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File 129055533847.png - (21.67KB , 800x600 , 1.png )
259256 No. 259256 ID: 8a6625

(good god, what am I doing in this pit? I feel like I've been asleep for months... Most certainly, I have to get out)
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No. 259258 ID: 24a088

Hello! You are either insane, cursed/enchanted or carrying an ancient artifact of unreliable power. Or perhaps you simply have unusual thought processes?


also it's look like you are a zombie, go eat his brain
No. 259259 ID: fba40f

Take a look at yourself, check your pulse.
No. 259265 ID: 8a6625
File 129055823569.png - (50.08KB , 800x600 , hands.png )


(I seem...rather unhealthy...a
As for my pulse, it apears absent.

(Brain you say? My, that does indeed sound delicious, suculent idea good chap!)
No. 259269 ID: 8a6625
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as I exit the cemetairy to assault him, the stranger stands and lowers his hood, I sudenly find myself hesitant as of If I want to consume a bite of his quite visible brain

(why hello there friend, I see you too have woken up!)

the man says to me

(why yes, it indeed seems as such. would you, by any chance know what is going on?)

(nay friend, but with you among us now, we are all awake. the others have alredy departed for the city)he answeres
No. 259274 ID: 24a088

ask what is the name of the city
No. 259277 ID: 12cc58

jugging by your accent you are quite swave, do you own a monocle? or maybe a top hat?
ether way. follow this young chap to the town and ask him for his name while you are at it.
wait... is that?! go investigate that one tomb stone over there. "STELLA"
No. 259306 ID: 713f79

I do say, old chap, the city might not be a top-notch idea if you'd think for a jolly minute.

There will likely be surly men there with large guns who would like to prevent us from feasting upon the delicacies we so desire.

Might I suggest taking your new friend and exploring the countryside? I hear there are small rural homes and cattle ripe for the picking, wot.
No. 259312 ID: 12cc58


may I mention that the other zombies are already in the town and have probably already caused quite the havoc. the town should be by now in a stereotypical post apocalyptic atmosphere. and the remaining humans should be ripe for the picking.
No. 259326 ID: 8a6625
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no need to ask, this is my hometown Mainsville

sadly I do nay posess such items

upon inspection, the tombstone seems to be an obscure reference to a videogame from the late 80's, I know, I was alive back then after all.

we begin walking into the city

( so, good friend, I don't beleive I have caught your name)

>-gnuur...mgffr.GH! MNRARrrrrrr!!
( Is that so? my name is Geofrey and I...aah, what do we have here! take a look at that! )
No. 259328 ID: 12cc58

what is it? what is it? what is it?!
No. 260138 ID: 8a6625
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(an easymeal.)

the meal does indeed seem quite easy, probably not of the finest quality but it certainly would be unacceptable to deny such an easy snack!
No. 260140 ID: 082f80

Go for it!
No. 260145 ID: f70163

Go for it man, but keep an eye out for guns.
No. 260148 ID: c71597

Stagger over there and ask the lady if she could be persuaded to part from her brain.
No. 260192 ID: 12cc58

hmmm... do brains improve with age like wine?

if there's a stove of some sort around here. what you could do is crack open her skull and pick her brain out like a fruit. then marinade it in barbecue sauce or terriaky if you have it, for 2-4 hours, after that saute it in leek and ginger until golden brown, use a high heat so it cooks nicely on the outside but stays bloody on the inside.
I don't know how good human brain is, but my grandpa tells me monkey brain is delectable.
No. 260197 ID: 8a6625
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(Pardon me kind lady, I seem to be in somewhat of a...)


(..pinch and, I was hoping that...

[/b]AAAAAHH!!! OH M... AAAAAAH![/b]

(perhaps I could partake in a piece of your brain in order to revitalise my humble self

the old woman keeps screaming, anything else comming from her mouth is way too elaborate for you to understand

(well she didn't say no. lets dig in I guess. I'll let you have this one, I alredy had a few myself before you where up.)
No. 260198 ID: 8a6625

wow it seems I have failed at bold text for some reason lol
No. 260200 ID: 12cc58

delete and repost
No. 260212 ID: c71597

Hmm, doesn't seem like she has any major objections. Dig in.
No. 260214 ID: 8a6625
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well after tearing her skull open with my superior undead strenght I begin quite messilly feasting upon the tender delicacy hidden inside

I would tell you, but I'm not even sure if I have tastebuds...texture is nice though


wait what's this?

( Geofrey...you said you had already eaten a few, is this strange feeling normal? I feel somewhat....alive)

> hrhnng! mnaAarrhg brenn mnrnt!
([spoiler] haha, that's because you've aquired a brain point! let me show you how it works[/i])
No. 260216 ID: 12cc58

here just copy paste theses into your text.
if you want two styles at the same time use both
No. 260218 ID: 8a6625

nope just accidentaly forgot to change the spoiler that was still in my copypaste to an i
No. 260219 ID: 8a6625

...and forsome reason it says I have the wrong password (didn't put one to begin with) looks like it's stuck like that. oh well, I'll just doublecheck for these things from now on
No. 260227 ID: 8a6625
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This is your skill tree, here you can view how many brain points you have, both availible and total.

Investing a BP in a skill only costs one BP unles there is a number writen on the skill it's self

skills in red are perks, once you buy them you can't upgrade them and they rarely grant abilities, however, the bonuses are often definately worth it.

as you progress, you will have to pick your basic class. please take note that a class is free to take, however alone it can be considered a bad thing. while it does unlock skills, each class has a weaknes you must keep in mind:

-Zombies, for example are weak against holy element as they are magical enteties.
-Ghouls melt in contact with water, slowly but surely.... and painfully.
-Scurges will simply die if they don't eat for a day.

we are both currently walking dead, the only skills we have are:
strenght:ability to lift, hold and inflict damage
regeneration:health and healing speed
and prehaps thhe most important, sentience:the abillity to use your brain. with 0 sentience as you currently are, you can't even understand that hitting with a stick is better than with your hands. we may seem smart to ourselves but we're actually pretty fucking dumb.

as you progress, when you buy certain pressice skills, you might unlock secondairy classes wich you can not yet see. Be warned though, don't jump to conclusions as soon as you earn one, because one is all you can have, and each basic class has at leats two to unlock!

if you ever want the description of a skill, just ask. or if you want to start building towards something right now I could post a full skill chart with indept class descriptionif you like
No. 260261 ID: 12cc58

1Bp to strength
No. 260262 ID: 8a6625
File 129090691444.png - (234.57KB , 2399x1800 , Herman skil tree.png )

verry well
skills in cyan are currently availible. blue dot on strenght represents the invested BP. a star will replace the dots when a skill is maxed out
No. 260263 ID: c71597

Well then, lets go look for some more brains to feat upon.
No. 260266 ID: 12cc58

yes and some barbecue sauce for the marinade.
No. 260280 ID: 8a6625
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(now onto the next one, where to next, old chap?)

>muh...groaa hrrnngrrh
( I wouldn't know, the streets seem empty, the old lady was probably too senile to realise what is happenning. the next meal will be harder to find. we will have to think of logical human hiding places. watch out though, the next meal might have teeth of it's own )
No. 260319 ID: bf88fc

Let's start with where we are. Try opening or breaking that window. If that fails, let's have a look at the buildings around us.
No. 260337 ID: 602bbd

Look for houses with signs of light, boarded up or covered windows and parked cars.

Alternatively you could just go and politely knock on doors until someone answers.
No. 260356 ID: c71597

Go in through that window and see what you can find.
No. 260482 ID: 12cc58

question! if we have a life gauge. does that mean that were likely to die if we don't act intelligently?

if so I would like to retract my journey for barbecue sauce and focus on the getting more brain so we can class up
No. 260491 ID: ea32b9

well if we class change what should we go for?
No. 260512 ID: 8a6625
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I can't it seems closed(insuficient sentience)
that I can do

I punch trough the window and begin taering pieces of glass off of it. the brocken glass cuts trough my arms, slicing trough my arterys, good thing I don't have blood, it still hurts though

yes, as you can see something as small as breaking that window managed to do some damage

it depends on what you are aiming for
Zombie is a classic risen dead, it's strong and sturdy, almost impossible to bring down my normal means
Ghouls are the cunning ones, physically weak but able to adapt to any condition, they are also much faster growing and have usefull abilities such as full sentience wich will allow you to do things normally fully unaccessible such as comunicating with humans or using complex tools, their canibalism skills also provide a HUGE advantage, provided they have the time to eat a full body
Scurges finally, are the classic RE kind of zombie, obeying the parasitic virus in their body they seek to reproduce by transmiting the infection, they also have the best regenerative abilities. if you wish I could go in dept about their skills
No. 260516 ID: 12cc58

skills? oh please do.
No. 260555 ID: 8a6625
File 129100295240.png - (259.33KB , 2399x1800 , basic skil tree.png )

well I alredy explained the first 3 but here are the others

toughness- damage reduction

necrosis- skin and muscles harden, giving you a

chance to resist some atacks

6th sense- (detection skill) ability to sence live and tell in what general direction to find it

organs unrequired- you no lnger need any part of your body, not even your brain, thus becoming immune to criticals and able to survive critical injuries (torn in half etc)

infectious touch- you are so full of disease, parasites and anything else living in your rotten hide that comming in contact with a living creature's open wound will automatically cause it to infect, useles in combat, except against reoccuring enemys

darktouch- the black magic in your body deals bonus damage against holy element enemys

mind immuse- imunity to mind affecting spells/abilities/effects such as mind controll,enslave,call to arms,dumbfound,etc

Ironman- you no longer feel pain, you stop flinching from atacks, less they be strong enaugh to push you back.

curse touch- curse your enemys, inflicting them stat reductions and occasionally status ailments

hibernation(regeneration)- you can now enter a sleep mode, regenerating hp quickly, yet leaving you vulnerable.

small damage ignored- ignore any light damage that wouldn't actually hinder the way you work

heightened hearing- (detection skill) heightened hearing grants you the ability to listen for noises, you can usually tell what the noise is and more or less exactly where it is

canibalism(regeneration)- regain alot of hp when eating a whole human body

estethic regeneration- you can regenerate decomposure and wounds from before your death, bestowing you the appearance of a sickly pale human

call to arms- call all undead in a radius to your location (note:they are not in your party and will act of their own accord, often hoarding brains to themselves)

canibalism (growth)- small chance of gaining an aditional BP from eating an entire human body

full sentience- regain your memories, learning to talk, use complicated objects and much more.

meat lover- canibalism skills now apply to all meats, wether it be human, animal or livestock

scavenger- canibalism skills now apply do roten and decomposed meat/brain

leadership- undead without the mind immuns skill are compelled to obey you (doesn't always work)

infection- determins how infectious your virus is

viral mutation- your infection has evolved to become stronger and resist antibiotics

heightened regeneration- regenerate some permanant wounds, gain the ability to reatach limbs provided you have enaugh time. will increase hp.

headshot kill only- you survive at 0 hp until hit to the head

poison- your virus can have a poison effect at will, slowly draining enemy health

nerve shock- your virus can have a nerve shocking effect at will, causing tremendous pain, stat failiure and rareley, even paralisis

transmition (teeth)- you can now transmit the infection trough your teeth

full regeneration- your body regenerates compleetly, you can now heal all permanant wounds and slowly regrow a severed limb

limited mutation (regeneration)- regenerated skin and limbs regrow better, sometimes including actual modifications if preplaned and small enaugh

reaper's fang- small chance of instant kill with your bite attack

transmition (claw)- infection is transmited trough claws, removing the need to strugle with victims to inflict the virus

canibalism (regeneration speed)- gain a small boost of regen speed after consuming a full human body

heightened snece of smell- (detection skill) you can detect the smell of flesh and blood from far away, revealing the general direction of humans and animals
No. 260572 ID: 21e57a

Question: Do we have to stay within a class? But lets get in through that window. Find ourselves our next meal or a top hat and cane.
No. 260573 ID: 12cc58

and a monocle
No. 260577 ID: c71597

Sounds like an excellent suggestion.
No. 260579 ID: f6360f

Well, it looks like we've got a long path ahead of us, no matter which way we jump. Let's get in this building.
No. 260608 ID: a007ee

Are the Scourge still dependent on eating brains? It sounds like they would have a tough choice between eating and infecting their victims.
No. 260672 ID: 12cc58

can the surge eat fruits and vegetables? or caned meat?
No. 262717 ID: 8a6625
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yes, however if you ever class up, skills from previous classes will remain availible to invest BP in

yes they are, that is an extra challenge considering that the scurge's downside is, as I mentionned earlyer, their need to eat EVRY DAY to stay alive. but yes, once you've eaten at least once a day, it's pretty much the choice between bp and spawning zombies

fruits and veggies won't work because undead are strictly carnivorious (and thus awesome), canned meat could in theory let you survive but you would need ALOT of it and it wouldn't trigher the scurge's canibalim skill if you have it

well I'm in...though I must say I caused quite the ruckus breaking in here, any humans are bound to be aware of our presence, ods are they will be either hidden or armed.

I am currently facing west, the room seems to be a bedroom, there is a door west and one sout

VERRY ironicly so, this dark, noiseless room has a disturbing feel to it, I admit being a little creeped out but somewhat excited too.

the collors are fucked, hp wont show bright red for some reason, oh well
No. 262754 ID: cbdb8b

You mean there is a second west door that isn't the bedroom?

Well, probably best to check out that bedroom first. Any humans in there would have the least amount of time to prepare for your sudden entrance, and consequently either be inadequately armed and/or poorly hidden.
No. 262793 ID: 7daa45


Be sure to look under the bed and in the closets in there.
No. 262825 ID: 8a6625
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nothing worthy of note under the bed
No. 262826 ID: 8a6625
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the closet seems rather empty, whoever lived here must have taken some of their things out of there for some reason, perhaps they braught them to their hiding place?

also the closet turned out to be the southern door
No. 262911 ID: f504f7

option A: grunt loudly and listen for reactions

Option B: keep looking for humans in other rooms
No. 262983 ID: cbdb8b

Well then, it appears there is only one other thing to do. Into the other unsearched room with ye.
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