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1001540 No. 1001540 ID: ca2950

Keimi bounds up to a spot on the mountainside and waves excitedly.
"I found it! Look!" she says, gesturing at a small opening in the rock face.
"Found what?" I ask, trudging up the hill. "The last time I went along on an adventure with you, I almost died fighting a giant monster."

Keimi rolls her eyes.
"Firstly, you did not almost die. You were only bashed up a little bit. Secondly, you did not fight a giant monster, according to those documents they forced us to sign," she says, wagging her finger. "Anyway, this leads to a cavity that was shown on the sensor scans of a cavern that, according to the documents that my mom brought home that she definitely wasn't supposed to that I was definitely not supposed to look at; runs adjacent to the area related to those creatures we definitely weren't supposed to know about!"

"This is a lot of layer of not supposing. Am I not supposed to get in deep shit if we get caught?" I ask, stopping to catch my breath.
Keimi ponders for a moment.
"No worries. We definitely won't get in trouble."


"As long as we don't get caught."
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No. 1045944 ID: e51896

Pick up Keimi and use her as a shield


Just simply take one step to the left to dosge, then bonk it.
No. 1045947 ID: 9a2966

Man, the way this guy rushes in, hope his 'type' isn't a form of suicide bombers or anything. Guess they're biters, with those chompers.

Maneuver - duck, dodge or sidestep its charges and jumps, then slash or kick as it passes or as you move about. Try to keep a bit of a distance, you should at least have melee range over it. If it opens its mouth it might spit or something, so definitely don't leave yourself open for that.
No. 1045948 ID: c9b764

It's really weird that it's just rushing, it must have a trick up its sleeve...
Rush toward it but feint and dodge to keep your distance.
No. 1045984 ID: 15c72a

Focus on evasion, see how it behaves. Exploit vulnerabilities-- like, does it run into walls if one's behind you? Does it have trouble turning? Will it run blindly into your sword?
No. 1046729 ID: ca2950
File 166597143474.png - (110.82KB , 543x443 , 31.png )

It tracks me fairly quickly when I dodge out of its way, so I guess I can't just trick it into not trying to bite me.

"What should I do?" Keimi calls from behind me.

With me scuffling with this thing, it's not a clear target for her.

Should I tell her to:

>help hit it
>shoot it anyway and try not to catch me in the crossfire
>buff my strength
>buff my defense
No. 1046730 ID: a7a180

Buff your defense. Darn melee users, always getting in the way of the mage's firebolts.
No. 1046731 ID: e51896

Buff defenses!
No. 1046734 ID: 15c72a

Strength. Then keep its teeth away from you using your sword until you can grab one of its arms. Keep a strong grip and swing it around like a ragdoll until it stops moving.
No. 1046742 ID: 8483cf


Clap clap

No. 1046744 ID: bd97d3

How do you know it's trying to bite you?

Buff strength.
No. 1046749 ID: df47df

Buff defense. It will help you survive whatever nasty surprise it's got in store.
No. 1046750 ID: 30b9f6

I'd say Buff Strength. The sooner you can end this fight, the better, right?
No. 1046841 ID: bcab5a

First two are no-go.
First may get the squishy spellslinger damaged.
Second will probably go bad if you have to dodge.

So, last two.
Would appear the bugger's got speed. Question is what else does it have?
Probably best to play safe 'til you're sure, so go defense.
Still, have her ready to blast it if it disengages. Will probably go after her if it does.

Would say go speed if we had that but alas, we do not have speed spells.
No. 1047896 ID: ca2950
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I shout to Keimi to protect me while I rush the thing even harder.

Any hits from the creature feel muted and I can focus on slicing right through the thing as hard as I can, splitting its head wide open and it goes down without issue.
No. 1047897 ID: ca2950
File 166716960127.png - (116.21KB , 680x717 , 33.png )

Keimi cheers and pumps her fist.
"Yay! Winners!" she hoots. "We're having fun now!"

She seems happy to be fighting weird monsters in an ancient ruin.
A little weird, since she's never wanted to take many risks before now, but it's definitely not boring, so I guess I can't blame her.

The hallway is clear of monsters, unless you count the weird meat-roots growing on the walls.
No. 1047898 ID: e51896

Continue down the hall. When you reach the corner, peek over there
No. 1047900 ID: 8483cf

The monsters are waking up now, but they're slow. Focus on making your way forward quickly, before they wake up entirely.
No. 1047901 ID: 15c72a

Alright get moving further down. We already know the roots regenerate so trying to cut them down is pointless. However, they were protecting something, so whatever it is is something we're quite interested in.
No. 1047930 ID: 9a2966

Join Keimi in the RPG victory dance. 'tis obligatory.

Poke at the dead body you sliced open. Any interesting observations to be made of its innards?

And since you cleared the enemy, proceed down the hall - but with caution. Check if the veins have telltale bulges that might disgorge enemies behind you.
No. 1048041 ID: efc971

Collect the phat lootz
No. 1048189 ID: e51896

You know what, yeah, join in on the awkward dancing
No. 1049146 ID: ca2950
File 166835383124.png - (230.52KB , 658x680 , 34.png )

Attempting to victory dance immediately causes her to become self-conscious and stop.
"What's the matter, Kei? Having fun in this life-threatening situation?"

She straightens up and tries to brush it off.
"N-No. It's just exciting to see all this scientifically relevant... stuff." she says.­ "That's all."

She seems to mull things over for a moment and continues.
"After the first time, I kind of started worrying that nothing exciting would ever happen again. I'd just go back to my life and it would just be a funny thing that happened once. Then I started thinking, what if I could do something where I could explore and always have something new to discover, but I didn't know how to do that properly, so I snuck out here with you and here we are. I think I'm just being selfish, probably," she says, looking kind of sheepish.

"Sounds like you're having your run-of-the-mill existential crisis. ­It's normal."
"Yeah, well... Whatever. We just need to figure out what we want to do now."
"Like, in life or right now in this situation?"
No. 1049148 ID: efc971

>After the first time
Reassure her that just because she lost her virginity it doesn't mean the 2nd and 3rd time are gonna be bland.
Also, that you're sure that you're about to uncover some intergalactic conspiracy which will lead to more exciting adventures and meeting many new friends with benef-, I mean, interesting friends.
No. 1049165 ID: 8483cf

Would Keimi have gone out and started exploring by herself if you hadn't come along?

If so, she's not being selfish by letting you come along. She's telling you that she's going to do something stupid, and offering you the chance to stop terrible things from happening when she does.
No. 1049861 ID: ca2950
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"So the first time was so good, you're worried nothing will ever be as good again?" I ask, heaving her up to eye level. She's not very heavy. Almost entirely fluff in a big coat.
"You know what I mean, dummy."
"Yeah, yeah. Anyway, you're not selfish if you were going to come out here on your own and I choose to follow you."
She smiles faintly.
"No way. I'd get eaten by a wendigo instantly that way. I need a meat shield."
"Okay. You are kind of selfish."
Keimi props herself up on my shoulders.
"I just admitted that already, but you're going to let me get away with it, right?"
"For now, I guess. Should we keep going into the unknown?"

She kicks her feet in the air, starting to get fidgety from being held up.
"Yeah. It's been like a minute since we got attacked by meat monsters. We need to keep up the pace."
"If you wanted to get attacked by a meat monster, we could have stayed home and you could just ask."

Keimi starts drumming furiously on my chest with her fists. The amount of force is not very impressive.
"Ah! Stop being a perv!"
"I refuse. Besides, you're not completely innocent yourself."
"Yes, I am. Always." she says defiantly, puffing out her cheeks.
"What about the time th-"
"I said always!"
No. 1049862 ID: ca2950
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I set her down and we continue down the hall for a bit, a few closed doors block the way, but the meat-roots lead down to a room that's just swarming with the different kinds of monsters, including a big one I've never seen before.
The floaty eyebot makes some movements in the air that seem to indicate it wants to go in there, but it's a big mess in there.

"You wanted meat monsters, you got them. There's a ton in there."
"Is it a problem?"
"I don't know. There's a kind of beefy looking one I've never seen before."
Keimi seems lost in thought.
"We'll probably live, right?"
"I would hope so, so I'm going to be an optimist and say yes."
"I'll leave it up to you, so whatever happens, it's your fault," she says, nodding to herself.
No. 1049867 ID: 894419

Okay Adds First, big guy last. Have keimi smoke the hoppers while you deal with the medium size back ranks. Hoppers are slow, no clue how fast the other monsters are but perhaps it'd be wise to put your pet gremlin/girlfriend at the far end of the hallway and kite the enemies down it, so she has has much firing time on them as possible.
No. 1049880 ID: 30b9f6

Oh wow. Yeah, this is a lot. And a biggun. Backup plan is to leggit, right? Right.

Can the floaty drone be told to distract the meatbeasts in a pinch? You don't want this thing damaged, though. Probably need it to have any understanding of what to do to get this place functional again.

This sounds like a somewhat workable plan, but we might be able to use the element of surprise better. Assuming we even have it against these hivemind-seeming things.

Could do a hit-and-run + ambush? Keimi leans through the doorway, zaps all the jumpers and pretends to flee down the hallway, only to turn to focus on strengthening Alex.

Stronk-Alex waits around the corner and doublehand overhead slices the first unfortunate thing to come scampering around - probably a chomper - then the next. Then it's oh god time. As long as Alex is fighting more than one foe, defensive buff should go up, though Keimi should prioritize targeting any additional jumpers, since they can KO with a sting. Or if something slips past Alex and aims for her she should prioritize that (and/or running in circles with it on her tail).

Might also be additional meatbeast reinforcements in there - the room is larger than we can see - so the faster we can dispatch the ones that come the better.

They might also not take the bait or try to corner-ambush you as well, so Keimi should zap 'em good when she reveals herself and hang on to doing so until it looks like they've well and truly taken the bait.

Alternatively... we've got some paths we haven't explored yet, haven't we? Could backtrack there, see if there's anything that could potentially give us an advantage here.
No. 1049923 ID: 7c0da2

There is too many of them and there is probably more where you can't see them. You'll need a way to lure them somewhere else without acting as bait, or a more efficient way to take them down. Maybe lure the wendigo to them? Anyway, attacking them doesn't look like a good idea.
No. 1049926 ID: 15c72a

Yeah, if Keimi stands near the end of the hallway, then Alex aggros them and draws them into the shooting gallery while keeping his distance and staying out of the line of fire, we should be able to thin their numbers before either of our heroes get injured.
No. 1050009 ID: 4286b4

Might need to split them up somehow, or use a diversion to try and sneak through.

Whatever the case, it seems a tiny bit dangerous so I'd go and explore the other unexplored path first tho.
No. 1050029 ID: bbb04b

This... seems like a bit much for us, at least for now. Especially if we're putting flesh roots behind us, though that shouldn't be necessary even if we do engage.

There's still a room to explore back near the entrance, right?
No. 1050384 ID: ca2950
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Trying to be sneaky, we're able to get some shots in from around the corner, then lure a couple in to finish them off.

The others are almost certainly going to rush in after all the commotion. We should probably get ready to deal with that.
No. 1050389 ID: 61540c

Light the chokepoint up! Get a wall of fire going that they have to deal with to get to you guys!
No. 1050396 ID: 15c72a

Brace! Get a defensive buff up, block their path, be the tank.
I don't suppose she can make spikes on the ground or something?
No. 1050401 ID: 4eb864

ooh clever, lets go with that.
No. 1050426 ID: e355ca

Plant some mines.
No. 1050428 ID: 9a2966

Attack buff as long as Alex is only facing one enemy, Def buff if more.

Try to use the corridor length to string out the enemies - let the fastest ones get to you first and give Keimi space to nail them with more ranged attacks before they can reach you.
No. 1051864 ID: ca2950
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The big one rushes up pretty quickly once the commotion starts and I nearly get smashed in the head.

"Kei! Shield!"

She obviously makes it in time, since the impact feels muted and I can block it without being thrown down the hall.

"Quick! Cast mines at its feet!"
"I can't do that!"
"Create a wall of fire to block them in!"
"I can't do that either!"
"What can you do?"
"I can run, because that thing's huge and it's gonna kill us!"

This thing is going to bulldoze me pretty easily if I just try to match it in a shoving contest.

"Alright, we either run or you slip past and see if it's guarding anything important, and maybe keep those little ones off me while I try to deal with this!"
"Are you nuts!?"
"Obviously, since I'm here in the first place! Pick something quick!"

My legs feel like they're gonna buckle. C'mon Kei, decide how we're doing this. It's your dumb alien ruin monster maze adventure.
No. 1051867 ID: 5f7ef7

We run, we cant hold this monster off for much longer, keimi slipping past would take too long
No. 1051874 ID: 9a2966

Oooh, of course the big one is the fastest one. Big enemies are only lumbering and slow in video games. Uh. Fuck it, try to juke it, then ruuuun!

To the narrow passage! This brute will be too big to get through and if it tries to squeeze in you can stab it lots!
No. 1052080 ID: ca2950
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We make a sudden, strategic withdrawal and wind back through the passages until it doesn't seem like anything is following us. What the hell was that? Don't these weird underground monsters know they're supposed to gradually increase in power in line with our strength so it's moderately challenging the entire time. They can't just throw a giant kill-beast at us. It's not fair.

"Ah... So, what do we do now?" Keimi says.

"I dunno. Maybe we should get out of here and come up with some kind of plan, if we want to keep stirring up the ancient alien hive."

"Yeah. I guess it's not a good idea to keep poking at it if we can't handle it. We can head back.
I don't think there's much more we can do right now, right?"
No. 1052084 ID: 9a2966

There was a room right by where you entered that you haven't investigated yet.
No. 1052087 ID: 15c72a

Aren't there other unexplored rooms?
No. 1052180 ID: e51896

Yeah, lets explore the unexplored areas first before we decide to leave, like that room near where we entered
No. 1052366 ID: 00eb4b

Turn to the flying vibrator for the plan.
No. 1052414 ID: f73077

of course, if you try and leave, the Wendigo will be waiting. Are they smart enough to set traps?

Perhaps its time to start killing the lumpy bits of the wall meat.
No. 1052417 ID: ebb557

Bait the big strong fast monster into fighting the Wendigo! It'll be a ways to run, though. Can Keimi keep up?
No. 1053832 ID: ca2950
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The room we didn't check when we got distracted by floaty ball is full of EVA suits.

"So whoever made this place was person-sized and shaped," Keimi says, checking the suits.

"I just kind of figured."

"You're not supposed to just figure! You're supposed to form a hypothesis based on collected evidence."

"That sounds like a hassle, so I'm just going to assume things."

She's starting to look irritated with me.

"You're a terrible scientist."

I shrug.

"Never claimed not to be."

I don't think this suit would be much help fighting these things. I don't think it's made for fighting or for using in gravity at all.

I mention to Keimi that we could try to lure the wendigo in here to fight the monsters and get rid of both threats at once.

"Yeah, I thought of that, but then I had to consider two things. The wendigo is avoiding this place, so it means that either it's afraid of these things or they're not digestible and it doesn't consider them food.
Considering how savage wendigos are when hunting, I'm thinking it's probably the latter. If we get it to come in here, it might focus on us, since we're actual prey items, then we'd have double the monster problem."

"Okay then, what should we do?"

Keimi thinks for a moment.

"I dunno."
No. 1053834 ID: e51896

Just go home. Keimi was talking about going back earlier.
No. 1053839 ID: 8483cf

Communicate with the floating beepy Alexa drone and see if there's anything we can do to gain the upper hand against Punchy Big Boi. Going home brings us back up against the Wendigo, no need to risk that again without trying to find another way out.
No. 1053841 ID: 9a2966

>Suit not made for gravity
So... this is some kinda ancient spaceship that got buried in the mountain? Wow.

>Don't think the suit would be of much use
Hold on, if it's supertechy, what if it has a battery pack or something that still has some juice? Maybe that could be connected to that console the little drone wanted us to activate.

Also, if those things are detecting people by way of body heat or whatnot, maybe the suit could trick them into thinking you're inorganic? Or be a way for you to hide through hopping into it and sealing it up. Though if it's clumsy to move about in, I wouldn't take a chance on the former. These guys do have stuff that can (weirdly) melt clothes while seeping into the skin to KO you.

>Just leaving
If all else fails, we could, but maybe we should just take a shot (hah) at that torso thing? For how important it seems it wasn't as well defended as that other room.
No. 1053843 ID: 15c72a

EVA suits make for decent armor... Alex could wear one to fight the big monster. Or maybe the Wendigo would be afraid of you if you wore it? Or consider you to not be food at least?
No. 1053852 ID: dee951


EVA suits are typically custom-fitted to specific individuals, and also are incredibly unwieldy to move around in. You could spend a lot of time and use one as a base materials to *make armor with*, but they aren't really good for fighting.

Well, not this design at least. You'd need an armored mechanical counter-pressure suit or something, or something with powered mobility assist to counteract the 'you're a person-sized inflated balloon and can thus barely bend' issue, and those two things are even MORE custom made.
No. 1054492 ID: ca2950
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"Alright, Alex. I've thought of a few options that don't introduce more slavering monsters to the situation.
We can try to force that door open like this floaty eyeball seems to be trying to indicate we should, or I could distract that big monster and lure it past you, so you can sneak in behind it and see what it's got back there, maybe take out the small monsters while you're at it," Keimi says nonchalantly.

"That sounds a bit dangerous."
"As opposed to what? Besides, I'll sure to be fine, because my speed is superior!" she retorts.
"Kei, it's a big, powerful monster and you're a nerd with stubby legs."
Keimi huffs indignantly.
"Okay, whatever. I'll use my small to hide as soon as you sneak past it and I can always scream if something goes wrong and you can come save me," she says, wagging her finger. "Or we can just do something else, if you're that worried."
No. 1054493 ID: 15c72a

Let's force the door open. Boost Alex's strength a lot and just manhandle it. ...no crowbars around huh?
No. 1054503 ID: 08de23

Seconding forcing open the door. Be the Tom to her Ruby!
No. 1054524 ID: 9a2966

It's a spaceship, even if it's old the bulkheads should be quite difficult to get up.

Maybe you could be clever about it, though - there might be some sort of manual release to these things built into the wall. That might be more forceable than the door itself.
No. 1058528 ID: 68f7c5

I suggest that we first see if the flying drone could be used to do the scouting of the dangerous room. To see if it's capable of doing that, first instruct the drone to fly between Keimi's feet and do a 3D scan of topology of everything above it. And then to project a hologram of this topology in front of you.
If it's able to understand such complex instructions and carry them out, then scouting should be a piece of cake.
No. 1058549 ID: 08de23

(( Can I just say how happy I am this is back? Thanks, Alex! ))
No. 1059613 ID: ca2950
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We'll just break through that door the floating ball seems to really want to get through, but that means getting past the meat creature blocking it up.

"We're going to have to do a lot of damage all at once to get this thing out of the way long enough to open the door."

Keimi steps forward and holds up her staff.

"I'm not good enough at this to use it in a fight, but if I just need to get rid of this thing, I can probably manage. Now watch my back while I do some calculations. If they can sense what I'm doing, things might get messy," she says, preparing for whatever she's doing.

"Formation of spears, thunder of chariots, charge forth and shatter, vermilion flower that blooms and withers into desolation, blacken the earth and skies for as far as I seek!
Gran Fal!

I can feel heat and a shock wave, and when I turn around, the door monster is gone, except for a ragged flesh tube dangling from the ceiling.

"Holy shit, Kei. A few months ago you didn't even know basic attack techniques."

She looks a little winded, but also smug.

"Finding out there's monsters living under where I live has motivated me to practice. Pretty good, right?" she says, doing a little pose with her staff.

"Very impressive. Just like my Itanese animes."

She looks flustered, but is interrupted by a distant gurgling howl.

We'd better get moving. I think we've stirred the hive.
No. 1059648 ID: 273c18

Yeah get through that door and try to close it behind you.
No. 1060656 ID: 16b7a6

Lol, even the panels read right to left. Go through the door and block the path with anything on the other side.
No. 1060740 ID: b57fea

No. 1061485 ID: 08de23

Thirding the above, also say a snappy one-liner as you barricade the door.
No. 1062931 ID: ca2950
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After the meat creature is blasted away, the door is free to be opened.
I have no idea how to open it, until a few hints from floating ball lets me shove the thing open, right as a mob of the resident flesh-beasts come flying around the corner, ready to tear us to shreds.
We slip through and I slam it shut, just in time to hear the pounding and clawing at the metal from the other side.
No. 1062932 ID: ca2950
File 168348690778.png - (95.10KB , 662x520 , 44.png )

"What do we do now?" Keimi says, gasping for breath.

"Not going back out there is top of my list," I reply, making sure the door is secured.

"How do we get out of here, then? What if there's no way out this way?"

"Kei, you're new to this, so I'm going to let you in on the cardinal rule of getting into trouble; never think about the consequences of what you're doing. We just need to assume everything will work out."
No. 1062933 ID: e50490

Time to see where that little robot will go next now that we helped it get in here.
Hopefully it wont want to change its mind and go back out like a cat would
No. 1062935 ID: 16b7a6

Use your eyes on your surroundings
No. 1062954 ID: 273c18

I can't see where we are so just follow the orb.
No. 1062978 ID: 2b8e7b

Well, you could just wait till they get bored and leave, but that might take a while so may as well look around.
No. 1063028 ID: f8083d

Look around ; if you see several passages save following the orb for last.
No. 1067020 ID: ca2950
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"How have you lived this long?" Keimi says in a huff, quickly regaining her composure.
"Access to fancy government healthcare and a tattletale that ran off to tell the adults so I didn't freeze to death in a snowbank somewhere."
"Yeah, you're welcome," she replies sarcastically.
Since we have no idea where we're going and the little floaty thing has been eager to get into this area, we'll let it lead us where it wants to go. It must be something pretty important with all the meat monsters strung up over the door. It zips down the hallways and enters a corridor lined pods containing vaguely humanoid figures.
No. 1067021 ID: ca2950
File 168842509218.png - (37.04KB , 327x228 , 46.png )

Before we can do anything, the drone swoops over and fits itself into the hollow on one of the figure's chests and it twitches to life almost immediately.
"What do we do now?" Keimi asks, positioning herself behind me.
"I don't know. We don't have a good track record with the things moving around down here."
No. 1067022 ID: ca2950
File 168842510724.png - (64.14KB , 850x768 , 47.png )

While we're considering our options, the figure emerges from the pod and emits a flash of light that causes intense pain, but I think that's because it's really dark down here.
"Are we dead?" Keimi says, once the light fades.
"You're the doctor. You tell me," I reply, blinking away the spots that make up all I can see at this point.
"I'm thinking we're not, but I can't see anything to confirm it," she says, obviously in the same state of dazzled by the flash as I am.
No. 1067023 ID: a7a180

Choose the form of your destroyer!
No. 1067025 ID: 8f9bc4

OK now the little robot buddy has a bigger robot body. What's it planning on doing with that body?
No. 1067027 ID: 273c18

Say hello. Ask it if three's a way to get rid of the weird monster things.
No. 1067047 ID: b57fea

Say hello to the nice robit
No. 1067404 ID: ca2950
File 168882821832.png - (138.30KB , 740x755 , 48.png )

All I can see now is spots, but I can just make out a figure getting closer. I hold out my arms defensively and call out while my eyes readjust.
"Hello?" I call out, but there's no answer.
No. 1067405 ID: ca2950
File 168882825104.png - (65.24KB , 638x666 , 49.png )

The shadowy figure gets closer and bumps right into my hand, but this can't be the robot. This is something soft and squishy.
"Kei, is that you? I lost track of the robot."
Keimi's voice comes from my right side.
"No, I'm over here. I can barely see anything," she replies.

I immediately jump back. I really don't want to be touching any of the fleshy things that are down here that aren't us.
No. 1067406 ID: ca2950
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After my eyes start to recover, I can't see the robot, just a naked girl with the same markings as the robot.
"Kei, did the robot turn into a naked girl?"
"That's my working theory," she replies.

"Do you think it read our minds and turned into that?" I ask, keeping a close eye on it.
"Were you thinking of naked girls when it flashed us?"
"No. Not at that exact moment."
"Then I don't think that's the case. Stop staring at her." Keimi says, glaring over at me.
I keep myself between Keimi and the robot girl.
"I'm not staring, I'm keeping on guard for a potential threat," I retort. "What do we do now?"
"I don't know. This is a new one for me," she replies.

Keimi peeks out from behind me and there is a moment of silence, until I can feel a dull thump on my leg. I have been struck by a small, soft fist in the thigh.
"Hey! You're definitely staring."
"Am not," I say defensively. "But I am noticing she kind of looks like you a bit."

Keimi looks the robot over.
"I think we both got scanned and the result got averaged out. Maybe some kind of disguise or to be able to interact with other species." she muses.
"Must have got the boobs from me," I observe and immediately get punched again. "Urk! Well, it can't be from you."
Another punch. A few more hundred like that and I'll be in real trouble.

I guess I should figure out what to do instead of standing here being abused.
No. 1067407 ID: 3ed73d

Try giving it a command. How about “State your name”?
No. 1067408 ID: 9fdc4a

Tell keimi that if she got naked too, you'd stare more at her instead of the robot

If she refuses, then just let Keimi try communicating with her instead so you dont get distracted.
No. 1067409 ID: 273c18

Tell Kei if she doesn't want you ogling the robot she can give it her coat.

Greet the robot directly, ask it what its name is, and what it's going to do now. Is it going to follow your orders, or does it want something from you?
In the former case, ask it to explain the purpose of this facility, and maybe also give details about what the weird monsters are, and how you can get rid of them.
No. 1067410 ID: a7a180

Try to provoke a verbal response from the robot. Compliment her markings, how tall she is, and how she's not beating on you with puny fists.
No. 1067411 ID: bb78f2

Do you think the guys that made these robots were a bunch of perverts? If it's a weapons system, there's not much of a need to give it a good hologram that could make really nice pinups.

Wait, robot, how sentient are you? If you're very sentient and NOT programed a chat bot, sorry for treating you with disrespect.
No. 1067427 ID: 7c0da2

Introduce yourself and Keimi to the robot.
No. 1067432 ID: ca2950
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We dress her in Keimi's coat, which doesn't really fit, but it covers some things.
After trying to speak to her, get her to speak or communicate in any way for a bit, something clicks and she dashes back the way we came.

Keimi squeals and stomps her foot.
"She's gonna let all the monsters in if she opens the door!"

This communication barrier is just going to be a problem, isn't it?
No. 1067434 ID: a7a180

Try and intercept the control panel, shaking your head for the universal sign of bad ideas.
No. 1067436 ID: 273c18

Just let it. The robot should know there are monsters out there, so that body must be able to handle them, at least with your help.
Kei might want to throw down some buffs beforehand.
No. 1067437 ID: f2ecb2

Flying tackle time. This robot isn't used to its new body, so Alex should be able to stop it before the monsters are alerted.
No. 1067440 ID: 9a2966

Yeah, trying to warn them by the way of the mime will surely work.

At the very least stand ready to repel and re-close the door.
No. 1067444 ID: b57fea

She's too sexy to die! Get to the panel, stop her!
No. 1073804 ID: ca2950
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And then Keimi woke up and it was all a dream and nothing happened.

No. 1073806 ID: 5b55b9

The frustration at not actually having had a real epic adventure happen is palpable. Maybe next time, Keimi!

(Aw, for real?)
No. 1073812 ID: ca2950

Trying is just wasting time up until the point of failure, so never try.
No. 1073814 ID: f14228

Some tries are cool and good, tho. Not that one is ever obliged to keep at them just cuz of that, but value was had.

So thank you for the fun says I, and all the best onwards.
No. 1073919 ID: 2a4e86

Stop her by assaulting her butt

It was going fine! Keep going!
No. 1073922 ID: 02e7e9

aw cmon gnoll, he grabbed her nipple and everything. was it all for nathing
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