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File 153842289845.png - (4.44KB , 600x600 , newworld1_tg.png )
904316 No. 904316 ID: 5702c1

Out there someplace is a brand new world! What sort of planet is it?

Roll 1d10 and make a statement about the world. Five and over are truths, while anything lower than five is false. Truths that already exist cannot be contested.

Current truths: >the world exists.
27 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 904368 ID: 891b91

rolled 1 = 1

The big lump ruptures, leaving a massive wound in the land which bleeds endlessly.
No. 904369 ID: 891b91

rolled 1 = 1

The lump swells and grows, eventually forming a mysterious tower.
No. 904370 ID: afdebc

rolled 8 = 8

A mysterious parasite, trapped inside the goo, takes control of an infected population of kobolds.
No. 904371 ID: 891b91

rolled 8 = 8

The infected kobolds send a smoke signal, inviting their imp friends to come visit and eat some of the gelatinous goo.
No. 904374 ID: 93f082

rolled 10 = 10

Despite the welcome invitation, the imps don't know how to cross the sea.
No. 904375 ID: 891b91

rolled 10 = 10

A religion forms in imp society around the unfulfilled promise of delicious goo.
No. 904377 ID: b1b4f3

rolled 7 = 7

Shambling creatures made of moss and lichen emerge from deep in the earth, spreading seeds where they walk.
No. 904378 ID: 28e565

rolled 6 = 6

Being descendants of creatures that eat lava in a way. The imps learn how to sustain themselves off of rocks and lava.
No. 904380 ID: 2202fb

rolled 10 = 10

The world is actually a moon.
No. 904381 ID: 471e1f

rolled 7 = 7

The world is also inhabited by super sexy elf futas. The catch being they are extremely prudish and must be 100% covered at all times.
No. 904387 ID: 891b91

>ID: 471e1f
>super sexy elf futas
it's like you were destined to suggest this
No. 904392 ID: 90f3c0

rolled 7 = 7

Exploring deeper into the caves, the Kobolds discover a network of tunnels connecting all islands on the planet.
No. 904393 ID: 64049d

rolled 5 = 5

Karate Bugmen roam the planet, looking for things to kick.
No. 904396 ID: 094652

rolled 9 = 9

Giant Worms burrow through the earth, creating a strange pseudo-intelligence fueled by mana flow through the cavern rivers.
No. 904461 ID: 33aff7

rolled 9 = 9

Nutritious moss grows on exposed rock.
No. 904463 ID: e3de4b

rolled 6 = 6

All around the inhabitants of the world are familiar faces, going nowhere.
No. 904490 ID: 1ea604
File 153849578838.png - (8.44KB , 600x600 , newworld11_tg.png )

Wow! You guys got busy! I'll get right on it!

New truth: A meteor crashes into the planet, not killing many beings, but creates a huge crater.
No. 904491 ID: 1ea604

False. Kobolds are not livestock for Imps. Nor do they exist on landmasses that Imps are on.
False. The meteor crash does not spread plant life.
False. The crater does not bleed.
False. The crater does not become a tower.
No. 904494 ID: 1ea604
File 153849656081.png - (11.19KB , 600x600 , newworld12_tg.png )

True. Parasites, hiding in the slime, takes control of an infected portion of the Kobolds.
No. 904496 ID: 1ea604
File 153849720112.png - (10.59KB , 600x600 , newworld13_tg.png )

True. The infected Kobolds send a smoke signal, inviting Imps to come eat the goo. The Imps don't know how to travel across the sea, but develop a religion on the promise of tasty goo.
No. 904498 ID: 1ea604
File 153849827001.png - (16.08KB , 600x600 , newworld14_tg.png )

True. Shambling mounds of moss and lichen emerge from the earth and spread seeds where they walk.
No. 904505 ID: fd0dca

Spacefaring humans from the planet this moon orbits conquer and colonize the races, establishing a benevolent dictatorship in the name of Jeff Goldblum.
No. 904506 ID: fd0dca

rolled 2 = 2

No. 904507 ID: fd0dca

rolled 5 = 5

Jeff Goldblum personally conquers and unifies the moon under his immortal reign.
No. 904508 ID: d238cf

rolled 6 = 6

Human space program is epic fail, burning up upon entry in the atmosphere, never to be seen again (make a cool lightshow, tho).

On other news, maritime life develops sentience, but can't comprehend any comunication observed of the surface dwellers and form a strained, non-involved policy towards them.
No. 904509 ID: e3de4b

rolled 6 = 6

The Sun is the face of Albert Einstein.
No. 904511 ID: 891b91

rolled 6 = 6

The infected kobolds' relationship with the parasites becomes symbiotic, transforming them into vastly more intelligent and sexier kobolds.
No. 904516 ID: 93f082

rolled 10 = 10

The intelligent kobolds become technologically advanced and use the technology to abolish the parasites.
No. 904531 ID: 33aff7

rolled 8 = 8

Imps attempt to farm the shambling mounds of moss lichen.
No. 904538 ID: 891b91

rolled 10 = 10

A splinter faction of still-infected kobolds forms Kobolds for the Ethical Treatment of Symbiotes (KETS) and holds organized protests against the eradication of the goo parasites.
No. 904542 ID: afdebc

rolled 5 = 5

Crabs emerge from the sea to eat fallen seeds.
No. 904544 ID: 1ea604
File 153851766719.png - (15.71KB , 600x600 , newworld15_tg.png )

Truth. Imps learn how to subsist on rocks and lava.
No. 904545 ID: 1ea604
File 153851807466.png - (9.75KB , 600x600 , newworld16_tg.png )

Truth. The world is actually a moon.
No. 904550 ID: 1ea604
File 153851911631.png - (11.66KB , 600x600 , newworld17_tg.png )

Truth. The world is also inhabited by prudish sexy elf futas.
No. 904562 ID: 2e0f31

rolled 8 = 8

The PSEFs are immune to the effects of gravity and careen off into space.
No. 904568 ID: 2146cf

No. 904577 ID: 094652

rolled 4 = 4

Meteors from the planet consisting of anti-gravity supermaterials occasionally break off and careen into space. Some of them hit the moon.
No. 904599 ID: 2202fb

...well thats kind of shitty
No. 904600 ID: 2202fb

rolled 9 = 9


not all of them
No. 904601 ID: 2202fb

rolled 2 = 2

The elves begin utilizing them in technomancy.
No. 904624 ID: 778df3

rolled 2 = 2

Then you realize that the planet and moon is surrounded by a dark, dark, magical, void.
No. 904625 ID: 891b91

rolled 7 = 7

Scandal erupts among the remaining PSEFs when they discover that one of them is secretly a goblin!
No. 904641 ID: 2202fb

rolled 8 = 8

Minotaur+Holstaur become a thing that exists.
Originally enslaved for dairy, they are now miners and clockwork engineers.
No. 904643 ID: e1d580

rolled 2 = 2

Everything is flattened into a two-dimensional geometric shape so that it becomes easier to draw.

Can't contest earlier truths sorry
No. 904679 ID: e3de4b

rolled 5 = 5

This world is a simulation.
No. 904682 ID: a6405f

ur id says you arent the quest author.

even if you are, the contested truth doesnt specify that every single one is gone (plus i feel like the guy was just salty that they existed in the first place).
No. 904705 ID: 425d56

Read the original post it says so right there
No. 904711 ID: 891b91

No need to play backseat quest author -- let's let them decide this dispute rather than deciding it ourselves.
No. 904901 ID: 6f2688

The moss/lichen creatures are domesticated by kobolds and used as an alternate food source
No. 904902 ID: 6f2688

rolled 1 = 1

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