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280071 No. 280071 ID: d93696

Look at you all walled in. You make a day for yourself again and again, don't you? So did your parents, and their parents. Hehe! Oh my, I never tire of this. Welcome once to The Vent - your place of birth and death.

No, don't feel insignificant. You are just one of three million (or so), and today you're all grown up. Yes, it's time to leave the nest! That is right! You are sixteen years old and it is ILLEGAL for you to be under their care any longer. Isn't that such a neat thing? And like all good little failure children, you've joined a second family, and they just have a couple of questions for you.
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No. 280176 ID: 29fbe3

Knowing /quest/, that is pretty much destined to happen, though. Probably right off the bat as well.
No. 280321 ID: 7979e6

You underestimate peoples urge to matchmake and suggest bedfun, it'll happen even if we go the male route.
No. 280322 ID: 3416ec


Manly men.
No. 280334 ID: 021ee1

Manly Lass, that way, we have all the fun of a female charater and all the... beacuse rights of a male, man this furture is depresing.
No. 280335 ID: c8e4ea


Lassy man, that way we can wear trapalicious outfits.
No. 280336 ID: c71597

Just a quick little question here. Anyone else who thinks they actually do a check up to verify gender? Of course they do it all properly and bring out a reliable matron if it's a female or a trustworthy guy if it's a boy coming through.

Because you know that is a very easy and simple way to make sure fewer people try to slip through the cracks.
No. 280352 ID: 2563d4

Burly yet classy lad. Let's Jason-Statham-in-a-suit this thing.
No. 280359 ID: 28e94e

No. 280433 ID: d93696

Perfect tie. 13 ♀/13 ♂ (casting out intersex votes. Sorry.) Anyone?
No. 280436 ID: 8211e6

No. 280440 ID: 38b610

Crossdressing lass, let's make this interesting
No. 280443 ID: d93696

You guys are doin' great. The next vote calls it. After that, all votes are off. Let's get this show on the road. :D
No. 280448 ID: 52599b

Hard mode: Lass
No. 280449 ID: 252e1b

A lass. A sassy lass, describable as "DAT ASS"
No. 280450 ID: d93696

Ok, ffs. Updating!
No. 280457 ID: 55c4cf

No. 280478 ID: 6ada4b

No. 281702 ID: d93696
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"Another girl, huh? Don't this place have enough o' those? Eh, well, you're smart for coming to us anyway."

Good job! You've found your way to the alley behind the tram station like the young man said. You did not have to spend too much time alone on the streets after they took you from your parent's apartment. You have begun to join up with one of the dozens of little rat families crawling the crags of The Vent: The Shakers. These people are charismatic and conspicuous, harboring some of the most talented performers, speakers, and graffiti artists to spread influence and gain membership.

"Well too bad you showed up a day late and a share short. We are noisy enough in the whole Northwest Quadrant. Whole damn thing. Newbies is all too much, yeah? Now listen up: you can make a life for yourself in the Northeast Quadrant. That's where we's sending you all. You gotta spread the Shaker name and word over there, but here dey already know it by heart. You catch the tram right around the corner, yeah? Or you could always stay here'n work the corner, right? Haha! It's a dangerous fuckin' place over there, but tell 'em Geiter sent ya that they'll give you food and shelter."

You can take the train whenever you are ready to head to the Northeast! What an adventure! If you do not want to be rat food, though, you will need some way to protect yourself, and a little money too.
No. 281705 ID: 4c7b39

Alright, Lass! It's time to kick this oppressive regime to the curb and make the world better for folks like you!

However, we start with our search for a weapon! Are there any places that you could buy any?
No. 281718 ID: d5c481

Any particular skills at acquiring either miss, well, aside from the aforementioned corner-working.
No. 281721 ID: d677cc

Okay, so...

1) Do you have any money now?
2) Is there anywhere nearby that would give us concrete options for some kinda inconspicuous form of personal protection?
3) We got any ways to make money at the moment? What would "working the corner" entail?
No. 281729 ID: d5c481

>What would "working the corner" entail?
Really? You seriously don't have a clue? (p.s. It's a phrase for prostitution... not exactly something we want to consider.)
No. 281735 ID: 8d8786

Says you. People DID, after all, decide Female despite knowing that they weren't the ones in power. People might be quite pleased with PROSTITUTION QUEST. Moving on to matters at hand, though, what do you have to your name, if not just the clothes on your back?
No. 281754 ID: d93696
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Geiter: "Oh, you want to know about money? It's a real thing, baby. You are on your own for that, but you are gonna need some over there. You are gonna want somethin' sharp to protect yourself with, too. If the CGs see you with a gun, though, they might just shoot or arrest ya. Aw, crap. Uh, let's see, what can you do for a respectable livin' in this craphole...

The majority of know-nothin's like yourself resort to UNSKILLED SCAVENGING to make money. You'll laugh your ass off at the shit some people will buy. If you c'n get your hands on some BALE, that shit will sell like popcorn, but once yer in the drug trade you don't come out. Shakers don't touch that shit. Oh yeah, and people will usually pay you for some bullshit favors, too. 'Specially Shakers, 'cause they trust you. You can always count on laziness to make a few shares. If you're goin' out, take FOLEY with you so you don't get your ass booked for bein' a bitch."

No. 281755 ID: d93696
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I am afraid that you left your poor parents without a share of money to speak of! Chin up, though! That nice young fat man has enlightened you to a world of possibilities! The Vent surely is the city of dreams.

Oh lovely, you how have a TEAM MEMBER! Team work is important in The Vent, because as you will learn, everyone is vulnerable all the time! Won't you get some wits about you? In most areas, you can have up to THREE team members (plus yourself) without looking too suspicious!

Mr. Foley will accompany you until you board the tram, at which point one of The Vent's own STRAPPING YOUNG CITY GUARDSMEN will accompany and protect you for the remainder of the trip. You will be on your own again once you reach the Northeast Quadrant, but let's hope that you really will have some friends at last! Now get to it - how will you make a bit of money?
No. 281757 ID: 8d8786

Between UNSKILLED SCAVENGING, DRUGS, and RANDOM FAVORS? Well trying to keep out of drugs, that leaves us with UNSKILLED SCAVENGING, considering we don't really know anyone who we can do favors for, yet. ...Except our team member guy. Ask him if there's anything you can do for him to get some money/weapons.
No. 281758 ID: d677cc

I'm fully aware of the conventional meaning of the phrase. But we ain't in Kansas no more, so to speak

Drugs don't sound like a career advancement move, the way he describes them. I'd look to scavenging and seeing if you can find people you can get errands from.
No. 281760 ID: b6c6fc

I'ma vote scavenging
seems like the safest path for now
No. 281761 ID: 6bf918

Scavenging does sound like the only viable option for now, doesn't it?

Still, while on the way to the tram, inquire about people who won't ask for the wrong kind of favors.
No. 281869 ID: 0d5620

None of those options will get anywhere. Work a corner.
No. 281934 ID: d93696
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Alright, then, off to scrounge for crap! Remember that it costs money to ride the tram, as well, so if you want to save for the big trip to the Northeast Quadrant, you had better hoof it! Seeing that you spent all of your meager life here already, you know your way around the place, and you have a full concept of THE MAP.

In order for your adventure to begin, you will need to get out of this BORING PLACE. Keep in mind that certain parts of even this quadrant are quite dangerous. Recall the map, and decide where you would like to start to look for work, scraps, weapons, or connections!
No. 281937 ID: 6bf918

The slums seem to be as good a place as any to go scavenging and looking for work. We'll probably draw the least attention there as well.

Minor suggestion/gripe: the light green text is damn near unreadable against the lighter backgrounds. A darker shade should work or, better yet, use yellow.
No. 281946 ID: 133617

I vote we go look around the shaker hq, hopefuly finding items along the way. Also if the Shakers have a job for you, we should consider taking it.
No. 281950 ID: 4c7b39

When you can pay to be wastefully extravagant, you can afford to throw away nice things. The Manor district seems to be a good place if any to start.
No. 282009 ID: d93696
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After a leisurely urban walk, you have come upon THE SLUMS. Your mother always told you never to come near this awful place! Shame on you! It smells of drywall and mildew. Even the standing water smells!

It looks like there are likely things lying around if you look, but it will probably be best to do so discretely. These poor folk might not appreciate you taking their things!

Foley: "Ah, home sweet home. Didn't you grow up in the slums?"

You: "Hm... no, I grew up in Bloc-2."

Foley: "Aw, well fuck. That must be like the ritz! Uh, shit... what the hell is your name anyway?"

That is a good question. What IS your name?
No. 282012 ID: 61c9a6

Desiree. Desiree K'nwirk.
No. 282058 ID: 9e3eeb

nice name
No. 282061 ID: 4c7b39


Agreed. It's got a nice ring to it.
No. 282157 ID: 68f11f

Tellana Kindle
No. 282158 ID: b6c6fc

I like this name better
No. 282171 ID: 8d8786

Kindle is good. Kindle reminds one of Kindling, which one uses to bring light unto the darkness.
No. 282184 ID: 9e3eeb

Then lets combine them, Desiree Kindle

(BTW samefag than >>282058)
No. 282304 ID: 6bf918

No. 282305 ID: 28e94e

No. 282755 ID: d93696
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You: "Kindle. Desiree Kindle."

Foley: "... for real? Is that really it?"

You: "Yeah, that's it."

Foley: "Ahaha! Shit, I'm talkin' to a fuckin' porn star! Well, aha, that's your fight girl. Good luck. "
No. 282756 ID: d93696
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You and FOLEY find your way to the first clearing between filthy ghetto alleys, scurrying with the hungry and indigent and their offspring. Opposite you against the corrugated tin wall of a shack is a rather unhappy-looking THUG. Do not judge him too harshly! To be a worthless shred of offal is not so easy a life, is it? You would know firsthand.

Thug (to Foley): "Where you goin'? Aren't you one of the Shakers?"

Foley: "None o' your fuckin' business."

Thug: "Shakers are faggots. You're a faggot. You gonna paint me a fuckin' picture? They ruined this fuckin' place. I don't need no fairy faggots tellin' me where to put my dick."

Foley: "Shut it up. If you're gonna look at me like that, I'll give you a new asshole to stick your thumb up."

Thug: "Fuck you, faggot. You're walkin' on new Knuckle territory. You gotta pay up if you wanna come through here."

Are you going to let that hoodlum tell you where to be? You now have reign over your GROUP, controlling Kindle as well as her up to three companions. In the top left are your GROUP STATUS ICONS. These indicate member names, individual health, weapon type, and ammunition. The small image in the top left of a group member's portrait will indicate his or her CLASS. Foley's has a spray-can, indicating that he is an ARTIST. Kindle is the only group member without a class specialization, and will thus benefit most from a variety of members to suit her needs.

NOTE: While you have control over your group members, they still have minds of their own. Do not be alarmed at the occasional input from them.
No. 282761 ID: b97b20

Foley : Withdraw gun, attempt to intimidate but refrain from frying if all possible.

Desiree : While bad is distracted, flank 'em and knock him out cold.
No. 282782 ID: 9a9984

Foley: Find out more about this 'new Knuckle'. We don't know if he's just in idiot trying to start trouble or if he has people behind him that can make dropping him a bad idea.

It may be best not to let him (and anybody else) know that you have it gun. The great power advantage of having a gun can be negated if people expect you to have it. Also people knowing you have one can make you a target for those who want one themselves or don't like the idea of you having one.
No. 282813 ID: 653ea0

Tell him insulting people is a poor way of begging and go somewhere else. Don't need trouble.
No. 284102 ID: 1259dd

smile politely while laying a restraining hand on our companions shoulder, and state that while you will not tell him where to put his dick, you might in fact have some suggestions if he lets you through
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