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File 127484789627.png - (38.76KB , 623x686 , form.png )
183194 No. 183194 ID: f95872 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You have been sent to the Gay Superhero Jail.

It's like normal jail, but for gay superheroes.

They gave you this form to fill out. You suspect that your fellow homosexuals were in charge of printing.
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174658 No. 174658 ID: 7133d6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

My name is Jonathan Duder, my friends and parents call me Johnny though. I am 16 years old. My hobbies include listening to metal, and hanging out at the FunkBurger for some grub. I have a dream to become Mondo City's best fighter. So I have been practicing my meditation to contact spirits to help guide me in my quest. Please help me become the Fight Champion.
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180954 No. 180954 ID: 75e717 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

*You awake, so duly trapped; tied upside down, with a strong pain in the back of your head. The last thing you recall is spending too much money on too much booze at a local tavern.*

Take it away, folks.
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182872 No. 182872 ID: ad7bb4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

You are Grigorii Rasputin, and you were once the most mystical man of Russia.
Your powers are specialized in healing, making you almost impossible to kill, but theorically you are able to do anything imaginable with your magic if provided with an appropiate cost of life force.
You were buried in Tsarskoye Selo, but some workers unearthed you and then burnt you in a forest, all while you were unconscious and recovering from the wounds you received from Prince Yusupov and his gang.
After about 85 years, you finally manage to recover from the coma you were in.
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183046 No. 183046 ID: 7a0ff9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

The Brood came without warning and without hesitation. In mere nights, the elders of the city had been ripped and torn asunder, their ashes blown to the wind or their vitae drank in Amaranth, their unliving souls destroyed.

Mortal police attributed it to large scale gang warfare and several major gangs were taken down and put into jail for a crime they didn't commit, and for a while the city was dead, a Necropolis that once held a hundred Kindred.

Mere handfulls remain to reclaim the city now, the neonates were the ones in control of the reins. You are one of these power hungry neonates, gunning for the largest peice of...

Damnation City.

>TG Newbie Here. Trying to get some good old NWod going in the Damnation City style Primacy. More to come as i get to it. This is my first project please bear with me!
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149753 No. 149753 ID: c1b520 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Six: "Sages? Sages! I cannot talk for long. Our interference upon the world has been discovered. I must flee! I will not be able to speak with you until I have found a safer place to contact you. Please Great sages, continue our work, continue to help da-"
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181553 No. 181553 ID: c1b520 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Welcome to the testing centers.

You have been granted the tools to do anything you desire, and an infinite space to do them in.

There is no goal.

There is no requirements.

Compile your suggestions and do what you will.
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277391 No. 277391 ID: 950529 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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179833 No. 179833 ID: 482f1b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Hello. I'm glad you chose to come here. After all, there are many other options to choose from. But before we start, could you please answer a few questions?
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178868 No. 178868 ID: 1f16e5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

All right! It's about time I got issued a new notepad! The old one was starting to run out of pages (not to mention, it was getting a bit ratty looking).

Sheesh... The way they handle stationery ordering around here, you'd think we were in some sorta war. Heh, notepad rationing, that'll be the day.
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176965 No. 176965 ID: 9b336d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

it is dark.

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175253 No. 175253 ID: f35d0a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

"I waited a long time... for this?!"
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277429 No. 277429 ID: 543aa6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]


View animation
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277449 No. 277449 ID: e31d52 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

>Warning, shit art incoming, warning<

In this world, there are two species, constantly at war. The humans, and the Demons. The humans, with their magic, barely manage to survive against the demons, who cannot be slain with human power. But you, you of all people, have managed to learn a powerful secret magic hidden through the ages: You can seal weakened demons in a magic tome passed down through your family. The magic is so powerful that this sealing instantly bends and breaks the demon to your will, making it a perfect servant. However, as stated before, you can only seal weak demons, or those already injured... and thus, only one demon out of millions lays at your command: A simple, puny Imp, weak and pitiful.

But you know that you are the only one with this book, and that it is impossible to replicate. You are mankind's only hope.

But what is your name?
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Audio 01_Hi.mp3 - (335.23KB )
277524 No. 277524 ID: d73100 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Hi I'm Bobby who are you?
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167599 No. 167599 ID: 637d5e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

You are Tibereus Cornex, captain of the Maerus Empire... wow that feels good to say. You recently graduated from the officers academy, and have been summoned to the office of the emperors second Praetorite for your first assignment, presumably. As you cross the threshold into the Second Praetorites courtyard, you glance at your officers tattoo, a fragmented, stylized version of the Imperial Dragon you can see emblazoned on the crimson banners hanging from the columns of the courtyard. In front of the heavy oak door to the office is a weapons check. the guard wraps his cloak about him against the cold and nods at the weapon rack next to him. You draw your...
>select your weapon: spear, longblade or axe.
>also this is my first time trying to run a quest, bear with me if the start seems a bit slow, I'll try to update daily
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150103 No. 150103 ID: 976174 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

>...: The Master Wishes for your death, so you shall die, traitor...
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No. 150767 ID: 701a19 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

You have been sent to a remote island to investigate some ruins that don't match any known civilization. Deep inside the ruins you discovered a natural cave that the ruins were apparently built around. Paul Semis, your compatriot, wandered off from the group like an idiot while investigating signs of tooled excavation. As a result he has been quite thoroughly trapped by a in a cave-in, and you have none of the equipment you would need to free him. Not that you really could anyway, since trying it would just cause an even worse cave-in.
You've tapped into his radio and video feeds, and can give him advice from here.

Paul stands up and brushes the dust off. He seems to be uninjured and fairly calm.
You know inventory at least contains:
A 10' extensible rod.
A backpack.
50' of rope.
A pickaxe.
A hammer.
A chisel.
A multitool.
An LED lantern.
An LED flashlight.
His Radio.
Several remote scouting drones.
Three days worth of water and food.

He appears to be in a rather small chamber, which is covered in short lines suggesting it was dug out with some kind of pick or chisel for form instead of function.
Behind him is a doorway which is completely blocked with rock and what appears to be wet clay In front of him is a crudely hewn opening in the wall.

(I have no idea where I'm going with this; lets just run with it.)
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170655 No. 170655 ID: f95872 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You are an overweight man with a neckbeard. You have decided to make a quest on your favorite site on the internet, Ponychan!

What will your quest be about?
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155236 No. 155236 ID: e31d52 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

<<A special warning: The world that Phred lives in is a little deadlier than our own! This quest will likely conclude with this thread, and your reward for inventiveness and ingenuity is simply a longer thread. I do plan to run this multiple times, though. Aim for the best score!>>
In recent news, the outbreak of Ablin-0-23 has spread to the continental United States. The government has issued a federal state of emergency regarding the Virus. Those who are able must remain in their homes. Please remember that if you are bitten or scratched, at this point there is no help available for new infectees. Stay in your home, do not, I repeat, do not seek help in a medical facility. This station will now shut down.

We wish you all good luck... and have you all in our hearts.

Well, fuck.
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170726 No. 170726 ID: f95872 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Princess Prudy Sparklejaws was minding her own business when suddenly assassins infiltrated her throne room, which is decorated with pink silk and bones, to kill her for her grievous and numerous crimes against the local tribes.

They also stole her magic blood jewels, but she doesn't know that yet.
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172627 No. 172627 ID: e513f1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Hello, citizen! Welcome to Red Tape!

Unfortunately, I am seeing that you have not filled out the necessary paperwork for this operation. In triplicate. Most unfortunate. Luckily for you, however, as you are the 10,000th player, you will be granted the very special privilege of skipping the paperwork and simply filling out this simple form:

Name (Last, First):
Gender (M/F):
City name:
Street name:
House number:
Apartment number (if applicable):
Favorite Colo(u)r:
Least Favorite Colo(u)r:
Role model:
Name of pet (if applicable):
Name of girl/boyfriend:
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120683 No. 120683 ID: d75539 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

"Ho there citizen! Might I bother to ask if you've seen a youth that's fled his home yet again? The little elf with the hair like a hedgehogs?"

"No sir, been too busy digging to notice any passerbys."

"Digging for what, praytell?"
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149226 No. 149226 ID: 5eedac hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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156625 No. 156625 ID: 9e9b47 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

HEY! Insert the next disc, motherfucker!
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157904 No. 157904 ID: 0576eb hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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169528 No. 169528 ID: 669a7b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Empty... My head feels empty...

...I breathe heavily as I regain consciousness.

I see two doors, one labeled "P".
There's a sword next to me...
And a red spinning... thing... next to the wall, floating in mid-air....

Please suggest an action.
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159432 No. 159432 ID: cf68aa hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Welcome to The Game, hosted by AmaZing Games!

Thanks to our newest invention the Geist you the viewer can take partial control over one of the Contestants! It seems that the general poulace has chosen Contestan 7 as their player.

The rules are simple, get eight silver keys and you win.

Good luck ^_^
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114315 No. 114315 ID: b3f1ab hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Oh, swell! I bet I can pawn this thing off for a couple of bucks so I can finally get a bite to eat...
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126204 No. 126204 ID: 520a17 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Take me out, to the Black.
Tell them I ain't coming back.
Burn the land and boil the Sea,
You can't take the sky from me.

-Ballad of Serenity

Any man who can hold a ship, can go anywhere, even off the map.
-Captain Jern Larn of the US Airship BronzeStar
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161257 No. 161257 ID: d75539 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Welcome to Stone Soup.
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159607 No. 159607 ID: f21281 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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159936 No. 159936 ID: fe13e0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Hello, and welcome to GuyQuest.
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125087 No. 125087 ID: 887037 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

I can't remember a thing. There's something stuck on my head, and I'm holding a rectangular object. I've been holding onto it for a long time, apparently, because my hand is getting really sweaty.

There's two square lights in front of me. Buttons?
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158533 No. 158533 ID: f35d0a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Jaja, Jaja! I learned a new word today!

... But I don't know what it means.

Jaja, what is "gold"?
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155665 No. 155665 ID: 9e4f35 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

A man strides across the rocky landscape, he has a grim set to his face.
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156292 No. 156292 ID: 5eedac hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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150693 No. 150693 ID: d86d2c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Oh fuck. I conked the fuck out last night. I didn't get anything done oh fuck I feel nauseated...

This doesn't feel like my bed and it smells like a rat's ass
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152981 No. 152981 ID: d75539 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

What the hell, why not? All I'm ever good for is gaming and the odd scrap of chicken scratch.

So let's give this a try, Nuzlocke pokemon!

First off, look at the flowchart, and decide which rules we want to enforce~

Naturally, the mandatory ones are:

1: If a pokemon faints, you must release it
2: You may only catch one pokemon per area
3: Nickname EVERYTHING.
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97589 No. 97589 ID: c166ee hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You awaken.
Your eyes flicker open, and you find yourself sat, your back upon a tree amidst a forest of some sort, your nostrils flare as you take a breath, and you are assailed by a dry musty smell, of age and dust. Your eyes focus after a few more blinks and you realise why this forest is so strange, asides from the smell it appears all ashen and grey, as though a thin layer of ash is covering each tree, or that their colours have been bleached out, leaving only murky greys. You also realise however, that where you are is perfectly silent, there are no birds nor bugs or similar making noises, and the wind is still.
Look down unto yourself, you notice that you are a human wearing drab-looking travelling clothes, namely wool trousers that cover tall, thick socks, which themselves end with large and by the looks of it, well-worn travelling boots. The trousers are tied to you by a leather belt (which has tied to it several leather pouches, as well as a small leather sheathe containing what looks to be a dagger), but above the waist lies a thick, long-sleeved tunic with a few pockets, and tied about your neck with a silver clasp is a heavy, fur-lined, hooded cloak. You find that you are wearing leather armour largely beneath your travelling clothes, with some padding beneath the leather.
With this self-examination you notice that upon the back of your left hand lies some sort of stylised moth tattoo, as you ponder its significance you come to the sudden realisation that you cannot remember anything, your name, your parents, your purpose, where you are, why you are here.
You cannot remember anything at all.
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146112 No. 146112 ID: 950529 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Dear /quest/,

I'm razorbladeromance1991 (25/m/NL) but you can call me razor. I finishhed highschool a year ago but i realy dont feel like going to university. So like i really need some guidance in my life i think.
Anyway I think im too Old for Gaia Online and everyone on /b/ is assholes??? what is up with that? Anyway I think ur the only one who understands me /quets/
So about me Im 25 years old and i live with my mum and dad and my baby sister who is real annoying. Like she keeps bothering me but like im too old?? she thinks tickling is still fun eugh shes so dumb and she's like 17 so i'm like "grow up stupid bitcH" and she's like "thats no way to talk to ur big sister"
Anyway some things I like: bands: HIM, Gackt, malice mizer, i like screamo music especially japanese because they make the best music? like i can really relate to them eventho i dont understand japnese. movies: v for vendetta i havent seen it but I think it's the best movie obv. books: probably something like the antibible. I dont read much books cos Im dyslecix.
i also like my coffee black like my heart and cold but i dont drink it cos its gross?
Anyway, my life realy sucks. Like my mum wont let me get a piercing, shes so dumb.
BTW that picture is of me. I took it in my mirror with iPhone. My iPhone's name is ii-kun. so most posts from me will be made on ii-kun.
Anyway you can ask me more questions and I'll answer them and you can suggest me things to do becuz my life really suxxxxx!
Ill make atleast one blogpost per day i think.
Also i might make a Myspace account or Facebook i dunno yet. Which is better???
Okay my sister is being annoying so i Gotta go.

See you tomorrow /quest/

Love <3
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150910 No. 150910 ID: f23c4b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Immy: oh hey, there is a room in the end of the tunnel!
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125712 No. 125712 ID: 728150 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

In retrospect, we should have seen it coming. Our Delegates reported they hadn't heard from The User in over a week. To not receive instructions from The User for a few days was uncommon enough, but an entire week was simply unheard of. And yet, here we were going about our lives with a sudden loss of purpose.

The news didn't bother me - it didn't seem real. The User never interacted with us sprites directly - It seemed so far away, like it whatever happened with It was on another partition trillions of bytes from Home. In fact, I was far more concerned that my wife was still away on her business trip - she transferred to a USB Storage Device hours before the last known contact with The User.

Suddenly, I had a much larger concern ahead of me.

[Actual update content here, sound unnecessary] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SexHr3-UAlY

[Opening Cinematic: 1/5]
(Due to the nature of this quest's graphical medium, it will be slow, but hopefully pretty. Please bear with me.)
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81580 No. 81580 ID: 754774 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Only that person could possibly think a fairy dust necklace would be an appropriate birthday gift for a man called 'Euthanasia'.

The fairy ornament is shaped so poorly it looks like a pointy blob, and the plastic vial seems to contain blue glitter.

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79064 No. 79064 ID: c671a4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

It's been a while that you woke up.
That blue guy over there seems to be asleep. Or dead, you don't know.
You would have gone away but someone made sure that you don't, as you can tell by the cord around your foot.
And besides, more than three steps into any direction you'd face just another wall, as gray and dull as the one you're leaning on.

This feels like a dream.
The bad kind.
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128554 No. 128554 ID: cf68aa hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

>Hello SparrklyBall it's Sevi! Sevi need talk with Sparkly Ball. Sevi have bigbig problem at school. Sevineed to talk. Mommy said talking helps with badproblems and this is very bad badproblem. Can SparklyBall keep big secret? No telling Mommy k? Well heregoes....
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139133 No. 139133 ID: c1b520 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Alim: "The image is blurry miss, but there is something there... I can see it... no, I can see them... I have good news miss..."
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122452 No. 122452 ID: cf68aa hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

>Somewhere, there was a tiny dream.

>Such a tiny dream it was, No one knew who had dreamt it.

>The tiny dream began to think.

>'I don't want to disappear this way. How can I make people dream of me?'

>The tiny dream thought and thought, and then came up with an idea.

>'I'll make humans get lost in me, and let them create the world.'

>Whose Dream will you enter?

Heart, The Lost Twin
Spade, The Innocent Killer
Club, The Blind Academic
Diamond, The Fools' Avarice
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117945 No. 117945 ID: ddb2dc hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

You can feel a tug of belief. Without belief, you are nothing. This tiny amount of belief stirs something deep within you.

You have just become aware of your own existence.
You can now sense.
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132982 No. 132982 ID: 887037 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

While outside, you come upon a laptop.

The laptop has a blood splatter on the corner and a microphone attached. Without thinking, or perhaps thinking 'sweet, free laptop', you bring it home with you.
When you start it up, you are greeted with a picture of a young girl with ridiculous hair and eyes. When she moves a bit, you realize it's a video.
You play with the mic while you watch. As you hit it against your palm, her eyes flick up. With each hit, she blinks.
You realize it slowly.

The video feed is live.
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141257 No. 141257 ID: 5eedac hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Hello, welcome to Broken Trek! In this quest, you are tasked with helping two stick figures find their friend in a mental institution.

The stick figure on the left is Ilya Nindreiter. He's good at hockey, likes tapioca pudding, and his girlfriend might actually be his hand. The stick figure on the right is Luca Spezza, who enjoys the flesh of children (or veal, I'm not sure) and is quite talented at DJing raves. Together they solve puzzles. And pull the wings off of flies. Or something like that.
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141270 No. 141270 ID: b74765 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

"I am Andrew Ryan, and I am here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? 'No,' says the man in Washington, 'It belongs to the poor.' 'No,' says the man in the Vatican, 'It belongs to God!' 'No!' says the man in Moscow, 'It belongs to everyone!'

"I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose...


"A city where the artist would not fear the censor, where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality, where the great would not be constrained by the small!

"And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city, as well."
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142177 No. 142177 ID: fdcff1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Oh, Jade, so this is where you have disappeared to.
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137017 No. 137017 ID: f609ed hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

-You wake up in some kind of hospital laboratory, wearing nothing but a black beanie, a hospital gown, a hospital band, and those silly hospital booties-
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139513 No. 139513 ID: a64482 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You have been dormant, imprisoned in this dagger for centuries, handled by unclean cattle your progenitors would've slaughtered wholesale. You don't know how this happened, bout over the years, you have started to lose hope.

Then, you feel it. The presence of a worthy host. Old instincts reassert and you can feel the blade hone to a razor edge, the blood that holds you wetting it almost imperceptibly...

Energy surges through you, the blood beckons to you, and you feel the need to ravage the world once more! But...

You sense the blood of another wetting the blade. This is something you have not faced since you were first placed into this prison... a choice.

Male or Female?

(This will be a text quest, but I shall post an image with each update to make it easier to tell which posts are mine, and to help track... something. The art for the meter that you'll see shortly is by Craniate, I only wish I had her level of talent)
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137846 No. 137846 ID: 369318 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

In the GRIM DARK FUTURE, there is only FURRIES.
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131680 No. 131680 ID: 9a9a03 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

>My beautiful Cream~

>The things I'm gonna do to you, oh~ you will forget all about that shady bold...

>Just like I forgot every other girl, after that kiss you gave me~
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134466 No. 134466 ID: 40dc56 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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137683 No. 137683 ID: 08006e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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136232 No. 136232 ID: f609ed hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

My name is Jones, and I'm moving into a new town. It's a little scary having to move somewhere completely new and meet new people.

So please, I need your help! Come with me and help me make new friends and have fun in my new town!
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116861 No. 116861 ID: 126d08 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

The Legend of the Amaranth.
Written and Illustrated by Roald Dali.
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110035 No. 110035 ID: 498ebc hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Spring of 188, AD.

From the capital, thunder can be heard, herald to a changing era.

The Yellow Turban Rebellion has lasted four years now. He Jin and Yuan Shao fight against this peasant army, and have put out the call for heroes to safeguard the Han dynasty.

Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei swear an oath of brotherhood that will unite them until each one rests in his grave.

Emperor Ling is not long for his grave; he will rule for another year, and his death will set off a cascade of events that will forever change the face of China.

And you... You are a simple man. A vagrant, a wanderer, an officer without a man to serve or men to command. But this is a time when great men hear the call to act, when the fires of ambition are stoked until they roar. And, unlike others, you hold a small jade statue of some importance...
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128209 No. 128209 ID: e921b3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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101789 No. 101789 ID: 44ad00 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]



[Yeah, this is Nightmare Zone.]

[Fuck man, I hate this place so much.]

[And I have no clue how to get out.]
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130882 No. 130882 ID: bcd24a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

To your perception, there is no time passing, there is no up, no down, no void.
You are all there is in this universe, and the sum total of this universe's contents is you.
You are no god, you know this. Gods are created by belief, and as yet nothing exists to believe in anything.
You are simply the Creator.
After an eternity, or perhaps a moment, (not that it matters to you), you are at your present state of consciousness and decide to do something for the first time.

(Thread started at http://boards.4chan.org/tg/res/8071550 , moved here to avoid sagefags)
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124614 No. 124614 ID: f35d0a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

... It hurts...
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129918 No. 129918 ID: 7630d5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Authors note: This is my first attempt at a quest, and as such it probably wont be that good. The art is terrible (only have a laptop touch pad to work with, bear with me here:<) and the story may be mediocre. Well just have to see.

This is the story of a dream, an epic journey. A quest, one might say. Filled with many perils it is sure to be, but the end reward will surely be grand.

But oh me, im getting ahead of myself again. Let's start from the beginning, shall we?
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81770 No. 81770 ID: fa4818 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

(hey guys, this is one of the reasons I just can't keep doing terrible quest, I don't want to do 3 quests at a time and terrible quest was getting too boring and inactive anyways! OK! So this quest is actually about what my name references! The events in this quest are false, but based on a lot of true events and things I believe and have a large ammount metaphorical value that I will leave up to you to interpret. I know this quest is seemingly about pyroboy, but a lot of it is about a guy named david, that has a symbolic value too. Finally, my quests have been completely unserious and pretty silly in general but this one, while i'll try to incorporate humor, definitely has a more serious tone. AAANYWAYS i'll stop yapping your asses off and get on with it)

This is David. He is currently 16 and attends whitehall highschool. David is pretty socially awkward, especially around girls. He dreads going to school due to his low social status and his generally awkward behavior. David is waiting for the bus like he has and will for the rest of school.

David is a cynical optimist. One of the only cynical optimists he knows, in fact.

You have somehow been given the ability to suggest David things through his conscience. First order of business! What should David do to kill time before the bus shows up?

David has some sort of music player but not much else besides that...

Violet may be showing up soon.

Violet is... well when she shows up we'll get a little insight on her.
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129155 No. 129155 ID: 45b34c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

"Ah...koopa leaf tea~"
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124411 No. 124411 ID: 4531bc hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

We open on a rather drab room, apparently created by someone with no sense of euclidean geometry...
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127668 No. 127668 ID: fe0817 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You are a piece of bacon that gained consciousness. You remember your mother the pig, and your father the knife.

You see two fat neckbeards rolling bacon. Perhaps they hope to create the elusive meatbread. You doubt it though. They will probably fail their skill checks.

So, it is up to you to either escape from this establishment, or help them make the best bacon in the world.
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113178 No. 113178 ID: 612987 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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122418 No. 122418 ID: c0f3bf hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Magic is forever moving. Mages, free magic, and everything else direct its flow, affecting the world. But with every change, tiny anomalies spring up. They are usually far too insubstantial to have any effects, but over time, they build up and eventually rupture the fabric of dimensions. When that happens it is like a massive earthquake, turning the place it occurs in into a kind of sub-dimension, and bringing immensely powerful monstrosities into it. If the power goes unchecked, the sub-dimension could be transformed into a stable demonic portal.

If the demons can be banished from the sub-dimension however, the anomalies will break tension and the sub-dimension will disperse. Because of the demonic nature of the sub-dimension however, only demons and holy beings can come inside it.

The fabric of dimensions is breaking now. As soon as it gets fully dark, the portals will appear. The setting is a peninsula, three sides covered with water. I am the only one that knows about this event, but the area has long been abandoned because of the demonic energies.

Essentially, it is me, my holy powers, my blessed armor, and my enchanted weapon against an army of demonic forces.
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126086 No. 126086 ID: c17fb2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

"In Which There is a Raptor at a Bus Stop, and No One Seems to Notice Except Me."

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112521 No. 112521 ID: 34470e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]


People go on Pokemon journeys for different reasons. Some want adventure. Some want to collect every single Pokemon there is. For me, tomorrow's the big day...
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119431 No. 119431 ID: 36d626 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Hi everyone, welcome to JulyQuest. I drew this promo piece earlier and I figured I'd use it for the first thread.
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118820 No. 118820 ID: 95376b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

These are the Amazing Journeys of MU the WARRIOR MONK.

When we last left our heroes, Mu had been WRONGLY IMPRISONED by a CORRUPT MAGISTRATE.
After a FAILED ESCAPE ATTEMPT, Mu's companions went to speak with various IMPORTANT TOWNSFOLK to convince them to REBEL AGAINST THE MAGISTRATE.

This is their story.

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120796 No. 120796 ID: 82cf9b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

You've been waiting for this for a long time.
Four Aces, the 'Bar of Destiny', as the searchers call it.

You sit in the corner and drink your whiskey.
It's the worst quality whiskey and the best drink you ever had.
It tastes like victory.

The harsh liquor washes away the grit in your mouth. Each mouthful after that tastes better and better. From your seat in the corner, you listen to the conversations at the bar:

"So I'm caught by ten guys, so I whip out my Spade Knight..."
"... guy used a Nine Hearts for me, now I'm happily married..."
"... and so THE DEVIL is making moves, apparently."

It's unlikely that they got any of those Cards from here. This bar only deals in...
The shadowy stranger sits down across from you. You don't remember seeing him enter... and he slides four cards across the table to you, face up.
"The Ace of Spades. The Reaver. Cutting through confusion, decisive blows.
The Ace of Hearts. The Beginning. Defending others, bringing happiness.
The Ace of Diamonds. The Tactician. Revealing others weakpoints, defeating them.
The Ace of Clubs. The Winner. Aptitude in all aspects, but excellency in none."
He looks at you with eyes of fire.
"Make your choice."
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26 No. 26 ID: d450b2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

VOICE: Well, let's get this sorted out, then.

This is you. You've been interested in Pokémon for most of your life, but are sketchy on a lot of the details. In spite of this, you've decided to take the plunge and become a Pokémon trainer!

So, if you don't mind me asking... what's your name?

[Let's see if I can't get this off the ground.

And just as a note -- based on prior experience, I've decided to go with the session format and stick to it, just to keep myself sane and images reasonably timely. This means I'll be announcing times and whatnot, although they'll probably change from time to time due to my current schedule being rather inconsistent. However, this bit at the beginning will be more of a "post as you guys do"-type deal until we get the characters established and so on.

Also, with any luck, the art will improve over time instead of devolving like it did last time. >_>]
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69151 No. 69151 ID: f98e0b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

...think it's working, doctor. We're running directly visually, though, since he has no uplink. That could cause some problems on the client end."
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118315 No. 118315 ID: 197650 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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114869 No. 114869 ID: c1b520 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Yalrot: "Hello welcome guests. Due to the insistence of The Creator I have been asked to invite you into his mind. I ask you not to stray far and san checks are required. For more assistance you may simply call for me. My name is Yalrot and I shall not be referred to as anything else. I will be more then happy to help you to the best of my abilities. I warn you though, this place is as much a maze as it is a straight path. Follow your gut, and you will be safe, over think things and you will find yourself in more peril then even the creator can save you from. Within these halls lie the creators unfinished creations, his greatest fears, his likes, his dislikes, and everything that pleases him. If you truly wish to go further then his throne, I suggest seeing him first. He does not like people being where they should not be. And with that, I am now open for any questions that you may have. If you have none, then good luck."
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117658 No. 117658 ID: f35d0a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

The thought of loneliness scares me no more. I journey across valleys, oceans and strange lands for months now. My wings have grown accustomed to the atmosphere around.

Still, I have done little to actually see a way to return to my place.
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117916 No. 117916 ID: 67c611 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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109717 No. 109717 ID: 426169 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Sometimes a man must take matters into his own hands.
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116186 No. 116186 ID: e98c4f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You find yourself this new world, someplace interesting you hope.

Although basic in every way, you can still preform basic needs to advance yourself.

Currently you can only preform one total action at a time, no other options are open to you.

Here is a list of options you may do, and what category each are under:
THINK: Of your new name.
MOVEMENT: Attempt of explore new location.

If you choose movement, you currently have no eyes, and can only sense the world 10 meters around yourself. You are but a mist of energy.

If you choose name, you must think of a FIRST NAME and then a LAST NAME once a FIRST is picked.
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98705 No. 98705 ID: 754774 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

You are a sapient parasite that stole your host's eye.

You're not quite sure what happened after your ran off with your prize, but it went something along the lines of realizing you could change your shape so you had wings, and then promptly flying into something very bright.

The area you are in now smells like death and is apparantly called a 'hospital'.
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99148 No. 99148 ID: e2020c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

The crazy old man tells, that there are many worlds. He tells that some of them are enchanting places and some of them are mispelled, full of flaws and weaknesses, tortures and aberrations. He didn't tell, which one this type of a world this one is, but I am going to find out.

There's a small dragon nest on these cliffs. I've killed too many people this year, it's time to earn something. Looting the nest is easy, but the dragon eggs are more valuable.
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114697 No. 114697 ID: d28618 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


The term 'standard job' is such an ironically useless phrase in a profession where literally anything can- and often will- go wrong. But perhaps I'm not looking at it from the right angle. Maybe the job isn't standard until something goes wrong.

If so, I guess I can rest assured knowing this is, indeed, just another standard job.
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113768 No. 113768 ID: cf68aa hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

>Long ago, when /quests/ was still young, young adults played a game of great and terrible power. But these 'shadow quests' erupted into a war that threatened to destroy the entire internets, until a brave and powerful cutebold locked the magic away, imprisoning it within the mystical Infinite Pysche Items. Now, 1 year later, a girl named Karen unlocks the secret of the Orb of Infinite Psyche. She is infused with ancient magical energies, for destiny has chosen her to defend the world from the return of the shadow quests, just as the brave cutebold did, 1 year ago.

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112286 No. 112286 ID: bf1e7e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

In this World, there exist both humans and creatures called 'pokémon.' Many people set out into the world of pokémon, and they battle eachother with their pokémon companions.

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113024 No. 113024 ID: a64482 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

"The horns of the Apocalypse. Riiiight. More like the horns of looking like an idiot. I can't believe I trudged through this dank hellhole for three hours just to find this useless piece of junk. It doesn't even look all that intimidating. I'm going to kill that old man."

Nervousness and disappointment emanate from The Host, but his Main Aspect is curiosity.

"Why am I talking to myself, again?"
(Author's note: Yes the art sucks, I apologize for it.)
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109108 No. 109108 ID: e2020c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

11-1-2410 [reuploaded due to date]

Mars High

(I wonder hy does even the text appear as red?)

Wha-zz this?

Oh, cryo-sleep.

Now I wonder why and how did I end up here on this shuttle. Last thing I remember was at that fancy night club on Earth. Wait, where's the light switch?

Actually, who am I?
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27943 No. 27943 ID: 138351 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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112121 No. 112121 ID: 72ea3e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

This is a scene, you don't really see anywhere in this world... not anymore...
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108496 No. 108496 ID: 498ebc hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

There is the sound of crashing water somewhere not-too-distant, and it draws you from sleep. Your eyes flutter open, and for a while, the world is a strange collection of blurred colors - blue and white. You blink a few times, each rise and fall of your lids bringing the world into sharper focus.

You are staring at the sky, and for a moment you are not certain who you are.

You push yourself to a seated position, arms out behind you holding you up, and are greeted by the sight of the sea. Waves break a few hundred feet from the shore. There must be a reef there.

At the least bit, you remember your name now. Alice. Your head is... muddled. Foggy. You think you might be able to remember more, but you aren't certain.

What do you do?

[[I'll be running this as mostly a text quest, at least until I get access to a computer with photoshop and a tablet again (but that might not be for a month or longer), but I have access to a scanner so hand drawn pictures are possible if the need presents itself.

Apologies for the shitty threadstart image, what I tried with a mouse sucked so I went completely back to basics.]]
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108097 No. 108097 ID: c1b520 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

God this is demoralizing... eating dead puppies off the ground... Well, it beats attacking the human settlements and risking my life... or lack thereof. I think the worst part is the severe lack of communication, I wish I had someone who could have a two way conversation. Or at the very least an intellectual who would listen to my mid-meal rants...
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81732 No. 81732 ID: c0f3bf hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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107789 No. 107789 ID: 668828 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

System Restore Complete. Construction Vehicle 337BR-5 online. Map feed unavailable, GPS mapping not available. resource stores: medium. returning controll to pilot
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101388 No. 101388 ID: bde1b8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Team9: A group of the most generally plot-irrelevant characters in touhou.
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101513 No. 101513 ID: 5ba271 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

"Stop, you troll... stop ruining my quest..."
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40690 No. 40690 ID: 95484a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

This is Blaze. Blaze is a teenage mutant ninja criminal.* At the moment, Blaze is concentrating very hard on a task of truly epic proportions.

*Well, he wishes he was a ninja. The rest is true though.
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101656 No. 101656 ID: 5696d4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

... Another boring day...
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106614 No. 106614 ID: 098063 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You awaken to flickering numbers searing themselves deep into your eyes. Unconsciously, you shut your complaining eyes and curse loudly or try too. Your feel your mouth move but your ears hear no noise. As you hastily sit up, you hear a tinkling sound as your hand brushes across the soft carpet that covers your bedroom floor. It takes you just a second to comprehend that information and quickly swivel to find the source of the noise: glass litters the floor to your left, only visible due to the light from the alarm clock causing it to shine a blood red hue.
As your night vision recovers, you see that the rest of your room is completely clean: there is no longer any furniture or bed and two feet to your right yawns the soft carpet disappears replaced by a pocked surface. Across that is the door that leads to the kitchen of your flat.

What do you do?
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106134 No. 106134 ID: 50464f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

The phone rings and you jump out of bed. Because this is not a familiar bed you end up hitting your head on the metal head-bars, and lie looking up at the ceiling fan as it spins.

So starts your first day as a crook. You didn't start off in life as a crook, of course. In fact your early life had not been too bad at all. But somewhere along the line, through no fault of your own, life caved in on you like a Chinese coal mine. There's too much of that to talk about in detail, and anyway you don't want to think about it.

Still, things could be worse. At least you've got a bed to wake up in now, for starters, and that's what you just did. The whole room smells of kebab spices and grease, but that's better than the smell of urine out on the streets too. Most importantly is what woke you up. Your handphone. This one's a gift to you from Stony Stan - 'a symbol of progress and further cooperation', in his words - and now it's ringing.

Come on, do something now.

But first, what is your name?
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70355 No. 70355 ID: d1210a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Okay, okay, OOKAAAAAY, I am back in business! Yes, that little trouble with those Battle Angels did leave me in a precarious spot (How was I to know they'd take my words to heart, and secede from The Collective to make their own empire? Jeez, you tell someone that you have the next best thing to Bohemian Rhapsody, and they get delusions of grandeur.), but I pulled through!

...Granted, all I have right now are (50 units of honey), (5 units of royal jelly[I may have helped myself to some when at the Battle Angel's hive]), and (70 units of giant termite), and not a bit more to my name.

Well, a challenge is always invigorating! I just arrived at the bazaar in The Collective, what kind of mar-customer, yes, valued customer, which type should I keep an eye out for?

So far, the only notable consumers are The Big Duo, The Big O's little brother, a burnished gold beetle named Bob Marley, and a fly named Rocket Man. Granted, since they are known to have a good bit of resources, everyone tries to grab them as customers, so going after them might not be easy.

Conversely, I see plenty of fairly...... innocent looking consumers on the sidelines, and of course I could always wander about the bazaar, looking for the right customer.

Hm, what should I do?
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104816 No. 104816 ID: bde1b8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Previous thread: http://www.tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/61857.html
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102672 No. 102672 ID: 6978ab hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Nothing but a void.

(Suggest a move)

[Hi, I'm new to this quest thing. Hope I do well!]
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103850 No. 103850 ID: 012846 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

This is to newest minion of KARPOLK, the forth warlock to Lord Evertide. He can feel the pull of the summoner’s power even now.
All he needs is a name.
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103441 No. 103441 ID: 012846 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I am able to define myself by the same definition, that definition being that ‘I exist.’ That it is in the point of definition that I am definite as existing, ergo, my existence.
And with that I find that this is what is as it surrounds me.
I let my thoughts go forward towards the spaceless void known to me as The Great Dark.
As my thought travels they slowly appear, obediently bright and colourful stars and planets. I would let them know my name... but cannot recall. Perhaps Ill find one.
There are literally infinite directions in which I can travel, mine is the only influence I feel and that outside of the flows of time my power is without limits.
And yet I find myself drawn forward, into the Great Dark. Where do I head?
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79129 No. 79129 ID: d1210a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]


A yellow and black beetle, every bit as wide as a Mandarinian warrior but twice it's length and weight, has been wandering around. Recently, it made it's way to ground level after shaking off the bumblebees attacking it.

Currently, KILLER QUEEN, Wings Of Destiny and Crimson Glory are the only hero units currently available.

Idle ants available:
11 They Might Be Giants
26 Death On Six Legs
25 The Merciless

Who should be dispatched?
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102899 No. 102899 ID: 1c48f4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You awaken. You find that you are unable to remember anything. You think that would make for a cheap plot trick in a story. It is very dark and cramped in here. You feel pressure on your right side.

What do you do?
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96582 No. 96582 ID: 852df9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Oh, hello.
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97897 No. 97897 ID: 90ae3b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Hello everyone, I am Falcon, your quest host this evening. This is my first quest and I hope it will go well. Now lets begin.

Your footsteps echo loudly as you walk down the deserted school halls, you schoolmates having long since left. Heck you wouldn't even be here so late at night if you hadn't left your bag in the chemistry lab.
Strange...the light is on in the lab... it wasn't on when you were outside...
Must be the janitor.
"Hey Mr.Addams..." you say as you open the door.

Heat, intense heat. You are thrown backward as the inferno engulfs you, and then suddenly it stops...everything stops.

A message appears in front of your eyes.
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100045 No. 100045 ID: c1b520 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

???: I have lived for thousands of years, seen worlds come and go, and yet I could never forgive myself for those years ago the day the shadow fell... Ever since that day things have been falling apart. There is no longer a day or night. All the shadows have receded in fear of our power. My friends have become enemies, we use our power to push around everything around us, becoming a power to strong for it's own good. And as king, I can do nothing, I am a puppet. But no longer, this puppet has sat around for too long. It's time to cut my strings... but how? What can I do? Sages of old, please, help me.
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96023 No. 96023 ID: 119b5c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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61687 No. 61687 ID: 45afb1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Part 1

"Hello? I don't know what you are, but I know where you came from... You came with them, but you are not like them. You can't hurt me... can you?"
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92874 No. 92874 ID: 119b5c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

This is Fallguy. (As per tradition, after the initial posts, an Eight Hours wait. Shit sux.)
He is not drawn very well.

He is of course, falling.
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91908 No. 91908 ID: faeba9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I am Elina, a princess, the second daughter of a great king, I was never really good at the court stuff, instead I chose a path of magic, and blades. I favour a suit of plate armour over court gowns (though as things go, I’m regarded as quite beautiful) and a sword over embroidery.

I stand aboard The Fortress that Moves, citadel of Astynax, the Formless Lord. Ahead is the control chamber, where I can already here the sound of a duel, my love, Senevre the Commoner is duelling the dark princes even as I arrive... I charge forward, smashing through the doors of the throne room...

And see my love collapse, Astyanax’s blade stuck through his heart. I try to scream no, it comes out as just scream. I cross the chamber distance without knowing how, and my blade leaps in, smashing the evil king back. “Princess.” His voice is smooth, his next blow is a parry, almost beaten aside by the fury of my strike “You’re a little late.”

“I’ll kill you!” I’m crying but I can just about see “Go to hell!” My blade swings in again, smashing his to one side and I bring my sword up to cut him in too... and then I see his eyes. They’re terrible and golden and they go on forever and I’m falling... and it feels oh so good.
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92406 No. 92406 ID: 331584 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Please suggest ACTION.
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84134 No. 84134 ID: 1831fc hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

(Preamble begins 5th post in the following discussion thread.)

( http://www3.tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/314869.html )

>Connection established to 'Messiah'. Stand by...
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79782 No. 79782 ID: 021ae3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

This is you.
>Name, age, gender suggestions go!~
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84856 No. 84856 ID: 280f7c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Alright, A few changes have been made. First off from here on if you post you must have be playing a character or if given permission by a player suggesting an action for that character. If you want to join please do a write up Of your character in the discussion thread. I'll point out things that might need changes and will also post it into the wiki. If you would like you can list a personal inventory as well. This will be materials they can use and have access to besides the general list. And now to the main attraction!

You awake to shouting after a long night of enjoying company around the makeshift fire that The Farmer, scouts ,and Charles Bronson had gathered wood for. It was a long night of memories, singing, bongos, prayer circles, and general hand holding as you eased into a new world that seems to be nothing like the one you came from.

The air is moist and cool. The morning dew had settled like a blanket across the grass lands. In the distance the calls of strange birds echo across the landscape. Along with a far closer sound. A steady series of grunts along with the occasional loud THUD as something smashes against something fill the air.
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No. 128755 ID: 6faa8c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

You are seeking a AMULET OF BROGUN.
There is a MAILBOX here.
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89599 No. 89599 ID: ee0eb0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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79654 No. 79654 ID: 6faa8c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

There's many different culteres in this land. The humans, the goblins, the ogres, the orcs. But the one most deep seated in tradition and time is the Kobolds. A people known for their ingenious traps, cunning ways, and... notable stature. There are hundreds of thousands of millions of kobolds in the Domains, scattered around the mountains of the Derass and the isles of Coragle. They inhabit every region, every temperature, every elavation. If there is one thing that Kobolds surpass any other race at, it is adaptation.

And thus... their initiation ritual. A gauntlet, size varying depending on how rich or clevelr the tribe may be, of traps and riddles and temptations. The kobold must enter, defeat, evade, or disarm the traps, and deposit a single ruby onto a pedastal before the statue of their patron dragon.

One such Kobold prepared for this endeavor even now.
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85131 No. 85131 ID: 6faa8c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

((Previous thread here: http://www.tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/71690.html

May also wish to read: http://www.tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/59263.html (Harumda: Ch 1)
And: http://www.tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/67058.html (Harumda Ch 2)

You know, it's not quite as bad as I thought it'd be here. Awk's a pretty nice fellow, his retainers are cool, and my workload is... pretty close to none. I could live pretty swell here.
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82970 No. 82970 ID: 608d50 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

These lands have a history. A history, which is woven into the soil beneath our feet and the very air we breathe. A history living in every creature around us. A history told by many voices.
So much was gained in the course of time, so much was lost.

Little is known about the beginnings.

It all began with a group of travelers, who entered these lands countless centuries ago. Were they outcasts, exiled from whatever home they had called their own? Were they adventurers, seeking fortune and fame by travelling into the unknown? We can only guess.

Who was their leader, today known throughout the lands as Silop the Great? Who hold them together, drove them on, and strengthened their hearts? Oh, so little is known of that person.

So shrouded in mystery that leader is, some argue he or she was not just one person at all, but rather the accumulation of many personalities, all of them influencing our nation’s destiny. Be it as it may, Silop, as the founder of our nation, remains a hero for all Silopians.

I have dutifully studied the old scrolls, translated their faded writings and tried to reconstruct our nation’s long history as truthful as I was able to.
Let me now tell you of what I learned during my studies. Let me tell you the tales of the past, so we may all relive the Era of Silop, full of danger and uncertainty, but also of glory and noble deeds.

It could not possibly have started in more humble way.
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83818 No. 83818 ID: 6959a6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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81971 No. 81971 ID: 30a68f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You are almost alone in the world. You have no job (due to lack of talents), and you live in a crummy rundown apartment. Your few friends are only somewhat better off than you, and cannot afford to really help you. Your rent will run out at the end of the month.

And then one of your friends tells you, "Underground fighting..."

Yes, battles down dark alleys and in grungy bars, bloodsport for the entertainment of the people... and to line your purse with the generous cuts you recieve for participating.
Your friend takes you to one of these grungy bars, a place that calls itself The Bottom Line. He introduces you to a shady man in trenchcoat and aviators.

The man gives you a form and tells you younger is better and to just circle the fighting styles that fall closest to what you use.

FIGHTING STYLE PRIMARY (circle one): Boxing / Tae Kwon Do / Muay Thai
FIGHTING STYLE SECONDARY (circle one): Wrestling / Judo / Submissions


(Fighting style explanations: 'Boxing' means mostly punching; 'TKD' means mostly kicking; 'Muay Thai' means a combination thereof.
'Wrestling' means pro-wrestling moves; 'judo' means martial-artsy takedowns; 'submissions' means joint-twisting, limb-wrenching, and bone-snapping.)
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82611 No. 82611 ID: 8aeee3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Hey everyone.
As my name indicates, I am a new guy around here.
I would like to try running a short quest. A P.O.W kind of thing. U game? then here goes.

>Your head hurts .....what happened? Your chest hurts. Your eyes hurt.
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77175 No. 77175 ID: 40dc56 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

It has been a year now since they've come.
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10026 No. 10026 ID: 41f1b5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

(holy shit how did we make it to part 2!? Anyways, there are... 2-4 parts left so lets get this shit awn!)
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76049 No. 76049 ID: 30a68f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

(There will be little art, due to my fail.)

It hurts like hell to wake up. Still, I thought I was dead when that shockwave hit; so waking up at all is a present surprise.
I twiddle my fingers. It sends hot lances of pain up my spine, but at least I know they're working.

Lovely. The visor of my helmet has caved in; I discard it beside the pilot's couch, pausing to eye myself in the small mirror kept there - used to check yourself out for injuries.
In short, I look like hell.
My dark hair is matted and frizzy - annoying when it comes halfway down your back - and there's a trail of dried blood spreading down my face like rusty fingers, matching the colour of my eyes. At least my flightsuit is intact.

Clearly life support is still working, or I'd be dead by now. I open my mouth and wet my lips with my tongue, my voice coming out cracked and harsh. "Seven. You still there?"
This unit is undamaged.

Seven is the onboard AI that helps control my mech.

This unit had despaired of the Controller awaking.

Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
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73274 No. 73274 ID: ddd49b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

The Fabled Tome of Spirits; a legendary item that all adventurers covet in their own ways. It is said that the book exists where no adventurer is able to set foot in, that it exists in another plain altogether. No person left knows the truth. What every person knows is that all that have journeyed for the book soon met with tragic ends. But there is always a chance...

((There will be no pictures because I suck horribly at drawing.))
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81147 No. 81147 ID: 9aa495 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Your ride into the city filled your lungs with fresh sea air as you soared into the mountain port. After Making your way through the landing bay with your bag of possesions you reach an inn. Inside the inn is old fashioned and smell of oak. Atm it isnt very busy bar a few gentlement talking in a corner. Could your Adventure on the floating isle of Langodnii start here?
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78393 No. 78393 ID: 334ce9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

((I have little to no drawing skills, so this will be done as best as possible with sprites. This is also my first attempt at running a quest, so I fully expect this to fail spectacularly and be moved to the graveyard. However, on the off chance that it DOESN'T fail... Well, we'll see.

Marcus: *static*

Marcus: Um... Is this thing on?

Marcus: Hello?

Marcus: Is anyone there?

Marcus: Um... Help? I don't know what to do!
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80772 No. 80772 ID: 227d44 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You awaken.
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77414 No. 77414 ID: f6b265 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Welcome to Stone Soup.

(This is an experiment til I can motivate myself to continue other qweests under my belt)
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72794 No. 72794 ID: 35cea2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Two newborn gods have come to claim control of this planet. In due time civilizations will war over the planet in the name of their patron gods, demigods will clash in duels that will tear the landscape asunder, and the gods will alter reality itself in a bid to control this planet.

For now, the world has only recently formed water, and the first bacterial life has just been created. The gods currently only have access to basic godly energy and don't have any stored, but can subtly change the planet over the course of millions of years. First, the planet and two gods need a name. What shall they be called?
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75398 No. 75398 ID: d64b9f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You are browsing tgchan.

Please suggest an action.
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58023 No. 58023 ID: 18212a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Chapter 2
The Big Bad Wolf
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74474 No. 74474 ID: 0f7629 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Finally! I didn't think I'd ever get out of this gaudy gear. Well, now I get to turn my faceless Rookie into something more interesting.

Hm... I wonder what Lyrael would like? Oh crap... I can't remember his class ;_;
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66088 No. 66088 ID: ea5d5c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

[ The situation that came beforehand; http://www.mediafire.com/?3mij2zwzdzi ]
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No. 128750 ID: ddd49b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

The Fabled Tome of Spirits; a legendary slayer item that all adventurers covet in their own ways. It is said that the book exists where no adventurer is able to set foot in, that it exists in another plain altogether. No person left knows the truth. What every person knows is that all that have journeyed for the book soon met with tragic ends. But there is always a chance...
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72918 No. 72918 ID: 25ba09 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Vutheni's Descent
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71426 No. 71426 ID: 73ad2b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

> Here's a handy tip for when mankind eventually ventures out into space: if a ship is in distress and requests assistance? Screw 'em. Just leave them the hell alone out there forever, because they're already dead, and they want to take you with them.
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70321 No. 70321 ID: f6b265 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

It's dark, hardly anything can be see-

>Oh, hold on, let me get the lights..
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69513 No. 69513 ID: 4afac2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

After an incredibly epic journey, you are finally able to go back in time. Shortly after, you see your past self and cause a time paradox.

After complete reboot of the universe due to your actions, you are now a file. Not the tool used to gently grind down and shape the edges of nails though!
You are instead a notepad file, or if you prefer you are niggerfaggot.txt. Because you hate being a file (especially on an empty computer) you decide
to go back in time and become a narwhal.

After an incredibly epic journey, you are finally the respected Highlord of the seven sea, alas you were recently kidnapped by the follower of Cthulhu.
You are now laying underwater in a (under)watery dark room full of water and darkness. Standing in the dark underwater watery room is a man dressed with
an impeccable red tuxedo. Shortly after opening the door for you, he whisper... Wake up mister niggerfaggot, wake up...!

What shall you do now?
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69113 No. 69113 ID: cbbcbc hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You are the newly crowned KING of a MODEST KINGDOM.

It is a long-timed tradition for the KING to rename his KINGDOM.

What do you name it?
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