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File 126387320531.jpg - (69.08KB , 500x500 , oharingg.jpg )
114315 No. 114315 ID: b3f1ab

Oh, swell! I bet I can pawn this thing off for a couple of bucks so I can finally get a bite to eat...
309 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 132349 ID: b3f1ab
File 126628343640.jpg - (69.80KB , 500x500 , asy5.jpg )

"J-just a minute!"
Wait... on or off or on or-
Ok, stay calm-
Crossdresser!? I'm not a crossdre-
Lawrence in a dream? What?
I already told you a million times, they're dea-
What is that!? I don't remember tha-

>"Oh! Looks like someone decided to run around naked again..."

AAGH! She must be here with the medicine. I can only hear you guys right now because the last dose is starting to wear off, but there's too many of you sometimes and you're not coming in clear and what am I going to do I need you to help me get out of here and... and...

>"Dessie, I've got your breakfast. It's your favorite, toast and eggs."

Oooh, I love toast and eggs...
No. 132356 ID: fe0817

Have breakfast. So we are auditory hallucinations. Good to know.

So... do you have periods where you don't move at all for a long time?
No. 132381 ID: 8ecfd4

Now calm down. Breathe slowly and at an even interval. Put your clothes in order and give the friendly nurse a smile. Tell her that you would love some breakfest and that you're feeling better now. You just had a very bad dream and it was making you upset.
No. 132385 ID: 632862

Okay, what do you think we are, exactly?
No. 132386 ID: e04c9b

Desmond, who is Irene?
No. 132439 ID: b3f1ab
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You're not hallucinations. The pills make me really tired sometimes, I guess.

You're my friends.

Irene is the nurse, she's standing right there.

Good idea!

"That sounds swell! I was just... I had a nightmare so uhm... I feel fine now though."

>"Alright honey, I'll got get your breakfast while you get yourself put back together."

I wish more of the nurses were nice like her.
No. 132444 ID: 632862

Do you remember anyone named Lawrence?
No. 135514 ID: b3f1ab
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There's a doctor named Lawrence here, I think. I'm not sure if he's one of mine or not, though. Dr. Andrews sees me the most often.

>"Irene, there you are."

Speak of the Devil...

>"Doctor Andrews, I haven't given the patient his breakfast yet, are you sure you'd like to see him now?"
>"Ah, um... I didn't come to see him actually."
>"Oh, Doctor~"

They're out in the hall but my door is open, should I spy on them or stay put?
No. 135530 ID: 632862

Sure, why not. Be nosy.
No. 135533 ID: e3f578

You sure you wanna see your doctor getting it on with your favorite nurse? Seriously? Yeah, lets do it. And make a face if you're sure they can't see you. *smoochy smoochy lemon coochy*
No. 135555 ID: b3f1ab
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>"Mm... Docto~r... not in the hallway..."
>"Heh... you're right..."

Great, they'll probably go off to the broom closet like always and leave me here without any breakfast. It'll be the third time this week.
No. 135568 ID: a38999

Shout: Hey don't go have sex I'm hungry!
No. 135572 ID: e3f578

I get what they're doing prevents your breakfast, but don't kill the mood for the nicest nurse in the building.

Just catch her when she comes back and be extra adorable.
No. 135575 ID: ffece8

Sneak out while they're distracted.

If they catch you just say you were going to go get some breakfast since you didnt want to interupt.
No. 135581 ID: b3f1ab
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That's not going to work the-

Oh. They left. They left and they forgot to shut my door. I can get out of my room at least now!
No. 135583 ID: 9e9b47

See if you can get somewhere where you can lock the door behind you.
No. 135584 ID: 632862

Okay, we can sneak around and see what's what. I still don't think it's a good idea to escape, but it's boring just sitting around all the time right?
No. 135588 ID: 3416ec

Go on a sneaking mission.

Receive calls by Codec.
No. 135604 ID: b14128

Remind me again, do you have a bed, pillow, blanket, etc? If so, put the pillow under the blanket to make it seem to a casual glance into your room that you're taking an nap, and sneak out, making sure to close the door behind you. Even if we avoid detection, they're eventually going to realize we've gone for a walk because we're not in our cell: Let's try and do what we can to make sure that doesn't happen too fast.
No. 135609 ID: ffece8

Press R1 to enter first person view
No. 135618 ID: b3f1ab
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What? Is that like a telephone?

I really like that idea but we don't have any blankets or pillows. They're afraid we'll try to hang ourselves with the sheets. One time somebody managed to kill themselves with a pillow here... I dunno how, but I haven't had a pillow since then.

Ok, I'll go exploring! The staff here is pretty stupid most of the time so I think I might be able to get around for a while if I'm careful. Here's a map of what I know... it's not much.

( + are doors, ? are unexplored areas, X is where Desmond is currently)
No. 135637 ID: 632862

Check that unexplored area that's closest to you. 'down' on the map.
No. 135664 ID: 15f6d6

go down 8===D o:
No. 135691 ID: ffece8

No. 135917 ID: 3247a9

Let's blow this Popsicle stand and get cured elsewhere. Don't worry kid, we'll keep you safe unless the quest author decides to do one of those gay dramatic transitions and have you wake up covered in blood in some asshole's cellar or enter cutscene mode and not allow us to do anything about it.
No. 136198 ID: 4f694b

Which way down the hall would you go to reach the broom closet? Go the way opposite of that.
No. 136302 ID: b3f1ab
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Ok, I'll check out what's 'down', it's the opposite way of the broom closet where they always go, too. I've never gone this way before. It looks like there are more patient rooms to the left and right, but there's a name tag or something on the door at the very end of the hallway.
No. 136304 ID: 632862

Um, check the back of your head.
No. 136320 ID: ffece8

Investigate door at end of hall
No. 136356 ID: b3f1ab
File 126671884618.jpg - (49.48KB , 500x500 , asy11.jpg )

Oh, it's bleeding again. That... that happens sometimes...

I can't read it very well... it's one of the Doctor's offices though, isn't it? I can't hear anyone on the inside, it's probably empty right now.
No. 136375 ID: 15f6d6

Listen at the door. If you don't think anybody is in there, then go inside.
No. 136378 ID: 3416ec


That is not a good doctor name.
No. 136384 ID: 632862

Bleeding again? When did it first bleed?
No. 136707 ID: 67c611

Why is your head bleeding?
No. 137384 ID: 701a19

Uh, yea, listen to us kiddo. People don't bleed there without a reason, so you've been smacked on the back of the head. If this happens on a regular basis, then it's pretty obvious somebody has been savaging you. Or perhaps that should be "SAUVAGE".
No. 140778 ID: b3f1ab
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I can't remember, it's been happening for a while though, I think... maybe. I don't know why it happens it just does, it doesn't hurt or anything so I just ignore it now.

The room sounds empty... oh! It's unlocked too! This is great! Let's see... there are some papers on the desk and a bunch of bookshelves and file cabinets on the right side. Those probably won't do me much good though.
No. 140953 ID: 701a19

Rifle through his desk and the papers looking for something that would utterly humiliate him and/or convince the nice nurse that he's a horrible man, then hand them off to the nice nurse and tell her that you just want somebody to explain why you're here in terms you can understand.
You know how you can't read? Well, we can. Take a look at the desk and we'll tell you what we can see.

Now, I *think* what's going on is that you have some kind of split personality. If you can remember what words they said we might be able to piece together why, and once we know why we can convince them they're wrong.

Oh, and you're not going to be able to get out and stay out this time. Sorry, but the odds aren't in your favor. Maybe you can swing by the cafeteria and get some food, though.
No. 140961 ID: 632862

Take a quick look at the papers on his desk to see if there's anything interesting that pops out at you.

THEN, look for your name in the file cabinet. We need to find out more about your past.
No. 141424 ID: a85626


>> Now, I *think* what's going on is that you have some kind of split personality.

No. 141642 ID: b3f1ab
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Ok, I checked the papers on top of the desk first. Most of them are just blank patient forms. Oh! Here's a note, it looks like it's signed by one of the other doctors... probably Andrews. I've seen his writing enough times and it looks like his signature.
No. 142305 ID: 632862

Is that 'room' under your thumb? He leaves his papers in the break room?
No. 142308 ID: 3416ec

Or someplace called the "breaker?"
No. 143931 ID: b3f1ab
File 126810118493.jpg - (46.47KB , 500x500 , asy14.jpg )

Yeah, R-O-O-M. Breakroom I guess? I don't know where that is, I'm sure only the staff can get there.

I'm going to check the desk next.
Let's see...
There's a bunch of blank papers, an empty syringe, some cash, some string and...

Oh. Um...
No. 143937 ID: cf68aa


>take everything but the papers
No. 143938 ID: 632862

Look at the syringe more closely. Any signs of use?
No. 143939 ID: 632862

I don't think we should take the syringe. If we walk around with a weapon things are not going to go well for us.
No. 143945 ID: 701a19

Leave the skin mag upside down on one of the chairs for the guests, and leave a random piece of paper on it.
No. 143970 ID: 3416ec

Hey, that's the April issue of Buxom Beauts! The centerfold is Karolyn, who has the world's largest natural cup size (Double J's).
No. 163705 ID: a44aa6

Eh, what the heck, take the syringe anyway. It'll probably come in handy. Make sure it's capped, though. Don't want it to stab you by accident.
No. 163719 ID: d2dc82

Don't take the syringe, take the porn mag (keep it hidden though), and a couple of blank notes. Get a pen if you can.

You never know, maybe with our help you can forge a day pass or something.
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