Light Puff
Combining the thoughts you have, you formulated a plan. You opened your mouth, and you spoke words. The sounds were that of sizzling fat, but together, thousands of little sizzling sounds combined to form a terrible yet alluring voice.
"Know that I am bacon. I will help you cook bacon so great that the world had not, have not, and will not see any bacon greater. They will taste as if the plane of bacon was compressed into one thin strip. Its aroma will be so overpowering that kingdoms will fall to obtain it. Princesses will abandon husband and kings to get this in hope of the heavenly presence. But I have to ask you a single question first."
"Bearded one. Crispy or soggy?"
The bearded human fell down in awe and tripped over himself. He answered: "soggy, oh master bacon."
"Wrong. You are a freedom hating communist bastard. Now you die."
Calling out to the bacon lying around you, you formed yourself into the shape of a weapon. A Russican made AK-47. You shot bullets of fat globules at the man, and the fat globule went so fast that they started burning. When they touch the man, the man errupted in flames and died an agonizing death.
"You, the glassed one. Soggy or crispy?"