Just in time for Halloween! This quest may be NSFW.
Well. This sucks. Last night, you were REALLY drunk. You made some... Poor choices. You are now the proud owner of a windows ten themed pez dispenser, a oil painting of a ceiling fan, and this steam game you've never heard of called "Dungeon Quest". That's pretty much the worst title you've ever seen, but perhaps it's meant as a joke. Or perhaps not. Steam has some really crappy games on it. You decided to install it. May as well give it a shot before trying to get a refund. Sadly, the game is frozen on this plain white screen. You gave it about a minuet to load (you needed to get a cup of water anyway) but when you came back, it STILL is stuck on this screen. you click around, press a few buttons, nothing works.
Chapter One: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/726944.html Discussion Thread: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/101781.html “…I remember looking out at blue skies and open valleys a while ago. That was nice.” “Are you sure this is KAYVOLD?” “Yes. From what I heard, its a tiny little town with a train station.” “All of this for just that? What a waste of resources. Do you know of any necessary passwords for entry?” “…I, didn’t know there would be fortification.” “Fortification is only another word for CHALLENGE.” “You think they would have seen or heard us by now, right? I wonder why no one’s even talking to us… Helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooo?” … “Clearly, standing around and muttering to ourselves is INSUFFICIENT. We must DO or SAY something! But what?”
Art by Sukabu http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=728801 used without permission, but I'm not getting paid, so it's probably fine Your previous assignment has either been successfully completed, or rendered impossible, and in either case is no longer relevant. Thus, your new assignment is to return to the ship's secondary robotics bay for routine maintenance and resupply, for which the only currently available subgoal is to "Seek Alternate Route." You have fully preloaded the instruction "Seek Alternate Route," implying that it either requires a level of responsiveness on par with firefighting near reactor controls, or that you have been doing absolutely nothing else for several consecutive hours. There is a developer's note to the effect that "Seek Alternate Route" requires further testing, on the grounds that extended operation in certain environments may lead to memory leaks, low-ring overflow errors, and erratic behavior. Due to a system clock malfunction, you do not know what time it is. Based on the number of internal logs with anomalously identical or otherwise corrupted timestamps, you have been in the condition of 'not knowing what time it is' for negative 256 billion years, plus or minus... Wait no. Direct observation of events lasting less than ten picoseconds, or any negative amount of time, is impossible. The appearance of such a thing most likely indicates... clock error. Dammit. You need to go to the secondary robotics bay for maintenance and resupply, so your primary technician can resolve these recursive problems. All you really know is that it's been far too long. It is very dark. Almost nothing can be seen. Who are you? Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
Knock Knock Oh, there's someone at the door. Who could it possibly be at this time of night?
Once again brave reckless soul been casted down into the depth of dungeon. Lost soul... name thy self. Enter name:___ gender:___ race:___ class:___
You are the "The Hif Skeleton" and you are here to take everyone's CANDY because you have none for yourself! There are three neighborhoods you can explore to take said candy (maybe even from a baby!) 1. The Suburb (EZ-PZ Lemon Squeezy) 2. The Financial District (Stealing Candy from Business Men) 3. The Hood (HARD MODE) 4. The Woods (WARNING: HIGH SPOOKS AHEAD)
JUNE 21 A CRASH LANDING HAS BEEN DETECTED IN DENORA’S DISTRICT SEVEN. oh, how you wish that damn alarm would shut off already. you are not accustomed to the feeling of urgency, and the uninterrupted blare of the emergency siren isn’t doing wonders for your concentration. it strikes you difficult to believe that the soundproofing of this facility is really so well built that the human civilians upstairs might remain completely oblivious to the situation. they really do put the budget in strange places. you are currently stationed in the WESTERN TERMINAL, an underground government facility functioning below the denora space museum. the museum itself had recently become a popular tourist spot in the city, mostly due to its recent renovations & beachside location. aside from its aesthetic charm, the recent buzz over extraterrestrial contact had reignited a passion for the stars amongst the earth’s populace and tourists were piling in by the thousands each day. the official report given to the media stated that the SOLARNI had crash landed here in denora, and after a brief panic came into contact with the locals & decided to settle down in the area. it wasn’t completely fabricated, you suppose. a few decades had passed since then, and new rumors on extraterrestrial daily life now blossom out of local tabloids & flood online forums. the WESTERN TERMINAL holds more information about the SOLARNI than the museum could ever hope for. as a covert government outpost holding resources exclusively available to the AMBASSADOR’S COURT for the management of undocumented SOLARNI PEOPLE, you should have been well equipped for the crash landing you were supposedly dealing with.
An interlude to Vagabond Quest Previous Thread: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/749565.html ...Harken now, and I shall tell ye of the siege of Rakazir, When the wastelands drank of rivers red And mountains rose, o’the piled dead...
Fuck. I am bored. Being in a dungeon is boring. Maybe I should escape? But I don't even have a name.
In which tgchan must deliver a package.
The world is a slowly dying wonder. As man pushes deeper into the new world, he destroys all that does not bow to his will. In this rush for land the peoples and landscapes caught before their onslaught often fall to lead and fire. As new colonies push into the mainland from the east coast of America, more and more blood soaks the ground. They hold no care for the damage they bring or the forces they might anger. In this time of bloodshed and change stands one little girl; filled with tremendous power and a beautiful heart. And although she will be hated for her sacrifice, she will still carve through the darkness to protect those undeserving of such mercy.
[ WARNING :: This quest will contain graphic depictions of violence and nudity. ] Tonight is a great night to be out sailing. With the rise of the new moon, the world has plunged into a dense darkness. The rabbit stands at the bow of his ship, admiring the caress of the cool and salty breeze through his white waist-long ears. An ocean of stars twinkles high above while the deep blue sea laps close below. Not much longer now, he encourages himself. Soon, this uneventful week-long voyage will be over. With the ship's golemantic core having been pre-dialed with the proper coordinates to the island, all he has to do is wait. This is it, though! After an entire year of work, he's finally done it! A stupid grin spreads across his face. Now is the day that Alex Selene -- Determined explorer! Future entrepreneur! Ambitious adventurer! -- reaps the fruits of his labors. The Stone Island of Vena could not hide from him forever! It took everything he had to find this island, whose appearance only occurs under very specific circumstances. It took months of searching through confusing ruins and submerged cities. Months of hitting dead-ends, and then hitting dead ends until he got information. The location of the island has been long-since identified, but the conditions were never right. All in all, it has taken him a whole year to get where he is now! He pushes himself away from the railing as he thinks. Everything on the ship should be in order but, being the forgetful goof that he is, perhaps going over his GOALS wouldn't hurt? It has also been a while since he checked up on the ship's GOLEM CORE. He could also check his ship's STORAGE to make sure everything is in proper order. * Please choose one of the following options: [ ] Goals. [ ] Storage. [ ] Golem Core.
The first model of hyper entertainment chair is out! And Annalise had enough savings to buy one. The damage to social relationships was catastrophic starting from party skipping. It’s time to baptise the chair in the fires of virtual gaming and see what it's made of.
"Congratulations! You've Died! We don't know what else you were expecting. It happens to everyone sooner or later. You did good, all things considered. Probably. You're in luck, actually, We happen to need to someone like you and, well, let's just say you're in the right place at the right time. Lets begin by getting to know you a bit better..."
Your name is Joi. If you're going to find out any information regarding this so called, "Cavern of Fortune" you've been hearing about lately...
You are a crow-magon. You are male. You love meat. You love mating. You love mean-mugging. What is name?
Apples Presents: A bunch of stupid short quests too dumb for their own threads. This is very stream of consciousness so be prepared for, nay, expect NSFW themes mixed in with the stupid fun stuff.
Shooting for a 12 parter for part 00. P.S. I also do commissions! -Blanksama
Far, far away from the planet we call Earth, there exists a different world. One that evolved more or less very similarly to ours, except for a handful of big differences. Beyond the presence of magic and other sapient, non-human species, the world in question is more or less split in half. No, there wasn't some Earth-destroying cataclysm. Instead, the world had two seperate halves from its very inception. One half, remarkably similar to ours, was known as The Normal World. It progressed more or less as ours had, though with some obvious differences that I won't bother to get into here. However, the other half was known as The Wild Place. It was an ever-shifting land of chaos, only a few landmarks managing to stand amongst it. But its inhabitants, those who pulled themselves from the madness to gain physical form, were its most dangerous inhabitants. They're known as Monsters. Now, the history of Monsters is long and elaborate, to much so to describe it here. But what matters are a specific type of Monster, known as Devils. While all Monsters are born from the thoughts and feelings of inhabitants of the Normal World, Devils have a unique but constant set of emotions they spawn from. Devils are born from the fears of the gods themselves. You are a newborn Devil, one that has never yet been seen before. But before you can be given life, we need to figure out the circumstances of your birth. To begin with, what Fear spawned you? >Fear of Violence >Fear of Betrayal >Fear of Self
You are a child again, running through your village. You are playing with your friends, Bradford and Alina. In an attempt to hide from them, you activate your father's providence, using the wind to boost you onto a roof. However, Alina is coming up from behind you, and she can see you from her viewpoint. You can climb down, use one of your father's elemental providences, or go down through the chimney. >Climb Down >Use an Element >Go Down the Chimney
The sun is rising.
i've been working at Burgers Tilto for four years now but i was never able to reach the other employees.While the other employees do more important stuff like taking orders or making the food I was always the Janitor. My quiteness and shyness would leave an unhappy look on the customers my parents said. Dad: Mennez you are to slow and quiet you need to motivate yourself your lucky this place gives jobs to anyone that applys but you need to change in order to succeed. Mennez:I can't change how I act is part of my personality. Mennez felt annoyed that people discriminated him for being quiet other employees would always ask him to do the tasks nobody wants to do. Its not like his doing anything important they thought. And while the manager has never said anything about my personality i can feel his thoughts by the way way he looks at me. I have recieved no training on my job in contrast to the other employees and was never givin the chance to do anything other than to clean. They denied me the opportunity to succeed since i started. A new employee arrived at my job she left me frozen by the time I saw her. But i am an awful employee i said to myself the other employees would use that information against me if i try something with her. She looked at me with a smile . But i don't think my serious face had given her a so welcoming expression. She was taking orders from the time she got there she had a problem with the register.I felt good that someone other than me was having trouble.A little mean of my part.I went to help her but i couldn't another employee came and fixed the problem . I felt embarrased. I rapidly turned away and continued sweeping the lobby.The next day she was as serious as the other employees. Have the other employess contiminated her already? While the other employees were acting nice this made me feel good. But then i hear the othe Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
Nobody knew what it was anymore. There were legends, of course. Some said it was filled with untold riches. Some said it was a haven for monsters. Some thought it the last holdout of an ancient civilization. Some believed it an abandoned ruin. Some thought it held the history of the before times. Some said the power to unite the world awaited. In a way, they were all right.
Create a world and we'll start form there. I'm not going push this in any particular direction.
A gnoll dig's at midnight with a wicked spade~
Thread 1 - http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/639382.html Thread 2 - http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/668934.html Intermission - http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/709136.html Discussion thread - http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/93087.html -7:20 early morning... last shots were fired few hours ago, 3rd and 5th branches of mad legion fallen back to northen ridges of "Korath Edge". regrouping and preparing full front assault at noon. [a week have passed since -conqueress squad- was back in the feild. so far we mostly took hits at illithian supply convoys under direct orders from commander Bishop. sadly there was nothing new concerning Frankie and mysterious enemy, but im pretty sure sooner or later, they will make their presence known. Bishop gave orders to split from the main forces and await further instructions.]
A monstrous headache wakes you up, the room is almost completely dark, save a rather pale light coming from above... W-where am I? What happened?
Ugh. You're in the middle of some kind of desert. Your throat would be parched, if you still had a throat. Or any unnecessary body part, for that matter. You see the zombie beasts staying afar back. Good, they should be afraid of you, considering you can easily take control of them. Welcome to NECROPOLIS-PLANET OF THE DEAD
Earlier threads only loosely related.
You are a robot. It is very dark. You cannot recall much of anything. Trying to remember why your here or what you should be doing makes your head hurt... Can you at least remember your name?
The vast curtain of stars extends seemingly forever out beyond the viewing screen of your quarters. While the view itself is simply a projection from the ships exterior observation systems, it is still breathtaking, despite and perhaps because of the number of years you've spent traveling between those many glimmering points in the void. You've seen so much of it, dozens of planetary systems and stars, and you can still say you have only scratched the surface of what the galaxy has to offer. The beep of the comms pulls you from your thoughts, and you quickly swipe a hand over the holographic "key" that accepts the call request. You are not surprised to hear the voice of some junior crewmember, one of those in charge while the standard bridge officers are off duty. "Captain, the first officer is requesting your presence on the bridge." "I will be along shortly. Have the rest of the bridge staff report as well." "Aye, Captain." The comm link cuts off, and you push yourself up from your chair, striding across your quarters to the small bathroom. You take a quick moment to check yourself in the mirror, to ensure you look properly as a captain should, and as you stare at yourself the defining characteristics of your human sub-species jumps out at you. >Input Name, Gender and Sub-Species >Therianthrope: Genetically altered humans who display animal traits. Originally a deliberate genetic project intended to allow humans to colonize various planetss, over centuries therianthropes have developed into their own sub-species. Generally more physically capable than a pure human, therianthropes come in a number of varieties based upon the environment their ancestors were engineered to survive in. Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
The Tyrant Star thrashes its wounding way across the skies of Daranarache! The stars here are black as ink and in their darkling pollute the sky like trapped motes of dust. Beneath their ecumenial glare, the Star hunts its prey! The Tyrant Star is here! The Tyrant Star is Hungry!
Our four heroes: Veergil (DMC4:SE), DIO (JJBA:SC), Kaede (Elfen Lied), and Wesker (RE5) are on a quest to seek the paleblood in Yarhnam in order to transcend the hunt, for it will not be an easy one for themfor there are many beasts, many celestials and many secrets that lies in the heart of Yarhnam. Fear The Old Blood! (Also in need of artist if possible) Vergil's Sets: Gascoigne's Hat, Hunter's Coat (No cape), Executioner's gauntlets, Black Church Trousers, Chikage, Loch Shield. DIO's sets: Top Hat, Old Hunter Garb, Knight's Gloves, Decorative Old Hunter Trousers, Holy Moonlight Blade, Piercing Rifle. Kaede's sets: Maria's hunter cap, Knight's Garb, Constable Gloves, Doll's skirts, Simon's Bowblade, Rosmarinus. Wesker's sets: Black Church Hat, Crowfeather Garb, Gascoigne's gloves, Ashen Hunter Trouser, Blades of mercy, Evelyn.
This town blows.
I am the nameless peon, ugly and uncharming. For many years I have strived to reach my ultimate goal. My goal? To become the most handsome and beautiful of bishies. It hasn't worked out so far for me.
...They seem to have been waiting for you. -- Partly reminder that you can use any of these commands to investigate further. INVENTORY. INSPECT. HELP. TALK.
YOU are MANNY BIFF. You are 5'2", are of ITALIAN DESCENT and often YELL FOR NO REASON. You enjoy RECREATIONAL YOGA and FOLK METAL, in that order. You speak in an ARRAY OF ACCEPTABLY ACCURATE ALLITERATION from time to time, mostly when you're ROUGH-HOUSING RUDE RUFFIANS. Better known by your alias, MANLY BUFF, you patrol the streets of CRIPTUN, protecting it for various EVIL-DOERS and the occasional NE'ER-DO-WELL. You are a RENOWNED HERO in the city, sharing rank with a few of your CLOSE COMRADES. It's a pretty sweet deal. You may not appear as much, but your POWERS grant you your BRIEF BOUTS OF-
Oh dear Menoth my head is on fire.
Stab some ghosts.
this is a NSFW quest you are Skaadikl'ekl'lokomak. you are a lesser Daemon from the dark depths of hell, and a warlock has summoned you. your mortal form sprawls painfully on the floor. your flesh slowly forms over your bloody muscle. "you have called me forth, dark one." you stand slowly, "I am yours to command! what is it that you desire?" "I have sacrificed much to bring you to this realm, Daemon." the wizard says, "I am consumed with only one desire, Daemon, power!"
You're floating. Your eyes are closed and you're floating. All around you is warm fluid, and you are comfortable. You can occasionally hear noises, a mechanical whir or the muffled tapping of clawed feet on tile, but you ignore it. Somewhere, deep in your head, there are vague memories. Tortures beyond anything you could imagine. Worse things than even the most depraved things people would be willing to do to one another. But they're far away, so far that you don't think you could remember them fully if you wanted to... And you really don't want to. There's some muttering, muffled by the fluid, that you can't quite understand. Something about "unexpected" and "signs of resistance". Your eyes open a crack, your vision unhampered by the fluid surrounding you. It is thin and red, like watered-down blood, and black walls surround you on all sides. Above you lies a mostly-opaque glass lid, and through it you can see a shadowy figure approach. It holds a syringe, and it seems to be preparing to inject something into you. Dimly, you realize the needle is a sign of danger, but you're too drowsy and content to do anything about it. But just as the figure reaches for the handle, you hear a new noise. An alarm. It's dulled by the walls surrounding you and the fluid, but you can tell. There is a loud bang, and the figure approaching you turns around before another bang sounds off and the glass lid is covered in a splatter of liquid. You hear the thud of the figure above you hitting the ground, and a few more bangs and thuds as more unseen people fall. Eventually, the alarm stops, and you can hear very muffled typing. The fluid surrounding you begins draining, and after a short time your back is touching wet ceramics as you lie in the now-empty chamber. There are more footsteps, and you hear someone stop right next to the chamber you' Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
You born in a strange place... You don't know why You don't know who are you You don't know nothing.
You are an agent of the CIA. You're here to extract Dr. Pavel.
You know how in dreams everything feels so real, and then you have these little moments you can remind yourself it is only a dream? I keep having the reverse problem. I'll be going about my day and it all feels so much like I'm dreaming, I keep having to remind myself it is all real. It's so odd. It doesn't help that the strangest things have been happening.
̿|̿ ̿ |̶ ̶ ̶ ̶||̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ | ͇ ͇\̿ ̿ |̶̿ ̶̿ ̶̿ ̶̿| |͇̿ ͇̿ ͇̿ ͇̿)| ͇ ͇\̿ ̿ ̿ ̿|̿ ̿ ||̿ \͇||͇̿ ͇̿ ͇̿ ͇̿ ̿ ̿|̿ ̿ |͇ ͇ ͇ ͇ ͇||̿ \͇| ͇ ͇\̿ ̿ |̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ ̿ ̿|̿ ̿ ̿ ̿|̿ ̿ |͇ ͇ ||̿ \͇||͇̿ ͇̿ ͇̿ ̶͇̿ι |̶̿ ̶̿ ̶̿ ̶̿ |̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇ ͇ ||̿ \͇||͇̿ ͇̿ ͇̿ ̶͇̿ι >[>PLOY?] イん乇 ㄎζ尺乇乇刀 Ðノㄎアレムリㄎ ム ᄊ乇ㄎㄎムǤ乇, ǤレԾЩノ刀Ǥ ム 乃尺ノレレノム刀イ Ǥ尺乇乇刀. イん乇 ㄎリᄊ乃Ծレ 刀乇ム尺乃リ ノㄎ Ц刀ㄎ乇イイレノ刀Ǥ, 尺乇ᄊノ刀Ðノ刀Ǥ リԾЦ Ծキ イんノ刀Ǥㄎ ζЦイ ㄎんԾ尺イ, レ乇キイ Ц刀キノ刀ノㄎん乇Ð... イんノ刀Ǥㄎ イんムイ Ծ刀乇 ζԾЦレÐ ζԾᄊ乇 乃ムζズ イԾ イԾ キノ刀Ð ζԾᄊアレ乇イ乇レリ ζんム刀Ǥ乇Ð...
A not-so-horrifying tale about a certain person...
CONSTRUCT V is a discovery quest, in a free-roam setting. You will assume direct control of Atropos, a middle aged female human. Her skills? You do not know. But given the obstacles, you will find out. Your mission: Unknown. You are merely thrown into a world, and you must find clues by exploring. Your mission will become clear, and from there, you can proceed with your purpose. For starters, where will you head to? [It is my first quest, and I thought this may be pretty fun to see getting drawn out, and see how close the suggestions get to the true mission goal]
Discussion: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/89988.html Sheik´s trust in "the Voice of the many": 37% "Dodges the arrow of the hunter, and does the hunter`s job. How Ironic is that?"
You’re awake. And something is very different. You feel...odd. The sensation that you’re currently having is hard to describe. It’s not exactly pain nor is it mere discomfort. In fact, the closest analogy you can think of for your predicament is having five liters of vomit stuffed into a one-liter bag. You also have trouble remembering what could have led to the state you’re in. Maybe it’s better to say that you’re having trouble remembering anything at this moment. Not to mention that you’re feeling bound, in a way. Actually, trying to move proves that you ARE bound. Tied, to be precise. With rope. And, apparently, you’re sitting in a chair. Upon opening your eyes, you’re met with nothing but darkness. Blindness? Oh, God, no...wait, feels like a blindfold. Some good news, at least. However, you feel that your hands are behind your back, immobilised by...the back of the chair you’re sitting in. You’re certain that you can’t move your legs individually either. But, something isn’t right about all this tied-up business. It’s as if your joints have never been this close to each other before and your clothes feel very drafty, like they’re just hanging off you. You wiggle in an attempt to free your arms, only to discover that your hands and legs are bound together with more rope under the seat. Whoever did this to you was not born yesterday. In protest, you give it another futile try to free yourself and the chair uncomfortably creaks under your movements. “You awake, kid?”
Beautiful, graceful, and desperately sad are the Canvas. They are the shattered remains of the souls of children who grew up too fast. The more elaborate the horns, the more traumatic the childhood of the poor soul that that particular Canvas embodies. They don’t eat. They don’t drink. They don’t die. They just survive, on a plane diagonal to ours and very close to what could be considered Hell. This is the story of one Canvas. She is named Tiana. (this quest will be largely text based, with visuals provided only when needed.)
Finally! Today all my hard work is going to pay off! No more checking inventory, no more adding up receipts, no more sweeping... The last six months have been pretty rough, but it'll all be worth it soon! Because...
You are a Scientist whose sole mission in life is to create a gun that turns people into bimbos. Instead of you know curing diseases or solving world hunger you just want to see people turn into hot babes driven by sexual craving. You are not a Good Person.
Planetary scan complete. Sentient population: 2.4 billion Average sentient power level: 5.6 Peak sentient power level: 212 Average non-sentient power level: 3 Peak non-sentient power level: 278
Hollow Realms. Prologue. I float in the dark endless abyss... My body is numb and thoughts are hazy... Pulsing pain in my forehead slowly fades away... This feeling that I'm forgetting something important won't go away...
WOW This place is very cool to you, "The Hif Demon", it reminds you of this one dream you had when you were probably around 4 or 5 maybe even 8, you don't really remember but whatever that was a long time ago now anyway, but this really brings you back you know it's just real nice to go down memory lane sometimes, cool stuff. You find yourself standing in some area with a lot of red but what is the red? You don't know if it's because there's something in your eyes or if there's something in the air. You really REALLY hope it isn't both because that would be a definite pain in your back.
Previous thread: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/682746.html
(You know after trying to come up with grand story lines and always stalling to a sputtering halt either in art direction or writing. I’m doing something simple and aimless to hopefully build experience so I can know how to actually tackle quests like the ones I left unfinished. So...) As long as I can remember, I’ve failed at my jobs. I don’t know how or why. But the end result is that I don’t have the funds to live. Every opportunity has dried up and that leaves me with my last resort. I must…
After her parents were captured by guilders their child a young Astranian was sold into a life of slavery. But for young Scarlett nothing could be more perfect she has a loving master a roof over her head and a brand new diamond studded collar, but something's missing in her perfect life...
welcome to island adventures. this is gonna be one of those things where each person controls their own character, so name yourself so i know whos who and hopefully (hopefully) it'll be fun btw im sleepy from puzzle dungeon http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/710578.html i lost my tablet and kind of changed my style
An adventure with a snarky nonbinary teen who just wants their brother back. Of course, nothing works out how we want it and instead you get horribly put together cyborgs.
God. What a headache.
Murder comes to the land of cloth, A goddess lies dying, it falls upon two mortals, Inspectors Windslow and Prance to uncover the truth and save a divine realm from falling into chaos. Quest may contain violence, foul language and/or nudity Discussion thread (will contain crucial information) http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/82638.html
You have had an entirely too interesting day In my culture, there's a long and storied tradition of being spoken through by Gods. Being talked too by the Miscreant Dead is a bit on the unusual side.
“Apollon, where are you? It seeks entrance to our dwelling Apollon, wherever you may be Do not look at the moon It is in the light We are afraid Apollon, hear our cries and feel our terror Let us look together” - a familiar poem
Chapter 1: tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/688371.html Discussion: tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/97900.html "Once more unto the breach...." -William Shakespeare "Henry V"
I'll be running this quest till I have to go to RPG tonight, could he 20 mins, could be 2 hours. Let's see what we can rek up! You're a Breeze of Wind! Inventory: - M. Book
http://vocaroo.com/i/s1yPH0BMZtqY Time to fucking rip off FRACTAL and get adventuring and Q&A'ing folks.
Two weeks ago, your parents passed away. One and a half weeks ago, you inherited their fortune. Three days ago, you hitched a ride on the elven caravans from the Capital all the way back to your hometown, Belos. Today, you live in Belos' orphanage, located in the slums. This moment, you're standing just outside the orphanage. The sun beats down on you from the sky relentlessly, with little to no clouds existing for cover. It's sweltering, but you still have to go draw some water from the well. The problem is, you have no idea where the well is. Before you do anything, though, would you like to engage in interactive character creation (the sequence possibly lacking most art)? I. Yes II. No
I’m almost there. I’m inside friendly lands, it looks like my lord surely took care of his territory in my absence. Now, After many fights, I’m back to serve him. Although I’m a somewhat late for the twin’s birthday… I had sworn to be with my lord’s family every time wherever they go, and even if it was on my lord’s command, I’m still bothered for that fact.
Wow, you had to go and get yourself cast out of heaven. Couldn't have learned a valuable skill in time? Just had to go and eat cake like a fatass? Fucking lovely. Now your stuck on earth, and you have to learn how to be a master baker. Nice. So, what's your name, fatass?
It is very dark in here.
Distant echoes and bleary blobs swim through your vision, like a pool garnished with algae. You reach out to stir the waters but realize you are staring at the sky. Something is jabbing you in the stomach, so you crack your eyes open to see what it is. “Ah, you live. Sit up and tell me your name. I have never resurrected a sentient before so I do not know if there is lasting damage.”
*you wake up, you realize you have fallen somewhere...
This isn't how I thought my first month at college would go.
You have slept a long time, waiting for the day when you would be woken to do your duty, to uphold the ancient pact. The Age of the Great War has long ended, but you still recall the death and destruction at the hands of both demon and angel. You, and others like you, were heroes of the mortals who had volunteered to allow their souls to be preserved, for the day when the ancient pact would be broken, and the angels and demons would need to be forced from the mortal realms once more. And so you have slept, waiting, for your time to awaken, for your time to wage war against all who would claim mortal souls for themselves. On this day, you have woken. The relic housing your soul has been disturbed, removed from the pedestal that holds it. Your consciousness has awoken, taking in the room around it to find a body, a mortal human, cradling your relic in his arms and intoning the words to awaken you and give you form once more. The sounds of battle rage outside, and you can feel the presence of demons, raiding your resting place and killing those who have watched over you for millenniums. This insult cannot stand. The breaking of the ancient pact cannot go unpunished. Vengeance must be carried out. You look to your relic, recalling who you were and who you will be again: >Input Name >Input Gender >Input Class Death Knight: Powerful melee combatants capable of wielding necromantic energy to rip the life from their enemies or command the undead to fight at their command. Your relic is the Ebon Hand, a gauntlet of black steel infused with necromantic power. Engineer: Craftsmen without peer. Decent ranged combatants using a variety of ancient "firearms", paired with the ability to field a variety of contraptions to fight alongside them. Your relic is the Mechanical Heart, a de Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
This quest is a remake of my first quest, Boobs and Dragons. It was originally about evil. Then, the quest was about sexuality, so I renamed it to Boobs and Dragons. Wiki: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Boobs_and_Dragons Infinity may be torture, I do not know. That I’ll find out. I’m called a dragon cultist. We kill, rule and know. I know that dragon eggs are valued. Maybe there’s a bigger deal up here at a dragon’s nesting ground however.
continuation of cell evolution from previously. Game is simple, suggest traits to evolve and take into account size, likelihood and environment.
Today is the first day of summer, and frankly you have no idea what you are doing with your life. The world is practically at your fingertips, and yet the only thing that you have accomplished in recent memory is scowling at the sunny world outside for hours on end. It's about time you did something productive and worthwhile, considering that groceries need to be bought, adventures need to be be adventured, and you're boredom has reached critical mass. What is your first action on this grand quest of epic significance?
WARNING! Tank fluid expiring; automatic emergency protocol initiating in: 1 hour. Press the [ABORT KEY] to abort. . .. ... Initiating automatic emergency protocol. WARNING! Insufficient power! Rerouting and prioritizing. WARNING! Emergency protocol automatically installs [PRIORITIZED MODULE: TACTICAL COMMAND MODULE AND IFF KEY MODULE]. WARNING! Module installation will be permanent. Press [NUMBER KEY] to select prioritized tank. >_
The sun's oppression had came to its ritualistic end when the horizon swallowed the last reminiscence of the glowing beast. It was truly night now. Even those who had excused their usual sloth to languish outside in frivolous tasks had meandered back into their cabins and tents. [CHARACTER] was sitting on the edge of an embankment, staring at the sweeping infinity of a creek that seemed endless on either of its ends from that relative perspective. It was quiet spot, a spot unhindered from the maddening, absurd tedium. It was only place where the noise shut off. Yet, [character] knew that he could not stay here forever. Not in this instance. Not like this. Serenity was fleeing construct, even in this spot designated as one of solace. The Noise came back on. It was something that wasn't heard, not even in mind's ear, but a sensation that just resonated and bounced inside of one's skull---Kill and Dismember. The demand was fractal. Disconcerting in the least and a kind of hell in the most obvious extreme. Yet, it could not result in [character]'s end. A cowardliness kept them out of the psychiatrist's office and off the end of the rope. To them, this what is. July 17, 1981. The place was Camp Evergreen. It was time to go from that spot to The Shack, a place almost impossibly hidden from the others. It was locked from the outside, but there was another way in, on the pallets around the back that littered the back and through a window that offered no lock. This was home-- a work bench stained red. A series of tools and implements that littered two walls, while an adjacent wall housed a series of Tupperware™ boxes containing perfectly squared bone fragments and dried tissues, with ages and sexes listed in Sharpie™ on the lid. That was the favored part, to disassemble and to understand. In the final corner, on an old hook stood that iconic mask. Just off to the side, is a few old arti Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
It seems like your existence was manually rebooted. You weren't supposed to die. Not yet.
[AUTHOR: In case you don’t know, this quest is the second-player perspective that begins at a point in Polokoa Quest (check http://thatquestsite.org/wiki/Polokoa_Quest for information and thread link), and that quest should be read first, up to Rokolo’s appearance.] I’m a very busy woman. You know that, of course. You know me, and you know pretty much everything I know, given the whole nanobionic cybernetics symbiosis thing we have going. When I work, I work hard, and when I take time off, I do most of everything else hard, too. I’m being a bit self-indulgent with my internal monologue here, but my essential point is: I don’t usually like it when something unexpected suddenly comes along and pulls me away from what I’m doing without my say-so. Much less when the pulling away is literal, and when that pulling is done through an unidentified type of interdimensional hyperlinear timespace tunneling bridge.
Your name is Vita Silverton and you just did something you don't want to tell your mother about.
... Oh. Great. Voices. Like I wasn't already broken enough.
It came to pass, in those first dawning days, that the childish New species of Mortal Human was rendered into a creature subservient to the Old. From their untamed homelands, each Mortal Human was taken to those warped silver lands of the Noble Fae, in the heart of the First Immortal Empire, and were turned to serve their new masters over the course of recursive eternities. So it was, then, that the Noble Fae ruled with abandon, for Mortal Human was fragile and weak in the eyes of those deathless. In an era long past the time of integration, not one Mortal Human remembered of any existence in freedom, for theirs had become a reality of pure service. Yet the day came, too, when things did change. When one Mortal Human’s quality of craft exceeded all expectations put to their kind, the Old Queen did call upon them, ordering them to visit the Argent Hall for purposes then unknown.
An otherwise quiet night, in Traverse City. 2083. Beneath the gentle hums of passing automobiles, a possible catastrophe begins to take place. Several 'Patriots' storm the Nachigawa office building, brandishing weapons, they capture several hostages, as the police close in, surrounding the building. Police attempt to infiltrate the building undetected, but are easily overwhelmed by the terrorist cell, which they discover to be heavily cybernetically enhanced. With officers, media personnel, and office workers still in danger, the Home Defense force debates on what to do, and begin to give into panic.. Unaware that a team has already been dispatched, by powers beyond their knowledge. "WE ARE THE INCORPORATED TRUTH! WE HAVE TAKEN CONTROL OF THIS BUILDING AND IT'S OCCUPANTS FROM THE DOGS OF THIS COUNTRY IN ORDER TO GAIN A FOOTHOLD TO STRIVE TOWARD OUR GOALS OF JUSTICE! THE GOVERNMENT OF YOUR NATION HAS BEEN GIVEN OUR DEMANDS!"
I would ask the reader to imagine a Planet. The Planet is similar to Earth, if it had only one large continent and surrounded by seemingly endless islands in a vast sea. So, not that similar really. This planet has no name, for you see, the inhabitants are, while fantastically diverse, hardly not even close to what might be the equivalent of an Industrial Revolution. Despite such wondrous presence of mystical Magics and countless ruins, with almost every unspoiled stone concealing some magical artifact or another, the technological level 'across the board' as it were, remains despairingly stagnant. No kingdom or country that exists on this word does not decay from inner corruption, nor be razed by war and forced from existence; but neither does anything truly change. I digress. On this nameless planet, we focus on the massive super continent of Delgasia. Noone remembers who came up with this name, perhaps whoever did was too lazy to come up with something meaningful. On this continent, we focus on a small, relatively peaceful forest in the southwestern part of the area. It is quite mild. With the forest surrounded by rolling green pastures, and so to the north, one could see a small town surrounded by a wooden palisade. But that town won't be important until later. Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
"So, what're we gonna get from this new paladin, you think?" "What, you mean like what's he gonna add to the Tome while he's out there?" "No, I mean like what's he gonna do when he comes up to our gate for the first time? I mean, we might be the last people this guy sees. I don't really know how this goes. Is there like a ceremony, or...?" "No, no, nothing fancy like that. Guy's probably had his fill of ceremonies by now, but who knows. The paladins, Finder bless their holy work and all that, but they're an odd bunch. Probably have to be, to volunteer to go out into the wilds. They know the odds when they go out there. Last one, he walked up and read us a sermon. Not so much as a hello." "Sounds awkward. What'd you do?" "Thanked him, sent him through, wished him well. Just being polite." "Did he come back?" "That was Gerrod. Whatever's left of him is still out there." "Yeesh. What about the others?" "There haven't been that many. But, small talk, usually. Don't overthink it. Some of them have friends or lovers to see them off. This new guy, though...well, he's a reformation case, and a Seraph. I wouldn't expect anyone coming to say goodbye." "He's a reformation paladin? I didn't know that. What'd he get arrested for?" "I don't know. Once they join up with the church in the slammer and get their pardon, their criminal history is erased." "Huh. What was this guy's name again?" "Daro. Dah-row, got it?" "Got it." Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
Please be gentle. First time doing a draw quest. Updates are every Tuesday, if I can manage. There's a warjack coming right for you. Yes, you. Not your comrades, not your officer, you. Why, you may never know. At least you'll die-- SPLAT
thread 1 : >>/questarch/428036 thread 2 : >>/questarch/471394 discussion : >>/questdis/57038 wiki : http://tgchan.org/wiki/Reformation
It's summer in Coslana and a cart with three fresh slaves rattles slowly over the bumpy road of hardened sand. The desert sun shines down on the cart, it's passengers weakly running tongues over lips. The town they're traveling towards is a good day or so away still, and there their fates await them.
slime so sad
Ahh, the land of Praven. A lustrous place, of wide fields, and deep forests. The relatively small land is sandwiched between three neighboring kingdoms who dwarf it in both size and power. However, despite far out powering the small land, the three kingdoms left Praven alone, never attempting to invade, or conquer in any way, out of respect for it's king who was once a great hero to all of them... however.
You are a perv, now you're invisible...what do?
Your name is ISSAC CLEMMONT. You are a 23 year old college student attending Brokeland College with an undeclared major, and you just murdered your roommate for the last serving of your mom's home-made pasta salad. The people in both adjacent rooms must have heard the altercation, and you know it's only a matter of time before an RA comes knocking at your door. If you don't want to get caught, you're going to have to move fast-- and you're going to need help. You know you have some friends you can call, but you're sure some of them will be more willing to send the cops than help you. You don't have a lot of time-- what's first?
Your name is Ciao, and you are a Witchling. You are currently standing amongst a few bookcases. What should you do?
Hello you am Dokter! Someone hurt in this room you think yes! Please to be letting you in, hall wall paper freaking you out, yes! Knock Knock! Yes, you am d- You are the Village of Ramshearth’s only practicing physician. You have been called to room 25 of this inn slash family dining experience because you are not one to sit idly by and not offer your know how to those in need. You’re not sure of the situation, though. Either someone inside is having a psychotic break down or someone has a concussion. Maybe both? Part of this confusion is the game of verbal telephone that took place before you could get here and part of this is your acce- wait you don’t know you have an accent. Nevermind, it’s just the first part. the first part: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/600413.html medical knowledge : http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/86788.html >Just go inside >Tell us more about yourself
Your name is ROLAND, and today has been the worst day of your life. New quest by a long-time lurker and first-time drawfag. Art will continue to suck an entire barrel of horse dicks indefinitely.
So now we return to SILVER KNIGHT. He appears to be at a CROSSROADS. One direction leads to the VOLCANO and the other leads to the SECRET LAIR OF NOT SO FUN TIMES. Strangely there seems to be a completely new house here. It wasn't there before I can tell you that much. A faint smell of rotting corpses fills the air and SILVER KNIGHT can't help but be somewhat displeased by the stench. What ever we do he doesn't want to stick around for long. Around the area a river can be heard in the distance accompanied by a waterfall. You can now check SILVER KNIGHTS' INVENTORY at any time. You can now level up by killing monsters as well. This will provide a boost to any stat of your choosing.
I'm getting out of here. Today.
Welcome to Grace County, where baseball is fuckin everything!! The school teams are filled with the most tryhard little shits you've ever seen, and the games are all lit as fuck!! Why are they so lit?? Cause on the line is the COUNTY TROPHY dude, this really dank trophy with little gold things on it! It's pretty fuckin cool and all the best players are gunning for it!! And so are you of course cause you're the best around, one of Grace's top, uh... You're, uhhh..... ...Shit Look I'm so sorry dude, were you the batter kid or the pitcher kid I get this stuff mixed up sometimes
The wagon jerks and jostles hard on the rough woodland roads, enough to bring me out of my weary stupor. I waken myself properly and look out to the distance. The tall walls and towers rise above the dense forest like sunbeams. Today is the day! We will finally arrive in the esteemed city of York, where I will undertake training and soon become a fully fledged knight! Perhaps I will even get to meet the King of England, find romance, and become a legendary warrior!
Minato, Tokyo, Japan, September 2 Paint it Black - Part 1 It was a lovely day, slightly windy, the sun painting stretched cotton clouds pink and peach, as if the daytime skies themselves were celebrating. They probably were. Today was the funeral of one of their foes. Though he might still be alive, somewhere. Wounded, scared, healing, like she was, breathing in the health and happiness of the life around them. Once that feeling of connection buoyed her spirits and reminded her what they fought for, now it felt like a sick joke. Or he might be dead. Shiro-kun little Shiba Inu, very pale orange on top, and white fur from his chin to belly, who was, according to him, a messenger loaned to Inari, had said even the Greater Gods did not know. Right now he was pacing around her legs, looking for all the world like an high strung pet worried about their master. “I don’t want you going. It’s not proper. These aliens and their executed god are tools of the star-gods. I know you feel guilty for your actions, but sometimes the best course is a shameful one.” The little racist dog says as it lays its head down. Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
Welcome to Build. You are a local spirit. The first of many exploring mortals has come to your land to settle, you will be in charge of guiding them. Please be careful, mortal followers are very fragile and mortal enemies are very dangerous.
You're going to save the city.
Cold metal. You feel dazed. Your head hurts a little too. Where the hell are you?
My name is Adeia. I am a demoness born from the slums of Hell. My plan is to someday rule this place with an iron fist. I have no desire to expand beyond all the circles of this Hell. For all I care, the Hells of other dimensions are better off in the mind of some deluded villain. Some poor fool who will give the illusion of power when it is all a shadow puppet controlled by a maniacal sociopath wanting to be adored, to be feared, to be marveled. They can rot. Let not my age decieve you. I may be only five years of age, but I possess more power in my left hand than most who are quintuple, nay, decuple my age. My first quest is decided: I shall enslave an angel child, imbuing said child with my Voices of Reason.
I have no idea if this idea is going to work or not but here goes! Alright so the premise here is that it's sort of a hot potato of sorts where whoever wants to add can and because I don't want it descending into complete chaos I've set up a few rules for this little endeavour; 0) Have fun. Self explanatory. 1) 3 posts minimum before it gets past on. This is to ensure that there is some semblance of cohesiveness before it's free game. 2)You have to draw. I don't care if it's on ms paint or adobe. If it looks like a Mondrian or a Manet as long as it's something it's fine. 3)Let your imagination run wild. Considering if it works it'll be a slew of creativity i think the plot will run in almost the same vain as Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo. Which if you've seen it, you know how crazy that thing gets. And lastly 4) Follow the tgchan rules. It obviously goes without saying but sometimes a simple reminder goes a long way. ----------- So without further ado let's create a character. What the hell are we?
It is dark. Above you there appears to be a switch dangling from an unseen plane, possibly a ceiling.
Everything will be fine.
Ugh...perfect. My head is pounding, and even the dim glow of the city outside is enough to make my eyes crinkle up in pain. I rub my face, trying to figure out where I am.
Inspired by 'Pickman's Model'. A quest for ultimate beauty.
at long last you finally complete system post. with your first moment of consciousness you find that you are in a clumsy looking room. the room has a door and some things you could probably look at if you focus. you don't recall who you are or really anything. for some reason, the only piece of knowledge you are certain about is 1) engine version, 2) hardware profile stats, and 3) vertex count. what do you do?
You wake up. You don't remember who you are, where you are, or when you are. You are hoping that it is just morning amnesia, as you want this to subside as soon as possible. When and where are you?
Part 1: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/499386.html Part 2: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/541717.html Discussion: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/77975.html
Something is attacking people on the road and I'm going to strike it down with furious fists of justice... or at least I would. I've been waiting out here for a while and nothing is happening. This is boring.
this quest may be nsfw.
The Bodie family has been cursed for generations so that all but one descendant will die before another generation may be born. The current generation has lived peacefully and (mostly) without incident so far. But will that really last?
You are asleep.
[Chapter 1: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/718197.html ] [Author note: To make stuff easier I will now on outline commands with a ">" followed by a command. P.S: You can also avoid extra comments by pressing CTRL + F and typing "PanQuest" or Zer0bear, any posts made by me will have a yellow outline.] ---- Pan looks towards the sea with a questioning look. Boy this leaves even more questions... She turns slightly to see Alen following up and pausing to look at the new site. > Oh dang you didn't ask who dragged him there. Better find out who/what you need to worry about! Oh yeah! She forgot about asking the other if he knew who dragged him off. Pan: "So do you know who locked you up?" Alen: -shrug- "Not really. All I remember is getting dragged across the ground and my head hurting a whole lllot. Doubt that helps but that's all I know." So now they are still at the point as before. Having zero idea of what is going on. Great. At least there is two of them together so they are less likely to get jumped. So what now?
Would you like to play Escape?
expect delays and abrupt hiatuses, just in case
Sims TGChan Quest!! In which various members of TGChan are Simmified and then do stupid things for your entertainment! In terms of a quest, this one plays a little looser: Each sim has their own agenda. Suggestions should be thought of in mission terms such as "Build a robot" or "Date this person", or in terms of strategy to meet their own goals -- such as "Earn money by selling paintings". Non-Playable Sims are Sim versions of Quest characters -- they can be interacted but not ordered around unless they join a household in the long-term beyond University. Now meet our cast!
Slowly, you come to be. You obey the siren call that has pulled you from the ether. Your mind becomes as one with your master. I take a moment to relish this most delicious of circumstances. As I watch my enemy before me, trapped in my most perfect of plots, brought crashing to their knees, helpless and ignorant of the horrible fate that awaits them, I laugh. I had only intended to gloat a little, but GODS it is just too funny! My foe struggles in vain as the wicked energies of my magic bind and torment him, like the pathetic insect that he is! IT'S JUST HILARIOUS! I can't stop! The summoner continues his mocking laughter. The runic marking on the floor pulses with baleful energy. Each cycle, the trap further weakens the imprisoned young man. For now, the room is occupied by your master and the prisoner, as well as another, an unseen figure, while a fourth comes from the hall outside the mage's sight. You sense them, their mind's energies. With your master's eyes, you see two more paths to the room, one to his right, another behind the captive, but from these you sense no presences. Your conjuring is incomplete, but you feel it's coming build in time with the prisoner's anguish. Yet even so, your master's will is weak. His thoughts and memories are unguarded. His mind is putty. And you have desires. What is your desire?
A non-canon quest featuring an 18-year old Modern Nem on a mission to create her own secret porn stash! Safe for Anon44's as the quest proper will only feature Nem's reaction.
-FOOSH- Well, it finally happened. Goku got into smash. Unfortunately for him, the first match he went against was a tourney level kirby player who thoroughly wrecked his shit. The round's just ended, and kirby still has Goku's limitless potential sealed inside him. >what do
“Save our town!” “You’re our only hope!” “This must be destiny!” Yeah.
It’s too bright in here. “I’m sorry we had to call you in so late. I know you’d had a hard day at work today, and to find out about this must have been… difficult,” Quigley says. I’m already sick of people babying me on this, so in the most patient voice I can muster, I say, “Yeah, I guess you could say that.”
Live to Die to Live Again LOGIN : DEREZ PASSWORD : ********** ... ... ... ... WELCOME BACK
This is a oneshot quest that will run over the next week or so! Just a short quest this time haha You've always liked summer.
The moon is beautiful, but my pyre surpasses it. This is the most important night. The night when I achieve my destiny. This is the night when I shall forever rid myself - and the world - of you.
Alone in this darkness. Floating in timelessness. Nothing to disturb me. All I can recall is my name, Tristan.
What is it?
“What the fuck are you two DOING.” “Banny are they fucking?? BANNY ARE THEY FUCKING???” “Shut UP Cal. Go play in the road or something!”
This quest is potentially NSFW
... ... ... this sucks.