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159432 No. 159432 ID: cf68aa

Welcome to The Game, hosted by AmaZing Games!

Thanks to our newest invention the Geist you the viewer can take partial control over one of the Contestants! It seems that the general poulace has chosen Contestan 7 as their player.

The rules are simple, get eight silver keys and you win.

Good luck ^_^
141 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 162416 ID: 34470e

Deux isn't even participating this season. So, yes. Bad idea.
No. 162422 ID: f4e0af

well ok, deux is how two was named last season. she had shark teeth and was blind. this two is acting like season 1 deux but she seems more agressive.

ill delete the old post and just go to sleep -_-
No. 162424 ID: 8ecfd4

You know what, low enough sanity would unlock your divine potential. Down that red liquid and gain a potential weapon from the test tube.
No. 162428 ID: f4e0af
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No. 162433 ID: 34470e

No. We're here to save Syven, not kill her.
No. 162438 ID: 7524b0

Low sanity reduces you to a vegetable... so no, that's not a good idea.
No. 162439 ID: f4e0af

yknow, the blue liquid acted as a trap before too. we need to know what the collors mean in the note.
No. 162440 ID: 8ecfd4

Divine potential wouldn't kill her. We just need to reach either 500+ or 500- sanity and we should be able to get it.
No. 162446 ID: f4e0af
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we dont have that many red liquid even if we werent sure its a trap.

then again, the game is different.
No. 162450 ID: 7524b0

You forget what Yon was like when she had 5 SAN. She didn't want to even move.

Low sanity = BAD.

Of course, High sanity is also kinda bad, but less severely so.
No. 162512 ID: 6e4310

It's bad in a whole other way.
It induces sociopathy.
No. 162757 ID: 6a5a08

Okay, serious idea from me for once. Go back to starting room, use the keys on the locked door. We might be able to get through now.

Best not to risk the window until we know the rules.

If the door fails, check the hole in the Storage Room, and if that leads nowhere, we should just smash the window and see what happens.
No. 163773 ID: cf68aa
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Syven decides to not break the window and goes downstairs again. She tries both keys on the West Door in the Starting Room. The Black Key unlocks the door.
No. 163774 ID: 7524b0

Awesum. Go in the door.
No. 163779 ID: cf68aa
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Syven goes through the door. There are numerous messages scribbled onto the walls here and a large rotating wheel to her left.
No. 163780 ID: 7524b0

Read that tiny text on the wall to the right.
No. 163783 ID: 7a2a99

read everything. show us the wheel.
No. 163785 ID: cf68aa
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Something tells her that if she reads that she will regret it...

She examines the wheel on the wall to her left. It has two empty slots and one the is filled with a wooden slab. The slab has a Odd Symbol on it. It looks like it can be turned.
No. 163787 ID: 7524b0

Okay, don't read it. With your back turned to the wall, crouch down near it. We might be able to see what it says without you actually reading it.
No. 163788 ID: 701a19

After doing this, align the line with the arrow.
No. 163790 ID: cf68aa
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Syven does this. The Geist is able to look at the words behind her without her actually reading it.
No. 163791 ID: cf68aa
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She turns the wheel to align the Odd Symbol with the arrow. There is a soft click and another symbol appears above the door.
No. 163792 ID: 7524b0

Open dat door.
No. 163801 ID: cf68aa
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Syven opens the door and goes into the next room.

She freaks when she sees what's behind the glass wall.
No. 163803 ID: 7524b0

72 max sanity? That's one tough cookie.

Check out that paper on the floor.
No. 163804 ID: 34470e

Ask who it is.
No. 163808 ID: 701a19

Read the note. We need to get them out of there, but without knowing what to do we stand a good chance of doing more harm than good.
No. 163810 ID: 7a2a99

careful, it was at least mutated. attempt to identify if she is anyone mentioned in the letter of the red vial
No. 163811 ID: 7a2a99

also it may have trés power, dont stare at its face.
No. 163815 ID: cf68aa
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Syven reads the note on the floor. Most of it seems to be blacked out though..
No. 163816 ID: 7524b0

Hmm. Can't tell if he killed those people on purpose or not. At any rate, check out that drawer.
No. 163817 ID: 7a2a99

ita a "yon" trap. he break the rules and becomes part of a trap with broken san. i duno why he lists trheat low if he killed so many.

look around. last trap in this style was easily avoidable but i dont think that we can take it easy with this one.
No. 163819 ID: 701a19

Ok, you see that drawer below him? Check that.
Ask him "What's Rule number 1?"
After that push the RED button.

While that sounds like a bad idea, there's a good reason for this: Green means "Go" and red means "Stop". This standard even applies to heavy machinery and infrastructure; even emergency cutoff buttons are red.
No. 163820 ID: 7a2a99

dont press buttons. seriously.

forget the drawer. it has his feets.
No. 164239 ID: e9a4f7
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Syven tries to talk to the man. He doesn't respond or just can't hear her through the glass.

She decides to open the drawer.

Within it are the mans feet, freshly cut.
No. 164240 ID: 701a19

Push the red button. If that does something bad, push the green button.
No. 164260 ID: 63ec27

what did i said about the dammed drawer?

try to wake man up. ask him where is the key and you will help him with anything you can.

we can test the red vial on him. just lie about its content.
No. 164273 ID: 63ec27

can we first try to make him drink the vial? im sure this is a deathtrap for him.

i dont want to discover we just lost san to then push the red button to get the key and cower in the corner of the room san-less.
No. 164289 ID: 7524b0

We don't have any reason to push any buttons.
No. 164342 ID: 6e4310

Are there buttons?
There are.
That is the reason to push buttons.
It's like mountains and climbing them, only lazier.
No. 164344 ID: 34470e

We're not pushing any buttons until we're sure we'll receive bacon by pushing said buttons.
No. 164350 ID: 63ec27

well we just got a pair of feet, i suppose we could stand on the situation a bit longer.

i suppose we dont have a running problem, but if we dont watch our step we may end up with more that only a few rocks in our shoes.

we could keep our footing around and try to kick the problem to see if any solution stands in.

for now id like to look around the room and decide whose foot to step on later.
No. 164371 ID: 6e4310
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No. 164644 ID: 4db567

Seems a bit odd that they're freshly cut. Well atleast now you have something to snack on if you feel hungry.

Lets press the green button and see what it does.
No. 164698 ID: 6a5a08

Green means go, he's in the grinder.... hmmm, this is not likely to get us an ally. Also, we can't afford any more SAN loss.
No. 164724 ID: e4fc1c

Well how else are we going to find out what it does?
No. 164746 ID: 7f46a5

fuck. we unlocked the door. its how we activated the trap.

the cut is fresh and (s)he is stunned because it was just made.

alternatively look for the key in the middle of the blood. if the feet has shoes, look inside.
No. 165399 ID: 7524b0

Nope, there would be much more blood if we had triggered the trap. Someone else was here before us.
No. 166128 ID: 6a5a08
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Well, there's always the ignore it and move on plan.
Also, SAN restoring pic... GO!
No. 166134 ID: 6e4310

Ooh, good idea.
I'll save mine for a truly dire situation, though.
It's not a .GIF to be used lightly.
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