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213314 No. 213314 ID: 7c97d9

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No. 217614 ID: d7c869

looks like armored heads and thick skin to me.
No. 219170 ID: 7c97d9
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Doesn't seem like they have their skeleton outside, though their back feels hard and rugged.

"Briii bri-briiii? Briii..."
"Uhh... I don't know how to explain it to you... Maybe you should ask Agga."
"That Ktullis you're riding wants to know more about us. How we live, how we eat... She's taken quite a liking towards us."
"Briiii! Briiiiiiiii!"
"What, a name? Ergh... Agga, she wants you to give her a name."
No. 219172 ID: 3b77b9

looks like a marrella to me.
No. 219186 ID: 3234dd



Also tell her that you have a sack full of powerful acids in your belly that breaks down anything you swallow into its basic components, which you then filter through, absorb the useful chemicals, then excrete the unwanted substances hahahahAHAHAHA
No. 219187 ID: 0b2a05

Calling her "bribri" would probably by inappropriate so
is good.

Talk about fishing and eating fish for common ground, then try to describe how walking on land is.
No. 219224 ID: 7c97d9
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"Okay, uhh... How about 'Marrella'?"

It takes awhile for the Ktullis to understand...
No. 219225 ID: 7c97d9
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... but she replies by getting warmer than ever! All the patterns around her body start glowing!

"Heh, she looks delighted!"
"Ugh, doesn't she?"
"Briii-bri briiiii."
"We're being called back. The alpha Ktullis would like a word with us."
No. 219226 ID: 3b77b9

oh okay. hope he decided something good.
No. 219429 ID: 0b2a05

Go back and see what ol fishsticks has to say
No. 219514 ID: 40f9f7

Well, might as well go see the boss man.
No. 224593 ID: 7c97d9
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We go somewhere high above, to a rather huge cave. Most notable is the big hole on the top; I can see something glowing through it.

"Looks like we have to go in by ourselves."
No. 224594 ID: 7c97d9
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We are greeted by a Ktullis even bigger than its own kind. This must be the Alpha Ktullis they were talking about.

She lets out a low-sounding groan. It sounds like she's in mild pain. Could it be due to her age?

"Don't make any sudden moves, Agga. She's observing our every action."
No. 224596 ID: 7c97d9
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"... Answer my questions truthfully, trespassers. What are your true intentions? Why have you come in contact with our territory?"
No. 224607 ID: a594b9

We were unaware of their presence here, and sought merely to uncover metals within the earth. We wish for a peaceful relationship if possible.
No. 224614 ID: 86b8dc

"Complete accident we assure you, were not even aware of your existence Besides that we have little use for the world under the waves as we cannot naturally survive here.
No. 224640 ID: 97cb33

yes, this was a total accident. if she wants something as a sign of trust then give it.
No. 224691 ID: 7c97d9
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"We didn't mean to, ma'am... We didn't even know you were around..."
"Your fear tells me so. Your intentions remain blank."
"We were just... We were just looking for metal..."
"Metal... I have heard of no such thing. We Ktulli only need heat and nothing more. We scour deep below solely for it, and leave the others in their peace..."

The Alpha Ktullis pauses for a second, seemingly scanning our minds.

"... I see that by 'metal' you mean elements of the earth that conduct heat. Nonetheless, I am unable to see even further; you seem to know little about them. I question your motive of finding this... 'metal' without even having the stock knowledge about it."
"The youngsters around here may have the naivety to accept foreigners like you, but my centuries of experience taught me to be wary. How would I know you are not here to harm us peaceful creatures?"
No. 224695 ID: 97cb33

we have nothing to gain from harming your kind. and you are but a tinker, your knowledge of exactly what metal is isn't the best, but the third person brought here is a smith and a miner, knowing about it is what he does.
No. 224697 ID: b9bd4f

If we wanted to harm you, we would have brought weapons. Lots and lots of weapons. Not to mention more people.
No. 224783 ID: 03dd11

And breathing apparatus.
No. 224866 ID: a594b9

Tell him that if they like heat, we should be able to construct a device that would aid them. Though creating an underwater furnace seems a bit inefficient. Kaybe we can find a geothermal vent somewhere...

Or we could move the blacksmith's shop down to near the water, carve out a chimney to release the smoke, and that room would be warm whenever the blacksmith worked.
No. 226666 ID: 7c97d9
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"Why would we harm you if we'd have nothing to gain? We just met your kind... What would we get from hurting you?"

The Alpha Ktullis contemplates for a moment. Suddenly, the area around her grows even warmer.
No. 226667 ID: 7c97d9
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"... It does not hurt for me to remind you of your manners around strangers, yes? You are quite a meek creature, but your virtues are intact."
"Does tha' mean you'll let'us stay here?"
"Only while your third mate is recovering. The youngsters around here have little knowledge of what is outside this pool. On behalf of their reckless behavior towards you, I apologize."

... I guess we're clear. I'm seeing three things around here: we could keep exploring the area with Marrella, we could keep talking to the Alpha Ktullis for more information, or we could check out on Mister Raynald.

What should we do?
No. 226669 ID: 3416ec


Let's ask if its OK to poke around first, then proceed to poke around.
No. 226670 ID: 97cb33

we should see raynald, why is he out longer then you two? is it because he is a human and you are goblins?
No. 226690 ID: 0b2a05

It would be cool to tour some more, ask if there's any social things you should be particularly wary for.
No. 226707 ID: 40cb26

Try to explain the situation with the mining and the well, how they wanted the iron but didn't want to dirty the water. If they can know where water is and isn't they can avoid it entirely. Maybe they can somehow provide more heat in exchange for help.

Before leaving ask if Alpha would like your company and to talk more about each others peoples. Or if we should just go explore, check on your friend and leave her be.
No. 226722 ID: 7c97d9
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"Anything in particular we should be avoiding while around the other Ktulli?"
"We like to mimic a lot. It's our way of obtaining information about an unknown creature. We even go as far as trying to speak one's foreign language, though don't expect it to be as fast as how I was able to do so. It takes a lot of willpower to be able to do so, and that only comes from experience."
"Do you know where our friend is resting right now?"
"He is by the Feeding Grounds. We laid him there with our males while one female Ktulis watches over him."
No. 226725 ID: 7c97d9
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"Our friend down there was actually concerned when he saw the water around his mining place. He didn't want to dirty it. I was wondering if you can help him by locating water for him to avoid."
"That is nice of him to worry about our habitat, but I'm afraid I do not know exactly how I can help him. Give me more time to see what kind of help he really needs."
"Would you like our company, ma'am? We could talk about each other's kind."
"I strongly believe that body language is the best key to understand one another. I suggest you see for yourself how we live and survive. On the other hand, I would not know how exactly you 'leggers' live when you are not even in your own habitat."
No. 226726 ID: 97cb33

hmmm, sounds good. let's go check raynald
No. 226789 ID: 0b2a05

Make sure he isn't banging the locals.
No. 226800 ID: 40cb26

Think really hard about places you been and people you know and things you do, and let Alpha try to read that.
No. 228794 ID: 7c97d9
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That will have to wait. I need to focus on Mister Raynald first!

We go back to the Feeding Grounds and find Mister Raynald on the far end. He seems to be watched over by an awake Ktullis.

Something shines around his neck.
No. 228795 ID: 7c97d9
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I get closer and see that the shining thing is a necklace around his neck. Did Mister Raynald bring this when we got into the cave?

Mister Raynald seems to be fine, and it looks like he's about to wake up.
No. 228799 ID: 97cb33

hmm, see if you can swim in closer. waking up to someone he knows should keep him calm.
No. 228898 ID: ea2a3c


Aww humans look so innocent and adorable when they're asleep.

...steal his necklace
No. 228902 ID: 7c97d9
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Okay, I'll inch closer...

"... Mister Raynald? You there?"
"Please wake up... You're still alive, right?"
"Mister... Raynald..."
No. 228903 ID: 7c97d9
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He's waking up!

"Ugh... I thought I choked with water..."
"Mister Raynald! You're awake!"

I was so worried... At least he's fine now, right?
No. 228905 ID: 97cb33

okay, tell him to stay calm and you will explain what happened. tell him that the things that grabbed us were simply defending their home because they feared we were an invasion of some kind.
No. 228942 ID: a594b9

Tell him not to worry, drowning isn't so bad when you have gills.
No. 228957 ID: 0b2a05

Point out the gills before he freaks out, and tell him what happened. You can ask him about the necklace later, for now get him caught up to speed, and ask him what happened back in the mine.
No. 229335 ID: 7c97d9
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Raynald: "Err..."
Agga: "We're underwater now, Mister Raynald."
Raynald: "... I can tell."
Agga: "No, I mean... we're breathing underwater! Look at these gills!"
Raynald: "Uhh..."
Mika: "Those fellas tha' attacked us earlier gave 'em to us. Turns out they're just playin' 'round, thought we were somethin' interestin'."
No. 229336 ID: 7c97d9
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Raynald: "... Somehow, I already know all the stuff you're telling me."
Agga: "... Huh?"
Raynald: "All the time, I was conscious. And there's this strange voice talking to me... As if she was trying to know all about me..."
"... And I even heard her talking to you."
No. 229337 ID: 97cb33

ask if he thinks his magic glowing necklace did that or if he just has psychic powers.
No. 229343 ID: 7c97d9
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"Do you think that necklace of yours has something to do with it?"
"I doubt it... I got this years ago from someone I can't remember... Something about 'remembering her after her graduation', but everything's a blur..."
"Anyway, it's just a memento of something I've forgotten a long time ago. I don't think it's something magical."
"I suppose we can look around this place. Or have you done that already? Eitherway, I don't think we have such a business here."
No. 229346 ID: a594b9

If it's not magical, why's it glowing?

Sure, let's explore. Where have we not been?
No. 229347 ID: 0b2a05

You know he's right. You should probably look for a way out soon.
No. 229349 ID: 97cb33

well he needs to meet the alpha, since he knows more about mining and metal his mind would be able to explain it better. after that i think we can leave.
No. 229351 ID: 86b8dc

Weird to forget something you have a memento for huh? Seems a bit counterproductive.

Nevertheless, I wonder how large this cave system is.
No. 229370 ID: 732129


Probably just a polite lie so that he doesn't have to say any more about the lost friend than he wants to.
No. 230818 ID: 7c97d9
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Ktullis: "Briiiiii-kubriiiiiiii!"
Agga: "What's happening? She looks scared!"
Mika: "... That poor fella's gonna lose his life. He wants to go through some kind of initiation, but she's frightened to lose him..."
"I won't blame you if you want to turn back now and avoid seeing this, Agga. This might not be something you want to watch."
No. 230820 ID: a594b9

No. 230825 ID: c71597

Have to see it to understand them better or something. Anyway, kick back and watch the show.
No. 230867 ID: 0b2a05

Don't watch fishy cults are creepy
No. 230869 ID: 97cb33

hmmm, looks interesting.
No. 230922 ID: 40cb26

You should watch this. Remember Alphas words:
"I suggest you see for yourself how we live and survive."

Death is a part of life...
No. 231355 ID: 7c97d9
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"... We promised the Alpha Ktullis we'd get knowledge from how they live and survive. I think dying is also part of it; it's for our own good to see it ourselves, even if it's disturbing..."
"Can you translate what they're saying, Mika?"
"... Sure thing, Agga."


The younger Ktullis seems to have finally resigned to the older Ktullis' fate. She rests her head below his.

Young: "I guess... I guess it can't be helped... I can't let your body be a burden to you any longer..."
Elder: "You understand very well that it is part of our cycle, daughter. My time is fast approaching, and we must prepare."
Young: "But what about me? I'll be all alone..."
No. 231356 ID: 7c97d9
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Elder: "My life heat will always be around to guide you, my daughter. Be strong. Promise your old Ktullis you'll grow to carry on our lineage, and create a youngling that will be your ancestor's guiding light."

The Elder Ktullis starts glowing with white light, rather different from their usual purple glow. Eventually it gets too bright for any of us to see.
No. 231357 ID: 7c97d9
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Moments later, we see the young Ktullis now bearing the same face plate as her father's... Or is it actually the father?

Young: "I... I will never let you down, father!"
No. 231374 ID: 175f4a

wow, they have a complex rebirth thing going on.
No. 231382 ID: 86b8dc

Apparently heat is revered and given a symbolism commonly given to light. Not too surprising given their subterranean/aquatic habitat.
No. 231391 ID: 0b2a05

Hm, interesting. You probably shouldn't... talk to them right now, might be touchy. If you can, try looking for cool plantlife nearby
No. 231980 ID: 7c97d9
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She sounded so worried about being alone...

"... That reminds me, we need to go back to someone. She's like their leader or something, and she thought we were trespassing... Maybe you can go and clarify what we were doing..."
"Ehh... Guess it can't be helped. We can't continue mining close to water; I can't risk contaminating it. Might as well."
No. 231981 ID: 7c97d9
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We finally get back to the Alpha Ktullis. She seems to be expecting our return.

"... Finally, we meet personally."
"... Mhm, I was somehow expecting you to be physically dominative."
"Now that we see each other eye to eye, perhaps we can finally settle on the things we've been talking about previously?"
"I still remember everything since I was resting. You were saying something about your kind being threatened by our existence..."

... I don't really know what's happening now... But I guess we have an option to stay here and hear their conversation...
No. 231982 ID: 175f4a

he seems to be more in tune with psychic emanations. ether natural or his necklace does it.
No. 231983 ID: a594b9

No. 231988 ID: 7c97d9
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"... That necklace... That gem..."
"You mean this? Don't mind it; it's just a memento..."
"... Excuse me, ma'am?"
"... Nevermind. Now, I suppose you are now aware as to our presence in this vicinity."
"As well as you to ours."
"I do not wish to push you off and claim territory. Is there any way as for us to co-exist with each other?"
"... I don't think we'll be able to get to a definite answer just yet. Looking around for alternative sources of metal, seeing that I do not fall into another strange kind of creatures; there are so many factors I have to consider."

Mister Raynald is right, to a point. He now has the burden of looking for another place to mine. I don't think the Ktulli has anything else to go to, seeing that this place seems pretty secluded from any other water source.

Listen some more?
No. 231991 ID: 175f4a

no, perhaps ask a way to signal to them if we want to talk again?
No. 231993 ID: 7c97d9
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By the looks of the conversation, I think Mister Raynald's going to that line of thought.

"... I'll just leave your place like this for awhile. We won't mess with it while we work out on a new plan by ourselves."
"... Your course of action sounds like a real hassle for you."
"... Well I don't think you have anywhere else to go to."
"... Not quite. I have one place that I want you to see. Perhaps a glimpse of it will change your perspective."
"The Ktullis you have been hanging around on will take you there. I would've personally sent you there myself, but I am too old and fragile to even move around."

"Briiii! Briiiiiiiii!"

I think that's Marrella. That must be our ride.
No. 231994 ID: 7c97d9
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We go to somewhere really high and far away from the settlements. There, we see a very huge cavern blocked by boulders.

Alpha Ktullis: "You must be in the place I am talking about. This is rumored to be connected to what you call a 'river', but I do not know the exact details. It was mentioned to me that our ancestors used to travel through this exact route during the period of harvest, but something happened that caused these rocks to block the path."
Raynald: "Not to put my nose into something personal, but who told you that?"
Alpha Ktullis: "... My father."
No. 231995 ID: 175f4a

need large water-proof explosives. should clear that right up.
No. 232001 ID: 0b2a05

Wait wait, not thinking this through! What kind of water are you in? Need to make sure it's the same on both sides!
No. 232002 ID: d4590b

Explosives in an underground water tunnel thing sounds like a really bad idea. We don't want to cause a cave in.
No. 232012 ID: 175f4a

oh, right. then we need a small team of aqua miners.
No. 232015 ID: a594b9

If they can give people gills we should be able to get some dudes down here with some proper tools. Granted, it's going to be harder to work underwater due to the increased resistance...
No. 232017 ID: 2aaf84

These folks can probably pull heavy loads, they just don't have the manipulators to grasp things. If we could bring down ropes or something we could help them.
No. 232024 ID: 732129

Waterproofing black powder would be a pain. Doable, but a pain. High explosives would be reliable and easy to use underwater, but are harder to make.
No. 232235 ID: 40cb26

Explain to her what a river is. It is likely to be rather cold, and just because they can go in doesn't mean it leads to another place they can call home. They will be able to interact with the outside world though.

Is this a river that you guys already know about, or maybe it flows hidden under the ground?
No. 233773 ID: 7c97d9
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Explosions are out of the question. This is situated high above the Ktulli settlement: there's a risk of boulders not getting exploded fully and coming down on them.

This sounds more viable. Maybe Mister Raynald has a lot of rope back in his place.

Agga: "Mister Raynald, you do have rope back in your place, right?"
Raynald: "Only enough for five of these guys. If you're thinking of pulling the boulders one at a time, there's also a chance these boulders might start tumbling down."
"I'm thinking I should come back up and look for where this might lead into. It might be better if we start pulling the boulders from there."
Alpha: "... I will allow only one of you back in your habitat for the task. We have yet to understand what the risks might be."
No. 233774 ID: d06fe5

hmmm, have mika go up and use her fish senseing power to locate the river and mark a path to it. then after finding it she comes back and raynold goes to lead his miners to dig it out.
No. 236988 ID: 7c97d9
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We decide that Mika should use her extra-ordinary senses to locate where this could lead to.

"... You're goin' to be fine h're, ar' ya?"
"You shouldn't worry about me, Mika. Mister Raynald's by my side! And Marrella's going to be here, too!"
"'Kay then... Let's move, Akia. To the surface!"

We can wait for Mika to come back for her findings, or we can use the time to discuss with Mister Raynald on any methods of extracting these boulders.
No. 236989 ID: 7d8185

okay, i think talking would be good. we need to get the rocks into small enough chunks that even if they fall off they wont break anything. but also would need to be useful underwater... drills, you need a bunch of drills. talk to raynold about drilling the rocks apart.
No. 236994 ID: e674ff

You might want to think about filling the area with concrete. It will take more work and time, but it would severly reduce the chance of rocks falling and hurting someone.
No. 236996 ID: 0b2a05

Take a good survey of the rocks, what's their consistency? How brittle are they? And are they sealed to eachother?
No. 237103 ID: a41aaf

You could try and install a rock net below the boulders, to catch any that fall while working.
No. 237119 ID: 7c97d9
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Raynald: "Drilling will make the boulders smaller, but it doesn't really remove them. Still worth a try, but I'm hoping for better methods."

What's concrete?

The boulders seem like they solidified at some point. The fact that they're clustered into this hole and not really sealing it up means they must've falled off from somewhere.

They're pretty hard, as well. I can't tell much, but that's probably all the information we need.

A rock net to catch the falling boulders? A net might not work, but we can put a pit beneath the cave to catch them. That will make drilling more feasible, even!
No. 237382 ID: 13cc3a

hmm, sounds lie a plan. after mika get's back we can figure out our next move.
No. 237570 ID: 7c97d9
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... She's back.

"Agga! Human guy! I think I found wh're this leads t'. I found a huge hole inna river not far from h're... One problem, tho'."
"What's that?"
"I found a hole, but no huge rocks nea' the surface. Tha' plan about gettin' the miners to dig 'em out won't work nicely."

... Digging, it is. Shouldn't be that complicated, right? ... Hopefully...

Have any ideas on how we can do this? Maybe we can get the help of the Ktulli...
No. 237572 ID: 230121

As I said, before, they really only need you for fine manipulation. They have more than enough strength to shift the damn things, they just don't have hands, thus, rope harnesses and teamwork.
No. 237576 ID: 13cc3a

we need to break the largest ones up. once they are broken then we can just have the Ktulli pull them out. have them evac the area that would be the landing zone if any fall.
No. 237611 ID: 7c97d9
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Mister Raynald did say he has some, so he can just bring some of them here.

"I'm on it, Agga."
No. 237613 ID: 7c97d9
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After Raynald returns with some rope, we start tying one end to the boulders and the other to the Ktulli. They start pulling them out one by one, carefully dropping them into the pit created by the other Ktulli involved.
No. 237614 ID: 7c97d9
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The pit's still fine, but eventually we're running out of rope to effectively pull out the boulders. They just keep snapping from being stretched out too thinly.

Eventually we'll have to think of an alternative method.
No. 237615 ID: 13cc3a

we need some Chain, it would be MUCH sturdier and wouldn't snap.
No. 237616 ID: 7c97d9
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... We're probably around a quarter through this tunnel, and we're losing rope. We're down to about twenty arms-length of it, and we can't afford to lose more.

Mister Raynald tells me he's brought every supply of rope he had.
No. 237646 ID: 7c97d9
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Raynald: "That was stupid of me NOT to have thought of that. I'll bring them down."

He manages to supply us with enough metal chains for two Ktulli to be able to pull one boulder, but the boulders are starting to get bigger and bigger.

It's kind of showing a pattern here: the boulders are increasing in size the deeper we go through. Eventually we'll hit on a very big one.
No. 237648 ID: 13cc3a

we need to break the ones that are too big into smaller ones.
No. 237852 ID: a594b9

Gonna have to start chopping them up.
No. 237874 ID: fd6d7e

Spring loaded pile driver. Oh, but without being metal it'll just shatter.

Anyway you need to put up some supports on the sides of the tunnel. Removing the boulders is highly likely to destabilize the ceiling and just send the whole thing crashing down again. I recommend cement if you can find a source for quicklime.
No. 238033 ID: 9d60e4

Drill in and set off tiny explosives?
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