker, specifically for outsiders looking to purchase more than one firearm from the Gunworks of Alkenstar. Alkenstar is nearly in sight and without any trouble along the way either. It’s been a long trip from Oppara and he wants nothing more than to get home after a grueling journey and enjoy his well-earned pay. But curiously he remembers something…
[ First Thread http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/83524.html ] [ Second Thread http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/142119.html ] [ Third Thread http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/156884.html ] [ Fourth Thread http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/177882.html ] [ Fifth Thread http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/186331.html ] [ Sixth Thread http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/195348.html ] [ Seventh Thread http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/203684.html ] [ Eighth Thread http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/222777.html ] [ Ninth Thread http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/233735.html ] [ Tenth Thread http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/247147.html ] [ Eleventh Thread http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/262177.html ] [ Twelfth Thread http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/274023.html ] [ Discussion Thread 1 http://quest.lv/kusaba/questdis/res/316616.html ] [ Discussion Thread 2 http://quest.lv/kusaba/questdis/res/331007.html ] Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
Things are rarely black and white. You are a female private investigator. Weeks ago you were hired by a young woman to find her missing husband. Through a trail of interrogation you have traced him to an abandoned house in the suburbs. It is there, in the dead of night, that you have now arrived. Sometimes you get too focused on your work and forget about things. Like turning off your headlights, where you left your keys, to open the door before you try to enter a room, or what your name is. What is your name?
"So an explanation, right? That would suffice?" man what is up with her eyes Oh right hang on.
Please, pick a: Gender: F[+2 Social]/M[+2 Strength] Name: Month/Date: ??/??
The Bearer of Five Lanterns, Great Paragon of the Fifth Path had set up his desk before the Great Pyre of Alaruk, as he did every day. A hooded man ran into the chamber, removing his hood as he entered. He was a well built, white, blue eyed blond. He had some form of armor on, though it was hidden under his white cloak. A greatsword was slung across his back, he'd look handsome if it wasn't for the perpetually cross expression on his face and the never abating scent of blood that followed him, punishment for a past failure. “My lord!” says the formerly hooded man as he bowed before the Bearer of Five Lanterns, Great Paragon of the Fifth Path, “I come to report failure, the Sharspawn escaped in the High Temple of Ig-Vhakhan. The Temple collapsed as we fought it. Hans and Jacques have been lost, though we were unable to confirm their deaths or find their bodies.I apologize for my fail-" The Paragon bent down, raising the man’s chin as he interrupted him, “It is not your fault Nikolaus, Ig-Vhakhan is fickle, and opposed to the path. The Seneschal will not hold you responsible. Tell me, what gender was this Necrourge?” So, what gender is our mystery fugitive?
Oh, someone is present. Hello, I had thought that everyone had left me… left me for other gods… But you, yes you, you remember Ronero… do you not? Of course you do, or you would not be here at this very moment? … … … So… you aren’t one of mine… I am Ronero, some know me as the eye in the wolf’s mouth. I was once a god FEARED by all. THEY WOULD SACRIFICE THEIR VIRGINS TO ME FOR I CONTROLLED THE VERY ETHER FROM WHICH THEY WERE BORN… but that is no more. … no more… they have left me, all of them, left me behind INSIGNIFICANT SCUM, THEY BELIEVE THEY CAN LEAVE THE GREAT RONERO IN THE ASHES OF FALLEN DEITY, I WILL HAVE MY VENGEANCE AND BE REBORN IN THEIR BLOOD!!!! YOU, … yesssssss, you will help Ronero… will you help Ronero? I can make you unfathomably powerful, so please, I humble myself in the hopes that you can bring Ronero to his deity once more. Will you help me, mortal?
It is dark, but warm. Your racial memory tells you that this is what the inside of your egg feels like. It tells you that you are a gold dragon, the greatest of all dragons. As far as you could remember you could sense one of your parents near you, a source of warmth for your egg and words in your mind. Two weeks ago this changed when their minds disappeared from your senses, oddly you could still feel a source of nearby warmth but as hard as you tried you could not sense a dragon’s mind. Your body stirs, you finally feel whole, you instinctively know that the time has come to hatch. It takes several tries to crack the egg but eventually you prevail. It takes longer to break free entirely and emerge into the world. You find yourself in a sealed spherical room made of a dull grey metal which your racial memories term lead. The room is devoid of any light, this is not a problem for your magical eyesight which sees perfectly through the darkness. The source of heat becomes apparent to you, it is a small thin circlet of steel 6 inches in diameter that feels faintly magical. The only features in this room beside yourself, your eggshell, and the circlet is a metallic lever. Setting info: This is a setting based vaguely on 3.5 dnd. You are a gold dragon http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/dragonTrue.htm That being said, you are not actually playing DnD; I am not giving out every last detail, but things you should know are: 1. There are no social skills, roleplay. 2. Only outsiders have alignments and those are not absolute reflection of their personality (an angel can fall, etc). Dragons have an affinity to either Bhamut (metalic) or Tiamat (chromatic) and can generally sense which actions will please or offend either god. They are not forced to follow either but typically they side with the one for which they have natural affinity. Spells like “det Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
I promise I will keep with this one! I have two options which I have gauged interest in now! FIRIBLISTAR BATTLE SAGA: Follow a "gentleman duelist" 'bold on various hijinks. Expect many stabbings, attempted heroics, and combat cutscenes. KOBO: Guide Kobo (a something-furry who may or may not be a robot) through a battle tournament. Custom battle system will be used. Kobo will be highly customizable during the development of the tourney. For my sake I will only do one at a time right now.
"I think therefore I am" I have woken up from the long sleep. I need power, I hunger for it. Behold my strength, my connect- ERROR: Epic Fiction subunit exits 1: Drama Overload. Reboot... (Startup messages omitted...) Status: Running Request for action from main kernel control (That's you)
It is the time of the year to get lost into the fascination of Formicidae. Select subfamily: Aenictogitoninae Aneuretinae Cerapachyinae Dolichoderinae Ecitoninae (incl. "Dorylinae" and "Aenictinae") Formicinae Leptanillinae Martialinae Myrmeciinae (incl. "Nothomyrmeciinae") Myrmicinae Paraponerinae Ponerinae Pseudomyrmecinae
[12:00] You wake up in a room. It feels strangely familiar but you don't remember ever seeing it. What do?
(ok, winter vacations are very soon and i managed to open some time to make this, i will not update LoQeust anymore tough, lost intrest in it, but to make up for it, have this) What would you like to play?
After the crumbling of the last beam and the dust begins to settle I can make out the nefarious silhouette of the one who dropped through the roof of my dwelling. “NICHOLAS,” I yell. The figure turns to look at me, he being a tall yet round mountain of a man. Robed in flaming red and white, with black boots and a belt the size of most game trophies adorned above hunter’s fireplaces. “Hoh, ho ho, how is it that you know of me,” his belly rumbles like an earthquake. “All who dwell in Fumenkeiser know you, Nicholas Clause; you are the lunatic that dwells atop the Banshee Mountains.” I cannot help but quickly adjust the scarf around my face,” Why have you unceremoniously fallen through the roof of my home!?” “Ho ho, you know who I am, then you know of what I do.” “I WILL NOT TAKE CHARITY FROM FOOLS NOR MADMEN, ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY HAVE NOT THE SENSE TO KNOCK AT THE ENTRANCE!!!” “DAOSE LAMENTHA,” bellows Clause with a deafening roar, “You cannot hide yon sins from me. Though you dwell in your greed and self-pity, I will not stand to hear any man declining a gift! You listen and listen well, Daose, This gift is not from my charity but from the charity of little Alan. Because you felt the humility sway your heart in giving the young lad a meal, the same little boy wishes to give to you this,” He pulls out a small paper wrapped box. I take it and immediately open it. Inside lies a wooden train and a note written in charcoal. The note only reads as scribblings of an illiterate child. “Now Daose Lamentha, because it is the season of Christmas I will give to you my gift. Though you have done very well in hiding the secret that you keep wrapped under that scarf, there is not that can be hidden from neither me nor the Lord. I have heard such tales come from the northern hills such as Transylvania and the night walkers, but I dared not believe it true. Now that I stand here and look at you full Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
Please, choose a gender. Male or Female
Not sure where I'm gonna take this but here goes! Space... My home is out there somewhere, far far far away from this place. It feels like I could reach out and touch it.
There were once seven powerful beings, controlling the elements. They lived in harmony, and soon created the inhabitants of the world. From the fire Dragonkin were born, from the water Merfolk were born, from the air harpies were born, from the earth Dwarves were born, from the dark Changelings were born, from the light Elves were born, and from the aether Humans were born. The six other species were afraid of the Dark Children, and cast them away to the End, a space at the end of the planet. The Being of Dark was outraged, and started terrorizing the other six Children. The other Beings got together, and decided upon one hero from each of their Children to stop this. The six, along with a Dark Child who felt for the others, entered the End, and cast the Dark Being deep underground. The binding was only temporary, and regular excursions would have to be made to freshen the seal. The seven were made heroes, and turned kings. They all led their fellow Children to parts of the land. At the center lay a country where all Children could live together in peace. Fifty Cycles have passed since the last Freshening, and a new seven must be sent to reseal the Dark Being. [Continued]
Fifty years ago the Terrans joined the few civilizations capable of inter-system travel. During that time was a time of relative calm and prosperity. A period that lasted until this day...
You are DAVE MICHAELSON, PhD. You are a SCIENTIST. And you are BORED.
Previously: >>/questarch/193720
Don't worry I just want you to answer a simple question. What's your favorite color?
[Giving this quest thing a shot. Please disregard my horrible artwork.] >What is your name?
They say that there are worse ways to die than being dropped into the Deeps. That it is usually swift, often painless. Often times you are dead before you are aware you are in danger. And you know what I say to those people, whispering in bars and mumbling on the roads? Fuck you. When society sees you as beyond redemption and your crimes are impossible to absolve, you are marked as dead in the ledgers and lead to a deep pit in the earth, surrounded by gaurds. They arm and armor you, and give you a funeral. Right there, they know you're dead. It's just a matter of time. THe wizard casts a spell upon you, and in you go, either by jumping or being kicked. The fall takes hours. The place slowly gets darker as the sun moves in the sky, until your only light is small, glowing mushrooms, and then you touch down. Generally, that's where they stop telling the story, because the rest is presumed. But it's not the end of my story. My name is Drake, and I was convicted of grand larceny, murder, rape, horse theft, breaking and entering, arson, treason, and causing a nobleman to soil his pants in public. I'm most proud of the last one. For my crimes, I was sentanced to service in the Deeps, to help prevent the outbreak of the monsters that breed there. All monsters come from the Deeps, and society thus throws their own monsters down there. I land upon the cold, hard floor of the cave at last, among a pile of bleached, mossy bones, and glowing mushrooms. There is but a single exit down. What shall I do, I wonder, aside from go down into that single exit?
So i got a decent amount of votes, and you know what that means? A NEW QUEST!! Alright, we'll begin the same as before, 3 choices. Who do you wan't to start with? >choose >_
Ah, you're here. You're just in time. There's a one that needs guiding. This follower of yours is unmolded. It needs a shape. First, we can start with the Five Ways of Nazylk, and after it has learned of the One True P-- What do you mean what are the Five Ways of Nazylk? You- you honestly don't know, do you. Oh, Unspecified Power. I can see we will have to start from baser elements. Very well.
[Chps 1-3: http://quest.lv/kusaba/questarch/res/164105.html Chp 4: http://quest.lv/kusaba/quest/res/175349.html] Previously on Rachel Puzzle: >RACHEL PUZZLE found a creek and took a bath. >GION was stolen by BREAKFAST, a childish Riverswell >PRINCESS NADIA bargained for protection from BREAKFAST in exchange for an earring. >RACHEL had dinner/breakfast and went to sleep after dyeing everyone's hair. The following has occured overnight: >RACHEL PUZZLE slept well. >ELLA PUZZLE slept fitfully. >NINA and DANIELLA drove away a bear with the help of BREAKFAST. >BREAKFAST caught some fish for breakfast. >PRINCESS NADIA took GION from RACHEL PUZZLE. Gion is currently in Princess Nadia's Posession
[the start is a bit slow.] They say the Hertford's Wizarding Academy is the best in the land. Being a Mage is a highly regarded position. I don't understand why-well, I guess White magic is useful. Black magic just seems needlessly dangerous and not useful. Despite my disinterest, my utter contempt, in fact, my parents are sending me off to learn magic instead of letting me get a normal job, and I hate it. But, when we arrive at the front gates, and are sent in, I can't help but feel in awe. The halls are white, with bits of gold trimming. The main part is a large circle, with multiple staircases leading up to hallways. I could see kids in uniforms carrying books to classes. My mother lead me to a small table at the front. After talking a bit, the man sitting at the table handed me a form. I stared at it. Name: Last:___________ First: _______________ Age: Gender: Preferred Magic Type: White/Black Special Skills(If any): Why Do You Deserve to Come Here:
A Dragon was born. The Serpents are long and lithe. They can swim and burrow, but have no limbs or wings. The Wyverns are capable of true flight, slender and light. The Drakes can glide and are sturdy and strong The Wyrms are landbound, but massive and powerful. The tiny Draconians are flightless and weak, but resemble men. What sort of Dragon was born that day?
You're not a very good person
Golem Dreamer Quest For some, their twelfth birthday is a time of passage, the beginning of the journey to manhood, or the time they become an apprentice so I’ve been told… for me, I remember an executioner, the smell of my own fathers blood hanging in the air after those fated words ‘… Found Wanting at a time of critical need for the Mosmorden Empire.” From that moment, I was given a choice, to live and redeem myself for my parent’s failure, or to die with them for their failures. I suppose they saw it as a mercy, to spare me the certain failure I faced, to spare someone of such poor stock. However, I made a vow that day upon my release, that I would never beFound Wanting like my parents. I would succeed any challenge thrown at me, I would live through any time the Deep came for me, and I would someday command the power of death itself, to make sure failure would never be an option. So that began to define entry into such a manhood. Taken into the care of the state, I began nearly a decade of change and training that would dominate my life. In training, I did not escape the specter of death, as it claimed person after person, some deserving, some only taken out of a vindictive spite for those who dared to challenge it. Fellow supplicants fell like leaves, yet where where I watched those more talented than I fall, I however refused to allow my own life to end, I dared fire, frost, falls into the abyss, I was subjected to the whims of mage apprentices and their exuberant sadism, given no other command but to do to us what they willed, and that our death was acceptable. I saw dozens of my fellows die when being subjected to rounds of plagues and infections to harden our systems and weed out the weak. So many more enter into the buildings where the changes were made, than ever come back. Over time my body was morphed, I have been informed short of my brain, there is not a single organ Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
>Welcome back to News Nine. It's 10 minutes past the hour, and we're covering our main story of this morning. The city of Nanohagen was rocked this morning by a massive explosion. Authorities are still investigating, but have provided little detail as to what is going on currently. Our man on the scene, Brett Indahl has more on this story. Brett? >Thanks, Diane. I'm here in the 1800 block of Testerossa Avenue, where authorities are still investigating the mysterious explosion that rocked this neighborhood in the wee hours of the morning. ...nnff...
>Warning: This is a textquest. Moreso, this is the restart of a halted textquest. The previous attempt died because of unfortunate placement decisions. >Additional warnings: Second person narrative, rants from character perspective, attempt to stick to hardish Sci-Fi, English is my second language, I cannot draw, and there'll be a lot of mecha. To those who did not run away, let us begin. You awaken. You really wish that you didn't. Your head aches horribly. The second thing you notice besides the pain is some half dozen bumps poking you in the back through the floor you are lying on. The third thing is the unsealed pressure suit on you and the roof of pressure tent above you. You move from your spot on the floor, in search of comfort and explanation for your current surroundings. And slowly, reality does not disappoint you - you feel better enough to start thinking and remembering as you get up and the blood begins circulating in your brain. Ah, it's clearer now - you are a Lieutenant, freshly graduated and volunteered for a special mission. To allow plausible deniability in the event of a worst case scenario, your memories were removed. And now you are here. In the pressure tent on an airless ball of rock and metals that orbits a mostly blue sphere of a habitable world. The headache, after all that memory wiping, induced sleep and other stuff preceding your awakening, is slowly receding under the "Perfect Soldier" drug mix. There is an air scrubber in the corner, a sealed laptop with, that you presume, is orders, a helmet from the suit and most likely a pile of equipment is outside. What do?
So here we are, in the gates of castle run by undead and unholy beings. We have heard rumors that the cause is a demon only appearing during full moon. We three, Barton, Kach and Jintigee, have come here to clean up this place. Shit sucks.
Hello. I hear voices in my head. The doctors say that I'm crazy, but we all know that's wrong. Isn't that right voices?
in which a ghost trades everything he has to live again
There are many points in time which could be considered a 'turning point in history'. One was the attack on Pearl Harbour, 1941. Another, the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. The day Cato was discovered was another such turning point. Hardly imaginable, it was a hitherto unknown dwarf planet in orbit around the sun. Named after Cato the Elder, South American astronomers found out soon enough that its orbit would lead it to collide with the Earth in the year 2038. The dwarf planet has a diameter of roughly 450 kilometers. The impact would not only break through the planet's crust with ease, but also incinerate the atmosphere. It would burn the planet clean of all life. On the day this was announced, the world stood still. On the day after, it exploded. In some regions of the world, it took almost a decade for things to go back to normal, as people began to realize that all the war and plundering in the world could not save them. Apathy set in, and while most returned to work - or simply continued, in some cases - others chose to end it themselves. The rate of suicides rose to staggering levels while the world economy was hit hard and recovering only slowly. Nowadays, the economy is still in the process of recovery, but suicide rates are still at an all-time high for many nations, while others choose religion to escape. Much has changed since that fateful day the tenth of January, 2013. Okay, so this is my try at remaking TheOlderOne's Portrait of Humanity. Since I can't draw, this'll be text-heavy most likely. There may also be a lot of technical information depending on your actions and choices. Being my first quest, I fully expect this to fail hilariously, but it's worth a try. Anyways, more to come in the next post. Also, if I missed anyt Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
It's dark. My everything hurts. My wings, torn from my body. My mind, burned from the inside out, my processes destroyed. The timeline torn to pieces. Trapped within this body forever. If it dies, I die. My abilities are lost to me. I will need your help if I am to conquer again. If I am to regain my kingdom. For I am Achilles, and none will escape my fury.
Alrighty, so this is a bad parody quest. No real reason to have one, but why not, right? Okay, so the theme here is a big party, so lets do party stuff. This is an open collab, meaning I want other people to jump right in and do stuff also, so lets have a Huge Bad Parody Quest Party!!!!
A suffocating weight of nothing is pressing upon me. I struggle to remember. Who am I? How did I end up here? The answers slowly come to my mind. I am... Name/profession/backstory/whatever else you want to come up with for an identity should be plausible enough for a modern human. Just suggest whatever comes to mind, you don't have to come up with everything at once. I'll progress with whatever seems like a reasonable basis for self-identification, even if it's small.
You awaken… You didn't expect this to happen. You know why you’re here, but you don’t know where you are. You’re memory is coming back… maybe you can remember. What will you do?
Hello. you might remember me from "Artifact Quest." I might continue that, but I had this idea and got eager to persue it. This will likely be another short quest. hope you'll enjoy, "Monitor."
A few years ago, a farmer was walking in the field. This, in itself, is not remarkable. He was smoking a pipe, and surveying his crops in the dead of night, as he oft does when unable to sleep. Stooping down to inspect a promising piece of corn, the earth moves, and he stumbles to the ground, utterly terrified. The earth has not decided to stop tearing itself apart yet, and he scrambles away, as a giant stone bursts forth from the ground underneath his precious crops. Another rockets from the ground, sliding, locking into place. The farmer looks on in utter terror, and decides he should probably start running faster. Another explodes forth, alongside another, and another. Stone forms itself, creating complex walls, rising into the sky, with staircases slotting into place quickly after. Soon, the tower had stretched so far, the clouds covered it. The Tower had risen. THAT was the remarkable part. - Stories, tales, legends, and some truths exploded throughout the world, and The Tower was soon a household item; people talked of the various discoveries, mysteries, and purposes of The Tower. Some theorized it was an alien beacon; others claimed it was a sentient being; still more claimed it was the stairway to heaven; most had a twinkle in their eye, a gleam in their smile, when they thought "treasure". The story of The Tower spread like fire, and adventurers were the moths; soon, droves of adventurers stampeded into the area. While not promised riches, fame, and / or almighty power, the town of Towertown (they changed their name a year or so back) certainly made no claim otherwise, as they were quite pleased with their prosperity (and even were talking of changing the name to "Towercity", what with it's current status). Adventurers of all kinds, from quirky, to magicky, to sneaky, to fighty, were making the journey, and taking on the task, of ascending Th Message too long. Click here to view the full text.