Evening Dancer
>All clothing is still there
Excellent, then you should be mostly fine.
Let me elaborate:
If you were taken prisoner, but they did not want to question you but instead hold you ransom, then you keep your CLOTHES but not your STUFF.
If they wanted information or something else out of you, you'd be stripped to the waist. It adds to the sense of vulnerability and makes for easier access to soft flesh with blades and stuff. Since you're coherent, undamaged, and fully clothed, this isn't the case.
Test subject means gown or nothing, and often you will have deep, deep scars, stitching, missing limbs, EXTRA limbs, missing facial features, EXTRA facial features, etc.
Again, not the case.
Since you're standing upright, and in a locker, then it can be further surmised that they either intended you dead, or merely wished to hide you from something worse.
The blood indicates that the latter is far more likely. Given your skills and general knowledge, I'd say you worked here. You knew what was going to go down, so you threw yourself in a locker, holding the only picture of your then-ladyfriend. You then either imbibed or injected a chemical or recieved head trauma, and closed the locker.
Chaos ensued, and here you are. Now, you may not have enough room in there to set up a normal fulcrum to pry it open with yon crowbar. Think. can any of your skills be applied to this predicament?