Yellow Gold Wonder
Though you’re quite experienced, you’re a fairly low-tech hiker. You pack and repack your bag several times, debating. Sure, this hike’s a big job, but it’s not like it’s life or death or anything.
You finally settle on an equipment roster of the following:
* utility knife
* rope
* flashlight + extra batteries
* headphones and your trusty ABBU Gold Greatest Hits cassette tape (Dancing Skink blaring, hell yeah)
* sturdy boots and 2 pairs of wool socks
* lunch and snacks (not essential — you are a rabbit and can feast on vegetation as needed)
* duct tape
* water bottle + 6 iodine tabs
* map of Mount Amble’s trails, with your path clearly marked
* first aide kit
* compass
* your phone, fully charged, in low-power mode
* your favorite walking stick
* house & car keys
* edible plant field guide
It’s just after 6:15 AM when you’re ready to leave. You leave a sticky note on the fridge for your roommate, Flug, who you know is sleeping off a wicked hangover, letting him know where you’re headed and when you should be home. Also, for god’s sake, Flug, would it kill you to take out the trash, please?
With that, you leave your flat with plenty of time to meet Hock, locking the door behind you.