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File 128336274615.png - (99.55KB , 355x370 , MODERNIA_00.png )
224551 No. 224551 ID: 6e5a24

"Hello, people of Modernia. I am your leader, President Begbavas Triston.

I come before you today to address an important issue regarding the recent government enforced limiting of travel and communication to the southern Modernian states. As I am sure many of you have heard by now, the disputes over working conditions in the factories to the south has quickly evolved into violent protests and riots from the workers.

It has come to our attention that many have been falsely led to believe that we have limited communications and travel to the south in order to hide our military’s supposedly “violent and unsavory” methods of dealing with the riots from the general public. As your leader, I would like to state that this is not the case. As a president dedicated to bringing a brighter future to our country, I guarantee that I would never resort to violence when a peaceful resolution exits as an alternative. I would like to stress the fact that these protests have grown unnecessarily violent, and our efforts to prevent travel to and from the south are to protect you, the Modernian people, from any harm that may befall you while we work to meet the worker’s demands.

When I inherited my father’s title of President, I swore to lead this country to greatness. To turn this humble island nation… Into a modern utopia. And keeping you safe, my fellow Modernians, is the most important part of doing that."
113 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 226029 ID: 732129


Super soldiers that will need more in the way of logistical support than irregulars. Those implants and enhancements aren't free to maintain in battle-ready condition, are they?
No. 226037 ID: e40e60

Most military tech is actually designed to be fairly low-maintenance, that shouldn't be too much of a problem.
No. 226040 ID: 6e5a24
File 128364174028.png - (26.95KB , 438x347 , MODERNIA_025.png )

The Captain leads the general over to a door at the back of the assessment room. The General looks back at him and sneers
>You’ll regret this. You all will.”

>"I told you to stay quiet. Everyone up the stairs. We need to get to the General's helicopter if we plan on getting off this island."

"What about Terra?"

>"Someone grab her, we need to take her with us."

"Are you sure, sir? Isn't she only going to be trouble for us if she doesn't want to go through with this?"

>"You kids are the first and so far the only Soldiers trained to use JECT in the entire Modernian army. With the time it takes to train a soldier to use JECT without severe mental damage, it will be years before the Modernian Government has another functioning JECT squad if they lose you all now. We can't risk them using Terra against us later down the line."

Zack cocks his gun for what can only be assumed to be dramatic effect.
>"Haha, tough spot there. Terry isn't going to listen to us if we take her with us, but they're just going to use her to hunt us down if we leave her behind. I have an idea to bypass this potential issue altogether though. What do you say, Matty!?"
Zack steps out of line and aims his gun at Terra's head. She remains silent.
No. 226041 ID: 40cb26

Aim your gun at his head. Fire. Say no, threaten to shoot him if he hurts her in any way.
No. 226042 ID: 97cb33

no, get some rope. tie her up and throw her over your shoulder. even if she thinks differently you are still friends, at lest i think you are. and you are a good person. you don't kill people just because it is easier.
No. 226043 ID: e40e60

I'll just pretend I didn't see that little slip-up
Don't let him kill her. Let's just drag her out at gunpoint along with the General, or maybe knock her out and carry her if it's easier.
No. 226084 ID: 6e5a24
File 128364554128.png - (87.61KB , 243x252 , MODERNIA_026.png )

"No Zack, we're not shooting Terra."

>"Oh come on now, just what kind of guy do you take me for? I wasn't really gonna do it! What did I tell you about lightening up earlier?"
No. 226085 ID: 97cb33

tell zack that you will try once you are off this island, until then you are serious.
No. 226086 ID: 6e5a24
File 128364573137.png - (76.43KB , 203x232 , MODERNIA_027.png )


>"Lights out, Terry! Sleep tight! See? Out cold. Told you I wasn't gonna shoot her. Happy now?"
No. 226088 ID: c71597

Told you that you should have knocked his teeth out. Fucker is insane and would kill any of you at the drop of a hat. He's just going along with this because he thinks it's amusing.

But hey, maybe she can be turned to your cause with some good old fashioned brainwashing. So just knock Zach the fuck out and then knock her out and drag them both along.

Oh, and that captain is even more naive than he seems. Why would they have only one test squad? Five people is a far too low number to be able to make a proper assessment of capabilities and possible side effects. If every 5th subject gets chronic headaches and headvoices it's hardly something that makes for good soldiers, or if they go crazy like zach. With just 5 people as a test group you can't be sure if it's something that it's a 40% chance of insanity and headaches or if it's a 0.04% chance.

So there's bound to be others like you out there.
No. 226090 ID: 40cb26

You just have a different idea of fun. Games are always better when other people like them, right? Let's play "escape from the island and not get killed", "pointing guns and scaring people" will come later, and he'll get to go first.
No. 226094 ID: 40cb26

Disregard my last post FUCKING SHOOT HIM tell him that's not how we're going to play, and if does it again you'll have your own kind of fun. Save it for our enemies.
No. 226106 ID: e40e60

Maybe they started out with 100 guys and had a 95% failure rate? Who knows. This project's extremely expensive for such a small country, I'd expect that they'd have to cut a lot of corners (small sample sizes, poor-quality equipment and personnel) which resulted in this R&D clusterfuck.
No. 226116 ID: 644ca1

Even if I think you have made a horrible mistake joining the captain, I think it's a good sign that Zack seems to be on your side, whatever side that might be.
No. 226123 ID: a594b9

Who ARE you?

Let's just GO! No more independent actions! MOVE SOLDIER!
No. 226126 ID: c71597

The voice of revolutionary terror! The scourge of the bourgeoisie scum! The liberator of the workers! I am all those and more.
No. 226139 ID: 6e5a24
File 128365099930.png - (39.87KB , 471x287 , MODERNIA_028.png )


Well actually, there's seven of us. Mick and Twitch have been off to the side of Terra for a while, it's just that Mick doesn't ever really say much and Twitch is still kind of shocked by this whole situation. You still have a point though, but I don't really think we have the time to argue the details of Captain's plan.

Besides, If he went through the trouble to pull all this off I'm sure he's thought it out. Well, I'm pretty sure.

After a few attempts to pick her up with it on, Mick yanks off Terra’s backpack and manages to lift her off the ground.

“Zack, we clearly have a different idea of fun. Maybe this is all a game to you, but this isn’t how we’re going to play.”

>“Listen Matty, I know what I'm doing. You don’t need to worry about me”
No. 226144 ID: 6e5a24
File 12836516164.png - (9.13KB , 257x300 , MODERNIA_029.png )

Isaac, another Trainee, looks around nervously before speaking up.
>"Hey? I don't m-mean to interrupt anything, but we h-h-have the General of the whole army at gunpoint, T-Terra's unconcious, and and and if in c-case you guys forgot, there's a s-s-soldier with laying at the doorway with a bullet in his head in this room. It's not like we're in a situation where it's s-s-safe to stand around. If it's all the same t-to you guys, if uh, we we we plan on going a-at all... could we get going before... y-y-you know? We all die? Please?"
No. 226147 ID: a594b9

Like I said...

No. 226159 ID: c71597

Well then, lets move out. We have plans to see crumble, generals to torture for information and then execute and release a tape of the execution. Terrorist acts to plot, revolutionary popaganda to make. So much fun work ahead of us. These coming years hold alot of promise. So much fun we can have all together. Zach will positively love it.
No. 226164 ID: 97cb33

fine whatever zach. and yeah let's get moving. but also point out to Isaac that you are trained for this shit and any normal soldier would be boned going against all of you.
No. 226171 ID: e40e60

No. 226963 ID: 6e5a24
File 128378907516.png - (15.89KB , 459x352 , MODERNIA_030.png )

Yeah, getting out of here seems like a good idea right about now.

The group follows the Captain up the stairs


>"General, thank god you're here! I was worried that the re-"
No. 226964 ID: 6e5a24
File 128378911410.png - (8.35KB , 227x280 , MODERNIA_031.png )

No. 226966 ID: c71597

Nice, was that Zach or the captain? I bet it was Zach, that guy probably doesn't have alot of mercy in him.
No. 226967 ID: 6e5a24
File 128378931627.png - (23.75KB , 307x317 , MODERNIA_032.png )

>"EAHAHAHAHA! That's one for me, guys! One of you guys gotta start keeping count of this, alright?"
No. 226968 ID: c71597

Oh he's going to fit right into this. Like hand in glove.

Ok, lets get on the helicopter and make our daring escape.
No. 226972 ID: e40e60

Headslap away!
No. 226975 ID: 644ca1

I wonder if Zack can hear us too... I'm getting suspicious.
No. 226983 ID: 6e5a24
File 128379129081.png - (15.97KB , 459x352 , MODERNIA_033.png )

How quickly Zack is adjusting to this is kind of what worries me.

>"Alright students, over to the helicopter. We need to get away from here as soon as possible, it won't be long until they realize the General is missing.”

>“Tell me, is your judgment always this poor?”

>“For the last time Kevlarr, keep quiet.”

>“I’m being serious here. How much did you really think this through?”

>“Get in the helicopter.”

>“What helicopter?”
No. 226984 ID: 6e5a24
File 128379139365.png - (24.06KB , 529x484 , MODERNIA_034.png )


What the hell!?
No. 226987 ID: c71597

Hey look at that. That's some very impressive shaped charges right there. General is standing up close to the explosion and he's not violently cut in half by shrapnel.

Ok, ask the captain what kind of secondary escape plan he has. Prepare for double facepalm as he reveals that there wasn't one.

Although it should be possible to get off the island the same way the rebel forces that landed there got to the place. So onwards to the combat. Ask the captain for some proper gear and then shoot every soldier in the place. Loot it with your new rebel friends and then get out of there.
No. 226988 ID: a594b9

That's actually fairly reasonable.
No. 226991 ID: 6e5a24
File 128379210651.png - (43.51KB , 539x457 , MODERNIA_035.png )

The Captain is frozen with shock.
>"...I...I...what? How the FUCK!? What did you do?"

>"It would appear that I just blew up your ticket out of here Captain."

>"B...But how di-"

>"Honestly? Did you really think I would just let you bring me up here? Did you really think you could pull something like this off without us knowing weeks in advance? My men are coming up the stairs as we speak. You're cornered, Captain."

This is bad. Really, really bad.
No. 226992 ID: e40e60

The captain is either incredibly lucky to have gotten this far, or he's faking and actually did have a backup plan for this.
No. 226996 ID: c71597

God damn. He's even more incompetent than he appeared. You really should have just shot him immediatly.

Ok, ambush time. Step one. Knock the general the fuck out. Tie him to something and shove a live unpinned grenade into his mouth, make sure that springy thingy that needs to be held down to keep it from exploding is down. Possibly the captain should stay near the general.

Then you and your classmates take up positions out of view from the exit/entry. Wait until enough of the enemy has come out into view and then strike. Shoot the ones outside and throw a grenade into the entry/exit to clear it and then go through after it to take down anyone left in there.

Then grab the general again, make sure the grenade doesn't go off. And make your way down to whatever docks this place has and steal a boat.

Then I suggest you shoot the general and captain. Dump their bodies in the ocean. Say fuck you to this entire conflict and go seek asylum at some place.
No. 227008 ID: a594b9

Alright, time to set up defensive positions, and send someone to verify that enemies are incoming. The General may be bluffing about the troops in order to make us wait here or panic or something.

Also see if you can find another way down besides the stairs.
No. 227009 ID: 40cb26

Matt, shoot the General in the head. Give Terra to the Captain, tell the others to loot the bodies. From there on gather the following information: can the door be effectively barricaded with the bodies, can the walls be scaled down, is the area around the explosion damaged, and how much offensive power do you have at your disposal.
No. 227010 ID: a594b9

>shoot both

Uhhh. Then both rebels and government will be after us. That's the worst thing we can possibly do.
No. 227011 ID: c71597

The rebels are a fucking ineffectual joke. The government is going to take us apart piece by piece to get back their enhancements anyway and report this class as failed.

This shit nation and it's shit conflict can go fuck itself. If everyone that saw us leave is dead then they can't stop us from getting out of the fucking shitty nation and seek asylum someplace else.
No. 227014 ID: 40cb26

The captain is still on our side and in the same boat. If it's a problem we'll kill him later, but for right now his help is needed. Or at least he can serve as another target.
No. 227015 ID: c71597

Well shooting him can come later. For now he can act as a bullet magnet.
No. 227022 ID: 40cb26

Here's another plan... If nothing else seems possible for escape. Matt, kill the General. Then arrest the Captain for the crimes of mutiny and murdering the General and the two other soldiers. Ask him to take the fall so the rest of you can make your own way to freedom. If he disagrees... then you unfortunately couldn't capture the captain alive.
No. 227024 ID: c71597

If we go with that plan we need to kill him anyway. If they torture him he's going to crack and tell everything.
No. 227025 ID: 6e5a24
File 128379501355.png - (16.63KB , 501x254 , MODERNIA_036.png )

"...Captain, please tell me you have another escape plan?"

>"Err... I uh... I think..."

"Well… how did the other rebels plan to get out of here?"

>"The others? They came here in boats. Hmmm... I guess that those boats are our best bet out of here now, but we’ll have to fight our way out.... I was hoping it wouldn't have to come to this. Listen, there’s a bunch of soldiers coming this way, but I think you can take them. I’ve trained you for this, so I’m confident in your abilities. After that we can meet up with the other rebels outside, and escape with the General on one of the boats without any further problems. Just stick with me, and everything will be okay kids, understand? As long as I am with you, nothing bad will happen. I promise.”
No. 227027 ID: c71597

Shoot the general in the head, right now. Fire away the entire clip at him. Fucking now!
No. 227028 ID: e40e60

Throw a couple grenades in through the door. You did bring grenades, right? Otherwise, get the hell out of there, you can't take on such a large force.
No. 227030 ID: 40cb26

No. 227031 ID: e40e60

And don't shoot the general quite yet, we can use him as a meatshield.
No. 227032 ID: c71597

Should be mentioned. Aim for the eyes if you can do that. He might have some armor plating everywhere else. Nose should also work.
No. 227033 ID: c71597

You do see that giant clawed hand the just transformed his arm into right? Cause he's about to cut the dear captain into little incompetent pieces.
No. 227034 ID: 40cb26

No. 227035 ID: e40e60

(way to not see the picture)

Throw him off the side and/or fill his face with lead.
No. 227036 ID: a594b9

I would prefer to shoot the joint in that arm to disable him.
No. 227044 ID: 6e5a24
File 128379708384.png - (12.11KB , 252x319 , MODERNIA_037.png )




No. 227045 ID: 6e5a24
File 128379714826.png - (13.36KB , 249x357 , MODERNIA_039.png )

>"What the hell was... oh. Alright then, thanks. That could have been ugly."
No. 227054 ID: a594b9

Boats plz.
No. 227055 ID: 6e5a24
File 128379897024.png - (7.46KB , 179x291 , MODERNIA_039.png )

>"Haha, Nice shot, Matty! That's one for you, too!"

"Yeah...t...thanks Zack... I guess."

Oh man, my head is throbbing. I... I think I need a second to rest up before I start shooting again.
No. 227058 ID: 6e5a24
File 12837992312.png - (16.84KB , 310x283 , MODERNIA_040.png )

>"Ey, remember those soldiers that Kevlarr said were coming up the stairs? Because I can hear a buncha guys coming this way. We should probably like... do something 'bout that."
No. 227059 ID: e40e60

Let's head on down and help take out the defenses. Let the rebels destroy the facility. Also, the captain has no idea what he's doing, feel free to ignore him.
No. 227061 ID: e40e60

Got any grenades? If you do, a couple grenades down the stairs would be devastating. Otherwise, everybody find cover and keep some fire on that door.
No. 227062 ID: a594b9

That sounds about right.
No. 227073 ID: 40cb26

..Arresting the captain for murder and mutiny that you of course had nothing to do with is still an option. The only witnesses to the contrary are yourselves. Even if it's only a temporary distraction. Only do this if you're otherwise completely screwed, it leaves you all rather vulnerable.
No. 227079 ID: c71597

Set up an ambush behind and around the exit. Aks the captain to stand somewhere close to the corpse and surrender to lure them out. Open fire when they're out in the open and then toss a grenade through the door and follow up closely after the explosion. Kill any that are remaining and loot the bodies. That way you should be able to get some better weapons and maybe some body armour.
No. 227095 ID: c6b41e

Not gonna work about asking him to pretend to surrender. They probably have kill on sight orders for him. Just lob a grenade down the steps when you think enough are in the blast radius.
No. 227098 ID: c71597

Then he dies and they go out to check up on him. No great loss.
No. 227104 ID: 644ca1

The captain and anyone on his side are officially screwed, just saying.
No. 227112 ID: e40e60

No, not really. We give Matt a huge advantage if you think about it. We can make complex decisions instantaneously. We can notice the tiniest of details... in directions we're not even facing. We remember everything for an infinite amount of time. Most importantly, we have a far greater grasp of modern military tactics than any of our opponents or the author.
No. 227178 ID: 6e5a24
File 128382144641.png - (99.66KB , 163x277 , MODERNIA_041.png )

Okay I hear you, now please stop talking so loud oh my god my head hurts so much

"Grenades... d...does anyone have grenades?"

>"Yes, I have a few grenades in my jacket. Everyone stand back."

oh god I don't even know who said that sounded like the captain but I can't make it out over all the ringing come on guys stop yelling it's making it hard to think

>"Uhm... C-c-captain? Is Matt okay? He s-seems a bit..."

I think that was Isaac but oh god everything hurts oh god oh god oh god it's never this bad what's...
No. 227183 ID: 40cb26

>crap, this kid can't take all this... let's try to speak softly. maybe we can play calming music or something?
No. 227188 ID: 6e5a24
File 128382312842.png - (13.64KB , 232x363 , MODERNIA_042.png )

“…I just don’t know what bothers me more, the fact that there’s almost no one in this damn base, or the fact that the guys who are can barely fire a weapon straight.”

>“Yeah, something’s defiantly off. If this is some sort top secret army base housing some sort of top secret army project on the day General Kevlarr is visiting, why is it that this whole time we’ve only run into… what? Six guys?”

“Seven, if you count the guy in the room we were just in.”

>“Yeah, but he was already dead.”

“I just don’t get it. It’s like all the actual soldiers got off the island before we attacked, and these guys are the unlucky bastards that didn’t get the memo, you know what I‘m saying?”

>“Yeah, it’s like… it’s like these guys knew we were coming, high tailed it outta here, and left their expendables behind as cannon fodder or something…”

“All I know is that something isn’t right here, and it’s making me really worried. Let’s just find Dell, make sure he didn’t get himself killed nabbing the General and the kids, and get the hell out of here.”

>“Yeah, the sooner we’re off this island the better. The noise on the roof stopped, let’s head up these stairs.”

“Right behind you.”

Man, what is that? It’s like there’s this little buzzing sound in the back of my head…
No. 227189 ID: 97cb33

oh god. QUICK! yell that you are rebel soldiers up the stairs!!
No. 227193 ID: 40cb26

No. 227196 ID: e40e60

>Quiet guys. Yeah, tell him quickly that the soldiers are friendlies. Failing that, yell at the rebels to look out.
No. 227197 ID: 6e5a24
File 128382430079.png - (10.78KB , 148x245 , MODERNIA_043.png )

Whoa... now it almost sounds like...a voice. can't make out what it's saying but... are there voices in my head?


>"What is it?"

"Hey uh... there's this noise in my head. At first it sounded like buzzing, but now I think I'm hearing a voice or something."

>"Ooh, voices? What are they saying?"

"I'm serious. I think there might be voices in my head."

>"Those bogus mental augs you had Doctor Pank install are probably acting up. That's what you get for letting a fake doctor perform fucking brain surgery on you to install a counterfeit military augmentation."

"Thanks a lot. You're really helpful. Asshole."

>"Hey! Nothing I can do about it, I’m smart enough to know better than to mess around with augmentations! Just try to ignore it for now. Have Pank take a look at it when you get back to base."

“Yeah, I…”

…what? I can just barely…

“Hey, I think we should be careful here. What if someone is waiting for us up there?”

>“What, you think all the soldier hid the on roof or something?”

“Listen…I don’t know, but something tells me we need to be on guard.”

>"Well, if you say so..."

Man what is…
No. 227199 ID: 6e5a24
File 128382453513.png - (7.47KB , 108x243 , MODERNIA_044.png )

Hnng... what just happened? Was I... Inside of someone's head?

>"Yes, I have a few grenades in my jacket. Everyone stand back."

>"Uhm... C-c-captain? Is Matt okay? He s-seems a bit..."

"...Wait, don't!"

>"But you just said-"

"I know what I said, but the guys coming up the stairs aren't soldiers! They're rebels!"
No. 227200 ID: 97cb33

okay, try to calmly explain that you think we are transmitting.
No. 227210 ID: eef528


Did you just grow a beard? Man, that would be so awesome!
No. 227211 ID: e40e60

What the christ.
No. 227229 ID: 732129

Matt, one of the men down the stairwell is Gustav Nazarrio, he has augmentations similar to yours. Call out to him by name and ask that he and his friend not fire on you.
No. 227234 ID: 97cb33

have the captain call out. they know him.
No. 227402 ID: e40e60

Let's not freak out everybody.
No. 227509 ID: c71597

Sweet, we can hop over to other dudes with mental implants. This makes for some interesting possibilites.

You kids should probably stay back and let the captain talk to his fellow rebels. Then you can get off this island and start your new lives. They're going to be interesting. Vast periods of uncertain boredom punctuated by moments of extreme terror.
No. 229665 ID: 6e5a24
File 128424960282.png - (12.89KB , 237x310 , MODERNIA_045.png )


>“Rebels? Are you sure?”

“Yes. At least I think they’re rebels. I think I might have just… tapped into some other guy’s mental aug or something… someone named Gustav. He‘s coming up the stairs.”
No. 229666 ID: 6e5a24
File 128424972065.png - (19.13KB , 275x242 , MODERNIA_046.png )

The kids stand back as the Captain calls out to the men coming up the stairs.
>“Gustav! Is that you down there?”
No. 229667 ID: 6e5a24
File 128424977232.png - (10.75KB , 222x299 , MODERNIA_047.png )

The door opens. Two men peek around the corner.
>“Dell? Hey Gustav, it’s Dell!”

>“Well I’ll be dammed! Poor bastard made didn’t get himself shot after all!”
No. 229670 ID: a594b9

It would be nice if he wasn't POINTING A GUN AT US.

Make sure he knows that is not okay.
No. 229673 ID: 97cb33

also we need to evac right the fuck now, they are about to bomb the place or something. it's why all the guards are people they don't care about losing.
No. 229679 ID: 6e5a24
File 128425137125.png - (255.55KB , 550x337 , MODERNIA_048.png )

The Captain motions for the two men to come over. Both men lower their weapons and come out on to the roof. He shakes hands with one of the men.
>“Hey kids! Let me introduce you to two great men. They are friends to me, friends to the revolution, and soon enough they will be friends to you as well. This is Carmine Readshert, and the man in the bandana is Gustav Nazarrio. I’m glad to see that you two made out alright. Did you guys have much trouble making it up here?”

Nazarrio looks over his shoulder nervously
>“No. We didn’t. That’s the thing- there’s hardly anyone here. I’m starting to think they were long gone long before we got here. Do you think they knew we were coming?”

>“Uh… funny story about that…”

Man, I don’t know what happened there. Usually I get little headaches after a bit of shooting, but I’ve never… done whatever that was I just did. Heck, I didn’t even know mental augs could tap into other mental augs’ frequencies. The headaches have been a lot worse since you guys showed up, too. It’s like I’m blanking out when I shoot, and it takes me a few seconds to figure out what happened. In fact, I’m kinda still recovering from that last… oh god.
No. 229680 ID: 6e5a24
File 128425144991.png - (17.20KB , 311x414 , MODERNIA_049.png )

...I just shot the General.
No. 229684 ID: 97cb33

i don't think it was the real general. he was a fake for a trap.

anyway, everyone evac to the boats.
No. 229686 ID: 644ca1

I'm pretty sure it wasn't the real general, they knew what you guys were up to after all, so why would they risk a general?
No. 229706 ID: e40e60

This kind of thing happens all the time to us, sometimes on systems that don't even have any actual wireless capabilities.

No, you shot somebody who looked like him. Speaking of which, step away from the body. They might have put a bomb in his implants as a failsafe.

>Carmine Redshert
It's a miracle this guy is still alive.
No. 229709 ID: efa282

"Carmine Readshert"


I've got a good feeling about this guy, he'll go far!
No. 229730 ID: c71597

It was him or you. If he had wanted to stay alive then he shouldn't have attacked. Simple as that.

Now lets get the fuck off of this island. After all that's what you have been after.
No. 229971 ID: 6e5a24
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Maybe it wasn't really the General, but that doesn't change the fact that I just killed someone.

Matt's panicking catches Carmine's attention
>"Hey, what is that kid getting so… Jesus fucking Christ Dell, that better not be who I think it is laying in a pool of his own blood over there!”

>“I… I was just about to tell you that we had a little, uh, problem with the plan.”

>“This is not a fucking problem Dell. Running out of eggs when you’re making an omelet is a problem. This is a fucking disaster. Kevalrr is dead! How the fuck does someone manage to botch a kidnapping so badly that it becomes an assassination?”

>“Wait a minute Carmine, It probably wasn’t even Kevlarr! If they knew we were coming, why would they send the real Kevlarr?”

>“You better hope that wasn’t the real Kevlarr, for your sake.”
No. 229976 ID: 6e5a24
File 128430784978.png - (12.22KB , 148x285 , MODERNIA_051.png )


Yeah, you're right. We gotta get out of here. Now.

“…Are we just about ready to go? I... really don't feel like sticking around much longer.”

>“Kid’s right, we need to move.”
The Captain and Carmine nod in agreement, and the group head back over towards the stairs.

Hey, this Gustav guy… I was in his head a minute ago. Think I should ask him about that? Maybe he knows what just happened.
No. 229977 ID: 97cb33

i guess so, ask if his augs have been reset and stuff.

also, i just want you to know matt, they were training you as a soldier, you weren't going to shoot targets for the rest of your life. one day they would of sent you out into the field and ordered you to shoot civilians. so while you may feel conflicted know that you made the right choice.
No. 229978 ID: e40e60

He's clueless.

You guys should get moving. Carmine takes the lead.
No. 230002 ID: c71597

Nah don't ask him about it. Chances are he knows even less than you do, and if he finds out about it then that could lead to all sorts of problems. Like him being paranoid that you can hear his thoughts and hating you for it, or them pushing you to do it again even though you don't know how to do it.

Lets just get out of this place now and see what they have going.
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