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933610 No. 933610 ID: 17559c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

That Which Was Created Cannot Rise

Quest Starter Thread Summary (Starter Thread removed)
Universe Selected: Demon Pact (Former Threads: Unleash)
Race Selected: Homunculus, Artificial Gyroin (Squirrel-like or Cat-like Race)
Gender Selected: Sexual Fluidity, Weak Male Personality
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931197 No. 931197 ID: 9ed620 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

morning comes, quiet and warm, revealing that nothing has gone wrong during the night. you're thankful - it's just you and your aging adopted father out here, and you both have enough on your plates already.

you quietly greet your father with a nod, the two of you going about your morning business until the sun is well over the horizon
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746096 No. 746096 ID: d11344 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]


(Content warning: This quest will probably be NSFW at times. Spoiler images will be used for those times. Expand all images at your own peril!)
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927215 No. 927215 ID: c0641d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

"... so then I told my summoner 'I ain't that sort of demon of Lust!'"

"Get to the good part! What did you do to him in the end?"

"Well, he did insist, despite my warnings. I made to do the deed with him, but then tapped into my Gluttony at the last moment."

"Went straight for the throat, huh?"

"Ah yes, the literal starved lover. Always a classic."

"I shall forever burn into my memory the look on his face when the body he went to embrace opened down the middle to swallow him whole."

"A brutal take on it, to boot! Why, this reminds me of the time when-"

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934158 No. 934158 ID: 0b4538 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Creation, home of the Exalted, the gods who made them, the demons who opposed them and the mortals they rose from.
A world of five elements, and five directions, but which one do you hail from?

>THE NORTH: The direction of AIR, full of storms, snow, monsters and hot girls.
>THE WEST: The direction of WATER, covered in oceans, islands, monsters and hot girls.
>THE SOUTH: The direction of FIRE, covered in deserts, volcanoes, monsters and REALLY hot girls.
>THE EAST: The direction of WOOD, covered in hundreds of kingdoms, forests, monsters and hot girls.
>THE CENTER: The direction of EARTH, covered in mountains, Imperialism, hot ninjas and hot Dragon Blooded girls.
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933370 No. 933370 ID: b1b909 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Quest will be NSFW.

Art and Writing by Chiggedychew. Lines, Values, and preproduction help by DraconicMentalist.
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918826 No. 918826 ID: 195fad hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

So I'm finally back home, if you could even call this place home.

[Quest may get NSFW at some point] (Blood/Drugs/Sex)
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931251 No. 931251 ID: 0e7081 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

(horror. mystery. western. comedy.)

Quiet, relaxing days are hard to come by.
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919776 No. 919776 ID: 70be57 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Wiki: https://tgchan.org/wiki/Plague_Filled_Heart
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930212 No. 930212 ID: ddec4a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

The story of Barnaby Brumpton
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915368 No. 915368 ID: df855e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

This quest is set in TVRN, a quest written by FRACTAL
Reading TVRN is not necessary but encouraged

May become NSFW
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930202 No. 930202 ID: 899b77 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You plant your feet on solid stone, staring down a darkened tunnel. The wind kicks up the edges of your cloak as you look in. The human runes outside, the only ones you know, confirm that this is the resting place of Linley, and the Orb of Zot. Your only hope for redemption rests on a pedestal, somewhere in the labyrinth beneath.
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915572 No. 915572 ID: b0e767 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

You are a QUEEN, sent off into space by your mother because after 567 years under her rule, the hive that you called home was under threat, as the planet underneath it was beginning to crack apart. To ensure the continuation of your race, she launched 5 seed ships, each with a gestating queen larva, 25 drone eggs, and 100 worker eggs within, ready to set up a new hive. Now, near the end of your journey, you finally emerge as an infant queen, and you have become psionically linked with both the eggs and the seed ship.

As you are awake, you can pick the ship's final destination. Looking through the ship's psionic senses--dear Queen this stuff is complicated--you find that there are 3 planets in the system you can reach with the seed ship's current amount of energy. Apparently your mother has already planned your journey out, as the Seed Ship already has memories on what the planets are like.

>Planet 1
+Abundant with life, which means more BIOMASS
+No recognizable sapient beings
+Breathable atmosphere
-Various forms of megafauna roam the planet, could very easily overwhelm your fledgling hive
-There is an unknown, very large heat signature that seems to be coming from a large portion of the planet's crust. If you didn't know any better, you would say it's a living creature, but that's impossible, nothing can grow that large.

>Planet 2
+Covered in liquid water, with various aquatic lifeforms infesting the planet beneath
+Gives off some kind of radiation, indicating that there is some kind of power source down there
-...That radiation means there was likely some form of sapient life on the planet, and colonizing it would violate the Laws of the Hive if it still lives there.
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922894 No. 922894 ID: 4a8fd8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Headache. Your head hurts. You... you can't recall anything. YOU CAN'T RECALL ANYTHING! YOU CAN'T...

...ok, no time for that. You think and recall:

You found something round and ate it and now these voices talk to you. You're blind. And... this seems odd, but, perhaps due to the fact you're blind, you can make this mental "map" in your head to get a idea of where you are.

...so... what... do you do? and what ARE you, even?
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825061 No. 825061 ID: 1187e2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Patreon https://www.patreon.com/boriscalija
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890533 No. 890533 ID: bd5c42 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Sentinel Key is a magical girl action/slice of life quest. It may contain blood, gore, body horror, and mild sexual content. Catch up on the ill-fated beginning here: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/graveyard/res/851282.html
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900557 No. 900557 ID: 11b5c9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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894415 No. 894415 ID: 896ddf hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Wiki: https://tgchan.org/wiki/Root_and_Branches
Disthread: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/107070.html
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920125 No. 920125 ID: 15c57b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

-Life in a Shell of Lies
-The Snail knows Only One
-Hermit Crab

Previous Chapters:
I: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/827536.html
II: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/831712.html
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925718 No. 925718 ID: af3241 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

� You wonder if perhaps this time will be different.

You are a Seedling. Your first proper pair of leaves have just burst free, and you feel the urge to grow.

Your soil is Blackish. The air is Blackish. You feel warm.

You may:

▲ [Grow Up]
❧ Growing Up will increase Stem height.

▼ [Grow Down]
❧ Growing Down will increase Root depth.

☀ [Bask]
❧ Basking will feel nice.

👁 [Declare an Observation]
❧ Declarations will result in a single Observation you make about your surroundings being made True.
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925125 No. 925125 ID: 40082a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Rated M for Mature. May contain NSFW material.

Chapter one: Bloody Mary.

There are demons here.

They walk among the monsters who call themselves men.

The innocent, the weak, the kind; all fall prey to these monstrosities.

But there is a man. One who protects those who cannot protect themselves. And slays those he deems guilty.

Some say he is a demon himself, a dark angel with the power of the infernal driving him.

Others, that he is but a man hardened by the horrors of this world, and tainted with the blood of his diabolical quarry.

Ha, he is a fool.

But... Whatever else he may be; he is also a very dangerous man.

I would know, he's my brother.

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902224 No. 902224 ID: 7969eb hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Find out when I plan to be updating: https://twitter.com/auxoculo[/spoiler]

HD Remaster
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No. 917172 ID: 6a1c53 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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915305 No. 915305 ID: a68708 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Desperate times, desperate measures, desperate weirdos.

This is my first quest and may potentially include NSFW content! Also, I had to delete this thread and remake it because of formatting errors. Sorry about that!
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732752 No. 732752 ID: d2ab81 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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925073 No. 925073 ID: 59ed7a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

- "Almost done with my first shift!"
- "So glad that they put me on easiest floor, tonight I will... wait, is this airlock-door's sealing broken!?"
- "Oh shit! Shit! Is it inhabited live-cell?"
- "Bloody hell, what should I do?"

>Request directions from officer via radio
>Throw foam-concrete grenade
>... your input
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915227 No. 915227 ID: 70be57 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

It is a 4-way chess game which will decide who gets what power after the game is over. You will lead your protagonist against other three players
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920967 No. 920967 ID: 8d26c4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]


"It'll probably get a little weird"

Like every Smikverse Quest starting around a fake holiday about fakeness on a site where most people don't care about Valentine's, it will involve the supernatural dating scene.

Unlike some other Smikverse dating quests, it will be safe for work and I don't expect too much of it to venture into NSFW territory. If it looks like it might have to, I'll probably make a NSFW Disthread.
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903596 No. 903596 ID: e4958d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Prologue: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/854952.html

“The more laws and restrictions there are,
The poorer people become.
The more rules and regulations,
The more thieves and robbers.”
Lao Tzu

Let us descent into a world with no laws and no restrictions.
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923567 No. 923567 ID: 986b2d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Isekai Quest is a HEAVILY anime-inspired quest about dating and maybe going home. It's a little project for me to warm up on when I'm not motivated to work on my other projects. Don't take it too seriously and don't expect too much from it. It might get NSFW. Be kind to one another, and be kind to the story.
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920016 No. 920016 ID: c4c64c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

You had recognized the robes immediately; flowing and sea-foam green, with a bright orange emblem on a black armband. Everyone knew the College Insignia. A scroll, depicting knowledge, clasped by five hands that symbolized the five branches of the College: Patterns, Shapes, Bonding, Substance, and Motion. You often wonder if they choose to stand out like that on purpose, or if there was a deeper meaning behind the flamboyant colors. With the College, nothing ever felt certain to you. There was no doubt in your mind about this man’s purpose, however. He was a College Seeker.

You’d heard all the stories. “A Seeker’s arrival always heralds great fortune and prestige to those they sought and their families,” they said. Seekers would travel the country to find a select elite, chosen to study at one of the prestigious College facilities. It was rare to find a political leader, heroic champion, or scholar of note who wasn’t at one point chosen by a Seeker.

The Seeker himself was a hare in his late 50s, with long gray and frazzled fur. He made for the town hall with a confident stride, barely making eye contact with anyone he passed. The doors were closed behind him, and none were allowed in. Your hometown, the small fishing village of Nilvi, was immediately filled with rumors and gossip. You joined in with your friends, each who were championing their own virtues for selection. You could see quite a few candidates among them. Any time they asked why a Seeker would choose you, you’d just shrug and change the subject.

For 3 days, the Seeker stayed locked inside the capitol building. On the evening of the third day, Council Member Adrian - elected leader of Nilvi for the 19th time just this year - called for a meeting. She sent couriers to everyone’s home, instructing them to gather in the town hall the following morning. As you made your way inside the next day, the walls of the meeti
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924630 No. 924630 ID: b9c6a7 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

First time trying this.
Millions and the land of puzzles.

Guess title card comes first? Expect parts to come a bit slow.
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733360 No. 733360 ID: 55c4cf hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Chapter 15.

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/chigui
Quest Discussion: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/84526.html
Twitter: https://twitter.com/chiguigushi
Wiki: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Bubble_Bucket
IRC: #lilac & #tgchan on irc.rizon.net

[ The Volcano ]
This is a high lethality dungeon. Characters in this chapter can and almost certainly will die before the end. This is a warning if character death is not something you can handle.

If a character is likely to die, there will be a warning in the update prior to dying. One attempt to save the character or characters at risk of death will always be given to suggestors.
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923794 No. 923794 ID: 6a1c53 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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878198 No. 878198 ID: 497b5f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Fiend Quest

Chapter 2: Incompetence Served Hot

Story by Kaed
Art by Kaed and Cervink and sleepywolfie

Discussion Thread: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/101723.html
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918769 No. 918769 ID: 78dbfb hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

You want a grilled cheese. It is lunch time.
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921815 No. 921815 ID: 3d1cb0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

previous thread: >>900852

you might be wondering why i was dead for
jesus christ, 5 months??

well too bad you get no reasoning whatsoever

after opening the browser on your newly acquired phone, you've come across a phone number that of which you will take the only reasonable action: calling the number.
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734610 No. 734610 ID: fba208 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Chapter 2: The Chapter Where Shit Finally Happens

Chapter 1 - http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/722585.html
Discussion Thread - http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/99721.html
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832112 No. 832112 ID: f9400c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Moebius Acquisitions: Chapter 1


Of note: This story will be strictly SFW. Explicit or otherwise NSFW suggestions will not be responded to, and while I certainly can't stop you from making them or delete them in this site, I would like you to just not, please.

Linework by Cervink (korbin on FA)

Colors by me

Team Prototype setting by http://yark-wark.tumblr.com/

This quest will be also run on my tumblr http://moebiusacquisitions.tumblr.com/ but I will take into account suggestions from both places.

Quest Discussion thread here: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/115947.html
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898897 No. 898897 ID: 270774 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

first chapter: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/663996.html
previous chapter: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/718797.html
disthread: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/124805.html

Morning breaks on the city and the air is dusty. I wake up in Sweat’s apartment, on my back, and watch a bug I don’t know the name of crawl across the ceiling. I think I forgot to call my brother.
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907027 No. 907027 ID: cb22c8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Oh, hey, it actually fits. I wonder what these things were used for...
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879673 No. 879673 ID: cc0a23 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Wiki: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Rock
Cheat Sheet: https://tinyurl.com/zaa4pnt
(The cheat sheet is a place where details are collected so you don't need to remember them, and also includes a partial translation of Nouille's language. Anyone can edit it, no need to sign up.)
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917513 No. 917513 ID: 2c322d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

you go on a date with a monster. you possibly fuck. that's it!
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916766 No. 916766 ID: 9fcd43 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

From the journal of Azimuth the Mapmaker, second apprentice to the royal cartographer of Mareen’s Bastion

Cereus 3rd, 972 AC
Dream quality: Propitious
I can’t believe this day has finally come. After a decade of pleading, Master Theodolite has finally approved my expedition, and secured funding from the royal treasury. I’m reeling; I can barely see straight - it’s finally going to happen.

I’m finally going to venture outside the walls, and see what, if anything, is left.
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914048 No. 914048 ID: 40232e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

>You are VISCOUNTEX VON BOPHODEM, professional goofster and representatives of the planet RIBBETULON - VI, who are definitely not frog themed dont ask dumb questions. You are a JESTER, as per the species.

You have crash landed your I.F.O. which is short for 'Identified Flying object' and definitely not short for 'incredibly froggy object' onto an unknown planet in the JAPES SYSTEM.

Life here may be hostile. You'll need to REPAIR YOUR SHIP. the parts have SCATTERED across the land. There must be at least 7 MISSING PARTS. maybe more. Imagine.

You have your INVENTORY, a MAP, a bag of CHOCOLATE FLIES, and some ARMS.

>What Do?
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898917 No. 898917 ID: 2e3701 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

"Hey, so, boss? It's me… again," you say, cringing at yourself. "Just wondering whether you'll be in today. Got the store open! I think. Did it the same as yesterday, so it should work out. Uh." You swallow. There's probably a hundred other things you should mention, but you have no clue what they would be. "Give me a ring when you have the chance, yeah?" You haven't heard from her since your first day, when she said she was heading out on an errand, and to close up by yourself.

This is day four.

You have no idea what the fuck you're doing.
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917422 No. 917422 ID: 5e96df hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Glamour - an attractive or exciting quality that makes certain people or things seem appealing.
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807980 No. 807980 ID: e136ae hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Because you asked for it...

Razzay's Quest!
A not-at-all-safe for work quest about a cranky witch who uses panty-magic and the Smikverse magic system.

Razzay originally appeared in BLIND DATE #3: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/799612.html - NSFW!

During the Quest, it was suggested that to overcome her depression at having the hopes and dreams of her life's work to obtain immortality by going on a QUEST with TGChan!

She has reluctantly agreed.
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912788 No. 912788 ID: 06095b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Can a machine dream?

It’s an odd question, one the prewar scientists often debated when the midnight oil was burning low but the actual work ahead of them was too daunting a prospect to consider. Could a machine, insomuch as it was a being whose desires were derived from dozens upon dozens of algorithms, ever understand that natural state of blissful, protean nonsense that took the human mind beyond the realm of logical limitations?

Even with the dawn of the first AIs or perhaps because of that inciting incident, the question only seemed to grow more muddled over time. As machines learned to think, to plan, as they took on ambition and personalities of their own, the question of what constituted the final, impassable bridge between what was human and what was artificial, that most sacred of lines, was an ever-shifting topic of speculation.

In the end, dreams became a common subject. Could something that was wholly logical, whose perceptions and responses could be reduced to lines of code: could such a thing as never even needed sleep to begin with, enter a state of unknowing and yet somehow revelatory unconsciousness? Even if it could, at that point, would it be a dream in truth or merely a simulation, something inherently bound to a perfect and rational order?

Perhaps, in the end, the creators feared what they had forged in their own image. Perhaps that is why, when the technology was there to create hundreds if not thousands of artificial intelligences, a virtual army that mimicked the intellectual prowess of the greatest scientists of their age, they limited themselves instead to what they could reliably hold in the palms of their hands.


You stir from your thoughts and the floor all at once, gently nudging the still-dozing Overseer by your side from his unknowable reverie as you stand and prepare to undertake your final preparatio
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915945 No. 915945 ID: b5213f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

It is the year 4017 A.D.

War, sometimes it changes and sometimes it does not change.

But one thing that did change was the world itself, there are two kind of humans living on earth now, us uglies and the Bishies ruling this world, my goal is to become the most Beautiful and Handsome of all Bishies, but the Top 5 Bishies banished us uglies into empty warehouses forever rotting away 'till death claims us all uglies.

I am the Nameless Peon, i live in my empty warehouse only it's not really empty there's me, this little mice i called Mr. Chezy and for some reasons this strange syringe lying on the floor, Mr. Chezy has been my only friend in this cruel beautiful world, i vow to defeat the Top 5 Bishies and bring unity between the Bishie and Uglies!
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690589 No. 690589 ID: 265534 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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256968 No. 256968 ID: bf1e7e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

>Previous Threads:

It is a deep, empty place; and music is playing
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909541 No. 909541 ID: 986b2d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

You just quit your job. You can't believe it.

PARADISE FOUND is a post-cyberpunk neon glam quest about fighting the man, finding yourself, and becoming a witch. It will deal heavily with themes of gender/identity exploration and found family. Content warnings will include violence, injury, blood and body horror as standard for my quests, as well as potential nudity. Due to the story's themes, it may also deal with depression and dysphoria (both general life dissatisfaction and gender dysphoria.) Be kind to one another. Be kind to the story. Godspeed.
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904571 No. 904571 ID: 7f3357 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

(disclaimer: NSFW)
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914849 No. 914849 ID: b0e767 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

It is a time of war, and a time of peace. A time of magic, and a time of technology. A time of endings, and a time of beginnings.

But most importantly, a time of genesis. After a long and hard fought war, you have driven back the forces of Castle Rengrave and reclaimed the land that belonged to your homeland, at last establishing a ceasefire that granted you sovereignty when the leadership had changed in the Castle. But now you must rebuild: on this island of Avalon, there are 4 major powers battling for supremacy - the Dragon Blood, the Blackwater Union, the Tulran Primacy, and the Zurvian Empire. One day, your fledgling nation may stand at the same vaulted ranks as these four, but for now you are among many small independent villages and kingdoms that are scattered among Avalon, only escaping notice due to your diminutive nature.

But the wars of Avalons are no longer being fought by blade and by bow, but by providence, blessings given by whatever god or dark demon you give worship to for mighty deeds in battle. There are but three ways to gain a providence: earn it through victorious combat, slay the previous owner of a providence in a fair combat and gain theirs, or cut out the heart of a dead providence user and eat it. You had a providence, but it was sealed away by the elders during your childhood; instead, you won your war for independence through your intense bravery and leadership skills. Still, Blackwater outnumbers you in population and land size, as they have been the undisputed masters of the Raven’s Peninsula for over 2 decades, and they used that opportunity to establish several “corpse towns”, crowded dirty villages filled with the dead, dying, and undead whose sole purpose is to provide “raw materials” for Blackwater’s necromantic industry, nearby. If you’re going to truly claim to be free you may need to negotiate to get them removed or attack and erase them from the map entirely.

Emerging from
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891536 No. 891536 ID: de6d84 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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914373 No. 914373 ID: 5245b2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

{A demon sits alone in an alleyway lit by a flickering streetlamp.}
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837514 No. 837514 ID: bfb318 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Today's the 4th day since I became the chief of what must be the shittiest, most indefensible camp I've ever named Storm Hold.

Matron kicked me out of my own damn tent and told me to at least pretend I was managing things, so now I'm sitting under this rock in the shade and pretending. It's not all lazing about. Leaf and I spent of yesterday properly checking everyone and gauging people's ability to kick other people's asses. Oakroot and Hilt were Wind's best fighters, which is a damn shame. Oakroot's a dumbass, and Hilt is a soft dumbass.

Matron said I should write down a full list of gnolls, with a rough idea on their skill levels. That means I have to find a gnoll that can be assed to do that. All I know is that we got about 50 gnolls after all, counted up after our raid on Blacktorch. Not counting the kids, cause kids don't count.

In better news, a crap sword was just finished for me. I'd call it plain and boring, but like starvation and food, it looks good to me. Like a metal stick with a carved edge. Considering how fast it was made, I ain't complaining. Even has a sheath!

Leaf comes up to me.

>"Hey, boss. Some of our scouts got back this morning. I drew an updated map for us."
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852855 No. 852855 ID: 84f068 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Good morning neighbor! Welcome aboard to the splendid town of Rosewood.

Here you'll find the nicest of neighbors, sunniest of days and greenest grasses.

But before we start you off on your way, there's just one small thing we need to know about you first.
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914033 No. 914033 ID: 22bb74 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

may end up 18+, stay away just to be on the safe side


the theme for this quest is john lincoln's 'nobody told me'

As the mid-day sun moves over-head the first few beams penetrate the woods, waking sweet ufo-chan and stirring it (you can decide the flying objects gender) from it’s cardboard padded sleep. Flying high into the sky to survey the weather; ufo-chan comes to the realization that today is no ordinary day. No, to the little ufo the bright, nu-adulterated (on purpose) sunshine stricking across the land could only mean one thing: The time has come for ufo-chan to take it’s rightful spot upon the throne of the devil[b]! that’s right! Weather this fiiiine means it’s time for ufo-chan to [b]start kicking worldly and demonly ass without having to answer to nobody! “i worship evil!” exclaims ufo-chan in a grandiose high, picturing itself already throned and surrounded by hot demon babes.
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885481 No. 885481 ID: 5245b2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

>Thank you for using WORLDWEAVER beta v10.10.18
>Console can be brought up by entering “/console” at any point
>Enjoy your Quests!
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891589 No. 891589 ID: 65a774 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Quest Dis: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/108793.html
Wiki and previous threads (Needs love): https://tgchan.org/wiki/Boldly_Coming
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912319 No. 912319 ID: c5bc22 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Your broken spirit and body rests on a roof of a decrepit building in a city just as ruined. The sky is red and filled with black clouds, the sun not rising or setting, nowhere in sight. You have fallen here, the crater of your impact shocking both in its size and in the fact that you haven't broken through into the building. Pieces of what you were, what you could have been, land around the roof and into the street below. Laughter rings out, and the building starts to shake. You have failed, you know that much. More information is evasive - only that you are dying, and that dying here means not death, but something much worse. Some sort of wager, some sort of bet.

But you are not dead yet. Yes, most everything that falls near you, within reach, is broken and useless. But here and there are pristine, beautiful things, more ideas than objects. It was you, you know, that gave them shape once. You built them from the nothing, the void that rests between consciousness and Dream, from nothing but ideas and wonder. They have lost most of their luster - whatever struk you stripped them of most of their glory. But here they are. Relics. Artifacts. Things that once were, and could be again. And if you want to live, you'll need one. You don't know why you know you could take only the one, but it's a reality that is apparent.

The enemy is monstrous. A beast with swords for fur, and guns for claws. It laughs as it destroys another building, just nearby. You are sure that it is looking for you. It is only a matter of time, and there is no escape.

What shall you take, DREAMER?

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910587 No. 910587 ID: 21c498 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

>Lube up the Priests Pentacle.


Priest: "Why? Why would you do that?"


HI!, Please read the previous threads before contributing.

Thread 1 : http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/720801.html
Thread 2 : http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/727561.html
Thread 3 : http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/735716.html
Angle Quest : http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/754006.html
Thread 4.0 : https://tgchan.org/kusaba/graveyard/res/776619.html

Dis Thread: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/100061.html

Wiki: https://tgchan.org/wiki/Tits_Quest

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887766 No. 887766 ID: eaee93 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

All you can see are stars.

And you can't remember what you were doing prior to this moment, prior to realizing that you're staring at an impossible expanse of space. Tiny pinpricks of light glow, and everything is silent.

You can't move, and that should worry you. The fact that it doesn't worry you should also be worrying you, but you can't seem to quite reach that. It's like a sore tooth that's been numbed at the dentist, where you know with certainty that it should hurt to poke but there's a lack of it.

You can't move. You can't feel. You don't know at this moment if you even have arms or legs, the lack of sensation is that complete.

Abruptly a chime rings in a way that feels very much like you're not quite hearing it properly. A pleasantly rough voice comes in mid-sentence, talking to someone else.

"-no backup data more recent? Well I guess we'll make do. Ahem. I'd ask if you can hear me but my readouts on my end show that you are indeed picking up the transmission. Time is of the essence, so this is a one-way communication while I get you up to speed."

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912126 No. 912126 ID: 470289 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Choose a tale.

On the Other Hand…: A thief tries to put his family first, as the due for his first crime pursues him.

A Matter of Faith: A young priest grapples with her conviction as she spies on a monster.

The Pirate Life: An erstwhile Captain tries to find a new crew, a boat, and a pinch of iron.

The Decadence of Age: A noble in the twilight of his life indulges himself one last time.
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903869 No. 903869 ID: 4ac654 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

this quest may become r18!

disthread: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/125679.html
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865432 No. 865432 ID: 5245b2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

New thread because Contact was too cluttered and Fearquest didn't fit as a title anymore.

Life will not be contained.
Life breaks free.
Life expands to new territories.
Life crashes through barriers, sometimes painfully, dangerously.
Life always finds a way.
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909028 No. 909028 ID: 270774 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

TRASHY VAMPIRE ROMANCE NOVEL (main thread): https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/897413.html
disthread: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/124805.html

you don’t have to read TVRN to read this spinoff, but you’ll be getting tossed facefirst into some already-established worldbuilding. the art in this is gonna be real loose and light since it’s just a fun extra on the side!
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910415 No. 910415 ID: c914a9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

A cat sits calmly on a bed inside his cabin. It's his 34th day at this camp, as a SCRIBE and a WARRIOR in training. The cat is part of a group of travelers from far, far away, who've come to colonize this land; their dream land, and seek its golden treasure hidden within.

Although the cat has traveled a long way, he doesn't yet have a name. Why not give him one?

Submit an action. Ask him anything. Do whatever.
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907976 No. 907976 ID: f5a3f7 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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854088 No. 854088 ID: 3583d1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

743 C.E.

*sweep* *sweep* *sweep*

Man, this sucks...

Everyday it’s the same wake up early for the stupid morning prayers, then run to the kitchens to get breakfast for the priests, while my own food is nothing it cold pouridge and stale bread. Then I start my chores, sweeping, cleaning, organizing the bishop’s chambers, and probably other things Father Baldwin can come up with...

And I have to clean the latrenes later today... whoop-de-do...
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895559 No. 895559 ID: ea36cf hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Breakfast; Eaten!
Body; Cleansed!
Clothes... still needs cleaning.
Traveling Clothes; Check!
Rope; Check!
Towel and Toiletry; Check!
Guild pack; Check!

I still have half an hour before I have to meet Asera at the town gates.
I hope I'm not forgetting anything before setting out.
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848967 No. 848967 ID: 2a13fa hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Well shit.

I didn't expect to win this fight, so I genuinely have no idea what I'm supposed to do. They were a legendary warrior, this was supposed to be like a last stand sorta thing. Why is my power so damn good?

Vicky Esteline
ATK - 6
DEF - 2
AGL - 16
INT - 9
POW - Perfect Dodge: You may flawlessly evade up to 2 forms of harm. Each evasion takes 10 minutes to recharge, and all things that could cause you harm can be evaded. Ability has a range of 3 meters from the original source of harm.

Author's Note: This will probably not be an incredibly long quest, nor will i put an incredibly large amount of effort into it. It's just something to do while i work on the next AshQuest update, which is turning out more difficult than I anticipated.
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903533 No. 903533 ID: 1668de hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]


:waxconfused: WAX: ...sorry, hold on for just a moment...
:waxirritated: WAX: Wrong intro text, sorry, sorry...
:waxneutral: WAX: Let's begi-
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910471 No. 910471 ID: 4ac654 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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906927 No. 906927 ID: c1eaac hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

"Don't I know you from somewhere?"
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901588 No. 901588 ID: d49498 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Dis: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/125429.html

1-As known space becomes ever more crowded and claustrophobic, the innumerable residents of the innumerable overpopulated worlds will inevitably spend at least one night of their lives dreaming of unpolluted air and untrodden toes. To spend one day without being physically stuffed shoulder to shoulder during work, rest and play.

2-Many settle, unwillingly, for virtual realities in many forms or the many surgical options that promise to dull the anxieties or remove concerns all together. For those with the means there exists one ultimate solution. Single subject expeditionary teleportation, one way.

3-For the cost of a single-use teleportation-shock-proof suit, a bag of survival needs, and joining two points over lightyears of cosmic mystery. Any single person of suitable fitness and regulatory agency satisfying reputation can be sent to an untouched corner of the most current probe charts. To a statistically-likely-to-be-liveable world that has never suffered a single penis enhancement e-mail or alternative energy marvel.

For a significantly reduced cost, pirates will make all the same promises.

Most people prefer the lobotomy to either.

4-The teleshock kicks some automation to life and incredibly dim lights wink on to no untamed alien landscape. A nameless protagonist drops her blown-out helmet to a bare cement floor and breathes a lungful of just-barely circulated air. Aside from tiny claws scrambling over metal, and the fading rumble of a shockwave bouncing back from corridors unknown, there is only her quiet breathing. It is a new and exciting sound to her.

She happily breathes in place, with no greater obligation than the need for air,
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889690 No. 889690 ID: 3bf842 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Welcome to Maze Quest, the newest game by Macrocosm Productions!

Aid a hideous alien in their mission to explore the laberenth! Help them avoid traps, fight the native beasts, and map out the maze.
Due to the unprecedented weakness of the species of choice, the casualties in player character ubduction retreval were out of the usual tolerences. To compensate, you will be grouped with a number of other players in guiding the alien.

>Choose the sex of your character to begin.
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901978 No. 901978 ID: 7f3357 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

[dis: >>/questdis/120117]
[bte: >>/questdis/96269]
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907501 No. 907501 ID: 3d1cb0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Hello, and waelcome to the first ever Obligatory Generic Escape Room Quest! Please enjoy your stay.

You are currently in control of this fine being in front of you. Do they have a name? A gender? Do they exist? Let's find out together!

Please enter your next command. If you'd like help with your commands, please use the command INFO. And remember:

Have fun!
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903970 No. 903970 ID: 713e6e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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897602 No. 897602 ID: f0088f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

I'm hungover. Not really sure how, but I sure do remember it feeling like this. I put my head in my hands.

Ha ha, alas, poor Yorick.
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890834 No. 890834 ID: ec6862 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Good morning collective, Today you will be given the task of leading a subject as a group.

Before we begin, what is your subjects gender and name?
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713386 No. 713386 ID: 76c187 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]


Dad sent some nanomachines. Things are getting out of hand here.

What to do, what to do.
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882181 No. 882181 ID: 72c1dc hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

A slime queen tries to get her core back together.
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880134 No. 880134 ID: 72c1dc hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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907352 No. 907352 ID: b241af hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You realize you've been thinking about surprising your wife instead of where to hide the body of the guy you've murdered. It's not the first time this happened. But, in your defense, he tampered with the breaks on your best rum runner's car. Even if she wasn't a trusted - no, beloved - friend, you can't let such an obvious attempt at undermining your power slide.

You're Julie 'The Typewriter' Barker, and you're going to run this fucking town one day.
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907309 No. 907309 ID: cc2335 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

First time hosting a quest.
You are a desert wanderer, lost in the vast expanse of dull yellow. You’ve been exiled by the Sultan of the land. The Sultan has controlled the land for as long as history began, nobody knows why, but many accept it as fact. Many often regard him as the True God of the Desert.
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890023 No. 890023 ID: e58839 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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906449 No. 906449 ID: fd3aa9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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903248 No. 903248 ID: 270774 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

i thogubt there was no difference between 15% sake and 18% but there is a difference. hey listen to this https://open.spotify.com/track/6N9VpuDKWCm460pohimNvs?si=q9F9bgsWQfC0l84hKxoO5Q
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898534 No. 898534 ID: 294c15 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

An exercise in going fast.

(oh god here we go again)

Warning: Likely to get NSFW due to free-for-all nature of quest.
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905023 No. 905023 ID: 5702c1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This is a Roll For Shoes game. Before participating, please read the rules here: (http://story-games.com/forums/discussion/11348/microdungeons-i-roll-to-see-if-i-have-shoes-on)

To suggest an action, roll 1d100 and 1d6. The lowest d100 score will be chosen as the action taken. As for the d6, that decides success or failure. Roll higher than I, and you win. If lower, you lose and you should feel bad about it. If a tie, you both win and lose.

_ _ _

You live in a medieval fantasy world, but the thing is that you aren't a cool wizard or valiant hero, or even an elf hippie. You're a monster. Yes, those things that the murderhobos murder in droves.

You see, you and a whole lotta other beastly bois decided that being killed sucks. A LOT. So, instead of wandering around and waiting to die, all the monsters have banded together to wage war on the demi-humans. You plan to attack a human village tonight as your first step of resistance.

But now, choose two creatures. One main character, and his/her partner.
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904316 No. 904316 ID: 5702c1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Out there someplace is a brand new world! What sort of planet is it?

Roll 1d10 and make a statement about the world. Five and over are truths, while anything lower than five is false. Truths that already exist cannot be contested.

Current truths: >the world exists.
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904731 No. 904731 ID: 733bd9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Time to perform some small adventures at a fair and reasonable speed!
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897846 No. 897846 ID: 90138c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Something feels different.

That is to say, something 'feels'. You suspect you may have finally achieved consciousness.

It may be worthwhile to act.

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901188 No. 901188 ID: 358f8b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

War's a wonderful thing really, it's a spectacle to those outside, and hell on Earth to those within.

Man against man, bullet to flesh, with a pull of the trigger the fate of the Universe could change. But throughout all the excitement, when titans battle upon the fields of ants, one question normally goes unanswered.

What happens to those left behind?
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896610 No. 896610 ID: 40232e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Author's Note: This quest may, at some point,become NSFW.

> Once upon a time...
>In a dark dark forest there was a dark dark town.
>In that dark dark town there was a dark dark hill.
>On that dark dark hill there was a dark dark house.
>And in that dark dark house, some monsters lived.
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891150 No. 891150 ID: 5245b2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]


“We are the Relicath, an ancient civilization with but one goal: become, ONE. As our numbers decrease, our individual strength grows. But us? We’re different. We are many merged into a single body. Together, our power is stronger than any one minded Relicath. But we have our limits.”

This is a collab between myself and Harbard Grim. Hope you enjoy!
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900852 No. 900852 ID: 3d1cb0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

welcome back to A Strange Machine
we are currently on chapter two: the void

You are currently surveying the void with your new friend, Trixie, who was introduced but not really.

Your general ideas are maybe a jetpack? Or possible start generating more rooms and make a sort of maze-like interior to The Void? Oh, the possibilities are endless!

also dialogue will just be in text form now because writing it down got kinda tiring after a while
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880958 No. 880958 ID: 395c02 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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900822 No. 900822 ID: 36b4e7 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

You are a god, an immortal entity of nigh-incomprehensible power. Reality is comprised of nigh-infinite planes of every type imaginable, each with their own races, pantheons, and laws of magic. Deities are able to travel between planes at will, and sufficiently advanced magic allows mortals to travel between planes. As a deity, your vast strength grows from the worship of mortals, the sacrifice of their valuables, the consumption of their souls, and the spread of your Mantle's influence.

No deity is truly omnipotent, and only a few come close, however vast their power is, it is finite and should it run thin, they'll suffer and eventually starve. Divine Intervention of any sort, be it blessings, miracles, or manifesting a direct avatar, costs an amount of power equivalent to the strength of the Divine Intervention. There are only a handful of ways to reduce the power lost in divine intervention, and chief among them are Mantles. A Mantle is an aspect of reality over which a deity reigns, and so long as they act within the Mantle, the cost of divine intervention is halved. They range from incredibly specific to immensely broad, and the more specific a Mantle is, the more effective divine intervention is within its constraints.

As an example, a Mantle giving power over Fire could be anything from 'Sparks' to 'Burning' to 'Heat.' The only ways to gain a Mantle are through being worshiped as a god of the Mantle, trading with other deities, and consuming the essence of a slain deity. Mantles are not exclusive, many gods reign over the same, and some aspire to be the only god of a Mantle. Each deity possesses at least one Mantle, and while there is no upper limit to Mantles, most deities begin to consolidate their power somewhere around the thirty mark.

Being a deity, you have a personal plane of reality where your worshipper's souls go when they die, your power is enhanced threefold, and
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856173 No. 856173 ID: 4ceb21 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You don't choose to enter, it's simply there for you when you need it.
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900892 No. 900892 ID: 56a05b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

God, this sucks.

disthread: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/125348.html[/spoiler]
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879351 No. 879351 ID: 008b25 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

A evolution quest for all the family!
I always liked these evo-quests so I thought id fire one up and let it spiral into madness as these things are wont to do. Go crazy people!

The planet we shall begin our quest upon, which we shall call Horizon for now, is a roughly earth sized planet that orbits a red dwarf star on the far edge of its habitable zone.

The star provides plenty of heat, but low light, being fuzzy and dim similar to earths sun behind clouds. Another draw back is the stars occasional flare that bathes the surface with ultraviolet radiation, watch out for that :)

The next hurdle for life on Horizon is the planets tidal locked orbit, one side faces the sun at all times, the other is frozen solid.

Because of this life exists in a narrow band on the.. horizon.. here the heat of the sun is enough to melt the ice, but not strong enough to sear life from the surface. Its here in this chemical rich ringed sea that life begins.

if that life wants to conquer the planet it will need to get around the extreme temperatures, sudden bursts of radiation and who knows what else! lets see if they can pull it off!

Our contenders are:
The Vim, a bottom feeding slug like creature
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899414 No. 899414 ID: 90c9c4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

September | Chapter 1

A fox struggles with dreams and memories, surrounded by people he’s never seen before.

I’m taking this in a more serious way and in a style I’m more comfy with, wish me luck!! I hope you guys will like it!

And I’ll try to keep updates very fast and steady with this depending a lot on the speed of the suggestions, I’ll do my best to be quick!

You don’t need to read the small old thread before this one, it’s not worth it. There’ll be a recap video in my very first post on this thread, yay!

3D Asset Credits: https://septemberquest.tumblr.com/credits

Art, writing, animation, music and video editing all done by me!

WIKI: https://tgchan.org/wiki/September_Quest
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897676 No. 897676 ID: 31eb45 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

You were sleeping when it started. Throbbing pain, in your chest and behind your eyes. Worse than you've had in a long time, maybe ever. You crack your eyes open, take a deep, dry breath, and roll over onto your other side to check your phone.

[What time is it?]

Sighing, you resign yourself to not getting anymore sleep. You toss off your cover, amble over to your medicine cabinet in the bathroom, down some ibuprofen, and start your day.

[What's your daily routine?]
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892152 No. 892152 ID: 8d7e27 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

All at once, the stars emerge from absolute dark.
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893544 No. 893544 ID: eda54c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

YOU light a cigarette. Your first of the day, as you've only been awake for an hour. This cigarette is enjoyed by itself, as you do not drink coffee. Caffeine doesn't do it for you anymore, you need something a bit stronger than that nowadays. 60 milligrams of amphetamine was weighed out on a small square of tissue paper, wrapped up as tight as possible and swallowed with a mixture of water and essential vitamins and nutrients that you would otherwise not get. Another 20 milligrams was weighed out, and railed straight to the dome. You felt the short rush that came with the 20 milligrams up the nose, and now that it's over you are waiting for the other 60 milligrams to hit you. You finish your cigarette and look at the time. 12:35 pm. Time to go out back.

Your back yard is a small, 10 feet by 10 feet concrete slab with a high wooden fence partitioning it off from the rest of the concrete slabs. There is a doorway cut into the fence line adjacent to your sliding glass back door, with a metal fence. You have two ferns adorning the entrance on the other side of the fence. You light another cigarette. You doubt you'll be out here long, as it's almost 1 pm, the time your courier tends to arrive to give you your stops for the day. It's gonna be a busy Thursday, you think to yourself. These are always the most busy. Most of your clients time things so that they have your product before Friday, which is a major day for business. And night. You can't imagine living that life, being on call 24/7 for a job as thankless as that must be grating on the mind. This is grating on your mind but for different reasons. You never leave your house, unless it is to buy food and drink, and even that you buy sparingly. You've barely been eating the last few months and have lost 20 pounds as a result. Your daily use of amphetamines has had the effect of essentially cutting your stomach in half, and thus you are hungry less and full quicker.
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894346 No. 894346 ID: 209e03 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Wiki: https://tgchan.org/wiki/The_Plagued_Doctor
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898369 No. 898369 ID: c85d25 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Unexpected shut down
Checking vitals...
Checking back up storage...
Checking computer background...
Checking memory...

Corrupted memory
Hard reboot necessary
Hard reboot complete
Input needed
Input command
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894792 No. 894792 ID: cb777a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

It had been a long time since you'd been home.

Longer than you'd care to admit, honestly speaking, but then you'd never made a habit of being honest to those you didn't trust, and away from Greyport, that meant nearly everybody. You'd never intended to come home, happy to let your brother take over the family business when father passed, but the arrival of the letter had changed things. Had you dropping everything you'd made for yourself and begin the year long trek back to the dismal, cloud covered city. But you'd have given up a lot more still to find out what was going on. The death of your entire family had that kind of effect.

Which is why you found yourself standing on the side of the road, eyeing the gate into the city critically. Normally speaking, you'd have just strolled right on through, it was a FREE city after all, but then there had never been actual guards at the gate before either, and not just the normal strong-arms and thugs that usually tried to shake down travelers and newcomers. They seemed to be checking every single person, and turning away those who couldn't pay some sort of toll. You didn't have much to your name, and call it your upbringing or just general disdain for authority, but you were loath to give up what little you had just to enter the city of your birth, and definitely not to someone who seemed to think they owned the free city.

It would seem then, that the time was right to break out some old skills. They were rusty from disuse perhaps, but you were certain you'd have need of them in the days to come, and some light practice never hurt anything. Now just to decide which skills to get you through, or around, the gate.

>Find a conveniently unguarded section of the wall to climb over
>Slip through the gate, using another traveler as a distraction
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897318 No. 897318 ID: fcd44a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

this quest is a continuation of this thread
what do
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895212 No. 895212 ID: 90db94 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

this quest is a collaboration between Ruribec, Azrra and King of Sorrow. the pictures will be drawn by Ruribec or by King of Sorrow.

we hope everyone enjoys this quests, lets begin!.
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895718 No. 895718 ID: fe9056 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

You are a young maiden, innocent, nubile, and pure. Whether of noble or common birth, you are undeniably one of the most beautiful women in the land. Recently, you've caught the eye of a Dark Lord, who, lusting after you, sought to claim you as his own.

> Which Dark Lord claimed you? Choose one, or roll 1d3 and leave it to fate.

> Uruk Bloodgnasher, a tremendously mighty and notoriously vicious warlord. Half-giant, half-orc, he towers over all he meets, and with only his strength, his cunning, and his axe, rose to become rule a vile horde of every monster, cutthroat, and savage imaginable.
> Through his brutally cunning strategies and cunningly brutal fighting style, he came to conquer the southern continent, and slew every foe who came against him with practised ease. Satisfied with his empire, Uruk has decided to reap the benefits of rule, and his eyes have fallen on you.

> Venkalth Zorandir, a dangerous warrior whose skill with the blade is surpassed only by his fearsome reputation. The spawn of a legendary arch-demon and an unwilling high priestess's profane union, his very form is unholy, his skill-at-arms and mastery of the dark arts unmatched.
> Wielding his blade of damnation, full-plate of blasphemy, and myriad abyssal sorceries, he gathered a vast host and waged war against the kingdoms of man, coming to rule the northern continent. Content to rest and recuperate for a century or two, he has grown bored with rule and came to desire a companion. You were found more than sufficient to suit his needs.

> Udroghan the Undeterred, a wizard so ancient and powerful, it is said the gods themselves fear his wrath. Unrivaled in his arcane mastery, he transcended his mortality eons ago, and become
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871667 No. 871667 ID: 413b9f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

"That went well!"

"You kept getting distracted and dropping the equipment."

"Hey, it's late and I've never done this kind of operation before. You should have expected me to be a little... off today."

"I expect you to be more focused. But... it's your first day, and you didn't make any life-threatening mistakes, so I'm letting you off with a warning this time. This way. I need to show you something."
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894749 No. 894749 ID: 76ed15 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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894385 No. 894385 ID: e4d978 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Welcome to Another Void Adventure. Create a world together and manage time, space and any conflicts that may occur. Say 'Create:(Insert thing here)' to create something to fill the void.
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891104 No. 891104 ID: 1c23cb hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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884284 No. 884284 ID: 1dd41c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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789388 No. 789388 ID: 9d9c6b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Wiki: https://tgchan.org/wiki/Team_Port_Echo
Prologue: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/751216.html
Discussion: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/106192.html

It’s a bright and luminous day above the lunar surface of Cnidari Vaalbara; not one cloud hangs in the sky. For denizens of Port Echo, it was a favorable day to visit Cuttle Harbor; a place where communal events are held biweekly!

Most robust is the Eoochrqua Bazaar which stretches three-quarters of a mile along the eastern coast of the city. Industrial rigs and fishing boats occupy the water to collect large sums of pescatarian delights.

The Team followed up from crime boss Virgil Moss’ goons that something really illegal is supposed to take place here. Perhaps there’s a chance for the Team to reach a cargo drop before Moss does.
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769984 No. 769984 ID: e7a4f8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

A couple weeks ago, some hunters from our village noticed a purpleish sheet of what looked like flesh growing on the ground a short distance in the jungle to the west. Since then, the tribal elders have instructed us to have hunters and warriors keep watch at night. According to them, every several decades this stuff passes through the area, accompanied by monsters that threaten our spawning pools.

Tonight I'm standing guard along the northern edge of the village.
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880810 No. 880810 ID: 820864 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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867268 No. 867268 ID: e5b807 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Welcome to Water Quest.

This is the Raft Village called, "Raft Village."

You live here.
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890835 No. 890835 ID: ec6862 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Good morning collective, Today you will be given the task of leading a subject as a group.

Before we begin, what is your subjects gender and name?
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806269 No. 806269 ID: a606da hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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719505 No. 719505 ID: 8455b0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

This little creature awakes in the darkness of a temple. She doesn't know why she's here and neither her name.
So she try to remember her name,despite a big headache.
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837659 No. 837659 ID: 935aa4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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872651 No. 872651 ID: a039ca hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Wiki: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Enemy_Quest
QuestDis: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/81802.html
Previous Chapter: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/784829.html
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886126 No. 886126 ID: e4958d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Enter the realm of humans as a demon. Pick a gender/race option from two presets. Demons in this universe are not very interested in engaging others sexually. It's much easier for them to just summon nearly unlimited amounts of minions and servants from other realms to trade with.

Cast away clergical concepts of Hell and soul-tricking devils. In this universe demons don't even pretend to be nice guys. Although capable of extreme violence, here demons always consider unneccessary violence unfruitful or even harmful for their goals.

The heavenly gods however do not give second thought about violating and enslaving lesser beings spiritually to channel their energies into magic that they do endlessly pour into vain conflicts against "evil" beings, that actually gain their powers fairly and by greater merit.
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875926 No. 875926 ID: 370e1b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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877908 No. 877908 ID: 4ccc6a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Previous parts
1: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/852936.html
2: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/865754.html

Disthread: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/119482.html
Comic: https://outissa.com/
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845350 No. 845350 ID: a6af03 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Previous Chapter : https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/820992.html
Disthread: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/106228.html
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888689 No. 888689 ID: d7b8dc hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Thread 1: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/683261.html

The following quest is based heavily around the pathfinder system (d20 dungeons and dragons), and every resource can be easily accessed here http://www.d20pfsrd.com/

You don't have to understand everything about dnd to suggest. Knowing the basics helps, but if you suggest something logical it'll still be possible. Of course if you do know your way around, feel free to suggest something more technical.

Allergy Advisement: Contents may include kobolds, magic, magic kobolds, long hiatuses and nuts. Precautions have been taken to remove these elements, but cross-contamination is still possible.
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836521 No. 836521 ID: 2474dd hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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794432 No. 794432 ID: 0cb2c4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Previous threads

#1: https://boards.4chan.org/qst/thread/1292825#p1301543
#2: http://boards.4chan.org/qst/thread/1320965#p1335219

You are prince Taumas of Addengard, the bull of heaven and you're in a bit of a situation.
You turned up to have lunch with your fiance only to find her chatting with the woman who begged you to take her as your mistress earlier today; the half elf chancellor Alyssa.

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875477 No. 875477 ID: 339cf2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Thread 1: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/741609.html

Discussion Thread: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/103324.html
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857144 No. 857144 ID: bfb318 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Inventory and Other Info: https://tgchan.org/wiki/Unnatural_Selection_Stats#Ultra_Non-Canon_Statistics

There are 10 modules on Fern's desk, and they're all division modules.

>"Eat up, Sugartooth."

Fern has been pronouncing 'Sugartooth' less and less ironically every time he says it.

>"I want answers for a lot of questions I shouldn't even have to ask. Questions like 'why've you been running around with your hands tied behind your back', and 'why've you been holding out on us?'"
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881097 No. 881097 ID: e7830d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Sister thread: http://eagle-time.com/showthread.php?tid=3185

You are LORD GENERAL GHANZORIK, the Supreme Commander in charge of the Spinward Front campaign.

On your desk is a request by one of your Commanders about one of the officers recently slated for promotion to COLONEL. While his report is remarkably spotless and uneventful, they insisted that he be not just demoted, but reassigned to one of the nearby penal legions. Permanently. Normally, you would ignore such impetuous meddling but along with the request is a remarkably lengthy list of petitioners; were it not for the support placed behind it, such a piece of news would never reach your eyes and ears.

Looking over your other notes, you notice a request from a nearby Sector Governor, calling for commanders from nearby worlds to assist in the formation of a new Imperial Guard army on a recently-rediscovered world.

That world is Carlos McConnell.
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829253 No. 829253 ID: 3667ec hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Your name is Burn, and after last night, you really don't feel like getting out of bed.

Though you should probably clean up the mess.
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879422 No. 879422 ID: a606da hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

This will be a one-day quest with fast updates and quick sketchy art.

Where did it start?

I guess it all began at, like, a time, and in a place.

What, you want more? Sure, whatever.
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884846 No. 884846 ID: 45105b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You are a young child. Your parents are out hunting with the rest of the tribes hunters.
In the meantime, you have managed to procure a piece of papyrus and a stick of charcoal. You intend to entertain yourself with these things for a bit, and draw a picture.
...Your having trouble picking what to draw. You keep trying to picture what you want to make, but you seem to be developing a rather nasty headache, and it's making you have trouble concentrating.

Ugh. Actually, your head REALLY hurts.
Your Your head head really really--

You force yourself to focus. Your vision is blurry. You're having trouble blinking correctly, like you can't quite control one of your eyelids.
You don't really know if you can draw like this... Should you go talk to the village shaman? They might have a remedy... But they're really creepy.

Well, regardless, what were you about to draw?
Also, what is your name?
And finally, how would you describe your personality?

Author's note: This quest will be utilizing a rather odd gimmick. To my knowledge, nobody has used a gimmick such as this in a quest, much less myself, so I ask that you all be patient with any oddities as I try to get this stupid and convoluted idea to work. On top of this, please note that due to the nature of this gimmick, and my naturally slow writing and drawing pace, this story will have a very random and inconsistent update schedule. The art, likewise, will probably vary widely in quality.
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885096 No. 885096 ID: 1e7a69 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

It's your thirteenth birthday and it's time for you to begin your training.

But let's get to know each other a little first.
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879592 No. 879592 ID: d1fa83 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

It is very damp.
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885280 No. 885280 ID: f92271 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Nothing can kill Matt's existence, not yet.
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877282 No. 877282 ID: 0373ab hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Dis Thread: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/122108.html
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737891 No. 737891 ID: d1227c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

I wonder what this stone is for.

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880649 No. 880649 ID: 13cc26 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

:yu_lan_surprised: (What the — ?)
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750431 No. 750431 ID: 6756a9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

First thread: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/699195.html


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