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1054380 No. 1054380 ID: 08de23 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

[Rated PG-13, experimental and 50% improv. Let's all have a good time, hey?]

A quest following the misadventures of an interdimensional deliveryman who's way in over his head.
63 posts and 24 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1062688 ID: bcda6c

"well, sucks to suck lol"
>book it like a motherfucker as daddy dearest bursts into the bedroom, shotgun in hand
No. 1062689 ID: 8f084a

"Well do you have the right paperwork? Can't just give this thing to anyone youknow"
No. 1062703 ID: af7615

I dunno, his behavior is weird enough that he may not be mugging you; he may just not be communicating clearly. Maybe he only needs it for a bit? Ask what for. Probably don't simply hand it over, regardless.
No. 1062704 ID: e5709d

Looks like a robot.
Be friendly but assertive. You have a job to do and you don't have a sufficient level to deal with sidequests.
No. 1062708 ID: a7a180

Sorry, my mom taught me not to cooperate with strangers! Why do you want it anyway?

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1062183 No. 1062183 ID: a1eed5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

A quest about two transdimensional coworkers/bffs making a manga (And the many-many-many bad things that happens to those people in said manga)
No. 1062185 ID: a1eed5
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It’s 9PMTD at The Local Locale-a bar you’ve been frequenting for the past 5 years now to both shoot the shit and hangout with friends AND drown your sorrows. And it seems like tonight you’re going to be doing a little bit of both tonight. As you (un)luckily have company tonight. The best thing about this place is that it's one of the most run down places in town, so you two quickly find open seats for yourselves with no one next to them. The barkeep has already put down your drink (Some cheap brown beer…at least you hope that’s what it is) since it’s what you order every night, while your friend (despite also knowing the menu like the back of their hand) stares at it as if he’s looking at map in a town she has never been before.

Rem Randy Red, your best (and to be fair, ONLY) friend. You’ve unfortunately been side-by-side ever since you’ve even started working, for better an-

“LET’S MAKE A MANGA!” he slams the table, echoing out a sound akin to a bomb going off, almost making you spill the liquid all over yourself.

…You didn’t even get a single sip of your drink

>Sure, what else have you got planned tonight?
No. 1062187 ID: e51896

Say no
Then drink a lot
Once you're drunk enough, reconsider and say yes
No. 1062188 ID: fda116

No. 1062190 ID: 79582c

You need a higher blood alcohol level before you'll consider that.
No. 1062197 ID: d12415

"Who the flying fuck would publish it?"

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1060208 No. 1060208 ID: dc77d4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

An young man eager to make his way in the world prepares to embark on a fantastical journey.
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No. 1060978 ID: 2eb3cc

Ummm...pray for success, or something, until something happens.
No. 1060983 ID: e51896

bask in the glory in what I am assuming is your goddess in the painting over there, and recite a prayer to start the day. Afterwards, go through the morning routines
No. 1060999 ID: e5709d

Remove the gaudy cartoon cutout from your room.
No. 1061033 ID: c05c96

Clasp you hands and pray for success. Who knows, maybe you’ll get a response?
No. 1061615 ID: 34713f

Are you already packed? If not, do so now. You'll need your book of recipes and any supplies you own, at the very least.

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1057007 No. 1057007 ID: 7c8622 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

*Several years later*

:bitlukicon: (Since she was berserk at the time she only took half damage and was able to survive the destruction of the peachomet. Her friends, enemies and civilization were not so lucky. With the help of eggluk she has managed to survive in this hellscape, subsisting off of what she can and making burgs out of whatever she can find. It's just been her and eggluk for quite some time, the peachomet blew the pervert spirits away but now you have found her again. Will you help her fix this or will you laugh at her and make her cry?)
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No. 1061516 ID: 36fd0d

It seems like laying low is the best play at the moment, bob in place rapidly! This will show them you are very excited at the prospect of learning
No. 1061524 ID: 7c8622
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:eggluk: (In order to get in the good graces with those who she'll be staying with, eggluk gives one the last of the ketchup which it will not give back. To the next she gives the last of the cheese, it takes one bite and drops the cheese to the floor, no longer moving. Guess they don't like cheese?)
:sitter: "Oh, aren't you so sweet, bringing gift for your swarmates. I guess that means you're not hungry then. Why don't you choose the lesson then?"
:eggluk: (Eggluk gestures in the most history like way she can imagine)
:sitter: "Okay, thats an interesting topic. So our civilization was found by the first queen after the pechomet fell and granted her intelligence. With her incredibly fecundity her and her children subjugated all the other bugs and created a hive to conquer and civil
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No. 1061539 ID: ceee81

RE-acquire the CHEESE while you wait for the big bug who tells all the rules to come back
No. 1061543 ID: 36fd0d

No don't wait! This is the perfect chance to sneak away, everyone knows Eggluk is worldwide famous for her sneaking skills! Bitluk was holding her back, let's bounce into some other room
No. 1061561 ID: 273c18

Sneak out! Bring the cheese with you. Maybe you can give other bugs indigestion if they block you...

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1050017 No. 1050017 ID: 681cb5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Two lone mercenaries, lost in an unknown galaxy far from home, slowly drifts towards a smaller mining colony on the edge of the sector, a long way from anything of note. They were part of colony fleet that would do the impossible, FTL jumping to completely different galaxy, but something went very wrong… and now they are stranded all on their own. Their ship is barely holding together, as the wounds they received fleeing from the last planet as outlaws takes their toll, forcing them to land on the planet before them, for better or for worse…


Discussion thread: https://tezakia.net/kusaba/questdis/res/134609.html#134609
Technically a side story to Starlight Afterglow, but should be a self-contained story: https://questden.org/wiki/Starlight_Afterglow
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No. 1059017 ID: fd37e4

The PDU sounds like a good choice.
No. 1059018 ID: 708905

Yeah I'm voting PDU
A bit of chaos can be fun, a lot of chaos... not so much
No. 1059019 ID: 19ea25

The Liandri Trading Corporation. Because why wouldn't you want to make the best money? They know how to make money and they certainly know you'll make the best of the best.
No. 1059063 ID: 2ebf6a

It seems choosing one group is going to make you an enemy of another, no way around that. The LTC seems like a solid choice IF you're looking to make some good money.
No. 1061544 ID: 0c1ccb

THE SKULL gang sounds like it will be fun to join tho.

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1059170 No. 1059170 ID: dfaac6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Sentinel Key is a magical girl action/slice of life quest. It may contain blood, gore, body horror, and general violence. You can catch up on the previous two threads, or start with this one.
Thread One: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/graveyard/res/851282.html
Thread Two: https://questden.org/kusaba/graveyard/res/890533.html[/spoiler]
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No. 1059651 ID: dfaac6
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>Tune back into who's talking to you. You're supposed to be casing the guests, right?

Yes. That's right.

The woman to my right is talking at me. I've given her an assumed name in accordance with the rules of this stupid masquerade party, as well as a lot of lies about my history. Unfortunately, given my rapidly developing migraine, I can't remember what any of them were.

>coping time. make yourself a little more comfortable, take a breathe, sip some water and get a little snack from the bar

I down my flute of champagne. A waitress passes with a tray, so I grab another and begin doing the same.
No. 1059653 ID: dfaac6
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"--and that's why I always say that sort of thing should be left to private charity, not the government. Don't you agree?"

I stare at her blankly. Usually this gets people to leave me alone and stop asking me questions, but this woman is still looking at me, like she's actually expecting an answer. Unfortunately, I don't care about this conversation, and have absolutely no idea what she's talking about.

I'd like to leave. Unfortunately…
No. 1059654 ID: dfaac6
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"Be sociable. Talk to the guests. Don't do anything to stand out or offend anyone. Remember, we need you to find which of the guests is the Demon and get them alone before any other interested parties get there first."

I’m not going to lie. I’m still tempted.

The vulture on my right is still waiting for an answer.
No. 1059656 ID: f581d4

"Oh? What are your favorite charities to donate to?"
No. 1059665 ID: 113133

down a 3rd champagne and start lying like a pro just start saying shit really confidently

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1043923 No. 1043923 ID: a7b16c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Crossposting with https://getyeflask.net/quest/res/827.html for the time being. I'll probably be more attentive to posts there

Kicker, a herreras and a claw captain of the 557th squadron of the great Mountain's grand army, deadpanned. Lowtail, herreras and claw on-field medic, grinned at Kicker.
“A group photo.” She said, crossing her arms. “You know we'll have to burn it, right?”
“It'll stay here.” Lowtail poked his head. “This is the furthest we've ever been from the mountains, and it's not like we're doing anything else.”
As he said that Snapper, a feather, landed near them and picked up a bag. They were about to cross a very rickety bridge over a very deep creek, and nobody trusted the bridge to bear the weight of their equipment so Snapper was flying it across beforehand.
They'd been marching counterrootways for ten days and then ten more now, tailed by a tooth unit, under strict orders to avoid being sighted (Or, failing that, deal with anyone who saw them) and to signal the tooth of anyone who might see him. Kicker hugged herself a little tighter. “Fine. But we burn it.”
“And you have to be in it.” Added Lowtail.
Kicker grunted under her breath.
“What… Scraptooth.” She said, sliding a claw to the shotgun on her waist.
Scraptooth laid, bored, on the ground, oblivious to the… thing silently coming out of the sand behind him. “Captain.” He saluted. “What's with the look?”
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No. 1056183 ID: 15c72a

Can you try to wake up? Don't try too hard.
Try to relax, think of a pleasant or even boring memory.
No. 1056498 ID: cbbf90

Sorry for the lack of updates, been sick
No. 1056549 ID: 15c72a

Hmm, then again... maybe you can interact with the stressful memories to calm down, too? Say things you wished you said. Do things you wished you'd done. Try not to move TOO much, but... you should be able to move a little, right?
No. 1059470 ID: cbbf90
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Hey, just pinging the radar to let everyone know I'm alive, life just continus to be one long screwdriver (Within the same month I'm single, job situation is at risk, I had to spend basically all of my savings on dental work and may have to pay a fine at best or lose my home at worst if I can't deal with a situation) so I've barely had the headspace to do art
No. 1059473 ID: f8083d

Okay, wishing you luck.

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1037380 No. 1037380 ID: 4286ca hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

You are Xhochinetilli, Princess of the Land of the Dead, Lady of Bones and Flowers, Serpent of Wine and Dances, The skin taker and Joy bringer.

And right now your bored as fuuuuuuuuuuuuck.

Youd think a party boat in the middle of the circle sea would be a exciting thing, and normally you would be right, but this is a Official Diplomatic Party, full of Official Fun, Polite Conversation and Important Government Talk

Why do they invite you to these things? You are the literal manifestation of irresponsible partying (and flaying people for some reason) its in your very nature to get everyone screaming drunk and cause international scandals! This is torture!

You sigh and drain the last of your wine, looking out over the deck in the hopes that something catches your eye
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No. 1059127 ID: 368825

You’ll just have to steal it all for yourself first!
No. 1059128 ID: dc4bad

bets on this being the only one that has reappeared/reactivated vs the whole network somehow coming back?

Not sure what'd be worse, the exact same thing happening all over again or there being just one macguffin tower to fight over.

That said, maybe everyone will have learned a bit of a lesson considering the towers got yoinked once and presumably can be again?

Sea people message read loud and clear 'oi assholes, that meeting suggests you might be trustworthy this time, don't fuck it up again!'

alternatively the Dreamer was bored of things calming down and has chosen maximum shenanigans, hence us all meeting here right as this happens
No. 1059136 ID: 30b9f6

Man, I love me some story time.

Now get on over there to investigate why it's back, baby! For... reasons. For one, while you're (still) flight-capable, so you might be able to inspect and enter it further up than anyone, say, arriving by boat could, so that's an arguable advantage of sorts.

Also, for seeking to return it to the depths for everyone's peace of mind. And for you guys going on a hopefully cool adventure, away from sure-to-be-overbearing-after-this-minders. Maybe even for a rare shot at Sidah getting out from under her nation's dummy thicc thumb. Do the Sea People have an asylum policy? I betchu they'd be tough to sanction!

One wonders what reason there be for the tower's return, though. Maybe 'Oops, someone pressed the wrong ancient magic button and we don't know how to undo it yet, but we're totally gonna!'? If you figure it's something like that and get back to the other diplomats, maybe you'll be able to avert a(nother) pointless mess, too.

... say, is there some manner of connection between this being a Spiral Glass tower and you having Spiral Glass wings, Xhochinetilli? Did the Land of the Dead inherit some of the magic knowledge of the Sea People? Or secure a few of the remaining scraps of glass?
No. 1059159 ID: 273c18

Well, the good news is that people know how the Sea People reacted last time when the power was abused. So they won't do it (as much) this time. The most reasonable people will probably draw up laws and regulations on magic use and try to reach an international agreement so there isn't a war over simply the use of magic. As for the bloodthirsty, that is handled by an alliance between the nations that agree on how magic is to be used.

I wonder if we can push things towards that result? Let's land on the boat and start talking to all the important people there.
No. 1059426 ID: e5709d

People... can't handle being given things they don't understand. Only those who are empty inside have the space in their beliefs to stuff a dangerous sandbox of chaotic and unknown potential into their hearts and channel it through their claws. That's what the Sea People failed to comprehend.
Or, perhaps, they knew all too well.

>Take the tower, destroy it, or leave?
Press forward. You are, first and foremost, a ruler / civil servant of the nation of the dead. Your duty is to claim this power. Your responsibility is to learn its secrets, comprehend how it works, and ultimately reverse-engineer enough that you and your people can build new technologies and forge new paths for your nation.
You don't need the tower. You need the answers to questions which have generated lies through their mere existence.
If this tower and your powers co-align according to 'the plot', fly to the top and land there. I've seen a dungeon made of a tower. You start at the top and try to reach the core at the bottom. Fighting's the main game, but your priority is to survive. Run, innovate, go crazy, whatever you need to keep yourself moving down.

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1057323 No. 1057323 ID: e139aa hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Warning: Possible NSFW, nudity, etc.

Cirr not dead who knew
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No. 1058471 ID: 503f78

If it's something wrapped in fabric, unwrap it!

Maybe it's something you can eat.
No. 1058629 ID: 9cf8d5

So, Ladder going back, even if it's to get knowledge that would help get further, would be mutiny, is that correct?

If it is, that restriction does not apply to Three Feathers. LOOPHOLES! Send Three Feathers back to get knowledge while you wait here. It's foolproof!
No. 1058631 ID: 273c18

Oh wait, before you do anything, look up.
No. 1058815 ID: a8f755

Spiders wrap their food up so... I wonder if it's edible.
No. 1059313 ID: 800527

Which limitations did we end up getting?

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1022488 No. 1022488 ID: e79fc8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

In lieu of the hiatus, the quest has been retconned to offer a fresh opportunity to select companions for the basement. Please review the end of Chapter 13 for the starting point.

CHAPTER 1 :: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/692327.html
CHAPTER 2 :: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/696969.html
CHAPTER 3 :: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/715522.html
CHAPTER 4 :: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/727645.html
CHAPTER 5 :: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/736166.html
CHAPTER 6 :: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/743488.html
CHAPTER 7 :: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/754011.html
CHAPTER 8 :: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/759736.html
CHAPTER 9 :: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/768999.html
CHAPTER 10 :: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/784444.html
CHAPTER 11 :: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/812307.html
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No. 1051964 ID: 296254

the snake immediately hunted and ate a rabbit on site
No. 1051965 ID: bb78f2

just let the people fuck because I don't think there's anything we can do about it
I don't know why, but being stuck in this horrible situation has inspired hornyness to spread more than ever before
I think there's going to be a town orgy before long
No. 1052365 ID: 00eb4b

Wait until she turns a corner and then follow and spy on her, just to get an idea of what she's doing.
No. 1057005 ID: f2320a

No. 1059182 ID: cd5b38

The bunny isn't worth any more effort. You've already warned her anyway.

I think you should check up on Sally, and possibly ask her if she's seen any books around the house written by Nelson. I'm thinking, a warlock such as Nelson probably would've kept notes on the experiments and spell that he was working on, so perhaps there's a way to understand how it works or what you might be getting into down below.

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1051343 No. 1051343 ID: 33f0ce hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

“…So, why are we making this again?” The green stickman said to, honestly no one in particular. Just a habit of thinking out loud. Something he should probably get rid of if he’s now going to be working here.

The black stockmen adjacent to him lets out a short, but extremely exasperated sigh, the type you do after getting asked the same question for the four-hundredth time (even though this is the first time being asked) “It doesn’t have a purpose-at least not yet anyways.” He continues to write on his board. Noting down subject’s vitals (stable), mental action (None so fair(same as yesterday)), any changes in body (also none(it appears the subject has reached “maturity”)) and…dick size…he once again leaves that part blank.

“You think it’s a …you know?” He replies before black even has a chance to answer, “A living sex toy?”

The mere thought stings black’s mind, “No. it is not a “living sex toy”. It is probably going to be some soldier or slave race they’re making.” He talked like a stern parent denying a kid wanting to go to McDonalds.

Green is quite a bit taken back by this response, “You…you actually want them to be something like that?”

Black once again sighs for the same reason in somehow more exasperated tone, “Yes, yes I do.” He sounds even more annoyed than before, “Because if you’d just used your brain for one second, you’ll realize that we’re SCIENTISTS! Not some…some over glorified sex sells men!”

“I know I know! I was just saying it’s a little weird how there’s no other protective measures! I mean, no turrets, lock down doors, not even harder glas-“

“No you don’t know!” Black is just actively yelling at Green now. Green definitely didn’t deserve this-and Black knows. He’s just venting at him because of all the mouths and late nights and failures and miscommunications thAT WOULD�
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No. 1051435 ID: d77e6f

You know honestly I’m surprised you’re all not picking dog or writing in cat. Because well, you know.
No. 1051438 ID: 96112b


You are the greatest stick rapper who ever lived.
No. 1051468 ID: fb2164

Phoenix, birb but s p i c i e r
No. 1051567 ID: de253f

Dick jokes are temporary, but shroom is eternal.
No. 1058652 ID: 1704f7

I would go with a slime, because they can change their form and even take on a feminine form with a big dick

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1041125 No. 1041125 ID: 262964 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

The night is cast like a net, the air is still, and yet you are here. All alone. Lost on some Forgotten Road.
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No. 1056759 ID: bf9b7c

Not all the way, just somewhere safe to weather the night.

Give him a light, and ask how he knows the rocker.
No. 1056763 ID: b57fea

Give him a light, light your own cigarette as well, no reason not to since its your last match anyway.
No. 1056821 ID: e51896

No need for deals. Just offer the light and light one for yourself. We just need the ride, that's all...

Well, okay. Ask if he plays an instrument, considering he's friends with the rocker.

Something tells me he plays a mean fiddle.
No. 1056829 ID: e5709d

"...Please keep your eyes on the road."
Pay the driver, but not directly. Hide a significant sum in the backseat.

...Wait a minute. You can see your reflection in the rearview mirror... and not him. Maybe it's for the best. Or maybe this is an accident waiting to happen. Ask if he knows what he's doing.
No. 1058529 ID: 68f7c5

He gave you a ride, no need to be rude and not give him a light. Ask him who he is and how does he know the rocker.

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990144 No. 990144 ID: cdabe3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

God, what a shitty morning.
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No. 1057031 ID: a758c7
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“Because I’m an honorable mercenary. A fine, upstanding gentlefae like me always waits at least a week for money issues to get sorted, one way or another. Besides, your girlfriend would kill me if I left you in a bind without at least saying goodbye first.”

“Wha- hey now, she’s not my girlfriend.”

“The way you look at her ass? You’re either a pervert or taken, kid! Or both, hahaha!”

“Besides, she looks at your ass too!”

wait she looks at my ass? does that mean she thinks I’m cute-


“Anyways, we’re getting a bit sidetracked! I can’t give you a loan, so how are planning on paying for rent if you’ve got no money?”

“… uh.”

Oh god he’s staring I can’t even pretend I can lie to him
No. 1057032 ID: a758c7
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“… I got a, uh, invitation by the high council office to get blood drawn for a loan.”

oh that’s a bad look
He sighs again, and sits down. “Kid… you’ve got a special talent for getting into trouble, you know that?” He takes out a cigarette and it seems to light on its own. “An invitation, eh? I guess I can’t get too angry at you for that. Listen… you need to be careful in there. Don’t sign anything other than the entrance documentation, don’t accept any verbal contracts, tell them you’re only there to sell a safe amount of your blood for this one time, and then leave as soon as you can. Take Mylia in with you as far as you can- I can tell by your face that you called her. Trust me, she won’t be happy about this, but she will support you. And for the love of the gods, don’t insult the Hierophant, don’t make jokes about the Hierophant, don’t mention the Hierophant, don’t do anything to attract the attention of the Hierophant, or he might ‘take an interest in you’ and that’s the last fucking thing you want. Even Mylia won’t be able to protect for long against that.”

… what the fuck have I gotten into?

He smokes a quick drag from his cigarette and looks up. “So! Any questions?”
No. 1057047 ID: 96112b

Can you accompany me? I'm planning no prasing the benevolence of the Heirophant and the justice of the gods at top of lung and beat the everliving snot out of anyone who doesn't praise back, and it's funnier when done in a group.
No. 1057049 ID: e7c7d3

Ask for something you could use in self defense
No. 1058183 ID: b57fea

How much warning will I have that a verbal contract is binding?

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1050419 No. 1050419 ID: f57349 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Dimensional portal winks out. Thunderclap of unraveling tidal force shatters the surrounding stone wall. You're stranded in a cavernous space full of ancient, semi-functional machinery. Can you find another way home?

Core of character creation is an adjective, a noun, and a verb.

Noun options:
Arkus (leader)
Delve (explorer)
Jack (rogue)
Glaive (fighter)
Nano (mage)
Wright (builder)

For adjective and verb, describe what you want to be and do, I'll compile a short list of the relevant options.
Once chargen is done, any consequential IC action should include dice 20d20 in the e-mail field.
Discussion: https://discord.gg/ZuGRZKD Tip jar: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=4587981
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No. 1056955 ID: f57349

They call themselves 'Spurn,' and live not very far away - less than a day's walk for you, though they're far slower when not sacrificing body mass to teleport. Their border fort is inside a chamber in the shape of a vertical cylinder about a quarter mile wide, tarry swamp riddled with jagged metal fills the floor to some unknown depth, thirty meter long spike descending from the center of the ceiling shoots level 8 lightning at any non-Spurn who enters, up to ten bolts per round. Mosaic on the tunnel wall leading there says "We Considered Ourselves To Be A Powerful Culture."

Situation has been de-escalated for the moment, surviving raiders have departed back the way they came, but longer term you're still effectively caught in the middle of a slow, bitter war between the Spurn and the Margyr, neither of whom seem to recognize your employer as anything but ancient myth.

Arrow zips through the archway before the articulated arms can catch it.

>searching for anomalies
Looks like the gravitational inverter mechanism cycles every 1d6 days, and takes at least an hour to engage or disengage, during which everything nearby will be approximately weightless. That makes the empty room beyond it (18 meter wide, 4 meter high hexagon with no other apparent exits) a potentially useful - albeit inconvenient - storage area or defensive position, since it'll be easy
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No. 1057017 ID: b453e4

rolled 8, 10, 6, 10, 12, 12, 18, 14, 8, 14, 16, 15, 5, 7, 11, 17, 19, 20, 17, 16 = 255

>Earlier, when working on DANI, barely touched anything above the knees. Maybe it's a sort of automated shoeshine station rather than more general repair.
Huh. Might be interesting to experiment with... if we had any spare footwear to risk. The potential unpleasantness of exploring an ancient installation in bare feet outweighs curiosity, for the moment.

>Arrow zips through the archway before the articulated arms can catch it.
A tendril of dark matter snakes down from above the arch and picks the fallen arrow off the floor. Melania can return that to Ivori!

>What do
Melania is going to (carefully) climb down on the far side of the arch (the same direction Ivori and the arrow came from) to continue exploration in that direction. (Which puts everyone but DANI on the same side of the arch, but the android can safely cross the easiest).

Once on the ground, the nano turns and addresses DANI. "Thank you for coming to my defense! I, uh, apologize for the poorly-aimed shadowbolt."
No. 1057060 ID: f57349

Alright then, available avenues for further exploration, assuming you're staying away from Margyr or Spurn territory...

-Continuing from the arch straight through the four-way intersection, there's a plain hallway, several hundred meters long at least. Unlit, but seems fairly clean and tidy, contrasted with occasional side alcoves or scattered debris along the Spurn's line of retreat. Thin coating of wax on the floor.

-Cavernous starting area continues, but the catwalks don't - you'd need to climb along the walls or ceiling, fly, or build something that can float on the liquid metal.

-Could double back to poke at the "lair of fogbox cat, no-eyed deer," or the hole that fungal mass erupted from. Presumably after preparing somehow for the dangers involved.
No. 1057160 ID: b453e4

rolled 19, 5, 6, 4, 17, 3, 10, 1, 9, 20, 17, 20, 19, 1, 17, 14, 5, 20, 16, 2 = 225

After thanking DANI, Melaina returns Ivori's arrow (assuming Ivori isn't hiding again) and heads down the hall, catching up with Misha at gravity inverter. She's a little surprised Misha and the Mycelimancer made it all around in front of them and managed a surgery and tea-time in the interim.

> Looks like the gravitational inverter mechanism cycles every 1d6 days, and takes at least an hour to engage or disengage, during which everything nearby will be approximately weightless. That makes the empty room beyond it (18 meter wide, 4 meter high hexagon with no other apparent exits) a potentially useful - albeit inconvenient - storage area or defensive position, since it'll be easy to haul heavy stuff in or out during low-G periods, but a nigh-impassable cliff the rest of the time.
Have we managed to figure out how long until the next inversion from the countdown display? It's useful that we'll have an hour's warning when it starts to kick off, but for longer-term planning it might be useful to know if we're expected that today or next week. Understanding numenera, I'd assume. If Misha's willing to help now that she's done her surgery, could get +1 on the roll. And/or figuring out the schedule could be worth investing a half-hour with Silmarillion cross-referencing. Could also give the group a chance to discus recent discoveries and decide on next actions.

(As another possible thing to look into: DANI's heavy crossbow is also still damaged, I believe. We should keep an eye out for stuff that could be used for repairs!)

>-Cavernous starting area continues, but the catwalks don't - you'd need to climb along the walls or ceiling, fly, or build something that can float on the liquid metal.
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No. 1057201 ID: f57349

>Have we managed to figure out how long until the next inversion from the countdown display?
>rolled 19
As the minor additional effect from that 19, you can shift the timing of the next flip - delaying it up to a week, or starting it immediately and then ensuring that the return cycle will be available after you've had a chance to rest but before you run out of food.

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1037381 No. 1037381 ID: 4286ca hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

You are Naoko takahishi, a 34 year old paramedic and your currently sitting in your office doing.. absolutely nothing.

It seems the internal servers are down and all you can do right now is play a bootleg version of solitaire while you wait for someone to fix something somewhere..


Your really living the dream...

Dear god if something doesn't happen soon your going to put your fist through this laptop or someone's face, possibly your own..
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No. 1056906 ID: bcb078
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You dont know how long this thing will be distracted for, so you cant take the risk of rooting through the various tech its got here for anything useful.
Bracing yourself you wait until it moves a little further into the other room then launch forward, aiming for the open vent on the wall.

before you can take three steps the things arm whips out lightning fast and grabs your foot, sending you sprawling face first on the cold ground!

The things grip is tight around your shoe but its still wedged halfway out the door, if your going to escape you have to try somethong right now!!
No. 1056907 ID: 2aa5f0

No. 1056928 ID: af7615

Seconded, if you can manage it. If you can't...uh, use flail?
No. 1056934 ID: a7a180

Lose shoe, retrieve glasses.
No. 1056941 ID: fec07f


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1033058 No. 1033058 ID: e1b763 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

The world was supposed to end. Way back in 1995 or 1997 or 1999 or 2000 with that whole Y2K non-sense. Gosh, there was also 2012. Remember that one, supposedly predicted by the Aztecs or the Mayans or some shit? Here we are though, alive on a planet drifting pointlessly through space.

Here's the thing - The world really did die. Attacked from all sides and hit with every horror imaginable the human race finally met its end - In a singular moment of horror that still has no name.

This was unacceptable. In the barest moments when you see your life flash before your eyes, humanity had what amounted to a collective seizure. The end having finally arrived, the Wheel stood still in denial. Eyes opened to the dead world as it did to the living one just the day before.

So it was. Or wasn’t, as the case may be.

Right now it’s 2013. It’s hard to be alive but people are still moving. Right now you’re at a gas station in Portland Oregon, filling up the tank for a long ride and using this as your last chance to get candy and booze. We’ll worry about what you brought on the trip and why you're going on it later. Let’s start with this.

Who are you and what do you do? Also, where are you? Well, besides at the gas station. Are you the waiting type or the go get snacks type? Maybe you’re the ‘talk to the person at the register’ type?
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No. 1052513 ID: e1b763

>>The first was that the duo of werewolves had settled in to stay, and they had decided this based on nobody else living in the house once Sarah and Jennifer had left. They'd forgotten Hazel overnight, and wasn't that something to look into?

The werewolves staying does pose a bit of a dilemma. They haven’t forgotten the details of what happened to them - that’s certain. The fight, the fact that you came back from a place that should have killed you, the fact that they’re missing limbs.

That they’re in the house of a creature much more powerful than them.

Your NAME though. That does seem to elude them. Whether or not that’s just because it’s never been said in their presence or because it slipped away from them during a nights rest (And be assured, the wolves did sleep. Practically passed out. Or in the Wolf-Girls case… actually passed out.

Theodore is still in his human shape, wearing your clothes. Or whatever he could find here. Didn’t even ask. Didn’t even occur to him to ask. He’s lived as a monster for awhile.

The wolf-girl is still a wolf. Massive and angry but nursing her wounds. She takes up most of the room she’s in, like a full grown pit-bull five times too massive.

>>Jennifer recognized her, and Sarah - she could think the name in the privacy of her own mind, surely? - picked up the phone when Hazel called, and both were more than happy to be backup for a plan Hazel had brewing the next day.

And indeed your friends remember your name. And Sarah’s name, or lost name, or whatever weird fuckery is going on with that does seem to be safe within your own thoughts. That’s a curiosity. Would writing her name down create the same reaction as speaking it? That’s an honest question - the universe is unsure. At the moment, at least.
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No. 1052942 ID: 7ac926
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>Tell tale magic signs. Under the paint on the walls: some arcane symbols. You can’t decipher their meaning but they don’t seem to be working right. The barest of ripples, cracks in the runes, a staining of color only seen to a supernatural eye. They’re… broken?
>Ahh, then. Something fresher. Written in blood - something fresh and still smelling of iron. Where is that coming from? Up? Ahhh, a ceiling fan. Something written on the rotating blades - you can’t see it but the smell - that charge of magic that can’t be described with that metallic smell. Come on. That fan is up to something.
>Not to mention that rush of life and vitality that pours out of that hole in the ground. Who knows how much blood is stored down there - but something magical is also going on.
>Your turn is coming up pretty soon.
Time to get out, Hazel thinks, and slips out of her chair. She mumbles something indistinct about the toilet to the muddled ghoul besides her as she goes walking out of the living room, and slips off her role as she leaves the room. Undisguised but hopefully clad in her forgettable aura, Heather paces a careful round through the house while avoiding the eyes and ears of the two vampires. Despite the friendly atmosphere and daylight shining outside, it seemed they were on fair alert in the darkness as ghoul after ghoul went down the pit and Hazel made her way outside, back to where Jennifer and Sarah waited.

"Two vampires inside. Looks like the ghouls are here to get a fix of vampire blood, and being milked of their own in return," Hazel relays to her friends, "I can't believe I have to say this to
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No. 1054616 ID: e1b763

How does one go about assaulting a house in the middle of Oregon? Well - first you’re waiting for the people to leave the house. Which happens, the ghouls headed out as a group. Saying goodbyes and fare-wells. To be back to visit on another day not too far away. After a while they’ll spend the night doing whatever it is vampires do. Do vampires sleep? Yes, they do, during the day normally.

It’s late and the lights are out - it’s quite in the neighborhood. Heavy curtains block the windows to their house. Their house door is closed, same with the back door. It comes to your attention that they don’t seem to have a security system, which is nice. No alarms to deal with.

You remember the fan that smelled of magic and blood. And a wandering thought to whatever magic is behind the paint on the walls. The basement…

It comes to mind that eventually you’re going to have to go inside and do something.
No. 1055002 ID: 4e340f

It's soothing, on one level, to know the moon is watching. Something about that thought, it catches on a distant memory, a glimmer of faint possibility that died so long ago. The moon is watching.
And for the rest ofthe talk, such as it is.. Well, there are worse things to heat. There are worse messanges than those given by the Message. Antediluvean though, it sounds old, but somehow, Jennifer gets the feeling that there are older. Older doesn't always mean stronger though, and that's a worry all on it's own.
But the question then becomes twofold - that of future questions, and that of where to make them. And in the depths of her mind, Jennifer can't help but ask, even though she isn't, really isn't, a trickster, whether she could talk to the spirit of the Great Grid that connects the Modern Age somewhere ... deliberately flamable. Though most of the time shit melting and catching fire is bad, surely there are places where a little flame would be a good thing? Burn out the old to make way for the new?
Still, giving her thanks to the messanger, and making a mental note to make sure that her electric bills get paid on time, it's time to tell the rest of what she has found out.
Later, not a long time as the seasons would measure but an inderterminately long time by the timing of the modern news cycle, Jennifer is with Hazel. She's a bat, writ large, and has no fear of spiders, delicious as they are. But in terms of entering the house, well, doors a thing. But you know what is better than doors? Attics. Rooftop openings. Ways in that aren't the obvious, ways that would be ridiculous without the ability to fly, to carry things and people and ropes.
Good thing Jennifer is a bat. The offer is made, if Hazel wants to try some second story work.
No. 1056476 ID: e1b763

Okay - so. You wound up setting their house on fire. The game plan in simple enough - you have incredible sneaking powers and explosives and gas. Jennifer is much the same. Cover the entrances, cover the house, maybe sneak in a canister or two to help everything go boom properly. You guess on flame from the lighter and you set this thing off.

You work with supernatural speed. Faster, more graceful. Spreading home made napalm and placing down open half empty gas cans. Spread by entrances, through bushes. Windows. It's not the biggest house in the world but it does take a bit of time to do so unseen.

Then - the fire starts. The first thing you notice is that it's loud. You did what you could to keep the vapors to a manageable level, but it's still loud. Bright and fast the flames spread - sucking in all air - a burst of heat that could singe eyebrows. Black smoke from the burning plastic - from night to would-be day all but instantly.

There is a light wind - putting other buildings at risk and flicking the flames around. It's only been a moment since the house went up. Lights turn on in other houses as mortals prepare to look outside to see what the hell is going on. Neighbors moments away from opening doors to check out the roaring flames that happen to be raging in the dead of night.

The vampires inside. You wait - maybe expecting them to jump out a window or escape through the front door. Instead... nothing is happening. Oh - their house is on fire. You're sure they are inside it. They just haven't left in a panic just yet.

This should be fine. You set up things inside the house that should - an explosion rocks the the neighborhood. Different then last time - the sound of rigged gas cans going off in a delightful explosion, sending fire through the inside of the house. The neighbors scream - people are looking outside. A moment - people rushing outside doors
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1011811 No. 1011811 ID: 39d938 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Wiki/Thread List: https://questden.org/wiki/Return_to_Sender

There are two kinds of people in this world, besides aves and chimeras. There are those with luck, and those without it. Today I couldn't have asked for a better outcome, perhaps this is God's way of seeking my forgiveness? Well, it'd be a good start. Now if I can find a way off this pinnacle, we'll be just peachy.
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No. 1054276 ID: 1e4948

Hm. You’ll try for later today, maybe? You wanna find that other chimera and pass on the message, for one. Also, you don’t know for sure if the vice-warden will even let you go even if he does realize you’re not Reiner - this place collects chimera after all and the purpose of that hasn’t quite been sussed out yet. If he’s a real dingus, he’ll bury you just so he can pretend Reiner didn’t actually successfully escape on -his- watch!

Might wanna present a purely theoretical scenario to ‘im asking about what he’d do.
No. 1054277 ID: cd4366

Pascoe: have confusing and slightly-troubling thoughts about seeing yourself in makeup
No. 1054279 ID: 5d9787

Are her fingers literally feathers?
While crimson on golden can be very stylish I suspect that's not a design feature of the scissors.
Can you brush feathers? I honestly have no idea.

"Hey Berascus, how do I look?" I'm very curious about how this translate for an ave.
Are the guardas assigned to specific prisoners? He seem to be your watcher no matter where you go.

Let's meet Mako. From Pascoe's point of view talking his way out of this should still sound possible. The only downside of succeeding would be the possible lost of access to the deaf chimera, but that's a low priority compared to securing our freedom.
Since there is a possibility that Mako wouldn't release us even if he believe we are a different person let's avoid the topic of gender. Assuming the riots threats are true, if he became aware of this imminent disaster he might transfer us.
So, important to inform him: name is Pascoe, postal officer, and our crew is scheduled to leave in two days. That is how long he have if he want to capture Rainer. And we strongly advise contacting the crew beforehand to avoid a conflict due to a misunderstanding, preferable with us tagging along.
No. 1054314 ID: 8483cf

Agree with everything here
No. 1054352 ID: 15a025

Try for later today, you're recovering from a little fight right now and can't speak well. You could even really sell it by whispering to Teller and having her relay the message.

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1052648 No. 1052648 ID: 1c2eb4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

[18+, NSFW]

This story is about a neumono that spontaneously becomes a Queen, and their journey with the trials and tribulations of creating and supporting their own Hive. Given the nature of being a neumono monarch, sex may figure in somewhere. Full update pictures will likely be rare.

Content Warnings:
Potential graphic sex, impregnation, violence, injury, mind control, medical procedures, unpleasant social situations, and all the messed up stuff that neumono society can get up to.
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No. 1053190 ID: 90c451

Yeah, the first thing we need right now is organization and information, I have more of an idea on how to possibly handle all this once that's done with but for now it's best we make sure everyone knows everyone, then we can prepare a speech for the hive.

I will say, there seems to be a lot of diversion from significant change prevalent so far when that's what we really need. We can't really expect everyone to just continue their lives like nothing happened, so we'll need to get a little culty. By that I mean we need to act as a whole and essentially sacrifice our individual lives to make a collective one.
Basically what I propose is that everyone that's now a part of our hive and is willing to do so should sell anything they wouldn't take with them and consolidate a hive fund that we can put forward into a single building. Basically, we need to start fundraising and proving ourselves to be self-sufficient.
No. 1053228 ID: 009eba

As shocking as this all is, time is of the essence and we must make use of this gift fully while it lasts.

Go out to meet with the ex-rogues outside and encourage them to share in the joy and comfort from this new chance you all now have.

After that, you should seriously consider going to the police station where the other rogues have been detained to get into empathy range and let them join yout hive.
No. 1053278 ID: a2d88b

>let them join yout hive.
I doubt we're actually still mentally "open", it sounds like it happened semi-instantly to those who were watching the play from the start during its climax.

The entire performance was about Ryka communicating Arvenia's thoughts and emotions and getting all spectating neumono to feel exactly like her, to the point that rogues ended up synchronized and attuned after the climactic lines.

Wait... We only affected rogues (or possibly soon-to-be rogues), right?
No. 1053281 ID: c03798


Well, now that you're stable, it's sort of a sign that the clock is ticking, right? Or maybe even already run out. There might be another stampede when you go out. At the very least a lot of desperate people are going to be hurt. I don't know, maybe you can come up with something to say to people?... there might be a lot more than just these five who are in the room with you, too.

They could also be anxious just because this is a big life change. Everything's changed course and who knows to where, right? Maybe you can get someone from the police or government to talk to about safety and supports and stuff. Aliens, maybe. Does becoming part of a hive again make the empathic xenophobic response stronger again?
No. 1053792 ID: 15a025

Just ask why they're anxious. Best to let out any worries now, while we're in a more safe and secluded spot. They make it sound like we've got a hive bigger than just the five of them.

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1053010 No. 1053010 ID: 05a2ab hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You're a Little Strange Creature in a Big Old World.

You're not sure how everything got started, but it's quite annoying, perhaps if you survive long enough, you'll get to see the end of it all.

I'm trying out 16-bit GBA Kind of style for this, I'm hoping to make a lot of modular pieces that will help me to more rapidly make updates.
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No. 1053106 ID: e7c7d3

Put an apple on the stick
No. 1053201 ID: f9d74d
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You place an Apple on the Business end of the Forked Stick.

The porcupine pays you no mind, but the squirrel seems to ask for treats.

Crundis: I have no Treats for freeloaders!

Mr. Squirel: ...

You and the Squirrel head north along the forest trail. After some time, you reach a Small Pond.

There's a familiar face across the water.

Crundis: "I was hoping I wouldn't have the misfortune of running into someone, but at least he doesn't ever have anything to say."

"Unlike you, Mr. Squirel.."
No. 1053273 ID: 6e4a4c
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You elect to spend some time here, enjoying the day pass by. The Squirrel eventually loses interest and leaves to find food elsewhere. You watch the fish swim in the pond, eating the bugs that rest for too long on the waters surface. A nice fat fish get's a little too greedy, and is snatched up by a bird. You imagine that bird has a little bird family to feed, those little mouths will be full tonight! Between the active wildlife and the serein ambiance of the forest, you've whiled away your whole day.
[Spirit Points already full]

Crundis: "I guess I'll be having Crab Apples again tonight.."

Only obvious exit is <South> Back to Forest Clearing.
No. 1053285 ID: e7c7d3

Take a bath before supper
No. 1053290 ID: 7c0da2

Wave to the familiar face before going home.

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885142 No. 885142 ID: e2dc7c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

"Come on! Come on damnit!"


"Work, you piece of junk!"
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No. 1052332 ID: a7a180

Elevator, bottom floor please!
No. 1052341 ID: 15c72a

Dodge past it while it's distracted, get in the elevator and close the door asap.
No. 1052361 ID: a49c9c

Why mess around with a mop? Just throw the whole damn bucket at it, would be just as effective, or maybe even carry the bucket with you, you never know, that doggo may not be the only one here with you.
No. 1052367 ID: 00eb4b

Slide under it and kick it in the balls, then run to the elevat. The balls kicking is optional.
No. 1052397 ID: fc6e30

Next time we should find a lighter to light the mop on fire and burn the DOGGO.

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