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1065921 No. 1065921 ID: d379a4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Arthur Seiles, an Acalanoid immigrant, arrives in a town upon New Years celebrations. Mostly reply-driven, meant for a large amount of worldbuilding in the Eroxian universe. A fantasy quest that could take nearly any turn, as readers decide what Seiles does in town and what career he takes.
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No. 1072803 ID: 5c4434
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No. 1073232 ID: bffc02
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The necromancer talk certainly disturbs me, yet even worse is that... these people, this city, the country of Seftacra, they...
I think I'm going to be sick. My sight gets blurry with tears.
You wouldn't understand, any of you, but...
Dragons *cannot* be harmed. It's fundamental in almost every culture, fundamental maybe even in the functions of this entire world, that dragons are one of the few species considered sacred and untouchable by ANY mortal affairs! After all the secrets they shared with us, after all the infrastructure they helped to build, after all the technological advancements they told us we could and helped us make, purely out of their own kindness, and this is how Seftacra and Aicet repaid them!?

Get back up. Damn you Arthur, focus!
And focus I do.

These necromancers also seem to be a problem. Anything occult is serious. Things like this can tear down any economy, no matter how strong it is. There's one job opportunity at least, and that would be helping the Aicet military in defending the city.
Back to the task at hand.

The... JOB BOARD is a physical object, something we'll have to find out here in the streets.
I say that we make things simple now. We find this JOB BOARD, gloss over the opportunities, and locate the Grander Brothers establishment. Then, the long day will be over at last.
No. 1073390 ID: e5709d

>Dragons are sacred
I will not deny their part in building and maintaining your civilization, but has it ever occurred to you that idols who, supposedly out of good will, enforce the foundations of society may very well have their own selfish agenda? Just as they lifted you up, they could be holding you back, and you'd never know. Their untouchability means if any of them were corrupted by something, some twisted force beyond mortal comprehension or just decay from old age, they could make random citizens disappear and face no consequences.

As for the willingness to destroy society over paranoia, mortals are a stupid kind of people. Stupid powerful as well.

Necro's more important. It seems killing them is playing into their hands somehow. We need to scout out their operations, see if they're resurrecting after death.
No. 1076433 ID: bffc02
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Huh. I haven't pondered it much before, but it could be true. It *is* true. Oh, but whatever could we do against the politicians, the aristocrats, the elites? Nothing.
You feel a special kind of despair when you know that a battle can't be won in a satisfying way.
Dragons, out of their own kindness, fed societies the secrets they learned. They taught things that would have taken centuries or millennia to find out.
Some believe they can talk to whatever's beyond life. To the gods of whatever religion is true. To the embodied energy that made the universe.
Fundamentally, we're not allowed to know too much about the scaly beauties. They've told us everything they wanted to, everything they could. The rest of the information we want from them, the fabric of reality always seems to stop us from finding.

The necromancers, that's a new kind of thing to me. I've never heard of cults being so large that they can have an entire city quietly under siege. I'll keep a lookout, like everyone else.

At long last, the precious JOB BOARD is found. There's a bunch of job applications, news articles, and other miscellanea pinned to it.


As all Seftacrans would know by now, Angelina Hayes is the last living sister to celebrity Ezra Hayes, and is the seventh council member and Seftacra representative of the elusive Omnescar security organization. Omnescar first began in 1499, founded to provide formidable machine-based military assistance to the ten countries it represents. When the 7th was appointed to the enclave in Seftacra, she started making her moves in Cicalse, now known to be the most technologically advanced city
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No. 1076436 ID: b3eab7

The reddest writing says "WE WILL KNOW" but I can't decipher the rest.

I'm curious about the clockwork greenery, but I think medical and military will be more serious paths.

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1075029 No. 1075029 ID: 6ccdb2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


A thinly veiled soul acts in original ways.
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No. 1075585 ID: d08101
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It's true we cannot evacuate the whole capital planet on board the titans, even big as they are, they are military ships not passenger cruise ships with billions of cabins. Although many would fit in to the corridors we would have no way to organize two things at the same time. A refugee ship and a military operation.

I have found out that the best tactic would be build many, maybe a dozen titan class ships and cluster them together firing every direction with size down from biggest capital ship weapons mounted on rotating turrets to the smaller, but still large point defence turrets and having fleets of heavy corvettes cling close to the hull of the titans, not leaving farther than 300 kilometers in case they are starting to nuke, so they can dodge under the powerful shields of the titans, but still defend against smaller shadow ships intending to avoid the big guns, which tear down every bigger ship that comes too close.

What went wrong in the earlier fleet composition was the main focus was on battleships and cruisers, while the smallest ships were quite undefined in fleet numbers and the titans were not emphasized. This is exactly what the enemy exploited.
No. 1075620 ID: b741f1

Well let's start by budling up some shipyards and defenses around Sanaa and maybe look to hire some mercs to shore up the galaxy's in the short turn.

Then you should look into organizing the raid team...
No. 1075763 ID: 04e9a4
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>The planet lies abandoned, with its nightside infrastructure unlit as I view it from space.
No. 1075799 ID: df2db2

Well that's not ominous at all. Better send down a team to check.
No. 1075864 ID: df2db2

Before that try to hail the whoever is in charge of the planet to get a response.

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1075492 No. 1075492 ID: 2f7f6e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Welcome, Employee #ERROR, to your first day at Robotics Inc Corp Org LLC. As part of our Theoretical Division, your job is to solve the simulated problems presented to you using the tools we provide you.

For each problem, you will be given a list of parts. You may use as many of each part as you want, but you can only use the parts on the list.
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No. 1075496 ID: 0b594e

I mean, if we can use as many gears as we like, then we could stack them horizontally into a staircase. Then baby can just crawl down.
No. 1075512 ID: 0bf2fd

Crush the marble with a pile of gears
No. 1075516 ID: 4370c0

No. 1075517 ID: 8f9bc4

Bribe the child with gears.

"Come down to the ground, child, We have gears for you!"
No. 1075617 ID: 0dae01


This, stack them as a staircase, or make the gears -- they can be any size, right?? -- into a pile like s pile of dirt or sand, such that the baby can crawl or roll down without hurting itself.

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1065388 No. 1065388 ID: 2f7f6e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

[A quest with no plans, no plots, no stakes. Just rat.]

There is nothing. Space and time are in flux, unable to be defined or separated. The universe cries out, and entropy answers. Spontaneous creation of matter stabilizes the chaos.
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No. 1073941 ID: 0bf2fd

Fuck dude, we can just add more things with our godly powers, right?

Just spawn a billion dollars

Spawn Two Clown Masks
No. 1073945 ID: e5709d

Suddenly, your ears burst infinite earwax.
No. 1075489 ID: 2f7f6e
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The rat reminds the plushie that Cabela’s only accepts cash or credit, neither of which they have, and the plushie can’t argue with that. A heist it is, then!

The first step of any good heist is planning and preparation. The rat decides to scout ahead while the plushie tries to find people to recruit. What kind of defenses does this Cabela’s have? Who will the plushie recruit for the team?
No. 1075519 ID: 8f9bc4

The defenses are ALL THE POLICE.
Fortunately, Cabela's is located right next to THE DONUT SHOP. As long as you get your ammo without triggering a SECURITY ALARM they will be far too busy to trouble you.

Recruits? Uh... rat? Plushie should recruit rat. Oh and cat. Plushie should definitely recruit cat. Are there any other characters in this quest who are not deadBORING?
No. 1075544 ID: 933203

The defenses are lasers, pressure detectors, biometric scanners, 24/7 security, and mechas. Lot of mechas. Cabelas dig mechas, you see. Fortunately, you can also recruit your own oven-mech to help you!

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1073856 No. 1073856 ID: 435f13 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

An explicit NSFW quest about a horny dungeon because Kaktus doesn't like, OWN alliterative horny dungeons, man. Your character will get bad ends or even die. Try not to take it too hard. Just keep rolling new characters until you solve the dungeon.
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No. 1075417 ID: 8f9bc4

> -1hp
> goblin has fainted

yep that tracks

time to level up!
No. 1075424 ID: 0b594e

Swagger into the dungeon with panache.
No. 1075428 ID: 0fbdcd

Rotate him into the family guy death pose.

Enter donjon.
No. 1075429 ID: 681cb5

Before you enter, throw the gobling into the donjon first. That way you can be sure there aren't any traps in there.
No. 1075431 ID: 031458

Place him under the doorway, his son too be corpse will make a fine doorstop.

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1001540 No. 1001540 ID: ca2950 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Keimi bounds up to a spot on the mountainside and waves excitedly.
"I found it! Look!" she says, gesturing at a small opening in the rock face.
"Found what?" I ask, trudging up the hill. "The last time I went along on an adventure with you, I almost died fighting a giant monster."

Keimi rolls her eyes.
"Firstly, you did not almost die. You were only bashed up a little bit. Secondly, you did not fight a giant monster, according to those documents they forced us to sign," she says, wagging her finger. "Anyway, this leads to a cavity that was shown on the sensor scans of a cavern that, according to the documents that my mom brought home that she definitely wasn't supposed to that I was definitely not supposed to look at; runs adjacent to the area related to those creatures we definitely weren't supposed to know about!"

"This is a lot of layer of not supposing. Am I not supposed to get in deep shit if we get caught?" I ask, stopping to catch my breath.
Keimi ponders for a moment.
"No worries. We definitely won't get in trouble."


"As long as we don't get caught."
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No. 1073806 ID: 5b55b9

The frustration at not actually having had a real epic adventure happen is palpable. Maybe next time, Keimi!

(Aw, for real?)
No. 1073812 ID: ca2950

Trying is just wasting time up until the point of failure, so never try.
No. 1073814 ID: f14228

Some tries are cool and good, tho. Not that one is ever obliged to keep at them just cuz of that, but value was had.

So thank you for the fun says I, and all the best onwards.
No. 1073919 ID: 2a4e86

Stop her by assaulting her butt

It was going fine! Keep going!
No. 1073922 ID: 02e7e9

aw cmon gnoll, he grabbed her nipple and everything. was it all for nathing

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1043122 No. 1043122 ID: e7c7d3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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No. 1073508 ID: 3bac2f

Well you do have that date with the administrator coming up so getting some nice clothes for that wouldn’t be a bad idea.

As for the party idea, if you can get yourself a grill and a good stereo you could have it in the form of a cookout, he’ll find a projector and you could us the side of your house as a tv for some movies or video games if you can grab a gaming console as well… and probably some folding chairs and a table as well.
No. 1073509 ID: 2bee2c

Your house is small, but your garden is gigantic (enormous sinkhole aside).

Garden Party
No. 1073524 ID: 82842b

>Goth Topic
Plunder store for Sick Drip, bring out your Inner Evil.

>Find a way to set fire to the goth topic.
No. 1073634 ID: 918cdb

>Goth Topic.

Maybe we should aproach the Sect. She seems sociable and fashion-oriented, might have a good idea on where to get furniture nd decorations for our house. Give a friendly wave to Latch as you pass by him.
No. 1073890 ID: 273c18

Well, you probably want to make a few friends so you're not inviting a bunch of strangers. Try talking to the moth. You were thinking of taking up fishing, ask for tips!

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1062804 No. 1062804 ID: 1173be hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

A lighthearted interim quest about giving your friend a birthday present.
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No. 1068826 ID: f8083d

Point at some strands of grass and think of good health.
No. 1073605 ID: 127310
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>Wish for world peace.

You think of world peace and sincerely hope for it. The device's lights burn brighter, but nothing else happens.

>If that fails, focus on Morris and wish him to be well.

You reconstruct Morris in your mind and focus on his wellbeing. The device flashes, but nothing more happens.

>Point at some strands of grass and think of good health.

You hover your hand over some grass and wish for good health.
A few strands grow larger and turn orange. They waver slightly and seem to whisper to you. Something about not waking a dragon at the bottom of a well?

You're pretty sure dragons aren't real, anyway.

Aphrodite remarks, "Hmm, interesting." and doesn't seem to hear the voice of the grass.
No. 1073606 ID: 273c18

Well we're not exactly trying to disrupt anything yet.

Aim at a different patch of grass and will it to wilt.
No. 1073635 ID: 918cdb

Yes, and maybe also for another patch to grow, to see if the same result happens again.
No. 1073882 ID: 1730c1

Point it at a patch of class and think of a dragon sleeping at the bottom of a well (not an awake one, of course).

No. 1073614 ID: 913db1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

first attempt at a quest...
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No. 1073706 ID: f8083d

Kill the past and focus on the future.
No. 1073707 ID: 0fbdcd

The past.
No. 1073719 ID: 913db1

Don't feel discouraged from trying to interpret what's going on. Feel free to post your thoughts.
No. 1073744 ID: dc13c4

Kill the past and the present the future is the only thing that matters.
No. 1073770 ID: 8f9bc4

Kill the future! We must not forget the past!

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1073486 No. 1073486 ID: 64faaa hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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No. 1073496 ID: af7615

Quick, fall down a staircase
No. 1073497 ID: e5709d

Masturbate yourself awake.
No. 1073500 ID: 462d8c

Start falling, down is clearly at 90 degrees right now
No. 1073518 ID: 127310

do that fake falling thing
No. 1073519 ID: 8b18c4

Look at yourself in the mirror and then spend 3 1/2 hours on the face editor only to wear a space helmet for the entire rest of the quest.

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1060139 No. 1060139 ID: 481e64 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

"Alright, I'll see you guys later!"
>"Remember to take photos if you find anything unusual. We want a full report."
"No problem! Where will you guys pick me up?"
>"We will send you extraction details once you are finished. Don't worry if you don't find anything, it's probably nothing anyway."
The vehicle drives further into the cave, now I won't be able to hear him over the wind. It's cool, I got the important stuff out the way.

I shuffle around in the snow a little bit. I've never been to the fridge before, but I'm excited to be here! A little cold, but I can handle that. I turn to my partner.
"So... Where do you think the signals are coming from?"
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No. 1068742 ID: f914a5

Also maybe you could try to convince Kellie to untie his hands by promising a novelty Armada shirt!
No. 1068961 ID: 48c015

Suddenly remember Kelly's comment about neumonos "running away with the CA-" and put two and two together.

"Say, Kelly, I since we are about to leave and you are super busy anyway, you wouldn't mind me telling this fine folk here about your CAI, would you? They seem pretty willing to work with programmers from other companies, after all."
No. 1068963 ID: a7a180

Get that vehicle here asap, hack the mainframe, and as a courtesy you might want to tell everybody to run.
No. 1073236 ID: a758c7

find some programmer socks, they'll help you stay warm and focused. then do the magnet thing, quickly check for anything valuable and portable, and then think about warning the others.
No. 1073238 ID: a758c7

also look for arm warmers and choker, gotta stay warm!

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944457 No. 944457 ID: 4075a1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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No. 1072624 ID: a1a7f4
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First, I must let my walls down. Losing composure in front of the Ambassador would not have been acceptable of course, but now we are alone. Acting as my ‘unguarded’ self in front of Silver is something I’ve had a lot of practice doing. Now, should I go with a slightly quivering lip or-

“Amazing. I’m being blessed with a social call.” Oh god, she’s starting already. “Did Martinet Gatezi go behind my back to do the requisite cajoling into visiting your mentor? Gatezi, remind me to give you a commendation for taking on such an onerous extra duty in your free time.”

“What? No- I mean, I am afraid not, Palin, I-” Mistake. I haven’t attuned the right mindset yet.

“Oh, are we back to a first name basis, Keeper Brass.” She gives a light snort. “So, what brings you from your cavern of tomes and dust, Caevaexerin?”

“It’s not dusty, it’s cleaned… nevermind.” Recalibrate. Get back on topic. “I have distressing news to inform you of, but first my martinets need assistance. They’ve been, well, affixed to the walls of my dwelling.”

“Injuries?” Gatezi asks in a clipped tone from behind me as Silver’s eyes narrow.

“I don’t think so, but they were still unconscious when I left. I came here immediately.”

“Were you followed?”

“No. The perpetrator left quickly so I-” Gatezi begins striding through the room before I finish my sentence and Silver lets out a long, deep sigh.
No. 1072627 ID: a1a7f4
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“Who did it? What were they after?” Gatezi asks as they pull a step stool and a dampened rag from a small closet and quickly use them to wet the etched eye above the door lintel. I can hear the swivel of the eyeball as their hand passes over it.

“Oh, I believe it was a toiler from… the mines.” I suppress a wince and Silver clicks her tongue. I continue regardless. “They had a message from the Mongers and… I don’t believe that is necessary, Martinet!”

Gatezi doesn’t even deign to glance in my direction as they bar the door.

“You’re wasting your breath. We are at Gatezi’s mercy until we are secure, I’m afraid.” Silver takes another sip from her glass. “Ward Four?”

“I sent her to my study. She knows where the panic room is inside, so she can hide there. However, I was hoping to return with your martinets now and help-“ I begin.

“Preceptor safety is paramount.” Gatezi interjects already next to the bookshelf. They tap their knuckles against it in a staccato pattern. Aonaz or some other guard must be behind it as a second later a grinding sound comes from it and the shelf begins sliding out of the way. “Once you’re properly defended, we will go recover your ward and guards.”

Silver stands up and gestures to me. “Help me straighten up before she finishes. If they have their way the office will still be a complete mess when we leave. You can explain the message while we clean.”

I personally wouldn’t call a table of glassware in an otherwise pristine office a mess, but I learned as a child that Silver’s aesthetic standards are the only ones that matter when she’s in the room. The snippiness I receive during her rare visits to my library are-
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No. 1072628 ID: a1a7f4
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>As for what to say, who to rat out.... the miners look like they could be most easily duped into hurting someone we don't like at a critical moment, since you are the only person in power who has ever shown them a modicum of sympathy. Of course, Four and your Martinets already saw Chast doing his mumbo jumbo and offering his terms. We will have to convince them that he and the miners are being used by the Mongers if we don't want to have their rebellion stamped out immediately. It would probably be best to present our evidence that the Mongers are up to no good, as they have enough forces that Silver will probably decide to employ caution rather than an all out assault.
I don’t have any evidence, but it’ll be trivial to lead Silver to think they were behind it. There’s more than enough bad blood that she’ll take it for granted. I explain the situation, that the Mongers have duped the toilers into delivering threats and I fear infected them with magic.

I might have attempted to keep the magic a secret, but my martinets would inform everyone once they are rescued regardless. Silver stays quiet as I lay it out, along with my insistence we find a peaceful solution before life is lost.

Behind the bookshelf a tunnel stretches into the bowels of the mountain. Once it’s open Gatezi wastes no time hurrying us along into it. However, at the last second Silver stops on the threshold.

“Caevaexerin. Do you think I am a fool?”
No. 1072643 ID: 918cdb

Use a preocuppied but understanding tone: "You... think armed conflict can't be avoided?"

If she means something else, something aimed at you, well... get angry. You are just a young little preceptor trying to help and she blames you instead. Play that up.

And uh... did you cast an Eye on Gazeti at some point? Casting a distracting illussion on our present company may be warranted soon, I feel.
No. 1072649 ID: 8f9bc4

Does she know you were dreading having to manage her insipid scheme? That's about the only thing related to Silver which you totally didn't act on, while some random monster conveniently removed your loose end's entire hand.

Does she know it's you who uh... totally didn't do any of that stuff?

Otherwise you've been nothing but genuine to her. Does she not believe your Martinets have been fused to the wall? That's what you wanted her help with, right? Does she think you're hiding the fact that the toilers are revolting, due to overzealous labor extraction on part of the mongers? Because I think she can see that from all the collapsed mines. She doesn't know you have an eye on her, does she?

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1068625 No. 1068625 ID: 817509 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Welcome to Magical Solutions INC.!

Magical solutions to every problem! Let our team of experts conjure up a cure for what ails you! Curse your enemies! Curse your friends! Uncurse yourself!

Do you need an enchanted hat? We've got you covered!

Do you need to be invisible? We'll see to it!

Magical Solutions INC.!!!
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No. 1072221 ID: 2a82d3

>who to worship
The elderich may know how to build regular golems, but the fertility goddess WILL know what good boobs feel like. I bet her worship involves wild parties too, so company morale will be less of an issue even if the cleanups will be.

>Zelda feels bad for all the souls stuck on the banks of the river for all eternity because they can't pay the fare.
We can spare the budget. Have her fraternize with them too, in case we find anyone with expertise we'll need in the future. Then we have a favor, even if we need to spare any lawyers or auditors for whatever possible underworld bureaucracy awaits them.

There's also the recent Golem War going on. In fact, as deaths in war are often very unexpected, its' victims are more likely to not have the fare. They're bound to know something about we can use to our advantage, either to haggle or better inform the expedition. Especially if there's secrets. Or treasure. Or treasurible secrets.
No. 1072227 ID: 5c2013

oh both of them seem to have one half of what we need if only we could merge the two of them together then they would be perfect for us wait a moment cat wizard I remember an old ritual to merge to gods together it was mostly used by old gods when they can't solve there bickering but it should work for us to get the best of both worlds and it only cost us 10 gold to do what do you say boss
No. 1072287 ID: fa0a56

I say we go with Milmar as the other guy seems like a risky business partner (what with drowning his previous worshippers). Also I bet we could get Milmar to go along with a whole line of animated golem "marital aids" so long as we sold it to her as a sex positivity thing and that could open up future revenue streams to balance out those wikdlife donations she wants.
No. 1072354 ID: d9ed37

Actually, we should give them 26 gold. They're gonna need to be ferry'd back over when they leave.
No. 1072404 ID: f2320a

Do we even need clay we could have milky godess curse/bless transmute her into a milk dragon probably

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1058116 No. 1058116 ID: f581d4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Chapter One: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/897839.html
Previous Chapter (2.5): https://questden.org/kusaba/graveyard/res/969223.html
Wiki and Cast Page: https://questden.org/wiki/Hearts_Goetia
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No. 1071060 ID: f581d4
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Over your shoulder, Grayson groans.

“Brooks…” he sighs, burying his face in his hands. The other boys gather around.

“Nice,” says Max.

You move to the next photo.
No. 1071061 ID: f581d4
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“Oh, that’s from–” Grayson begins.

“Spring break bash,” Hunter C. says. “I know those girls. That’s Faith. And the one with her hair in the high-pony is Kaci. She’s on the lax team and she’s strong as shit–you saw her do the keg stand, right Max?”

You look through several photos of the same setting and the same people in the same clothes. The photos become more blurry, showing the progression of the night.

“Does Brooks’s phone automatically upload to his computer or something?” Grayson mutters. “Why keep these?”

> Ask about the girls.
> Search another folder.
> Something else?
No. 1071064 ID: cbf086

Ask about the girls while searching another folder
No. 1071081 ID: 5d66e3

check for any signs of demonic influence in the pictures. anyone drawing weird sigils as the night goes on? who was your foolish human last seen with before he disappeared? and is the phone trackable?
No. 1072044 ID: f760d4

take another look at that first photo. yknow just to be thorough

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1066570 No. 1066570 ID: 681cb5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Kobolds of the desert, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains!
Dragons beware, when you screw the Kobolds, they multiply!

This quest will contain unions, so NSFW! (Not to mention being super lewd)
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No. 1071557 ID: 9f13c1

Actually I guess his bio only says he's "camp gay" which could refer to sexual orientation but might just describe his affectations.
No. 1071598 ID: 8f9bc4

Resist! Resiiiiist!
No. 1071601 ID: a758c7

raise more kobolds for the revolution, get pregnant for progress!
No. 1071698 ID: 2a82d3

You are not lubed up enough to take him yet and he is not wasted enough to dominate or consider having kobolds for kids. Stall until your coworker returns with the slime.

Having, and making, more kobold sympathizers among the other races doesn't sound half bad and could work for us in the long-term, but it's no explosion of kobolds.

>If you’re going to peg the prince, you need to become a goddess of sex! But how do you even start with that? Other than having more sex, that is…
You could start with a cucumber or eggplant. A good test is learn how to apply pressure without piercing the skin. Also good for stretching the internals down below, if you can't acquire a proper dildo.

For seduction or no, it's a good idea to start paying attention to the people above you. Learn the social structures and machinations on which your society runs, and learn what different folks are into along the way.

Screwing your way up the racial hierarchy is good practice for the prize at the top, as well.
No. 1071846 ID: f2320a

Yeah no rhino kids with that huge dick kobold free to impregnate all the kobolds we can overthrow them

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1054741 No. 1054741 ID: 5ff2e7 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

In the near future of our world(but outside your own lifetime), new breeds of strange humanoid creatures have been manufactured by our leading scientists and are integrated into modern society. Follow someone as they navigate College life as a non-human, or as they are collectively known as by the general public: furries.

Updates bi-weekly; that is to say two times in one week. Potentially NSFW. Depictions of sex and gore are dependent on which character you select, except for Gary's story. Even I do not know what it entails.
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No. 1071631 ID: 5ff2e7
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Luna glares at Charlie and growls, sick and tired of her disgusting attempts to degeneracy. "Don't mind her. She's just a friggin degenerate." Now the genet feels embarrassed for considering joining in the sexual deviance. Especially towards Luna who would have hated it.

Luna quickly grabs the genet by the shoulders and guides her away. Not exactly gently, but gentle enough. "But, uhh, hey, we can hang out sometime later. Get to properly introduce ourselves." This seems like a date. Just feels datey. "It's not a date," she quickly adds without a hint of panic. "This is just what college is for, you know. Getting to know people." All this and the genet hasn't even said a word.

Better she says it late than not at all. "Th-thank you… for collecting my things." She shuffles around awkwardly when Luna releases her and they stare silently at each other. "I'll be… nearby." It's quiet for a few more seconds until she remembers her coworker. "You'rereallyhot,okaybye," she dashes across the yard back to the building where her coworker is situated, most probably having a mental breakdown.
No. 1071632 ID: 5ff2e7
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"Ah crap. Oh shit. Oh fuck!"
No. 1071690 ID: e5709d

Why did you not aim for center mass?! You're supposed to tag her, not earn headshot points!
No. 1071692 ID: 918cdb

Well, sniper boy, the situation's gone FUBAR. You wanna keep your perfect record?

You go down there, pluck the protagonist pin out of the wrong character and put it on the right one yourself.
No. 1071708 ID: 8f9bc4

Switching the pins won't matter. You still missed the shot! Why did you miss the shot?!

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1069176 No. 1069176 ID: 462d8c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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No. 1070063 ID: 481cd1

Why do the two worlds have separate currencies anyway? Seems inconvenient for all involved tbh
No. 1070077 ID: 8f9bc4

Can I un-vote for fairy ring? An anti-vote? It sounds like a reeeeeeeally bad idea, especially as unprepared as you are.

As for the cash, you already spent what you could of it on rent and stuff. So it's effectively about as much worth as kindling to you at the moment.

Mental note: avoid big heists until you have some place to stash the loot.
No. 1070372 ID: f8083d

A) Go to Lokkport, see if any tourist trap shops sells expensive collector stuff you could resell on the internet. Laundering!
No. 1070506 ID: 34713f

Yeah, Lokkport seems like the safest option; if nothing magical turns up in your search, you can always fall back on buying some expensive assets you can convert back into laundered money (of any denomination) elsewhere.
No. 1070507 ID: a7a180

Go to the fairy ring, frolic with fey!

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1064679 No. 1064679 ID: f57349 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Three weeks ago the ground began to shake. Gently, at first, like some drunken giant's wheezing snore.

Whenever winds came from the north, a nameless numb despair gripped the peoples' hearts, but bedrock slept soundly.

On other days the quaking slowly escalated. Cookpot-sized sinkholes were met with eager curiosity. When they started swallowing whole wagons, that turned to terror.

Prominent families sent trusted representatives to the town's sturdiest and most central building, hoping to plan a coordinated response to the crisis.

1) Who are you? Core of character creation is an adjective, a noun, and a verb.

Noun options:
Arkus (leader)
Delve (explorer)
Jack (rogue)
Glaive (fighter)
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No. 1068139 ID: 97a765

rolled 17, 3, 8, 17, 3, 14, 19, 16, 18, 10, 6, 5, 5, 9, 20, 19, 5, 17, 11, 9 = 231

>how many midnight stones were collected before the phase glove expired
Well, as many as I have time for probably. I'll use one to recharge my phase glove. Can we quickly find any buyers?

The slugman's stalk eyes open wider and droop closer to the watch's display as it emits one chirping ping after another.

>"...Hey Vorkruns? What's that timer for?"
"Oh no. Ohhh no no no no no...not now! I need one of you to lower me into the tunnel immediately! Ah, please. I have to leave!" Sepurcius scoots down to the elevator as fast as his snail foot can carry him. Gonna spend speed effort on this, whatever it takes.
No. 1068147 ID: 965bce

rolled 10, 3, 15, 12, 2, 13, 17, 11, 19, 9, 19, 9, 8, 8, 7, 18, 5, 8, 10, 10 = 213

>Who's carrying which cyphers at the end of the day
Alaiya is still carrying her level 3 Pressure Detonator, and has replaced her spent infiltrator with the level 5 Strength booster. Saharnya is carrying the level 6 Flash Detonator and the level 8 Metal Death. When he returned from the tunnels, Sepurcius was carrying the level 9 Reality Spike and level 4 Acidic Resonator and at least one midnight stone (but he might have chosen to swap around cyphers or pick up another since). The remaining embarrassment of riches includes the level 2 Sheen, level 5 Explosive Poison, level 5 Sonic Hole and level 6 Heat Nodule.

Saharnya seems interested in selling whatever's left over for iotum, which seems reasonable. Maybe wait until the nano's done attempting to recharge his phase glove- whether or not he succeeds determines if he has an open cypher slot or not.

>-Most of the papers in the master jeweler's wall safe are missing. There are some odd abrasions around the hinge, but it was definitely not opened since the last time those papers were seen, nor has the transdimensional dye marker been triggered. Anything with a wax seal or multiple sheets fastened together is still there.
Perhaps something flattened the sheets enough that they could slip out through the seams? But whatever method was used couldn't similarly compress wax or bindings. Did the guards notice anything?

>-Point source of that poison is less than ten miles outside town. Could cross-reference recent weather and medical records, triangulate the spot to within a few hundred yards, assuming it's stationary.
Seems worth doing! Can't work to track down the machines with a rampaging slug-beast in the tunnels today anyways.
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No. 1068191 ID: e5709d

rolled 4, 3, 4 + 3 = 14

Last night:
"Zzz... arf arf arf... zzz... arf arf awfo... awo... meow... zzz... meow... nya... meow... nya..."
No. 1070154 ID: f57349

> Did the guards notice anything?
>rolled 10, 3
Butler can say with confidence that none of the conventional workers had apparent means, nor significant opportunity. Living-wallpaper guard seems to have wandered off at some point.
>rolled 15
The stuff is insidious, and data is spotty in part because one of the main symptoms is 'unresponsiveness.' By the time Alaiya has it narrowed down to a particular outlying farm, there aren't many hours of daylight left.

>as many [midnight stones were collected] as I have time for
Sixteen, then.
>I'll use one to recharge my phase glove.
>rolled 17
The stone is successfully activated, but wisps of void matter writhe out of control.
>rolled 3
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No. 1070214 ID: e5709d

rolled 7, 18, 11, 9, 13, 17, 15, 6, 13, 1, 8, 16, 3, 16, 14, 3, 6, 4, 6, 16 = 202

Saharnya first greets her cousin - at least, she thinks this is one of her cousins. They haven't seen each other since she left the farm, but everyone in the clowder was on good terms with one another. It's all one big fuzzy blur.

Saharnya's course of action is to negotiate with the trade delegation, using her familial connection with Eliznyabeth and Alaiya's assistance, for the rental of the chainpods and the delegation's mercenaries, in exchange for a major share of any resources they might find on the expeditions. A 60-40 split seems appropriate.

[Persuasion: Intellect, 1 Eff-
*glass shattering*
Saharnya is mildly horrified that Reiko showed up after half a year of being banished - suspended, as Reiko describes it - from House Youngmason. For the fourth or fifth time. Annoyance floods her synapses; Reiko is too valuable as an engineer to shoo away, but too weird and erratic to tolerate. Once again, Reiko tries to insert herself into her life as if nothing happened, and Saharnya knows that the moment Azure finds out she'll welcome Reiko back into the fold and all the peace and quiet she's had risking her life for the nobility for six months will be gone once again.
But Saharnya grips her shiny mattock and grins. She can pull rank over Reiko now.

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1041764 No. 1041764 ID: b7732e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

This is a short fan quest taking place way before the events of The God Damned by Whistler and Graphygraphie https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/944457.html. Fret not, as reading it is not necessary to understand this tale. Take it as an aperitif for a much grander one.

A day in the life of people who just want to get through the end of it.
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No. 1065691 ID: 85f241
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>You should have an education session to teach the kids why training outside their class is forbidden.

That is a sensible idea, perhaps Jaired’s training officers will be more lenient with him if the Martinet who caught him red-handed is willing to lecture him on the matter herself, though she is certainly not relishing that extra load of work. Perhaps she won’t be having tea with Tarana after all.

“Excuse me, Martinet Trezi?”

“Mm? Yes, Chug?”

“B-back in the tunnel, why did you decide to carry the boy yourself?”

“I thought I told you, I had been the one charged bringing him back, and a good workout never hurt nobody.”

>You do have a good reason to do this… right?
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No. 1065692 ID: 85f241
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“Goodbye, Chalker, have a good day at work!”, Missy beams as she waves goodbye.

“Hmyeah, thanks, Missy. Break a leg,” the grumpy Toiler emerging from the dormitories’ threshold replies.

“That’s rude. There are better ways to get a day off, silly,” she replies, missing the point yet again, before turning her back towards the street and goes on her merry way.

Or, at least, that’s what befell earlier today, when Chalker begrudgingly got up from his hammock, ate his breakfast and went on to face the new day, pickaxe in hand.

It is now 9:15 AM and Chalker’s first work shift is already well underway.

There are three places where he is supposed to work on this fine day, each of equal and vital importance, each bound to improve the infrastructure of the city and provide a fulfilling sense of purpose for those working in them: The Quarry, where he will be helping to extract and shape new building blocks for his neighborhood; the Mongers’ Caves, where he will help bring out and transport the coming and going merchandise; and the New Tunnel, which he is taking part in digging.

Which one was he meant to go to first?

>The Quarry

>The Mongers’ Cave

>The New Tunnel
No. 1065717 ID: d3bf48

B. As fun as it would be to diggy diggy hole, coinage is funner. To the Mongers’ Cave!
No. 1066210 ID: 629f2e

I agree with Donut right above, The Mongers' Cave sounds the most interesting. We've dealt with Martinets, Artisans, Toilers, and young children. Let's meet us some money people now!
No. 1070053 ID: 8fae7e

Missy is obviously in the top 5% of Toilers.

Mongers' Cave sound like it'll be the most mentally taxing, so best to get it out of the way early.

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1068994 No. 1068994 ID: 2f7f6e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

A Papa’s Pizzeria-like sandbox quest.
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No. 1069750 ID: 435f13

A burger
No. 1069754 ID: e5709d

A blooming donut.
And your next customer is a Neumono from another dimension who doesn't realize she entered the twilight zone and came out into a world where humanity @#$%ed up and is still stuck on Terra and still blissfully alone in the universe.
No. 1069952 ID: 48c015

Whatever the suggestor above me is smoking.
No. 1069956 ID: 273c18

A whole ass cake.
No. 1069959 ID: 635e12

A turducken

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