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84856 No. 84856 ID: 280f7c

Alright, A few changes have been made. First off from here on if you post you must have be playing a character or if given permission by a player suggesting an action for that character. If you want to join please do a write up Of your character in the discussion thread. I'll point out things that might need changes and will also post it into the wiki. If you would like you can list a personal inventory as well. This will be materials they can use and have access to besides the general list. And now to the main attraction!

You awake to shouting after a long night of enjoying company around the makeshift fire that The Farmer, scouts ,and Charles Bronson had gathered wood for. It was a long night of memories, singing, bongos, prayer circles, and general hand holding as you eased into a new world that seems to be nothing like the one you came from.

The air is moist and cool. The morning dew had settled like a blanket across the grass lands. In the distance the calls of strange birds echo across the landscape. Along with a far closer sound. A steady series of grunts along with the occasional loud THUD as something smashes against something fill the air.
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No. 85915 ID: 293623

The forester studies th animal.

"Armstrong" he replies in an absent minded air. "I think it should be fine...It looks a bit like a rabbit. I wonder if it fills the same sort of niche..."
No. 85986 ID: 2e5aa0

"I hope so, cause right now that niche is my stomach"
No. 85996 ID: 293623

Nodding Andrew quickly procures a knife and guts the animal leaving a small pile of entrails next to where it had fell.

"We should try to find a few more of these. Hey, Armstromg, Bronson can you take this back to camp and round up some people to finish this up? I'll keep looking for food and a water supply with these guys."
No. 86017 ID: 2e5aa0

No. 86024 ID: 2e5aa0

I don't remember if I said this before or not, but im telling you now. I always carry my sheathed knife with me.
No. 86040 ID: 293623

(fair enough)

As you two wind your way through the woods back along the path the herd had cleared. occasionally a small animal darts through your path. Armstrong seems lost in trying to figure out the mysteries of the forest around him.

However, he pauses as something catches his attention.

"Stop!" he hisses looking around."Something's here..."
No. 86041 ID: 2e5aa0

Stop, pull knife, look and listen.
No. 86063 ID: 293623

As you stop you can just faintly hear some rustling amongst the trees. Its almost impossible to hear. It could be the wind for all you know. Armstrong seems certain however. The dead hoof-rabbit-thing in his hands trembling slightly...
No. 86101 ID: ec1753

Ah right...we have a dead animal...and we are in the 'untamed wilderness'

"Armstrong, I thing we should ditch the rabbit"
No. 86102 ID: ec1753

"Can you give me a position on this thing?"
No. 86197 ID: 1cee8a

Nodding he chucks the 'rabbit towards some bushes. The rustling momentarily stops and with the sound of something like a sack of bricks hitting the ground it resumes in the general direction that hte rabbit landed. You briefly glimpse something covered in mottled fur moving towards. IT easily looks bigger than a person.
No. 86217 ID: ec1753

O.K then back away slowly. I don't think my knife will be of much use here.
Which way would be easier to go with out attracting its attention, back to camp or to the fallen tree?
No. 86255 ID: b30b08


Armstrong motions for back towards the camp. Carefully he takes slow steps. Almost, imperceptibly moving. As he places his foot down with a soft crunch you hear a far louder noise in the background.

A low growling noise followed by the sound of bones being eaten.
No. 86274 ID: ec1753

That thing wont keep its attention forever.....
We need to move.
I really hope it doesn't attack those guys getting the tree... I need to go warn them while Armstrong goes to camp...
No. 86782 ID: fc5c3d

You begin to work your ways back towards Andrew. Armstrong lets out a stifled sound of shock and horror as you leave him behind. Each step you take sounds like thunder in your ears.

The hulking shape in the brush seems to still be dining upon the rabbit. The sounds of bones being chewed like crunchy candies makes your inside knot with fear.

You thankfully make a get away from the animal and reach Andrew without further issue. Back towards the way you came you hear a low howl. Its distinctly different from anything you've ever heard and the eerie sound makes your skin crawl.

THe rest of the group seems to be oblivious as they hack apart the fallen tree.
No. 86952 ID: 4c3c7d

First off, have a seat and breathe deeply. I'm very glad to be alive now.
"Hey Andrew, we need to get out of here... NOW!!"
No. 87010 ID: a2b8d0

Andrew stops as mid-circuit, it would seem he was the one on watch right now. Most likely a good thing given his M-16 is currently at ready.

"What's going on?" he asks with no humor. Your voice and the fact you hurried back setting him on edge."Where's Armstrong?"

The rest of your group has stopped working. They are are all ears as something a little too close for comfort lets out a low howl. In the brush you cna hear somehting moving. Something large is moving within the thick tangle of bramble...
No. 87084 ID: 4c3c7d

"That is whats wrong, Andrew. I think its following the sent of the dead rabbit-thing-whatever. I left Armstrong to go back to camp, Its likely he made it unless he attracted too much attention. Seeing as this is where the thing was killed, the sent is most likely strongest here. Whatever you do DON'T aggravate it. I think we can just slip by."
No. 87104 ID: a2b8d0

Andrew nods, the movement of his head is almost imperceptible. He turns back to the group and whispers a series of brief orders, telling them to grab their gear and what wood they can. Andrew grabs a large block hefting it so that it was it does not slow him to much.

The group begins to slowly move. Their pace is slow and purposeful. Each step is set to Andrews. His gun is over his shoulder and his eyes are moving steadily back and forth looking for any sign of danger as he leads.
No. 87127 ID: 4c3c7d

Might as well keep the knife drawn
No. 87136 ID: a2b8d0

You make your way through the forest. Every rustle in the brush setting you on edge. Something seems to be following you but...its hard to tell. Any sounds you hear are just to hard to discern from the rest.

Andrew seems almost serene in comparison. His movements are purposeful, his steps a steady rhythm. The trip seems to drag on for hours. By the time you reach the edge of the woods you, and the rest of the group are covered in sweat and insects buzz around the entire group.
No. 87152 ID: 4c3c7d

Whew. I guess I can breath a little easier now, but only a little. New rule, screw the forest. Im not going back unless I have a shotgun and 2 armed meat-shields. Ok maybe not meat-shields but armed people anyway.
Back to camp, see if Armstrong made it.
No. 87180 ID: a2b8d0

AS you reach the camp you see several people looking more than a little shocked. Something has them spooked. In the crowd you see a pale faced Armstrong.

His left arm is bloodied and he's at the edge of a circle of people gathered around something.
No. 87188 ID: 4c3c7d

Dammit Armstrong. Go and see whats up.
No. 87220 ID: 4c3c7d

I sure as hell hope there a re people here with first aid experience or at the very least that survival book I have has some stuff in it.
No. 87225 ID: a2b8d0
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He turns towards you. His face is a ghastly shade and his arm has a long gash carved into it.

"It shouldn't have come out of the woods..."He says almost to himself. "Why did it follow me all that way back..."

In the center of the circle you see a large brown mass. Something almost the size of a bear lays on the ground, thick blood oozes from a series of gunshot wounds. Its long arms covered in thick fur and its short almost feline like face gaping open, revealing massive canines. Its back legs are only a little shorter and if possible even more massive.

A few mutters of what the hell fill the air and several people are whispering prayers at its sight. From behind you you hear a brief jesus christ come from what sounds like Andrew.
No. 87255 ID: 4c3c7d

Just great, we have big cats.
Apart from my camping experience I doubt that I've a lot of serious wounds, so I turn away and try to control any nausea, got to pull myself together.
"Is there a doctor around!?! Anyone with medical experience?!"
No. 87263 ID: a2b8d0

Even as you speak Adrian has led Armstrong off to a nearby tent. A few people have started trying to set up watches and Andrew is slowly getting another party organized.

This time around he seems to be taking at least ten people into the forest to finish the job you had helped to start. His face is set like a stone mask as he does so.
No. 87275 ID: 4c3c7d

Screw this, they are not leaving me back here. I feel mostly responsible for leaving him alone.
"Give me the shotgun"
No. 87310 ID: a2b8d0

Andrew looks at you for a moment debating.

"Take my nine mill. It's a safer bet you can handle that." He says with a voice that all too well shows his military skill. "We're taking that fucking thing back as well.I don't want more of whatever the hell that thing is showing up thanks to us being careless.

without much fanfare they use a mass of rope to drag the beasts body back to whence it came. As you near the wood. The sense of exploratory excitement is replaced by a sense of dread. A fear of the unknown. A fear of what might be lurking within its depths.
No. 87341 ID: 4c3c7d

I can live with the nine mil. So much danger just to get some bloody wood. Bah. I need to get organized.
No. 87346 ID: a2b8d0

Andrew leads the march actually dragging the thing as well. Most of the other members of the party are more than a little skittish.

"Hold up!" Someone whimpers as they come near the woods."I thought I saw something..."
No. 87356 ID: 4c3c7d

"Do you THINK you saw something or did you actually see something"
I'm quite pissed right now and I doubt that the adrenalin will wear off anytime soon.
No. 87362 ID: a2b8d0


"I'm....not sure..." He mumbled.

The man looks at the woods clearly spooked. I never wanted to be here...it's like we're in hell..."
No. 87387 ID: 4c3c7d

"Hell? HELL?!? You haven't seen hell yet, this is just the tip of the flaming iceberg."
Crap gotta calm down. *sigh*
"I'm sorry, I'm just kind of pissed. Even if you didn't want to be here, you're here now so you'll have to deal with it."
Maybe we should start screening the guys on the expedition teams for 'how-easily-spooked' and weapon-skills.
No. 87391 ID: a2b8d0

From up front you hear Andrew laugh.

"He's right you know. Charlie, maybe you should be running drills."

As you finally reach the edge of the woods Andrew manages to get the group to lug the beast into an obvious spot. Propping its massive form against a tree.
No. 87396 ID: 4c3c7d

"Id kill this bastard if he wasn't already dead."
No. 87402 ID: 4c3c7d

Later man Ive gotta jet.
No. 87403 ID: a2b8d0

"Most of us would."Andrew begins giving the beast a kick.""It followed Armstrong. He never realized it. By the time he did it was moving so damn fast no one really had time to react. It took him down and got his arm. By luck of the draw that old farmer got the thing with a shotgun"
No. 87511 ID: 4c3c7d

"As much as id like to hunt these guys, I don't think im equipped for the job, now anyway. Lets just get the wood and get out."
No. 87648 ID: 8d1004

"agreed" Andrew replied, staring at the corpse. "Hopefully this will scare them off for a bit."
No. 88267 ID: ee2d59

time to get to business
No. 88403 ID: aa6ecb
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You once more enter the woods. Following the trail as fast as you safely can. The air is thick and oppressive now. The heat of the day making your clothes stick to you like tar. You find the blasted tree hopefully for the last time without even trying. Overhead birds are calling out across the forest and you cna just barely see the tufts of darkening clouds. It looks like it might be rain...

behind you hear the sound of axes colliding with wood with extreme speed the men are spooked now. Working as fast as they can to get the firewood they'll need for later. You see more than a few red faced and covered with sweat. Most are loathe to remove their shirts due to the small swarms of insects that now eagerly buzz around looking for a snack.

Andrew hands his axe off to an a woman who seems as burly as any man here and walks over to you.

"We need water. Did you bring any with you?"
No. 88766 ID: ee2d59

>>88403<Did I bring my water skin?>
No. 89395 ID: 3b7932

You did but you've been drinking off of it through most of the trip.
No. 89637 ID: 229108

"Yea, but I only have a little, want me to get more?"
No. 89658 ID: 84a0db

Andrew nods.

"It would be appreciated. Take a few others with you and try to find a water source. I thought I heard a stream coming into here." He says with a tired look.
No. 89693 ID: e6bf37

OK then I'll take 3 people. I don't want to go back to camp, so we will probably make a few trips filling the water skin. If anyone else brought a water bottle of something like that, ask them to hand it over.
No. 90347 ID: dfcb3e

He nods and yells to three grunts working at the log.

"Hey get over here! I've got work for you."
No. 90953 ID: fd9a95

"Bring weapons"
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