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255943 No. 255943 ID: 1702fa

Some would say I am mad. Some would say I bite off more than I can chew.

Those people are the ones who do not act.

With nothing but a short sword and rugged travelers gear, I approach the front gate of the city.
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No. 256064 ID: 46c430

Human male, willpower is always important.
No. 256091 ID: c71597

This has my support.
No. 256095 ID: 190da0

elf female
No. 256109 ID: f52552

Mostly for biting off faces.
No. 256146 ID: 5a2e05

We are going to woo so many dames. This gets my vote.
No. 256185 ID: 561b6b

>> 256033
Yes this.
No. 256206 ID: bf88fc

Whaat, a female kobold would be funner, and be more interesting as a hardboiled character.
No. 256561 ID: 8f300e
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(Note: Race and class can be changed at any time by general agreement until the end of chapter 1.)

The would-be mugger staggers towards me, knife in hand. I shift my stance and bring my sword up behind me. As drunk as he is, he fails to see my trap and skewers himself on my blade. There is an echoing clang of the dagger falling to the stone path.

Just my luck. Barely a few steps into the city and already have a kill under my belt. I should not make a habit of this however-I do not want to call attention to myself. At least not yet. . .

Good thing I at least have this blade. I have it because. . .

A. It was granted to me when I became of age to use it.
(GUARDIAN CLASS: Using both a long sword and shield equally in combat, the Guardian specialized in defensive combat.)

B. Its last owner wasn’t paying enough attention.
(BANDIT CLASS: Wielding crossbows, daggers, and short swords, the Bandit specializes in tricky and underhanded attacks.)

C. I plan on trading it in for magical supplies.
(WIZARD CLASS: Armed with a large arsenal of spells, the Wizard specializes in magical effects.
No. 256563 ID: 561b6b

B is the most hard-boiled choice and therefore most correct.
No. 256573 ID: 0f06d5

No. 256574 ID: 46c430

B stands for Best.
No. 256582 ID: c71597

B. Hard boiled bandit is coming to a town near you. Better hope no dames hire him to track you down.
No. 256609 ID: 5a2e05

B. It's not underhanded, it's just unexpected. Not our fault they weren't ready.
No. 257671 ID: 1ca01d

A...everyone is a bandit these days...
No. 258930 ID: cb5f18
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I drag the body to the side of the road and quickly check for anything of value. With a keen eye, I find 6 silver. This is barely enough for a meal but not enough for any equipment.

I need to get my thoughts together. I know that I am skilled enough to handle any common thug, but I'm taking on an entire Kingdom here.

It's almost dawn. I'll need an idea of what I should be working towards when the sun is up. I know I could be fighting better if I got my hands on some equipment, though if I wanted to buy it I would need to find some gold or work. I could also find some information on the city or its customs. I am a stranger here, I may not want to be caught off guard.
No. 258953 ID: cbdb8b

The locations of possible stores and/or places of work (or potential looting targets) are still a mystery. Only the location of the Inn is presently known.

That just leaves intel gathering. So get to wandering.
No. 259201 ID: cb5f18
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How foolish I am. Of course information is what I need the most. I am completely in the dark as to the layout of the city.

I do know that the city is based around the ring of an immense crater, most of the buildings built at the top ring or down the sides. Aside from that, I only know that the buildings can burn. I will leave that for later, however. Taking down a block at this point in time will accomplish nothing and only bring trouble upon myself.

Yes, possibly looting targets could bring me some income. However, my favorite point of entry is the window, and I am noticing a severe lack of windows in this city. This is quite unsettling, actually. Besides, the night shall be ending very soon, and I cannot be found pilfering this early in my mission.
No. 259221 ID: 59e64b

What exactly are you planning to do on a grand scale and why?

As far as I understand you are taking on an entire kingdom to show people the truth, but what does that mean exactly?
No. 259240 ID: cbdb8b

The lack of windows is quite unusual, yes. Best continue on your reconnaissance mission for income sources and/or equipment, then.

...And I suppose you can explain yourself as well, should you so choose.

No. 259411 ID: df096f

What sorts of people trap themselves in windowless caves of doom? Be suspicious.
No. 260603 ID: cff55b
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What am I planning? Nothing. Yet. I came here not with the know how of how to achieve my goal. Only the will. I can hope the answers present themselves in due time.

A fog is rolling in, the distant buildings are no longer visible. I had hoped to get a view of the castle before I found a place to rest, but it may prove impossible now. At least at this time.
No. 260626 ID: 59e64b

You say you don't have a plan, but mention that you have some sort of goal. So what is your goal then and why do you want to achieve it. Might help to know that to start working out a way to accomplish it.

Well, seeing that you still need some gold to get a place in a decent inn, don't try something as big as a burglary, but rather try to find somebody else staggering through the foggy streets, maybe drunk with wine, and take that persons belonging. Or, if it's a good looking lady, sweet talk your way into her house and her bedroom.
No. 260721 ID: a1e7f7

Beware of the good looking ladies. They might use you and then pull out the dagger.
No. 260803 ID: 202f1f
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Very well. I shall enlighten you.

This land has a problem. A problem that stems from this city. The very inhabitants of the city, possibly even it's leaders are not aware of this corruption, but I can see it bright as day. All I know is that this city must cease to exist.

As for money, I believe the drunkard I found entering the city was just luck. I doubt anyone else would be out at this time of. . .

Hold on, there actually is someone still someone out, across the street here. How shall I go about this?
No. 260805 ID: a1e7f7

What's the problem? You are so vague,sigh. Can you get closer to the person and ascertain if they are an easy mark? You really need to pick up some money somewhere.
No. 260807 ID: 59e64b

So what exactly is this problem and how does the city relate to it? How does the corruption emenating from the city show itself? Do you have to apply some sort of protection to not fall victim to it yourself? Why is the destruction of the city the only option - can't you just purge it from the evil that threatens the land? Why is it that only you see the problem - does the city cloud the judgement of its inhabitants or do you have some special gift or did you just stumble over some nefarious plot?
In order to create a plan and to reach your goal it is necessary to know the whole backstory.

As for the figure - just openly approach and see the reaction. As a trained bandit you shouldn't run into a problem if the figure is hostile. If the person doesn't attack try beginning a conversation first.
No. 260823 ID: 202f1f
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I am not quite sure exactly what is the cause, but I do know that everyone who comes here. . . They forget who they are. They lose themselves. They become one with the city. It is very possibly that I will go the same way. But as long as keep my head--nothing will stand in my way.

I think the main problem is that no one believes me. You probably don't, and I don't blame you.

I approach the figure. It appears to be an aged man in robes. He looks up as I near him.

>"Cutting it a little close are you? The mist is settling in, and your still not indoors?"
No. 260826 ID: 59e64b

I still don't get how this is destroying the land. Is it because people keep going to the city and nobody comes back, thus leaving the land barren. If that's the case shouldn't this be noticed by the people outside of the city and thus an easy solution would be just not to come here? And also if this were the case, why wouldn't anybody believe you, when they could clearly see the problem themselves?

Towards the man just say: "I just arrived and am searching a cheap place to stay and I don't seem to be the only one still roaming the streets. Excuse my distrust, but might I enquire who you are and what you are doing out here yourself?"
No. 260950 ID: d49b7a

So how did you come by this knowledge? Is this problem spreading beyond the city?
No. 260955 ID: 46c430

Ask what he means, if the mist is dangerous in some way. Meanwhile, I think you may have found the way (Or one of them?) that the city makes the citizens 'forget'.
No. 261064 ID: 6787d6
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I am deeply sorry if my colorful prose is misleading, but I do not mean the land as in farmland and pastures, but the land as in a widespread problem. It is not spreading beyond the city per se, but the people who are effected are.

"I just arrived and am searching a cheap place to stay and I don't seem to be the only one still roaming the streets. Excuse my distrust, but might I inquire who you are and what you are doing out here by yourself?"

>"But of course. My name is Wilhym Kadd. I work as head librarian of the Royal Archives. I was seeing of my apprentice would take this route home in order to give her something. It appears she has found a different way."

"And what do you mean cutting it close? Is something wrong?"

>"Ah, you must not be from around here. Everyone who lives anywhere near this city is aware of its interesting phenomenon. Every morning as soon as the sun rises, the city is blanketed in this mist. More of a fog, really, but people like the word---mist. As for what is wrong with it, as you are no doubt aware, it is making vision past a few meters an impossibility, and given a few more minutes, you wouldn't be able to see your own nose."
No. 261112 ID: 59e64b

This all doesn't really answer anything. So what exactly is the problem? The phenomen that the people who live in the city forget who they are? Why do you care about that so much that you want to destroy the whole city?

To the man:
"What a coincidence. I came to this city as a travelling scholar to vistit the Royal Archives. Could you explain how I can reach them."

Maybe you can get informations there.
No. 261333 ID: 6787d6
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Maybe I don't have all the answers. I just know that something has to be done. If I could explain it better, maybe I wouldn't be alone in this.

"What a coincidence. I came to this city as a travelling scholar to vistit the Royal Archives. Could you explain how I can reach them?"

>"Ah, yes. I can more than that. It is closed now, but I can take you there in the morning. Since you have no other place to stay you can stay at mine for the night. Now then, we must get going. Take my hand."

He stretches his hand forward. The mist is getting so bad I can barely make out his face.
No. 261387 ID: 2100de

I don't know if I would trust this guy....
No. 261392 ID: 46c430

I agree, but do we have a choice? Take his hand.
No. 261441 ID: 6787d6
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With no other options, I reluctantly grab his hand. Barely a moment later I feel a sensation of lurching forward, and find myself in the dark.

As my eyes adjust to the dark, I notice I am what looks like a study. I don't see anyone else in the room.
No. 261445 ID: 46c430

Ah, a teleport, perhaps? Would make sense as he's a scholar, I presume magic is a matter of intellect. Hrmm. If you can, light that lantern(?) to your left, get some more light, before you do anything else. Look for exits to the room, maybe make sure you're not locked in. Tempted to suggest you read the note on the table, but if he's a wizard it's quite possible he's watching, and he may not take well to snooping.
No. 261446 ID: 2100de

So there are no windows? Perhaps you are underground. Is the door (I'm assuming there is a door :/) locked? Seeing as you are a shady character perhaps you can open the lock.
No. 261463 ID: 6787d6
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I quickly make note of a door to my right, but before I can move towards the lantern it lights up. Wilhym appears with the light, startling me.


>"My apologies. I often forget that others are not used to my lifestyle."
No. 261464 ID: 2100de

Well he doesn't seem all that threatening but still don't let your guard down. Assuming he's not just being polite so you become less suspicious and then he is better able to kill you, why don't you take this opportunity to learn more about the city. He is a librarian after all...
No. 261477 ID: 46c430

Yeah, he's a wizard.

If he wanted to kill us, I think he could have done so.

I guess... Well, first off, thank him for helping out. Then, maybe ask if he knows when the mist started happening? It's not really normal... And, as I'm assuming the city's lack of windows is due to people not wanting the mist to get into their buildings, it probably started a long time ago...
No. 261566 ID: 6787d6
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"Thanks for helping me out."

>"No problem."

"Do you have a map of the city by chance?"

>"None on me. There are more than enough maps at the Royal Archives when we go there later."

"What's with the mist? How long has it been like that?"

>"The mist has been around for a very long time. Many generations, by accounts. It's localized to the crater here, and doesn't go past the city walls. Quite a fascinating phenomenon."

"Is it dangerous in any way?" I say while looking at the shelves. He has a large variety of interesting looking nick-knacks. Statues, boxes, books, jugs, a broken sword, a single gauntlet, bowls, jugs, and even a bag of holding is on the shelf.

>"I've been studying the mist since I got here two weeks ago. So far I've found nothing that indicates a problem. Other than blocking view, it appears to do nothing else."

He pulls out a glass and pours liquid from a bottle into it, then takes a sip.

>"Oh, I never caught your name."

"Ah yes, my name is. . ."
No. 261569 ID: 59e64b

He is here since two weeks but already the head librarian of the Royal Archives?

"My name is Jaques Chevallier and I am honoured that you took the time to help me out. You must be a talented man to become the head librarian in such a short time, or are you even famous enough to have been specially invited here to fill this position?"
No. 261929 ID: 6787d6
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". . .Jaques Chevallier and I am honored that you took the time to help me out. You must be a talented man to become the head librarian in such a short time, or are you even famous enough to have been specially invited here to fill this position?"

>"Ha ha, I am not famous. But my resume has a lot of weight to it. Besides, I am merely filling the position of the recently passed head librarian. Believe it or not, but the position takes a certain talent that you can't just bump up another librarian to fill. Now then unless there is anything else,I can show you to your room for the night."
No. 261930 ID: 4bea2b

Seems like you have not slept for awhile >.> Best to get some rest now and then make use of the creepy librarian while he's not trying to kill you.
No. 262018 ID: 105a13

Yeah, I'd say hit the sack.
But first, ask if there is anyway you can repay his kindness. It might keep is insatiable blood lust sated
No. 262021 ID: 46c430

Do this. And for the record, I don't think he's trying to kill us.
No. 263852 ID: 9fceb7
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"Is there any way I can repay this kindness?"

"Oh please, just helping is enough. I need nothing in return. This way, please."

He takes me to a guest room, and I make myself at home. I don't believe I've had a good bed in over a month.

Lying there I can't help but smile. I have made it to the City in the Mist. Soon, I shall bring this city to it's knees.
No. 263854 ID: 9fceb7
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I am awoken in the dark by Wilhym.

>"Time to go."

Without windows, it is still dark.

"Ehh---What time is it?"

>"It is about 1 in the afternoon. The mist generally dissipates at noon, so the city comes to life in the afternoon."

After quickly getting my things together, Wilhym leads me out into the street.

"This doesn't look like the buildings I was around before."

>"Of course. We met in the supply district. This is the aristocrat district."

"So you are an aristocrat?"

>"I am well payed."
No. 263868 ID: 59e64b

"Is there any possibility to get something to eat before we arrive there? I would really need a decent meal to be able to do my research."

Then gather your equipment and follow him to the library, while involving him in some small-talk.

"What did you do before you became head librarian? Because it would seem wiser to me not to spend too much of your payment for expensive quarters, seeing that your employment only temporary."
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