Wild Sun Pouncer
Okay, Scarlett, calm down, take a couple of deep breaths. "Alex, why is it so important to you that you get off the planet? Do you have a family out there?"
"With the attitude of some of the Solars, I can understand hating them, but I'm not a Solar, you realize. Why are you treating me so maliciously?"
If he's got a reason for going off planet, and his reason for being mean to you was that you were trying to sell him out or aren't a proper Astranian or something, then "Teach me. Show me what it means to be an Astranian. Then, I won't be your enemy, right? I'll help you get off the planet, but you have to stop treating me like I'm just another valuable. I'm a PERSON, dangit, and I will not be treated otherwise!"