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File 12592544902.png - (132.85KB , 545x394 , pb quest.png )
81770 No. 81770 ID: fa4818

(hey guys, this is one of the reasons I just can't keep doing terrible quest, I don't want to do 3 quests at a time and terrible quest was getting too boring and inactive anyways! OK! So this quest is actually about what my name references! The events in this quest are false, but based on a lot of true events and things I believe and have a large ammount metaphorical value that I will leave up to you to interpret. I know this quest is seemingly about pyroboy, but a lot of it is about a guy named david, that has a symbolic value too. Finally, my quests have been completely unserious and pretty silly in general but this one, while i'll try to incorporate humor, definitely has a more serious tone. AAANYWAYS i'll stop yapping your asses off and get on with it)

This is David. He is currently 16 and attends whitehall highschool. David is pretty socially awkward, especially around girls. He dreads going to school due to his low social status and his generally awkward behavior. David is waiting for the bus like he has and will for the rest of school.

David is a cynical optimist. One of the only cynical optimists he knows, in fact.

You have somehow been given the ability to suggest David things through his conscience. First order of business! What should David do to kill time before the bus shows up?

David has some sort of music player but not much else besides that...

Violet may be showing up soon.

Violet is... well when she shows up we'll get a little insight on her.
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No. 81935 ID: fa4818
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David guesses he is best at art. He isn't going to stop that anytime soon though. Also David isn't really very good at rocking out! He's never played an instrument.

Flattering Violet huh? Impressing her might be hard. David's not good at that stuff.

We could skip to either lunch or after school, your choice
No. 81938 ID: 35cea2


Lets get right ahead to after school.
No. 81945 ID: fa4818
File 125929581611.png - (59.25KB , 535x377 , pbquest12.png )

ok you're off the bus and David tries to catch Violet

>"V- Violet, wait up!"


hoo boy, David is nervous now, confrontation time, what do you do, what should david say?
No. 81948 ID: 35cea2


You're nervous? Don't do it yet. Just... comment on her nice clothes or something.

Wait until later when you can collect your nerves and think of something better to say.
No. 81962 ID: fa4818
File 125929694699.png - (58.95KB , 542x387 , pbquest13.png )

>"i uh.. I think the clothe you're wearing today is very cute"

>"What, are you gay or something?"


god damn ouch

Nothing wrong with being gay but David is not one such man

David blankly stands there feeling hurt.
No. 81979 ID: 632862

"If I'm gay, then you must be a dude."
No. 81985 ID: 35cea2

Ouch. This chick is going to be a tough nut to crack.

Uh... I really don't know what to say right now. Just don't insult her.
No. 81986 ID: fa4818
File 12592977191.png - (59.28KB , 542x389 , pbquest14.png )

alright, david is sort of pissed. His whole life he tries to be nice and this is the shit he gets, NO MORE!

>"If I'm gay, then you must be a dude."

>"Well jesus David, were you up all night thinking of that?"

Violet rolls her eyes and walks away...

End David part 1
No. 81998 ID: fa4818
File 125929827921.png - (32.95KB , 523x364 , pbquest15.png )

Somehow we seem to have been given the ability to be violet's conscience.

Ah, home sweet home! well, not really, Violet doesn't find much sweet about it. No one is home so she doesn't bother saying anything. Her sister should be home from middle school in about a halfhour, a 30 minutes violet is thankful for before the monster that is her sister shows up.

>"The fuck was David doing back there. Ugh, whatever, not my issue."

David and violet used to be something like best friends as kids. Somewhere along the line between middle school and high school violet had a sort of depression period about her parents never being around and slowly grew colder and more distant from everyone. She started dressing more punkish and rarely put her hair down (which is now dyed purple.)

What should Violet do til her sister gets home?
No. 82001 ID: 632862

Realize that what David just said meant he was attracted to you.
No. 82002 ID: 35cea2


Sounds like you should JOIN THE MARINES
No. 82004 ID: e7666f

Afternoon snack?
Listening to that newfangled music?
Staring at the ceiling while contemplating your navel?
Whatever kids do these days.
No. 82006 ID: fa4818
File 125929887539.png - (40.77KB , 510x340 , pbquest16.png )

Army punk? Violet thinks that sounds like a cool idea but she doesn't want to go to the army. Maybe wearing camo tomorrow might be cool though.

Violet throws her school stuff on the ground, she completed the homework for tomorrow yesterday, being the good student she is.

Violet thinks about what David said to her.

>"He could of just actually been trying to compliment me but... why? David isn't into me or something? That doesn't seem like David... Hm... Aw fuck it, i'm hungry"

Violet seems to not want to address this issue very much
No. 82033 ID: 632862

Doodle in your notebook.
No. 82042 ID: fa4818
File 125930068373.png - (51.91KB , 546x357 , pbquest17.png )

Violet goes to her room to mull things over and grabs a pear on the way.

doodling huh? Could be fun, what should violet doodle?
No. 82044 ID: fa4818

PS: violet let her hair down, this is RARE
No. 82046 ID: 6d4c58

inb4 penises
doodle...things on fire.
No. 82047 ID: af3e6d

Herself doodling.
No. 82051 ID: 88d217

No. 82139 ID: fa4818
File 125933511790.png - (16.48KB , 275x251 , pbquest18.png )

Funny you should mention things on fire

Violet decides to draw (as the media has dubbed him) pyroboy

Pyro has become somewhat of a local celebrity, fighting giant golems and demons that just recently decided to attack. It was kind of worrysome that they were attacking but, well jesus, there is a school full of superhero kids. Pyro's true identity is unknown, but it's believed he's someone in whitehall. Violet likes pyro, modest guy who's just trying to kickass and save the day like an oldschool hero.


That slam can only mean one thing.

>"Shit, sister's home"
No. 82143 ID: fa4818
File 125933635041.png - (36.83KB , 540x388 , pbquest19.png )

this is your sister, look at her. She is so scantily clad and she's even in a bitchy position right now. No backpack? Probably left it at school again! Look at her, just filling the air with skankyness

violet's bane.

The usually exchange of insults is probably going to start soon, a lot of people like insulting each other I guess.
No. 82146 ID: 0d1fe9

Anounce the arrival of "Her Royal Majesty, Slutty Mcbitchwhore, Supreme Eater Of The Cock, Biggest Whore In The Kingdom And The Person Most Likely To Become A Czeckoslovakian Traffic Warden.
No. 82148 ID: 021ae3

Grab her boobs. Point out that they feel fake.
No. 82157 ID: e7666f

No. 82170 ID: a7ef8c

greet her by saying " hey there Miss Barbie Bourgeoisie, enjoy your clothing made by underpaid Asian sweatshop workers who cant even feed their own children. But hey at least you look 'sexy'*cough* fucking skank *cough*"
No. 82177 ID: 56ec75

currently my internet is kind of down and I'm still my neighbors internet while standing in an inconvenient place. This place is too uncomfortable to draw new entries unless you want me to scan the updates and do it like that for a while

I have to postpone updates until I get my normal internet back I think
No. 82329 ID: fa4818
File 125937372762.png - (61.79KB , 520x385 , pbquest20.png )


says violet with arms waving.

>"Oh haha, at least i'm not a fucking emo, how's your arms doing?"

Violet sort of softly scowls under her breath.

Violet is losing ohno
No. 82332 ID: 021ae3

Better than your loose ass cunt.
No. 82436 ID: 6d4c58

At least I wear clothing that covers more than 25% of my body, tell me how many times today did you have to check and make sure you where still wearing a skirt.
No. 82465 ID: fa4818
File 125938636153.png - (55.00KB , 440x369 , pbquest21.png )

>"At least I wear clothing that covers more than 25% of my body, tell me how many times today did you have to check and make sure you where still wearing a skirt."

Violet add's a cunt on just for good measure

Dang, Violet's sister seems legitimately hurt by that. Almost SAD!?

This is so unlike her!

She is eyeing the stairs as if she is about to run past violet up them and into her room, probably a pretty accurate guess.
No. 82466 ID: e7666f

Is this an acceptable outcome?
If not, move forwards and hug her.
Then go about your business as though nothing happened.
If it is, then attempt to trip her on the way.
No. 82472 ID: 6d4c58

If you you feel regret aplogies to her, tell her you are feeling a little on edge and you went over board then hug.
No. 82476 ID: fa4818
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No lesbian incest ok!?

Violet gives her sister an awkward sisterly hug which surprises her and makes her blush sort of.

>"What's up with you? You're not usually... nice?"

>"Look, I both know we feel like shit, and i'm sorry for calling you a cunt, i'd never mean that"

No. 82479 ID: 6d4c58

Lesbian incest I would never think of such a thing...but now that you mention it...

Its okay it is very clear you are not a Lesbian...maybe bi but not a lesbian
No. 82490 ID: fa4818
File 125938866014.png - (79.37KB , 541x366 , pbquest23.png )

Ok, violet part 1 is over

pyro part 1 start!

Now you're in control of Pyroboy, though he prefers pyro!

He is fighting a golem. You can fly and shoot fire, or whatever creative things you can think of with that. Gotta take this thing down somehow
No. 82492 ID: 35cea2

First, I'd like to now how the hell did you get into this situation.
No. 82494 ID: 6d4c58

No. 82501 ID: a7ef8c

hadouken insta kill taunt. then play air guitar on your fire axe
No. 82503 ID: e3f578

Drink some beer, see results
No. 82504 ID: fa4818
File 125939017550.png - (71.40KB , 541x382 , pbquest24.png )

how'd pyro get here? Fighting demons and golems is a tough job bro! Pyro works with angels to clear out evil, what fun! Pyro's flames are holy ones, meaning they only destroy evil, and demons and golems are especially vulnerable! He does it because it's right, and who else will huh?

Flying fire punch to the head sounds ok.
No. 82507 ID: 6d4c58

Aside from killing demons what else do you do?
No. 82577 ID: af3e6d

No. 82579 ID: fa4818
File 125942244770.png - (59.83KB , 524x386 , pbquest25.png )

Uhh, pyro is really just a normal guy when not doing that. Besides maybe training for fighting giant evil things he goes to school and does homework and stuff

also dang, nice solid punch there
No. 82581 ID: 6d4c58

Now finish him off with a special attack with a ridiculas name like.
Destructo Blaze, Hotter than the Sun, Nova Force, or Purging of the Holy Flame.
No. 82582 ID: 35cea2


Infernal Dickslap
No. 83170 ID: fa4818
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Pyro tears through the monster while screaming "Hotter than the Sun!"

A voice from off screen makes a comment.

>"Seriously man? Did that sound good in your head?"

>"Oh, come on, don't I get just 1 ridiculous battle cry?"

but good job, golem is dead, want to do some gloating?
No. 83194 ID: 192956

Of course
Pretend his head is a football and dance as if you just scored a touch down.
No. 85294 ID: fa4818
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Dancing is silly but ok let's gloat

>"Man, did you see me out there Alex, I kicked that golem's ass"

>"Don't get too cocky... Also don't curse, it just uh... *ugh* Gives us angels sick feelings."

That party-pooper in the background is Alex the angel. He is the guy who gives pyro all the instructions on what sort of things to kick the ass of. He is also one of the few who knows david's true identity.

Alex continues speaking

>"Well anyways, that's taken care of, think we ought to train some more for today or are you too tired?"
No. 85297 ID: e27275

lets go grinding
No. 85301 ID: 632862

Are you kiddin'? I'm not burned out yet!
No. 85305 ID: fa4818
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>"y'know I think grinding is a good idea, i'm feeling all hot and bothered."

>"W- WHAT"

>"Hahaha just kidding, i'm not burnt out yet, let's go train"

bad puns, how did you know!?
No. 85306 ID: 43d730

Bad puns and innuendo.
No. 85309 ID: 632862

Wait. Are you... flaming?
No. 85320 ID: d6a141

Alright, time to go to a JUNKYARD.

No. 85324 ID: fa4818
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Assuming you mean gay, there is no proof against anything but he probably is not

ANYWAYS, Alex brings Pyro to the top of a building

flying practice

>"My least favorite practice"

Alex gets frustrated. Sure, Pyro has almost died every time he has tried to fly but Alex always managed to catch him. Angel wings are useful.

>"Listen, I know this is hard and... well, LIFE THREATENING but this will probably help you a ton in the long run."

>"Man, I like the stuff we do in the junkyard more"

>"Well today we're going to work on FLYING"

Surely Alex would not push you! What do you do though, chicken out or try to fly.
No. 85326 ID: 43d730

I assume this is learning the hard way?
Jump off.
No. 85329 ID: 632862

Try to fly. You're trying to superheat the air below you, right?
No. 85340 ID: fa4818
File 125988602028.png - (60.60KB , 539x392 , rage30.png )

instant regret


Oh well, pyro tries shooting flames out of his hands but he is too nervous to concentrate, this is not good

maybe if he could just find some peace in mind... But what!?
No. 85342 ID: d6a141

Remember! You're cool and not a jerk!



No. 85352 ID: e27275

No. 85369 ID: 192956


No. 85534 ID: fa4818
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suddenly Pyro hears calm music in his head he is pretty sure he has NEVER heard before


No. 85535 ID: fa4818
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YESSS, Pyro is filled with a sudden euphoria like no other!

Now that he can fly what badass things ought we do?
No. 85541 ID: e27275

No. 85653 ID: 632862

Do a barrel roll!
No. 85668 ID: 192956

Test your speed. If you can go beyond the sound barrier you've gone too far.
No. 85958 ID: fa4818
File 125996978855.png - (33.23KB , 539x389 , pbquest29.png )

You max at about 60 mph in the sky, not bad!

>"Hey Alex, i'm pressing R twice!"



David mutters something like "angels don't get memes" under his breath

Ok, anything you want to still do or have you had your fun?
No. 86025 ID: fa4818
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Before Pyro can decide he notices an innocent civilian crossing the street as a car unsuspectingly rushes towards them!

Pyro quickly realizes the brakes are not getting any grip and the civilians life is completely in danger!

He has never had to directly save anyone, Pyro is nervous, what to do! Should he risk saving the civilian in the possibility he may hurt himself or said civilian?
No. 86028 ID: 43d730

The fire only works on demons, right?
Swoop in, slow down immediately before grabbing them (you'll need to cancel your forward momentum some) then speed up, remaining parallel with the lanes of traffic to minimise risk of collision.
This will be a great opportunity to test your skills; hopefully they'll maintain the same meteoric rise.
No. 86029 ID: 632862

A simple method of saving him would be to shove them out of the way, instead of trying to grab them while still flying.
No. 86068 ID: fa4818
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Pyros first rescue, how exciting!

Well hey folks, this chick seems familiar, it's violet!

Well now that that's done, think pyro should say anything to her or keep quiet? also where should we drop violet off, we can't fly around with her forever.
No. 86071 ID: 43d730

Snappy one-liner, DON'T FLUB IT, then fly off.
Making a mistake here will only lead to the usual 'Do they know/Do they know I know' BS.
Tell her on your own terms later, preferably never.
At least the flamingness and costume should conceal your features and give you a confidence boost.
No. 86074 ID: 9cece1

set her down on the side walk, ask her if she is ok
No. 86099 ID: fa4818
File 125998769444.png - (68.69KB , 537x392 , pyro32.png )

Pyro puts Violet safely down on the sidewalk.

Violet seems to be acting strange, almost nervous! Violet sort of idolizes Pyro in a way.

>"Are you ok?"

>"Yes, uhm, thank you for saving me"

>"Uh, yeah, sure thing."

Pyro notices Violet's hair to be down, which must have happened when he flew in and saved her.

>"Well, uh, I ought to be going, things to do. Giant monstrosities of hell to destroy... It looks better down by the way."


>"Your hair."


Pyro gives an awkward but, somehow, heroic wave and flies off.

Y'done good kid, y'done good.

End pyro part 1
No. 86103 ID: fa4818
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David part 2

You are David the knight. Your goal is to kill the terrible dragon and rescue the princess!

Jesus, what happened, David was just a normal highschool student yesterday!

Well, what should we do? You can look around and go in any direction

One more piece of advice!

if you run into it, kill the dragon.
No. 86104 ID: 632862

Go left!
No. 86106 ID: dda9dd

You appear to be on an open rolling plain, am I correct? Look around. Spy out yon villainous drake to be slain.
No. 86133 ID: 9cece1

Wake up
It's time for school
No. 86169 ID: af3e6d

No. 86202 ID: dc14a0

or sleep in and switch dreams to sexy tiem with violet.
No. 97263 ID: fa4818
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Well, can't argue with that. David's subconsciousness seems to want David to realize he is dreaming!

The midevil theme quickly disappears and David is left in a white space with his usual clothe on.

Now David is lucid, meaning he has control over subject matter and people and events in his dreams.

Violet..? Hm, what sort of uh, sexy time? David may be meek in real life but this is HIS DREAM, he can do any sort of thing he likes here.
No. 97266 ID: c0f3bf

Summon violet and two katanas.
No. 97268 ID: e024d0

Perhaps dazzling swordplay aimed towards gratuitous clothing damage?
No. 97269 ID: 6faa8c

No. 97270 ID: fa4818
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David's all for sexually exploiting his dreams, they ARE HIS dreams after all

but that is just a little odd and unnecessary... Any other suggestions?
No. 97273 ID: 632862

Oh just imagine you're in her bedroom and making out or something.
No. 97276 ID: e024d0

Perhaps something a little more 80s? Have you done the Barbarian saving the about to be sacrificed Virgin from an Evil Wizard? Perhaps throw in some old game references in there?

Don't forget that the sky must be be of the metal album kind, you know all swirly purple and glowering orange with multiple planets an moon and such?

and maybe you have to fight you way up some kind of archano-techno pyramid smiting minions left and right?
No. 97282 ID: fa4818
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YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH *intense guitars with distortion play*

Man, that david. Weird kid.
No. 97284 ID: e024d0

This one has chosen... wisely.
No. 100919 ID: fa4818
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this dream keeps getting weirder... and lower in quality
No. 100921 ID: 7b807e

No. 100930 ID: 059c31

~David, use the power of the shaders`... -erh- ~the power of the immagination~
No. 105700 ID: fa4818
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well that was a little silly, David must have been unfocused

Somehow you are not surprised the maiden in distress is violet... in viking clothe

weird kid, David. Dat blush.

Sure it is David's dream but he still knows nothing about romantic rescues, he is sort of unsure what to say.
No. 105744 ID: 8e2e01

sexy tiem?
No. 105746 ID: 648286

Stick with the classics.
"Fair maiden, I am here to rescue you!"
No. 105796 ID: 632862

Generally it goes "Dramatic statement of intent to free the kidnapped one" then you untie them and ask if they are unharmed. Cue gushing "Oh my hero" and hugs, which may or may not lead to kisses and so on.
No. 105827 ID: 5d5878

Especially the so on. That's the best part.
No. 122507 ID: fa4818
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>"Fair maiden, I am here to rescue you... or something"

>"... Get to it?"


even in David's dream he is a straight up charmer

you begin untying here
No. 122545 ID: 1d2d60

I think you are supposed to actually throw her over your shoulder or something like that. Maybe ride off into the sunset.
No. 129447 ID: 7e03ba

Untie her and run from the techno-pyramid, holding her hand every step of the way. Oh yeah, and you should dive to the ground just as the pyramid explodes....because the wizard was magically keeping it stable or something.
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