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File 127481494081.jpg - (191.89KB , 865x1150 , Григорий_Распутин.jpg )
182872 No. 182872 ID: ad7bb4

You are Grigorii Rasputin, and you were once the most mystical man of Russia.
Your powers are specialized in healing, making you almost impossible to kill, but theorically you are able to do anything imaginable with your magic if provided with an appropiate cost of life force.
You were buried in Tsarskoye Selo, but some workers unearthed you and then burnt you in a forest, all while you were unconscious and recovering from the wounds you received from Prince Yusupov and his gang.
After about 85 years, you finally manage to recover from the coma you were in.
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No. 182907 ID: ad7bb4

Animals are too fast for you to catch unarmed and held together only by magical means.
No. 182909 ID: 1ac39d

okay, what magics you got? dark energy bolts? if so then use that to go hunting.
No. 182910 ID: c05c83

Any signs of civilization nearby where you could hunt some slow fat people?
No. 182914 ID: a594b9

Obviously we should find some bandits to kill.

Or other evil dudes.
No. 182916 ID: ad7bb4

Your magical powers are extremely powerful. You can do almost everything imaginable. However, offensive magic is not your specialty (you specialize in Healing and Premonition) and so it won't be very powerful and it will be quite energy-expensive too.
Roll 1d20 ('dice 1d20' in your email field) to see if you can recognize your location.
No. 182917 ID: ad7bb4

You can roll 1d20 too if you want to find someone, just specify which roll is for which option.
No. 182919 ID: c05c83

rolled 19 = 19

Where the fuck are we?
No. 182926 ID: ad7bb4
File 12748186529.jpg - (104.82KB , 500x500 , premonitionpowers1.jpg )

Your premonition power activates.
You are in the woods near Tsarskoye Selo, or as they now call it, Pushkin. Located 24 kilometers south from St. Petersburg.
No. 182931 ID: c71597

Well go there and find the Tsar. After all he will be lost without your guidance and who knows, some sort of revolution may take place if you're not there to stop it.
No. 182932 ID: ad7bb4

Forgot my name, woops. I'm not really experienced in this quest stuff.
Roll 1d20 too if you want to find someone in the woods. Result determines who do you find.
No. 182934 ID: 1ac39d

rolled 11 = 11

find the nearest living person that is alone
No. 182938 ID: ad7bb4
File 127481955551.jpg - (69.00KB , 500x500 , hunter1.jpg )

You find a hunter, but he sees you first and points his shotgun at you, visibly startled.
"Wha-who... what are you?!"
he says.

You're already in a very bad condition. A shotgun blast certainly won't help.
No. 182939 ID: 86faf0

Huh, apparently Rasputin has descendants near
Paris. Would his powers be hereditary?
No. 182941 ID: a594b9

Draw on the ground. Say that you were cursed to life eternal, and need to drain the life force of animals to repair your body.

Ask for help.
No. 182946 ID: ad7bb4

You try to move, but the hunter tells you to stop or he'll shoot you.
Perhaps you could use magic to say something.
You have no idea. Without proper training, the powers are impossible to use.
No. 182949 ID: 86faf0

Use our magic to convince him to take us to his home and introduce us to his family as an old friend.
No. 182951 ID: e3f578

rolled 6 = 6

Use magic to say "Good morning, how are you?"
No. 182952 ID: 1ac39d

use magic to make yourself able to talk and say " i am Rasputin, greatest mage in russia. now i ask, who are you?"
No. 182955 ID: c71597

Use your powers to predict how he will shoot and make sure he misses. Then drain the impudent peasant of his life. You have a greater need of his life force, and after all he's only a peasant, probably a poacher as well.
No. 182958 ID: ad7bb4

You use your magic to shake the air in your (pretty much absent) throat and create sound.
While do sound creepy and weird, you manage to talk.
"Good morning, how are you?"
The hunter relaxes its aim, and shakily says
"Who-who are you?!"
No. 182959 ID: c71597

Tell him that you're Rasputin and order him to give you some animals to drain of life force. Then ask him what news there is of the Tsar.
No. 182969 ID: 407b5b

Tell him that you are great and wise Rasputin, come back to lead Mother Russia into grand and new golden age.
No. 182970 ID: f95872

...you don't have your tongue, do you?
No. 182972 ID: 86faf0

rolled 6 = 6

I'm pretty sure Rasputin would understand that everyone thinks he's dead. You know, cause he's a skeleton.

"I'm just your imagination. Those mushrooms you ate are getting to you."
No. 182975 ID: ad7bb4

You tell the hunter that you are Rasputin.
His eyes widen and he points the gun down, extremely surprised.
"Wha... Rasputin?! But you were shot and burnt! How is this possible ?!"
No. 182976 ID: 407b5b

As you can quite clearly see, I was indeed shot, and burned, and poisoned, and drowned, and beaten... But I got better.
No. 182977 ID: 1ac39d

"HAHA, it would take much more then that to keep me down. but as you can see i am still not whole. a few deer should fix me up a bit an make me not look quite so gruesome."
No. 182980 ID: 86faf0

"Because...Your on TV! Turn around and wave to the hidden camera."

Then, when his back is turned, we kill him and steal his clothes.
No. 182981 ID: c71597

Tell him that you got better. Ask the dirty impudent peasant again for acess to livestock and news about the Tsar.
No. 182993 ID: 8bdb6a

Very this.
No. 183018 ID: 0e1f14


This is a good idea, yes.
No. 183034 ID: b3ee70

I say go the partial truth

I am Rasputin. God has granted me another chance at life.

Then bow.

Who can shoot a zombie with manners?
No. 183391 ID: ad7bb4

You do not know what Television is, so you tell the hunter that there is a bear behind him.
Roll 1d6 for bluff. 3 or more is a success.
No. 183406 ID: e3a7da

I don't think telling random people we came back from the dead would be a very good idea. Calling our self Rasputin, however, could be explained away by us simply saying that it was the name we were given when we were born.
No. 183435 ID: b3ee70

heey... We are Rasputin.
We are respected in Russia
We just need to prove it with awesome.

And Old Russian manners.
No. 183438 ID: 275a5d

rolled 5 = 5

No. 183464 ID: ad7bb4

The hunter turns around and gives you enought time to gather the energy necessary to knock him out.
With gesture from you, accompanied by a slightly bright green flash, the hunter falls to the ground, its eyes rolling up, unconscious.
No. 183543 ID: 86faf0

Alright, first thing is to absorb his energy. Take his clothes and gun which we can use to hunt down any more energy we need.

Second, find a ghost and/or undead bear. Preferably one that can maul someone if they don't turn around. Rasputin - the undead bear Cavalier.
No. 183548 ID: 6a5a08

Absorb all life force in the forest and become Rasputinzilla, then take over the world in the name of Mother Russia.
No. 183579 ID: b3ee70

Or we can become a crime fighter and steal the life force of psychopaths, the terminally ill, and nutjobs.
In this way, we deliver death to those who deserve it or want it.
No. 183768 ID: a594b9

Can we absorb just a little of his life force? Like, get a bit of energy from him without killing him?

That would be preferable.
No. 183775 ID: 86faf0

Why would it be preferable? Not only do we need the energy, we don't want rumors of our return to start before they're unavoidable.
No. 183800 ID: c71597

Why would we do that? It's just a damn stinking peasant. Mother Russia has millions of those to spare. With us his life force will accomplish greater things than it ever could with this peasant.
No. 183866 ID: a7a85a

I like it.
Spare his life. Go against the grain.
Noble Rasputin. Unlikely hero to
the people of Mother Russia.
No. 183964 ID: ad7bb4

You guys seem to be undecided.
Roll 1d100. The guy with the highest roll between the first five replies decides what to do.
No. 183967 ID: 1ac39d

rolled 100 = 100

just drain the poor bastard.
No. 183968 ID: 1ac39d

holy shit balls! natural fucking 100!!!
No. 183970 ID: e31d52

oh god oh god is his corpse going to like make the land rot or is he going to be our pet zombie
No. 184010 ID: 6a5a08

rolled 75 = 75

I know 100 guy wins, but...
No. 184061 ID: b3ee70

... holy crap...
That is win.
Guy is gonna be drained so dry, that he becomes a funnel for more energy...
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