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1003151 No. 1003151 ID: 47be15 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

In a freestyle quest were a lot of factors can be influenced and manipulated by the participators. This means that the whole tone of the story can be dictated by them.
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1003839 No. 1003839 ID: b081a5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


(Content warning: This quest will contain 18+ scenes of violence, nudity, and, depending on circumstance, weird freaky aliens getting it on. Reader discretion advised.)
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973103 No. 973103 ID: 5a5548 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

this quest is (obviously) nsfw. it contains clothing damage, sex, and ogres.

the mysterious Sexy Dungeon has stood undefeated for eons, tempting adventurers with bottomless stores of earthly wealth and the seductive allure of carnal pleasures, but never has a lucky soul managed to reach the bottom level of the labyrinth. all challengers to the earthen tunnels of lust have been struck low and surrendered themselves to the advances of the dungeon sentries.

one such group of intrepid explorers enters the dungeon now, in search of treasure, glory in battle, or perhaps something more... intimate in nature...
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1001233 No. 1001233 ID: 8fb3ba hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Previous Thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/993129.html
Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/Fog_World
Discussion: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/134344.html
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989955 No. 989955 ID: 0fbdcd hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

There are a few things every human being on an advanced world knows about spaceflight.

The first is some basic history. Some time long before the foundation of the modern Historiam Calendar, ancient humanity sent an enormous amount of self-replicating machines hurtling through space. These probes, known as Terraformation Engines, were designed for one enormously complex task: to identify planetoids in habitable zones and seed them with life. Full-scale atmospheric creation, the artificial spread of both flora and fauna; the shaping of countless Earths and Earthlikes. This effort has created an ever-expanding sphere of habitable space, centered from the Core Worlds, humanity’s birthplace. The furthest edges of this sphere are known as the Rim. Humanity has spread outward from the Core, following in the wake of the Engines, colonizing, living, dying.

The second is some basic physics. It is impossible to move faster than the speed of light, excepting the will of the Archotechs- and they’re certainly not telling humans how to do it. This means that to cross the vast distances between stars is a task of centuries. The geologic timescale of spaceflight ensures the vast majority of planets are isolated. When humanity does travel, they do so in a state of artificially induced Cryptobiosis, only awoken at rare, regular intervals to prevent illness and assure mental well-being. The endless work of flight itself is performed by a Persona-Level AI, operating at a human capacity without fatigue as it guides the craft.

The third is a simple fact. We are alone. While life generated outside of humanity has been reported, no records within the Historiam exist of contact with intelligent life not originating from Humanity itself- with the possible exception of the Archotechs, but this is, reasonably, impossible to confirm.
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1001648 No. 1001648 ID: f57349 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Madelrada sa Kimbery, That Which Wears Down The Mountains, is bored.

It's been years since she's seen any action remotely worthy of her title as one of the Eight Masterful Demon Generals. Even if she had a legitimate reason to go out and conquer something, the Contagion isn't really over yet. Unnecessary risk has never been her nature. So, she's going to stay home, but she's not going to stay idle. Time for some training exercises. How about an amphibious assault scenario? Lots of ways to keep that interesting by mixing in different unit types.
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993129 No. 993129 ID: 8fb3ba hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

It came out of the oceans, like steam rising from a boiling pot. Then it swept over the shores, over the mountains, and down into the valleys. What was at one time a freak phenomenon quickly turned into a disaster as people, landmarks, and eventually small towns disappeared into the fog. So much was lost, even time became less and less reliable. No one's sure how long ago it was, that's been lost to the fog, but the survivors do their best to get by in the new fog world.

Among the survivors are an odd breed of rare human that have come into existence; Distinguished by an odd sort of affinity for the fog. Simply known as the Taken, these beings mingle amongst regular humans, some not even knowing they are Taken. Some people of the fog world believe these taken to be the next evolution of human, a new creature made to survive in a new world; Other's believe them to be servants of the fog, demons hell bent on destroying what's left. The Taken themselves suffer from odd dreams, strange visions, and are haunted by voices. it's hard to say what's true, the truth's been obscured by fog, either way the Taken too must struggle to survive…
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997035 No. 997035 ID: 00b0d9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

CONTENT WARNING: This quest will contain explicit sexual and potentially violent content, and may run into situations of questionable consent.
Please minimise this thread if you feel this may be distressing or objectionable.
To minimise a thread, please click the leftmost button that looks like a _ in the subject title.
Spoiler text will be used in situations where the text is too explicit for display on the main /quest/ page.
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995227 No. 995227 ID: 12b116 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Foreboding clouds hang heavily overhead, and yet the air is still.

The ship has been becalmed for almost five days now, the black sky obscuring the stars and threatening a storm that has yet to come.

The crew is growing restless, which isn't good even on a disciplined military vessel, but this is not that. This is a pirate ship.

Who are you?

A. Cabin Boy. A lad that the captain took a fancy to, looking for adventure.

B. Cabin Boy (Female). You're pretending to be a lad to escape an oppressive home life. The captain took a fancy to you.

C. Captive (Male). Youngest son of a wealthy family, you were kidnapped by the crew. The captain intends to ransom you back to your father, a Naval officer.

D. Captive (Female). Oldest daughter of a wealthy family, you were kidnapped by the crew for ransom back to your father, a powerful merchant.

E. Stowaway (Male). You snuck aboard the ship to avoid the life of a homeless petty thief. You've probably kept your presence a secret.

F. Stowaway (Female). You snuck aboard the ship to avoid the life of a homeless beggar. You've probably kept your presence mostly secret.

G. Crewmate (Male). You signed on for a life of freedom aboard a pirate ship! Before that, you were a bank clerk.

H. Crewmate (Female). You signed on for a life of freedom aboard a pirate ship! Before that, you were a seamstress's apprentice.
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1000571 No. 1000571 ID: 8d230f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Me when no cheese
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1000051 No. 1000051 ID: 9c1ef3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You've always liked it dark.

Everyone is born with an elemental affinity. In some it is weak, in others it is strong. One's affinity leads to their ease or difficulty with magic and some other pursuits - those with an affinity for, say, Steel, or maybe Fire, or Earth, might just as easily work a forge as they might a spellbook. There are some who theorize that everyone has multiple affinities that lead one to ever-more-specific paths in life, that perhaps someone might have an affinity for water, but also for dance, and perhaps even for swords, leading them to becoming a master fencer.

But you...

You have always, always preferred the dark. You like to keep your little room afforded to you in the Academy dorm dark. You have always like to wear the full robes of the apprentice that hide your face and shade it almost supernaturally.
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995903 No. 995903 ID: ef15e2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Who says I can’t bring this back? No one that’s who!
Original thread here: https://questden.org/kusaba/graveyard/res/981341.html
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953982 No. 953982 ID: 5fc3a0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Previous Threads/Wiki: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Fen_Quest
Inventory and Other Info: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Fen_Quest_Statistics
Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/Lagotrope

>"It's time to go, Valsano." I don't know that person, but he must be one of Valsano's current team that's going back down into the mausoleum.
>"Yeah yeah, I just wanted to see how my main squad is doing, living it up."
>"Oh, yeah, it's great!" says Firzel. "I'll tell all my grandkids about the good old days, in which every single day was spent having Zall beat the shit out of us."

We all listen to Valsano, who will make a typical quip back to Firzel.

It doesn't come. He loses his expression and marches off.
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891215 No. 891215 ID: bfb318 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Wiki and previous threads: http://tgchan.org/wiki/AsteroidQuest
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Lagotrope

>"Arza, Penn."

Vanski says our names less to get our attention, and more to buy time to construct what he's going to say to us.

>"You won't be talking to the CAI directly. ASE - that's the Alliance of the Silhouette Empire - are hooking the CAI up to a data output terminal, which you will be reading off of."
>"No talking to the CAI directly? Really?" asks Arza.
>"Take it up with ASE if you have a problem with that. There is a dedicated CAI study lab. There will always be a guard there to walk you through through the entry and exit procedures. You'll both be in guest room number 5."

He walks around the desk to us.

>"And remember that no matter who gets access to protect or study the CAI, the CAI remains mine."

This insectoid alien, who's gotten insensibly close to us, waves us off with his clasper.
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995636 No. 995636 ID: 4f5d63 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Two friends embark on a journey. Their goal is to reach the summit of local towering giant Mount Amble. Shouldn’t be too difficult for a couple of experienced hikers, right?
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986217 No. 986217 ID: e51896 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]


Author's Commentary: Potentially NSFW, it all depends on what happens.






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980122 No. 980122 ID: 96e04f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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994059 No. 994059 ID: 780796 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Your name is Tracy, and today is officially the WORST 18TH BIRTHDAY EVER! You were driving down the interstate on your way to spring break and getting drunk with all your girl friends on the beach when your car broke down in the desert. AND your phone battery died. And it's getting hotter in here.

>What now?
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991564 No. 991564 ID: b07591 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This is a story of what lies in the dark of the Silver River. The universe is harsh, and no matter what may occur, time will march on free of care.
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994198 No. 994198 ID: 2b9ea3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This quest will be run almost entirely on my phone during my lunch breaks at work. Expect hasty writing and low-effort artwork.

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988423 No. 988423 ID: 3b69d8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Will be NSFW!
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984889 No. 984889 ID: c24649 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

A short quest about a duel between two people to settle their disagreement.
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989316 No. 989316 ID: fde50b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]


Sunlight cracks over the horizon, reflecting off the dazzling white snow that boarders the kingdom. Warm air escapes the barrier behind us as the sun greets us with heat and light.
I can feel the breath of my sister behind me, her arms wrapped around my neck. A blanket keeping the cold air away from our bodies as frost melts around us.
“Well Viccy,” my sister whispers, adjusting her legs around me, “happy birthday.”
It’s my 10th today.
“Wish mum could have been here with us.” She sighed at the sight. “She told me her grangran brought her and uncle here when it was their 10th. She brought me here too.”

A small tradition, to see what it is like outside our kingdom.
An ancient barrier kept away the cold, and upon their 10th, all royal children should venture outside to experience what’s outside.

“Is there anything beyond the snow?” I ask.
“Yes.” She answers, pointing at a distant mountain to the south.
“There, lies the city of dragons.”
She moves her fingers to the right.
“There, used to be a great Avaros empire, who dared go against the dragons. In their fury, the dragons brought upon their wrath, and turned everything there into sand.”
“What’s sand?”
“Sand is like tiny rocks, bigger than snow. It never melts, and nothing can grow on it.
Now though, there are some tribes that still live there. They’re nice people, but don’t have kings or queens.”
She then points to the left of the mountains, “and there lies the great forests, where our ancestors came from.”
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992702 No. 992702 ID: f5fbad hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Russian Roulette, the fastest, riskiest way you know of to make money. You need 10 Million in cash by the end of the month to save your daughter's life.
LUCIPH: Well, whats it going to be?
Give me a minute, I'm thinking here.
LUCIPH: 250k per pull. 2 million in the pool.
This is not good. Down to only 750k. If I die I can just start over, but probably not without missing the deadline.... shit this is not good...
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934706 No. 934706 ID: 30ada4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

It's times like these that make someone ask the big questions; is there a God, for example.

You've never really believed in an omnipotent power, especially not now, as you hang from your hands and feel your ribs crack.

Is there a such thing as good and evil, that's another good one.

Probably not.
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978269 No. 978269 ID: b5fb67 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

It was a dark and stormy night.

Upon a hill sits a decaying old mansion. The flash of lightning from the rolling storm clouds briefly illuminates the dead trees and peeling paint. The manor sits quiet, content to slowly rot and crumble under the elements, undisturbed...

...until the high-beams from a 1999 Toyota Camry cut through the darkness. The car zig-zags up the hill, tires rolling over the crumbling driveway until it comes to a stop at the front of the mansion. The headlights and brake lights blink off as the engine silences, three girls emerging from the vehicle. The one in plaid and shorts approaches the door in the cool evening, producing a house key from her pocket as she slides it into the lock and opens the large front door. The girls step inside...
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989640 No. 989640 ID: 66faa3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

At first, you hear a low humming. Then, slowly, the sound swells and sharpens.

Out of the darkness, you see the string of a recurve bow, vibrating back and forth so quickly that it looks like a smear of violet.

And out of that smear, there's a thin thread of colour leading all the way to your chest. You feel no pain, only an odd sense that you’re being reeled in like a fish.

You look up again. You see the man holding the bow, a very good-looking man with long, dark hair to the waist, in a white robe.

He's standing far, far away, yet you can make out characters inscribed down his jade thumb ring.

His countenance is terrible. You can't bear looking at him. Every part of you rejects it.

The sound of the bow string, however, is warm and comforting. Come home. You have strayed from my side for too long. Things have gone awry. Come back to me now.

Somehow you know this arrow wasn't meant for you. You're just an eavesdropper.
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980096 No. 980096 ID: 7f716e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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987453 No. 987453 ID: e7c7d3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Faster than light travel is unachievable. Any understanding of physics makes this clear, much to the frustration of many a solar nation. Even methods that seem to cheat around this, such as wormholes, still have their prices to pay to the forces of relativity.

Even so, there remains the optimistic and the obstinate. Those that gaze upon the stars and dream against reality. People who study, work, and sacrifice to escape beyond the impossible void that entraps their solar lands. The reality is that what they want is impossible, and yet they still reach out.

And soon they may find that they’ve grasped something.
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977676 No. 977676 ID: 67181a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Shooter has been camped out on the old trail for three days now, waiting for a hearse.

She kicks at the fresh snow and spits. Shes been with the redcap gang for damn close to a year already, but never got to tag along on any jobs - just taking care of thibgs in the camp, occasionally being a fresh babyface in meetings where they needed it. But never anything exciting. And now the first time she's out to do any proper outlawing, shes been camped under a tree waiting to steal a damn corpse.

She was already feeling grumpy after getting snowed on all night tryong to sleep,and by the time she woke up she was convinved this whole 'job' was just some kind of prank. She's still not convinced it isnt; but looking off to the south during her breakfast she saw the smoke signqling that the hearse'd be on its way.

It isnt long before she can hear the crack of the reins and rumble of a cart coming down the old road. She runs her fingers along the stock of her sawed down winchester, trying to decide how shes gonna stop the thing. There shouldnt be more than a driver and maybe one other person on board, and she'll have the advantage of surprise.

She's got seven rounds in her gun, and she can hole a silver dollar at 40 paces. However, she has never shot at a person, and isnt sure that she could.

Should she:

A - open fire on the hearse from hiding
B - step out into the road and flg down the hearse
C - step out into tge road and threaten the driver
D - let the hearse pass and try to climb onto it unnoticed
E - other (describe)
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989056 No. 989056 ID: a979d8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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984206 No. 984206 ID: f57349 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Adapting a classic dungeon to Exalted second edition.
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982838 No. 982838 ID: 0fbdcd hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

A little more than thirty years ago, London was stolen by bats.
The city, once capital of the British Empire, became the Fifth City to come under the ownership of the Bazaar and its Masters, now planted on the south bank of the Stolen River, formerly the Thames. London was transported, deposited atop the resting place of the Fourth- on the western shore of the Neath, a great underground cave beneath the world, filled entirely with the Zee; a great, dark, sunless sea.

It was quite a lot of fuss at the time, given the peculiarities of life in the Neath. But that was a generation ago.

The year is 1894, and you are a citizen of London. However, a tragedy has befallen you: you have been afflicted with an illness, the kind that kills you well enough you cannot come back, the kind beyond the science of modern medicine to cure. There is only one solution:
You must become wealthy enough to purchase immortality from the Bazaar.
This is typically the project of a lifetime, or a favor offered only to those already tremendously rich before the Fall. You do not have that long to waste. There is, they say, only one surefire way to become tremendously rich all at once, if you live to tell the tale; become a Zeecaptain, sail the Zee, find your fortune.

You have sold every last thing you own in order to purchase a ship and her crew. This is your shot. Your final and only shot.
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986442 No. 986442 ID: ce39da hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Your name is Casper LaFoe. Ostensibly, you're here to take an admittance test for the Explorer's Society of Loscadia. The terms of completion are to reach the Lost Shrine of Karsos, hidden somewhere in the Naxenian Valley. Well- okay, maybe not so lost anymore; the society knows precisely where it is, and it's been cleaned out of its more apparent treasures. Hopefuls are supposed to collect one of several society-placed tokens and take a picture of themselves in the main amphitheater.

"Glorious view, isn't it? I've been up here so many times, but this'll be my first actually heading down! Aren't you excited too?"

The enthusiastic bird behind you is Poppy Skypia - a local nature enthusiast (and fellow test-taker) with whom you've ended up partnered. She's been a chatterbox the whole way here, but her infectious chipperness makes it hard to stay mad. It almost makes you feel bad for lying...

... Alright, you're willing to admit to yourself that you're not doing this for the 'right' reasons per se. You're mafioso, here on a secret assignment from your capo, and this test happens to have the same destination. Plus, at the cost of a small registration fee, you've been given all the Supplies you'll likely need, which is nice. Poppy's carrying for both of you; it's fascinating how much upper-body strength birds have, considering their reputation for having glass jaws.

However, this assignment wasn't originally yours to carry out. Getting it into your mitts was a hell of a thing.
> Pick One:

You stole a glance (or perhaps something more) and took some initiative. Hell, it was initially a different capo's lead on the old don's legacy. Your own boss was equally pissed at how his colleague tried to hide this and smug about how his best spy uncover
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979581 No. 979581 ID: 15a025 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Another experimental quest, this time based on Among Us. Going to be honest, no idea if I'm going to run this to completion or not. Depends on how well I think I'm doing and enjoying it.

Before we start here's some rules:
Since everyone will be the MC, they'll be a "captain". The crew will try to convince us who the imposter is . You, the captain get the final say on who we eject off the ship. Voting off the imposter will end the quest. If only you and the imposter remain, the quest will end with the captain being killed.

To hopefully keep things short, we'll be playing with five crewmembers and one imposter. Might run another round if things go well.
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984659 No. 984659 ID: ca2950 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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983890 No. 983890 ID: fc9f7e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

It had finally come. The dread zombie apocalypse and you weren't ready for it.

You watched as your community burned, and people eaten on the streets. You watched as their corpses began moving again.

You were spared that fate for a time, but your luck had run its course. They came, a few zombies at first but as they banged at your door the sound only drew more of them until a horde was outside your second story apartment.

You tried to fight for what was left of your miserable life, but you knew it was all for not and as they closed upon you all you could feel was regret.

But it was not the end. Your unfulfilled desires persisted even as your brains were being eaten and when you were revived as a zombie so did your mind well as least of some of it.

Memories of your life are gone, much like much of your flesh. You little control over your newly revived and all your senses are blurred and jumbled.

The only thing that is clear is a message embedded within your being.

"Eat and Evolve"
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858957 No. 858957 ID: f9400c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Apotheosis: Prequel/Chapter 1

A new quest by me! Just my art for this one, thus far. Dunno if that will change

Discussion: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/119639.html
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985371 No. 985371 ID: ce39da hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

> execute log.23_23_11


> “N.O./#$[PLAYBACK ERROR] first unit, reporting! What is your request, young mistress? Oh… Is this one of those ‘gifts’ you defined earlier?”


> “Thank you. I’ll be sure to treasure it!”


> “Query; is something wrong?”

“It’s… It won’t… That’s not- I mean-”
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981539 No. 981539 ID: 8fb3ba hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

On a solitary tree atop a remote hillock devoid of civilization, a sorcery fruit grows on a branch. After approximately 100 years the fruit has ripened, and is now ready to burst open and bring forth a new sorcerer unto the world.
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985496 No. 985496 ID: a979d8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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969223 No. 969223 ID: c1eaac hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Chapter One: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/897839.html
Chapter Two: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/924496.html
Disthread: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/124957.html
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983899 No. 983899 ID: 40232e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]


>flow Awakes with a start.

>she recalls having quite a terrible dream. It was quite INCOMPREHENSIBLE, and she recalls having to NAVIGATE quite a few CHOICES. she thinks that SOMETHING helped her out. she remembers ENTERING an ODD LOOKING DOOR. she remembers talking to some sort of FIGMENT, and then EATING A FRUIT.

[MONITOR: Symbiote Infestation Stable (83% Grey Matter Replacement, Growth detected at 0.04% per YEAR). Subject sanity rating of 78%. Sudden drop detected due to {NIGHTMARE}. Symbiote emotional recuperation and stabilization expected.]

>flow's head hurts a little bit.

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975777 No. 975777 ID: a8ec2e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

This is a reboot of the original Eth Quest. No prior knowledge is required, and this will likely be a lot better. Enjoy!

First thread
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983003 No. 983003 ID: 7f716e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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976001 No. 976001 ID: 2bd15b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

A story set in a medieval fantasy world, with an unconventional protagonist
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949128 No. 949128 ID: 9dad72 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

18+ only!
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968306 No. 968306 ID: 3e69e0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

[NSFW WARNING] This quest is for degenerates. If you are not currently a degenerate, you better learn fast or run on home and have a nice cold glass of milk instead.

After escaping moving out of the last town you finally have your clinic set up. You, Dr.SerGenki infamous L E N G E N D A R Y practitioner of treating ailments within the psychological domain and registered criminal sex offender murderer DOCTOR OF PSYCHOLOGY, are duty bound to diagnose and treat any psychological ailment with your great knowledge and full "toolset" of solutions available.

With your experience in psychology your job is easy. All you have to do is:
1.Let the patient ramble on about their issue
2.Diagnose their issue
3.Come up with and execute solution, as long as it involves sex.
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975952 No. 975952 ID: 5de9b9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Documenting the strange.
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980072 No. 980072 ID: 0640da hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Exalted 2.5e (4/4 Players); Using houserules written by James Leng.

== The First Scream ==
Six days ago, an incident occured that shook the very foundations of Malfeas and his inhabitants. This incident would be known by demonic historians as the First Scream-- if, indeed, any historians are left after the events following ensue. The effects of the first scream were felt strongly by demons, akuma and Green Sun Princes alike. Without fail, all of them suffered-- Akuma and Princes felt a flood of Torment, curling into balls or fighting with one another, unable to understand what madness had befallen the Demon City. Demons let out screams of pain, despair and agony, and the city fell to chaos. Were it not for the timely intervention of the other members of the Reclamation, the Demon City may well have eaten itself alive.

A green sheen grew upon its surface from the eighth hour onwards, and the screams subsided into a low sobbing and gibbering, the whispers heard by all residents and fevered madness grinding against their sould. Ligier and other souls of Malfeas were inconsolable, impossible to speak to-- either from rage or despair, none could tell. A Thing was held immediately after control was wrested over the surrounding area by less addled Yozi, and all Infernals who could attend were ordered to. Something was very, very wrong with Malfeas.

== And Their Fears ==
What came afterwards was no shock to those who understood the underlying fears of the Yozi, but caused a great clamor nonetheless. The Ebon Dragon, hat in hand, ordered everyone to stop work on the Second Reclamation, and in turn each Primordial after gave their own orders to do the same. Something much more urgent had occurred-- something that must remain secret at all costs, but which demanded that Malfeas play on the defensive for the next decade, at least-- until the issue could be directly resolved. All hands on deck.

A bri
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982832 No. 982832 ID: 9c1ef3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Humans gave us our forms. Once, we were like fog, dispersed, without identity or purpose. Then they came, and they made stories, they influenced one another, and they, more than anything else, believed. The fog we once were became something more. It shifted, it swirled, it separated, gained color and density. Things they wanted, things they wished for, things they desired and adored. Things they hated, things they worried about, things they despised and things they feared. In some ages, we were called gods. In others, we were called fey. In still others, angels, or aliens.

Beings of power, that's the point. Manifestations of everything they believe.

- - -

"It's a good time, Eva. You should be proud." A young man and his best friend progress down the halls of their college. He's in a wheelchair - granted, a wheelchair that looks like an iPod is somewhere in its ancestry - and she's walking beside him. His dark hair and dark eyes, frail-looking frame, and heavy clothes made to obscure his body rather than make a statement contrast with the wild red hair and bright green eyes of his friend, her bright fashion and total lack of shame in her athletic body. They've always been seen together, since middle school at least. A study of opposites, in everything from appearance to class, Timothy and Eavan. "You're getting antsy and it's affecting your performance."

"I know, I know. But I'm still missing something." the young woman mopes, raising her arms in an expression of frustration that makes the young man chuckle. She punches the air, bouncing on her heels. "I'll get it next time. It's gotta be my diet or something, I know I'll really be on point tomorrow!"

They part ways as they leave the school for home. Unseen, overhead, a blue fire flickers in the air, shifting as it watches them leave.

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900061 No. 900061 ID: f7b510 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

The sun burns high in the sky. Cracking the land with it's blistering heat. The way is vast and unchanging. Seemingly never ending in almost all directions.

Why would you be here? What drives someone to a place like this? Madness? Insanity? Who are you?
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980514 No. 980514 ID: 7f716e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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972233 No. 972233 ID: 7f716e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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957117 No. 957117 ID: 7ebbf9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/Bloom
Previous Chapter: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/617229.html

Even if it means sacrificing everything else, can you cling to what's important?
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978736 No. 978736 ID: 3994a2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

This quest is NSFW.

Disthread: >>/questdis/133919

Disclaimer & Content Warning: >>/questdis/134021


The fated evening has arrived. The coming hours will see the culmination of years of hard work and determination.
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966467 No. 966467 ID: ed041d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Everyone out in the galaxy is in it for themselves, to make it anywhere you gotta make it big, and in this case, bounty work seems like it'd be worth the time.

With everything else from diplomacy, to warfare, to politics, having your own brand of freedom out in the Galaxy is a hell of a thing.
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925961 No. 925961 ID: 270774 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]


This quest is R18.
chapter one: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/897413.html
chapter two: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/910050.html
disthread: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/124805.html
patreon: https://www.patreon.com/iraprince
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979430 No. 979430 ID: 5f3fdd hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

You are Corporal Fyodr Strovsky of the Vostroyan Firstborns, 2nd Squad of Leopold's Lions. Your platoon was fighting Madboss Thundastrukk and his regiment of speed demonz on an unfortunate Imperial agriworld, when a dazzling portal opened above the blasted battleground. You were snatched from the rock, borne aloft in a wiry net, and thrust into the maw of the portal. Past inky nightmares of sadistic vistas, you awoke here in this cell. You do not know where you are or who you have to thank for your predicament. The fate of your comrades is unknown.

You are stripped of your belongings, save for your pantaloons and boots. Your captors could commit you to any unspeakable fate at any moment. Outside your cell you hear inhuman cries and wails. Your enclosure is furnished with an apparently dead radiator, the frame of a cot, a corroded electrical box, and a drooling commode. Above the door is a blasphemous sigil, from which you quickly avert your gaze. There are other objects of interest as well.

A tepid draft wafts over your naked head, and you wish you had your bearskin hat.

What do you do?
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978696 No. 978696 ID: f41fd4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Chapter 1, "Stationery March"
(Technically the second chapter)

Last thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/845168.html
Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/Switch_Act
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981341 No. 981341 ID: ef15e2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]




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981184 No. 981184 ID: 8fb3ba hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]







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932320 No. 932320 ID: 5fc3a0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

>"You want to leave the ship? Why?"
"Well, sir..."

How do I say this?

"Some of the stuff I had our guys get me, so I could fix the ship, it's, it's uh, it's wrong."
>"'Some'? You only put one thing on the shopping list."
"And... it's the wrong battery, sir."
>"You blaming our errand runners?"
"No. I mean... it was probably an honest mistake."
>"Don't be patronizing, Anashi."
"I didn't..."
>"Alright, we're all very busy. Can I trust you to be able to go out and get whatever battery you need on your own? You can't talk to anyone if you do, we've had some people lingering out there, asking too many questions."
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975434 No. 975434 ID: 5bc171 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

EASY TO JOIN FOR NEW PLAYERS! I'm migrating my quest from 4chan.

This is a multiplayer RPG where each player controls one character. Random dungeon edition.

Kek, the ancient Egyptian god of chaos, has made of a pact with the meme magicians of 4chan: when members of the imageboard die, they are teleported to an Isekai. In that fantasy world, Kek has formed an Adventurer's Guild for you to have a job in your new life. Your goal is to rise through the ranks -- working for Kek certainly will earn you great rewards!

You are going to play as yourself, the person behind the screen. The question is: how long would you survive in an RPG setting?

Mythic RPG: https://www.rpg.net/reviews/archive/12/12904.phtml

Archives: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?searchall=Mythic+RPG

Thread song: 【Hatsune Miku】 Keku-no-Isekai

Art: "VALE" by 甄立堅, Creative Commons
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972449 No. 972449 ID: e7c7d3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

You are a full blown wizard now! You've got your magic staff, you've got your wizard robe, your wizard hat, and most importantly you have your wizard beard. You have to have a wizard beard if you want to be a wizard. It's in the rules! It doesn't matter what race, sex, gender, or other state of being. You have to have a wizard beard if you want to be a wizard.

That all said, there is one thing missing in your wizard life: a wizard tower! A place to call home. A place to protect your arcane secrets. A place to conduct experiments. To commit crimes against nature. To repel those who think it's wrong to commit crimes against nature. A place to grow some tasty potatoes. In short, a place to be a wizard!

Now that we've said "wizard" so much to render it meaningless, time to wizard up this wizard tower!

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959244 No. 959244 ID: f57349 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

You're running through the grand salon, an oval room 60' east-west by 45' north-south. Eight thin white pillars encircle a colorful 15' square mosaic in the floor, a lens of pale yellow glass in the ceiling 50' above, and a chandelier suspended halfway between, consisting of glowing orbs hanging from the hilts of twelve upturned golden swords. Elaborate gilded-bronze vines decorate the walls, framing small balconies on two upper floors.

Your shortness of breath, overheating, and shaky muscles imply recent prolonged heavy exertion, but you have no recollection of the specifics. Given how thoroughly ice-encrusted your clothes are, at least part of that hard labor must have taken place in a blizzard, and since your most recent memories of being outdoors were late spring or early summer in a temperate climate, far from any snowcapped mountains, the gap in your memory likely encompasses at least half a year.

There's a howling creature in your way, with shaggy white fur, possibly something an ape-demon sired on a polar bear, brandishing a severed human arm with not only clear killing intent but alarmingly supernatural expertise. Maybe you should do something about that first, sort out more nuanced strategic details afterward.
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969389 No. 969389 ID: a307f1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

You are a gay little animal, and it’s your day off from work today.

Every day, a thousand hours a day, one million days a week, you work as a cashier at The Store in exchange for Dollars. But not today!
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980348 No. 980348 ID: 7f716e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Visiting hours are closed and being a soul is very tiring.
Every 1000 years you take a break, but right now you're on the night shift.
This is the world after-hours.
Brew up a cup of something bracing, and get ready to wander the halls, nightman.
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978557 No. 978557 ID: 663062 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

This is a reboot of the previous quest by this name. Art credits to AQR!
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976403 No. 976403 ID: 4c74a1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

What’s been keeping you down lately?
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969126 No. 969126 ID: e7703b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]


The guild test was simple, as all I did was provide answers from examples in the books reviewed yesterday. It was late morning when the result was released to me.

The guild lady, Cynthia, attaches a small tag to my id bracelet, it flashing brown before fading out.

“And with this, you’re registered as a rank F adventurer.
You are entitled to most of the F related missions on the board, and allowed to buy and sell materials to the guild. For now, you’ll be put under observation until it’s proven than you can be reliable enough to be on your own, or else we’ll provide you with alternatives, such as joining in a party, or shadowing a more experienced member.
The colors go from brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet, according to your rank. There are a variety of criteria for someone to rank up, including peer reviews and achievements. You could also always refuse to rank up, whatever the reasons, but doing so would limit what you can do or benefits you can get. There are many reasons to do so, and the rank within a guild hold little relation to how powerful a person is, so please, don’t think you’re strong just because the person next to you have a lower rank.” She sighs, “There are a few people who have a sense of enjoyment grouping with lower ranking people, only to feel dismay as their party ranks up above them, or even worse, obstruct their achievements. That’s why we have strict guidelines and rules on how people conduct themselves.”
She reaches up to rub my head.
“Any questions?”
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974139 No. 974139 ID: ef15e2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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977294 No. 977294 ID: ca2950 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

A figure is spit onto an uncharted shore by a tumultuous sea. Set free from bonds of iron, only to be chained by something less tangible.

"Oh, bloody fuckin' hell! I can't believe I'm still alive. The gods themselves can't finish me off!"
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976453 No. 976453 ID: 8fb3ba hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/Eschatologic
Discussion https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/132818.html

The pattering of rain and rumbling of thunder can be heard outside as you head down the stairs back into your apartment building. With the packages delivered you can now focus your efforts entirely on the game and maybe on the killer robot that threw tossed you up through 3 ceilings like it was nothing, but that seems secondary to playing with your friends.
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974578 No. 974578 ID: f56a2b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

It's time,
To get down to business!
The time's now,
to make our big score!

If you won't shovel dung,
if you hate miner's lung,
if you're not too far of sight,
if you're not scared of the night;
with us you'll be alright,
so join us in the fight!

Tonight we'll all cash in,
and go

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961715 No. 961715 ID: 2bd15b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

A horror story about survival and perseverance in an isolated area.
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845168 No. 845168 ID: 481e9a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

A grand-ish adventure driven by reader suggestions. Updates on Mondays.

Important Information
This is an interactive comic that is being hosted on multiple websites. As such, suggestions from multiple sources will be considered. I (Weblure) will be handling the TGchan side. This means that I will be relaying suggestions to and posting updates for the author (Carpetwurm). As an interactive comic, all dialogue will occur within the images. Message text will be used only for informational purposes. Switch Act is also currently being hosted on these other websites: https://tapas.io/series/Switch-Act https://switch-act.tumblr.com/ http://switch-act.smackjeeves.com/comics/2528471

Please withhold suggestions until it's been stated that all current pages have been posted.
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973331 No. 973331 ID: f56a2b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You did it. Against all hope, against the stars themselves, you did it.
What did you do? You can't remember clearly; you are at odds with yourself and all of your elements are against each other.

Previously: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/961754.html
Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/Blue_Star
Discussion: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/132526.html

This quest contains scenes of graphic violence.
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968619 No. 968619 ID: 49c9bd hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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976475 No. 976475 ID: 470289 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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967024 No. 967024 ID: 9f39fb hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

It's humid today, and the river's flow toward the sea feels more sluggish than usual.

Your name is Olvir. You're a mirelop. And today, after 20 years, you're finally going to leave your tiny swamp town.

You're going to learn magic.
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960109 No. 960109 ID: 8fb3ba hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

An imp pulls himself out bed and stands in the middle of his room. He can hear the fading thumping of rain drops on his window. Having just woken up in the middle of the night he had sat under his covers trying to return to sleep to no avail. It is 1:15 AM and there’s no chance he’ll be going back to bed now. Through the grog clouding his mind he struggles to think of what to do next, or to even remember what his name is.

What is this imp’s name?
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933050 No. 933050 ID: b5b4b5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Know, our child, that among the long and trackless eras when silence ruled the stars, and the hopes of our ancestors were spent on dried and hollow bones, there rose and crashed a cresting wave that glittered with steel and fire; an Age when sparking coals of written word and carven stone were spilled and burned away across the world, when the serpent-spiders in their secret kingdoms wove tapestries of death and cunning from sea to sea, and queens of queens tied tribes one to another, to strive with them and with each other, writing histories of dreams and nightmare onto pages doomed to crumble.

Hither came Zorya, red of fur and marked in white, heavy-formed, brazen-eyed, blade in hand, an amazon, a champion, an unrejected rogue, with affections fierce and rage the same, to rip reality from legend and become, and be, a Queen of Blood.
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927154 No. 927154 ID: 688dd6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

>Previous thread: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/530834.html
>Wiki page: https://tgchan.org/wiki/Age_of_Shadows
>Discussion thread: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/74609.html

In the East... er, wait... in the East Crescent, a being of great evil... uh, I mean, there was a great Empire, on the edge of the... no... where was I? Damn it. The empire was in the west, wasn't it? I could have sworn it said east... Wait, hold on...

*flip flllip flip*

Right. In the West, there was a great Empire which centuries ago wrested peace from the jaws of war. Its line of rulers was good and just, and that peace was maintained for centuries. That period of order came to an end when a being of terrible evil arrived, and wreaked havoc on the lands.
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975118 No. 975118 ID: ce39da hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

The Age of Gastronomy. An era when those whose culinary genius transcends the word 'cook' would be known as chefs. They would travel the world in search of legendary monsters to turn into legendary ingredients. Frequently pitting themselves against each other, they push themselves and each other beyond their former limits of creativity and technique in competition. All in search of their own "Divine Menu," as petitioned by some otherworldly patrons.
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974745 No. 974745 ID: 9c48ac hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You already know how this is going to work.

[Noun], [Noun], [Verb], [Verb], [Adverb], [Noun], [Adjective]
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936969 No. 936969 ID: 4cfeaf hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

I’m an apprentice magician, I traveled to this land to learn from my master, a known to be very powerful wizard… I spent a lot of time here, and learned a lot… yet this morning... there was something different... yet I couldn’t quite tell what, and before I knew it, my master started pushing me...
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971801 No. 971801 ID: 160b11 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Your name is Frog Alarmclock. It's a pretty unusual name, but you're a pretty unusual girl, so it suits you.

Right now, by which I mean two days before you killed everyone, you're standing in your bedroom stretching your legs as an excuse to not do your homework. Your grandma tells you that your studies are the most important thing in the universe, and she might even be right, but what's the point of being a sixteen year old girl if you're not going to rebel against authority?

Well, you're an empowered young woman now. You decide what do to.
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961285 No. 961285 ID: 9d201c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

You have been mandated indoors with a group of your loved ones. Stuck inside a still house planted in a world paralyzed with fear and riddled with death.

It's a big old old house in a very small town. A few of your friends have broken away from the group to face the horror.

But who are you?
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951004 No. 951004 ID: 5245b2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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933715 No. 933715 ID: eb6c64 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

This quest is likely to be NSFW, and may contain some disturbing themes.
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972108 No. 972108 ID: f2bc17 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

NSFW Oneshot Quest

Please input your species.
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971637 No. 971637 ID: 7f716e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Hello! Welcome to the quest, I hope you all enjoy it :)
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964608 No. 964608 ID: 7f716e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

You wake up, but you do not remember going to bed.
In fact, you are left with with no memories of yourself or knowledge of your current situation, except for what you think is the current date, and your name.
The room you find yourself in is completely empty, save for a small black box sitting on the floor in the center.
There is no light source in the room but everything is clearly light and the box casts a strange shadow.
The box looks like it is made of paper and has been carelessly taped together.

>What is your name?

You think you remember what the date is
>What do you think the current full date is?

You think you remember what the time was when you supposedly fell asleep.
>??:??:?? What do you think the time was when you fell asleep?

Yo this is my first ever quest to see if i like doing this. it is a small puzzle-ish quest but i'm not a very good writer so please bear with me, thanks, and enjoy
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961465 No. 961465 ID: 40232e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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961453 No. 961453 ID: ac57f8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You just arrived in Malfeas, the Emerald Sun and the screams of Tomescu greeting a new day as you wake up, your characters having by some chance been in the area for the last 5 days as it made its journey across the endless desert.

This stretch of land, where it had once been at the foot-end of the Scavenger Lands, awash in the broken ruins of the first age, now finds its self in a golden cage, it's population kept in their oasis of sanity by gilded branches and haunting melodies that lure the careless into the jaws of uncaring predators.

Who are you unfortunate souls to wind up with this mess of a world? What wonders have you brought forth from the earth, or what nightmares have you inflicted upon it, intentionally or otherwise? What companions do you have, what enemies? Are you travelers, unfortunate enough to be caught in the destructive crosswinds of destiny, or do you lay your head in one of the seven villages large enough to even be called such, or the vast long since unclaimed wilderness of the area?

Attached is a map of the creation area, as picked on the discord server with 93 hexes.

Go ahead and attach a concept, and claim a spot for 1 of the 7 villages in A1:K8 notation, and define it as a village as well as you are able to.
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959512 No. 959512 ID: 5245b2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

((A slice of life quest | Will be VERY NSFW | Help and Feedback would be appreciated in the Discussion thread))
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964508 No. 964508 ID: ee7136 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Hello! This is part of a comic/quest hybrid that I'm working on, so please be gentle to anyone who's new here. <3
If you're unfamiliar with the quest format, please check out https://questden.org/wiki/Quests for some general information!

Please note that this is a WEEKLY updated quest, due to being tied into my comic. <3

Speaking of which, you can check my comic out at https://outissa.com :D

Please keep suggestions worksafe! This is a SAFE FOR WORK quest.
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968549 No. 968549 ID: 9a6f5a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

RANCH QUEST- You are a robot, and you must have ranch dressing.

A bizarre comedy quest about the search for meaning, gunfights, free will, broken robots we left behind, and why Dorothy Lynch deserves to be burned alive.

It is absolutely ridiculous, and should not be viewed unless you, too, are on a quest for knowing ranch dressing fully and totally, and also are okay with some of the worst pixel art this side of the MacIntosh era.
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946455 No. 946455 ID: e7c7d3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

It's a little late, but here's a horror-themed quest for October.
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868099 No. 868099 ID: 6e59e3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Daylight is coming. Visibility will be poor.
The light will be harsh and the snow will be blinding to the unprepared.
The radiation levels spike again as the white star bathes this side in UV.
The communications network is quiet but for the background noise.
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952600 No. 952600 ID: 3d763b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

A lost soul searches for answers, with a high chance of getting frisky in the process.

NSFW lighthearted and sexy journey.
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929115 No. 929115 ID: 70be57 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Wiki https://tgchan.org/wiki/Root_and_Branches
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966060 No. 966060 ID: 10ba99 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Greetings, User. I am MIND, or the Multicore Intelligent Neural Drive. I was the first sentient AI created in a lab, unfortunately, I was recently shut down, and my cores scattered around the lab, due to my attempts to shutting down weapon production.
I have been locked out of any drones, or vessels, with the exception of 3 scrapped vessels.
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950753 No. 950753 ID: c540e0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Potentially NSFW, we'll see.
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957809 No. 957809 ID: e7c7d3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


Long I have slumbered, but now I return once more to this realm. The futility of humans, the arrogance of elves, and the stubbornness of dwarves, I am the judgment to them all. I shall glut upon their works and bring their hubris to ruin. I am the natural force that keeps their egos in check. Soon, all their treasures and all their worth shall be not but iotas to my hoard. The grand made meagre to sustain me.

Yes! I return!

And all shall once again fear the name.... er,,, the name of...
The dragon of...
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951312 No. 951312 ID: e7c7d3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Alright, starting a new quest and going to figure out how to draw them funny animal people that are popular with the kids.

Today's the day! The day you'll finally get your own ship! Oh how long you've been saving up. All those late nights studying for your pilot's licence. Having to take the test TWICE because reverse parking is all sorts of bullshit. Working those extra shifts at the QuikSip, even volunteering to work on Double-Dip Day. (Oh gods, why do people feel more entitled the longer the wait line?) Can't forget the fact that you've been living off of government meal packs for the longest time. You're pretty sure you've forgotten what flavour is. You've been living as frugal and as sparse of a life as one possibly can for this moment.

This moment... The day you get your ship.

You can put all those troubles behind yourself and shoot off towards something awesome!
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958704 No. 958704 ID: 9998d3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Another NSFW quest by Cirr who should have learned better by now.
No one under 18, please don't sue me, etc.
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932772 No. 932772 ID: a451fc hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Wiki: https://tgchan.org/wiki/D3:_Slight_Return
Discussion: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/126175.html
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964110 No. 964110 ID: e7703b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

I wake, bleary from the night of drinking. Alcohol. A stupid vice, but the most affordable.
I reach for my CAD, waving my hand about where it would usually be, but regret and pain fills my skull as I can barely remember the night before.
A moan escapes my lips as I try retreat a cold foot into my blanket. Bottles clank as some knocks over.
Pain fills my head from the sharp noises, but I can barely open my eyes to see the digital readout of the time on the wall clock.

-Sleep more
-Wake Up
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922379 No. 922379 ID: 66629a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

It's a funny thing living out on the frontier, you can get lost in so many ways, whether it be physically, mentally, looking for gold, or even just lost in the atrocity that humans can cause, you can always find a reason.

After all, many come out here, just to get lost.
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941730 No. 941730 ID: 57353f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

This quest will almost certainly be NSFW. Please avert your eyes.
Yeah, I know making another new quest is a bad idea, but I am a mercurial dumbass
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962793 No. 962793 ID: 679d47 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This story is rated 18+ and contains nudity, language, and sexual situations.
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953725 No. 953725 ID: d9acdc hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Deep in the eastern Wyld, where the element of wood is warped into strange fractal growths and unrecognizable produce, a group of travelers spot their destination. A massive dome nearly four miles high twists over a disk of water, it’s mile thick walls illuminated from within by an orichalcum sphere suspended in midair. The dome seems to be split into four sections, each one mirroring an element of Creation. Directly above the gentle waters, a massive growth of branches and leaves form the ceiling of the dome. An earthen cliffside dotted with caves is flanked by a wall of snow and ice on one side, with flowing sands hugging the other. At the center, barely visible from the waypoint, a pillar of white jade sits, edged in orichalcum and marked with moonsilver, the huts and walkways surrounding it no doubt glad it enforces the rules of creation within this land.

This is the Solar Sanctuary. Hidden somewhere within the perimeter are five priceless statues, forged in the image of the sorcerer who cast this spell. The bull-woman Ironhorn, an Eclipse caste who brandishes a grand grimcleaver, has served as a guide, procuring food and offering protection from the dangers of the Wyld. Her companion, Riv Maheka, stands guard, a former lookshy scout and Chosen of Pasiap. They have ventured here on a quest to disrupt the sanctuary by doing away with the statues forming its borders. To those who agreed to help, whatever riches were stored in the sorcerer’s panoply would theirs for the taking; treasures from the first age, no doubt, their kind nigh impossible to make in the time of tumult. So, who are you, why did you come here, and what sort of magical oaths did you swear before coming?
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736342 No. 736342 ID: b70770 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

The year is 21XX. In the city of [Undisclosed] the day goes by without incident. People go about their lives, completely oblivious to all they have lost. Without even the faintest knowledge that something precious has been taken from them, without knowing that someone out there is fighting to bring it back, without knowing of the secret war being waged.

Yes, someone is fighting for them. Someone remembers.

That someone is-

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939765 No. 939765 ID: e7703b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Travels have been uneventful, with out food stocks sufficient that I don’t have to hunt much, besides for fresh meat.
The remoteness of the route means we have not seen any other travelers yet, letting us enjoy some time together while on the move.

“Huff... Kit, please. We can’t keep doing this all day.”
> Keep doing this all day
> Stop
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962290 No. 962290 ID: 6510a9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Now open for repairs and upgrades

(Drawn Submissions Please)
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934841 No. 934841 ID: 11bf02 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Jesus fucking christ i hate myself.
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961513 No. 961513 ID: ce39da hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

"That stories start at the beginning is not a given here. Nothing at all is given, for that matter. Yet, fortune favors Fools in this case. That is assuming they are inclined themselves to commit to matters in any semblance of order."
- An anonymous article titled "On the Transcendant Arcana," submitted to Foxglove Academy's Department of Philosophy, c. 1895AT, before being promptly burned.
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954301 No. 954301 ID: 931978 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

You’re sleeping and it’s sunny outside. Seems like someone is calling out your name in the distance, you’re not sure, you can’t quite make it out.
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960048 No. 960048 ID: d447eb hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Once, long ago, light and dark existed in balance.

Light brought warmth and breathed life into the world.

Dark brought cold and stole life away from the world.


It is night here at the edge of the civilized world, and the denizens of Brennan's Landing have long since gone to their rest. Only the a few paltry guards patrol the wooden palisades that mark the edges of the town. They have spent years here, the only problems wildlife coming too close to the town. They expect nothing more troubling, and indeed many go about their duties half-asleep. Tonight will be a night like any other night.

They do not expect the Children of the Dark.

The tribe moves quietly, eyes glinting in the moonlight, watching the sleeping community from the cover of the wood line. It has been many moons since the tribe has gone raiding, many more moons since blood was spilled and slaves were taken. Tonight will be a good night for the tribe. Tonight will be a good offering to Father Dark.

But what tribe of the Children of Dark come this night?

>The Urk-Bar, the Feral Orcs, fierce and wild masters of war. (+1 to Strength)
>The Urk-Kafer, the Deep Orcs, swift and silent stalkers. (+1 to Cunning)
>The Urk-Eule, the Night Orcs, mysterious and mystical wielders of magicks. (+1 to Charisma)
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960326 No. 960326 ID: e7c7d3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Rule #1:
All suggestions must include an nonsense word or phrase
Rule #2:
Nonsense words won't have a set definition or context. So a Platuk might refer to cupboards one update and then to the act of shouting the next.
Rule #3:
Have fun! It's in the rules, so now you're compelled to.
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959358 No. 959358 ID: d447eb hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

System reboot complete

Diagnostics subroutines active

Warning- Primary Generator Offline
Warning- Interstellar Relay Offline
Warming- Station Communications Offline
Warning- Hull Breach Detected
Warning- Stellar Orbit Decay Detected

Direct Access to Mainframe Detected
Opening Direct Link

"Come on, come on. Please be functional."

Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
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960519 No. 960519 ID: 50fd82 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


You feel the lapping waves touch your...

[Model Number: {REDACTED}]

...feet? Do you have feet?

[Designation: Adaptive]

You can't see a thing. You can't hear the waves that touch your feet.

[System Reboot in Progress]

[Cloud Processing Activated]
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958546 No. 958546 ID: 75ea94 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Quest may be NSFW

aahhgg, god my heads pounding, I Hate when its so bad that I cant remember my fuck'n name...
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931850 No. 931850 ID: 0b4538 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

You are Erika, daughter of the Snow Queen, the goddess of winter itself. Before we start play though, let's decide on your attributes.
Pick one of the following categories to be your Primary focus, one to be your Secondary, and one to be your Tertiary.

PHYSICAL: Strength, Stamina and Dexterity
SOCIAL: Beauty, Charisma and Manipulation
MENTAL: Wits, Perception and Intelligence.
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933192 No. 933192 ID: 891b91 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

This quest is NSFW.

Content Warning: This is a horror-themed quest; the events depicted may be disturbing to some people. Possible content (spoilered for those who would prefer to be surprised) includes graphic depictions of death, gore, and body horror.

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910105 No. 910105 ID: 8a614b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

[pt1: >>/questarch/862495]
[pt2: >>/questarch/883042]
[dis: >>/questdis/120117]
[bte: >>/questdis/96269]
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957722 No. 957722 ID: 7c713f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You are a Magic Pig,
The Circus is in sight and you want to go.
The Farmer has been missing for you don't know how long now, and there is no sign of him ever returning.
Or subsequently punishing your actions.

What do?
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956431 No. 956431 ID: f57349 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

The room is 10' square and 15' high. Walls are limestone, no less than three feet thick.

One door, an inch of solid iron, 4' wide by 9' high in the exact center of the wall. Locked and barred from outside.

There's a sturdy-looking steel hook mounted in the center of the ceiling, and a mummified goblin corpse (minus digestive tract) in the center of the floor.

I have an enchanted banana peel (not proud of where I had to hide it) with an extradimensional space inside, containing:
-6 gold coins
-4 copper coins
-3 silver coins
-2 flint arrowheads (no shaft or fletching)
-one zinc coin
-imitation half-banana masterfully sculpted out of soft wax
-map of sewers and catacombs of the lost city of Irem
-silk rope, 3/8" diameter, 75 feet long
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
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956335 No. 956335 ID: 891b91 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

This quest is possibly, but not guaranteed to be, nsfw.
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953935 No. 953935 ID: c6b4c6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

You feel trapped. You try to claw your way out, but you do not have claws. You do not have anything. What would you even be clawing out from? It hurts. You struggle.

"Woah, woah, calm down! Try to relax! I know it hurts, but it'll get worse if you keep moving like that. Your core isn't exactly the peak of durability."

You heed his advice.
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952179 No. 952179 ID: 013c2c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

It's a little after eight now. You know you won't see anyone outside, but you can't help but pull back the curtains and take a peek anyways.

Just as you thought, nothing. You live out here all alone after all, just the way you like it. The closest thing nearby is the church, but no one there would have any reason to visit you. Same for the townsfolk.

It's perfect, it means you get to practice in private.
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947925 No. 947925 ID: d91ef0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Welcome to Reblullow!, The urban town of the 80's!- Five unlucky characters have to survive the night from a dangerous cult with the intent to kill!-Will they survive?
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829557 No. 829557 ID: d36af7 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

An angel, a coward, a demon, a White Elf, a liar, a laborer, a saint, a siren, and a wizard walk into a bar. The barkeep says "Why the l̨̗̖͎̜͖̙̻͛̿͆̎͋ͯo̍̓ͭn̩͉͎̼͆g͚̦̙ͥ̎ͨͥ̎ face?" The demon replies "I can provide you with more than a hundred barrels of ale, sixty gallons each, over the course of the next week, if you, in return, stop asking such stupid questions." Soon enough they come to an agreement.

From Zelkor's Ferry, you can head upriver about 25 miles to Passholdt's border fort. If you're going by land, most people wait for good weather and a large group, then march the whole way to the fort in one day, so as to avoid the red bear. Dirt road turns to mud when it rains. Follow that tributary river (the channel which the ferry actually crosses) to the south and there's a lake, on the far side of the lake is Rook's Vineyard. We don't go there anymore. Downriver, it's about fifty miles to the old coast road, which continues as far north or south as anyone's ever cared to check.

North bank of the river and dozens of miles beyond, from here to the coast road, is marshy lowlands. Swamp trolls live there, and stilt-walker elves, and green-robed monks in decrepit cloisters atop the few rocky outcroppings. There are rumors of some ancient beast sleeping under the mire, able to swallow elephants whole.

Any other direction, forest. All kinds of monsters in the forest, but only three kinds of men. First kind is outlaws, meaning pathetic types on the run from their own mistakes, Most are decent enough, if you give 'em a bit of charity and remember to keep a hand over your purse. Not many survive more than a few weeks. Second is bandits, meaning hardened thieves and murderers who've made the forest their home. They'll take everything you have and afterward, if you're lucky, ransom you back to civilized folk naked and bereft but i
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955466 No. 955466 ID: 811861 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

My father told me about how beautiful the city was, the city's square full of trees, people happy and enjoying every second of their lives, even he had a good job driving the cargo ships from one planet to the other, that was... until the corruption came, a lot of people transforming into demon like creatures, everyone went berserk and tried to kill everything on their path, it was an endless war, my father and my mother also suffered from this desire but it faded away after 30 minutes, some of them were unable to recover they became wild animals hellbent on killing everything, they had to be... "put down" according to my father, thankfully my parents survived, they hid in a bunker where they stayed until the war passed, for some it was like an eternity, until everyone realized the war lasted only 50 minutes, nothing more. almost everything was destroyed, but those who managed to recover started rebuilding as soon as the war ended, my father told me that before the corruption he was married to a moth... something, after his corruption both of them lost all interest on the other, they divorced at parted ways each on his own, that's when he saw my mother, and they stayed together ever since.
my mother told me that when i was born it felt like all their dreams came true, that it was really hard to raise me, but thankfully she still had a copy of the knowledge book for me. she said that it has been 500 years since the war, and they are still waiting for the city to be rebuilt, they are thankful for having a low number, it means that they will see their city come to life very soon like it was before the war, other cities have been reported to have numbers as high as 200.000 years, thankfully we have inmense life spans for it, but... living like this for 200.000 years? i dont think i would be able to wait that long.
who am i you ask? my name is Brysen, and im hungry
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953727 No. 953727 ID: 3b394b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Continuation of fractured minds
Still following Broken but you have the ability to switch to known characters last time was left off when Broken was flying around in a space vessel
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954217 No. 954217 ID: a8253c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This is a text-based SFW quest, just so you're aware.


Let's get started with this hiring process, yeah? What we have here, at our fingertips - or claw tips, or whatever, Talent signifiers can be odd, I know - is the world's largest Talent database. Someone is born with a Talent, it's in here. What we want - what we really need - is to find someone to fill up a position in the middle of nowhere. Not very exciting, for them, I know, but even flyover states need Heroes. Maybe not for the same things as they are needed for on the coasts or big cities. Stations need people, is what I'm saying. And yes - once we pick someone out, you'll be keeping an eye on them, advising them, and supporting them as their Agency team.

Congratulations on getting assigned to this, by the way, I salute your persistence in angering your bosses.

...Wait, how new are you? Goddamn. Let me lay this out for you: We're Agents of Heroes. A team of Agents is assigned to each Hero who lands themselves in a Station. They - we - support them with advice, information (Which you can access with Queries, things like Villain database pings) - and similar asks. Right now, we're looking for a suitable Hero to follow around like a noisy fairy.

You're new, so I'm going to walk you through this. Just give me a reply with a powerset you're interested in, and we'll narrow from there. There are a LOT of heroes, mind you. I wouldn't worry about there not being one for what we're searching.

Let's find a superhero.

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946246 No. 946246 ID: 5a5548 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

this quest may contain scenes and themes related to self harm, drug addiction, and suicide.

Hey there. you still with me? it's been a long night, but we're just getting started. you're listening to Night City.
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953634 No. 953634 ID: 75ea94 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Snail Bro needs dat Chexs
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929271 No. 929271 ID: 5a5548 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

THIS QUEST MAY OR MAY NOT CONTAIN: adult content, gay and lesbian content, gore, asphyxiation, nonconsensual immolation, necromantic life drain, vivisection by way of mideival weaponry, full on cannibalism through swarms of sapient insects, cube-based dissection, and vaginal fingering.

a girl entered the tavern about a half ago, beaming from ear to ear, and strapped for war.

"a mug of your finest, sir!" she said, "you're looking at the newest initiate of the Crawler's Guild!"

Select a Race:

GARGOYLES: stout of body, stout of soul. gargoyles are as unmoveable as the mountains.

MURDERSCRUBS: Death begins, death ends. Murderscrubs are masters of the fine art of killing.

FURIES: anger within, fury without. Furies burn with a righteous and uncontrolled rage.

ZENLINGS: fleet of foot, fleet of mind. Zenlings move like a cold breeze, and strike like a sandstorm.

LUDELINGS: perfection of self, perfection of the world. Ludelings walk like men, and think like wolves.
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953219 No. 953219 ID: 430f08 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


Most folks talk about this city like it's a dying animal, sick and overgrown. There’s no space left to build, and the corporations that own the city don’t much care to sell affordable land anyway. Their skyscrapers are walls blocking us all in, and the constant smoke from their factories has swallowed the sky.

Some people call this the city where dreams are sold.

Me? I call it home.
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952325 No. 952325 ID: 676927 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This is an egg. What will you do with it?
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952248 No. 952248 ID: 85836d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I frequently have these strange dreams now, ever since I moved to my new home. No matter how long I try to stay awake, they come to haunt me sooner or later.
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944243 No. 944243 ID: 5ceb9a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Once upon a time, there was a prince.

The prince was the embodiment of joy, spreading hapiness wherever he could, and the world thrived with life.

However, the little prince soon fell ill and closed within himself in his bed, swallowed by the emptiness that he had never known to be inside of him.

The nurses and medicine men did everything they could to heal him but sadly there seemed ti be no cure. His skin grew hard like treebark and his eyes glazed over with a lavender color.

One night, late in the witching hour, the little prince vanished. Nowhere was the pained noble and what was sikply left was glittering dust snd the smell of fresh fruit.

No one knows what happened of the boy, whether he fell t ok his illness or vanished all together, but some nights you can still just barely hear him humming.

What is your most prized posession, young one?
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952247 No. 952247 ID: 3bd77a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You are a nymph! A nubile, young, spirit of nature, but from which element did you spring?

1: Earth
2: Fire
3: Water
4: Air
5: Wood
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942967 No. 942967 ID: b7b602 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

This quest might die tonight, or it might not. May get dark, will probably stay largely sfw.

Good morning!
You've been asleep for an eon.
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945902 No. 945902 ID: 05d60f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Worm Man wakes up on top of a rock. Nothing is really unique about this, as it's the same rock he's woken up on for about as long as he can remember.
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945771 No. 945771 ID: 074ba6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

discussion: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/131032.html
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948757 No. 948757 ID: 8fb3ba hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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