Spice Sugar
Grocery store? Nono... SuperCheapoMart eats grocery stores by the handful, like dry cereal. Hardware, software, clothing, haircuts, banking, toys, accounting, hunting, gardening, automotive, lumber, dry goods, wet goods, frozen goods, pet goods, pets, postal supplies, office supplies, weather supplies, pool supplies... If it's legal and doesn't need any sort of special licensing, I could probably find it somewhere in the aisles here. Provided I there's not a crowd or something.
Knives might be good, though.
I'll keep the spear idea in mind. But I'll pass on the 'woman' idea. That's gross. Not my fetish at all. Sicko.
I... Was there? It's all a blur. There might have been. I guess I can go check if it's in good shape. It's on the way to the meat counter anyways.