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File 129800085441.png - (198.18KB , 1000x750 , 1.png )
282165 No. 282165 ID: 8c0848 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Great. The bus is running late. I love standing out here in the cold in the middle of the night.

C'mon, I want to go home already. It should have been here fifteen minutes ago.
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280071 No. 280071 ID: d93696 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Look at you all walled in. You make a day for yourself again and again, don't you? So did your parents, and their parents. Hehe! Oh my, I never tire of this. Welcome once to The Vent - your place of birth and death.

No, don't feel insignificant. You are just one of three million (or so), and today you're all grown up. Yes, it's time to leave the nest! That is right! You are sixteen years old and it is ILLEGAL for you to be under their care any longer. Isn't that such a neat thing? And like all good little failure children, you've joined a second family, and they just have a couple of questions for you.
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191976 No. 191976 ID: 1806cd hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Comon... this has got to work... Oh god I'm so groggy...
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282788 No. 282788 ID: 692e92 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

[This is an experiment of boredom.]
[There will be 0 art in this thread.]
[There will only be pixels.]
[Odd's are this won't be very good.]
[I'm not doing this for everyone's pleasure.]
[I took the base idea from a similar quest, I forgot the name, but believe me, you'll know it when you see it.]
[I welcome everyone to participate, as this will be a suggestion-heavy game/quest.]

Welcome to the Void.
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283246 No. 283246 ID: a33914 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


Stupid day. Why do you have to wake me up..


...Maybe just fifteen more.. aahh.. the sun on my wings is copacetic..


...Huh.? Ufh... pall..
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273047 No. 273047 ID: 17c834 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

You are a dimwitted farmer, raised in poverty. You are 17 years old.

For one reason or another, you have to go somewhere and do something.

Choose one of the following items to take before starting your journey:
-A small cloth bag with some food.
-A water bottle.
-A piece of cloth big enough to be used as a cloak.
-A broken knife.
-Three copper coins.
-One half of a candle.
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277591 No. 277591 ID: 950529 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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193128 No. 193128 ID: 5e4482 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Various screams and groans could heard. The sound of sharp objects piercing through soft objects at high speed fills the air as if to compliment the orchestra of high pitched screams and low moans and groans. Soft laughter makes up the softer background music and loud cracks make up what could be called the percussion. Somewhere between the hellish music, Kylie's soft groan mixes with the other low groans.
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263513 No. 263513 ID: 5f12a0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

That's it. Story and style messed up so bad I'll just do this over and better, whether anyone likes it or not. It's the least I can do with it, and I want to finish this thing at least once.

Cartridge loaded.
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267888 No. 267888 ID: 4c308f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

That’s it. I win. Any moment now, the medics will rush onto the field and pick up the guys on the floor around me who can still be saved and get them back on their feet for the next guy who walks on in here looking to make a name for himself. And if there was a crowd in this little dirt filled pit, they’d all be shouting mine right now.

“Buster!” A gruff voice shouts out to get my attention, stopping my moment of self gratification short. I flick my chain a few times to get the blood off it, lashing it into the dirt and sending up clouds of dust where it hits before I loop it over one shoulder and start walking towards the commander who’d shouted. As I move, the chainmail tunic I’m wearing grinds against my favourite weapon in a satisfying way and I’m still grinning by the time I pull up just in front of him.
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277371 No. 277371 ID: 9a1fa4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

>Don't worry too much, all problems have a solution if you look hard enough
>Haura is the PC
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248104 No. 248104 ID: 8c0848 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

I'm Cloud Dancer and I like flying.
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268180 No. 268180 ID: 96fb33 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Select a route.
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248137 No. 248137 ID: 10c20a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Hello. My name is Heart Fixer. I fix problems, not problems like, "What is fun?" because that would fall under your personal preferences. I solve Pony Problems.
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272637 No. 272637 ID: afa406 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

I've slept so long, in this world of only dreams. I cannot wake up.
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258819 No. 258819 ID: ddaa88 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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246012 No. 246012 ID: 919826 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Okay, so I fucked up, my bad. I went to this ARC or IPT or whatever thing to talk to people like someone said, and I accidentally forgot to pause the little fairy girl's window. A bunch of stuff happened while I was talking, and I didn't get to talk to her again.

My bad. Here's what happened in the meantime.
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280096 No. 280096 ID: 919826 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]




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244557 No. 244557 ID: 919826 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Woah, hey. Freeze frame.

Found this guy. Looks interesting. Thought you guys might like to help me see where it goes.
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279235 No. 279235 ID: 8d2365 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

A new story begins, o guides...
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279310 No. 279310 ID: 543aa6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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275466 No. 275466 ID: da3700 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You stare out the window of the plane, as it drifts slowly through the sky. Today is your NINETEENTH BIRTHDAY, and you are finally going to realize your dream of TRAVELING ABROAD, which means of course going to BRITAIN, the owner of every single continent, country, state, city, and person. The popular QUEEN ANNE XIII, who never seems to even age, rules as the current QUEEN, and she's been ruling far longer than you've been alive. You think she's been kept alive through the various STEAM MACHINES the famous HUMANIST, PROFESSOR THIRDSON, has created.

That is actually who you've come to visit in BRITAIN. You've heard that he's become somewhat of a RECLUSE lately, but that hasn't stopped your want of a meeting with him. You somewhat dream of becoming a FAMOUS INVENTOR just like him, and you hope to at least show him the sketches you've done. You look forwards for a moment, taking in the machinery of the STEAM PLANE you are currently riding in.

You've never ridden one before, so you spent most of the beginning of your trip watching all the gears and and pulleys and such. You glance over the passengers. They're all reading newspapers silently, allowing you to hear the constant, soothing hiss of the STEAM. You turn back, and see a green flash in the distant sky. It must be FAIRIES cleaning the ATMOSPHERE, something they tend to do, despite it costing their lives.

You often wonder why MAGIC CREATURES are kept seperate from society, when the QUEEN fully accepts them, but you suppose they just don't like humans. On the other hand, that also doesn't make sense for MAGIC HUMANS, who you always see living in the slums. You've heard that MAGIC USERS are generally born from poor families, but you aren't quite sure.

A ding echoes through the plane, and the pilot starts talking. "Attention, we will be landing in Britain in a few moments. After that, you will
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
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192081 No. 192081 ID: 543aa6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Like, hi? My name's Samantha. My MOM made me go see a THERAPIST and he said I should get out more so here I am outside. She gave me some like, potions and shit and told me to go see some guy. I think his name was like, Professor Owk? Whatever, he's like next door.
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279060 No. 279060 ID: 0ba163 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

The curtains are pulled up, spotlight cued.
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278990 No. 278990 ID: 483ac7 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

The roar of his engines is deafening.
Everyone a mile from here must know we arrived.
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273985 No. 273985 ID: f88f02 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

- .... .. ... .. ... .- ... ... .. -- .--. .-.. . .- ... .. - --. . - ... .-.-.- .- .-.. ..- -- .--. --- ..-. -. --- - .... .. -. --. .. -. .- ... . .- --- ..-. -. --- - .... .. -. --. .-.-.- -. --- - . ...- . -. .- -.-. --- -- .--. .-.. .. -.-. .- - . -.. .- .-.. .--. .... .- -... . - -... ..- - .. -. ... - . .- -.. .- -.-. --- -.. . --- ..-. ... --- -- . - .... .. -. --. .- -. -.. -. --- - .... .. -. --. .-.-.-
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126949 No. 126949 ID: f4963f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

It's been a long three days.
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272421 No. 272421 ID: 9a4dc6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Many scholars agree that life must have begun in the deep East. Truly, caught in that eternal wellspring of life, the forests of the East grow on top of the dying without remorse. An endless parade of beings hidden in the depths of that green abyss march without pause to a drum that beats in the heart.

Today, one of those beings is more important than the others. Today, one Tumyu male is seeking his right to become an adult in his society.
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251337 No. 251337 ID: a7a85a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

I've waited so long... It seems another eternity has passed.

All Hallow's Eve has ended, and the mortals have given us their fear and celebration. Our power is at its greatest once again. It is a chance to roam in that realm again.

And so...
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269651 No. 269651 ID: dd8f75 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Since you were a child, you competed with the girl from next door. Her name is Nell. Everything you tried, she did better. You were inseperable and rarely seen apart.

You both grew up in the middle class, and did well enough in school. when she turned 18, Nell joined the Imperial Guard and you were quick to follow. She became a sniper, while you showed aptitude as a pilot and were reassigned to the navy.

Soon after basic training a small planet on the fringe of the imperium, Serium 4, was invaded by the orcs. You and Nell were both ordered aboard the battleship 'The Flight of Zeal' part of a small army of 1,500,000 guardsmen dispatched to defend the planet. During the journey you and Nell spent much time together and were referred to as 'THAT couple.'

The ship arrives at Serium 4 about six days ahead of schedule, much to the suprise of the ship's navigators. Upon exiting the warp, alarms go off and the PA system blared, alerting all on board that it was time to fight. Everyone drops what they're doing and sprints out of the room. You look at Nell, notice the concerned look on her face, give her a fairly awkward hug and start running. You can't hear her shouting for you over the confusion of the ship.

You run through the dark, cramped passages to the fighter bays, fighting through a tide of confused faces trying to report for duty. When you step out on to the large flight deck, you find that all the fighters are gone, including yours. With a dumb look on your face, you panic. Failing to report for duty is treason. Before you get a chance to react, a large blonde man in a commissar's cloak spots you and marches over. With a great bellow, he screams "What's y' name, soldier?"
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265656 No. 265656 ID: a6008c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

"Oh hey! My old game boy advance! I wonder what's in it...?"
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268426 No. 268426 ID: d158fb hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Continued from here, because I cant be assed to get in IRC

I flash him really quick while I stretch out my tail through the bars! He seems really surprised!
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242200 No. 242200 ID: bec62a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Liberi Gothica is a tabletop roleplaying game being developed by Legendary Troll Sage Studios. Players are thrust into a steampunk world where the individual is lost underneath the rapid growth of industry, the progress of nations and the hellish urban sprawl; an overarching Church maintains absolute power through technological superiority, crushing all signs of spiritual deviance.
You are a Liberi, a child who has come in contact with a demonic doll known as a Foci and forms a spiritual pact, granting you fiendish powers and immortality at the cost of your soul and the capacity to age.
Liberi are ruthlessly hunted by the Church, as their prey is the souls of men, their existences seen as demonic perversions of children. To that end, special knights known as Paladins are dispatched all across the world which hunt the Liberi without mercy.
All other forms of magic and magical creatures were totally annihilated in mankind’s distant past, and only exist as rumor.
The goal of a Liberi is simple: Survive.
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265910 No. 265910 ID: fa4818 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

An unknown figure walks through the desert, the blazing sun relentlessly cast upon them.

Much like the average fantasy desert, the sand seems to go for miles in every direction, with only the occasional cactus randomly spotted throughout the otherwise forsaken sands. Also much like a generic fantasy desert, some form of sand worm or something is most likely lurking below the surface.

Seems like our mysterious figure is in a pickle... Suggestions?
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277997 No. 277997 ID: ceea16 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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260977 No. 260977 ID: 18c4a7 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Four adventurers go out into a strange dungeon. They are of four different races, four different classes, and four different talents.

Generate your first hero, and the rest will come on their own.
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261572 No. 261572 ID: 146bca hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Now I started this thread on 420chan, and to those of you who are on 420chan and recognize it, I'll still post there, if you guys want. But be aware, this game is completely text, no pictures. This is because I have no artistic skill, only writing ability. And since I have been informed that there is already a Blakequest, I'm changing the name.

So, without further ado, here is [-b]Mansionquest[/b].

You wake up in a bed of fine red linen. The only light comes from a candle on the nightstand next to you. From what you can see, you're lying naked in someone's bedroom, however, you are all alone. The floor is red carpet, and there is a dresser with a mirror. Next to the heavy wooden door is a lightswitch, and the clouds outside are nearly invisible through the window looking out to the night.

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261292 No. 261292 ID: e43bfe hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Being alone is something you get used to, over time. They say isolation commonly causes insanity, but I guess I'm not the social type. It's been ten years to the day since the Break, and I feel fine. Scouring these old lands for Souls that still hold tightly to the past, living off of the land...

My memory isn't in the best of shape, but hey, you do what you can. Things break, you fix'em. Things move, you chase them. Things get lost...
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261837 No. 261837 ID: b890cc hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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259926 No. 259926 ID: 0576eb hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

a story
journeys endlessly
towards the orchestrated miracle. -Riege

Pick your character.
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226057 No. 226057 ID: 2dd0ba hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Previous threads can be found here: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Apocalyption

>Recap: Coralina discovered the Orb of Infinite Psyche out in the wastelands in the middle of nowhere. Upon explaining her problems, the Orb decided to help her try and stop Lord Vresch from conquering the planet. However, upon meeting him, Lord Vresch offered Coralina the position of LEADER OF THE WORLD. After a series of trials, Cora accidentally partially released Hope from her 16 years of entrapment, and then Rastin hijacked the orb for a succession contest to determine who will lord over Neotis now that he is dead. The orb is now held by Kal Royale, leader of the Men's Club.
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240415 No. 240415 ID: 583d5d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]


... This isn't a dream.

*click-click-click-click* "This is HQ, is anyone there? Please respond!"
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255943 No. 255943 ID: 1702fa hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Some would say I am mad. Some would say I bite off more than I can chew.

Those people are the ones who do not act.

With nothing but a short sword and rugged travelers gear, I approach the front gate of the city.
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254038 No. 254038 ID: 543aa6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Well hello there, little miss thing!


For clothing, I think it'd be funny if you guys googled shit and made outfits in mspaint and then I'll draw the final one.
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262915 No. 262915 ID: e6c9d2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Hello world.

This is Misaka clone number 16,271 speaking. This is my first time communicating through Radio Noise, from what I have been told it's a telepathic network that only we sisters may communicate, so please pardon me for encroaching on any standardized protocols that you may have already established between each other.

As a personal introduction I've been instantiated at August 9th, of the year 2010, at 10:14:41 hours. Currently I'm lying on top of a firm mattress inside of a fairly empty laboratory. Across and only a few paces away from me is the professor's assistant, who is sitting beside a computer terminal. No doubt he's evaluating the current examination that I am participating.

I'm going through the last evaluation before I am transfered to another facility for further experimentation. Since the previous experiment that I was scheduled to participate had been recently terminated, I have been given the opportunity to participate in another experiment. I'm awfully excited about it.


"It looks like everything is alright on your end, Misaka 16,271. Why don't you ask your sisters a question to check if you can hear their thoughts?"

"'I will try.' Misaka anxiously replies."

Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
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259256 No. 259256 ID: 8a6625 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

(good god, what am I doing in this pit? I feel like I've been asleep for months... Most certainly, I have to get out)
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262128 No. 262128 ID: a4ee84 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

You are a soldier serving in the army.
Usually you just spend your days slacking around and avoiding officers, but today is different.
Today you have departed on a terrific, amazing quest. You are on a quest to find art!

You've begun your search in this rarely used part of your military complex, as you have heard rumours of there being some sort of art here.

What will you do?
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260436 No. 260436 ID: 69bee4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Can you feel it…. It crumble into ashes?

Delight like a delicate pastry

A truly happy event is always fleeting

Even in the best of circumstances
But looking at things now, I damn that was even moreso for me
So it has come to this in the end? Chaos had always dictated my life, I suppose making it more… official has some merits. Though having to do it against my will, and listening to this incessant chanting seems a bit more of a mockery and an annoyance than anything… and yet…

“GZG Z Mvpy… Nihlo”

And so I feel it, their minds eyes trained on me. Malice and hope meeting in one.

The six damnable figures stare at me, and I can… feel their glee. Yet, at this moment I don’t feel the need to partake of it. That ends quickly though, A grin creeps on my lips, and I feel the weight lifted off my arms as one of them removes the binds that draw me. I quickly stand, staring off into nothingness with the shared grin as one of them brings forward a tray. Among it holds six set of weapons, and my body seems to gladly begin to grasp a familiar and yet foreign weight on my arm.

A thanks to Glue for the picture.
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257642 No. 257642 ID: e26b69 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Worldwide Phenomena Response. "At exactly 7:04 Pacific time, millions of people worldwide stopped. They stood rigid, staring into space. Then an hour later, they all went into shock. Then an hour after that, they began to change. Then they were no longer human, but a predator. Why? We still do not know, there are theories, but none with solid evidence.

You, and thousands of others, have been chosen for your survival know-how and various skills to guide those unfortunate enough to have been left behind. Your location is sealed tight, and self sufficient and so until under express orders, you WILL NOT LEAVE your station. Good luck, and God Speed."

Thank god you joined right under the wire. Actually maybe curse him. Your task was to guide survivors to military outposts via radio. 2 months. Not one survivor in your entire sector. Well yeah there was some. But they never quite made it to the com stations. What's worse is that 2 outposts have already been overrun. Only 2 still exist. And they are supposed to escort survivors to a safe zone? Please. How can they protect anyone if they can't even protect themselves from those mutants?
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262563 No. 262563 ID: 2222da hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

[Quick quest, essentially for practice. Though the whole not-having-to-draw thing may make it last a lot longer against the raging tide of my sloth than any other earlier quest I've done. Got one or two other quest ideas that need testing out, but unless this dies fairly instantly, I'll keep giving it my love and attention.]

Darkness. This is the first thing I notice as I drift slowly back from whatever blissful void I had been in. The second thing is confinement. I'm trapped within a small space, legs drawn up slightly to fit, and the top of my skull pressed hard against a surface. I can't see or hear anything...
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241242 No. 241242 ID: 8c0848 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

This ruin looks relatively undisturbed. There should be plenty to loot.

Are you a:

Human +1 bonus to all skills. Humans have no specialties. Size 1

Taian +3 dexterity +1 jump. Taians are humanoids with blueish skin and pointed ears. They are supernaturally agile. Size 1

Engara +2 strength +2 dexterity. Engara are a race of large canid humanoids with reputations as scavengers and raiders. Size 2

Yrado +2 jump + 2 tech. Yrado are smaller creatures with an affinity for machines. They rarely blow themselves up, despite the stereotypes. Size 0

Usknn +2 strength +1 constitution +1 tech. Large brutes renowned for their love of violence with an instinctual understanding of technology. Size 2

Ririsrak +1 dexterity +3 jump. Ratlike humanoids with powerful legs. C'mon and jump. Size 1

Tas'rak'eass +4 dexterity. Tiny gray creatures considered vermin by many races. Size -1

Size effects how far you can reach and whether you can fit through small openings.
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242763 No. 242763 ID: f89631 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

now with 400% more blood...
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244225 No. 244225 ID: ab04d4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

>This is my first quest. Most of the drawings will be heavily pixelated, or outright pixelart.


AO: hey people I just discoverized the most excellentical game ever
FS: realy? wat is it? i havent got any new games in a week
TA: Probably that new game. What was it again? Something about indepth virtual reality or some crap?
FS: yea i saw the markting schemes they were so corny lolz
AO: yupsolutely so its called Strata its an rts and its really cool I played the beta theres all these factions
FS: o yeah u told me about this i didnt pay attntion tho srry?
TA: I doubt it. Most of the new games utilizing virtualizer tech has, put simply, sucked. Remember that other game?
FS: it didnt suck that bad imo
AO: that's because it was a aneurysympathic lovejoy game thing FS you play those all the time
TA: Yeah, this game's by the same company, I just looked it up. Betcha it sucks anyways.
AO: whatever I got free copies, you guys want Me to deployify to u so we can play
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252312 No. 252312 ID: 7c97d9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

"- ... and she threw the goddamn thing out. Pretty useless, if you ask me."
"... This Scout Watcher seems pretty smart, though. I think it's trained."
"If it's taking its time recovering its energy, I'd say it's untrained and defective. Besides, I've never heard of Scout Watchers with their own mind."
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256304 No. 256304 ID: 479b46 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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205991 No. 205991 ID: 4f6e37 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

This quest is in the same continuum as Eivr and Oren: They share elements and characters between them.
>Eivr Archives are at: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Eivr
>Oren Archives are at: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Oren

Some take what they can get out in a world that gives them shit.
Some reason with life's problems, try to make the best of it.
Some sit by their broken windows thinking what they could have had.
But some said to themselves, Fuck that.
Maybe we were just born bad.

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256845 No. 256845 ID: 885ce2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Oh dear. Oh dear oh dear o dear. What has happened? This should not be. No, this definently should not be. You should not in a world of shadows. You should not be missing arms or legs or a mouth. And most importantly you note, should not be missing your memories.

This world, it is not purely black or white but instead exists in shades. Above you there is grey sky with no sun in sight, while the landscape and trees around you flit in and out of existence. This is more annoyingly depressing than those coffee house poets attempt at expressing their “pain.”

Oh heaven, what shall you do?
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252944 No. 252944 ID: be29bc hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Chapter 4

Sol has risen by the time we reach the gates; I can feel a slight tug towards a building around the wall, but I made sure to ask Uluaris for something to keep the elementals from running towards it. He drew a circle on my hand, and now I can't get them to leave me alone. Very funny, Uluaris.

A man approaches from a little house by the gates and starts talking to Uluaris. He keeps looking back here at the copy and me.

[Siisa vision

Oh, I must have fallen asleep on the road! I got woken up by Tegen's voice; "Selling again, I assume, Uluaris?"

"Of course."

"Blue hair? Issat a spirit or something?"

"No, just a golem. I thought Fennik might appreciate having something more interesting-looking to sell."
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256339 No. 256339 ID: dda667 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

>Mom: Good night Mira.

*Poutypout!* "It's Mimi, mom

>Mom: "Now young girl, I didn't name you and raise you so I could call you by some kind of 'street name'."

"Nickname mom. *pouts more* Teddy gave it to me."

>Mom giggles. "If you say so hun. Good night Mimi."

"Night mom."
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253967 No. 253967 ID: de2143 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Only moments ago you were burning the midnight oil studying for the entrance exams. You lost track of time and now find yourself walking home in the ladder hours of the afternoon. Snow lazily drifts from the sky in a near silent crystallized serenity. Your walking mediation is broken as a tide of red blue light washes over you from a police car making a traffic stop. Though Saint Lucian is a sizeable city crime has always been minor. The knowledge chases away any thoughts of changing course. You pass the stopped car, its windows are tinted obsidian black, you fail to understand how the driver could possibly see out of such tented windows much less how it would be street legal. You pass the officer as he taps on the black window and asks for license and registration.
The next moment the door to the obsidian car is opened the officer is no longer standing where he was instead his body is embedded in the adjacent store front wall. Shots fired. Just outside the newly opened door stands a gaunt male dressed in a pin stripe suit, his short black hair greased back, and his eyes sunken as if he hadn’t slept for days. He isn’t even looking in the direction of the police car he’s looking at you, but he’s still firing a large revolver at the windshield. Your heart skips several beats you wish your legs would move yet nothing is happening. Having emptied his revolver he calmly reaches back into his suit coat holstering the weapon. His brow furrows as he closes the distance between you at a pace you can perceive pulling out a switch blade and pricking his index finger. The gaunt figure extends his finger placing it over your lips as if to shush you. A single drop of blood snakes its way through your slightly agape lips. The taste is caustic, you feel your body wanting to expel the substance but your will and body still seem disconnected. The sickening feeling slowly extinguishes giving way to a strange aftertaste, not bitter, sweet or salty but one of need, wan
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251909 No. 251909 ID: b659a0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Oh hello there, where did you come from?

Name is Hanz, whats yours?
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254667 No. 254667 ID: 543aa6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

HElo Quests! My nam is Brandom an i like playng to read quest! Do y ou like playing questss?
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254201 No. 254201 ID: edb67b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You are an amoeba; you don't have any shape or form yet. Fortunately, you get to choose what kind of limbs and features you will have. There are some general rules to follow, though;

-Four eyes maximum
-Four sets of limbs maximum
-Complexity makes your actions slower

Now, what should you add first?
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251669 No. 251669 ID: 071184 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Boy is I so bored...
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229067 No. 229067 ID: e31d52 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

You can feel the pain this being is going through to produce such incredible lack of thought. It's almost as if they have ceased to exist. There's only one thing in the sea of inky, milky darkness. A sight of distant lights, like stars, and far-off laughter.
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250045 No. 250045 ID: 679e7a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]


You're a new thing!

I wonder what I should call you?
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251516 No. 251516 ID: e2020c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

previous thread: http://quest.lv/kusaba/graveyard/res/147917.html

Create Picard a new frog honor guard / preserve everything. Credits: 100

Create anything up to the scale of 'an attack shuttle'. Equip anything up to the tech level of 'phasor'. Select team breed from male frog commando to hermaphrodite half-frog electrician.

Frog Empire is plentiful in resources.

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70778 No. 70778 ID: 4553b2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Your name is Benjamin Tell. Your friends call you Little Ben. You are a 7 year old boy. You are Athletic and Healthy. You are occasionally Unlucky.
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94341 No. 94341 ID: b180de hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Today is the first day of the second week of this madness.
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223997 No. 223997 ID: e31d52 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

>>This takes place in the same setting and timeline as Bardic.

>>You are not legion. This shall be explained shortly.

"Injection completed. Subject is utterly docile. Refuses to leave the area." Noise.
There is pencil on paper. More noise. "Subject does not speak or comment on surroundings or treatment. Subject shows a lack of reflex actions."
More pencil on paper. Noise!

"Subject Amalgam will be treated by Neuromancer expert later today. Subject is ready after the fiftieth injection."
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248902 No. 248902 ID: c612da hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This city needs a hero. It needs someone to look up to. FFFar too long I've seen this city go to garbage...
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248320 No. 248320 ID: 3ff4fc hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Ooh, shiny.

"How'd you get here, little necklace?"

It looks like some kind of Christmas ornament... If I wear it it will probably get broken.
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248617 No. 248617 ID: 3ff4fc hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

you are BABBY
you have WHYT SKIN
it is NITE

what do?
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203265 No. 203265 ID: 4531bc hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Today. We tell the tale of a HERO! a brave WARRIOR! He is none other than MR. AMERICA!
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248067 No. 248067 ID: 355492 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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247714 No. 247714 ID: 3db7e5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

>First quest. May take a while to post results, since I have barely anything prepared, art-wise. Apologies for shitty artwork.


There appears to be a pretty archaic piece of machinery on the floor. It doesn't appear to be plugged in anywhere, so it's probably running off it's battery for now. Who knows how long this thing's been running?

While the laptop is rather alluring as of current, you should probably go back to finding answers.

But then again, why the hell is there a laptop in the middle of a somewhat nondescript room? Obviously, you should see what the hell's going on... on the laptop, of course. God, you'd love the chance to use some archaic technology.
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232364 No. 232364 ID: 4953e3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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215548 No. 215548 ID: d9dec9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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99132 No. 99132 ID: 31fa25 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

It's time to tell a story. A story about the Big City.

First things first. What drives this guy here the most?
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137056 No. 137056 ID: 9e9b47 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

You know, even though I was rushed through training, I still feel there's only one thing they didn't teach us enough about. Dealing with the boredom. Space is a marvel, until you look at the same bit of it for hours on end.
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244737 No. 244737 ID: e31d52 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

OW! Good lord, is it that hard to mak shock absorbers? I think my Legion's been compromised, good lord above.

I turn on the intercom.

"For god's sake, man, work on the balance! Why do you even put me in these things if they're just gonna fall the hell down!?"
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241444 No. 241444 ID: 5eb404 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

We will find our rightful place. We will show them that we are strong. We will become one with the stars.

Those who mock us shall perish. Those that deny us will die. Those that join us...


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123208 No. 123208 ID: badf27 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]


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243062 No. 243062 ID: e4cdbb hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I woke up, gasping on thick, hot, choking air. Air so thick you could chew it. It tasted like diesel fumes and burnt hair. I can't see. Too dark. Maybe too bright. My entire body is numb and I couldn't feel anything. Still can't. Too cold, maybe. Drugs? Probably. Maybe that explains the blindness too. I can't move. I think I'm in a small holding chamber. It's quiet but not dead silent. I think I can feel the slight vibrations of voices. Too hard to tell. Can't be sure. Could be light machinery. I can definitely feel their presences, though. Not their thoughts. Definitely drugs. Too hard to concentrate, can't broadcast. There's about three. Maybe two, it's hard to tell. Too much noise, static. The other implants aren't working. EM field no doubt. I bet the rest are useless now. Fuck. Escape. Must get out.

No enemies made high up on the political ladder. Chamber's probably cheap. With enough banging I might be able to get someone worried enough about a broken chamber to let me out. I'm in no fighting condition, though. Especially without a weapon or implants. Maybe I can talk my way out? Might get lucky. Waiting is too uncertain. Right now, you're the only functioning implant.
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240824 No. 240824 ID: 56dc25 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

With no warning, everything begins to go wrong. You are diminished. Something has been stolen from you, and the yet the understanding of what eludes your grasp. Knowledge solid as existence itself melts into uncertainty. What is going on? How could this happen? Answers that you know you possess hover maddeningly outside your mental reach, then flit away as more and more of what you know is drained away and your mind deflates helplessly. An intellect which should be near limitless collapses into greatness, then mere formidability. The incisive clarity which should characterize your thoughts fades into simple cunning.

As memory shrinks and awareness of your past and wealth of hard-earned knowledge flees, a pivotal fact comes to mind: There is an escape from this consuming fate, a chance to flee into uncertainty and diminishment before any more of your identity is lost. Doing so would mean willfully casting aside virtually all your power and knowledge, but at least leave you with enough clarity to start on the path back should your flight be successful.

Or you can fight to the bitter end, clinging desperately to the few truths which are most precious to you, those which for so long have defined your being. From these truths flow all might and wisdom, form and fate. Fighting to retain them at all costs risks annihilation and will leave you uncertain and disoriented at best, yet if you can hang onto them they will lend you strength and surely shape you just as they have before.

Which path will you take?
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126248 No. 126248 ID: 5eea01 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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243798 No. 243798 ID: 16a7c4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

In this quest I will test my new tablet, RNG, my RPG system and your patience.

No suggestions will be skipped, and most things will be determined by the Random Number God (tm). I will change rules at will.

The flow is expected to be somewhat similiar to a roguelike game.


You are BETA-TESTER. You have no sex or race yet.

Please pick your sex. Random is also a choice, in that case roll 1d2. (1-m/2-f)
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210349 No. 210349 ID: cf68aa hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

I was born without a heart. I am heartless and am fearful from nothing.
I am trying to get a magical key to get my heart back.
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232332 No. 232332 ID: e31d52 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

((This will be a 'sometimes illustrated' quest. I'll draw art when I feel it's needed.))

In this world, everything has a soul.

Everything - from your house, to your computer, to your car - has a spirit sleeping within it. The spirits are capable of great and remakable things. Vast, incredible abilities lay dormant in every object. Incredible power sleeps where you least expect it.

Only some can access the power of these spirits, and even then, with but a single bonded item. This item is important to the person, or close to them, for some reason or another, and that bond allows them to awaken the sleeping spirit within.

The powers are wide-ranging in both power and usefulness. Some are extremely powerful. Some are weak and useless. Others are simply powerful enough to be useful in a specific, pragmatic way.

This is a special story. In order to tell it, we need to nail down a few things, first, alright.

Now, first of all...
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244061 No. 244061 ID: a3d82e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

The lights are returning...
Am I working again?
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243782 No. 243782 ID: 16a7c4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I don't feel like digging up the old thread
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236995 No. 236995 ID: c1b520 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Choose your character.
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243143 No. 243143 ID: 7a8549 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

oh god how did this get here i am not good with computer
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237665 No. 237665 ID: c78414 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

You wake up in the dark of a moving van. It seems to be chugging along at a decent pace. The last thing you remember is talking with your mom about your destination; Littleroot Town, a small hamlet near the center of the region of Hoenn.
You slowly rub your eyes, hoping just maybe that the act will remove the grogginess from your body. You don't sleep well anymore, this fact not helped by the long trip you just spent in the back of a packed moving van. As you feel the wheels slow and the sound of the brakes screech ever so lightly, you suddenly grow excited at the prospect of seeing the new house.
After the truck stops, you wait for what feels like an eternity in the dark until suddenly the door before you shoots open, sunlight flooding the small space that is the van. It seems the sun is just rising, and you're now aware you're facing east. You leap from the van an proceed to make your way past the two very large Vigoroth's the mover's employ to carry your heavier belongings into the house itself. It's a quaint little two story deal, and you're actually kind of happy with your mother's tastes.
The town seems slightly empty, although there is a large, very sterile looking building to the south, and a house nearly identical to your own just to the east. A dense forest surrounds the town and you're beginning to wonder how the truck managed to fit through the only discernible path in the area.
Now the real question is, are you a boy or a girl?

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241844 No. 241844 ID: 754124 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Man, goblins is such dumbasses, those fucks would rather get krumped than tossed in the slammer. Fuckers don't know it's fucking golden in there, free food and shit.

But this one, he ain't even telling you where his base is at. What the fuck, eh?
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241656 No. 241656 ID: f4963f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Alright! We're choking goblins! As always, we are ON TOP OF our obscure internet memes.

So why are we choking goblins, again?
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237818 No. 237818 ID: a3d82e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

please help. it is dark and scary in this place. they won't let me leave. they say this place is for dangerous people. but daddy said i wasn't dangerous, just special. i didn't mean to hurt that boy. it just happened. but now i am here and i don't like it. please help.
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227634 No. 227634 ID: 07337a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Hello fellow questers. This is chapter one of Alceris Quest. Currently, only two images have even been made, this originally was on deviantart, but, didn't get much attention. I've decided to move it here. Hopefully, you guys'll take it much more seriously, and not give up. This is a horror story, think rationally, and don't screw around, or we're gonna get killed. Anyway, this is just the first image which was already responded to on deviantart.
You wake up in a locker and don't have much room to move. There's a small opening in the door, and you can't remember how you got here, when you got here, where you are, or why you're here. All you know is that your name is Alceris Genvol and you need to GTFO.
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237917 No. 237917 ID: 813d92 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

You wake up on the hard, smooth marble floor of your room. It looks as though you rolled off your bed again last night. You blink painfully in the dim light cast by the gas lamp on your tiny desk before rolling back over to face the wall of red-painted sheet metal. You feel drained and exhausted, but if you had another of the nightmares you can't remember it.
The light streaming in from your 'window' (a gap between sheetmetal and the stone of the arch it sits beneath) gets brighter by the minute. Eventually, you realise that even if you thought it was a good idea to go back to sleep, it isn't going to happen soon. Anyway, you can hear people moving about in the corridor outside.

What is your first action?
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238993 No. 238993 ID: 06681f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

whew! I think I managed to break that weird box. The lock is pretty easy to bust.

Bah! Why was this orb thing locked away, anyway? Must have been someone's snack. It's a pretty color, though. What is this for, anyway?
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213500 No. 213500 ID: f80af7 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Memory transferred, missing long-term and recent parts could not be recovered.

Starting the experimental HiveMind binary. Running in read-only mode. You should be awake by now, try responding.
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213314 No. 213314 ID: 7c97d9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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233844 No. 233844 ID: cd2315 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This time for good!
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219025 No. 219025 ID: e3277c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

You are URAGA, an ORGE. You are punching this WIZARD, but you don't know WHY.
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235964 No. 235964 ID: e38c07 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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232008 No. 232008 ID: ea0b12 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

The day started out fairly stressful. Your commute to classes was overly long and you're currently stuck in your college bookstore, waiting in line for your books. On the plus side they have the T.V. Tuned to CNN who is currently reporting on a series of strange lights that have been seen for the past few weeks over all major cities and a series of rolling blackouts, and satellite crashes. It is about this time your Black berry beeps.

The message you receive is ominous. Four simple words that make your body shiver and suddenly want to fly to the shelves and grab whatever you can hold.

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229460 No. 229460 ID: 5a69fd hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Stephen paced pensively in his bedroom, the embedded halogen lights reflecting off of his dark brown skin.

It was eight hours ago that thirty-four year old male had stopped taking his medication and it had been more than twenty-four hours since he discovered the strange truth about the voices he heard he was a little boy.

These voices had mostly been benevolent, telling him to study hard. To stay in school. To achieve greatness in spite of his dire surroundings. They had acted as the perfect company, until he spoke of them to the wrong person. Then came the confrontational visits to the shrink. The chemical injections. The pills. The isolation. The loneliness.


He became a success, obtaining a job as a wireless supranet specialist. This was a neigh-on impossible achievement in and of itself for someone living in American Welfare Bloc Ci-O-16. After all, three-fourths of the population was deemed "unemployable", a fate which his biological father and his mothers shared.

"I know who you folks are," he murmured, glancing back at the date and time screen saver on the holographic entertainment center. It read Thursday, April 12 2:13 AM. He continued, "I've been working on a device for the past few months. A neural transmission locator.

"You were never inside my head. You were outside of my head, sending transmissions into it," he moved to sit down on his bed, stating in a exacerbated voice, "From beyond the dome."

The dome was an impossible construct made from the toughest alloys around. It enclosed the whole of Ci-O-16.
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221744 No. 221744 ID: edfb83 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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231322 No. 231322 ID: 9bf5a6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

It would be nice if you actually liked Command and Conquer Generals, but it doesn't really matter. If you want to read the background fluff (not really necessary though) go here :


You are 'the ustadz' Ya Gami, a psychopath, a murderous madman, a senior commander of the Global Liberation Army,but above all, a man who gets his job done.

You've been sent here to Tajikistan on a mission of vengeance by the Higher Order. The GLA were driven out of this country by a joint USA and Chinese invasion, and your main mission is to generally cause chaos and give the Americans and Chinese a horrible time.

Your patron and superior, Dr. Thrax, has given you another mission: During the invasion, the GLA lost a sample of Anthrax Gamma spores to the USA. He would be very happy if you could find it and get it back to him.

Your current companions are Fenrir, a veteran rocket trooper, and Number 5, who claims to be an expert sniper. Other GLA forces are in the area, but they are under the command of the reclusive Khalid and will only act on his order.

You are camping a few miles away from the city of Karadar, the place where American and Chinese forces first met during the invasion and the biggest city jointly occupied by the two imperialistic powers.

Dawn is coming. What do you do?
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222803 No. 222803 ID: 732129 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Pick a character to start. They all have their merits and liabilities. Tommy is a dangerous melee combatant and gunfighter, and possesses enough influence to be important in the criminal underworld. The Professor is the go-to man for dealing with science and technology but is basically in disgrace academically and in debt heavily. Penny is a face type character and voice of reason, usually.

Whichever character you pick will still be his or her own person. You'll be a voice to them, anchored to them and communicating telepathically.

The game will use the GURPS system. You'll get to see the sheet of the character you pick here. You, the players, collectively have your own sheet as well. You get to see that now, in the discussion thread.

This is an experiment. I'm using a lot of pre-made art from sidtube.com, and using the story telling game Sleep is Death to build scenes. I'm not a good artist, but hopefully you'll get the idea of what's going on.
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210543 No. 210543 ID: e31d52 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

[http://www.tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/141591.html First thread]

[http://www.tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/143693.html Second thread]

[http://www.tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/161029.html Third thread]

[http://quest.lv/kusaba/questarch/res/179021.html Fourth thread]

Sup guys? I'm waiting for the elevator to start now. Are you as excited as I am? The kind of money riding on this match... man, I can hardly wait! It's been so long, after all.

I go over my equipment.

First and foremost is my rifle, which has a three-shot clip, and works best as medium to long ranges.

My second weapon is my rockets, shoulder-mounted seekers that need time to lock on. Multiple lockons can be deadly, though.
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224551 No. 224551 ID: 6e5a24 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

"Hello, people of Modernia. I am your leader, President Begbavas Triston.

I come before you today to address an important issue regarding the recent government enforced limiting of travel and communication to the southern Modernian states. As I am sure many of you have heard by now, the disputes over working conditions in the factories to the south has quickly evolved into violent protests and riots from the workers.

It has come to our attention that many have been falsely led to believe that we have limited communications and travel to the south in order to hide our military’s supposedly “violent and unsavory” methods of dealing with the riots from the general public. As your leader, I would like to state that this is not the case. As a president dedicated to bringing a brighter future to our country, I guarantee that I would never resort to violence when a peaceful resolution exits as an alternative. I would like to stress the fact that these protests have grown unnecessarily violent, and our efforts to prevent travel to and from the south are to protect you, the Modernian people, from any harm that may befall you while we work to meet the worker’s demands.

When I inherited my father’s title of President, I swore to lead this country to greatness. To turn this humble island nation… Into a modern utopia. And keeping you safe, my fellow Modernians, is the most important part of doing that."
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224034 No. 224034 ID: 2222da hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

[This quest is dedicated to every NPC. I'm sorry I couldn't save you.]
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222727 No. 222727 ID: 4d36b2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Hay readers or soon to be reader me and my older brother where butting heads on how the quest should go so we broke up with some advice from a friend i'm on my own this time sooo enjoy GREG'S REVENGE (Tangent A)

To read the rest of the story go to the top link.
A return cutseen
Greg finished changing in to his rather bad ass clothes, but as you can remember there still the matter of No GOD DAMN HAM IN THE FRIDGE.
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226218 No. 226218 ID: e4e724 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

"Ow...what the hell happened?"

Last thing I remember is walking in the park, minding my own business...and now this. no object,s no sign of life, nothing. It's as if I'm...

Am I dead?"

Your eyes scan the entirity of the place for any sign of anything, only to be dissappointed in its nothingnes. Then, out of the nothingness, a voice.

"You are dead.

However, this is merely temporary. You are part of an experiment of my making, and as such we have needed to make...modifications. While we work, please answer the following questions, as they will aid us in determining how you proceed."

Questions and listsfill your mind, overwheliming you. Might as well answer them.

>which of the following colors is most suitable to you?
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226609 No. 226609 ID: d677cc hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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159593 No. 159593 ID: 4b1405 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I have a report to make, Agents.

Thread 1: http://www.tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/61857.html
Thread 2: http://www.tgchan.org/kusaba/graveyard/res/104816.html

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215019 No. 215019 ID: c1b520 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

...: "Auuugh my everything... What the? Where am I?"
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225787 No. 225787 ID: e2020c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Missing name, label
Missing expression
Missing characters
Missing light, line
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226063 No. 226063 ID: 2dd0ba hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

First Thread: http://quest.lv/kusaba/graveyard/res/172250.html
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223356 No. 223356 ID: 8a5a9a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Hello fellow quest goers! As stated in my younger brother's quest, we had some rough goings. After much debating and upon hearing the advice of a friend, we decided to split off into two tangents. He gets Tangent 1 and I get Tangent A.

The original quest in question can be found here: http://quest.lv/kusaba/quest/res/221340.html

My younger brother's tangent can be found here: http://quest.lv/kusaba/quest/res/222727.html

Without further ado, I present you with Ultimate Ham Sandwich Quest: Tangent A

Let's Start off with a Cut Scene, shall we?

Greg Daniels had just finished changing into his outfit, a fine arrangement involving a fedora, an open dress shirt revealing the "Yes" shirt underneath of it, a pair of always fashionable blue jeans and his official PUNCHFACE combat boots.

In this clothing, he felt more confident in approaching people and if they deject Mr. Daniels, he could easily stomp their respective genitals into a fine powder.
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224540 No. 224540 ID: 127cd1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Resurrecting the dead :3
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221920 No. 221920 ID: 0576eb hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

"What the heck's this? Looks like a sphere. Was worn on this guy's neck, too. Maybe I can fetch a good price for it on the black market."
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221415 No. 221415 ID: 2222da hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

[Chapter Start]
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210613 No. 210613 ID: 5de592 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Your name is Saigi. You're a guy who, up until now, has not had a lot of interesting days in his life.
Today is not one of those days.
There's a person leaning on the wall next to your window, staring at you with a smile.
The weirdest part is, he looks exactly like you.

(Please note; drawings were sketched then scanned. Also, next update will likely come tomorrow afternoon.)
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161900 No. 161900 ID: 65a023 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

[[ Previous Chapters: http://www1.tgchan.org/wiki/Nahala:_The_Dead_Age ]]
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221340 No. 221340 ID: b89b83 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

[spolier] Cutscene: A-gogo. [/spoiler]

Meet Gregory Daniels. 21 years of age. High school graduate. Currently in between jobs and living at his ex-girlfriend's house, whom was currently at his step-brother's apartment, probably making a huge, sweaty mistake.

Greg had spent the totality of his day chillin' in his underwear, watching a Juicy Kawaii Power Cookies marathon, head banging to the always brutal PUNCHFACE and playing the fuck out of this hot new game on his Super Exodus 364 Ultimate Pajama Master: Sleepover Edition.

The game itself is pretty sweet, but no matter how hard he tries, he can never make it past second base.

His stomach quietly rumbles. He had been living on saltines dipped in cheese, but this could no longer suffice. He had a good ol' fashion hankering for an all-American, grade A, that ultimate top tits of all the mother fucking snacks possible, a ham sandwich.
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188253 No. 188253 ID: 0f9dad hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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169988 No. 169988 ID: 3b6c92 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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217269 No. 217269 ID: 42c416 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

"Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more,
Or close the wall up with our English dead!
In peace there's nothing so becomes a man
As modest stillness and humility,
But when the blast of war blows in our ears,
Then imitate the action of the tiger:
Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood,
Disguise fair nature with hard-favored rage;
Then lend the eye a terrible aspect:
Let it pry through the portage of the head
Like the brass cannon; let the brow o'erwhelm it
As fearfully as doth a gallèd rock
O'erhang and jutty his confounded base,
Swilled with the wild and wasteful ocean.
Now set the teeth and stretch the nostril wide,
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219244 No. 219244 ID: 8c0848 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

You are in a cave. There is a glowing mushroom here. What does a slime do in this situation?
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218912 No. 218912 ID: 2c11d5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

NOTE: This is an experiment. The art style will change considerably during the course of the game. It may even end abruptly with no explanation.

You are inside your cubicle, working on audiosound graphs.
There is a lot of noise outside. You can't concentrate with this much noise.
You pop a few TRANQ10 tranquiliser pills from your Drug-penser, but they aren't enought to quell the noise and make you concentrate. You need more powerful drugs to do that, and your Drug-penser isn't allowed to give you unless it's given medical permission.
There's really a lot of noise. And you can't work with all this noise!
You must find your Cubicle-Manager, Troy Billdung, and complain.

1)Find Troy Billdung
2)Finish your Audiosound graphs
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217505 No. 217505 ID: 3fb836 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Featherslimes are very rare slimes. They are fragile, and their only manner of self-defense is the energy they can channel inside their feather. Through proper practice, a featherslime's energy can become a frighteningly destructive force. When low on energy, though, a Featherslime is helpless and can die from just a simple kick.

Featherslimes were not originally rare, but they have been hunted to near extinction by adventurers for their rare drops and high experience yields. Their lifespans can last hundreds of years, so it didn't take long for other races to learn what one power-hungry feather-mastered featherslime could do to the balance of the world.

Like all slimes, they can carry items inside of their bodies, and their gelatinous innards contain a network of vital organs that enable them to slide across the ground at a moderate pace while leaving little to no trail of goo.

The feather on top of a featherslime's head is the source of all its power. It's what makes it unique to other slimes.
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205417 No. 205417 ID: 0576eb hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

I feel so tired. Maybe I can rest if I close my eyes. I remember sleeping then waking up here, and I am tired. I don't know what is going on. I hope this is nothing but a dream, so I can wake up at home with my family. My name is Asi and I am tired.
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211626 No. 211626 ID: 96fb33 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

A girl or a boy?
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214010 No. 214010 ID: c33cc8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

What's this?

A machine of the outsiders. A piece of metal. Hmm. Looks delicate.

Strange. I sense something inside. Almost like... a mind.

Can you hear me, Mind of the Machine? Or would you prefer the Machine of Mind?
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205612 No. 205612 ID: bc1727 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]




“All of you demihumans - For each one of you that FOOL allows to stay here, two of our own will die, if not more. You can’t even fathom how much danger you monsters put us in!”

“You in particular…”

Help me. Please, anyone...
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218164 No. 218164 ID: b0ab2e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I pray to the Trumpeter...please end this!

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207595 No. 207595 ID: d53745 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

(Hey guys, my second ever quest here. Hope you like!)

You're beginning to awake from a strange occurrence that seemed to happen just seconds ago.

Enter a command.
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215052 No. 215052 ID: e31d52 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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216009 No. 216009 ID: 83c8be hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Well, that's it.
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165537 No. 165537 ID: cbe5df hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

An earthquake occurs where two tectonic plates grind against each other, releasing enormous energy. In much the same way, magical aspects can slam against each other, but the results of such an eldritch meeting are... different. Very different. The accumulated energy, under certain circumstances, gains sentience, and a human-like form.
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212584 No. 212584 ID: a4ea92 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

“Kill them all!”

A flash of energy cracks the air. Screams from the crowd drown out the next burst of fire. For an instant, a blue shape on top of the fortress walls, then gone again to the other side. Bodies at the front of the crowd crumple, more weapons fire rips into flesh and bone.

Then, like a human wave, the crowd ebbs back away from the courtyard and the ruined machines spread out across it. Bodies whirling, colliding and pushing into the street. The blasts keep coming, cutting down those at the back of the fleeing crowds, those who were in front only a moment before.

There are too many in the crowd for be annihilated, and as the city streets break off, the fleeing masses flow into them like water through a river delta. There are more than just pursuers though, patrols on the streets open fire, more blasts burn down from shaded windows.

Some run into alleys, flashes like camera bulbs illuminate their shadows as they become boxed in and slain. Those that escape pant and wheeze, desperate to take another step through the city. A few find a crossing to stop at, turn back to watch the machines close. They watch the cracked concrete and repeat:

“We are the dead.”

>I’m running, my lungs are giving out, muscles seizing up into red hot jerky under my skin. The crowd that had marched behind Megaman has thinned, the boots of Dr. Wily’s robots still follow, more distant now. This part of town, I don’t know the name, is bombed out. A trashcan fire is still burning beside a wrecked car. On the speakers, Dr. Wily reminds us the robots will keep us safe. I just watched Protoman defend Wily, and Dr. Light’s newest monster destroy him. I don’t know what to do any more.
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159748 No. 159748 ID: 40056d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

The night drags on as I try to finish the project-of-the-week by the deadline. Salary work does have it's downsides at times. ...at least there's a nearby internet connection I can 'borrow' if I wanted. I feel a slight... tingling...

Out of curiosity, I open something to type into.
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15917 No. 15917 ID: a3b36a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

(Madness has overtaken me. What am I doing, trying to start a quest? Anywho, hopefully this one lasts long enough to tell the story and get the bloody idea out of my head.)
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212554 No. 212554 ID: 845c1e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

After five years of internal struggle and political strife, during which the entire governmental apparatus of Gorvia was slowly eroded, you, the director of the Gorvian Intelligence Agency, came to power in June of the 346th year of the scientific era.

The problems faced so far...


...could be of no lesser concern to you at the moment.
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165013 No. 165013 ID: c1b520 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Welcome. Welcome to the desert wasteland of Tethelum, home to vast herds of Skull Gliders and the vicious Sand Beak, and nesting place of beasts more violent and deadly then even the terrible Death Moaner.
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212430 No. 212430 ID: 6192b7 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

You wake up in an irritatingly cold room. Most of the contents have been chewed and eaten, largely due to your bottomless stomach.

You are Number 4. Your talents include the ability to consume anything you can fit in your mouth, and superhuman senses.

Today is the big day for you and your fellow Experiments - the day that The Man In Red will arrive to give you all the task which will determine your usefulness to him and his mysterious regime.

But that's a while away yet. For now it's morning, and soon the drones will come to take you to breakfast.

Seeing as it will get cumbersome to refer to yourself as "Number 4" for very much longer, you think about what you might want to call yourself before your name becomes a big deal. As of today, you are a new woman-experiment-thing!

What name should you take on?
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209334 No. 209334 ID: 6e5a24 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Your head is throbbing, your ears are ringing, and the world around has blurred into an indistinguishable mass of swirling colors. You don’t want to stand up. You can’t remember exactly what happened before you blacked out, but something tells you that standing up is going to be very painful to do.

Of course, it’s not like the man hovering over you, shaking your body frantically as he screams into your face, is giving you much of an option.
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177281 No. 177281 ID: 543aa6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

>You have fallen from the sky out of nowhere like most adventure games. A voice in your ear asks you a few questions.
...A or B..?
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