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155665 No. 155665 ID: 9e4f35

A man strides across the rocky landscape, he has a grim set to his face.
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No. 155742 ID: 632862

What? I totally did! I said green first, then yellow, then orange. Then we tell you if Red is a good idea or not.

However, on second thought let's just do it one step at a time. Shoot a rock at the green setting.
No. 155753 ID: b14128

Do this. Also look us over for more buttons or whatever. After that, maybe we can check to see if the corpse has any loot on it. Or if there's any under the bed.
No. 155757 ID: 9e4f35
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>Okay, there's a nice big rock over there, here we go.
No. 155759 ID: b14128

Hm. I bet green is 'Stun' or 'Nonlethal' or something.
No. 155760 ID: 1ac39d

didn't seem to do much, is the spot we hit scorched?
No. 155761 ID: 9e4f35
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>Holy crap, am I glad I didn't try this thing in that little cave! Even the best mages I've heard of can't do this kind of damage without all kinds of weird ingredients and hand waving! I'M GOING TO HAVE SO MUCH FUN WITH YOU!
No. 155765 ID: 632862

Whoa! I didn't expect that reaction either.

Uh. Find another, much bigger rock and try Yellow on it. While standing very far away.
No. 155766 ID: 1ac39d

hahahha, that was only a lvl 1 blast. each color up is more powerful!
so if green does that.... yellow could probably blow up a small tower, orange a large tower, and red a good chunk of a castle.
No. 155767 ID: b14128

...Forget what I said.

Anyway, let's do yellow next. Shoot from further away this time to be on the safe side, and brace yourself for another explosion. We might have the power mixed up, green is most powerful, red is least. ...Or maybe not, and we're just that awesome.

Oh, by the way, what skills or talents do you have, and what's your inventory? And what kind of magic exists? Do you have mages, priests, bards, paladins, monks, all that stuff?
No. 155778 ID: 1ac39d

after yellow test we may not even need to go to orange depending on how much more powerful it is. maybe never need to use it unless we are fighting something like an huge iron golem.
No. 155788 ID: 9e4f35
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>Mages and priests and all those? Yeah, they're around but I don't really know much about that kind of thing, magic always seemed like too much work, and them divine types are just too uppity for me. As for myself? I mostly just get really mad at things and hit them with my sword until they die. I'm carrying some preserved meat, a water skin, my sword, and you.

>So I should only try yellow? I want to see just how much damage I can do with you. Anyway, it wasn't you that knocked me over, it was the rock blowing up, I'll just stand further away this time.
No. 155791 ID: 1ac39d

[access maintenance manual, search for 'refilling']

for now just yellow, we do not have unlimited power and the stronger blast would probably drain us a lot more then the weaker ones. if we can figure out how to recharge ourselves then you can try out red but until then i don't want us running out of power.
No. 155800 ID: 9e4f35
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[Refilling: One entry found. The Tritium G-class deuterium powered AI-assisted personal assault weapon is easy to use and recharge! On depletion the access *grzzk braaak bzzzz* heavy water converters. Please allow one hour for *hsss crak*]

>I don't think I would have understood that even if I hadn't missed half of it. Useful. Anyway, I'm trying the yellow setting now, I think I'm far enough away from that big rock where I found you, and everything else bigger than the first rock I used you on is a lot farther away. Here we go!
No. 155809 ID: 1ac39d

oh god, be ready to run in case rocks start falling from the sky.
No. 155815 ID: 9e4f35
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>I could siege kingdoms with something like you! We will be best of friends, you and I.
>The bottom of the hand grip just popped open, what does that mean?
No. 155821 ID: 632862

...uh, let me check something.

[check ammo supply]
No. 155823 ID: 9e4f35
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No. 155825 ID: 9e4f35
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That's it for tonight, I need sleep. However I have nothing to do tomorrow, and will in all likelihood be doing this all day.
No. 155826 ID: 1ac39d

i warned you about rocks, man.
I told you, dog!

okay then. once you are safe from rocks pour water in it.
No. 155966 ID: 5b6805

We aren't an assault weapon: this is a freaking planet cracker. We could probably pass our bearer off as some kind of sorcerer. Sorcerers aren't always book-smart after all.
No. 155967 ID: 1ac39d

no, think about what we were made to fight.

something that green actually IS a stun setting for.
No. 156020 ID: 1963d1

No matter what happens, always remember:

No. 156047 ID: 9e4f35
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[Search error 232 - File not found]

>Well, I think that's all the rocks. Now about this th- HEEYYYYYYY the light is gone, what gives?

>A LITTLE LATE ON THAT WARNING, HUH? And I don't know how pouring water in would help. I wouldn't want to waste any in any case, I only have enough to either go back the way I came by using a couple of springs along the way, or to continue on to my original destination in the south. Either way, I probably don't want to stick around here very long, both to conserve water and to avoid attracting any attention too early, even way out here somebody probably saw that.

>So what should I do? Keep going south and do what I had planned on originally, or go back to the northlands?
No. 156052 ID: 1ac39d

we get energy from water, we drink it and turn it into bolts.
keep going where you were heading. make sure you fill us up at the next spring.

the color the light is glowing shows how much power we have, green means at or near full, yellow around half, and red means almost empty. no light means we are out of bolts.
No. 156053 ID: 1ac39d

oh, and don't submerge us, fill up your water-skin and pour it into the opening on the grip.
No. 156062 ID: 632862

I think we're out of power. Could be temporary. Wait an hour.
No. 156076 ID: 9e4f35
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>...light came back on, can you hear me? You stopped talking a while after the light went off, I thought you might be broken. I just kept traveling to the south after you stopped talking, but not that I'm here, I took your advice and put some water in you, since I don't have to worry about dying of thirst here.

>Now that I'm here, it occurs to me that I didn't really have a plan for when I got here. I see a road to the west, a forest to the east, and some enormous mountains to the south. From what I know, there are some crazy tree people who live in the forests down here, the mountains are supposed to house incredible treasures, and I guess a road could lead to a city or something.
No. 156080 ID: 632862

Okay it looks like one green shot + one yellow shot = no more shooty for a while. You can probably get away with three green shots, though.

I bet one orange shot = no shooty, and red = bad things.
No. 156089 ID: 1ac39d

let's see... if you go into the mountains you would have to use your sword and just have us offer advice cause i don't think you want to shoot us in a cave. the forest may be good but if the tree people are fast enough they may just dodge until we run out of power. so let's head to the town and see if we can't pick up someone to watch your back. and i mean watch your back, i don't doubt you can fight really well with that sword in a straight fight, but if you get surrounded you could get overwhelmed.
No. 156090 ID: 1ac39d

ummmm.... no he blew up all the rocks that rained down on him.

can you tell us about how many shots you used? that way we can figure out how much power we have.
No. 156104 ID: 9e4f35
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I didn't shoot any of the rocks flying through the air, only one came near me and I ran like fuck away from it. I've only fired you twice, once on green, and once on yellow. You feel heavier now than you did when I first found you though, and I don't think anybody alive had been in that cave for a long time before I was there.

I figure you're right about getting someone to watch my back, especially if I'm going to be somewhere I can't use you, or you stop working. Now generally people I work with don't last very long, whether or not we run into a lot of enemies. But I don't have the reputation I have up north here, so I shouldn't have the trouble recruiting a follower that I would up north. Once I get to some kind of civilization, what kind of person should I look for as a follower, and what kind of place should I look? I'm a little rusty on this kind of thing, since I've been working on my own for so long.
No. 156108 ID: 1ac39d

oh, cool. so we were severely drain when you found us, we should be full power now.
No. 156178 ID: 9e4f35
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>Well, I must be going the right way here, there's an old guy and a little kid walking the opposite direction down the road. The man is carrying a big bag, and the kid is staring at me. It's starting to piss me off. And as for you, are you broken? You haven't been saying much lately.
No. 156427 ID: 1ac39d

no, we are just mostly for offering situational advice, if not much is going on then we don't have much to offer about.
oh, and greet the man, be polite it makes people want to talk to you more. ask why he seems to be leaving, the town could be having a problem that we or your sword can 'fix'.
No. 156501 ID: ec9f60

hmmm seems i would get both a wizard and a ranger or rogue
No. 156510 ID: 632862

Shove the old man and root through his bag.
No. 156550 ID: 5b6805

Ask em what's down the way they were coming from. Do so in a voice that will frighten small children. Show lots of teeth.
No. 156627 ID: 9e4f35
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>I like the way you think, I'll give him a little shove and ask him some questions in my best intimidatin' voice.

"Hey guy, where you goin'?"
"I-I'm taking my daughter north, to get away from the horrible things that have been slaughtering people in their homes."
"Reeeeally? And what kind of horrible things are they? I am something of an expert, you see."
"Nobody has seen them, but whole households of people are disappearing. There's never any sound, but everything inside is always destroyed, and there's blood everywhere."
"Sounds like a good time. One last thing before you go, what's in the bag? And before you try, you don't want to lie to me, bad things happen when people lie to me."
"J-Just food and water for our journey, and a few gold pieces. Please! I need it to get away from here!"
"You'll be fine making your journey without any money."

>He gave me the money without a fight, so now I have fifteen gold pieces to get me started in the city. The little girl is on the ground crying. As I walk past I kick dirt in her face. Ha! I'm headed on to the city now, it should be another day's journey at most, when I get there I'll start looking for a follower.

>Are you sure you're not broken?
No. 156636 ID: 632862

I'm going to enjoy your company. I can tell.

Let's get down to that town and push in these 'horrible' things' shit!
No. 156648 ID: 1ac39d

dude, not cool. shit like that is why no one wanted to be in your group up north. dying is a fact of life for adventuring so the fact that they die wouldn't have gotten you a bad rep, being an ass. doing shit like this is why nobody wants to be around you.

i don't mean taking the dudes money and roughing him up a little, that's fine, but kicking dirt in a kid's face is the line.
No. 156706 ID: 9e4f35
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>I think you misunderstood me earlier. When I said that my companions tended to die, I didn't mean monsters or bandits were killing them, I was. This wasn't something that was only a problem with people travelling with me, though, it was also barmaids, bartenders, town guards, drunks... well, you get the idea. Anyway, there's the city off in the distance, where should I head once I get there?
No. 156731 ID: 632862

Do you wind up killing them because they piss YOU off, or because you piss THEM off?
No. 156733 ID: 632862

Head for... ahhh... a tavern? Some place to find out more about the horrible things.
No. 156745 ID: 9e4f35
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>There's a reason 'Seething' is part of my name. I'm headed to a tavern now, unless you come up with something better in the meantime.
No. 156748 ID: 632862

Well... you could accost some random passerby in the street and ask them about the horrible things, instead of causing a barfight and possibly getting in trouble with the law.
No. 156752 ID: 1ac39d

we need to work on your anger then, i don't mean be less angry, in fact more angry is fine, it's focusing it that is important. when ever someone does something that pisses you off don't get angry, shove the anger into another part of your mind, and hold it. then when you fight something you finally let it out, your fury will be like no other. i know this skinny guy who almost never works out and this other guy who works out a lot. they get into a fight, you know who won? skinny guy, because he managed to get pissed off enough he forgot to feel pain.
No. 156796 ID: 9e4f35
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>The people of this place mean nothin' to me, I don't give a shit what their laws say or what they try to do to me, but I'm not going to start trouble without at least some reason. Anyway I was watchin' for people on the way into town on the off chance I could get some info from 'em. The streets were empty and the buildings were mostly closed up tight, these things must have 'em scared good. Hahaha!

>I like the sound of being so angry I become unstoppable. I'll give holding it in a try, but I can't promise anything.

I finally found a tavern that wasn't closed, place is called the Split Helmet. Seems like my kinda place. Aside from me, there's a fat bartender, a short dude with a horned helmet and an axe, some person in a dark robe, and a skinny guy with pointy ears and a bow. Should I try to recruit one of these people, or just try to find out about these 'horrible things'?
No. 156802 ID: 1ac39d

i would say the only guy worth trying to get to join is the short guy, also known as a dwarf, they are knows to be gruff and no-nonsense so he would probably be the least annoying. then ask the barkeeper if he heard any rumors about what the thing may be or where it is as you are looking to kill it.
No. 156816 ID: 632862

I say we should try talking to the guy in the black robe. Black robes usually mean necromancers or some shit, and they'd be very pleased to travel with someone such as yourself, who leaves a trail of bodies wherever he goes.
No. 157066 ID: 9bdd7f

Recruit the bartender. You will need alcohol on your quest.
Failing that, the other fat guy. You may need extra provisions.
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