Mauve Apple Night
Dr. Hikari and I end up working the rest of the night on compiling Geist, as this AI wishes to be called. It seems a fitting name. Maybe more so for Dr. Hikari than me, now that's he's been "eliminated" by one of Wily's snipers. He says he's prepared for this, and that he'll go underground, try and get his family out of the city. I hope Wily didn't hit them too.
As the sun crawls above the horizon and outline of the factories on the east side of the city I get a message calling all navi operators to report in. Its good news, or at least news I wouldn't be receiving if I was supposed to be dead too. I buckle Geist to my arm, pull my sleeve over the plastic case as best I can, and pull my hood up. Hikari and I go our separate ways in the morning light. I don't get any sleep on the subway ride into the lab.
No one seems to care that I'm in street clothes, or that there's a blood stain on the back of my hoodie, whose blood it is I don't know. The sub's are mostly for other Operators and people that work in the lab, they run right under the fortress into our sterile little cloister. The doors are automatic, the tile is white and polished, the bots here largely stay out of our way. I find a seat in the back of the briefing room and try to keep my eyes open.
The daily briefing starts right on time, Dr. Higsby gives the normal lip service about our objectives, and the necessity of our work.
>I'm sure you've caught on by now, Geist, but I work for Wily. When something goes wrong in his security networks, its my job to correct the problem. Dissenters hijack the network to spread information around the city, we call it the Undernet. Mostly, it's regular crooks that use it to set up deals or hits. Sometimes we find people plotting to do something stupid, or trying to get a story out that conflicts with Wily's version.
Dr. Higsby is downplaying the attack last night, that's certain. He doesn't give out a single order directly related to it, and only mentions Dr. Hikari's "death" at the end of the briefing.
I've got my orders, and three days to investigate it, lax pace, but that's alright with me. The target is a suspected Undernet in the warehouse district. In my cubicle block, I catch a few minutes of sleep as I recharge Geist, I imagine it will be the last chance I get for a few days if I'm gonna track down Dr. Light.
>Okay, Geist, let's get to work. Where should we start?