'God, this medicine is kicking my ass.'
'Everything is so fuzzy...'
'I never should've talked to that doctor.'
So are you at work or at home? What is the medicine for? Are you listening to 'paint it black' right now?
Did you just... turn off your tv?
Well medicine 's good for ya, can't complain about the medicine then can you? You know who don't like medicine? Dead people, cause they can't be cured and they feel like "Oh wow, that was some pure bullshit anti-death medecine i just spent a fortune on."
What was the 'medicine' in this case, a bad hit of LSA? Knowing what to do about it sort of requires knowing about your general health, what other substances you are exposed to or consume, and what the heck it is you took.
>>576634 Don't forget the most important factor, what the heck he is. Looks like Saturn wearing a dress shirt.
>>576706 He looks to me like Doc Scratch on an off day.
just lay down and let the universe bestow it's knowledge onto you...(and sleep off whatever the fuck you are on)
>Well medicine's good for ya, can't complain about the medicine then can you? 'Ugh. I guess. But it's making it so hard to sleep, and I can never focus...'
'...and now I can't drive for shit.'
Okay, back up a couple steps here, who are you, what are you doing, and does it matter?
Are you operating a person's motor skills?
lean against a wall for a moment. perhaps tell someone that you don't feel too good.
This is typical why the disclaimers say not to attempt to operate machinery until you know how the drug affects you. ...what exactly are you attempting to pilot? Are there any consequences for your screwing up, or is this just a game?
Alright sir i gotta pull you over for a second. Can i see your drivers license and would you please describe you current medication.
He's controlling a person. Huh.