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File 12871643139.png - (34.81KB , 512x512 , sheet.png )
243798 No. 243798 ID: 16a7c4

In this quest I will test my new tablet, RNG, my RPG system and your patience.

No suggestions will be skipped, and most things will be determined by the Random Number God (tm). I will change rules at will.

The flow is expected to be somewhat similiar to a roguelike game.


You are BETA-TESTER. You have no sex or race yet.

Please pick your sex. Random is also a choice, in that case roll 1d2. (1-m/2-f)
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No. 243850 ID: cfa178

>sexy female android

No. 243852 ID: 0ca778

No. 243854 ID: 16a7c4
File 128717391576.png - (137.74KB , 512x512 , sheet.png )

The added stuff is quick help to the sheet. As always, you can >CHECK it anytime later.

Background rolled with an offsite RNG.

You are a Female Artificial.
You were created at the White Citadel, 130 years ago.
You have very long gray hair and garish pink eyes.
Your original purpose was to be a servant bot. You were released right before your predicted death to live your last days in peace. With 19 days of omni-energy left in you, you felt you had nothing to lose, which was the reason for your journey to Tower of Origin.

Your name is...


Everyone, roll a 3d3 and suggest a name. The first five numbers will determine your attributes, and the higher rolls the more you will have influence on the name.
No. 243856 ID: 1681b1

rolled 1, 1, 3 = 5

Tesla Viers

Tesla is always a good first name for a lady robot I find.
No. 243858 ID: f52552

rolled 1, 3, 1 = 5


No epithet.
No. 243861 ID: 0ca778

rolled 2, 3, 3 = 8

No. 243862 ID: cfa178

rolled 2, 1, 1 = 4

Rose Anna
No. 243864 ID: 5f0943

rolled 1, 1, 3 = 5

Darkhair Blondiebot (yes, this name is intentionally stupid)
No. 243870 ID: 9e5b05

Elander Production Model 3315 'Pmeeis'
No. 243871 ID: 9e5b05

rolled 1, 2, 1 = 4

No. 243876 ID: 16a7c4
File 128717965474.png - (160.59KB , 512x512 , sheet.png )

No. 243880 ID: 16a7c4
File 128717985191.png - (96.40KB , 512x512 , 001.png )

You arrive at the doorstep of TOWER OF ORIGIN. It appears so high you cannot possibly see the top of it from here.
The only entrance seems to be a small cave entry.
No. 243882 ID: 0ca778

No. 243884 ID: 16a7c4
File 12871815752.png - (112.04KB , 512x512 , 002.png )

You climb a short stairway upwards. There's a stairway leading downwards, a path east and a path south here.
There's a patch of strange floor here.
There's a patch of strange wall here.
No. 243885 ID: 56dc25

Investigate patches.
No. 243889 ID: 16a7c4
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You're unsure how to approach them. They seem to be sticking out from under a thick layer of stone.
No. 243890 ID: 56dc25

Foolishly ignoring the possibility of any traps, kick and/or feel at them to determine anything unusual. Maybe they can move.

If nothing interesting is discovered, proceed south.
No. 243891 ID: f5181a

hmmm, must be part of the tower, was covered in stone somehow. so the tower officially does extend this low. be on your guard for anything.
let's try south.
No. 243893 ID: 5a2e05

rolled 1 = 1

1 East, 2 South.
No. 243897 ID: 09d186

>RNG as a diety
Hey, 20 years ago called, it says that's a pretty neat idea.
No. 243916 ID: 531533

do you have a stick nearby? poke it to determine trap.

if not, trhow stone or sand at it.
No. 244121 ID: e4b209

>Adventures using text input
Hey, 30 years ago called, it says that's a pretty neat idea.
No. 244122 ID: e4b209

inb4 samefag, that was me
No. 244123 ID: a41aaf

>Telling stories that are modified based on audience response.
The goddamn stone ages called. They sort of grunted and hit the phone against a rock for a bit. Don't know how they managed to dial the thing, to be honest.
No. 244128 ID: e4b209
File 128722857930.png - (118.21KB , 512x512 , 004.png )

You pick up a stone.
You throw the stone at a patch of strange floor.
It thuds into the strange floor. You notice nothing unusual.
No. 244130 ID: e4b209

If I forget that fucking name one more time...
No. 244132 ID: 1b42c5

hmm, so it's nothing... to the south door!
No. 244140 ID: e4b209
File 128723162164.png - (45.80KB , 512x512 , 005.png )

You go south...

There's a path north here.
There's a path east here.

There's a hostile WILD FELINE here. It hisses at you as you enter.
No. 244142 ID: 1b42c5

rolled 2 + 5 = 7

apply fist directly to forehead.
No. 244161 ID: c1b87c

You have to roll for hit first.
No. 244175 ID: 5a2e05

Roll what?
No. 244179 ID: c1b87c
File 128723951462.png - (162.90KB , 512x512 , sheet.png )

rolled 3 = 3

No. 244180 ID: c1b87c
File 128724011630.png - (106.05KB , 512x512 , 006.png )

You fail to punch the beast.
The wild cat jumps at you. It doesn't manage to hurt you.
No. 244183 ID: 40b0e1

do you have food with you?

try to ignore the cat. if it cant eat you its defending its nest. go east.
No. 244201 ID: d3dfb8

Seduce it.
Make sexy times.
No. 244267 ID: 1854db

rolled 3 = 3

Knock it away from you!
No. 244307 ID: 1b42c5

rolled 2 = 2

kick it!
No. 244313 ID: 5a2e05

rolled 3 = 3

Punch it in the snout to establish superiority.
No. 244411 ID: f7b108
File 128727796553.png - (164.64KB , 512x512 , 007.png )

You fail your attempt to kick the cat.

Your ENERGY CELLS don't seem like anything close to cat food.
Seduction won't work on non-civilized beings that aren't interested in humanoids.
No. 244418 ID: e31d52

Just walk past it.

Roll to dodge if needed.
No. 244419 ID: e31d52

rolled 3 = 3

No. 244421 ID: 1b42c5

from the numbers i think ...somehow, both of you are too fast for the other to hit you...
No. 244425 ID: f7b108

Dodge isn't a roll, it's a constant being the difficulty level of enemy's hit roll.
No. 244427 ID: 1b42c5

okay, but since it is five wouldn't that mean we are untouchable as the hit die is a 1d5?
No. 244470 ID: 24d39f


Not necessarily. It could be a meet or exceed target number. Though that means there's still only a 20%.
No. 244515 ID: d3dfb8

rolled 4 = 4

Punch it in the sno- oh this has been said already.
No. 244730 ID: 1854db

No. 244794 ID: ad6a4f
File 128731614110.png - (36.46KB , 512x512 , 008.png )

Combo is rolled automatically.

You hit the cat!
You fail to recover for a second hit!
No. 244799 ID: 1854db

No. 244867 ID: 1b42c5

yeah, sure, why not?
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