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632313 No. 632313 ID: 265534 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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632235 No. 632235 ID: a19cd5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Your name is Emok.
You do things!
This is your quest!

Let's start things off right: What is your na- wait no, that's already decided! You're EMOK!

Ok then, what is your goal?
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613882 No. 613882 ID: 337362 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

"WIZARDS" the figure on the mesa bellows

the wind catches his breath and tears it down the slope to the awaiting five.


"speak it, then!" cries grocel, who as a modern, fashionable wizard trucks with little mumbo-jumbo

"WIZARDS" the figure bellows. "HE IS RETURNED"
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624735 No. 624735 ID: 886e6f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

I don't like this. Roy G. Biv is real. There's nobody but me and Lonnie so far. The... the others. I wonder if they're still alive. I'm so scared. What do I do?
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626213 No. 626213 ID: 189a54 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Arrived at the town of Wey. This will be my first command position, but it's only levies. The poor are easiest to command, they say.

Servants say soldiers were throwing rocks at them as they set up my command tent! Will have to talk with them when settled!

My position disrespected!!

-Went to speak to group leaders and perform blessing of the standard.
-DENIED?! Not allowed to do that!!
-Insulted my clothes! Said I was "fake little gabwarkus"! (what on earth is a gabwarkus, write home and ask?)
-Said leave standard alone, go play with paper?! And keep servants out of their way!

Father keeps trying to reach my message stone, can't face him this shamed.... What should I do, what should I do....

(Sketched: those three scruffs on their hill bullying me. Long-faced one on right threw a rock at me! One on left may just be making up words..."googolic?" "warghelboxer?")

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624485 No. 624485 ID: cf73fa hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

This is it. This is the day you are born.
But are you a boy, or a girl?
And most importantly, what species are you?
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534155 No. 534155 ID: 0bc691 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Part 1: The Call
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614200 No. 614200 ID: 9dd1ee hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

this is a story about a space marine commander

which of the 18 glorious legions does he hail from?
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629294 No. 629294 ID: 9fb4f6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Well my name is [BEEEEEEEP] and I have been here for [ERROR]years, 4 days now. I haven't seen any activity for days no- [ERROR]
I want to, Escape! now what should I try? to [FFFFTTZZZZZZZZZ], of course.
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629504 No. 629504 ID: 1ffd0e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Here you are. In the classic scenario. You're asleep. When you wake up in a minute or so, you're not going to remember how you got here or where you are.

What's the first thing you do when you get up?
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596345 No. 596345 ID: 219868 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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629520 No. 629520 ID: 603941 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I honestly don't get why anyone would be interested in needlework.
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629002 No. 629002 ID: 9fb4f6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Two kingdoms at war. The Technologically advanced kingdom of Black Throne and the kingdom of Veils.
Both determined to rule our pitiful world.
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608134 No. 608134 ID: a2b630 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

|| " Light thinks it travels faster than anything, but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it. " - Terry Pratchett ||


|:| <<
|:| Wake up <<
|:| <<
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628080 No. 628080 ID: 6c9bc1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

A man and his mission, a blind search for a legendary solution.
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592273 No. 592273 ID: 00b2db hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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627620 No. 627620 ID: 189a54 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You are a rifle-wielding individual. Usually a bearer of WEAPON-ENHANCED CONFIDENCE, today you're finding yourself feeling quite confused....
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626380 No. 626380 ID: 5b1b99 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Your name is Shane. Today you are feeling a little unwell.

About one minute ago, you accidentally shat your pants. You thought it was just flatulence. Sadly, you got more than you bargained for.

You are completely unprepared for this kind of situation, and it is making you extremely uncomfortable.

You were on the way to taking some papers to your boss, Doug, who is still waiting for them.

You will need to think of something to do. You can't go into Doug's office with shit in your pants. You'll be fired for sure!
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627292 No. 627292 ID: 189a54 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Dude. Holy shit. This is the single best purchase I have ever made.

Oh my god dude look! Look, the coat's fucking flapping and stuff!! Oh my god I look so fucking badass!! And there's clouds rolling in and stuff too? All I need to do now is just say something cool, like

"The city. Crime. Raisin bran. Cars."

Oh my goddddd yessssss!!! Dude omg what's some badass things that people in cloaks do,

"'Cause I'm in the mood. TO BE HARDCORE."
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627257 No. 627257 ID: f74bb7 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

It has been more than two hundred years since the sky last opened on the valley.
In this country, where the clouds are so thick that not even the fierce winter winds can scatter them, a man can live and die without seeing so much as a glimpse of the sun.

Some legends say the eternal fog is the work of a vengeful firebird, still bitterly mourning a tail feather stolen a thousand years ago.
Others pin the blame on the god of winter, whose footsteps freeze rivers and whose icy breath obscures the valley from the rays of the sun.

Either way, no one really knows what lurks above the fog, for those who once did have long since turned to dust.
Their souls, however, live on, and about once every two hundred years one finds its way back to the land of the living.
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627034 No. 627034 ID: d479d9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

A team of Archeologists and Scientists are task with finding a new source of energy.
They make their way to an island in the southern Pacific.
Two Bodyguards are hired to protect the team....
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626759 No. 626759 ID: 3c17ca hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Shall we play; a game of evolution? Every now and then I will drop an event.
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618783 No. 618783 ID: 6ac85a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

On a dry and empty plain, a ancient tablet flickers to life, drawing the eye of the Lone Wanderer from afar.

They are in no particular hurry, the light from the tablet is the only thing of interest between here and there next stop, and there is no reason to hurry, Those inclined could use the time it would take them to get here (about as long as a nights sleep) to ponder on just who that Lone Wanderer is and what there name is.
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596282 No. 596282 ID: 627265 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

[[Yes another one! will ever learn! This one will be black and white, and after this little shadow puppet intro will get significantly more detailed.]]

Many years ago Sigurd the first, using incredible engines of war and legions of loyal soldiers, forged a great and powerful empire the covered all of Riverlon and brought about a golden age of peace.

However this peace was shattered when his own children turned on him in a effort to size the throne, breaking the empire into splinters and beginning a bloody civil war.

With the hiers to the crown becoming increasingly bloodthirsty and unhinged, it looked like all hope for the empire was lost, Fortunately, unknown to the public the emperor had a affair with a mysterious woman named Aura. When she had fallen pregnant she had returned to the isolated mountains of her home to raise her child, visiting the emperor from time to time until she passed away under strange circumstances. Now the imperial mage Maxos rides with all his speed to reach the one heir to the throne who is in anyway sane.

But dose he ride to find a prince, or a princess?
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625019 No. 625019 ID: ef45e1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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625261 No. 625261 ID: ec1f86 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

17 years of age.

Vampires have invaded a small area within the city. Please proceed with caution.
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617608 No. 617608 ID: acaf7e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

You've woken up one morning in a small bedroom. Across from the bed is a drawer with a mirror, and a door just to the right of it. There is little else in the room aside from a closet next to the bed and various clothes scattered on the floor. For now, you wish to ignore your mess and start your day. You remember that it is the day to start your elemental training, and the first thing on your list of tasks is to forge a basic weapon from your element.

Your prior night of drinking has left you in a haze, which does not bode well for your memory at the moment. It doesn't matter as I will explain.

You are an Endringer. You are much like a Human, even down to your appearance. You look completely like a Human, yet there is something different. For one, Endringern have two additional elements that Humans don't, and secondly, you can shapeshift into an animal.

Though before we get into any of the animal stuff, what are you like as a human?

What is your sex?
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606451 No. 606451 ID: 345446 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

You are a plant. It is dark out. You are currently burrowed in the ground; both for safety, and the soil feels cozy against your roots.

What do you do?
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624098 No. 624098 ID: 86c061 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This is the first quest thread I have done, so go easy on me. There's only 2 general rules.

1. I choose the post with the last # in their No. ID for the canon post. If 2 people have the same last # in their No. ID, then I use both.
2. NSFW is allowed I guess. Futa is as far as I'll go in terms of /d/-related stuff, though.

There are two ways to move the story along.
>If a passage ends with "What do you do?" or something along those lines, post a suggestion with what to do.
>Other times, passages will end with CHANCE TIME: and then a certain criteria. Anons must then roll a 1d10 die. The roll must fall within this criteria in order to fulfill the special event.
For example, CHANCE TIME: Roll an 8 to dodge the arrow. If someone rolls an 8, we dodge the arrow. If nobody does within (around) 30 minutes, the event doesn't happen and we get hit.

Also, this might be updated quite infrequently. I will say when I'm going on an extended break.

So without further adieu, let's begin!

The Party Leader stirs on the cold dungeon floor. She does not remember much about the events leading up to her being knocked out on the floor. She has a knapsack next to her. She is situated on the floor of a stone hallway lit with torches.

What do you do?
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624039 No. 624039 ID: 5f3734 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

You are a KOBOLD vigilantly scouring the land in search of food to offer to members of your tribe, who are in the next room, sitting around a campfire and telling grandiose tales of heroism and bullshittery.

They eagerly await your return so that they may fill their bellies with mutton and mead. Hopefully, neither of which will be infested with maggots or full of dirt.
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623340 No. 623340 ID: 321d85 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

In the beginning, the Void was without form.

It waits.
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623608 No. 623608 ID: ee2c45 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Deep in the aether, amid the expanse of both everything and nothing, a new entity forms.

The fabric of Cosmos draws together, and all at once you are thrown into existence.
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621664 No. 621664 ID: 30efb9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

This is Phil.
Phil is falling.
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614136 No. 614136 ID: dff0a8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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618712 No. 618712 ID: c0c685 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Congratulations! You are a MIGHTY and POWERFUL DRAGON! Well... not yet. But you will be! Right now you're just an egg but soon you will hatch and begin your quest to raise the biggest, shiniest, rarest and most valuable treasure hoard in all the land! Fight other dragons for territory, kidnap some princesses, devour knights, wreck a couple kingdoms, maybe even build a kingdom of your very own. The choices are endless but first I need to know, what kind of dragon are you?

>Select a breath! Your breath will determine your scale color and your powers. Choose carefully, you can't redo this decision later.

Fire Breath: Classic dragon! You breath FIRE, what more needs to be said? You start out with a basic FIRE BREATH, good for heating things up and making toasty snacks whenever a CHIVALROUS KNIGHT shows up to slay you. Enemies may also catch fire, taking BURN DAMAGE. Later on you can learn to make SMOKE SCREEN, blow FIREBALLS, and make your basic FIRE BREATH all the more intense.

Ice Breath: Viciously murder anyone who says "The cold never bothered me anyway". You have FROST BREATH. FROST BREATH is good at slowing or even completely freezing enemies! You can coat your home in ice as well making the terrain harder to navigate. Later on you can learn to create ICE WALLS, drop the temperature of your home to dangerously low levels, and increase the chance of your FROST BREATH to completely freeze its target.

Electric Breath: No you don't breath lightning, that would be ridiculous! You breath ELECTRICITY. ELECTRIC BREATH is good for swarming enemies since the electricity can arc between enemies that are close together. There's also the small chance to STUN enemies. Later on you can learn to shield yourself with STATIC SCALES, call down actual LIGHTNING STRIKES, and increase the distance your ELECTRIC BREATH can arc.

Poison Brea
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623925 No. 623925 ID: 189a54 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

That old fart! Of course he'd be against it! He's always been against it!

I'm eighteen, he can't do this to me! I'll show him, I'll
make him allow me to do it, I'll go right up to him and say--er, and say....


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622327 No. 622327 ID: 8625c4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Name: Gerald
Age: 78 years
Weight: 115 lbs
Height: 5'3"
Job: Bounty Hunter
Assets: Sunglasses, Wallet, Slippers, Hearing-Aid Smart-Phone, Grappling hook, and Leather Belt.
Skills/Attributes: Giant Ears for long distance hearing, Super Smeller Nose, All-Terrain Leg hair, and Callus Feet making shoes obsolete.

You just got home from a bounty with enough money to support you for the next month.
You are tired and Hungry.
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623219 No. 623219 ID: 265534 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

A lone adventurer enters an ancient catacomb, seeking loot and excitement.

They are a...

who is a...

and their profession is...
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623368 No. 623368 ID: 50e868 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

(Being in stasis isn't fun at all)

There Lies a treasure far beneath the Earth. An ever beating heart of darkness and chaos.
Humans tried to obtain the heart but they only accomplished total annihilation from freeing the heart's imprisonment.
It calls for a puppet, a puppet that'll spread darkness and plunge our world into the void.
You are half asleep for some knocking is preventing you from completely sleeping. You pretend to be asleep but the knocking persists.
>[Awaiting command]
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621953 No. 621953 ID: ca146f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

>you are playing as Marv.

Well Shit your in jail and what you did is just embarrassing.

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621378 No. 621378 ID: 265534 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Nako Kipafirl, convicted of a myriad of crimes, including grand theft and attempted building detonation and sentenced to twenty years sulks in her cell.

I would have gotten away with it, too. If it wasn't for those meddling kobolds. Now I need to find away out of this hole.

I have no plan and nothing to work with. Oh well, it's easier to work something out on a blank slate, right?
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622533 No. 622533 ID: ed4e57 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You are a sleep. While sleeping you start thinking of badass names that you'll adopt.
Choose a name.

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619142 No. 619142 ID: b438c1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

[Prologue - http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/616396.html]

Terran Year 5051-
The Jubilus district is one of two “party districts” on Paradiso Prime, the massive moon resort owned by the Paradiso Foundation. The district celebrates holidays and cultural festivals from every planet in Federation Space, ensuring a unique event on every day. One of the most prominent features of the Jubilus district is Jubilus Heights, a highly exclusive series of elevated luxury hotels suspended above Jubilus Falls.

The famous Sreeshane Tower stands tall over the rest of the district, and is home to some of the most lavish high-society parties to be found on Paradiso Prime.
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622474 No. 622474 ID: 9ec55f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You wake on the moist cave floor. You (big surprise) can't remember anything about yourself or the place you are currently in.
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622354 No. 622354 ID: 189a54 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]



....Okay maybe I should have thought about this a little more.

But I'm okay though, I'm okay, just got to use this as a, uh...a learning experience! Now I know that standing in a field all day is not a good way to catch someone to rob! A great lesson for any criminal to learn, I'd say. One step closer to becoming a great brigand master!

That's the way Agg, keep it positive and things'll work out. Now then, just gotta think about a better way to go about this....
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603411 No. 603411 ID: 219868 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

you may pick from one of three approved hairstyles:
6-inch bob
7-inch bob
8-inch bob

you may pick from one of three approved outfits:
sweats in 50% grey
sweats in 60% grey
sweats in 70% grey

you may pick from one of three approved names:
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601504 No. 601504 ID: fbf5bf hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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617885 No. 617885 ID: 0eaf76 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

S.P.a.C.E, Specialized Patrol and Conducted Exploration, represents the elite force that maintains peace and stability throughout the known galaxy. It's the largest existing line of defense that exists to this very day. Beings from all over dream to join S.P.a.C.E and create a name for themselves to last throughout the millenniums. Will your efforts lead you to stand above the masses, or will you sizzle out like all the rest?
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621313 No. 621313 ID: 54d22d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

"Hey, wake up already...!"

Nnnh, what... I don't want to wake up, I don't want to go to school...

Oh yeah, I finished that shit already... Then why would I have to wake up? I want to sleep...

"Come on, wake up, you're OK, right?"

Ffffuuuck, I want to sleep in, it's way too early to try out the sex mod for Crimsim II anyway...

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620703 No. 620703 ID: ca146f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This is Cyia the character you'll play has (She's a bat SCIENTIST). Now it's almost time to go home but you got to make sure the incompetent fool behind you doesn't blow himself up...
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594283 No. 594283 ID: 1be917 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

You find yourself waking up with a start of alarm in a dingy bar, rather confused about how'd you'd gotten here. You were sure that you hadn't been one to fall asleep in a place like this... then again, ever since that night with the dream chair thing, you hadn't been able to get much sleep at all. It didn't help that the announcement from the government had made back home very unkind to you. Paranoia had gripped the nation, and everyone that seemed even slightly suspicious was getting turned in. It was like someone had set a snake loose in a rats nest. Well, at least in the east. The west was an entirely separate can of worms. You groggily rub at your eyes, pushing sleep away, even as you sit up and stretch out the kinks in your neck. You'd been through way too much to deal with all this shit. For a moment, a beer-addled mind causes you to simply stare at the rows of bottles behind the counter, before you begin to recall what had brought you out here.

You'd gotten a call from an old acquaintance, one you didn't think would ever call you up again, given how you'd parted. Then again, she wasn't exactly running with any dysfunctional gang-bangers anymore, and you weren't some self-righteous idiot thinking he could change the world. No, now she was apparently one of those "terrorists" setting up shop in the west, and you were a... well, you were SOMETHING.

You check the clock that hangs on the wall to find you'd been here for four hours already, three of which you'd been in a drunken stupor. You grimace at that, another hour before your client was supposed to get here, but hell, that just meant you could pound a few more drinks before they got here. Or maybe it would be better to sober up and actually appear professional for once. Like the old days.

Before you can really decide either way, a small jingle of a bell and the sudden light that pours in from the
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574421 No. 574421 ID: 0eaf76 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

It's a big, big world out there. Full of danger and peril. But some Pokemon has to have the guts to face the world head-on. Will it be you?
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609653 No. 609653 ID: 3b1e59 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Let's begin. Its pitch black! You can't see a damned thing besides these big white letters that spell out "Trouble Boiz". That isn't even how you spell boys! What do you do?
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595265 No. 595265 ID: 3009b4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Welcome to Pan's Quest!

Join Pan the day she travels out of the city to complete her family's generational ritual to ensure continued good fortune for her line.

The Goodwhite Path ends where Pan's path begins.

:: HMES has Re-Established Connection on TEN, Updating... 50%... 75%... 100%... ::

:: Connecting to Pan Jonathon-Goodwhite ::
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534197 No. 534197 ID: 2ae1fb hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

PREVIOUS THREAD - http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/476554.html

???: I'm recording this for the assistants. Show it to them the second you meet the young heroes.

UNCLE REMUS: Yes, Ma'am.

???: You are to tell them more about the multiverse. Where it came from, why it exists. You may say whatever you like about your own role. But leave me out of it for the time being. I'm extremely busy, and I can't be bothered to explain myself.


???: Yes?

UNCLE REMUS: Well... If I don't mention you, then how am I gonna be able to talk about--?

???: Don't. Not yet. Things may change, but the current plan is to wait until we have the entire team assembled.
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601716 No. 601716 ID: 0eaf76 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

"We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another."

-Luciano De Crescenzo

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620988 No. 620988 ID: 6d8e97 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

In the beginning, there was nothing.

And then, there was something. Something eventually became a lot of things, which turned out pretty alright.

However, as milk curdles and bread stales, all good things must come to an end.

Darkness soon overtook the world, and the gods were forced to create the ultimate weapon to overcome it. This would not usually be a problem - gods are pretty good at making things - but the darkness had weakened them; had clouded their judgement and abilities.

You are their ultimate weapon.

As you are born unto this world, you are given several choices.

Are you a boy, or a girl?
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573223 No. 573223 ID: 54d22d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

This isn't my house! What's going on?!
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593688 No. 593688 ID: e06dcb hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Chapter 3

As wheel of time turns... week passes by.
Fallout of Zaifa and Figarr escape was what anybody would expect... A struggle for dominance at now vacant "top dog's" spot.
For the time being Zeeke, still shaken by act of betrayal, secluded himself in north edge of the miners camp.
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618942 No. 618942 ID: 445ff6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This time I've got it for sure!

No more being the bottom kobold in the pile! No more getting kicked around! This time I know just what will make me the most beloved kobold in the entire tribe!
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620772 No. 620772 ID: 30345a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This is the pointless tale of a young lass named Eileen who has nothing to exciting to do.

((Mod note: please be gentle, this is the first time i'm doing something like this))
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588625 No. 588625 ID: 0eaf76 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Your name is Charles Mahogany. You are the son of a very wealthy family. But as it goes, all sons must find themselves a wife.
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606437 No. 606437 ID: a81751 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

I'm a Ditto, and the most popular guy at the daycare. My trainer has been gone for years...leaving me here to breed with whoever I want. I can get any piece of PokeAss I want...but I'm a bit tired of it. None of the girls I breed with actually interest me. They're just pretty. When will I find the one true mate? I heard that a new Pokemon was moving in today...I wonder if they'll be anyone worth investigating.
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620248 No. 620248 ID: 30dc98 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Well, Your in a room that's rather empty. if you were locked up in here your Captors could of given you a GameBro for entertainment. So something needs be done here, because this room is small and you're a little claustrophobic.
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619466 No. 619466 ID: 16c03a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Chapter X

This is the story of Tiffany Kinsley.

A lot of things have happened in Tiffany's life over the past few days. A greater daemon of the Cimmerian Hollows breached the defenses of Bardsey, and forced Tiffany into binding him to herself. The Cimmerian is currently imprisoned by clan Kinsley, but not before severely injuring Tiffany's dad. Tiffany's father is being treated in a nearby hospital, and the clan is preparing to use an artifact called Benezet's Shackles to force the Cimmerian to remain in his weaker corporeal form. The Cimmerian finds it amusing.

Cain, the master artificier to clan Kinsley, has provisionally accepted Tiffany as his apprentice. Today is her first day.

It's time to begin.
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575271 No. 575271 ID: 8750b6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

On May 21st, 2014, four individuals entered the New Highlander Trust Bank in Queen City...
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618618 No. 618618 ID: 9c6f47 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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445288 No. 445288 ID: 9a34be hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Performing Status Check... Failed
ERROR: Overseer Database Malfunction
Attempting Memory Recovery... Failed
ERROR: No Data Storage in Drive B
Connecting to Central Network... Success
Reporting Status... Failed
ERROR: Connection Interrupted
Connecting to Other Network... Success
Uploading Data... Success
New Mission Data:
'Please, Help.'
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606829 No. 606829 ID: c0c685 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Atop a lonely hill in the middle of the dreaded Blackwood Forest sits a single, solitary hut. Inside are mountains of books and parchments that rise up till they touch the ceiling, each containing the lives of legendary heroes of the past, present, and future. Empty ink bottles and broken quills litter the storied topography while the musty smell of old paper hangs heavy in the air. In the midst of it all sits a powerful wizard, perhaps one the MOST powerful wizards of all because he does not control simple things like the elements or arcane might, no, he controls the very fabric of reality itself, the very threads that make up this world's existence.

This wizard... is a VERBUMANCER. Yes, he has the power over WORDS. With a simple flick of his wrist the TYRANNICAL DRAGON becomes a TINY DUCKLING, the PILLAGING MARAUDERS become PRACTICING MIMES, and so on, and so forth. Unfortunately for him he is currently too wrapped up in thought to notice your presence due to the unfortunate fact that several powerful magical items have recently been stolen from him.

Perhaps you can get his attention by calling his name?
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619122 No. 619122 ID: 1c677c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

We know that dragonslaying is a specialized occupation of megabeast slaying practices that can be remotely associated with bounty hunting. Adding to the more lucrative rewards in gold, silver and all that makes a being mad, dragonslaying brings often immeasurable relief to a dragon infested realm, can cast it into chaos or draw extraplanar attention, that can open up doors to unexpected realities. Another form of attention is the reputation a dragonslayer may reach, gaining vanity titles such as Dragonslayer or Dragonbane.

To succeed in a professional dragonslayer career you need to have specialized or focused on a single deception, expertises and have at least a couple of sideskills complementing the foci or used as a last resort. Deviating drastically from the foci can cause immature death of a legend - was it you, your companion or your reputation. Although more proper would be to introduce your person before your foci, your foci serve as a logical link to who you are. Not all races, attributes and personalities will be able to pull it off what it’s to be full-time dragon slayers with any foci. Some deceptions benefit critically from example prana, intelligence or psi abilities of certain races. Because most surviving dragons are terribly intelligent and experienced, they must be slain by a single maxed out deception.

A quintessential deception harnessed by many clever warlords is “order in chaos”, in which you make your readiness appear unpreparedness. War itself is based on deception and truth is the first casualty in war. The professional dragonslayer wages a personal war against dragons.

An expertise is more than just skill in some area - it is possibly not yet a rule-ascending mastery, but pervasive knowledge of the laws and conditions of a domain and the ability to abuse this knowledge or conditioning at every turn. An expertise could be better described as an activity of a peace with the self.

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537242 No. 537242 ID: 0046c5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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594621 No. 594621 ID: fd633b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

This is the dread fortress Ostraya, the lair of many a monster and a hive of scum and villainy. Out of its menacing gates, forces of chaos and destruction have been pouring into the world for centuries. From orcs and humans to even an occasional dragon, all that is evil found its home in this terrible place at one time or the other. But, one darkness overshadows all others in comparison.
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617029 No. 617029 ID: ca146f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Journal Entry 1:
The Date it Augo 12, the 97th year of King Avery's Reign. For sometime now I've been wondering what's down in the Rabbit Hole, The giant monolithic hole that appeared in the middle town. But finally i'll be able to go down there. I'm suppose to meet a few other people who also want to go down there at the Tavern that is located a few houses away from the hole. the meeting is in 2 and a half hours.
End Of Journal entry
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616179 No. 616179 ID: 59295a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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616027 No. 616027 ID: e8e481 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

It was on that day that I knew that nothing would ever be the same again-

On that day I fell in love under the dancing sakura petals.
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593144 No. 593144 ID: 2b4635 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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616592 No. 616592 ID: dff0a8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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616010 No. 616010 ID: 1c677c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Life extension gone bad, too much time to sleep. Remove everything, but not the sky.
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615752 No. 615752 ID: a32d59 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]





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595463 No. 595463 ID: 265951 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

The sun is blistering today, you realize, looking up at the clear sky. It's an omen of some sort, though Grandma thought everything was an omen. The spear feels heavy on your shoulder, like a reliable iron bar. The armor feels like an old suit, even though you must have rode at least three days after receiving that memo.

Your name is Annelin Karkinos, Mistral Magebreaker of the arena, and you've been scouted as the next Bloodline Protector of Prince Micheal of the Human Empire. It pays far better than Arena winnings, at any rate, and comes with room and board in the castle. Your eyes narrow as you approach the gates. Dismounting, you present your papers to the guard, who looks back at you, being quite possibly the most bored man you've ever seen. You raise your eyebrows in return, and he smiles.

"Miss Mistral Magebreaker." he says. "It's a bit of an honor, really. You were champion this year, congratulations."

A hard earned title, to be sure. You feel a wound on your shoulder act up as if woken by the reminder and grip it. "Yeah, that Darren was a real master." he says, signing a paper for you, sliding over a pass. "Welcome to Central." he says, "Castle is at the end of the main road from the plaza." he says. "The churches are all set up around the main square. Raeve, Coyo - well, for now - Law, Anan..." he nods. "And if you've need, there's also where the market lane starts, too." He leans back, then looks behind you. "Best be along, lovely." he says, waving you in.

You enter the city, looking around. You come from the northern mountains, the largest town there being Legio, where the arena was set up for the region. You're the Northern champion. In a month or so, the four champions will come together here in Central and have a four-way match. Usually it's two on two. Banishing those worries, yo
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606243 No. 606243 ID: 189a54 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Oh Nelare, master o' Th' Tower o' Brightness, yer humble servant calls fer guidance...

Y'see, my mum's not as fast as she was, an' she sed it's time fer me t' start takin' over th' family bizness, an' I really don' wanna mess up. She's been so good t'me an' th'brothers, an' I wanna pay 'er back fer it all, y'know? Th' sticker is, I dunno th' first thing 'bout babby liberation....

But that's where you come in, m'lord! Y'got years an' years of experuns, so y'could sorta guide me through m'first job, yeah?
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596785 No. 596785 ID: f99558 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Chapter 1 - http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/570373.html

Chapter 2 - http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/573815.html

Discussion - http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/81099.html

Chapter 3
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593183 No. 593183 ID: d9c748 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

"In the end we are all just children living a lie, a lie that our grand leader shall set us free from. In the end all shall return to nothing,"
- Grand Priest Daigo, 3 years ago, the start of the war.
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613673 No. 613673 ID: 2d5639 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

This is your own personal species, on your own personal world. It is up to you to shape and form their development and progress. To start, we'll give you one, in a simple white room. Let us start with the basics.

What will your species be named?

What shape, shall the heads of your species be? [Triangle, Circle, Square, etc.]

And what color will your species be?
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615525 No. 615525 ID: 2a5ef3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


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614600 No. 614600 ID: 189a54 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You are SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS. CORPORATE BOSS fired you and took your girl. Now, you're out for revenge.

You've returned to CORPORATE CITY. CORPORATE BOSS doesn't know you're here. You have THE POWER OF CHRISTMAS on your side; what will you do now?
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614879 No. 614879 ID: b3eba0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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615193 No. 615193 ID: 52ee23 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

this is the Main Character, She's been locked in this cell for along time (what she did isn't important). In fact she has been down here for so long she forgot her name... What is her name?
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607419 No. 607419 ID: c328d3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Your name is Captain Samuel Harringer of the VES Hornbow. Her Highness, Empress Olivia Brighton (may her wisdom be ever boundless) of the majestic Valorian Empire has seen fit to assign you this vessel for a prisoner transport mission to the colony on the remote Islo Terrinus.

It's the 4th night out at sea on your 3 week journey, and you feel like you haven't settled into your role as Captain yet. You've got a new ship, new crew, and new duty. You enlisted in her Highness's Royal Navy on your 16th birthday, hoping to do your part in the Gallard War. However, the war ended the week you graduated the officer's academy. You've spent the intervening 12 years doing odd jobs for her Highness, eager to prove yourself but denied the opportunity.

The sun has just set and you've stepped out of your captain's quarters for yet another check-up of the ship, but you feel like it might be time to get better-acquainted with everyone instead. Unfortunately, this is the first time you've taken on a new crew in years, and you're afraid that your social skills might have gotten a little rusty. You never were very good at introducing yourself to new people. After three nights of alternating between being an authoritative voice and absorbing yourself in small tasks to occupy your mind, you feel like it might be time to break out of your shell a little.

Your crew is small, but you've yet to learn much about them. Your helmsman, Garrett Rockwell, is a young Valorian with little experience; in your few interactions with him so far, he reminds you a bit of a younger you. You know this is his first mission, but he seems to be handling his duties admirably. Your navigator, Elia Fastos, is a Gallardan: one of the first permitted into royal service after the war. You try not to let your former feelings about her tall, pale-skinned and fiery-haired people taint your interactions with her; you've hea
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613977 No. 613977 ID: 52ee23 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This Is Me (Mr.SirLord). I am in a room. FILL THE ROOM WITH STUFF FOR ME!
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614828 No. 614828 ID: b3eba0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

There's no pudding, whatever will you do?
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612037 No. 612037 ID: 6d4898 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

(( based off the Usurper Princess universe. use the UP dis thread for this one, too :D happy Hanukkah
UP: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/600413.html
UPdis: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/86788.html ))

It is the first day of Kenpass. Every year on the winter solstice when there are the most number of hours where there is no sun, everyone in your family and village celebrates for eight days and nights and on the ninth day everyone has to be really quiet and on the tenth day you go back to being loud.

On day one, the Kenpass log comes to your house and you sing it a song then tell it what you want for the tenth day. If you ask for something too big, Krampass will come on the tenth day and take you away forever. But the tenth day is the biggest day! Days 2-8 you get clues to what you're actually getting on the tenth day.

This is the first year you can remember having a Kenpass before and you don't remember it so good so this is really exciting.

What will you tell the Kenpass log?

>You want a puppy!

>You want a Black Trees lap dragon hatchling or egg!

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613442 No. 613442 ID: 2d5639 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


First Thread ^^^

HELLO? HELLO, SPIRITS. ARE YOU THERE?? I AM IN- Er.. I am humbly requesting your assistance, fair spirits. I am in need of your guidance.
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586024 No. 586024 ID: 0eaf76 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

You awaken to find yourself in a dimly lit room. There are cracks in the wall and a foul stench hangs in the air. A door sits in the far corner and it appears to be heavy and made of wood. By your feet sits a plate of hardened bread, assumed to be stale. The only noise you can hear is the steady trickle of water flowing from a gash in the stone walls. Your lips are cracked, your mouth is dry and your head pounds with a dulling pain.

You can't seem to remember anything. Are you a girl? A boy? What is your name? Who are you?

>Enter name and gender.
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610760 No. 610760 ID: 8f01e8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Reconfiguration Gate Offline
Hull Integrity Critical
Main Weapons Offline
Propulsion Offline
Quaternary Damage Control Offline
Unknown # Other Systems Offline
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610155 No. 610155 ID: 6b7ea4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Inspired by True (Horrible) Events
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598175 No. 598175 ID: 78d314 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Deep within the massive empire of the Korgloban lies the infamous Byzon Sectors, home of the scummiest scum of the Empire. Discovered in 2XXX by the famous space explorer Richard Happenings, the Byzon Sectors of the Korgloban Empire have been deemed nearly uninhabitable by the sheer wild clusters of debris and asteroids, coupled with spacestorms and thousands of bandits. Despite these facts, the Korgloban people have persevered, and successfully inhabited nineteen out of the twenty total sectors of Byzon. The last remaining, the B-19 sector, lovingly nicknamed... BIG HAPPENINGS. This is the story of the man who, by his own volition or not, will conquer the BIG HAPPENINGS Sector..

CREATE A CHARACTER!! Decisions will be made by how many votes they have, ties will be settled with a random generator.

Body, choose what kind of body your SPACE ADVENTURER will have. (e.g.Average, Muscular.)

Short, Average, or Tall

Thin, Chubby, Muscular, or Average
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612046 No. 612046 ID: 3d6e79 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

So my tablet just broke. I'm bored and without a purpose in life. I guess I can just scratch at my hand or something...
Well now that that's taken care of...what the hell should I do? My new tablet won't be here for another few days...I have several options. I could eat. Sleep. Do homework. Eat. Maybe harass my pet cat... Whaddya think?
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610362 No. 610362 ID: 0eaf76 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You're an Angry Cat.

Stupid Dog just ate all of your food. This freeloading piece of maggot has been invading your home for much too long. You must destroy him or get rid of him.
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611522 No. 611522 ID: eaa58a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You wander around the crowded attic, looking for something.

What was it again...? Oh, right! A hat!

You're looking for a hat. A perfect hat, for a date with a /dashing/ young pokélad.

What was his name again?

Then again, what was /your/ name.

Thing are so hard to remember these days.
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604604 No. 604604 ID: 2f2fc2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

You stare up at the sky from your metal box. You rock gently, taking in the fresh air.
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590502 No. 590502 ID: 335012 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

It's dark, you don't know where you are, and you're surrounded by trees. You've been asleep. You don't know for how long.
But your awake now and you need to remember.
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604863 No. 604863 ID: 189a54 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

No, I'm not going to jump off this tower.
No, I'm not going to make my friends jump off this tower.
No, I'm not going to stab myself.
No, I'm not going to climb down into this tower and stab my friends.

There, I saved us all some time and answered you early. Now will you please calm down for a bit? It's got to be tiring, chanting the same demands every day for two months. As long as you're hellbent on being in my head, can't we at least talk normally for a bit?...

...How lonely am I, looking to murder whispers for conversation....

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606872 No. 606872 ID: a32d59 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

A new wild Pokemon is about to be born. What kind might it be?

Since I'm doing this partially to see how quickly I can draw and partially for the hell of it, expect lower quality art than my normal quests. Also, I'm starting this thing in a burst of sleep-deprived spontaneity, and I have no idea what I'm doing with this and where it will go. Lets find out together, shall we?
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601628 No. 601628 ID: ac3f4f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

My name is Ken Suraisu. I am a super cool wandering ronin samurai who has traveled many days and nights to reach the temple that stands before me. The Temple of Waru. I have come to this place on a quest of revenge against a man who has committed an unforgivable sin against me and my family.. Master Kitsokuyaku, the head of this temple. He resides within, guarded by his famed Nine Generals who are said to be unbeatable. My resolve set, my quest known, and my fundoshi secure, I stands before the gates of the temple, which are said to be impenetrable.

What course of action should I take first? I innocently wonder to myself, definitely not trying to provide a prompt at all or anything like that.
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607783 No. 607783 ID: a2b630 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

|| Disclaimer |:| This adventure is purely fueled by text, music, and your artistic contributions! Giving vivid or vague descriptions and fitting or off-putting tunes to give you your hints for potential questing, it will be your job, not the Author's, to illustrate the world around your charge.

Your illustration skills will put to light the world that your characters are blind to otherwise. You are their eyes, and their ears. They are your hands. Learn to co-exist peacefully, and you may find yourselves making proud progress!

But be warned. Your own charge of characters will not be the only charge that will be given sight by this. You must learn, throughout your adventures, what to illustrate and what not to illustrate, for when you illustrate, it isn't just your characters alone whom you show vision to. Though the circumstances will vary, you must take to heart when you absolutely HAVE to draw, for their sake, and when you absolutely MUST NOT. Making mistakes identifying the two may make for dire consequences.

If you've gotten all of that down, the story will begin with the next post. Enjoy! ||

|| Hint |:| The title picture should give you hints as to the art styles meant to be used for the stories. Each one will have a different image brought forth. Follow wisely. ||
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566250 No. 566250 ID: 3fb8e5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Eight months ago, Lester and Leo had stumbled upon a dusty record labeled in a foreign language at an illegal flea market outside of their flat in Artholl City.

The sleeve read Koshemo vo Serat, and the record contained some otherworldly groovy drum and bass music - the kind of jive that would get them arrested back home. It was the kind of beat that was like a disease that made your heels restless.

After a little sleuthing, they found out that record came from Lutania, Serratia. A real shocker, since the only thing keeping their two countries from blowing each other up was bombs.

The two had formed a harmony duo and were singing at bars and clubs in the dripping wet underground of Artholl City, playing for pocket change while bumping elbows with the secret police. This little record made them homesick for a place they'd never been, and the holy groove just made their ears horny.

Lester and Leo hopped a flight to Luta Nol, Lutania: the city in the sand, the bastion of love and dance, and the capital of the free world.
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606188 No. 606188 ID: 248d71 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]






((There's 3 more images to this beginning so give it a minute before suggesting if you don't see them yet))
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605023 No. 605023 ID: 603941 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

It's time to wake up, Mira!
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594942 No. 594942 ID: 189a54 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Cain and Abel have been holding Hill 2 for almost a year now. Their latest enemy contact was some time in the second month. Their last command came in the seventh. Abel is fine with the quiet but Cain's getting nervous. Something's awfully wrong, he thinks, and it's getting more noticeable every day.

Cain suggests they start doing...something. Add more defenses to the hill, maybe? Or scout around further than usual?

Abel shrugs. He says yet again that he doesn't think anything's different, but whatever Cain decides on he'll help with...

Cain and Abel have joined the Controlled Group
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602549 No. 602549 ID: 189a54 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Um, hello out there? Can you help me?

The boss says if I'm cool enough with this sword I can stick around, but I don't really know what to do.... Could you give me some badass things to try on this ball thing?
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602894 No. 602894 ID: 9c0c4e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

You are a MYSTERIOUS MAN and you are currently standing in your HOUSE. What will you do?
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600822 No. 600822 ID: 2f2fc2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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339423 No. 339423 ID: 383006 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

The sex mall is a dimension outside of space and time. An interconnected bridgeway between worlds. Anything can be gotten there. Mostly sex oriented but I guess they have ice creams and things. Brave, foolish people seek it out. Dark, silent souls are drawn there. They have what you need, if you're willing to reach out and take it, at the SEX MALL.

Firstly, pick a species for the protagonist. Secondly, anyone can draw images for this quest. They must be done with something simulating a CRAYON, however.
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597395 No. 597395 ID: cdeed0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

You stand inside a very dark storeroom, a single light from above is your only source of illumination.

You do not remember how you got here, nor do you know how to leave.

for the moment you are trapped.
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601854 No. 601854 ID: e1000c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

He knew something was wrong from the moment he woke up. If the crackling of burning wood hadn’t been enough, or the reddish glare of flames, the smoke-covered ceiling would have told him as much. Even then he might have tried to go back to sleep, certain it was a dream, if he hadn’t started coughing the moment he sat up in bed.

He dropped back under the smoke, eyes widening as he tried to process what was going on.

His room was on fire? But… Mom, Dad! Miyu!

Takanashi Shirou, age seven, rolled off his bed and tore out of the room. Behind him, unnoticed and forgotten, the first few flames started licking at Teddy the comfort bear.


He’d thought she was ugly when he first met her. A ‘wrinkled, screaming bag of skin’, those were his exact words, and he’d meant them. A month later he’d added ‘parent-stealing’.

He’d been five at the time, upset at no longer being the center of the universe, and scared she was going to be his replacement. Having been an only child up until then, he’d never thought he would need to share his parents’ attention with anyone.

Looking back, he could never put his finger on when that had changed.
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
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601087 No. 601087 ID: a8111b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

My name is Chelsey Hall. They gave me a bottle of cheap wine this morning, but it's empty now. I've been sitting here with a sullen sort of buzz, drawing shitty doodles for strangers on the internet all day. I'm starting to feel a little stir-crazy, like I need a change of situation. Going outside is seeming like less of an insane idea for once, but I'm feeling open to other plans, too.

What to do...?
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599289 No. 599289 ID: 189a54 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

It's time to become a real man. Like your late father and his late father before him, you have come to the Ransack Junction recruitment booth to sign up for the EDF. The road will be hard, and it will probably end in death, but it'll all be worth it to follow in the footsteps of your ancestors, to protect the world and raise that glorious chant: "EDF! EDF! EDF!"

The recruiting officer squints at you from his makeshift desk. "Name," he grunts.

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600704 No. 600704 ID: 189a54 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]





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599666 No. 599666 ID: 0eaf76 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Sehou Academy, a prestigious school for the gifted Pokemon of the World! This is your first year, and first impressions are everything!

Embark on this slice-of-life dating sim, and connect with the people you meet!


Unlocked CG:

Heart Gauge: http://i.imgur.com/hM9IbwB.png

Stats: http://i.imgur.com/Q99a237.png
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599742 No. 599742 ID: 51464a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Reincarnation. A cycle of death, and rebirth. In this troubled world, reincarnation has always existed. But, one day, it ceased to function. The residents were used to reincarnation, and did not expect the slaughter to come. By the time the problem was resolved, the entire Elvin race was dead.

It's been nearly 100 cycles of the seasons since that incident. And there is only one person capable of stopping it from happening again. Just two problems.

They're dead. And they don't have a clue what they are doing.

You might be wondering why I've called you here. Well, I believe you might be able to... solve our problem. If you were to guide them, through all the stages of their life, they might just be able to resolve my issue for me.

Until then, I grant you powers of divinity. Ready to play god?
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591035 No. 591035 ID: 86cf84 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

...You ever get that feeling you're signing your life away? That slow sinking sense of despair when you realize that you're committing way too much time, energy, and money to something that very easily could leave you jobless and penniless on the street?
I felt that way exactly once - when I took out loans for college. Four years, almost fifty thousand dollars of debt, pinning all my hopes on my ability to be gainfully employed for ten years and pay it all off. It's mostly paid off not three years later, thanks to me living conservatively and knowing what I'm supposed to do with my money. Getting fired put a wrench in that whole mess though.

The point is, sometimes you have to take a chance with things that ought not to be up for negotiation. The rich weren't destined to be there, they got there with determination and tenacity. Sure luck helps, but they worked to get where they are. They took a risk and it paid off. So that's what I'm going to do.

Even if this risk involves signing a contract drafted by a magical construct that looks like a cross between a cat, a rabbit, and a very fucked up stuffed animal.
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559023 No. 559023 ID: 13f7a6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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599912 No. 599912 ID: 189a54 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Today marks four years and ten days since Skelly's murder. The crime has been ignored by the liberal media and the police from day one, and it's finally reached the final straw for you and your crew. It's time to take action.

You have two fellow skeletains, some dank weaponry and a pretty sick computer to help you. Your objectives are as follows:

*Blendtec, where it at?
*Tom Dickson, where he work?

Get to work, skeliotin. You must locate Blendtec HQ and begin the #SkellotinWar.
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533980 No. 533980 ID: 67bfa9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

a maze of puzzles where only the cleverest of minds, and determined of spirit can escape unscathed.
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448900 No. 448900 ID: f72f26 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

I am starting a log telling of my inevitable exploits so let's begin.
my name is montelo gatz sergeant in service on the Tranport Ship: Lether's Burden.
I've just been promoted and my brother the Captian designated me as a squad leader.

We are carring a very important cargo back to the IceWorld:Vin-Malor to examine it
It's a mysterious relic that as been found on a abandoned planet by a band of explorers.
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596763 No. 596763 ID: 925a75 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

He always makes me wait like this.
It's fine, I guess, I mean he's the one who has classes to go to and stuff. But, man, sometimes I just get so hungry and then I get into his special stuff in the fridge, and then he gets mad and I'm not allowed to use his Netflix account for a week....
That's not gonna happen tonight, though, he promised he'd be back in time.
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584581 No. 584581 ID: 1c677c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Previous thread: http://www.tgchan.org/kusaba/graveyard/res/561866.html
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598767 No. 598767 ID: 219868 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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594186 No. 594186 ID: 189a54 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

7:00 in the morning and I wake up all confused,
I'm not sure what I gotta do next but I gotta get back to you...
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598199 No. 598199 ID: aae0cc hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

There's so many cute girls as my school..
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598282 No. 598282 ID: c14359 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I am a ghost. You could call me spooky, and you would not be wrong.
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597025 No. 597025 ID: bf3c2f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

>"...one more, dude. Last section. Promise. Just gotta pencil in which box... fits you the best. Heh."

Please make a selection:
>[ ] MALE [ ] FEMALE [ ] OTHER
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513992 No. 513992 ID: 933f92 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

It is barely a few minutes after seeing Love, uh... profess herself, earlier.

"I bet you're wondering why Love called you here." the woman asks, "And why, exactly, at such a late time. Aleph, Love's been watching you for a while, now. We need to contact your associates and compare notes and ally. Jessica... We intended to stop you. Four masters you have destroyed. Do you have any words?"

She is notably sullen, but silent. "Fine. Aleph, any questions?" she asks, looking at me. Her eyes are so... dead. It's unnerving. You're... not surprised, given how she is, but... Even so. It's creepy!
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587562 No. 587562 ID: ba8629 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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551355 No. 551355 ID: 8f7720 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

The Pathfinder pulls out his map.

In it he sees the Glittering Forest, his homeland. All of his people, the Curi, are from there. It is a nice land and quite peaceful. But his job was not to stay within this land. As The Pathfinder he needs to set out and fill in the entirety of his map. It is a dangerous job but there are few others that offer a Curi the chance to go and explore.
And secretly he had always hoped to get this job... Sure, there was nothing wrong with being a writer, or a warrior. But neither of them would give him such an amazing opportunity.

The map he holds in his hands is enchanted and will fill out the more he explores. Already he can see three roads clearly leading away from the forest
Who knows where they go? He feels a shiver of excitement. The chance to go and explore the unknown is finally here.

Which should he take?

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598353 No. 598353 ID: ac4c82 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

who's got some?
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595411 No. 595411 ID: b2878a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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580233 No. 580233 ID: c3ad33 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Benvingut, nen. It's your first night, isn't it? But to put you in the spotlight, there has to be something to shine that light on.
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527296 No. 527296 ID: ba8629 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Part 1: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/366586.html

Two decades ago, a Tozol starship discovered this barren planet, desolate and unremarkable save for a Precursor-built spire which seems to defy entropy. An abandoned landing team has stood guard since then, uncontested until today, when two hostile species filled the sky with ships. Astranians and Scellor now do battle for the artifact, as yet unaware that someone else claimed it first.
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593047 No. 593047 ID: fb0f12 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Lord Uv Unvar Unvi is the evil yet strange ruler of the planet Neo Dar-noir a world full of twisted creatures and his towering castle the Bound Cas-L but what is an evil kind to do make war with other worlds or just raise his children you deside
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597624 No. 597624 ID: 3a0968 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

A quiet day at /tg/'s house.
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597517 No. 597517 ID: 297713 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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483454 No. 483454 ID: 51e5af hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

I don't know why I'm taking this job, but I've got a feeling it will lead me to something important.
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570638 No. 570638 ID: 2c322d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

"Hey Tinny, you awake?"
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595081 No. 595081 ID: aae0cc hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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592193 No. 592193 ID: d09cef hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

The world emerges with glowing signs and hover-cars whurring past at a leisurely pace. Nobody notices, or cares to see, a glassy aqua hemisphere and its entourage of little advisory familiars appearing over the middle of a narrow street and begin scanning over the loitering foot traffic.

"It's overcast." The large one resonates to you in non-audible data transfer, having apparently been rambling to itself for some time now. "And cold. It's hard to find one when they're cold, a human mind freezes over very quickly in depressing conditions. We have so little time already, but I'm glad you came anyway, thank you. Please think of something, a face, a name, anything you can think of will do. I can't hear anything among this misery and gears have been turning while I... I'm Lotto. Wait."
Lotto pauses. An armoured hovertank rumbles over the level of the other street traffic, the huge engine seems to cause interference even to your wireless communication. After that silence the background radiation of Lotto's psychic jitters are a little more obvious.
"Wow... I'm sorry, you're new. No, I mean, I haven't explained anything yet have I. Sorry. Sorry. Please take all the time you need but don't stray out of range, I can't stop looking for a pilot right now."
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595002 No. 595002 ID: 520fc8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

(Shout-out to my friend FRACTAL whose quests and art style heavily influenced this quest. They've created quests like Loretta Quest, Sad Girls Clud, etc. Please take a look at them!)
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594699 No. 594699 ID: 78d314 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This is Jeff. Jeff is living the American Dream. He has a stable job, a lovely wife and child, and a nice home. All is not happy times in Jeff's life however, for because he has dedicated so much time to his job, to acquire the nice home, he has left his wife and child neglected. More-so his child. Jeff named his son Charles, after either Charles Dickens, or Charles Manson. One of the two, he forgets. The point is, that today, the Eleventh of September, is little Charles' tenth birthday, and Jeff has made a point to make it the best birthday he can make it! However, Jeff has already fussed up at the starting line. Jeff slept right through his alarm, and only has a limited time until Charles gets home with his friends. So Jeff has found himself having to both prepare for his son's birthday, and complete some chores his wife left him! Woe is Jeff. Woe is Jeff.

Help Jeff complete a list of actions correctly before his son returns home! Given the limited time Jeff has, each action may only be done ONCE, but EVERY action MUST BE COMPLETED in order to properly prepare for the birthday! Can you help Jeff choose the actions in a proper order to prevent birthday catastrophe?! Probably!

List of Available actions. Remember, all of them MUST be completed, and each can only be preformed ONCE. Actions are in no particular order. Please choose an action to start Jeff's day.

Frost Cake
Fix Toilet
Get dressed
Get Bee Spray
Get Rid of Bee hive
Set Table
Brush Teeth
Jack Off Incessantly to Weird Tanuki Porn
Check Guest List
Buy Mint For Pastries
Check Cookbook
Eat Breakfast
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450563 No. 450563 ID: eba327 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Welcome to PornQuest.
This is Nat. She is my character and the starter character.
You can suggest your own characters to "play" with her. There is one character per IP.
If you do not feel like submitting a character of you already have, you can suggest actions for the current roster
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