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1015545 No. 1015545 ID: 094652 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Oh wow. It's another glorious day in my fortified prison cell. Surrounded by my playful guards who will enjoy a round of 'punch the prisoner' with every guest. I wonder what fun things I can do today.

Oh wait. I can't.


["There is something behind the wall of your cell; you just need to look where you once had belief in your despair."]

I have some stuff going on right now, so expect the updates to be reeeally slow. I'll try to speed things up next year.

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No. 1017408 ID: 96c896

Neat, what's inside?
No. 1019819 ID: 094652
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I've been having writer's block so I'll just ask for audience input.

I've never been so ecstatic to see sub-standard army gear in my life and... what the hell are these?

5X Slash

[Note that natural dodge chance is currently 5%*Dexterity stat.
There are benefits to mixing block and dodge strategies; if your character has block remaining but manages to dodge an attack that would otherwise reduce said block, that block turns into Combo Tokens, which can be used to block attacks on the next turn or for stronger attacks. Most standard/common cards don't use combo tokens though.]
[All game mechanics may change as the quest continues.]
[Suggest ideas for Common-Uncommon grade equipment. I'll make cards based on the properties of the equipment.]
No. 1019919 ID: 8b1fc0

throwing knives, one shouldn't be found wanting of a ranged option. and maybe like a buckler or gauntlet for some defence
No. 1021308 ID: 89649e

A handful of small metal balls, smooth and cool to the touch.

A thick tallow candle with a curious but calming fragrance.

A smoking pipe carved from gleaming white bone.

A resilient arrowhead with an impeccable edge.

A well-worn worry stone.

A promise yet to be kept.
No. 1024324 ID: 094652
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I don't have the work ethic to draw the cards needed, so I'll just list them here for now.

... Okay. These are playing cards that pretend to be real girls. Har. Har. Ha-
Huh? I can't... hm...
Okay, I think I understand. If I equip the gear, I can use the card enchanted to its effects. They're like two-dimensional brass jail bars otherwise. I've never seen this kind of magic before... but then, nobody ever saw magic from beyond the nether before...

I'll list the equipment, you remember everything for me:

Sword of Dickens
Temporary +1 to Dexterity when an associated card is played. Does not stack.
Slash X4 {
DMG = 2+STR/2;
ACC = 10+STR*5+DEX*10
Abilities {
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1020382 No. 1020382 ID: dd40ce hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Previous Thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/977359.html

You are part of the Secret Extermination Command

You control a squad of Constructed Organisms, each with useful biological powers.

Your job is to monitor and command your squad to exterminate paranatural threats to Gray Lake, an amazing and prosperous city. It is extremely important that the people of Gray Lake aren't aware of the somewhat unfortunately common paranatural threats, and so officially, you don't exist.

Do well, and you will be assigned more C.Orgs, or even be able to commission specific gene combinations, and reap the probably-existent benefits of being part of a secret government organization.

Do poorly, and your squad will be recycled and you'll have to get a real job or something.

Detailed Rules:

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No. 1023226 ID: 12b116

I'd already drawn the update before I saw this, sorry.
No. 1023236 ID: c92a02

Fucc, pass the rocket launcher to Danovin. We could use a big punch to break up a heavily fortified area.
No. 1023239 ID: ee9ae6

Wasting a map-clearing ability on a couple of weak enemies when we haven't even gotten to Nakken Daisley...

No trade, go on.
No. 1023338 ID: 96c896

Well, we don't have a breaching charge, and might need something like that to get inside the building the VIP is in.
Also the more firepower we bring to bear against this defense the better off we'll be in the long run.

So let's bring in Fucc, or at least give Danovin the rocket launcher (and ammo).
No. 1023511 ID: 094652

Fucc - The streets boast large open areas and hefty reinforcements. Melee skirmishers won't be as useful as rocket launchers.
General Strategy: Shoot the buildings to bring down rubble, keep reinforcements from swarming in!

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1023251 No. 1023251 ID: 94e610 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Your name is Saten, and recently you're starting to think that the world might be a little too convenient. Suspiciously convenient. It's not like you're an expert, but every time you chase down a rumour it turns out to be true, even—especially—the truly absurd ones.

You used to do that sort of thing because it was fun. But now your life seems to have taken on a darker hue—the more you uncover, the more dangerous things get. In the last month you've seen your best friend nearly killed, you've seen Misaka-san fry a giant floating baby in front of her, and you didn't even get powers out of it!

Which is, well, probably okay. You don't know why the Level-Upper didn't work for you, when it worked for everyone else. Maybe your talent is just that weak. But everyone else who used it fell into a coma, so you can't really...

You can't complain.

It's not the sort of thing a reasonable girl would complain about. No matter how much you wish you had powers. Or maybe, if you were being honest with yourself, you wanted them because they'd make your life easier? As a level zero, your stipend is nearly nonexistent.

You're a first year student in Sakugawa middle school, a low-end but still perfectly nice school in the middle of Academy City. You're best friends with Kazari Uiharu, and you're starting to feel really comfortable around Misaka Mikoto and Kuroko. The latter is a little bit of a kindred spirit, frankly, even if she's also... she's also... she's Kuroko.

And you're... seriously considering going home. Moving out of Academy City.

But that would mean leaving Uiharu, and Kuroko, and Mikoto, and at this point you think if you leave them, they might actually die. You're just scared. That's all. Because...
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No. 1023387 ID: 94e610
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> How... exactly did you fight a telepath, when you had no powers?

Kiyama Harumi was bad at using her powers, and you weren't so much 'fighting' as 'nearby, in the car, hoping Uiharu and Misaka would do something.' And she wasn't so much 'attacking you' as 'curious about you'. But she's in prison now, so you don't get to ask why she cared about you at all.

You wonder if Hikari has a power that could help. You should know that, if she'san acqu- friend. A friend. A real friend, not a ghost.

...right? Dangit, your head feels foggy suddenly. You push it aside. Her power? Right, pyrokinesis. Barely level one. Not enough to do anything.

The soft-serve machine is digging through the walls. Is it running away? You think it's running away. Though sharp bits and bent pipes are flailing back and forth in front of you, trying to look larger than they are and flinching away when you stare at them.

The soft-serve machine has left a hole in the wall, through which you can see the shop next door. It's messed up as well. Sausages are growing a net of wires and gears, while the candy rack has formed itself into a single huge bar of chocolate. It's got eyes and a mouth and a tongue, and it's staring at you. The ketchup bottles have sprouted tentacles and are reaching out towards the fleeing customers. Which tells you they're seeing this.

Nevermind. This is annoying. You just wanted to get Ui icecream, and the world is being very rude about it. Somehow, that's more annoying than the teeth. You aren't bleeding from the touch, you feel perfectly fine, so what can they do, really?

You could leave now, but Kuroko's still incoming.
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No. 1023391 ID: 15028b

Make it right.
No. 1023393 ID: 17824f

Oh dear oh dear oh dear
No. 1023408 ID: 94e610
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And then you push.

The flames surge outwards, bypassing Hikari, and the soft-serve machine explodes. The walls, the ceiling, the floor, all of them. They're gone, melted by the heat, and the 'aura' around you is boiling. You can feel it expanding, filling the whole room, then spilling into the shop beyond.

It's not really heat. It's scrubbing away the corruption, pulling it down, away from reality. The soft-serve machine turns into a broken mess of metal and plastic. The candy rack breaks apart into thousands of tiny pieces of candy. The sausages are shrivelling up.

Your world freezes into a glassy clarity. There's no sound. It's as if you've been turned to ice, and the noise has frozen with you. Uiharu, Kuroko or Hikari — none of them matter. Your mind is only one thing now, and that is the job at hand. You have to cauterize this infection before it spreads any further.

The soft-serve machine's still screaming. But you can't hear it. You have no reason to. The flow of light condenses around you, turning into an outfit straight out of a magical girl manga: A short dress, white and pale purple, showing far more skin than you'd normally be comfortable showing. Right now it feels simply right.

Data that's been infected by a virus must be deleted. You turn your eyes to Hikari, examining her for signs of infection. You find none. She's free of contamination.

The soft-serve machine has stopped screaming. It's quiet. The room is silent. The air is clean again. The confectionery is gone, melted into puddles of liquid, and the meat-wrapped sausages have dissolved into nothing. A final burst of commands sets them all back to null, erasing the contents of both shops, and the few people who escaped, before they can infect any more. It's a restrained, delicate operation. You aren't able to restore the concept of 'ic
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No. 1023440 ID: 94e610

In any event, I think I'm going to leave this off here.

I started the story with absolutely zero idea of what to do with it, besides that of jamming together Garakowa and ToAru. I now think I have a pretty good idea of how to make a good story from it, though it doesn't look quite like this.

Which is a problem. I just prefer longer-form, better edited chapters, I guess. Still, it was a fun use of a weekend.

This thread can now considered dead. For those sufficiently interested, here's the other story I was fusing with ToAru: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afIhxY3ST40

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1021596 No. 1021596 ID: 12b116 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

First Story:

Kelepee is becoming a problem. Actually, that's putting it mildly.

You've been traveling between Willow and various other small villages in the area, selling the highest quality bread and doing well for yourself. Things have been getting more difficult, though, because the longer you've had Kelepee with you, the more villages have banned you. She lets you shackle her and pass her off as a War Wolf, but that doesn't stop her from getting in fights with random people, animals, and anything else that sets her off. Neither you, Caoiran or Kelepee herself are really capable of controlling her, so things have been in a steady decline.

You still have the fairy manuscript and the apothecary book, rare and valuable items that aren't easy to find buyers for, and you find yourself in Willow again. You always stop by Genlaud's house, and she's always happy to see you. Her hospitality is often welcome.

You enter the house, grown from living wood and part of the tree itself, and Caoiran and Genlaud turn to look at you as you enter.

"Boss, I don't know how much longer this can last," Caoiran says. "We got to do something about that orc."

Recently, you'd been having to go further and further out just to find places where you can sell your bread.

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No. 1022794 ID: ee9ae6

Act like an overprotective boyfriend and jump in, hugging Kelepee to try to separate them and shouting to let Kelepee go. After the War Wolf retreats, tell Ireka not to call Kelepee crazy again, ok? while winking at her.

Doing it like that serves several purposes. It would show Kelepee that you're still the leader here and have command over the War Wizard, it would show Kelepee that you still care a lot about her and, well, give her some attention which is probably also one of the reasons she's so agitated. Hmm, maybe this was a part of Ireka's plan.

Anyway, once Kelepee is calm again, do ask her not to fight with the War Wizard because you need them both of them to protect the group.
No. 1022806 ID: ce39da

"Please don't hurt her." Do nothing else, though; I feel like stepping in directly and breaking the wizard's concentration will only make things way worse than they would have been.
No. 1022997 ID: ca2950

Encourage spanking
Maybe we can shift her away from mindless violence and toward mindless sexual fetish play
No. 1022998 ID: ab8442

Encourage Spanking.
She was standing her ground as this is a Castle Doctrine spanking.
No. 1023003 ID: 745eba

If Kelepee were able to restrain herself she'd already be doing so, and humiliating her won't change that so I don't really see much point in it.

I assume you've already explained your plans to head west to Kelepee but you should do so if not

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967858 No. 967858 ID: dce46f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I haven't improved my art skills since last time, but I decided it was so much fun I was going to do a sequel. Knowledge of Zen Quest 1 should be optional, if not totally irrelevant.
First Thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/963069.html
Wiki Page: https://questden.org/wiki/Zen_Quest:_The_Quest_For_Zen

Says in your file there was an illegal ascension yesterday chicken...
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No. 1022842 ID: 894419
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When you step out the POLICE CHIEF is waiting
You’re a loose canon chicken! But you got the confession and got the job done damnit! What kind of crime do you want to solve next?
No. 1022843 ID: 782e0e


A murder! There’s word that a scorpion murdered a poor innocent frog while crossing a river, we need to get the details!!
No. 1022844 ID: 96c896

What crime to solve? Why don't we solve the crime of existence itself. It's wrongful imprisonment!
No. 1022867 ID: 268ce2

The case of the missing chicken fingers. Thise sick bastards.
No. 1022868 ID: 2b9eaa

You must settle the Tobak-Neumono supremacy conflict.
The victor would acquired the resouces needed for their toy line, animated series, and lackluster video game adaptation of the latter.
The death toll is massive.

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986696 No. 986696 ID: 15a025 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

An intermission thread for The Herd

Previous Threads & Wiki:

Discussion Thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/115339.html
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No. 1020927 ID: 15a025
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>Clear the room before you take off the muzzle. Like you said this is a good ambush location.
>Check behind the bed, in any person-sized cabinets, etc.
Checking behind the bed, all I find is some loose change. Which I quietly pocket.
I approach the bottom cabinets and the tied up crew mate keeps trying muffle something out to me, but I can't understand them. I decide it's best to open from the side, using my sword.

A needle fires out from the cabinet!


That can't seriously be the ambush, can it?
No. 1020950 ID: aba9fd

As much as I’d like to pat us on the back for uhh, overcoming… that… we probably still shouldn’t let our guard down. Like come on, that couldn’t have been it right? What was plan B?

Anyways go un-muzzle the damn dog, but shush em first.
No. 1020967 ID: e7c7d3

Free dog
No. 1020974 ID: 15a025
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>we probably still shouldn’t let our guard down. Like come on, that couldn’t have been it right? What was plan B?
Yeah I'm more on the edge than before now.

Marsh: "Hey, careful opening anything, seems like they've rigged up traps in the cabinets."

>Anyways go un-muzzle the damn dog, but shush em first.
>Free dog
>Put the sword close to their throat, incase they've been muzzled for biting.
I set the radio down on the bed and put the sword up to his throat.

Marsh: "I'm un-doing the muzzle now, speak quietly or..."
I lightly rub the sword across his neck. They nod slowly as I undo there muzzle. They don't say much other than moan in pain.

Marsh: "Why are you in here muzzled like that?"

Wolf: "Got stabbed fightin the mutineers and they just locked me in here instead of the brig. Argh... Said I was bellyaching too much to be with the others, so they just threw me in here. You know how to stitch up a stab wound? If not, where's the Captain?
No. 1021192 ID: e7c7d3

Anything in here to at least bandage or disinfect the wound?

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941408 No. 941408 ID: 15a025 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Attempting a one shot quest to get better at drawing a bit. Hope it will be enjoyable for everyone.
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No. 983764 ID: 894419

Consider using dynamite to solve the problem, rethink that decision, then just use something sharp to tear away the web.
No. 1019691 ID: 15a025
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>Look out for spiders before messing with that web. Cut away the strands.
>Consider using dynamite to solve the problem, rethink that decision, then just use something sharp to tear away the web.

Korva: "Gee, this web sure is sticky. I might have to blow it up with that dynamite so nothing else gets stuck in it."

Farris: "Noo! You'll blow me up too!!!"

Korva: "I guess I could try using my sword then? It doesn't look like there's any spiders around-"
No. 1019692 ID: 15a025
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Ah poo, it's on the ceiling isn't it?
No. 1019693 ID: 15a025
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It hisses down at me, and I can feel it trying to pull me up. Seems I might be a little too heavy for it. I better be careful though, he's almost as big as Farris! Can't imagine what a bite from that thing would feel like.
No. 1019702 ID: 894419

You gotta come at that thing with the blade no other choice. On the ceiling its out of reach so start by knocking off the web with rocks and unlit dymanite!

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1016479 No. 1016479 ID: 0fbdcd hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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No. 1019575 ID: 0fbdcd
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>:WhiteDwarf:: Maybe if the computer was already on another, more inoffensive stream when he came in?

If you wake up just a minute or two earlier, you should be able to make that happen.
No. 1019576 ID: 0fbdcd
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You've got a few minutes to wind down for sleep, though. You just finished his necessary medical work, and :RedGiant: is bringing him to his bed in the armory. Yours, of course, is in the medical storeroom.
No. 1019577 ID: 0fbdcd
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>:WhiteDwarf:: mmmmm yumie beaker juice

In the hypothetical future where you drink a beaker of surgical sterilizing fluids, you would surgically sterilize all of your internal organs simultaneously, so, no go.

Your chemical synthesizer station is powerful, effective, and above all else, mostly lethal if you start drinking random things. You use this to produce a majority of the necessary medical supplies for your team.
No. 1019578 ID: 0fbdcd
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>:WhiteDwarf:: examine those mother fucking posters

Promotional materials for organizations and groups whose skill and power you aspire to, and are inspired by. The old gladiators of RHG. The new warriors of the Dojo Duelists. Uncountable freelancers, with immense creative skill in really cool martial arts.

You, too, wish to do cool backflips while slicing ten guys with a sword.
No. 1019579 ID: 0fbdcd
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>:WhiteDwarf: : Start examining every poster just like :RedDwarf: would do

Merch for one of your favorite pieces of horror media, documenting the historical events of a sinister, subversive insurrection performed by threatening forces in a humble church camp. Personally, you root for the Devil there.

In modern times it's mostly used as a cautionary tale against Hiveist sentiments.

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478624 No. 478624 ID: f50094 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Chapter two

It is the next morning. We find Ring waking from a fantastically uninteresting dream about jogging to discover that she has the slightest hint of a hangover. What thoroughly wholesome journeys will you guide her along today?
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No. 1016326 ID: 73300b

What? Of course she'd want Geoffrey to come intervene if that were happening! She wouldn't want to be all alone in such a situation with a threatening person right there in front of her; she'd want to have Geoffrey right there behind her as well.
No. 1016553 ID: 8fae7e

Examine the cart. Might be something useful you can take
No. 1016605 ID: ca0259

Ring, we can't do this anymore. You can't keep telling yourself lies so it's ok to put yourself in more danger. Geoffery could've been a ravenous beast, that troll could've just killed you just now, or god forbid have done exactly what you are secretly hoping for and permanently messed up your ability to walk straight.

Your therapist was right, you are engaging in risky behavior just hoping to get some attention. All you ever had to do was go ask the cute fox guy back in town out. Stop this before you get eaten.
No. 1016837 ID: a2493c

I'm just going to hit the mute button on this thing the moment this guy starts speaking so that none of this gets out while ring is ALREADY in a frustrated state of mind and not at all open to a hackneyed intervention speech, thx
No. 1017139 ID: ca0259

You can lie to the voices in your head but you can't lie to yourself Ring!

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1011298 No. 1011298 ID: 4b11a7 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You are Clueless, lovable entity and mascot of this thread!
You know nothing about anything. Truly, the most humble of god's creatures!.
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No. 1011450 ID: 0838d6

Search up consequences in your book, if it generates that, you should be able to find out more about it.

(I also support reading them a bedtime story before doing other stuff tho because thats so cute)
No. 1017019 ID: 4b11a7
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You tell these sleepy-heads the story of the Kolobok and Baba Yaga and they quickly fall asleep.


You flip pages around for a bit looking for information about Consequences. You end up on the first page and a moving image of some weird old man pops out.

"Hello. This Tome belongs to Carter Lewis Umar Eriks. Since you have it, I can only assume that my bloody corpse is lying somewhere nearby, due to some poorly thought out experiment no doubt. Once you've located my body please mail it to the Wizards Guild. They'll know what to do with it. Thank you.

"Note: If in fact you've obtained this Tome through besting me in some form of combat or wit, then please accept my congratulations and well wishes. It must have been incredibly difficult, I must imagine. Being a wizard of honor, I feel its only right that I revealed the source of my incredible power. You see, every spell in here is Cursed. I
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No. 1017020 ID: 4b11a7

Now that you're aware of the dangers...
1) Explore: Find out where you are!
2) Magic: Take a deep dive into the world of magic and try to learn more about the spells in this book and where it came from!
3) Consequences: Maybe do some experiements of your own... What exactly does Bad Luck even mean?
No. 1017022 ID: 96c896

Look around. Is there a wizard corpse nearby?
No. 1017023 ID: 83b68a

We should look around, if it all comes down to endless white void, perhaps a spell could take you out of this plane?

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999324 No. 999324 ID: 7f716e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Fish Quest
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No. 1015598 ID: 3a3ec3

No. 1015599 ID: 4b11a7
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You hug yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[color=#f542f5] Wow we hugged[/color[
Yes, we did :)

The END/
No. 1015601 ID: 96c896

Hugging is about the same as catching! Mission complete.
No. 1015602 ID: bc11b8

No. 1015603 ID: 894419

Yayyayy drink a nothers shot bby

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1014967 No. 1014967 ID: 8459f8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

(gonna try running a one shot while i can, to see how long i can try something like this!)
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No. 1015040 ID: 8459f8
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Roll a d20 to determine how well that goes through..
You use the neatly placed sigil on the note in order to work- luckily, it goes through. Just make sure you don't rip it.
[ DRAW -- 80% ]
No. 1015064 ID: e51896

rolled 5 = 5

yeah, okay. Lets try to sneak and take the bow and arrow.
No. 1015065 ID: e51896

seems we failed I think, ah well.
No. 1015089 ID: 96c896

As a contingency plan, use the paper to deal damage to the guard. Unless they're... friendly?
No. 1015225 ID: dbf715

Talk to the guards

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941963 No. 941963 ID: 07c9c1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

8 people being forced to live in an underground facility, completely cut off from any outside communication. As the days keep going stranger things start appearing in the facility.
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No. 1008218 ID: 5fd04e
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No. 1008960 ID: e51896

Millie tried to explain that it sounds like Glad went through the same situation that Millie is going through and wants to help Glad regain her memories before Pink, or somebody mind whammied her brain and put it in a robot.

to help jog Glads memory, Millie showed Glad the map, and pointed to the empty cyan room none of the other prisoners were using and asked if that was Glad's room.
No. 1009007 ID: de57a8
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No. 1013721 ID: e51896

Gavin, the guy in white had been in the meeting room for quite a while. Millie decided to check in on him again. When she switched cameras to the meeting room, it looked like Gavin was talking to someone on the large monitor. But the split second Millie took a look to see who was on the montior, the monitor turned off.

Millie wasn't sure, but it didn't look like Pink on the monitor, and instead, the only thing Millie could make out on the monitor was a figure that she thinks was wearing a long blue skirt, yellow shirt, and a large blue ribbon on their chest.

Millie wonders if she was seeing things.
No. 1014840 ID: f23762
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1013583 No. 1013583 ID: bc11b8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

It is an age of darkness, terror, and unrest, plague, and dark terror.
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No. 1014312 ID: aba9fd

Look who failed to periscope.
Dive for cover and make sure your gun's loaded.
No. 1014319 ID: df76b1

Just like training. Brace on cover, center mass, double taps.
No. 1014447 ID: bc11b8
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I dive for cover and make ready with my sidearm, while the nearest opens fire. He's the priority.

He's able to get off three shots while I brace and take careful aim.

The hostile misses me with his shots. I'm fairly certain I'm hitting on target but he doesn't appear to be stopping... body armor.

As the terrorist starts carefully aiming at my position, I move my aim up a bit and go for the head.

JC shoots, having aimed for 3 seconds with a braced weapon for a +5 to hit. Range penalty is -5, and penalty for the face is -5.

JC hits, doing 28 damage (hit face, bullet went into skull, 7 multiplied by 4). The terrorist drops onto his knees and then forward face down into the grass.

The two in the distance are maybe 80 meters out, and shots are still coming. One's taken cover and is firing, the other one has ducked down behind it.
No. 1014455 ID: 96c896

Cover? Time for explosions.
No. 1014460 ID: df76b1

80m is sensible for a GEP shot, but only if you can get both. We still need that robot down.

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1014019 No. 1014019 ID: b35aa3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Welcome my student. It is time we begin your lesson in writing. We have plenty to write and no time to waste, let us open the book to the first page and begin.
12 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1014099 ID: b35aa3
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You turn the page to continue writing, this time the page isn’t blank. It is time to create the eyes in which we will see this story through.



A resident of a city that was thought to have vanished long ago, soon to be cast down into a world they never even knew existed...

There is additional space to write any extra information about the protagonist, and a designated area for drawing their appearance.
No. 1014101 ID: 094652

Shy and Violent
Hacking, Divining, Scrapper
Schizophrenia, Scarred
Cosmic - Belief in the vastness of the universe and the insignificance of all that is known
Delete Demonkind from this world with scriptcraft and The Spire.
No. 1014104 ID: 5d9787

Our protagonist could be called Oneiro Hulm.

He would be a curious but shy small creature.
Physically he is a fluffy feline with black fur and green eyes, although on a more throughout assessment this may not be entirely correct. The vertical pupils are very characteristic of the elegant cats, but those eyes seem different somehow. It's unusual but not unheard of small ones developing a fur coat so dense and messy, but are those really fur or feathers? And beneath all of that, if we were able to see perhaps we could get a glimpse of what look like scales.

He is an avid reader, or at least he would be if he didn't have difficulty concentrating in written text for long periods of time. Few thing can keep him in one place for longer than pages full of mystery, but he rarely manage to finish his books.
His sense of wonder attract him to tall tales and lost secrets. His heart is easily moved by the most absurd of rumours, and even though the he is frightened by the mere stare of strangers he is willing to face his fears for the mere chance that those could be true.
You could say he is at least partially qualified as a scholar, and although too naive for such he may be optimistically called an investigator. Almost nothing can get him in contact with strangers if it doesn't involve his curiosities, but those emotions dominate him so much that he can be called experienced in the academic pursues.
His true talent however is to move unseen. Only natural for someone who dislike being observed, but the way he does it is unlike anything else. He may not even be aware but when he try to stay unnoticed he is hidden almost as if by magic.
No. 1014144 ID: aba9fd

Name: Aseki Anura
Personality: Animated and energetic, which can lead to coming off strong. A go getter and a bit of a people pleaser, though they aren’t quite sure what they’re doing in the long run, they’re putting their all into it.
Skills: Tinkerer, runner, plays a mean kazoo and likes to bake. Considers people easy to read.
Flaws: has a tendency to go to extremes and commit to action when words or time would work better. Considers people easy to read.
Beliefs: There’s no such thing as a coincidence.
Goals: To find goals
No. 1014149 ID: e7c7d3

Name: Zipper
Personality: Super positive
Skills: Dead-eye aim, speed reading, and fishing
Flaws: afraid of responsibility and missing right leg
Beliefs: Everything is going to be okay
Goals: Fight for the common people and read every book in the library

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1011860 No. 1011860 ID: 681cb5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]


“With this year’s harvest festival drawing to a close, let us celebrate with one last grand feast here at the estate! As traditional, let us show gratitude for our immortal gift by partaking in the time-honored hunt, where we show our appreciation for the harvest given to us this year. But enough chitchat, without further ado… LET THE FEAST OF SOULS BEGIN!”
-Duchess Emberhall.

Wiki and previous threads: https://tgchan.org/wiki/First_Day_of_Harvest
Discussion thread: https://tezakia.net/kusaba/questdis/res/134609.html#134609
Discussion thread(old): https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/120031.html
77 posts and 19 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1013839 ID: 96c896

>But somthing tells me that he would listen to reason if we give him one to give it to us.
Uh, I can't parse that. Explain?
No. 1013853 ID: f40a91

Uhh I meant to say that if we give him a good reason to take the stones with us, he would probably accept, he is not an unreasonable guy. I was kinda tired when wrote that.
Probably the fact that the machines REALLY want the stones will dissuade him from keeping his. He knows what they can do, he wont want a redo of Dalriver here.
No. 1013862 ID: 73e8f3

"I know one of these metal men. They want the stone back, and likely need it far more than you do."
No. 1013934 ID: bbdaaf

Tell him what you know. The metal people found his father almost dead, so they helped heal him. He thanked them by stealing the 3 stones you mentioned and running away.

You told him the metal people were reproducing, so explain that the stones are involved in that process. So with the stones gone, they couldn't reproduce, so the chased his father to Dalriver. He's the reason the metal people came to Dalriver and killed everyone.
No. 1013938 ID: 3513c8

That might not work. Remember, he thinks the "metal people" are old farming tools. Maybe we should try to phrase it in a way that makes it sound like returning the stones will fix them or something like that?

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1011005 No. 1011005 ID: ede6d0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

[ Warning, your actions may result in the death and end of this quest. Proceed with caution ]

The trial, they call it, a test of skill, a test of suitability. A test to ensure you are of use to the village.
Peh, what drivel, you know it for what it truly is, your execution.
Father was sent in first, then mother ... neither returned.
These people hide behind the guise of religion and tradition but never once have you seen a Hyuuma enter these halls.
This shit hole of a village will rue this day. You'll damn well see to it even if you have to claw your way back from the Resting Lands.
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No. 1013542 ID: ede6d0
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"Wow, you could cut the tension with a knife, huh?"
With a jolt you turn to see something resting atop the altar, its form constantly shifting, limbs and faces appearing, twisting, stretching and disappearing.
"It's a little bit cramped in here, let me just--" limbs burst forth from the mass, spreading out to the walls and ceiling, you watch in disbelief as they all seem to grow further and further away.
"There! Much better, now, where was I." With a sharp snap the limbs recoil back into the mass. It wobbles and then slumps down onto the altar, its entire form enveloping the altar.
"Congratulations Ishpetti! You're the first person I've seen in uh" It begins counting on fingers that seem to endlessly appear and disappear.
"Wow, a long time! You really had me worried for a little bit, I thought brothers doggies were gonna get you there!"
As you open your mouth to speak but a hand stretches out to press a finger to your beak.
"Wait! Wait! Before you ask anything, I have something for you, a gift for completing your first trial!"
It reaches down and underneath itself and pulls out the orb, with a little push it slowly floats its way closer to you, splitting into two and then three. They all stop just within arms reach.
"You can only pick one, take your time, I'll be right here!"

>_What do you do.
No. 1013543 ID: f8fa51

Green. You're going to need your courage soon.
No. 1013545 ID: ce39da

"I can hardly make an informed decision with just colors, but I suppose none of them will harm me?" If so: "Right, then if you won't tell me what they do, but none of them will hurt me, then I suppose green is as good a choice as any."
No. 1013785 ID: 0b7694

Bit of a blue guy myself
No. 1013788 ID: 8f1f6b

Bow before the creature and ask its name and what the colours mean.

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975314 No. 975314 ID: 5fc3a0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Frillsby and Gallsby are the most real cops on the force, with fully equipped badges.

Or we did have badges, but something's wrong.
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No. 1013470 ID: 53560f

“We probably don’t need to go but just think of it like a road trip or something. We haven’t actually been to Ceo’s town, that’s a whole new place that hasn’t gotten the Dorb Smash Club experience.”
No. 1013480 ID: 624d42

Yes you big knifehanded dork you do have to go check and make sure she's okay.
No. 1013484 ID: 3424bf

There's a... shockingly probable chance that Mayor's sleeping in a ditch somewhere, which can't be good for her. We should do due diligence, at least.
No. 1013511 ID: 15a025

We still need to make sure Mayor is okay.
No. 1013723 ID: 1ed92d

Because finding Mayor is responsible and also Gallsby might get to ride the big monster man with the terrible voice.

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1005984 No. 1005984 ID: f57349 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

More specifically, an island of stability in the southeastern Wyld, where the edge of the map frays into chaotic liminal space between the cosmological poles of Heat and Life.

The air is so humid and warm, recovering after a hard workout is like trying to breathe chewing gum. Almost anything solid is either poisonous, actively being eaten by some sort of insect or fungus, or both - including your own clothes and skin.

There's a site of great geomantic power nearby, focal point maybe a few hundred yards underground. Up this close even mortals would be able to feel it. Probably worth checking out even if it's not the main reason you came. Tricky part is how to get down there, and dealing with whichever heroes or spirits have already laid claim.

Who are you? What's the plan?
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No. 1012346 ID: f57349

>wood spirit
Hallway beyond the iron bars (which are solidly set into both floor and ceiling, with no 'cell door' or other apparent mechanism) soon turns left into a descending staircase. In the corner, perhaps seven or eight yards past that line of salt set into the floor, there's a natural stone formation which vaguely resembles a sugar-glazed tree trunk, complete with roots and branches along the floor and ceiling.
>Lore 5, Craft (Water) 1
Probably something to do with airflow and humidity making the stone incrementally dissolve and resolidify. Sounds like there's a reasonably large space behind that curtain to the west, with fires kept steadily burning - that acolyte you saw on the way in had a specialized backpack for carrying charcoal. Cold air gets drawn up those stairs and through the bars, warmed, flows out through the hole by the bridge where you came in. Gethemane, City of the Mountain Gateway, has similar sorts of problems: deep passages they'd prefer to fully seal off for security, but can't because they'd suffocate.

Anyway, staring at the tree-like rock, you get an indistinct visual impression of a humanoid figure, first struggling with the bars, then retreating, cowering, and looking toward the other passage in fear. Almost like a particularly vivid daydream.
No. 1012480 ID: d92af0

rolled 10, 6, 3, 1, 4, 10, 3, 9, 2, 3, 1, 5, 3, 2, 6, 6, 7, 6, 9, 1, 4, 4, 9, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 10, 4, 6, 4, 3, 7, 3, 8, 7, 2, 9, 7, 1, 5, 7, 7, 4, 1, 5, 1, 10 = 243

Grey Locust Scholar nods agreeably at Seventeen Quills, eyeing the scuffle between the other Exalts with confusion.

"I agree with this on principle, but perhaps not as an absolute? I would greatly prefer peaceful solutions where possible, but I can't say for certain that all parties will be open to them. Ah, I would like some acknowledgement of greater authority in matters of vital importance. Like defending the stability of Creation from the Fair Folk. You know, since we are all standing in it right now. And yes, I have taken the Second Breath."

Grey Locust Scholar's motive is to take control of the stable pocket in the Wyld, not sure whether his reasons for doing that are something the charm would pick up on?

Also spending 3 XP, 1 for Martial Arts 2, 1 for Survival 2, and 1 towards learning the procedure for summoning a tomescu. I don't have any idea how much XP I actually have but I feel like I can be fairly confident I have 3.
No. 1012547 ID: f57349

"So, restating to be sure I understand your offer: You will put a geas on the Fengari which prevents them from attacking by ambush, and possibly also aid us in other ways yet to be defined. In exchange, we will be subject to the same geas, provide you and yours with basic hospitality indefinitely, and you will have veto power over anything involving live sacrifices.

"If this is accurate, and you would be willing to grant my successors similar veto power over questioning of anyone among the People less than twenty-five years in age, we may have the foundation of an accord. First, however, those here for whom you do not speak must have a chance to present their own bids."
No. 1013058 ID: 82be69

rolled 5, 9, 5, 3, 10, 10, 5, 2, 1, 4, 10, 6, 10, 5, 3, 4, 2, 7, 3, 8, 9, 10, 4, 10, 7, 2, 8, 9, 1, 7, 5, 6, 6, 7, 4, 5, 6, 8, 1, 1, 10, 10, 9, 9, 3, 1, 10, 4, 1, 3, 3, 7, 2, 3, 5, 8, 2, 9, 10, 6 = 343

Patches manages to use the image of suffering to motivate herself out of the hole in her mood she dug... and tries to scoot and clamber closer to the bars. "Are you doing okay?" Patches whispers through the bars, looking at the tree. "You seem scared. ...I'm scared too. It's... okay if you don't want to talk." Patches tries to coax the tree into telling it a bit more about itself, hopefully without being overheard. She's going to rely on her investigative talents to try and discern more information, if the spirit doesn't feel comfortable.
No. 1013263 ID: f57349

There's no verbal response or even overt gesture, but you get the distinct impression that, beyond the obvious, this dryad is lost in a (by her own naive standards) shockingly hostile environment, like some rich lady's pampered little dog who accidentally wandered off onto the tundra. She wants to make like a tree and leave, but is too weak to be safely moved. She wants you (or anyone, really) to stay nearby and somehow help recover her strength.

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792822 No. 792822 ID: 897ff7 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Last time on Twenty After Zero: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/784867.html

Current Objectives for Player Characters:

-Find 101, Palmetto Street, 33602
-Get more information on the Tampa Nautical Club

-Help Dr. Jackson escape SODA
-Avoid Maxine!
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No. 1012855 ID: 094652

"Okay, while we're waiting in a Mass Effect elevator, let's talk strategy. First, I want both of you to be six feet away from me while I'm handling this carbon mother-sodomizer, you in front and you in back. If anyone is so much as forty feet away from us, I want to know. Keep your weapon unloaded, I don't want to see a larp of Plays with Pastels. And I need to use the locker in storage labeled 'High-Density Hazardous Materials Equipment' so I can get actual heavy-duty gloves that weren't made by @#$%ing Amazon. You know what? We're going to the 'EVA-HAZMAT' locker first, that way I can walk instead of crawling with this stuff. God, you'd think that a Commissar would have better aim when they're trying to open a letter."
(i.e. bore the guard into following trivial orders so you can ditch him when he's distracted)
No. 1013078 ID: 1d3a35
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The elevator hums as it carries us up, but I drown the noise out with excessive instructions.

"Now, we're not carrying this thing in a regular container so I'm gonna need both of you geniuses to stay six feet ahead and behind me. If there aren't any heavy-duty gloves in the freezer then we're gonna need to go down to storage to get some, if not filch them from some other department. Also, I don't think we'll need a cart but just in case there isn't any on this floor and the wrapping is too heavy that'll be another thing."

>"... Okay. I'll wait by the elevator. If you need- uh- help, then just call me down."


The elevator dings open. Floor 6 is our surgical wing, and lately we haven't had very many major surgeries, so it's dead. At the very end of the hallway is cold storage. There's one of the theaters and a bathroom on the left, and regular storage on the right.

The guard steps out of the elevator and leans on the wall, and me and Chaz look at each other, wondering what to do next.
No. 1013079 ID: 094652

See if the defibrillator is hooked to an alarm. Have your minion try to break it out while you go straight to the cold room and grab some drys.
No. 1013093 ID: 1d3a35
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As we're walking down the hall to Cold Storage, Dr. Jackson nudges me and indicates at this defibrillator locker. I'm guessing she wants me to open it, but there's a big red alarm light on top.

I'm not sure if it's active or not, but even if it wasn't it'd be hard to grab it in plain view of the guard.

That being said, Dr. Jackson has already entered the cold room while I stand here examining it, and the guy either hasn't noticed or doesn't care.
No. 1013094 ID: 1d3a35
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Chaz doesn't follow me in. I hope he isn't too obvious about it.

The Cold Storage is dark, I think the lights burnt out. No matter, I know where everything is.

There's the blood fridge at the far end of the room, stocked with every type, each bag labelled accordingly. Next to it is the dry ice locker. Despite what I told the guard, I know that there are heavy gloves and fabric inside to prevent skin contact. Finally, the lab sink and a cupboard with spare sutures, IV drips and gloves.

I take a little chunk of dry ice stuck to the side of the locker and put it in my lab coat.

Before I leave, I stop to wonder: Should I take a bloodbag out too, to keep appearances? Or should Chaz and I lose the guard before we leave the floor?

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