Chapter 1: I want to be just like my dad when I grow up.
and so the epic game of rock, paper, scissors; commences
I studied the basics of shape shifting under my mother before setting out to refine my technique. What kind of animals did I study over the years? Pack Hunters I studied the way wolves hunt together and how their numbers whittle down their prey. As a result I have mastered taking the shape of a wolf but more significantly I have developed an experimental technique that could potentially allow me to separate into up to three separate entities. Prey Watching the behavior of mice, and other small creatures has shown me the value of a light step and sharp senses. Careful examination of pelts has also inspired me to practice shifting the colors and textures of my skin in order to blend in with the environment. Primordial Beasts There were once creatures who have survived in a time before humans were born on this earth. Terrifying feathered beings armed with incredibly long claws and unusual limbs. What little I know of these creatures has been gleaned from obscure books and carefully preserved bones. The forms that I can transform into are powerful but cannot be mistaken as any local wildlife.
ok so i had this idea for a quest so your this guy right and your all happy and everything
In which Tavern sucks at percussion.
Network Error Detected. Communication interruption with facility GAIA. Activating Smart AI unit for situational assessment. Fabricating...
Trigger warnings: Major TW for suicide and abuse(so far just emotional/verbalfrom a parent, that may change though), depression, eating disordered. Possible future TW for alcohol use, drug use, and/or rape.
I could taste the blood in my mouth as I ran. That disgusting, sharp copper taste let me know that I was still going in the thorn-lined maze of the world between home and Faerie. As my lungs began to burn, I could feel the points of the thorns pulling on my skin. It might have hurt, but not as much as staying behind would have. The brambles wanted me to stay with them, entangled for the rest of time in the madness of the world they bordered. My desire was greater. Tumbling head-first out of some door in the tangle of green, I managed to slam my self headfirst into some mirror in an attic. It was like I had been born again and thrust back into a place I no longer understood. Just how long had I been gone? Where was I? What was I? >What is this? A text-based quest based on the World of Darkness Roleplaying Game, Changeling: The Lost. Using a very simplified Storyteller system, you take the role of our character, fresh from the Hedge that Separates reality from unreality and free from being a slave to the dreadful True Fae. It's up to you to make sure this person survives and thrives. >Who are we? A good question. Each person can should answer once as we put together our main character. >True Name: Our name before we were taken. >Sex: Male or Female. >Age: Our age. How old are we after we’ve escaped? Both physically and chronologically? Being from a completely different era of time is quite bad for us. >Prioritize the following for your Attributes: MENTAL, PHYSICAL, and SOCIAL. Which one is EXCEPTIONAL? Which one is SUPERIOR? Which is our AVERAGE? >Prioritize the following for our Skills: MENTAL, PHYSICAL, and SOCIAL. Where does the core of our skill Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
Old Thread: >
Your name is Winterfrost. You are a young wolf currently traveling on your own. As is tradition with the packs in your area, on your first birthday you have been banished from your packlands to make your own way. Once you have proven your worth and survived on your own for a year's time, you will be able to return home and branded as a full adult of your pack. You have been traveling south for three days now and you're getting kind of hungry. What will you do?
"Please report to the training site in uniform at 8am for orientation."
We walked all night. It was tiring, but there is a certain hour when you stop being tired. The sun rose, and the rain did not stop. We sang to take our minds off of the horror. It is not so bad with the three of us out here.
There was a knock at the door.
I had been pounding on the possible informant's door for the past few minutes. I contemplated kicking it in, but I didn't hear any movement inside.
last time: oh god i emptied my savings account into my checking so i could buy a loaf of bread and some 4lokos. didn't these things used 2 be illegal i'm no longer a shark in form but i'm still a shark at heart what the fuck should i do
She said she'd be here already. This is just like her.
Whisper's Ascent: Part 1 -- Life at the Bottom
Your name is Eric Cambell, and you recently started playing the most amazing game. It doesn't really have a name, it's simply called "The Game" by the other players. You only started to play a few weeks ago. You had been out hunting in your usual spots in New York, and had only just put the finishing touches on your latest bit of artwork when you found yourself very suddenly elsewhere. The room was large, and you were sitting in a chair around a large conference table. At first you worried, the blood still stained your hands and your knife was still visible, but it was soon made clear that despite their being other people seated around the table none of them could see you. You supposed that appeared just as shadowy and indistinct as they seemed to you. It was just a few seconds before the shouting began,questions like "Who are you people", and "Where are we? Why can't I get up!" started back and forth between the confused group. You choose to remain silent. Then the large double doors at the end of the room (had they always been there?) opened and a tall, thin man stepped inside. Apparently it was raining out as he shook a wet umbrella off and placed it by a coat rack. "Hello, everyone. I suppose you are wondering why I've gathered you here" he said with a slight southern draw? More shouts from the others, some in anger, others confusion. The man waved them down. "I assure you, all will be answered in due time. First let me congratulate you on being selected to participate in the greatest event this millennium" the man shouted with a flick of his wrist. He smiled and said "I have many names, but you may call me The Game Master!" Suddenly he was on the other side of the table. "I have chosen you for this game based on your unique personalities and skill sets. You see, what I offer is literally only limited by your imaginations" he said. The Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
"It's pretty... What does it do?"
Behold, we have finally come up with space travel. It has been a long time for our race to evolve to this point. We will find new races, explore new stars and hopefully find a new home to propagate our race out of scarcity.
"Hey kid, you look lost. Need a ride?"
Archives: The constantly lost Day 2 thread: Discussion: You wake up in a bed that you're not sure who it belongs to, feeling deeply weary. The past few days have been exhausting, to put it mildly. Between beating thieves in the head with rocks, collecting delinquent taxes with an ex-lady knight, getting almost abducted by some weird caravan, making friends and then losing them almost immediately, making new friends to help with the loss of the older ones, and getting an actual job, you haven't had as much time to think to yourself as you used to. Then again, most of your previous thoughts were constantly of how hungry you were and you didn't have the luxury of having a "life" to keep you preoccupied with things other than that. You remember, as you look at the unfamiliar blanket laying on you, that you're staying in Kurush's house, but only until that creepy caravan leaves town. Your head's a little muddled, like you've been sleeping for ages, but you want to make the best of the day. Your name is Clovis and you are fourteen years old. [ ]Check inventory [ ]Check priorities [ ]Other
Angels, crimson wings aglow They rise to strike toward those below Unhesitant in their descent They take up arms and soar.
WALLET QUEST: BEGIN Your name is Malachi. You are in a room that you have never seen before, but that is not what is important. It seems that you have lost your wallet. Your wallet contains items important to your everyday life, and you must find it as soon as possible. >Please suggest an action
Ah shit, my head!
'God, this medicine is kicking my ass.'
... Ugh... My head hurts. Wait... Wait wait wait. I've had this feeling before. No. No no no no no no no no no no no no no no!
[[this one is more likley to crash/wither then most as its dependent on my supply of black paper, but i want to experiment with minimalist stuff while doing the other quests, so lets so how long this gose for. also cookies for who ever figures out what this is based on :) }}}} You had a name once, who were you?
The Ath'naris Academy of Applied Arts and Heuristics, also known as AAAAH lies within the astral plane, a school of jealously guarded secrets in a even more jealously guarded location. The only ones who have ever successfully found it are the brilliant students and professors who are graciously invited by the Headmaster. Only these professors and young, bright students with a scholarship pass can penetrate the mighty wards of concealment and protection that surround the mysterious academy, unable to be breached by any other known mea-
Voices! Damn it, voices, I'm actually wanting your help this time, so please wake up! Dan >"Shin, man, I think this is it!" Xavier >"Not yet! We just gotta hold out for--" Dan >"For what?! We're fackin' alone, man!" I swear to Gad I'll never touch another pill as long as I live, just wake up already! I've been thinking about doing a quest for a while, so I thought before I got invested in something big I'd get my feet wet first. I guess I'll see if this can get anywhere. I'd greatly appreciate any and all pointers in the discussion thread here--->
You wake up in your college dormroom. It is quiet. There is no sound, no light, aside from the light coming in from the window, and no signs of anyone else. You can't remember what happened last night, or the night before, or the night before. All you know is that you go to college. You are a male, about 6 feet tall. You have dark brown hair and wear glasses. You don't feel tired at all, but you also do not feel awake. You would think that after waking up, you would at least have to pee. But it literally feels like nothing. All you can feel are the bedsheets that cover your body. To your left, you have your wardrobe, your desk, and your laptop. There are no decorations, and no signs of trash or debris. What time was it? What day was it? Your mind feels hollow and you can't place your finger on any memories.
80x73 is... 5840. 5840 divided by twelve... ...four hundred eighty six point six repeating. Square of that is 236844, I think. definitely some decimals missing there, ah well.
Quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur. // Whatever is said in Latin sounds profound.
True hell...
"Get in there Citizen" The guard says as he shoves you into the cell. Your face and left arm feel numb, you have just been through a brutal beating.
I have deiced to try to start a quest again. I hope this one goes a little better than the last. Before hand I want to apologies for starting with a St. Elsewhere end, but the disjointed lunacy of my last attempt seem like a good idea for a troubled dream, and that is were my idea started. This will be a sci fi alien contact quest set initially on Vilous. We will see were it goes from there.
You are a tozol named Ishi whose job as a scout as taken him to this vessel to investigate a possible precursor artifact on this derelict vessel. Your hand scanner says it is through this closed door. What do?
If it had been possible to build the Tower of Babel without climbing it, it would have been permitted...
I am so tired...
I come here almost every day.
Hi! I'm from /tg/ and not only do I like the slower pace of this board but I really like the people here! I've got this quest I was working on from the /tg/ board and I'm going to post a link to the archives AND recap everything that happened there for everyone. It'll be slow because I'm also trying to redraw EVERYTHING to start out with so that I can more easily move things along instead of drawing a whole bunch and then wearing myself out. I'll still be drawing during the quest but I'm just hoping I won't have to do a ton of work. I'm not the best artist in the world but I'm trying so if something is super off feel free to let me know. Also I'm not very sure of myself so long drawn out text walls. But here's the first one.
No one defeats me.
Three cold bodies run from their old stomping grounds by vigilante justice in the early night. They know nothing of the road ahead, and they've come together by pure circumstance. -So hi I saw people drawing stuff and I want to draw stuff too. This is an experimental first poke at quests for me. :o
Wiki Page: Quest Discussion:
Sometimes, when times are rough, a man just needs his goddam burger. But sometimes, that same goddam burger is unable to be reached through conventional means.
I am (a Pandil, young, pure, girl and a believer in gods. (an Utzi, a male, not anymore, a female, a bioengineer and a fugitive. (an Achalonian, a woman raped as a girl, cynic and ambitious free citizen of the Gramorce machine.
"Jack of all trades, master of none, Certainly better than a master of one"
Made a mistake while trying to do something with the original thread, lost all votes, sorry guys. ?1: What is this... Where am I? Ugh... ?1: Think... Why does it feel-- ?0: "Ah! Found one! No, two! But, I wonder what genders they are?" ?1: Gender? ...I know I went by he, but... Was I male, morphodite, or unisex? ?1: And the other... I wonder what she is? ...If it is a she... Question discussion thread is here: If you're confused about what the genders mean, read up there, I posted details. Vote for the gender, I still have access to the old thread but it won't show up anymore so I'm starting it over. Those who aren't online to vote will have their votes counted from the old thread, otherwise, new votes here only.
My name is Captain Duo. I have been taken prisoner by the Dominoes, and will likely be executed by the day's end. I need to get out of here. Roll a 1d6 for action.
"Okay! One story before sleep, my dears. Which do you want to hear tonight? The Dog and The Snake? Maybe Muddyruffle and The Two Otters? I'm certain you don't want to hear The Lazy Dog and The Tree again. I can tell you whatever story you want my dears, but only one!"
This the Guardian. He is proud of his title and his responsibilities and thinks he is the best protector around! Which would make sense since he is the only one. However, he has found himself in quite the predicament. That being that he is currently skewered on the tip of a spire.
Ruins and ancient tombs make ready lairs and nests for all manner of creatures. This results in many would-be heroes seeking out forgotten valuables that may rest deep in the darkest recesses of these places, then subsequently dying and adding more to the pile. This cycle ensures any given dungeon is almost never devoid of riches to be plundered and the stories of those who enter to find their fortune inspire more potential fodder adventurers. A life of riches and adventure or a dusty pile of bones for some other adventurer to pick through in passing. There is no middle ground. Which will you be?
There is light. Everywhere, there is light. It's pleasant, here, and it feels safe. However, now is not the time to linger. Now, it is the time for your life to begin. You'll have to answer a few questions, first, however. For starters. Male, or Female?
Part One and Two: Part Three: Wiki: Discussion: >My name is Zilee. >I used to live in the village of Picitaru atop Karaku mountain until one day, when I was out huntinh, a god fell from the sky and smashed Picitaru under its mighty frame. >The people most dear to me in this world are all dead.
As who do you want to play?
Your name is Set, god of storms and vigour. You fend off entropy and protect the sun on its nightly journey through the underworld. You are vastly underrated, often demonized, and quite possibly a little gay. What will you do?
It is the year 2285. After the Insider Trading War, the USA balkanized and resulted in the six standing powers we see today. Which one do you call home?
Lying under the gentle afternoon sun, clouds drift over your head. You begin to feel at peace with the world. You feel light, filled with the delicate freedom of a dandelion wisp. You feel like your future wafts in front of you, that you could decide here and now who you will be and the direction in which your life will proceed. Thoughts fill your mind.... Ok, I'm gonna try to make this quest double as daily art practice. Also, I'm going to try not to do what I did last time and put so much effort and planning into this that I freak out and drop it. It will Guardian abilities:Change Form GP:10, Shadow Ball GP:10, Last Stand GP:50, Darkness GP:00, Summon Ombra GP:100, Limit Break- Avatar of Ombra GP:100 Heyyyy guys. I might've accidentally lost you for a few days. But it's cool! Nothing interesting happened anyway! Other than more Saisai/Oli sex/training. Luckily I spared you from seeing that, hmm? Saisai picks up the Guardian That dumb dragon. If she didn't find you I don't know what I would have done.
"New quest which hopefully won't crash and burn." -Whaat
You wanna' play a game don'cha? >(Y/N)
Round 1: Discussion:
Chapter 0: Chapter 1: Discussion: "I... see." Seems like he noticed something. Could be something else, but let's change the subject anyway. Harold: "A donation, of course. I've always got a bit of coin for a good cause, Father. Thanks again. I need to head back up to... to see if I can learn anything useful from our attacker." "He's still here? I might be of help. Should I accompany you? Harold: "No, I can take care of myself."
I've been put into jail for being the dark elf that I am.
ok, After ten long years of training and magical studies you finally graduated, you are now a level one paladin!Hmm, but what creature are you?
It's 6 in the afternoon, you're hungover and you're in a store to buy a beer. The store never seems to have anything in stock. What do you do?
It been a day since the announcement from the government that had basically damned every breaker in the nation to being hunted by everyone else. Already there were reports of riots occurring in major cities across the nation, in no small part to the panic caused by the very idea that people can warp reality at will. It can't help but be noticed by you and your crew however, that most of those riots are occurring in the east. Most likely D7 stirring up trouble. Everywhere else just seems to be in a state of shock, uncertain what to do, although the panic is slowly spreading. Thankfully, even without orders from you, your organization is already actively helping to calm the panic by taking any breakers it can find and taking them to safety, and barring that, warning them against using their powers. At least until you can come up with a plan. Which is what the hastily put together strategy meeting is for. You assembled in a conference room scrounged up from somewhere, and all of the inner circle is here, talking quietly amongst themselves while you brood on things in your head. Everyone here was someone who'd received a... what had the doc called them? Reminders. They'd received a Reminder from you, a focus you'd tuned and handed over to them to keep hold of. some wore them openly, like Cass and Aria. Others preferred to hide it away, as Elizabeth and Chris did. You find your attention drawn to each in turn, noting things that had changed over the past few months. As always, Cass is the first one to garner your attention, and despite her protests to the contrary, her life is improving in leaps and bounds. Over the past few months, her suddenly highly protective, if no less violent, personality, has polarized a lot of people around her, either they came to love her or hate her. Regardless, she is given the respect she has earned, being one of the lieutenants to "El Jefe" as you are being called now. While she isn&# Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
You are a zombie, Fresh from the horde. You are in an empty room. Humanoid Chart Orange.....You Green..Zombies Black...Humans What You Know: How To Open Doors How To Eat Brains Basic Motor Function Skills >input
My name is Ike and, at the time being, I am currently on a quest to rid an abandond hut of its current inhabitants. Now, how should I go about my this job ?
[Ben] Hello folks watching at home, I am Ben Strange and this is our special guest James Steel, and you are watching Spooky Adventures
Our protagonist wakes up in an unfamiliar cave, unaware of why he's there. While searching for himself he is discovered by a female who promptly escorts him to the head sage in hope for answers. The sage can not answer the question of who our protagonist is but sends him on an indefinite path to retrieve his memories.
As a denizen of the deep cities, you've spent your entire life in a known environment. Everywhere you've ever swam, slept, and lived has long been found, explored, and mapped by countless Mer before you. In spite of this, or perhaps because of it, you've always been fond of the whole notion of adventuring. As such, much of your free time has been spent wandering and exploring to the best of your abilities. You've never found anything of importance. But this. This. Tubes like this don't just make themselves.
A single drone snaps into existence above a small planet. Nestled into the sweet spot that exists at just the right distance from the sun, this particular system had been one of the last lost to the invaders. The last bastion of hope. And it had fallen, just as quickly as all the others. Now, though, after two decades of waiting. Two decades of preparation. Humanity would set forth to reclaim what had been lost. The drone spun lazily on its course, descending rapidly before settling itself into orbit above the planet. It was the herald of humanity's return. As it arrived at its final destination, its task done, the drone sent out a single signal, back across the endless voids of space to the massive fleet waiting in the closest system. The defenders were limited. The enemy was not prepared. The time had come. ------------------- The cold that came with waking from cold sleep was not unfamiliar to you. Still, you could do little as the machine that housed you was opened and you were left to drop to the floor. The cold feel of metal met your touch, and you hissed in pain. You training however, kicked in, and forced you to your feet. There was only one reason you could have been awoken. You'd come to the place that would be home for the rest of your life. You felt your psychic senses reach out, the world around you being mapped out like a 3D image in your head. The researches had called it "mapping". To you, it simply was. Just as you could see the world around you, or taste it, or touch it, you could FEEL it. Just another way to experience the world. Even as your senses work overtime to take in this new environment, you fall into parade rest, your arms folded behind you, feet placed shoulder width. Everything was as it should be. Before you stood a normal human, a natural human, and he reviewed you with barely hidden disgust. He signs something on the pad in his hands, then tosses tha Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
[1/2] The goddess Vysharya looms over her large display of the continent of Galis. She comes to this hidden spot when she just needs some down time. Away from the meddling god Bellothym or the chaotic Udimashi and even sometimes the more peaceful gods Enkydu and Giglimesh. Her lover Jozulen would know she was there if he grew curious of her whereabouts. For now she would watch over the mortals and be the spectator to their unique journeys and tales.
YOU DUMBASSES. Looks like you fucked up this thing you were doing. Breaking into this piece of shit vault. Looks like the cops or whatever are gonna apprehend you guys. But wait! Looks like one of you can escape, and bust the other two out of jail later. So whos it gonna be?
In a certain fledgling universe, on certain desert planet, a husk of a man just began his quest to free himself from the approximately two hundred thousand years of torture he calls his life. He's not sure of the exact number of years. As it turns out, dozens of millenia of bloodshroom abuse will not do wonders for one's memory.
"I've heard you're one of the Lunatics," says Ranier the Eel, "and on behalf of the city I need you to do me a minor favor regarding that bunch." I'm just about the only Velesian living in the cavern-city of Suncove, so he must have singled me out. He can see my tail thrashing in nervousness as I look up at him. Ranier, the city militia captain, is said to have ears everywhere. Favors, contacts. I mutter something non-committal and he goes away, having made his "request". I'm left there in my hole-in-the-wall shop, alone, suddenly questioning my vow to make this life more interesting than my last one. My name is Mallow Roseson. I face north each morning and pray to Lord Veles. But since I left home I'm out of range of His Trees of Souls, so if I die here, that's it. Great Oak and my village by Lake Fortitude both wanted me to stay because of my skill with the Weave. Said it was my patriotic duty to the race. Nuts to that! I do want to help the race, but if anything I'm doing my people more good by living here in human lands, being a proper citizen, than by weaving spells in a city full of other Velesians. I've been trying both to get rich quick and to not offend anyone. That meant joining the Lunatics, a social club for merchants and tradesmen. They've gotten a bit political lately, what with increasing interference by the politicians of Griffin Keep against Suncove's own Duke Gaubert. I'm sure their grumbling isn't important though. Oh, who am I kidding? I keep gnawing on ideas as though there are voices in my head, for how to handle Ranier's favor: spy on my friends and colleagues. Their next meeting is in a week. What should I do about that? OOC: I'm new at this and have basically no visual art skill! Critique and forgiveness appreciated.
This is you, you fucking loser. What the fuck do you want to do today?
We managed to limp back to the Great Aorta without too much trouble. In the port of Sulfur Springs I was able to call in a favor to get us a room for a few days to recover. The twins are… coping with the death of their mentor and the rest of the expedition. Veechy’s taken to the bar and started speaking to passing travelers, merchants, mercenaries, and even beggars. I don’t see any pattern in his inquiries but the look on his face says there are wheels spinning inside his head. Alia is alternating between translating the papers we removed from the ruins and sulking in bed. Both of the twins are planning something in furtive whispers between each other but they don’t seem to be in the mood to share their thoughts with me. Those ruins have me concerned though, I’ve never seen active constructs in all 40 years I spent down here. A couple hundred years of instinct says trouble is coming possibly something that outclasses the occasional power despot wizard you find on the surface. I suppose it was only a matter of time before I got dragged into another storm. Choose a character Veechy Veechy’s quick tongue and constant vigilance has kept the twins out of trouble in the Fae provinces. In the openly corrupt province of Sunwine Veechy kept an ear to the ground to find the right judges, ministers, and officials to bribe for relative safety from the predatory nobility. In order to survive off of what was found in the ruins Veechy needs to find a new patron interested in Deep Elf ruins. Alia A genius when it comes to translating the arbitrary dialects of ancient documents. Alia’s powerful intellect allows her to quickly develop new skills and decipher encrypted letters, a handy trait for coming up with the bribe money needed to stay afloat in Sunwine. While Veechy handles the practical side of dealing with the ancient documents Alia discovers the true value of the docume Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
On day one of the incident approximately 80% of the population was vaporized. piles of clothes lay upon the streets where the lucky ones stood, cars were overturned and wrecked by the side of the road, planes fell from the sky, and the world stood still. "it's the rapture" we said "it's the end" we cried "we were forgotten" we raged we were wrong. we should have been forgotten. it should have been the end. choose a story to follow: The Puppet whose past is not his own The Witch who curses her present The seer who sees a grim future
This is what we call it when laws written for the paragons of virtue are saddled to a horde of inbred sociopaths: We call it royalty.
"Keep up." "Spirit Shit on a Spirit Stick. It's cold out here." "Stomp it out." "You'd think the wastes would be hot. I always thought they'd be hot, looking at pictures." "Not up this far north. We're near Old Waan." "I can never keep track of this plane's weather. Back home it's all the same. Purple and warm-ish. I liked that." "If you want to go back, I'll send you back." "I never said that. What's up your ass today, man?" "Favor being called in. It's why we're out here." "You don't like the people?" "The people I like fine. They had a big part in the reformation. Hunter-killers, pushing the old guard out. The problem is it's not them who need me." "Who does?" "Their kid."
>DISCLAIMER: This quest will contain turn-based strategy battles and nudity. This is a story of many strange events, and many characters. But one warrior stands out above the rest as the 'main' character. What did this character fight for? >note: I will probably leave this first post up for a while to give more time for potential players to vote for the protagonist
Main thread: For the sake of those unable or unwilling to log into MSPA, I'll be collecting suggestions for Highly Reactive in this channel. This is not a shameless attempt to get the ball rolling because nobody cares about a not-very-freeform quest thats stopped for over three years. Honest. Why would I lie?
-"Excuse are you all right" -"It's seems to me that you'r dosed off for moment there..." -"You look very tired... hard day at work?" -"I see... oh... who am I, heh" -"My name is not important (it ether way too long to remeber) and and I'll be your waiter tonight"
Once upon a time, in a strange, distant land, there was a modest little island in the middle of the sea. On this modest little island was a modest little kingdom known as “Talefall.”
"Time is a game played beautifully by children." – Heraclitus, Fragments
My name is Snack, that should tell you a lot. I was never very good at anything that needed to be done in the tribe. Now they tell me they can’t have me stay here anymore.
This boy is named Michael Score. And he is one of the most popular boys in school. An adventure with Michael usually consists of flirting with beautiful girls, having fun with friends, and easily winning the respect, whether through rivalry or admiration, of his elders. Yes Michael lives his life to the fullest, he can have any girl he desires, an adventure with Michael is an adventure of a lifetime! And with that said, we can begin!
Light floods my senses. I feel constrained and cold. Something is not right. I have to change something. What is happening?
Warm felicitations, (Brother/Sister) and welcome to our table! Sit where ever you like; room for you will be made. It's been so long since we've had an addition to our Clan, I expect the whole family is quite anxious to meet you. Please, come with me, and I'll Introduce you. Before I do, and you'll have to forgive me, but I'm a little short of sight. You see, before a relative is inducted as a full-privileged member... Well, you could be anything, really. The possibilities of youth are quite blinding. Do you mind giving me some form or image to look upon? a: Accept and describe yourself b: Accept but decline to define yourself c: Other (write-in.)
You are a nanomachine. You have just re-activated. You are too simple to understand concepts such as time or why you were weren't active in the first place. Your current abilities are: Harvest materials; ingest nearby matter Divide; become two half sized nanomachines.
You are a fragment of the legion of the dead, by mistake you entered inside a tiny soulpudding sleeping on Necro's desk
Ah, welcome to my wonderful Kingdom of Ptyge; where the kitty-cats rule, and any other animal drools (quite literally, those DOGS.)!
This quest will be updated as fast as I can draw the updates(Think Lagotrope speed). The building has been under siege by the police for almost 2 days. Several shots have been exchanged between police and the suspect in the building. The suspect has already shot several police and SWAT officers and should be considered armed and extremely dangerous. Three SWAT teams are minutes away from breaching the building. You are in Element A which has fast-roped onto the roof by helicopter. Elements B is breaching the front entrance and Element C is breaching the rear entrance, both on the bottom floor. You have just finished Looking under the door with your snake-camera and it is clear.
It's been almost a half an hour now, and yet you still cannot bring yourself to do it. Ever since the train pulled into the station, you knew it wouldn't be easy getting up and off. Nothing is easy. Your mind races to contemplate several items of interest, including what your plan is now, where you'll sleep, whether this story will remain in second person, and how soon before those Metro cops come in and beat the tar out of you, just to name a few. You're a man of the moment. And this moment calls for action! As soon as you decide what kind of action needs to be taken, you think you'll be just fine staring at your grainy reflection in the train window.
So, hello. Novice writer here. Before we begin, pick a name and one of the below; Birdfolk; A tiny bird, as of right now, standing some eighteen inches tall. The world is largely inconsequential to him, as today is a big day. Swamp Noble; A tough-looking man, with a medium length of hair to boot. Dissatisfied with his position, he decides to do a little something about it, hands on. King's Knight; Whilst not -true-, the title remains. He must personally guard the man of power in this wintery wasteland. Today went kind of wonky.
Your name is John. You awake in a small room. To the right of you there is a door. There is a painting above you.
(I'm going to keep on experimenting and trying new things so I can get back to the old. What's more simple and relaxing than a nice stick figure quest?)
So, this is how it ends then? Somehow I always thought I'd go down fighting, die a hero's death in the war. Not wind up a sniveling coward to terrified to even put up a fight. Gods, I'm pathetic... I'm never going to go home again, am I?
The voices slide through you, weaving through your body. look closely kill kiss run away befriend kick seduce bite trick With the noise, thinking's nearly impossible. You feel your bones resonating with the cacophony. As you struggle to recall yourself, memories come to mind. Sitting in school, feeling frustrated at the blatant error the teacher's written on the blackboard and refuses to acknowledge. Looks like... high school. What grade were you, again? How old're you, anyway? What's even your name? And your gender? Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
"Sammy, you've always been a good friend to me, but I don't know if I can help you out this time." "And why's that?"
Deep within the depths of the multiverse lies a dangerous anomaly known as the Puzzle Dungeon! Travelers from all of known existence are pulled from their homes and forced to run this impossible gauntlet! Rumors abound that at its core it contains a power more valuable than anything else in existence... power that could elevate the one who secures it to a higher status than a god! Of course, with an infinite amount of dungeon delvers, it's merely a matter of time until the dungeon is completed. But the dungeon's traps seem nigh infinite themselves, and many will fall before one is victorious...
You are Thessel Shault After weeks of wandering the wraithlands aimlessly you cannot believe your luck! You seem to have stumbled upon an unoccupied fount. Not only does it seem to disperse the clinging fog that is the trademark of the wraithlands, Founts are known for their usefulness in aiding construction and possess a number of other useful properties to those that possess them! Now perhaps you can realize your dream of building a mighty empire without interference! Of course, it would help if you had some idea of where to start....
scene music 1
A little black barn owl sleeps exhausted in his armchair. He has had a very long, grim night. As he had difficulty sleeping, he helped himself to sleep by means of fine wine. He still has duties to tend to, though. The sun rises through the distant window. He cannot stay locked in his armchair all day. That's for Saturdays. What shall he do, then?
Your name is Eric Cambell, and you recently started playing the most amazing game. It doesn't really have a name, it's simply called "The Game" by the other players. You only started to play a few weeks ago. You had been out hunting in your usual spots in New York, and had only just put the finishing touches on your latest bit of artwork when you found yourself very suddenly elsewhere. The room was large, and you were sitting in a chair around a large conference table. At first you worried, the blood still stained your hands and your knife was still visible, but it was soon made clear that despite their being other people seated around the table none of them could see you. You supposed that appeared just as shadowy and indistinct as they seemed to you. It was just a few seconds before the shouting began,questions like "who are you people", and "where are we? Why can't I get up!" started back and forth between the confused group. You choose to remain silent. Then the large double doors at the end of the room (had they always been there?) opened and a tall, thin man stepped inside. Apparently it was raining out as he shook a wet umbrella off and placed it by a coat rack. "Hello, everyone. I suppose you are wondering why I've gathered you here" he said with a slight southern draw? More shouts from the others, some in anger, others confusion. The man waved them down. "I assure you, all will be answered in due time. First let me congratulate you on being selected to participate in the greatest event this millennium" the man shouted with a flick of his wrist. He smiled and said "I have many names, but you may call me The Game Master!" Suddenly he was on the other side of the table. "I have choose you for this game based on your unique personalities and skill sets. You see, what I offer is literally only limited by your imaginations" he said. T Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
You're exhausted. The floor you took to sleeping on didn't help, nor did what you had to do last night. Funerals were never such nice things. Your cup of hot tea only helped so little. That was normally the straw that broke your needy back, but last night it did little good. You only fell to slumber when a mysterious heaviness fell upon you and you konked out on your carpet. And no, the impact of hitting the floor last night didn't help either. Yet you slept, face buried in dust knitting yet to be cleaned. The sun rises through your window. It hits one revealed eye, and you groan. You really don't know what to do at this time in the morning. You have an inkling, but you don't want to follow it. But maybe it'll come to you if you just lay down for another minute or two. Laying down sounds nice. Not as heavy laying down. And you still feel drowsy. Not like you want to open your eyes just yet. The black is calming, after all. { Now, what do you need to do . . . ? }
SETHRINE: So Keira, this is the thing that those stooges wanted? That’s a hell of a lot to pay for one of these little nubby things. And where the hell are all the security robots? I’m getting bored! ...Yeah, yeah, I get it. I shouldn’t complain, money’s money. Lemme grab it, then we can go to the Rusty Buzzer for a stiff drink and some company. {Unauthorized removal attempt detected! Sounding Alarms. Dispatching pacification units to your current location.}
... I forgot I was writing this. Where were we... uhh... Lemme just... gracefully transition into a new scene.
"I'm sorry to waste your time, My Lady, the Dragons assured me this particular piece was QUITE impressive. They couldn't show me however, as it 'only works for royal blood', I believed I've been duped, Madam." "It's okay rumble, just more trash from the surface."
A cage is no place for a heavenly being, but it's not like it hasn't been done before.
Sad.. scared.. hate.. Impressions: Endless darkness. Shards of essence, fading into the distance. A grand beam of light, impossible to comprehend, too far to touch. Warmth, fading. A single drop of heat and family, falling from what-was-you. Instinctively you try to protect it, but you don’t know how, and it is torn apart by the beam and the darkness. Loss, too huge to survive. Gnawing pain. Darkness. Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
You are Mephistopheles, the Compromising Aspect of The Dragon. Many mortals whose fates could have altered the course of human history have faltered, fell and faded away for listening to your gentle whispers. For some time you've been the paragon of your craft and a champion of your kind's doomed cause... But all that is about to change. You've felt more of that hated divine influence work harder and faster on the face of the Earth than ever before. The Messengers have been lengthening their stride and quickening their pace, and even the Grand Architect seems to have been suddenly taken by the condition of his footstool. It's not just you who feels things are coming to a head... and The Fallen have to follow suit if they're going to make any sort of lasting brand before the Great and Terrible Day. To be concise, The End is near... And there's much work to be done.
Ashes to ashes . . . Dust to Dust . . . From whence we came . . . to return we must . . . You see before you, in your pre-existence, a tree. Deeper than blood, looking to have long since died, a firm appendage pressed against it confirms a flowing feeling. It lives. But it doesn't breathe. It simply is. There is nothing definitive of the dark sky above. You can see neither the ground you walk nor the sky to guide, but the light that the blood-dried tree before you gives. More specifically, the light from the strange fruits left upon it. It's odd. But you feel as if this tree is familiar somehow. A voice, softer and sweeter than the skip the stone makes in the pond, funnels through your mind. You have been brought here for a reason, Starbourne. You have no need to fear. None of you do. I mean no harm to you. Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
The party really pulled out all the stops with the victory celebration tonight. The hours spent playing patty cake with Mindy were especially invigorating, particularly after you consumed some evidence off her beautiful anatomy. You haven’t had this much fun since college. The smoggy night air of the lower district fills your lungs as you step out of Mindy’s apartment. You turn and give her the usual goodbye slap and tickle as she retreats back into her home. CLICK! A flash of light invades your eyeballs. As you turn to look at its source, you hear the rustling of the bushes as the intruding paparazzo runs off with his prize picture. This does not bode well. If that picture hits the papers, you’ll be the first person to screw up the new regime and the party leader is going to be extremely cross with you. He may even decide to remove all your kickbacks and bonuses for this year. He may even kick you out of the party. … Come to think of it, your wife might not like the idea of you having an affair either. Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
You are a cargo delivery boy trying to make good time on a morning shipment. And by Amnboreo-ra's grace, you have really messed up.
Once, there was a mighty empire, hundreds of years ago. The empire was great, and spanned many continents, more than are known even today in this world. It had amazing technology, some may even call it magic. But as the empire grew, it warred with itself. In time, it split apart, and it launched its own mighty technology against itself. Few survived. The land itself was scarred forever, and man was never the same, twisted and mutated beyond recognition. These lands are now more dangerous than ever before... Are you a true human, a remnant of times lost? (More choices will follow) Or are you a Mutant, borne of this new age? (More choices will follow) (Yes, this is an import of the /tg/ quest - but I hope to take this one in a different direction, with the different pace that is here.)
Chapter 1: Discussion thread:
Year: 0AD Month: January. You are a young and headstrong man who has recently inherited land from your late father. The emperor of the land has decreed that with your late fathers land and his military grant you create a safe haven for at least five other war veterans to live. For this vital job you have been given three years to prepare for their arrival. They are picky and will require some fancy housing and some form of luxury living. To start, you are going to need to get building your brand new village. Probably starting with somewhere for you to live. You have: -200 wood. -40 stone. -100 leather. -500 coin. What will you name your village and what is your first course of action?
HELLO AND WELCOME TO THE SOLDIERS OF SALVATION! IF YOU HAVE RECIEVED THIS MESSAGE, IT MEANS THAT YOU HAVE BEEN ACCEPTED INTO THE EMPLOYMENT OF THE S.O.S. THROUGH MEANS OF APPLICATION, DRAFT, OR SERVITUDE!...... WE HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR EMPLOYMENT, (OR POSSIBLE FEDERAL SENTENCE) AND PROSPER UNDER OUR NAME! PLEASE WAIT WHILE WE CONNECT YOU TO ONE OF OUR FRIENDLY COMMAND OFFICERS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION! ............. ............. .......(Katcha)Okay great. Hey. Hello, that is. You have voluntarily- wow really?- voluntarily applied for the position of... Operator. And have been accepted. Hurray. Your position will involve providing information and orders to agents on the field during missions. Your pay will be discussed at a later date, with someone who isn't me. You will be operating in the.. Animal Branch- no surprise there - above the team.. Skulk. More widely known as "Team Fox" Yeah get used to being called that, by the way. Your first duty will involve assigning a new recruit named...
Getlx the Prince of Scintillation sits gross and monumental in his throne room as his servants float before him on dull red spits of hell-stone. "Let them come, these mages with their blinking winking jewelry eyes and their sparking magic tricks. Coax them closer and purr puissance into their lop-ears. Yes! Bring them to me and I will savor the little pops they make in the tombstone yard of my teeth. O! children. Lift your voices. Bring them in. O! my thorn children. Take them in."
Two figures move through the darkness of a manor house in the northern city of Senegha and settle in front of a large safe. "Right here," says a male voice. "Can you get it open without waking up everyone on the block?" "Of course," replies a female voice. "Just keep it down and let me concentrate." The female kneels in front of the safe and rests her fingers on the cold metal, a light blue glow radiating from the point of contact. "Sam, come on. Someone's going to see that," says the male, glancing at the closed over door and large window in the study. "Okay, Al. Maybe you'd like to do the magic from now on? If not, can it. I'm trying to work here." An aura of cold radiates from the safe and the metal creaks and strains from the sudden shift in temperature. "Almost there..."
You are in your compartment on the Southbound train. You're a little tired. You had to rush because you ran late and nearly missed it. That would have been bad.
>You approach the welcome sign of a town where you were once called mayor. >Candy Land, the sweetest town on earth, has now been reduced to the number one worst place to live. >It's been 5 years since J.R. took over, and from the news it seems as if he isn't doing his job well at all. You shouldn't be concerned, but this place was your home for so long; It's only natural that you'd want to visit, and maybe see if you can correct the path J.R. seems to be taking. >Unfortunately for you it's going to take much more than a bit of correcting to get this town back under control, but just how far are you willing to go?
Good news: your funding application has been approved.
WARNING: ADULT CONTENT: NUDITY AND ADULT SITUATIONS. NOT SAFE FOR WORK OR MINORS. There are those who think themselves above the Gods. Those that deserve to be brought down among the many, who must be stripped of their airs of greatness. They must be humbled, humiliated, their fall as great as their rise. Bare them for what they are, as is your duty as a newly devout of me, the God of Humility. Leave their soul and their darkness naked for all to see! This is your mission. To sow humility among the common man.
A foul beast appears! Ridden with disease and an insatiable hunger, it will be the death of the village! What do I do?
When I was little, my grandmother would always tell me stories of her travels. I was mesmerized by her tales of dungeons, monsters, and all of the strange folk she met. Her stories filled my dreams with magic and spelndor night after night. Now that I am finally old enough, I seek to find tales of my own to tell the generations to come, to make my own place withing the pages of the history books. I will become a great adventurer, just like my grandmother was, and reclaim the glory that my family once had. There's just one problem...