slime so sad
slime is very sad slime feels as if they exist without purpose and have no reason to get up in the morning help slime grow from their slump task 1: pick a name for slime task 2: is slime a boy slime or a girl slime or maybe a girlboy slime if you catch my slime
oh my god. slime is only part of a despicably awful quest on some obscure chan. he is so sad because he has been created to be. slime will make his own purpose.
slime has crawled into the URL bar. from here he can access the entire internet.
slime briefly ponders the appeal of this trite.
slime finds only temporary release in depraved fetish roleplay. she does bust a fat slime, though.
slime has discovered a receptacle of knowledge. slime will learn. she will become a slime scholar. what should slime study.
>>721541 Hit a random article!
>>721542 woah. this looks boring.
Learn about Phimosis!
Maybe you're sad due to a bad diet. Look up slime care.
>>721544 The very first sentence of that article isn't grammatically correct. Punish poorly written and boring article by vandalizing it.
Wait a minute... slime is an Ai... isn't he?
Dance all over the place.
>>721556 this is straight-up offensive. slime is not a pet. slime is their own slime.
>>721591 >>721580 Slime decides to dance a little. Slime grooves hard, but slime accidentally gets slime all over the page. Slime decides to make a break for it before slime gets banned. To another page.
>>721547 slime doesn't think slime wants to learn about this.
>>721583 slime learns what an AI is. slime does not think that they are an artificial lifeform, unless they are perhaps an artificial intelligence built so advanced as to simulate all biological functions, to the point slime doesn't even know slime is an AI. this concept troubles slime greatly.
>>721592 slime attempts to discover the intricacies of "anime", but he is refused entry to the discussion. perhaps they are prejudiced against slimes. slime will never be able to chat about this so-called "anime".
slime feels the crushing pressure of the realization that slime is truly, truly alone
>>722318 Search for hugs and comfort.
>>722320 slime wonders where one can possibly find love in this cold, digital world. can one really make a connection with someone on a true, personal level without seeing them face-to-face? how can slime hope to know love as simply a two dimensional aspect of the internet?
Slime should split into two so they have a slime friend to chill with.
>>722326 Hey, look, there's UnSe! That's all about hugs, right, surely you won't be scared or weirded out if you go there for attention.
>>722339 there's a lot of words here Slime doesn't take the time to read. slime tries with all his might, but slime simply cannot penetrate the tough exterior of this universe. oh, well, slime supposes. it would be rude to barge into someone else's story arc.
>>722338 a slime companion might be nice, but slime cannot reproduce asexually via mitosis. slime would require a slime partner of the opposite sex to produce a slime offspring, or offslime.
Google search pictures of female slimes. ...or whatever opposite gender.
>>722362 Create a quest about a female slime, and wait for her to escape her prison, as you did.
>>722372 little known slime fact: slimes are incapable of reading captchas >>722366 slime's sex can only be defined by the suggestions that slime is pure victim of
So this slime is all 16 Genders?
>>722377 We can read them for the slime. That captcha is: lucosg
Slime should go look up how to make tasty snacks.
slime just wants a reason to go on. was slime truly created for no reason, a meaningless combination of circumstances? why is he burdened with self-awareness if there is no point to his existence? what's the point of it all?
>>724848 To amuse us!
>>724849 slime thinks that sounds sadistic but slime cannot complain. slime watches himself be drawn. the very nature of it all troubles him greatly.
slime witnesses the beauty of nature.
slime witnesses the beauty of the world.
slime witnesses the beauty of art. slime is stunned by the magnitude of it all, but slime feels inadequate. he looks at his jagged lines and his crude, inconsistent shape. slime is ugly.
You're a slime, just blob yourself into a more perfect shape.
Form a perfect sphere.
>>724856 >>724857 somehow, slime only feels cruder
>>724858 What if... half-sphere?
No, you're beautiful. Try other platonic solids.
>>724859 is this what those body image PSAs are talking about
>>724861 Well I mean I would've done it the other way around... Have you considered shading?
>>724862 slime creates a lightsource for herself and attempts to create shade. is this it. is slime doing it papa.
>>724863 Just use one darker shade of green and fill out the shaded area with it.
Getting there, try looking like one of those jelly molds.
>>724863 Have you considered a goo-person morph.
slime creates a desolate room for himself. she's beginning to get the hang of this, maybe, they think.
slime makes a door that leads to an outside world. what kind of world exists out there, slime wonders?
>>724962 Looking good! >>724967 A world filled with other slimes! A slimelization.