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1041764 No. 1041764 ID: b7732e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

This is a short fan quest taking place way before the events of The God Damned by Whistler and Graphygraphie https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/944457.html. Fret not, as reading it is not necessary to understand this tale. Take it as an aperitif for a much grander one.

A day in the life of people who just want to get through the end of it.
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No. 1065691 ID: 85f241
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>You should have an education session to teach the kids why training outside their class is forbidden.

That is a sensible idea, perhaps Jaired’s training officers will be more lenient with him if the Martinet who caught him red-handed is willing to lecture him on the matter herself, though she is certainly not relishing that extra load of work. Perhaps she won’t be having tea with Tarana after all.

“Excuse me, Martinet Trezi?”

“Mm? Yes, Chug?”

“B-back in the tunnel, why did you decide to carry the boy yourself?”

“I thought I told you, I had been the one charged bringing him back, and a good workout never hurt nobody.”

>You do have a good reason to do this… right?
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No. 1065692 ID: 85f241
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“Goodbye, Chalker, have a good day at work!”, Missy beams as she waves goodbye.

“Hmyeah, thanks, Missy. Break a leg,” the grumpy Toiler emerging from the dormitories’ threshold replies.

“That’s rude. There are better ways to get a day off, silly,” she replies, missing the point yet again, before turning her back towards the street and goes on her merry way.

Or, at least, that’s what befell earlier today, when Chalker begrudgingly got up from his hammock, ate his breakfast and went on to face the new day, pickaxe in hand.

It is now 9:15 AM and Chalker’s first work shift is already well underway.

There are three places where he is supposed to work on this fine day, each of equal and vital importance, each bound to improve the infrastructure of the city and provide a fulfilling sense of purpose for those working in them: The Quarry, where he will be helping to extract and shape new building blocks for his neighborhood; the Mongers’ Caves, where he will help bring out and transport the coming and going merchandise; and the New Tunnel, which he is taking part in digging.

Which one was he meant to go to first?

>The Quarry

>The Mongers’ Cave

>The New Tunnel
No. 1065717 ID: d3bf48

B. As fun as it would be to diggy diggy hole, coinage is funner. To the Mongers’ Cave!
No. 1066210 ID: 629f2e

I agree with Donut right above, The Mongers' Cave sounds the most interesting. We've dealt with Martinets, Artisans, Toilers, and young children. Let's meet us some money people now!
No. 1070053 ID: 8fae7e

Missy is obviously in the top 5% of Toilers.

Mongers' Cave sound like it'll be the most mentally taxing, so best to get it out of the way early.

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1068994 No. 1068994 ID: 2f7f6e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

A Papa’s Pizzeria-like sandbox quest.
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No. 1069750 ID: 435f13

A burger
No. 1069754 ID: e5709d

A blooming donut.
And your next customer is a Neumono from another dimension who doesn't realize she entered the twilight zone and came out into a world where humanity @#$%ed up and is still stuck on Terra and still blissfully alone in the universe.
No. 1069952 ID: 48c015

Whatever the suggestor above me is smoking.
No. 1069956 ID: 273c18

A whole ass cake.
No. 1069959 ID: 635e12

A turducken

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1050471 No. 1050471 ID: de253f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

There's a little black spot on the sun today
It's the same old thing as yesterday
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No. 1069480 ID: 462d8c

Just return to Amanda's house
No. 1069496 ID: 073609

Might as well head back home. From the map earlier their really didn’t seem like their was much to do in town excepts maybe go to the park but that’s in the opposite direction from Amanda’s place and you probably shouldn’t risk losing or breaking to case you just got. I mean you probably have enough problems with the whole “can’t remember shit” and the “ you apparently almost died”. Probably should add people have a hard time trusting you since you fucked up a simple delivery mission after have to be taught how to open a door on top of all that.
No. 1069516 ID: 44def3

Okay so that explains why Amanda can see, that's one of her "odd characteristics".

Anyway time to deliver errand #1. Things are going great! I mean, apparently you were nearly non-functional before Amanda saved you. That's pretty cool.
No. 1069574 ID: 8f9bc4

Be sure to thank Amanda for introducing you to Werner. Her sight makes much more sense, now that you've spoken with a man without a mouth.
No. 1069954 ID: 48c015

Let's not tempt fate. We have much else to do, so we should go back to Amanda, we can fun stuff tomorrow.

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990779 No. 990779 ID: 7f716e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

"The White flavor's okay,.... Mhmmm but don't...... you don't wanna know what...."

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No. 1069678 ID: 9f13c1

No. 1069689 ID: e5709d

No. 1069690 ID: b57fea

Cast Muscle Spasm on him, that'll stop him dead in his tracks!
No. 1069691 ID: de211d

Slurpee avalanche!
(But then it immediatly melts because we're in He'll, and you cant get your prize that easily, but at least it helped against our enemy.)
No. 1069698 ID: 8f9bc4

Astral Dunk

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1068283 No. 1068283 ID: 1bc2cb hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

The effects of suggestions in this quest may not always be immediately obvious.

No promises.
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No. 1068758 ID: 51f2a2
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The Western Territories, officially the Federation of the Western Territories, is a country on the continent of Solomonia[1]. It comprises the entirety of the Western Peninsula[2] and the adjoining islands. Its sole land border, which is disputed[3], is with the Solomonian Union[4] to the east, across a mountainous desert region known as the Divide[5]. Formed in the aftermath of the Great War[6] by the colonies of several Borean[7] nations which were annexed during the conflict, it has developed a reputation for mystery and isolation, especially in the aftermath of its Civil War[8].
No. 1068759 ID: 51f2a2
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The computing industry[1] in the Western Territories[2] has developed largely independent of and parallel to that of the rest of the world, due to that country's isolation during the last half-century. Examples of Western-produced computers outside of the peninsula are rare. Known manufacturers include WMT, Sharpen, Intelligent, Aster and Holt. (Know more about this topic? Please contact us[3] so we can improve this
No. 1068760 ID: 17c2ee

Wow golly gosh what a coincidence, Aster. Might as well look for more info on them, they're the first possibility alphabetically speaking.
No. 1068770 ID: 7c0da2

Try to follow the "computing industry[1]" link.
No. 1069283 ID: 48c015

Let's reeducate ourselves a bit about the Great War, the Western Territories Civil War, and the Boreans.

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1067217 No. 1067217 ID: e9ee7a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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No. 1068983 ID: 9e3b5f

>>1068567 Whatever you do, do NOT step on two more houses and get fairies living in your nipples.
No. 1069003 ID: d3bf48

I’m on the Fairy’s side. I am unbiased.
No. 1069006 ID: e5709d

Especially since your dragon form doesn't have boobs and you're not sure if they'd die first or merge and steal your awesomeness.
No. 1069231 ID: e13cf9

A fairy bargain? that's quite a pickle
Maybe visit the lake, i don't think she'll like having her new house flooded, it's not breaking the bargain if she's the one that leaves right?
No. 1069238 ID: 1704f7

Can the fairy be a futa herself?

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975978 No. 975978 ID: ce5cbd hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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No. 1069153 ID: eb7ce4

we could, but im pretty sure it got abandoned since worker couldnt use it

Also, we should question her on why she's still tied up and wearing the wedding dress :3
No. 1069165 ID: f14228

Go for a hug and another wild story - the time traveller's tale.

"Hi again, dear! Still looking good!"

On the topic of looks, assure her that look, you were trying to properly do the marriage proposal thing, but Riede didn't seem keen, so the whole affair must go through later, whoops haha - hm, come to think of it, did it need to be approved by one of the elders of the house? Gah, you can't remember their name. July? Ule? Someone like that. She should rest assured you'll have a spare certificate on hand for the time when it comes, just like you had the dress. Speaking of, is the fit okay? You do hope you got her measurements right, at least.

That said, you get the disapppintment at being left behind at the not-so-literal alter - utterly scandalous - and will work hard to make up for it and honor her and her house, once the world is no longer under threat of their COSMIC ULTRA NUKE that...

... oh right, she still doesn't know what the actual The Plan(tm) is? Or was the story she didn't care and was just in it for the gravity magic, like Rean? Man, that woman - her brother is decidedly more pleasant. Right?

Take a step back, apologize for rambling and say that given the MANY time shenanigans that've been going on the last few months of subjective time, you get the order of events confused a lot: you just knew you couldn't tell her anything in that first encounter - but that's really not your fault, because she told you - nagged, really - that you didn't!

Anyway, it's important she pay attention, because she'll tell you some of this later, before you get here. Admittedly, she also said you could've explained things better and that she was too upset about something at the time to really pay attention when you informed past-her, so um, let's reset, like a proper time mage should.

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No. 1069175 ID: 7c0da2

I think Worker still had it in the sewers here >>1037224.
No. 1069196 ID: 53560f

Get on your hands and knees and BEG Riede to officiate the marriage papers!
It’s the only way we can possibly hope to beat Yand.

Yand’s teammates must really hate her if they didn’t even bother untying her
No. 1069210 ID: eb162f

Gonna be hard to get married after your papers got burned. But hey, maybe something happened between her and her masters or whatever that can be of help. It would certainly be a good idea to first find out about her circumstances and then adapt to the situation.

In general you should act all lovingly towards "your dear"; be worried, tell her that you're sorry about what happened the last time, but that she shouldn't get any wrong impressions - the marriage wasn't official yet, so if she wants to call it off... Btw, she won't hurt you if you untie her, will she?

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1057440 No. 1057440 ID: a4d2ed hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

This mall is one of the few places where he's allowed to come. In part, because of the high ceiling clearance. In part... it sees alot of movement. I guess they want him to be seen as... normal.

And yet, plenty stores dont let him inside anyway.
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No. 1068736 ID: fb3ac9
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I shoot a last message to Dispatch. O'Hara is one of the good guys, even if he's not entirely straight. We can trust him with a favor, I wouls just rather not ask him favors. I'm afraid I cant say much more, I wouldnt like any of this on record.

You cant bottle bad thought. It just grow. Wound need air to get better.

> "Easy for YOU to say! You, after all this gets to go home to rest and eat and and be safe under all that metal! I cant even get my guard down in my own home!!"

I understand. She is lashing out. Andrews seems understanding. Or she is just not letting him answer.
No. 1068737 ID: fb3ac9
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> "I cant even be safe in my own place. Do I still even have a place? Should I go back after--"

At this point, Freya poured her heart. Yeah, she knew Locke. Apparently they met three months ago when Locke moved into the city with Falcone, and was about to leave in a few weeks. Things between the two seemed to be going nicely. When trying to talk about what happened the last time they met, she just broke into tears.
No. 1068738 ID: fb3ac9
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Between her yelling, her soft cries on my shoulder, and the scent of rewarmed coffee, the rescuers have no trouble finding us. Which bring us a problem... now what?

"Whatever you guys decide, I got your back."

It didnt dawn on me at the time, but... Freya is traumatized, Locke is unavailable -- permanently --, and Falcone got caught by Kirk and Kat, but they just locks and shuts up whenever someone asks them something uncomfortable. Me, Andrews and Dispatch have the most information on the situation, and whatever story we ended up making held a disproportionate amount of weight on the things that followed. In most possibilities, either Freya or Falcone would end in a bad spot.

So what did we end up telling them?
No. 1068739 ID: 273c18

A full and unbiased report, obviously. The authorities can gather further evidence, and the situation is fragile enough that they're going to want to do a thorough investigation.

A corrupt handler brought to justice by the soldier he was paired with? That's fine, the public will appreciate that story. It will be seen as that soldiers can be trusted more than their handlers.
No. 1068825 ID: f8083d

I suspect Locke confronted whoever is threatening Freya and got done in, setting off Falcone.

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1066261 No. 1066261 ID: d36bc1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Oh, Hi! Been a while, hasn't it?

It's Onfim again! And i'm very exited! Why? Because i'm getting a gift from Mister Jackson!

I don't know why it was enclosed in a box, but i only have to press a button to open it! Hell Yeah!
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No. 1066696 ID: d36bc1
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>>Sure, knock yourself out.

Schlatt: Okay. I don't know who my mother is, or was. And i wish i knew! Because my dad beat the shit outta me! Every night i was hoping that he would not drink for ONE, FUCKING, DAY. HE IS THE REASON I HAVE NIGHT TERRORS. AND I FUCKING HATED HIM FOR IT.....*sigh* just wanted to get that off my chest........so what was your dad like?
No. 1066697 ID: 8f9bc4

He'd often sit me down and have a long talk about how he was right, relentlessly arguing with me and breaking me down for hours because he couldn't believe he was ever wrong. He was the best father, in his head.

So, Socrates basically. Not too bad, all things considered. Must suck to have night terrors. Those are the ones you can't even remember, right?
No. 1066726 ID: d36bc1
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>>He'd often sit me down and have a long talk about how he was right, relentlessly arguing with me and breaking me down for hours because he couldn't believe he was ever wrong. He was the best father, in his head. So, Socrates basically. Not too bad, all things considered. Must suck to have night terrors. Those are the ones you can't even remember, right?

Schlatt: augh.. yeah. Some nights i lay my head on my pillow for hours (or at least it feels like hours) until my eyes get too tired and i fall asleep. Anyways, no offence but you look like some middle-aged dad with no money. Do you have a kid or something?
No. 1066729 ID: 8f9bc4

No. 1068726 ID: 48c015

Yes, 37 children, why?

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1061596 No. 1061596 ID: 2f7f6e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

A quest using the Monster of the Week TTRPG system.
MotW Rulebooks (the pdfs are free, scroll down to find them): https://evilhat.com/product/monster-of-the-week/

You are a gumshoe in the big city, and you’ve experienced some modest success in your decade long career. Sure, most of the cases you get are rather boring, and you oftentimes wish something interesting would happen, but it’s a living. Little do you know how much you will regret that wish of yours.

It starts on a day like any other. The rain outside despite the presence of the blazing sun tells you that a client is about to walk in. But before that, for the sake of any outside observers...

What is your name?
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No. 1066829 ID: 74625a

Checking out the security system seems important
No. 1066914 ID: 34713f

Start with the security system, then get to cleaning. Making sure the master of the house has turned in is something you save for when you're about to clock out.
No. 1067160 ID: 2f7f6e
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You decide to set the alarms first. It would be a shame if some burglar were to sneak in while you check the kitchen, after all. The controls for the security system aren’t too far so you reach it quickly enough, setting the alarms to keep the place safe.

You’re suddenly hit with a wave of tiredness. You must be getting old, you used to stay up much later than this doing your job. Oh well, you only have one more thing to do before you can wish the Professor a good night and get yourself some well deserved rest.
No. 1067161 ID: 462d8c

Check in on the professor and see if he needs to get booted into bed
No. 1067210 ID: c55908

Well check if the professor needs anything before going to bed the cleaning can come tomorrow.

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1056785 No. 1056785 ID: 52800c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/O/I/R
Discussion: >>/questdis/139280

“— all the paperwork I just went over.”

As we keep walking through the hallway, she hands me a huge stack of forms. This has to be at least sixty pages...

“Most of it you can just get done when you have time, but you’re going to want to get that medical stuff filled out as soon as possible, just in case.”

That’s concerning.

”Nothing you need to worry about, right now, but those are… pretty important to have on file.”

... That’s really concerning.

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No. 1066399 ID: 53b46b

What if they're faking it for some reason
No. 1066446 ID: f8083d

I'm suspecting that as well.
Either way, there's no harm in ordering extra food. The potential harm will be in opening the door to deliver it.
No. 1066466 ID: cb71f3

They can communicate; they're not likely to die instantly, don't use the radio, just order a LOT of food. Also ask them, like, what kind of food would be helpful to them, maybe you could get them like an entire cement truck full of jam if they're like some super huge insect type thing that drinks nectar or something.
No. 1066477 ID: 708905

Wern't we given a manual at some point? We should check if it says anything about emergency actions
No. 1066944 ID: 15a025

Write EMERGENCY! URGENT!! on some forms, very large. Explain this subject is malnourished and needs more food for survival.

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1055939 No. 1055939 ID: 0ba437 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

A quest about climbing a mountain

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No. 1066489 ID: 26922a

"What is this 'thing that grows in a cave somewhere on Spool?'"
No. 1066491 ID: 8f9bc4

It's a long way to the mountain still, and you need to get some experience exploring the wide world beyond your home. Sounds like a chance to learn what grows in caves! And to learn about caves! But why could she possibly need your help in getting it?
No. 1066496 ID: fa3034

Oh sure, is it like some sort of moss or something?
No. 1066498 ID: 34713f

"Not if you expect me to add an extra round trip between Spool and Grand Station, I barely have enough to get there once. If you can come to Spool with me and return to Grand Station yourself, however, I'm game - whatchu need?"
No. 1066502 ID: 9bd411

"Ok, I'll bite, what are you looking for and why do you need my help with it?"

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1016964 No. 1016964 ID: 88966b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Your name is BAN. You're a cop.

5:50 AM. It's another especially shitty day in your shitty office. You still haven't slept. Your new boss has taken over the Durst case, and she's ordered you to focus on digging into just one of its emerging persons of interest. You review the three files on your desk once more...

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No. 1045454 ID: fc1eab

Are we really emotionally prepared to go through with something like this?
No. 1064712 ID: df6307
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Your heart skips a beat. You shrug awkwardly. "Who doesn't have relatives who fought in the war?" You try to change the subject as quickly as possible.... You glance at your guide's leg. "Even you've got some war wounds, it seems."

>PIT seems amused. "What, this? There was just a little accident during a testing block a couple weeks ago. I've never been within 300 miles of a battlefield, and hopefully never will."

"I see... let's get back to the tour."

>"Of course. Come along, I'll take you to the core offices upstairs."

PIT weaves back through the exhibit, eventually leading you to a door that takes you further into the facility. Soon, you're loading into a small elevator.

>"Each major department has their own network of office spaces on the second floor," PIT explains as she starts typing a passcode into a keypad on the wall. "On the third floor are the department heads' offices, and ADAM's office, of course. We'll get to those in due time."

You watch as the engineer continues pressing keys. The passcode for this elevator is very, very long... "I know we haven't seen everything yet, but something's bothering me about your security," you remark.

>"Really?" PIT sounds genuinely curious. A green light flashes, and she presses the button for the second floor.
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No. 1064713 ID: df6307
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PIT leads the two of you through a door into a large office space. Researchers and interns are weaving through a vast sprawl of cubicles, desks and strange-looking computers. A door on the far wall seems to lead into another space with a similar layout.

>"These are the offices for the RF department," PIT says proudly. "I have several research teams that are using this space currently. I'd explain what they're working on, but then you wouldn't be allowed to leave."

She sounds like she's joking, but the image of an automated turret network is still fresh in your mind.... You decide not to press her on that.

>A young man in a lab coat looks up as you walk by his cubicle. "Ma'am, the ordnance department will be starting their scheduled testing block on 5B in twenty minutes," he says, ducking his head in a half-bow toward PIT. "They asked if you'd be attending, again... Should I still just send the interns?"

>PIT crosses her arms. "Of course! I'm not gracing those shitheels with my presence until NISHI shows up at my doorstep, gets on his hands and knees, and begs for forgiveness. Send those kids from the engineering college again."

>"Got it, ma'am."

>PIT turns back to you as her subordinate re-absorbs himself in his work. "Company politics," she sighs exasperatedly.

I know the feeling, you think to yourself...
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No. 1064731 ID: f84b6b

one overworked department head to another, yes, it's relevant.

this gets us some goodwill, but also gives us an easy in on seeing what the company is up to AND gives us access to a new leadership person to talk with. I don't think our new friend here has much to do with this on a gut level, so meeting another high-up would be useful.
No. 1065822 ID: 85f241

Checking in on potentially dangerous materials is what se came for, after all.

It would be a pleasure to learn more about these test, we will make sure not to interfere and be discreet on the matter.

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1042403 No. 1042403 ID: 681cb5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

[Super NSFW]

ACT 2: The Garden of Creation

Wiki and last thread: https://tezakia.net/wiki/Lascivious_Labyrinth
Discussion thread: https://tezakia.net/kusaba/questdis/res/134609.html#134609

Somewhere deep in the most tenebrous wilderness, far from civilization and decency, it is said that a grand temple of some old forgotten god lay hidden. In those ancient rumor-shadowed halls, acts of unbridled hedonism and profane rituals were indulged in wild abandon, all to please the fertility god the structure was dedicated too. It is a place where instinct and impulse is acted upon without care.

There are also myths about a great treasure, hidden in the deepest catacombs, far below the surface, forever watched over by mighty guardians and fiendish traps. The corridors are said to twist and turn with a serpent-like suggestion, their writhing path hiding many dangers and foes, but if you stay vigilant they will lead you to your greatest desire. Many before you have been seduced by the myth and been enthralled by the ravenous desire…

…Of the Lascivious Labyrinth.
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No. 1065464 ID: 71fa80

Try headbutting her in the face as hard as possible! You might get lucky and knock her out, which will turn off the magic and let you eat her yourself!
No. 1065466 ID: f2320a

Yeah fuck no to that
No. 1065553 ID: a9af05

Magic requires concentration to maintain. Headbutt her to break her concentration, then eat her before she gets her magic going again.

Bonus points if you can repeatedly headbutt her until she's unconscious!
No. 1065570 ID: 365de0

If your balls are empty, you'll just have to fill them up again.

With her.
No. 1065779 ID: f2320a

a thing i have noticed there is barely any conservation of mass

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1062441 No. 1062441 ID: f0bf00 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Welcome, Invalid user.
it has been INTEGER OVERFLOW since last activity
loading last used default, generating pocket
Pocket generated, locating subject.
located, beginning retrieval.
>Retrieving 0%
>Retrieving 20%
>Retrieving 35%
>Retrieving 50%
>Retrieving 55%
>Retrieving 80%
>Retrieving 90%
>vector reset 0%
>vector reset 95%
>Retrieving 100%

COMMANDS, help, generate primitive, retrieve, interact(command).
96 posts and 24 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1065682 ID: 273c18

"Follow the bird construct! She's our ticket out of here!"
There's still a couple of riflemen that might be shooting at us, so let's discourage that while we run...
shoot(hostile riflemen)
No. 1065683 ID: 8f9bc4

strafe riiiiight
No. 1065757 ID: f0bf00
File 168663307893.jpg - (249.12KB , 2000x2000 , 2left.jpg )

"There is a utility garage about 300 meters to the left. Should be a skimmer large enough for Savril, who also appears to have been shot" Sheri says.

You hear a loud BANG as the door across the hall dents outward.

2 updates until an unknown amount of reinforcements arrive
No. 1065759 ID: 273c18

Savril must be the Amtsvane.
"Reinforcements will be here very soon. Savril, once we're clear, tip over some shelves behind us to block their path. Whatever that thing is banging on the door, it'll cause an additional distraction. Hopefully that'll buy us enough time."
run(towards utility garage)
No. 1065776 ID: 8f9bc4

set destination(300m left)
run & gun

File 168390847329.png - (239.21KB , 800x800 , FuturisticFinds&Fixes_1_000_Titleshot.png )
1063597 No. 1063597 ID: 4314ed hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You’ve been through a lot recently. You still aren’t sure what to feel about all of it, but it’s mostly turned out OK. In fact, it could be said you are incredibly lucky.

You are alive, in space, living amongst real aliens! It’s the most space-opera future you could hope for, and not the depressing “no FTL” kind of future that hard-sci-fi teaches you to expect.

The Galaxy is littered with “Tech Artifacts”, many yet undiscovered. Artifacts are so advanced they’re basically magic, and you are the proud new owner of two: a CAULDRON & an ORB. You still don’t know much about the CAULDRON, but it sounds like no-one else does either. However, everyone agrees that useful & unique artifacts are a big deal.

At least the ORB was easy to figure out: use it to look at an object, & it spits out various statistics about that object.
30 posts and 10 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1065721 ID: 4314ed

I'm gonna clarify stuff.
I was asking too much at the same time, & my questions also weren't clear...
No. 1065722 ID: ffc570

1. A scuffed CATMARINE that you painted in BATTLE CAT SQUADRON colors. People say the Battle Cats are cheezy but they're a great beginner army.

2. You don't have your passport because it fell in the toilet and you have to dry it out in a bag of rice (it's an electronic passport).

3. Tell him the orb is your pet.

4. Elbow macaroni is a banned substance because it looks too much like dried tubeworms, which are also banned.
No. 1065734 ID: 4314ed
File 168661908815.png - (1.24KB , 64x64 , ORB_Icon.png )

Only question 2 is actually important. The others can be ignored if you want.

1: What is Frankie's Favorite TAFB figurine?

2: What is a quick snippet of Frankie's backstory that explains why he doesn't have his passport? Some ideas I had were: [He doesn't have one yet. He's technically an undocumented alien. / He had one, but it was lost shortly before Cerendi & Co. rescued him. / He has one, but it's been damaged in an embarrassing incident.]

3: Do you want to try sneaking the ORB through/avoid drawing attention to it? Or do you want to just follow the rules & submit it for screening? Or something else?

The "bonus" question is just fishing for something funny or potentially plot-relevant on the ban list.
No. 1065735 ID: 34713f

1: A yet-unpainted Shark Week chapter figurine - this one's a female brute unit, which is only slightly less jacked than the male version, and you find the contours of the skin-tight wetsuit to be somewhat intimidating just from a painting challenge standpoint.

2: It's funny, you're so fresh that you've technically yet to turn in the paperwork for a passport application. Hopefully, this guy is amiable to letting you do that here - odds go up if there's a separate guy they can dump us onto and move on from.

3: Declare it as an artifact, of course. No reason to do otherwise unless you're extremely paranoid of the local government. Maybe mention the omni-AI drone is keeping an eye on it just to be safe?

Bonus: Scuba gear; somebody had the bright idea of smuggling gaseous drugs in their no-permit-required oxygen tanks, and were only thwarted because one sharp-witted checkpoint agent realized that there weren't any suitable diving sites here nor on any of the planets one would obviously travel through here to reach.
No. 1065770 ID: f8083d

1. An ACE PILOT figurine. It's ruggedly scarred as it's seen many a game and even an epic battle with a very bitey toddler.

2. It's shorn in half. You're carrying what's left of it, that is to say, only the photo and half the data strip (making it completely unreadable without specialized equipment). Therefore the passport can more-or-less prove it belongs to you, but doesn't say who you are.

3 Declare the ORB as artefact.

File 168033833731.jpg - (194.43KB , 1236x854 , Cantaloupe Quest 1.jpg )
1060157 No. 1060157 ID: dc13c4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This is a sequel to the Watermelon quest where the protagonist of that story made another offspring for tax reasons and now that protagonist has to find his way in life while being a femboy in this economy.
21 posts and 17 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1065008 ID: dc13c4
File 168569706046.jpg - (346.95KB , 741x737 , Cantaloupe Quest 19.jpg )

Cantaloupe Werewolf: "So what did you want to talk to me about? I am all ears and you are just out of frame."
No. 1065009 ID: dc13c4
File 168569717265.jpg - (479.41KB , 827x915 , Cantaloupe Quest 20.jpg )

Mom: "That is my little sweet peach! You know I was just teasing you about the whole way how you look, I get it it is a stylistic choice to have outlines and also you were drawn by somebody completely different. No matter who you are and who you love I will always love you."

Cantaloupe Werewolf: "Mom! Stop hugging me in front of the quest participators it is humiliating!"
No. 1065010 ID: dc13c4
File 168569725571.jpg - (481.67KB , 931x1016 , Cantaloupe Quest 21.jpg )

Mom: "Yeah I get it this is your story and don't worry I won't be part of it. This is just me making a short cameo before going on my own adventure of liquidating all our assets and dogging assassinations."
No. 1065011 ID: dc13c4
File 168569740028.jpg - (477.24KB , 931x998 , Cantaloupe Quest 22.jpg )

Mom: "The thing is the whole thing with the Lemon Stan and NFTs completely collapsed, a lot of people are made at me, even the president of the United state of Mcdonald's is going to Heaven and dragging stan out of the condo which he bought there to the supreme court hearing. To make a long story short a lot of shit has happened and it is time for us to disappear. That is why I should implore you to meet with Mister Sleazy Mc Cockballs in order to create your own religion. That is the only way to reach the final form of financial independence and for you to become a big shot. Morality only applies to those who sell it, the only morality that we rely on is the maze that is printed on the back of a cereal box, find the exit and don't get lost."
No. 1065012 ID: dc13c4
File 168569748669.jpg - (253.18KB , 476x556 , Cantaloupe Quest 23.jpg )

Sarcastic Thoughts of Cantaloupe Werewolf: "This sound a lot like getting a job, and creating my own religion is that what I really want to do? Not to mention that I really don't like Mister Sleazy, he taught me how to read cards, commit tax fraud and even fake my death. All of this reminds me of that one time I wanted a piercing and my mom while drunk wanted to do it herself, so instead of getting a piercing, I got a circumcision and it was only Tuesday."

File 168442007303.png - (167.61KB , 1080x1080 , A Date with Nehm.png )
1064024 No. 1064024 ID: 7ae8e6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

A short Quest where you date a cute robot
24 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1064409 ID: 7ae8e6
File 168484609539.png - (302.14KB , 1920x1080 , Date.png )

>ask a little about her, what do cute robots do for a living? does she need to go to college or does she learn through some other means? what kind of hobbies does she have? stuff like that

"I'm currently unemployed, but I do volunteer work at Xeno Labs! I take care of the creations and help them learn, I'm somewhat of a comfort bot over there! I did go to college, due to my memory loss before arriving in this world, I had to start from scratch.. My mind and body doesn't allow any connections like that, so I had to learn the old fashion way!"

She thinks for a second before answering the last question

"I don't have any interesting hobbies... I like walking? Seeing the sights is very nice, exploring the world... It's exciting! like.. an adventure!" She smiles
No. 1064410 ID: 7ae8e6
File 168484624905.png - (306.92KB , 1920x1080 , THEFAM.png )

>Is she a unique model or does she have any "family" to speak of?

"I'm unique as in there's only one of me, but I do have a family! A sister named Chip and a brother named Hisker! We all came from a program, a game I think! But we lost all our memories due to some corruption of our code, we don't remember eachother, but we came from the same program, so that makes us family!"

She beams with joy, happy at your question

"What about you? Do you have any family?"
No. 1064412 ID: 3ed3c3

Nothing exciting, fairly nuclear.
Mom, dad, sibling, a smattering of aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins, a pet dog, a stray cat who might as well be a pet and a potted plant that's lived long enough for there to be an attachment.
No. 1064422 ID: d1818e

Edward was raised by Aunt Becky since his early teens, as his parents do medical stuff overseas. He hasn't seen them in a while since The Merge made their jobs very busy, but they stay in touch electronically.
No. 1064423 ID: a7a180

Dad travels a lot for business, mom is a mechanic. Of your siblings, your sister works in the shop and your brother moved away for college and found a job elsewhere.

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1040812 No. 1040812 ID: aff302 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

You are an unknown creature who is currently driving a car on an endless road following a car in front of you. This quest can practically go in any direction when it comes to the tone of this quest.
352 posts and 246 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1063738 ID: dc13c4
File 168402677193.jpg - (885.24KB , 762x1186 , DDB 249.jpg )

Without saying a single word you use your wings and fly toward the portal. You are truly free from the dream, you are no longer part of the dream, and you are no longer part of the dreamer."
No. 1063739 ID: dc13c4
File 168402680577.jpg - (392.37KB , 683x485 , DDB 250.jpg )

The last glims that you give to your previous world were the two introducers waving at you. That was the last time that you saw them. After so many days passed away you still think to yourself. Did I do the right thing? Would I be a happier person with one of them?
No. 1063787 ID: 8f9bc4

quest complete

drives driven: 1
dreams dreamt: 1
portals portalified: 1
noses honked: 0
No. 1063793 ID: e5709d

Breasts destroyed: 4
No. 1063831 ID: dc13c4

Thank you all for following this story this is partially the end of the quest. I am not sure if I would want to do a continuation of it, I am satisfied with how it played out. The only thing that I am maybe willing to do is an epilogue, but that is only if you are interested in seeing additional things.

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1063453 No. 1063453 ID: a1eed5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]



>Special Trait: (Ex: Taller/smaller than average, four arms, wings and etc.)
>Special Item : (Ex: Sword, shovel, yo-yo, a gun and etc.)
>Special Item 2: (Ex; Another sword, badass sunglasses, shield, a bag and etc.)
No. 1063456 ID: e7c7d3

Name: Seymore Stiques
Color: Burgundy
Special trait: Made of concrete
Special item 1: Power drill
Special item 2: Feral hog
No. 1063457 ID: 8b275b

Name: Mook_Gangster_04
Color: Cobalt
Special trait: He can shoot gangsta style. (sideways)
Special item 1: Baseball cap (Worn backwards)
Special item 2: pair of mac-10s.
No. 1063464 ID: 2f7f6e

Name: Johnnyboy
Color: Green
Special Trait: Shorter than average
Special Item 1: Baseball bat
Special Item 2: Toothpick in mouth
No. 1063476 ID: e5709d

Name: Sandwhisper
Color: Tan
Special Trait: Feline Taur
Special Item 1: Endless Ramen
Special Item 2: Mysteriously Mysterious Rubber Turkey
No. 1063483 ID: 443b73

Name: Aurelia
Color: Copper
Special trait: Prehensile tail
Special Item : Sling
Special item 2: Spade

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