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File 130793285983.jpg - (74.51KB , 1023x859 , Dragon-Gold.jpg )
312547 No. 312547 ID: f0e3ae

It is dark, but warm. Your racial memory tells you that this is what the inside of your egg feels like. It tells you that you are a gold dragon, the greatest of all dragons. As far as you could remember you could sense one of your parents near you, a source of warmth for your egg and words in your mind. Two weeks ago this changed when their minds disappeared from your senses, oddly you could still feel a source of nearby warmth but as hard as you tried you could not sense a dragon’s mind.

Your body stirs, you finally feel whole, you instinctively know that the time has come to hatch. It takes several tries to crack the egg but eventually you prevail. It takes longer to break free entirely and emerge into the world.

You find yourself in a sealed spherical room made of a dull grey metal which your racial memories term lead. The room is devoid of any light, this is not a problem for your magical eyesight which sees perfectly through the darkness. The source of heat becomes apparent to you, it is a small thin circlet of steel 6 inches in diameter that feels faintly magical. The only features in this room beside yourself, your eggshell, and the circlet is a metallic lever.

Setting info: This is a setting based vaguely on 3.5 dnd. You are a gold dragon http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/dragonTrue.htm
That being said, you are not actually playing DnD; I am not giving out every last detail, but things you should know are:
1. There are no social skills, roleplay.
2. Only outsiders have alignments and those are not absolute reflection of their personality (an angel can fall, etc). Dragons have an affinity to either Bhamut (metalic) or Tiamat (chromatic) and can generally sense which actions will please or offend either god. They are not forced to follow either but typically they side with the one for which they have natural affinity. Spells like “detect evil” are actually “detect creature my god opposes”.
3. There are no levels, everything is gained piecemeal via training, streoids (alchemy), magic, etc. Not by killing things and there are no multiclass penalties.
4. HP = mass and toughness only (racial + con). SP = Stamina points, based on your athleticism. SP can be used for feats of strength and endurance, for turning an injury into a glancing blow or a bruise, or for casting powerful spells or beyond your limit. A certain hit bypasses SP entirely and hit your HP. So no matter how tough you are you can be killed with a (proportionally sized) knife to the heart.
5. A dragon’s alternate form has the physical statistics of said form so beware. You can’t laugh off a dagger to your human heart because you are secretly a dragon in human form.
6. When rolling, I always average the rolls of the first 2 posters.
7. Modifiers to rolls are given based on how prepared you are how difficult the task is.
8. Choosing a unique poster name for yourself will result in your posts being given more weight.
9. Your posts are the scattered thoughts of the main character.
24 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 312774 ID: acd3e3

rolled 69 = 69

Providing second roll
No. 312779 ID: 5e258f

No. 312794 ID: f0e3ae

You look over the melted sections again and realize that the pattern of melting differs. You can recognize that some were melted by a very strong blast of fire, while others by a massive amount of acid.
No. 312803 ID: d4f98d

rolled 86 = 86

Ugh, a black? That would explain how these guys were potent enough to threaten a gold.

I dont think theres much left for us here. Not enough time to grow any attachments. Lets head towards the exit. On the way out, though, do a quick check of the golem remains.
No. 312810 ID: 44766a

Could be a Copper dragon instead of a Black.
No. 312813 ID: d4f98d

True enough, though it would have to be a pretty spectacular circumstance.
No. 312814 ID: 44766a

Could it be one of our parents. can a Copper and Gold dragon crossbreed?
No. 312816 ID: 0d095c

Well, Dragons, like humans, can somehow produce a viable offspring with anything even vaguely organic (and some that aren't), so maybe.
No. 312825 ID: eba49f

Remember that it has been stated that in this setting the only beings that have inherent alignments are outsiders, so it could well be a copper.
If it was one of our parents who was a different type of dragon, though, then we would probably show some sign of it rather than being entirely gold dragon. (Also, the other dragon seems to have helped the humans destroy the golems, guessing by the claw marks.)

I guess we should leave, closing our hatching chamber on the way out just in case anyone checks on the lair.
No. 312831 ID: 44766a

Are we sure the golems were guarding the eggs? the humans might have brought the golems.
No. 312833 ID: 44766a

I mean is it usual for dragons to have golems guard their eggs?
No. 312841 ID: d4f98d

Depends.If the dragon was more magically inclined, it's not unreasonable. If you could have unquestionably loyal stone supermen babysit your kids for free, wouldn't you?
No. 312872 ID: f0e3ae

Second roll attempt anyone? It's best of 2.
No. 312873 ID: 44766a

rolled 81 = 81

No. 312880 ID: 0d095c

No. 312889 ID: 44766a

am rather happy about it myself.
No. 313302 ID: b39da2

>impressive rolls
You decide to leave as there is obviously nothing more to be gained or learned here. Only stopping momentarily to have a quick look at the the destroyed stone and clay figures, golems. What you find spurs you to spare more time and attention to the golem remains.

Based on damage and gore patterns it seems that only a few of the humans surround the golems were killed by an impact from a massive fist, of a size matching either the clay or stone figure. Most of those in the immediate area were actually killed by a massive bladed weapon or a spiked ball, like an oversized morning star. However you cannot find the source of that damage.

You do see some drag marks amongst those particular corpses, as if several large objects were removed from here.

As you surmised before, the destroyed golems appear to have been rent by a massive claw. Close inspection reveals several humanoid palm and fist imprints on their destroyed forms. You wonder how could it be, as neither humans nor a dragon who took human form has the strength or durability to cause such damage by mere unarmed striking.

Near the corpses killed by a giant blade you notice a ruined suit of armor that contain some ashes. It does not contain a corpse yet the damage it sustained matches suggests that it was hit by the giant blade. The armor shows no signs of having taken any damage from fire, so dragon-breath cannot explain those ashes.

>Alignment questions
>Dragon reproduction
Good questions, I will clarify those in questdis
No. 313307 ID: eba49f

> humanoid palm and fist imprints
Sounds like a monk

> ruined suit of armor that contain some ash
Likely the remains of some kind of undead

Do gold (or for that matter any of these) dragons have tails that end in spikes? If not, the wounds suggest one of the following:
A) Our parents had an ally who was a warrior
B) One or more of the golems had large weapons
C) Our parents had trapped the area with Dwarven style weapon traps (*Enormous Axe Blades* and *Spiked Metal Balls*).
Whatever it was, it seems to have been looted after the fight.
No. 313374 ID: b39da2

>Do gold (or for that matter any of these) dragons have tails that end in spikes?
No dragon has a spiked tail.
No. 313422 ID: d4f98d

Interesting. Well then, continue on your way, I suppose. Nothing here but ghosts.
No. 316119 ID: b1f0e2
File 130870502177.png - (39.96KB , 1152x720 , Gold Dragon Orphan Quest Chapter 01 Post 015.png )

You decide to leave the cave. It is raining, you can see the sun through the clouds. You notice a few more dead men. Immediately outside the cave there are the burnt down remains of what used to be a wooden structure of some sorts.

You appear to be near the base of a mountain, standing at a clearing near the entrance to your parent’s cave home. The mountain is part of a chain that forms a seemingly impassible wall, at least until you master flying or some other means of travel. From the sun’s location you are able to determine the north. Below you stretches a dense, thick forest. There appear to be 3 dirt roads leading from the current clearing into the dense forest. You cannot tell where they lead, only the general direction they face. One leads towards the south, one towards the east, and one south-east. You cannot see what is on the other side of the mountains. Far to the south you see a massive tree, towering above the jungle. To the southeast and south you see some farmland.
No. 316137 ID: 0d095c

>Exceptionally large tree

Druids. You are a metallic dragon. You will therefore be seen as Good by the Druids/elves. That, or they'll kill you and loot your body parts. Sorry.
No. 316320 ID: b1f0e2
File 130876387275.png - (144.28KB , 1360x1760 , Gold Dragon Orphan Quest Chapter 01 Post 016.png )

[Just an FYI, IRL work travel issues are over at the moment so I will have time to update regularly]
You don’t come up with any plan of action, but you do take some time to consider the situation.

A big tree, that must mean druids, or elves, or maybe even elven druids.
They are bound to love me for being a gold dragon, I have it made... That or they will kill me and harvest my organs.
No. 316324 ID: b1f0e2
File 130876506669.png - (811.06KB , 1445x1870 , Gold Dragon Orphan Quest Chapter 01 Post 017.png )

Now with some color.
Turns out you cannot erase those prismacolor colored pencils, so if the elven druidess looks hideous to you that is why. I will have to come up with an alternative coloring method in the future.
No. 316655 ID: 9202a9

just follow the south west edge of the mountains and keep a eye out for lone travelers. It will be easier to defend against one humanoid than many.
No. 316806 ID: b1f0e2

1. anything you want to examine or do before leaving?
2. Do you have a destination in mind or do you just want to move near the base of the mountains for a certain distance and then disappear into the wilderness for a timeskip? if so for how long.
No. 316810 ID: 0d095c

I suggest we look at all the paperwork again, take a brief nap, then go forth and ADVENTURE!
No. 316815 ID: b1f0e2

>go forth and ADVENTURE!
But where?
There are 3 roads and 2 visible landmarks (in the general direction of the roads), and the anon before you suggested we forget about all the roads entirely and go south-west across the base of the mountain into random forest that leads nowhere as far as you are aware.

So right now I have:
1 vote - ignore roads and landmarks, go across base of mountain in south-west direction
1 vote - go towards "adventure"
No. 316858 ID: d4f98d

I vote we go towards "adventure".

And food. Cuz damn wez be hungry. Eggshells a delicious meal do not make.
No. 316860 ID: c4468a

Yes, foods always a good goal, at least when you don't have it readily available. Adventure... I'm not so sure about that one, but I'll vote for finding food.
No. 316863 ID: 856690

Adventure for food.
Quest for edibles, problem solved!
No. 316872 ID: d4f98d

AAAAAND We have a goal.
No. 316901 ID: b1f0e2

>Examine papers
You already did.
>Take a nap
You just woke up.
ADVENTURE HO! you call out; shaking your fist and making a determined face. You decide to go forth into the world, traveling always towards adventure. Unfortunately you don’t actually know where “adventure” is and haven’t quite decided where you will look or what kind of adventure you would look for.

Then the thought strikes you, food! You shall adventure for food, and where better to do that then the forest at the root of the mountains to the southwest. You shall avoid the roads and those pesky humanoids and seek out delicious new animals and mighty beasts to hunt and feed upon.

Your mind set you start walking in your chosen direction...
>Secret roll revealed: 44, 95. Best of two => 95 +60 (detect magic) -100 (not actually bothering to look) = 55
[crazy lucky roll combined with natural detect magic, with current modifiers you needed to roll a 90+ to see it; if it wasn’t for detect magic you would have missed this one too, even on a nat 100]

As you walk away from the cave towards your chosen path you catch a glimpse of faint magic from the charred remains of the wooden building, you go over and notice the charred remains of a humanoid made entirely out of wood, not carved wood, but branches that grew and twisted about each other to form the shapes of muscles. It is badly burned and the chest area appears somewhat cracked open, as if pushed from the inside. It is from that crack that you see magic emanate. You reach for it and the burnt wood breaks apart and an object rolls out of the husk, its magic is now more easily detected. It appears to be an iron sphere 5 inches in diameter with runed bands of mithril. Branch shaped stumps jut out of the sphere, starting out as iron and smoothly transitioning into ironwood, to your surprise you find it to be fresh living wood. You grab it and continue on your way.

You travel to the southwest as you had planned, hunting for bigger and mightier game. The forest is thick and too cramped to practice flight, and it rains every day, most of the day.

On the first two days you go hungry, spending most of your time in travel across the base of the mountains.

On the third day you spend most of your time in the forest and fell an elk

On the fourth day you find a small cave occupied by a pack of lions and decide to claim it and its inhabitants. You fell two of the lions before the others escape. Their meat is tough and stringy but there is satisfaction in hunting what should be dangerous predators.

On the sixth day you wake and up and enjoy a breakfast composed of the last of the lion’s remains. You casually notice that the iron sphere has slightly longer branches and the bud of a new leaf on one of them, it appears to be growing. The growling of your stomach jars you from your contemplations, you set aside the iron sphere on the floor in your new home and go out into the forest to hunt. You follow the tracks of an elk to a nearby watering hole and prepare to pounce it when all of a sudden a massive bear, easily 10 feet tall and 12 feet from snout to tail jumps on it and kills it with a single swipe of its claw. It is a dire bear, magically augmented to be larger, stronger, faster, and tougher then a bear should be; but not any smarter then a normal bear.

That bear took your meal! You contemplate the situation...
It is significantly larger then you, and obviously much stronger (str score; not necessarily combat capability) and much more experienced then you.

[do you fight the bear for the elk?]
[do you attempt to slay the bear and use it as a meal?]
[if you do fight it, what strategy do you use?]
[do you give up and find something else to eat?]
[do something else entirely?]
No. 316902 ID: 9202a9

rolled 3 = 3

But where is food?

The roads lead to people and where there are people there is food, but the people might try to kill you.
(High risk and High reward)

The farms will have food (growing or in the form of farm animals) but the farmers are unlikely to share. On the conversely farmers are less likely to be be able to slay dragons.
(Mid risk and Mid or* High reward)
*depending on weather we are stealing food or have worked out some living arrangement

The Big Tree might have magic entities (elves or druids) who probably be friendly to us (as a fellow magic entity. Or they will kill us and sell the parts.
(High risk and High reward)

The Wilderness is unlikely to have any animals that would poses us harm. But we might not be able to find enough food.
(Low risk and Low reward)

Now that I think about it the farms are the best choice as because:
I am sure that we can beat a few commoners.

Farms should be spread out enough for us to abscond before professional dragon hunters reach us. (If they are even coming)

There should be enough wilderness to remain hidden if we so wish.

There will be food!

Before contact with anybody we should spy on them.
To make sure that they are not dragon slayers, or are skilled enough to become dragon slayers if we try to fight them. And that they speak common.

I'm fine with adventure later when it would be harder to kill us.
Right now we should be looking for food, shelter, and allies.
No. 316904 ID: 9202a9

damn it
No. 316906 ID: 35e1a0

rolled 100 = 100

No. 316907 ID: 35e1a0

... ha
No. 316909 ID: d4f98d

oh HELL NAW. MOTHERFUCKER, we are THE apex predator in this woods.

Puff up your chest and flex your wings to make yourself look bigger and hiss.

If the instinctual fear that all being should have towards us isn't enough, breathe a bit of fire in front of you. Not onto it, pain makes bears angry, but as a warning. Animals fear fire.
No. 316911 ID: d4f98d

rolled 72 = 72

I should probably roll or something.
No. 316915 ID: 0d095c

Wow. Those rolls almost perfectly even out to 60%. That's pretty spectacular.
No. 316933 ID: b1f0e2

You zone out and start thinking about risk / reward ratios of various possible sources of food.
>rolled 3/100.
[why did you roll without specifying an actual action?]
[Will count towards first action during current challange]
>rolled 100/100
[Will count towards first action during current challange]
best of two = 100

[I am assuming you are trying to scare it away]
You reveal yourself to the dire bear, you stand on your hind legs to your full height, puff your chest out, spread out your wings, and hiss!

[Bonus: For a wise tactic against a bear]
[Penalty: Because of how much smaller you are, and the fact that this is a super bear on magic steroids. It isn’t smarter then a normal bear but it is suitably aggressive and knows its strength.]

Its almost comical considering that this is an adult dire bear and you hatched 6 days ago. It towers twelve feet at the shoulder to your 5, and is 10 feet from snout to hind while you are a mere 6 feet in that regards. Your wings do add some apparent size though and the tactic you chose is enough to make it cautious of outright attacking you. It postures and roars at you, but shows no signs of backing away. You roar right back at it and fire your flame breath at it, intending to scare it with fire but not actually hit it to avoid provoking it.

You miscalculate and set its left front paw on fire. It roars in pain and thrashes around, between the rain and him flailing in the watering hole its paw goes out quickly. It abandons the elk carcass and retreats with a limp.

With some planning and a lot of luck you have started and won a fight and claimed the freshly slain elk as your prize...

[do you eat the elk? pursue the dire bear to finish it off? do something else?]
[I would like to remind you that you are not invincible due to plot armor so choose your fights carefully and use force multipliers]

>rolled 72
[If combat is ended now, this roll would be lost as the challange ended]
[If you continue combat by chasing down the dire bear then this will count towards the next action, along with the next roll someone makes for the best of two rolls]
No. 316942 ID: d4f98d

The bear has learned it's lesson. Feast upon the heart of your prize, make it's strength your own.
No. 316949 ID: b1f0e2

You decide that the dire bear has learned its lesson about who is the apex predator of this part of the forest.
You tear into the elk carcass, starting with the heart. You consider that eating the heart would allow you to gain its strength, you don’t actually feel any stronger though. You wonder if its because it was a mere prey animal that you ate the heart of, or maybe eating hearts does not actually empower you in any way, or maybe it simply requires a ritual or spell you are not aware of.

After eating your fill you drag the remains of the carcass back to your home. As usual it rains and the thick trees and mud make the trek fairly miserable. Thankfully your hide is too thick for bugs and your circlet keeps you comfortably warm.

As you approach your home you hear squeaking and screeching, you let go of the carcass and sneak closer. You see several monkeys fighting over your magical iron sphere.
No. 316952 ID: 9202a9

kill them, kill them all.
This is our hord.
No. 316953 ID: d4f98d

Little shits! They're inside the cave, correct? Sidle over to the side of the cave and slowly breath weakening gas into the enclosed space.

Fuck monkeys, man. Thats OUR magical iron fun ball.
No. 316961 ID: b1f0e2

How DARE those animals touch my property! They must die!
[Supreme bonus: very clever plan against very weak opponents]
The monkeys do not notice you sneak closer, nor do they immediately notice the presence of the weakening gas. As a newborn gold dragon your gas is yet very weak, but the prolonged exposure, ever increasing amount, their intense activity, and their small size all contribute to rapidly sap them of strength. They drop the orb as its weight becomes uncomfortable and their fighting patters out as they become winded. It is then that one of the monkeys spots you and with a screech they scramble to escape. You kill three with your flame breath and a fourth with your claws. The fifth takes a swipe from your tail, it is knocked down but does not appear to be dead or severely injured. The last monkey jumps past you.

//There are two remaining monkeys, one sprawled on the ground, but not for long.
//The other just past you and trying to escape.
//What do you do? Please roll. And remember two rolls for best of 2.
No. 317012 ID: d4f98d

Give em a light nip to get his ass moving, and be done with them.

Thievery will not be tolerated.
No. 317019 ID: b1f0e2

Combat roll. you already got your maximum amount of auto success kills from your bonuses.
Or do you mean to just scare the last two away, sparing their lives?
No. 317028 ID: 9202a9

Just scare them away
No. 317032 ID: d4f98d

Yeah, I just meant nip at them to give them speed
No. 317034 ID: b1f0e2

You get ready to pounce on the downed monkey or breath fire on the escaping one. But your anger has already subsided and you decide to let the dumb animals leave. You have plenty of meat already and see no reason to kill them all. You let a mighty roar and watch merrily as the last two monkeys escape.

You retrieve the deer remains and stash it. You now have plenty more meat, enough to last several days.

You then pick up your magical iron sphere and examine it, it seems completely unharmed. You recall noticing that it grew slightly over the past week, but if anything changed during the few hours you were out today it is too minute for you to see.

What now?
No. 317039 ID: 9202a9

Now that we have food lets explore the area around us.
No. 317048 ID: d4f98d

I agree. I wanna know who notable neighbors are. Scout out the Roads nearby, find out how well traveled they are, where they lead, etc.
No. 317049 ID: b1f0e2

//You have enough meat to gorge yourself for about 5 days. Although you could stretch it for much longer if you had reason to.

Ah, exploration. Not a hunting expedition, but methodically searching for anything of interest.

//1. Please specify how far you intend to explore. Or for how long.
//2. Please specify methods.
//2a. Do you intend to return home for dinner and sleep or hunt on the go and sleep afield.
//2b. Do you take your iron sphere with you? hide it? leave it in the open?
//2c. Do you explore in a tight pattern or a loose one? And what shape is your pattern?
//2d+. Several methods and ideas which can provide bonuses. I am not gonna explain what they are. You could also come up with plausible ideas I haven't considered, also for a bonus.
//3. roll please. best of 2.
No. 317051 ID: d4f98d

rolled 75 = 75

We can spend the rest of the day doing so, to a rough limit of 10 kilometers distant from our current lair.

Keep the pattern loose, and relatively near to the roads. If there are any notable neighbors, they'll likely be along that avenue.

For the orb...bury it outside the cave a bit. Not directly in front of the entrance, but close enough to it that its in the same vicinity. That should ward of theiving monkeys.

Whether we sleep in the field or not depends upon what we find out there.
No. 317059 ID: 9202a9

rolled 83 = 83

I just want to ensure that there is no one/thing dangerous to us in the immediate area.
And no farther than a days journey (there and back) and returning to the cave each night, doing this each day till we need more meat.
hide the sphere
tight pattern marking the areas we have already searched with marks on the trees. The genral pattern would be a slowly expanding spiral.

Roll number one
No. 317356 ID: b1f0e2

You bury the orb and set out to explore.

As you go about exploring you come across a giant spider, about your size. In its web there is a winged humanoid wrapped up in silk emanating fear, despair, and frustration. It appears to be alive, but does not notice you as it faces the other direction.
No. 317404 ID: 9202a9

rolled 1 = 1

A friend!
We just have to kill the spider, but how?
Spiders are ambush predators so they shouldn't be that hardy in a straight fight.
We must beware of its web and it's poison.

I would start throwing rocks at it to draw it out (and foul it's web).
Next set it on fire (using our breath) once it is far enough that the captive would not also catch.
Lastly fly (or run quickly) away.
Repeat above steps until the thing is dead, spiders and other vermin are likely too instinctual to realize what we are doing before it's too late.

What we have to be careful about are trip lines on the ground if we get caught on one; we should burn it as quickly as we can and move to a different approach.

If we are poisoned we should try to gat away (of course) but if we can we may be cocooned from which we can burn ourselves free from.

In regard to the person trapped we should cut them down (and pat them out if they are burning) and uncover there face to talk, do not free them completely intill we trust them.

And roll number one
No. 317415 ID: d4f98d

WE'RE THE FUCKING BOSS OF THESE WOODS. I didn't see this spider paying respects or protection money.

We'll take our cut out of his earnings. The human-whats-it thingy is ours by rights.

Shoo the spider off with another blast of fire into the air. Webbing doesn't really catch fire in strands so much as melt, so as long as we avoid the humanoid, it should pose no threat to it.
No. 317416 ID: d4f98d

rolled 97 = 97

No. 317417 ID: d4f98d

goddamn I'm good at this rolling thing.
No. 317429 ID: 9202a9

Much better than I am.
No. 317459 ID: d0314f

rolled 56 = 56

Before attacking, look upwards to make sure there are not more spiders. Most non-magical spiders are solitary, but when fighting things that can climb on ceilings or trees it is always important to look up.
No. 317688 ID: b1f0e2

You look up and around to see if there are any other spiders, you see none.

You throw a few rocks at the spider, it doesn’t seem to do much.

You let out a blast of fire near it, aiming to scare rather then kill it. It works, the spider scurries away quickly, abandoning its web. A nearby tree is on fire but is quickly being put out by the rain.

You remove the creature from the web, the web is sticky and tough but your sharp claws and massive strength make short work of it.

The creature is a female humanoid about two and a half feet tall with gossamer wings, her wings are now pressed against her body by strands of spider silk, those also hold her hands and legs in place. She isn’t cocooned, but is held firmly by the sticky substance.

At first her fear melts away, then it quickly returns in an even greater amount. It then mostly subsides to be replaced by caution tinted with hope.

“Thank you for saving me from that spider. It’s bite wasn’t strong enough to hurt me, but I was afraid I was going to starve to death here. Could you please free me from these bindings?”
No. 317739 ID: 44766a

"Of course, Madam"
No. 317755 ID: b1f0e2

"Of course, Madam" you say and cut her free.
Fear and caution melt away and you feel she is awash with relief.
>[Winged Girl] Thank you so much for that, I can’t believe I was so careless as to fly into a giant web like that. If my sisters ever find out they will never let me hear the end of it.
*she poutes, then startles*.
>[WG] Oh where are my manners, my name is Moen, what is yours?
No. 317759 ID: 44766a

"...You know, I don't have yet..."
No. 317767 ID: 872405

Shrug and stare at her with cute, big eyes.
No. 317771 ID: d4f98d

"I...don't really know. My parents didn't l-live long enough to name m-

I MEAN, OF COURSE, That one as mighty as me has been far to busy doing, uh, important things, to bother carrying a name! hahaha!"

No. 317896 ID: 9a34be

Seconding this, then telling her you hatched to find your parents dead. Maybe she'd suggest a name?
No. 317927 ID: ba6280

This. We're a dragon! Maintain poise at all times as suits our station.
No. 318009 ID: b1f0e2

[lacking a clear victor I will try to combine them]

[Gold Dragon]"I...don't really know. My parents didn't l-live long enough to name... I don't have yet..."
at this point you shrug and stare at her with cute, big eyes.
[You are feeling more Angsty]
There is an awkward silence

>[Moen] “Well, uh... well I am sure you will come up with a great name sooner or later”
>[Moen] “Say how old are you anyways? I mean you look fairly sma... err, young”
[Gold Dragon] “Six”
>[Moen] “And you have been alone and nameless for six years?”
[Gold Dragon] ”Six days”
There is another awkward silence, this one longer.

>[Moen] “Well... how would you like to come with me then? Oh I am sure you would just love it in Silverleaf, it’s not as big as Sunflower, and the druid circle isn’t as famous as Moonbeam, but we have the best magic school...”

[It looks like she will go on for a fair bit if you don’t interrupt her now. Do you have something to interject? Do you let her go on about her town? Anything else?]
No. 318010 ID: 44766a

Magic. We want magic. We must go to this town. Get her to take us there right way. Act like the excited hatchling you are.
No. 318011 ID: 44766a

Be sure to grab your magic growing ball thingy.
No. 318016 ID: 9202a9

Yes go with her but, remember the path from here, and be cautious when entering the village.
No. 318061 ID: d4f98d

"Well, I suppose I could come visit for a little while. If I'm gone too long the dire bears and spiders start to get uppity and I have to amack em down, y'know? It's a big responsibility being the big man of the woods."
No. 318065 ID: d4f98d

That said, let her tell you about this town of hers. No reason not to.
No. 318126 ID: b1f0e2

Your eyes light up at the mention of magic and you interrupt Moen
“Magic! Can I learn it? Can I? Can I?...
*you try to regain your composure*
Erm, I mean... I suppose I could come visit for a little while. If I'm gone too long the dire bears and spiders start to get uppity and I have to smack em down, y'know? It's a big responsibility being the big man of the woods."
<Moen is amused>

>[Moen] *giggle* of course, well if you want to learn arcane magic then there is no better place than the Silverleaf Academy”
>[Moen] Before we go back, I still need to finish what I came here for. I am getting the coolest familiar ever! I am gonna get a colony of Frostbees. Most people get a boring familiar as soon as they can, but if you take the time and effort you can get some really cool ones. I will be able to eat frosthoney every day and it will be so useful to have a familiar which spans multiple bodies”

You talk to Moen about her magic, the surrounding, and her home town, and her family, she seems like she could talk forever and for most of the trip that is what she does.

You learn that while traveling southwest from your parent’s lair you have entered the country of rootcircle. It is home to a variety of magical creatures, particularly those who make their homes in trees or forests. It was founded and is ruled by a circle of elder dryads. The giant tree you saw in the distance is one of the elder dryad’s soul-trees. Each elder dryad soul-tree serves as a town center, and the town is named after said dryad. The one you saw is honeybranch, a giant apple tree which is quite prolific in producing sweet yellow apples and is rather close to the border, it is one of the three original founders of the country.

Moen lives in Silverleaf, the youngest elder dryad who is noted for having an unusual preference for arcane magic over druidism, she thus built an arcane academy within her branches. Her soultree’s roots reach into rich silver veins which it will absorb and magically infuse into some of it’s leaves.

Only Moen’s immediate family lives in silverleaf, her mother emigrated there to study arcane magic and is employed at the Academy. Her father is a chef who owns his own upscale restaurant, she also has four sisters and two brothers.

You learn that Frosthoney is a magical food and a delicacy made by Frostbees, which are rumored to descend from from white dragons, although most dragons insist their origin to be crazed wizard’s experiments at biomancy. Moen spent the last 2 years working on her plan to get them as a familiar, this involved developing some unique spells, getting help from druid aunt and several teachers, and spending a good amount of money and time. She has everything prepared for it, including the divined location of a nearby colony. Frostbees blast opponents with tiny bursts of magic frost, and also keep their colony itself ice cold to protect against parasites. Wild colonies are very rare, and always the result of an accidental escape of a new queen from an established grower, these most likely came from honeybranch, the only source in the country of Frosthoney. Frostbees don’t remain wild for very long, as they are quickly hunted down and trapped by an enterprising beekeeper.

After three hours of travel you reach the Frostbee nest, it is a delicate looking structure anchored to a tree, with icicles forming at its bottom due to the rain. You assist Moen in setting everything up for the process, it involves several scrolls and magic circles and in the end she has her familiar. She summons a floating disc and orders the bees to disconnect the hive from the tree and move it there. With you and Moen assisting it takes mere moments and you are on your way again.

You stop by your cave to pick up your iron sphere, Moen is curious about it but has no idea what it is, she is sure someone at the Academy could tell you more. You eat some of the remaining meat, grab a dead monkey for the road, and with that you leave towards silverleaf.

On the third day you approach Silverleaf, you will reach the town in about 2 hours. You feel trepidation and your mind screams at you to be cautious.

[How do you approach the town? do you say something of your fears to Moen? Ask her anything?]
[Also, this story is going in directions I totally didn’t expect, way to go everyone. I am not revealing the details, but there have been various major changes thus far due to players decisions]
No. 318130 ID: 5c5d13

Ask her if their are other dragons at the academy.
No. 318131 ID: 44766a

Approach the town in cautious, non-threatening manner. Try to appear as cute and non-threatening as possible.

Worriedly ask Moen if anybody in Sliverleaf doesn't like dragons.
No. 318139 ID: 44766a

Also consider telling Moen little of the reason you are worried. (I.e. that our parents were dead when we hatched. No details mind you.)

((Yay, first friend.))
No. 318141 ID: 9a34be

Wait, you're a dragon, you can change forms. Change your form to look like Moen, but maybe with dragon wings and a few scales and gold maybe? You'll then be in a form comfortable enough for everyone else in the village but different enough that when you say "I'm actually a dragon" They'll believe you.

Oh! Also, gold eyes that appear to have flames behind them when gazed into. Very important.
No. 318146 ID: 0d095c
File 130914200911.jpg - (88.85KB , 400x414 , Formians.jpg )

Also, if you DO intend to learn Mortal Arcane Power instead of using your Innate Abilities as they develop, make sure that when you select your familiar, use the EXTENDED LIST. Because Formian Workers are awesome.
No. 318187 ID: b1f0e2

[You certainly can assume such a form, see >>312547 >>312647 >>312729]
[Insight bonus: You realize that you could use your alternate form ability to conceal your true nature while in town]
[Vote: Do you conceal your form in town? If Yes, do you conceal yourself as a half gold dragon pixie who tells everyone “I am a real dragon you know”]

You stop to talk with Moen.
Are there any other dragons in Silverleaf?
>[Moen] I don’t know, I haven’t seen one in their natural form walking around town, but there might be some in another form. After all, an adult dragon would be too big to walk the streets.

Do you think there is anyone in town who hates dragons?
>[Moen] Well, I am sure there are some people like that but there aren’t any laws against dragons and I don’t think most people will mind as long as you don’t start a fire or try to eat a person or something.

I am a little worried... I mean, I am not scared *you puff your chest and try to look brave* but my parents were killed before I was hatched.
>[Moen] Killed? oh, right you did say that before. And you hatched 9 days ago right? Are you worried someone will come after you as well?

[Advanced familiars are available, includes creative ones not on the list, such as Moen’s familiar]
You consider what Moen explained on familiars in the last few days and your mind races with possibilities of exotic and powerful familiars you could acquire.
[Learning any form of magic can only help your powers grow. Dragon’s natural magic will get complimented by formal education, not replaced or suppressed. Also Sorcerers and Wizards work a little differently here, more like aspects of the same thing, more details will become available at questdis >>/questdis/347719 after you learn more about it]
No. 318191 ID: 44766a

"Yes, a little."

Take form detailed above.

"How is this?"
No. 318260 ID: d4f98d

"Of course not! I hope for it, in fact! I'm not some elk for the hunting like my poor, unborn baby brother and/or sister was, to be smashed while still in the egg and...and covered in dried remains, mashed into nothing but blood and gore and shell fragmeOKAY yes, I'm just a tiny, tiny bit CONCERNED. Not scared mind you! Concerned.

Besides, you said I SHOULDN'T eat people right? Well, I wouldn't be able to stop my badass killer instincts in that situation, would I?"

Take the form of a small, blond boy in ragged clothes. Nobody pays attention to urchins, right? Besides, thats kinda what we are, technically.
No. 318268 ID: b1f0e2

Yes, a little
*You change your form to look like Moen, but with several gold dragon features; you now look like her half dragon sister*
How is this?
>[Moen] *giggles* very cute, but I think I should explain some differences between boy and girl pixies.
*Moen explains, she casts an illusion to show you some examples of what boy pixies look like*
*You make adjustments to your disguise, you now look like you are her half dragon brother*
>[Moen] Good enough, you can look at people around town and get more ideas on how to make more unique disguises. Are you sure you want to look like an adult pixie?
No. 318283 ID: d4f98d

No. A little blond boy, and scale down any draconian features to be mistakable for normal, if rare, facial structure.

Also big, watery eyes. Like we could cry at any moment.
No. 318287 ID: b1f0e2

Sorry I missed your post. Do you still want to say that?
What species?
Also there are currently 2 votes for the half dragon pixie form. Although form can be changed at any time if enough people vote for it.
No. 318305 ID: d4f98d


I simply find pretending to be a half dragon to not jive at all with the notion of worrying about dragon hunters.

Besides, once they've come to respect our majesty as a wee urchin boy pixie, IMAGINE THE REVERENCE When exposed to our full draconic might!
No. 318308 ID: b1f0e2

Currently votes are:
1 vote (Emba) for "Pixie street urchin boy"
2 votes (Magus Black, SilverFayte) for "Half gold dragon adult pixie that looks a lot like moen herself"

I am in need of sleep now, so lets see what the vote status is on how to enter town when I come back.
No. 318313 ID: 9a34be

Changing vote to urchin boy, but still looking related to Moen. If nothing else, someone trying to hold you for ransom or whatever would be in for a surprise when they realize you aren't just half-dragon.
No. 318353 ID: 0d095c


Urchins are AWESOME. Especially vampire urchins. We can work on that later. Right now, form of ADORABLE CHIMNEY SWEEP.
No. 318367 ID: 101fd9

STREET URCHIN BOY. Looking too much like Moen might lead to misunderstandings
No. 318368 ID: 0d095c

An Urchin, with the voice of VIN DIESEL.
No. 318495 ID: 44766a

Name idea: Margrin

Changing vote to half-dragon pixie street urchin.
No. 319104 ID: 856690

A disarming little urchin boy, nobody will expect anything. Keep a bit of a hint of dragon heritage, but not as much as half-dragon.

No. 319179 ID: bb6062

yes,lets be an urchin.
No. 319258 ID: ce98ff

Do we know our gender? We should stick with whatever that is (for now at least) to avoid confusion.
No. 319306 ID: d4f98d

We must obviously be male.

I think.

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