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File 128081664450.png - (4.73KB , 730x493 , So it begins___ (1).png )
215019 No. 215019 ID: c1b520

...: "Auuugh my everything... What the? Where am I?"
42 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 216919 ID: c4c313

Hopefully it'll at least put up a good fight!

So your memory really is gone? Sorry, we kind of assume amnesiacs for these things. Where did you expect to wake up when this whole thing began?
No. 217486 ID: c1b520
File 128157604050.png - (11.28KB , 730x493 , An interesting predicament (6).png )

...:"Where did I expect to end up? To be honest right now I can't think of any destinations, not including here that is. Hey who turned out the lights?"

???:"The lights have been dimmed to eliminate outside interference with the incoming meal. Monitoring will continue to go on as scheduled."

...:"Apparently whatever it is I eat, it's alive... why does that bother me?"
No. 217491 ID: be9b1b

if it bothers you then that means you don't normally eat living things.
No. 217553 ID: c4c313


I would say crouch like a hungry panther, but you seem to be relatively omnipresent in this room.

No. 217895 ID: c1b520
File 128167068885.png - (11.54KB , 730x493 , Its dinner time (1).png )

...:"Maybe that means something... oh hey, looks like the door is opening. Maybe I can sneak a peek as to whats behind that door before it closes..."
No. 217896 ID: c4c313


Yes! Curiouscuriouscurious
No. 217912 ID: e973f4

Sure, why not.
No. 217925 ID: c1b520
File 128167757275.png - (5.33KB , 414x334 , Its dinner time (2).png )

...:"It looks like a small entry way, theirs a door at the other end, I'm guessing that leads to the main parts of the building. there is also a screen like the windows from earlier, but this one doesn't have the cover. And I guess this is lunch... WHAT? I EAT PEOPLE? That is... I mean... how do I react to this? I don't want to eat this, but if this is what I normally eat then they might get suspicious if I decline. I still don't want to reveal that I've lost my memory, but I may not have a choice... someone is saying something."

???:"Name: Johnathan Murphey, status: Death row convict, close relatives: none, convicted of: manslaughter, kidnapping, distribution of illegal drugs, rape, etc. Do you have any last words?"

John:"My last meals turkey was dry. Send my hatred to the cook."

???:"Noted, please step forward without removing your blindfolds. You are not to remove your blindfolds for any reason. Understood?"

John:"Yeah yeah, I got- one second... did the air just get heavier in here?"

???:"Continue into the next room."
No. 217975 ID: 167a42

when he get's in ask aloud "got something less raw?" in a joking voice. see how they react.
No. 218125 ID: 3234dd

Claim very loudly that you are now on a virgin-only diet. No, don't do that.

Remember, the people who got you trapped in here are the same kind of people who convicted him of all that stuff. There's no way they could find two death row candidates a day without some shenanigans going on. Ten to one he's just this homeless guy that they kidnapped.

I bet he tastes good... dammit, you know his name now. You can't eat someone you know--it's just not right. How would you eat, anyway?
No. 218146 ID: 644ca1

If our presence makes the air heavier, could we perhaps be made of gasses or something? Anyway, see how he reacts to you, then eat him. Start with his hand, if he tastes bad then just let him go.
No. 218169 ID: c1b520
File 128174681290.png - (12.52KB , 730x493 , Its dinner time (3).png )

...:"I don't even know how I'm supposed to eat this, I don't think I even have a mouth. John is walking through the door."

John:*cough* "Jesus Christ what the hell kind of place is this?" *cough* "God damn, is this what you sick fucks call humane?" *cough*

...:"What am I supposed to do?"
No. 218171 ID: bc1727

Um. I see your eyes, but where are you in this room exactly?

I'm getting the impression that you ARE the darkness. I could be reading too deeply into this, since there is furniture in the room, but I have no other theory.

If you are darkness incarnate, become a smaller shadow. Perhaps his - He's a criminal, but he could possibly be of help to you if he isn't digested while standing inside of you (once again, assuming you are the darkness in the room).

Failing that, try to move as far from him as possible. Perhaps a choking aura of shadow emanates from you.
No. 218199 ID: 3234dd


If you were the darkness how would you see the light? Do try to "move" away from him, but since you're omnipresent in the...

Hey, try going into the hallway! The door's open, and you've never been there before as far as you know!
No. 218204 ID: eb8a71

trying to leave the room may result in our privilege loss.

seriously, try "got something less raw?" in a joking voice?
No. 218207 ID: 3234dd

Well you're gonna lose the privileges eventually. You're just looking for the right opportunity. Going into the other room may result in loss of privileges, but aren't you curious if you can move from room to room?

I'm fairly sure you could bust the window open, or at least damage it enough to slip through. There's only so many privileges they can take away before you're feasting on their steaming corpses while that therapist gets away scot free.
No. 218217 ID: 24833b

can he bust the window? it is armored, and may have an anti-whatever system in place that results in you being killed horribly for trying. we need an opportunity that results in great gains at little cost.
No. 218244 ID: 644ca1

Try to taste his hand, you need to know if they sent in good food or the bottom scraps.
No. 218449 ID: c1b520
File 128183614681.png - (12.44KB , 730x493 , Its dinner time (4).png )

...:"I don't know if I should leave the room just yet, I mean even if I did leave I wouldn't have any idea where to go from there and if all goes well I might just get a tour of the place. As far as eating this guy, I don't even know where to start. I don't think I even have a mouth to eat him wi-"


No. 218450 ID: 821d4a

... i guess you eat by being anywhere near something edible.
No. 218454 ID: 3234dd

If you can't get away from him, and you can't stop eating him, just say "Sorry fucker, I'll make this quick" and then consume him. Then pose as a team because shit just got real.
No. 218520 ID: 644ca1

Ok, did you taste anything as his legs disappeared?
If not, try to get into the corner that is furthest away from this John, even if this means going up towards the ceiling.
No. 218571 ID: bc1727

Either leave the room or kill the guy. I don't know what's going to happen, but nothing will change if you stay put.
No. 218733 ID: 909f22

take the blindfold off
No. 218942 ID: c1b520
File 128201172743.png - (11.97KB , 730x493 , Its dinner time (5).png )

...:"I don't know what's going on but this is getting crazy, I'm trying to get as far away from him as I can while without leaving the room but he's still just disappearing."


...:"I think he's chocking on something but I don't know if I can do anything..."
No. 218943 ID: c1b520
File 128201195439.png - (11.92KB , 730x493 , Its dinner time (6).png )

...:"...his head just vanished...I think he's dead."
No. 218944 ID: 3b77b9

well shit. don't think you could of done anything then. just stepping into the darkness you control was deadly.
No. 218946 ID: 3234dd

Wooooooooah coooooooooll I mean ohshitohshitohshit

Now you have to break out of here, or they're going to keep feeding you homeless bums!
No. 219469 ID: c1b520
File 128216030932.png - (11.95KB , 730x493 , Evaluation (1).png )

...:"The lights turn on in the other room."

???:"Eating habits seem normal, though it looks like it took it's time more then usual, possibly a reaction for being it's first meal after testing. Further evaluation required."

...:"Just out of curiosity, why did you leave the door open?"

???:"Convenience, your escort will be arriving shortly. Please enter the entry chamber and await further instructions."

...:"This is getting weird. I hope this escort guy can give me a few details."
No. 219471 ID: 3b77b9

you must of been eating people before this.they gave you a person because you used to eat people. go into the entry chamber and see what is up.
No. 219750 ID: 9d6ab5

Is that his torso there? Don't be wasteful...
No. 221417 ID: c1b520
File 128257363851.png - (6.76KB , 414x334 , Evaluation (2).png )

...: "There isn't anything left of the body, whatever was eating it seems to be done now. I head into the entryway to await my escort. I guess I'll be able to figure out what all this is about soon."
No. 221456 ID: 3234dd


Aha! You're not omnipresent after all, just spread out into little... spindly things!

Can you move 'em? Try touching the door see if any of them move.
No. 221731 ID: c1b520
File 128266893110.png - (6.38KB , 414x334 , Evaluation (3).png )

...:I don't think I can, why didn't I see these sooner? I only noticed them when I went into the light of that window, but I didn't notice it at the other window."
No. 221735 ID: c1b520
File 128267009583.png - (8.19KB , 414x334 , Evaluation (4).png )

???: "Simple really, the windows are less protected against light seeping through and therefore the room is more saturated with light. What you see there is the darkness pulling what it can out of what exists to create a coherent space for you to occupy. You have some control over them but your abilities are limited. Oh and you may want to learn to not think out loud, I almost wasn't allowed to come down here."
No. 221812 ID: b34742

tell you aren't sure he should come in all the way, you can't seem to control you mouth.
No. 221818 ID: 3234dd


The darkness... pulling... okay I'm lost. Looks like this guy is a pretty cool dude! Give him a big hug>>221812WAIT WAIT NO DON'T DO THAT
No. 222262 ID: c1b520
File 128278803166.png - (8.29KB , 414x334 , Evaluation (5).png )

...:"I think it would be best if you stayed back sir, I don't seem to be entirely picky about what I eat."

???:"HA HA HA! There's no need to worry about that son, we've taken all the precautions necessary in the case of your condition. Specimen 342, or Helios for short, will protect me for now. As I understand it, you seem to be suffering from amnesia. Is this correct?"

...:"B-b-but how did you know?"

???:"As I said, it may be beneficial for you to learn how not think out loud. So I assume your stammering means yes, that is not merely coincidence, you see about a week ago we performed an experimental test on you in hopes of separating you from the darkness. The attempt was unsuccessful and you were out cold till just this evening. I was only able to convince the committee to let me come down and see you after convincing them I could help you regain at least some of your memory."

...:"How are you going to do that?"

???:"I am going to ask you a selection of questions, I want you to try your best to answer them, can you do that?"

...:"Sure, I guess."

???:"First question. What is my name?"

Professor ____________
No. 222264 ID: 3234dd


No. 222265 ID: e67080

No. 222332 ID: 644ca1

No. 222335 ID: 97cb33

looks like a Mendal. professor Mendal.
No. 222336 ID: e31d52

Badassstache Mcawesomestache.
No. 222337 ID: fddd61

Obviously he is Professor DICKS Monopole.
No. 226561 ID: c1b520
File 128373288596.png - (7.63KB , 414x334 , Keepin it going (1).png )

...:"I really wanna say... McAwesomeStache?"

Professor Mendal:"Sadly no, though now that you mention it I think I have a new nickname. Anyway my name is Professor Mendal. I've been in charge of most of the precautions and actions taken to make your life here as comfortable as possible, I'm also in part your doctor both physical and psychological."

...:"That's nice."

Mendal:"You don't seem all that impressed or surprised for that matter."

...:"It would make a whole lot more sense if I knew what all of that meant to me."

Mendal:"Well to make that information hit home a bit further, you should know that you used to be classified as deadly and marked for extermination. I changed that."

...:"If I had more facial expressions you would see how shocked I am to hear that, and i swear to god this is not sarcasm."

Mendal:"HA HA! I would hope not. Any way let's keep the ball rolling, now hopefully this should be a simple one, who are you?"
No. 226563 ID: 97cb33

the darkness.
No. 226572 ID: 72f534

If we knew that we wouldn't be asking so many questions.
No. 226622 ID: ea2a3c


No. 226636 ID: 644ca1

The darkness it seems... oh, is he looking for a name? Well Spot sounds nice.
No. 226727 ID: f52552

Tell him you're the darkness.
And that you believe in a thing called love.
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