Cut Scene.exe Max regretted starting off her Saturdays this damn early, that awkward hours when the only cartoons that were playing were either the dated, syndicated ones or Japanimation. Yet, when Max start closing shop on Tuesday's and reduce her hours across the board, she had to make it up to the community in some capacity. Plus, that's when her clientele was likely to show up.
You're name isn't Bill. So you owe a couple of people some money, big deal. You can only keep your financial independence intact for so long in this awful city. Yeah, alright, you're a dog, but whatever. So's everybody else. Probably. You've got to come up with >B220,000 (that's two hundred and twenty thousand bippies). So your job's not STELLAR. You just arrived home. Where's home? A mold-covered single-bedroom apartment in the Purple District. That's the second worst district in New Guspy. Your girlfriend Suzma is sitting on the couch flipping through a magazine about cool places to visit. "Anything?" she says. "Nope," you reply. Of course she's talking about how you just spent all day looking for a way to get out of debt. No luck obviously. Yesterday a guy came by asking when you'd have the money ready and he made it sound an awfu lot like you were going to disappear if you didn't have the money in one month. Suzma has always been very supportive of you, even after the whole debt thing. You've got a few options. [1] Go talk to Lig at the junkyard. He buys stolen goods. [2] Go talk to Yelbat at the club. He buys drugs. [3] Go talk to doggyluv69 online. He does ??? but pays well so you hear.
Somebody is knocking on the door. "Shouldn't we answer that?" Jeannine leans over to whisper. I shift on my feet awkwardly. After everything that's happened so far I'm left with an awkward sinking feeling. Jeannine prods me in the rib, but my words are stuck in my throat. "It's probably not a drone." "Doesn't mean it'd be nice." I hear someone whisper from behind me. Their voice sounds just like my own.
Archduke Azureblood: Chapter 1 -------------- Of note: We decided to run both of them after all. There will probably be a cycling schedule of updates to cover both. Moebius Acquisitions is thus on a short hiatus. Credits: Linework by Cervink (korbin on FA) Colors by me Discussion Thread:
"Maybe tomorrow will be a good day" the crippled bird said from the cage of a man's heart He descended down the rabbit-hole buried in sorrow buried in hope Thus begun his KATABASIS --- Greetings Our short quest will begin shortly. This will be an experimental quest in some ways, traditional in some others, but enjoyable if we can set our minds and hearts to it. It's my hope that you will experience both struggle and eroticism with this, and hopefully enjoy both. Your foes will range from the foolish and the ineffective, to the witty and the battle-hardened, to the wise beyond the stars and more powerful then the red moon. Our format will be closest described as a play on Isekai. Expect modernist art influences, obscure poetry, metaphysical art and literature, and of course, lots of lewds. With that introduction out of the way, we shall begin shortly - Arkomeda - QUEST DIS:
Previous thread: Questdis: - … Alright… whatever that was making the magical essence to concentrate on one area has been destroyed, and I think that even part of the magic that was being stored on top of the tower managed to escape too, although there is still a lot of it… I guess I should be thankful of meeting… That familiar, I don’t think I would have been capable of destroying that thing myself…
Location Name: "" "" Resources: ??x GREEN ??x YELLOW "" Water Access: OCEAN "" Land Access: Units: 01x GU-00 GU-00 Resources: Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
This is a text quest. There might be occasional art. You know you hoped by now you'd have learned better than to piss off royalty. In general, though, that can be hard to do and while still enjoying any quality of life. In fact, you know at least four royal families pissed off you even had money to begin with. Still, you wouldn't have gotten anywhere without your friend, and that's a problem. Because they're going to go after them next. There's only one way for them to be safe. You're hoping earnestly you've not caught them at a bad moment. Wouldn't want your final moments to be awkward now. God, imagine. A lifetime of intrigue and excitement brought down by a stiff conversation at the very end. Nothing worse than a bad ending. [Choose class:] [Disabled classes: -bard] Make it Good.
> "The Spire. Such a strange world, isn't it? So many interesting places to point out..." RULES: - One post, one country/region. May be rescinded on request if we've hit a slow period. - Write as much or as little as you want about your place, as long as it's at least three sentences, and can be contained within a single post. - Include the map image, updated to include your addition. You can resize the map's edge however you want, but a horizontal wraparound point will be established at some point. - You can't post twice in a row. Give someone else a turn! - You're not allowed to have the most places by a margin of more than one; as an example, if the most anyone's posted is 4, then you can't post a total of more than 5 until someone else posts a 5th. - Comedy is not forbidden, but this is meant to be at least a semi-serious adventure world. If you want to make a silly place, at least try to keep it within plausibility. > "Now... I suppose here is as good a place to start as any:" The Kingdom of Dunhearth: A small, coastal kingdom nestled on the heavily wooded and chilly northern edge of the continent of Otgei. It is a democratic oligarchy formed of human and avian colonists and seekers of opportunity. Their primary trade is in lumber, and some of their woodcarvers and carpenters are renowned in the region. There have also been recent murmurs of something magically potent being discovered in the western mines, however, which could lead to a major shift in the kingdom's dynamic soon.
Deep within an old crypt...
Behold, O nation of Sapengkad! We, Ekwi Irrepaumal, return to you! From that moment in ancient times when you first conceived of Us, that time when you set aside your petty conflicts and internecine strife and first dreamed of unity for the Sapengkadbuk, We have always answered you and provided for you. We have given you strength in battle as you claimed the land that was rightfully yours and brought lesser nations under your rule, and We have kept your people healthy and safe within your borders. When the mighty and bloodthirsty Ngasibuk rode from far up the river Uwedai, they were never able to lay siege to your cities or burn your farms under Our protection. We confused their scouts, brought rains from the sea Mpidon, struck their mounts with disease and let them fall to fighting one another, and finally they moved on to other lands, without a single Sapengkadbuk soldier raising arms against them. When the treacherous Otsasegbuk sailed in their ships across the Mpidon to seize beautiful Mamidn, the jewel of your empire, We ensured they never made landfall. We moved the winds to keep their fleet at bay, confounded their navigators as they ran their boats into rocks, and finally destroyed their whole navy with a powerful storm, without a single Sapengkadbuk sailor boarding his ship to fight them. Even in those most desperate of times, when the forces of nature themselves made their attempts to leave your nation in ruins, We were beside you. By Our intercession, the unseasonable flooding of the rivers Tsedai and Uwedai, brought on by the hateful Ilesai, brought you only greater harvests. When the whole land of Sapengkad was plunged into drought by the terrible Iakna, Our power gave to you the food and water you needed to survive the season. And, indeed, by Our hand, Mamidn was spared when the blind wrath of Ngkau wrenched apart the very earth itself. As We led you to the greatest heights of Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
A lone skeleton resides in a castle contemplating nothing. Let's talk to him.
You're having the dream again. Sentinel Key is a magical girl action/slice of life quest. It may contain blood, gore, body horror, and mild sexual content.
Your phone just died. Sinners' Wood is a horror quest. It is likely to cover sensitive topics such as: body horror, gore, death, bullying, torture, and suicide. It will deal with themes such as religion, redemption, forgiveness, and whether people are capable of changing. It will not contain jump scares or sexual content. Good luck.
"And zhen! And zhen!! Ammy travels to a totally different quest! Her panel is fading away— well, more like ze pixels are becoming transparent but ze details aren't important even if it did look really neat— and zhen she dies! Dramatically! And that is ze end of ze chapter and of Ammy! OR IS IT!? Dun dun dun!" I wince. Beatrix can be quite loud when she ramps up to full steam. "What about Aubrey?" I sign at the ever-excitable yinglet. My sign goes unnoticed as she continues, "Of course, she did not actually die! But I'm spoiling my own story so pretend you didn't hear zhat!" I'm not sure she'd notice if I pretended or not. "And ze chapter continues! Zhat's not a spoiler because it's happening right now!" I wave my hands in a desperate attempt to get Beatrix's attention. It does not work. "And zhen— guess who shows up!?" "...." Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
Chapter 1: Disthread: Character sheet:
MS. BEAR QUEST HOOAH tee hee~ <3
The endurance, long believed to be a myth or legend, a ship that legends say 'collects' people. One day you'll just wake up there, and few have escaped to tell the tale... Well, it's not a myth anymore to you...
> SPOOKQUEST > Once upon a time >In a dark dark forest there was a dark dark town. >In the dark dark town there was a dark dark hill. >On the dark dark hill there was a dark dark house. >And in the dark dark house, some monsters lived.
Previous thread: Questdis: - …Well, I would say my mission was successful.
#8: “-the jury shall adjourn to determine the sentencing of miss Maria Walsh. JUDGE: “Very well. Court dismissed.”
A traveling merchant and a snow capped mountain.
My mind is like an alpine lake in spring, alive but nearly inert. Slowly ancient memories begin to thaw.[/spoiler]
"one communicator." "check." "approximately 200 hundred credits in cash." "check." "badge. Enforcer." "check."
This quest may contain NSFW content… but we’ll see. ———————————————— We dragons are the greatest and most glorious of all mortal creatures. I need to remember that, first of all. Our highest, indeed our only truly worthy purpose, is to demonstrate how undeniable this is. It is to accomplish this that we hoard, of course. The common dragon chooses to collect treasures, gathering gold and jewels and kidnapping lesser mortals who are valued by their kind. Some decide to collect knowledge or magic. There are even a few who make a reputation their pride, deigning to act as benevolent protectors, or terrible conquerers, and gather fame and infamy. I chose a… somewhat similar path, to that last sort. Yes. I remember that.
Idk, just rip into me, I can take it...yeah, you think you can make me cry, you think you can touch this? NO, i'm the master of my emotions, just you fucking try!
NSFW maybe? >You are sue sakamoto >You're a 19 year old human girl >You've been dragged along by your mom and brother to go on some trip to study something on a floating island >You jump off as soon as the helicopter lands, bored as ever you look for something entertaining to play with >You whine to your mom "Whhhhyyyyy did you have to drag me here?? Theres nothing here to dooooo! You didn't even let me bring my gameboy!" >Professor Booster looks annoyed and disappointed by the youth of today, damn kids
You are a young maiden, innocent, nubile, and pure. Whether of noble or common birth, you are undeniably one of the most beautiful women in the land. Recently, you've caught the eye of a Dark Lord, who, lusting after you, sought to claim you as his own. > Which Dark Lord claimed you? Choose one, or roll 1d3 and leave it to fate. > Uruk Bloodgnasher, a tremendously mighty and notoriously vicious warlord. Half-giant, half-orc, he towers over all he meets, and with only his strength, his cunning, and his axe, rose to become rule a vile horde of every monster, cutthroat, and savage imaginable. > Through his brutally cunning strategies and cunningly brutal fighting style, he came to conquer the southern continent, and slew every foe who came against him with practised ease. Satisfied with his empire, Uruk has decided to reap the benefits of rule, and his eyes have fallen on you. > Venkalth Zorandir, a dangerous warrior whose skill with the blade is surpassed only by his fearsome reputation. The spawn of a legendary arch-demon and an unwilling high priestess's profane union, his very form is unholy, his skill-at-arms and mastery of the dark arts unmatched. > Wielding his blade of damnation, full-plate of blasphemy, and myriad abyssal sorceries, he gathered a vast host and waged war against the kingdoms of man, coming to rule the northern continent. Content to rest and recuperate for a century or two, he has grown bored with rule and came to desire a companion. You were found more than sufficient to suit his needs. > Udroghan the Undeterred, a wizard so ancient and powerful, it is said the gods themselves fear his wrath. Unrivaled in his arcane mastery, he transcended his mortality eons ago, and become a Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
Probably NSFW >You awake screaming >Fur wet, and in a white void >Your surprisingly more naked then you usually are when out...side? >What do?
"Here it is, boys and girls. This is going to be way better than some shitty Halloween party."
Oh look, a quaint magenta city.
On a journey across the ocean, your ship is beset by a raging storm. Tossed and turned for hours on end, the hull finally succumbs to the ferocious waves and splits apart. As you're plunged into the deep, you lose consciousness. When you awake, you find yourself on the beach of a tropical island, partially covered by the tattered sails of your ship. You stand and attempt to brush the sand off your mostly-dry clothing. A jungle looms before you, its towering treeline encircling the small beach. The sun hangs low over the horizon, though you aren't certain if it's coming up or going down. Your pockets are empty. Your stomach is growling. You have no idea where you are. Survive.
Your name is Henry Longlegs and you live in a vile and corrupt city filled with scum, evil politicians, and crime bosses. Tonight, you have decided that enough is enough! This is my third attempt at making (starting) a quest. I keep losing sight of the plot in my quests so this time im trying something a little less linear. This will be a learning experience for me and i hope you guys will help. :)
“They say it’s haunted.”
An alarm clock, beeping quite loudly stirs up a feline under their sheets. This feline's name is Leo. He groans and squints at the clock, gently tapping it a couple of times before getting up. They yawn and stretch, and look at the time on the clock. Leo goes ahead and does their daily routine: showering, brushing their teeth, picking out an outfit, make breakfast, and feed their pet fish. He looks over at his phone as he is eating his scrambled eggs, and a message pops up. It's from his group of friends. "Wanna meet up at the coffee shop? We're waiting for you!" "Yup, I'll be there soon!" As he finishes up the eggs and puts the plate and fork in the sink, he walks out of his house and closes it shut.
>well you just woke up but then you're in a blind fold...wait WHAT! >there has to be a reason why well guess it's time to find out what's really going on
Oh hello there! My name is Bardtolomew! It seems last night I took a wrong turn walking home and am now trapped deep in the DUNGEON of ETERNAL TORMENT (and occasionally vast treasure). Between you and me, this is a terrible place to be lost. The locals want to eat me, the air is damp and smelly, and there's traps everywhere. Very poor hospitality. How will I get home?
Previous thread: Wiki: Disthread: It's been a while since we've last seen these two lovebirds.
Ugh. It has been a long day. I kinda just want to pass out, but it's 4 in the afternoon, and I've gotta head to the Second Ring in an hour. I really don't want to, but I think the reward might be worth enduring this day a little longer.
Its october. What can we do to get into the halloween spirit
CAUTION: This quest is NSFW, and will be extremely weird. I would like to apologize profusely in advance.
Previous Chapter: Disthread: The madness continues in Chapter 2 of "the SLAVE the THIEF and the SLUT"
Tri-lateral Megacorporation (™) is in the brave new venture of interstellar travel. It has a monopoly in hyperspace traveling. The megacorporation consists of three parties each of which can be recognised as an independent interstellar species with equal rights to the profits brought about by the age of space mining. There are many problems in conducting these expensive, but lucrative operations, that require intelligent supervision. The new frontier beyond the mapped hyperspace lanes provides proving grounds for the adventurous mind ready to grab big bucks with rich exploration data. For some of these explorers the mere opportunity to escape the turmoil of society brings its own reward. Which trade is of your liking?
(This quest is NSFW) So uh, after our human friend ditched us for class it was just me and Liz hotboxing the locker room bathroom. "Wish he didn't leave all of a sudden" Liz tells me after taking a few pulls "Yea, he's really missing out on some dank shit" I respond taking a few pulls myself before passing it back. We blaze up in the locker room, talking and getting our updates on the latest news and gossip. "Melanie's having a party this weekend, she told me her parents are going away so she has the entire house all to herself" Liz tells me before passing the blunt. "Really, sounds nice, how many people do you think are gonna be there?" I ask "Don't know, but she told me Raechel is coming, though" she tells me Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
I shouldn't be here, but IT calls to me, beckoning me with an ice-cold song. The smell of the forest changed from that earthy plant scent to a ghastly, foul rotting smell. I know now that I'm approaching my destination through scent of corpse-trees that litter the place and the awful pigment of the surrounding flora.
"The real tragedy of the poor is the poverty of their aspirations" -Adam Smith
Single protagonist quest using the Eclipse Phase system/setting. NSFW, blood and violence, all that stuff.
The sun beats heavily from up above, over my head. The constant heat is put off by the blowing winds. But that means a storm is about to begin. I should find shelter, somewhere. I do not remember who I am. Or how I got here; Waking up on the sun-bleached sand tends to do that to you. >North; To a civilization >South; A closer shelter
You're going on an adventure. You may or may not be aware of this, but either way - you're going.
The Bird of Time has but a little way To flutter — and Lo! the Bird is on the Wing ~Omar Khayyam
Another day, another drink, another dark night. Alone, except the bartender - I think they were scared off? Or they're just... watching? From the corner? I can't hear them. Or feel them. Or hear them. I think they're... err... watching. That feeling. It's weird here at-at night. And I feel you all coming on fierce, so... now's the... urgh... now's the time. For a groundbreaking. Scientific. Wossname. Observation.
which creation myth is correct? is it a (W)Hole, A (G)Lobe or a T(H)urtle?
A light adventure about causing a little mischief in a small town through ill-explained transformation powers. Nsfw for obvious reasons. *Warning: this is probably a terrible idea but I really like this format for simple no-pressure stories*
We'll be taking beat up old sticks and really just pimpin them the fuck out! I'm Guy Fieri Wecome to: PIMP MY STIIIICK!
In the arid southern area of Caroline, out with 90 degrees celsius the shadow of the name less beast stumbled with his hearful, but visionless figure across the steam like rocks in a nefrarious manner. Did you see that said Mr.Wulf? Yes responded Clemont with a tone of fear in his voice The monster begun to crawl up the dusty hill while leaving fragments of heated rocks behind as it climbed, Mr. Wulf pulled out his water gun and begun to sprint towards the volcanic creature. Steam , Steam ! Everywhere , the young boy crawled up into the car and was told to remain there for his own safety the volcanic creature leaves and even more immersive hallow of steam Mr.Wulf displaces himself towards the source of steam with his H2O gun as his only weapon.
"Okay that's one Padd as part of the Settler package. Thanks for the purchase. 250 Scrip, least you got decent rating out here." >250 Scrip removed >46 Scrip remains.
It is the year 3007 A.D. I am The Nameless Peon, ugly and uncharming, there are two kind of humans living on earth us uglies and the Bishes ruling this world, my goal is to become the most Beautiful and Handsome of all Bishies, but the Top 5 Bishies banished us uglies into empty warehouses forever rotting away 'till death claims us all uglies. Here i am in my epty warehouse only it's not really empty there's me, this little mice i called Mr. Chezy and for some reasons this strange syringe lying on the floor, Mr. Chez has been my only friend in this cruel beautiful world, what should i do now?
You are a Rudäl, a nomadic people from the frozen marshes of the far north. You were a rambunctious child, always venturing out into the wilds, wondering what was beyond the wastelands that you have called home your entire life. Now, at your coming of age, you were given the choice to live on with your tribe, or to leave and explore the world for yourself. Without almost a second thought, you began to pack your bags, stopping only to say goodbye to your friends and family. After a long, heartfelt goodbye, you leave the only people you have ever known and strike out on your own southward, into the lands deemed forbidden and savage by your elders. After a long day of travelling, you stop to rest your paws. Even though you have not been traveling long, the air is much warmer here, and the snow has mostly melted, save for patches in the shade beneath the forest trees. You sit down on a milestone and take in your surroundings. To your left, the road leads back north the way you came. To your right, the road leads further south; there is a wooden road post on the right side of the path, but at the distance, it is too hard to make out what the markings say. Even further down the road, there appears to be a path splitting off to the west through the trees and into the forest. You have a rucksack on your back that you take off and set onto the dirt road, resting, and pondering your next move.
This is a quest about a quest. What kind of quest is it going to be? Well, that's up to you. This upcoming quest will star (at least in the beginning), one of two characters, both in very different settings with absolutely no relation to each other. Not even the same universe. They will not carry over to each other, and the one that is not picked will probably not feature in a quest any time soon. What you will be selecting is which story you want to be told. This quest will be lined by Cervink, and colored by myself, as seen in the image here. Let's introduce our potential protagonists. Aataz is a kobold of draconic blood born into a relatively small kingdom ruled by a mighty, ancient blue dragon. Of moderate power as a sorcerer, he was called upon by the Dragon King to undertake a quest with a party of other similarly talented kobolds. The quest was long and hard, and he lost allies, while gaining new ones. But he and his group succeeded. Now, Aataz is one of the most powerful sorcerers in the world, and the archduke of all kobolds in the Kingdom. But the adventure is over now, the party has dissolved, and he has to deal with the reality of politics, along with all the dangling plot threads unresolved issues that were left behind during his grand quest. At least he still has his dragon girlfriendally around from his quest to help him with the challenges. (This quest will take place in the Pathfinder/Golarian setting) Trace is a master thief in a futuristic universe of soft science fiction. Armed with a carefree, cocky attitude and a highly advanced stealth suit, he procures technology, information, and individuals whom others would rather remain in their possession. The rest of his team, including a brilliant scientist, a keen-eyed scout, and a powerful bruiser, all support Trace in questionab Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
Oh Dear, this door just appeared out of nowhere. Now Matt's parents are gonna ground him for sure unless he can get rid of it. It's still gonna cost a lot to fix the wall and replace whatever pottery it broke.
Deep in interstellar space, a massive ship trundles on. A pinnacle of engineering of its kind, its destination is a new home. A home called Borgas IV, a habitable planet of the Borgas system. Will they reach their destination safely? Will doom bar their path? Who knows...
My name is Luka Parsons, I work as a photographer. Recently, I received a special assignment from the magazine I work for, for a collection of photographs of my home town.
Previous Threads: Thread 1: Thread 2: Thread 3: Welcome back to BLIND DATE QUEST with your hostess, Nemaaaaaaaaain Moooooooorigaaaan! Our show has some NEW RULES to go along with our New Johnnys! Johnny now has the following attributes: - Skill: Refers to Action (combat) Skill. - Charisma: How good Johnny is in social situations. - Ardor: How good Johnny is in romantic situations. - Luck: Allows him to amplify good situations, minimize bad situaitons, or just be lucky when he needs to be. Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
Shacking hands insert a talisman into the sword. ?: Don't let this be a fake, please don't be a fake talisman.
Previous thread:
Wiki: QuestDis: Previous Chapter:
In which a Dorf must find his place in the world. [This will be given more attention than Courier's Quest due to this being more thought out]
This was a really stupid idea
>In a dark dark forest there was a dark dark hill. >On the dark dark hill there was a dark dark house. >In the dark dark house there were some dark dark stairs. >At the end of the dark dark stairs there was a dark dark room. >In the dark dark room there was a dark dark painting. In the dark dark painting...
We wisps -spirits- are guides to the gods creations. Providing inspiration to those that wish upon the heavens stars. We take many forms, some simple and mundane. Others marvelous and yet terrifying. The more we inspire; the more powers, forms, and influence we gain. Until eventually we become true angels in our own right. Who in the infinite cosmos shall we impart our wisdom and inspiration? Perhaps a savage with much to learn, a troubled teen, or maybe a cat. It is our decision to make, and there is no limit of those that can use our help. Though there is a limit to our power. (7 points to spend.) Constitution - How much power we can use before we exhaust ourselves. [][][][][] 0 - We must rest after each time we attempt to influence. 1 - We sleep after a few hours. 2 - We sleep when they sleep. 3 - We sleep only a few hours a day. 4 - We can scout around a bit. 5 - We can go wherever we want. Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
"Foray Log 1/22/20XX."
"Do you think yourself righteous?" The question gives me pause. No one yet had ever questioned my purpose, or even bothered to do more than raise their arms against me. I glance back at the man, slumped against the wall, his arms separated from his frame and his heart pumping his life blood onto the floor around him. He can barely lift his head, yet he still manages to glare so hatefully at me. A shame his hatred means little to me. Finally, I consider the question, letting it sit unanswered, lingering in the air. Do I consider myself righteous? I have killed many in my quest, all to reach this point. Some could be argued to have deserved it. Others unarguably did not, like the paladin that dies behind me. So many more were slain as well, their lives cruelly ended without explanation or reason given. Villages lie bereft of life because of my actions. Kingdoms lie shattered, the light of the gods stolen from them so that I might light the lantern just a few weeks more. I bear no sense of guilt over this, but all the same. Do I consider myself righteous? I swore the oath once. So long ago, it seems hardly a memory worth the title. I swore to uphold justice, to let not a single soul be claimed by the forces of darkness and shadow. Like many, I felt myself beyond reproach, a champion of all that was good in the world. I felt so strongly that no higher purpose could call me. Yet, inevitably, I failed. As all those who swear the oath must. Do I consider myself righteous? She catches my eye, hovering above me, her gaze full of concern and hesitation. Her Lantern burns so weakly now, her ghostly form can hardly be seen, hazy at the edges. Only one so used to seeking out her flickering soul could spot her. For her sake I have done all this. I swore that day that I would let no soul be claimed by the shadows. I failed her, for it is foolhardy to think one man could save everyo Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
They say the world was spared the spread of evil, once upon a time. That we did not have to send so many to the depths, to sacrifice their lives and their sanity to the hellish nightmares that would otherwise crawl forth. That we lived in peace, never fearing the night, or the clinging shadows it brings. That we knew contentment, happiness and, most of all, safety. Sadly, if such a time ever existed, we shall never see it again. I am an old soul, the watchmen and archivist of this, the most ancient of dungeons. It is my solemn duty to watch over the town that sits above it. It is my grim duty to watch its inhabitants for signs of corruption. Perhaps saddest of all, it is my personal duty to record all who enter that dread place, so that they may not be forgotten. So I begin again, another record of another life, sacrificed to the hells below. I record now their history, their life and, in time, how they shall die. So it shall be, forevermore. ------ >Select One >Aldrich Westhaven, the Banished Lord Once a nobleman, Aldrich has come to this dread place, seeking death or absolution, with only an old family heirloom to guide him. Starts as the Soldier Class, and has high Strength/Endurance, but weak Agility/Perception. Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
This sucks. Your face hurts. Your mistress kicked you out of the glade and said you had to spend the day "contemplating your actions" on top of this hill, the bitch. She wouldn't have been so mad about you skipping a couple chapters if your spell had worked right.... Ughhhh, it's only been an hour so far. You try to think of ways to pass the time....
This quest is NSFW.
Today is going to be a long day. Thread One:
You watch Yve pick at the hole in your chest, vision blurring slightly as your eyes refuse to adjust to the shift in distance. "Well," she finally says. A lock of hair has slipped out of her pony-tail and it's curling, fox-red, beside the corner of her mouth. "No breath, no heart, uh..." She furrows her brow. "No... gah." ? " My latin isn't that good. It's..." She lifts a hand, mimicing the pulse of a beating heart. [i] "Votre coeur ne fonction pas, monsieur chevalier. Vraiment, vous êtes morts." Previous Thread:
Creation. A world made of five elements, on the backs of five dragons and reaching off into five directions. But in which direction do you live? 1: The frigid North? 2: The verdant East? 3: The regal Center? 4: The blazing South? 5: The drowned West?
I'm walking through the brightened hallways of my high school on a bright Spring morning in Timberland High. Did I say walking? More like running to make it to my first class in time before the bell rang. It's a lousy way to start the morning. My bus had arrived just a tad late that morning as traffic in my area was a tad bit more busy than usual that day. What's my area you ask? All you have to know is it's the one with humans in it. Oh crap, I forgot to mention, I'm the only human in an all-anthro high school. You could imagine how much hard fitting in was. I see the door to my class getting closer. I decide to walk the rest of the way there. I didn't want my teacher to see or hear me running down the halls with a jingly backpack like some dufus. Within literally a 5 foot distance the bell rings with my teacher walking out to close the door, but not before catching me and giving me a slight sigh. I now stand before my teacher, ___________. 1.)Ms. Barnfield, my bovine American and World Literature teacher 2.)Ms. Eagleheart, my avian US History teacher __________________________________ Make choice here:
On your internal, confusingly named operating system called Operating System you are prompted to enter a name.
Wakey wakey, eggs n' bakey! I just got out of bed, and am ready to... well, do a lot doay. It may be friday, but I still hafta go to work, do some shopping, maybe go out on a walk... who knows! But I should probably get dressed first, and do the normal morning routine, like breakfast, brushing, ect. Work starts in around an hour, so I got enough time to spare...
Chapter 1
Previous thread:
Third vote decides it.
A slugcat has awoken from its slumber. Crawling out of it's den, it spots a glowing creature, and politely waves to it. - - - - The slugcat seems to be waiting for your reaction. What do you do or say? This is just a test run so that I can get the feel of things. I'll treat it as an actual quest, but there's no established plot yet, so feel free to go wild with suggestions!
You boot as quickly as possible, forcing yourself to breathe and try to remind yourself where you are. For a moment you see the blank walls of your cell from the Rehabilitation Center. For a moment, you see blood. You force yourself to breathe and really see. You're home, in your own room. You can hear Jess pacing around upstairs. You can hear Mr Munroe snoring in the room next to you. You can't hear any sign of Dr Munroe at all. You curl up, wondering if you should boot up Karen or Akane. You know they still need to process the day's events, so they could do with staying in sleep mode a while longer, but you don't feel safe. You can't stop your hands from shaking. You don't want to wake up Mr Munroe again, so you stay quiet as you curl up even tighter. You could go and talk to Jess, but there are a set of stairs between the two of you that you don't think you get get up with your legs still damaged. The replacement parts are taking too long to arrive, in your opinion. You could try to get upstairs with your crutches, though.
>"Hey, uh, what was your name. Koror?" "Yeah, Koror." >"I just thought I'd let you know that you're gonna be leaving radio range here in a little bit." "Right." >"Which pretty much means this is the last time I'm gonna talk to you, probably, so let me just make sure I went over everything."
It's not sure how long it's been here. It's whole life, probably. Maybe it's before that, though. The 'life' thing. It has a general idea what that is, but it can't seem to get any details. So maybe it hasn't had one of those yet. It hopes it will get one soon, but it hasn't managed to find one no matter how hard it looks. In fact, it's never found much of anything around here. It gave up walking a while ago. There isn't really a 'here' to explore, anyway. Weird. As soon as it sits down, words appear. It glances to the side, unsure of what to do. But really, what are the chances that whatever it's looking at can guide it on the correct course. It's just looking in a random direction, not actually at anything... right?
Zarzoth. This mythical floating island is home to wonders beyond your wildest dreams. There are 5 nations that call this place home. The Baal Empire, a brutal theocracy that hides a fascist regime at its roots. The Dragon's Blood, marauding tribes of six foot tall lizardmen, commanded by the titular Elder Dragons. The Tulran Empire, manipulative elven fanatics dedicated to wiping out those that oppose their god, the Maker. The feral druids of the Sleeping Forest, the native species that wishes to cleanse the invaders from their land. Blackwater, a city of corruption, filth, desecration, and death that the Devilers, those born with the innate talent for dark and forbidden magiks, reside. It is in the last nation that our story begins. >(1/3, next one might take me a bit of time)
>SABEL: "Hey, how're we doing downstairs? We'll be in range soon." >GOON: "Driver here, Belle's running as good as she's ever. Radio's fine, too." >BILL: "Gunner, turret's functioning with a full range of motion. Christ, I can't wait!" >SABEL: "This is First Lieutenant Sabel Rode, in Saber 1. All units, how we doing?"
>CHAPTER TITLE: Laws of InVersion >Your goal: Save Phymosa.
Oh dreamless ones who yet sleep Whose divinity my words do keep Waken now from your ancient molds Dance now as our game unfolds Milord, awaken. You turn your considerable attention upon this sound without sound, and feel it almost dissolve beneath your gaze. You divert some of your attention elsewhere, and the presence returns, something unfamiliar yet not altogether new to you. You wonder at this, and in some way, this presence seems to sense this. I am nameless and formless, but I am yours, milord. Call me angel or devil, spirit or tool, I live only to serve you. You find its assertion amusing, for though you recognize you have only just... awoken... in a sense, there is something altogether pleasing about having something so devoted to you already. Just as it is known to you what you are, or perhaps rather, what you could and will be. You are a god. Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
You are a part of the police riot squad and you will have to do your job, by any means necessary Patreon
I, Sir Chivalry, have taken on a mission to rescue Princess Lovely from the vile Dragon Sorceress' Castle! And I expect you, my Sword of Infinite Psyche to assist in this mission! Away we go! To save Princess Lovely!
This Season's Opener: Welcome to the TGChan Sims Quest Thread #2! Featuring Sims 2 (because meh on the other versions!) Previous Thread: When we last left TGChan Sims Quest: - Nem (of Nem's Quest) and Anon44 have had 3 kids and Nem, also the main breadwinner and very wealthy, wants 10. Their oldest child Chris is engaged to Riot's half-alien spawn Rygar-Sue. This makes Anon44 and Riotmode in-laws. Their other kids are Jane and Ailbe. - Riotmode got hitched to an alien and have a horrible little child named Wrex. His eldest is engaged to Chris, and middle child and also alien-spawn Squart is currently in the TGChan Greek House. - Anon-on, Huckebein and Marie (of Rollback) are currently living in the TGCommons. Huckebein and Marie are a couple. - Arashi Maeda married Miss Muffet (of Undertale) and is living with her in her purple house. Both Riotmode and Arashi were competing for her cold, calculating heart and Arashi "won". Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
Chapter One: Of Truths and Secrets Our tale begins in a dark and eerie forest. The moon glitters in betwixt the silhouetted leaves. There is the sound of a bell ringing in the distance to the east, and the gurgling of a stream to the west, all around you are fireflies and the calls of nocturnal birds. The breeze flows gently over the long grass. But what is that odd chattering? Could it be... snickering? You are faced with a choice, either go: >A Western Path >An Eastern Path >Stay Here >???
The world ended, and we haven't really got over it yet. Billions of people died, and 'countries' as they used to exist stopped being a thing in the wake of so much catastrophe. Confusingly, there's no agreed explanation for how and why the 'End of Nations' happened. Judging by the geiger counters there were a few small nuclear weapons used at the time, but the end wasn't caused by nuclear war. Instead, news stories and press releases from the time were full of rich and powerful people mysteriously dying or vanishing. From there, others responded to the crisis by declaring wars, martial law and civil wars. Then everything collapsed quickly. The collapse was so quick that nobody can convincingly explain it. The most popular ideas involve the alien ecology which took over the old ruins. Those are unconvincing for two reasons. One is that the timing is questionable, and while some of those who were around at the time claim that xenofungus and mindworms first appeared as much as years before the end, most others insist that none of it was here until months or even a full year after the end. The other reason it can't be a full explanation is because the fungus only defends itself when people attack and it otherwise doesn't kill people. Instead, it does a lot of nice things that people rely on every day. It's still creepy though, and nobody knows whether it's really alien life or if it's just a lab experiment gone out of control after the keepers died.
... Medical. Botany. Security. Delivery. Sanitation. My purpose is here, somewhere. What was my purpose? How did I serve?
???: "Gone. All of them, gone in an instant. I must do something, but what is there to do?."
This is the continuing adventure of our sleep deprived hero Charles Coppin. It's been quite a while. Previous Threads
ROGUE QUEST This is going to be an upbeat adventure quest, with a sort of roguelike setting Hearing the siren call of newly uncovered artifacts of the old empires in the western desert, you've arrived at the Nyaguru Oasis, just on the step of the mysterious tomb of Korashuu Choose which class and name you'd like to adventure into the wastes with! Fighter: Knowledge of swordplay, faints and brawling, the Fighter is ready to take on even the strongest beasts hi BODY, hi AGILITY, low KNOWELDGE, med WILL, low CHARM Starts with a weapon of choice, medium armor, and shortbow with arrors Scoundrel: A shifty person with a charming smile, a fast hand and a deadly blade, the Scoundrel is at her best sneaking past the chaos she causes med BODY, hi AGILITY, med KNOWLEDGE, low WILL, hi CHARM Starts with sneaky clothes or light armor, dagger, poinson/sleep darts and lockpicking tools Sorcerer: via training or nature, the Sorcerer has aligned herself with the forces underlying reality, and can create miracles with it low BODY, low AGILITY, hi KNOWLEDGE, hi WILL, med CHARM starts with staff of choosen element, several powers, some charms and a knife
Beyond the dry mountains and salted lakes resides a small town, unmarked by many explorers’ maps. Not a place one would wish to visit for a happy meal, or even a quick dump, it's a real hellhole. On top of the burning sun that ignites the streets like lava coming out of a volcano, the town serves as a safe house for many bands of raiders (the worthless parasites). You’re Lotion Seller, a humble local seller of… lotions (lowercase). You make your stand at the market, on another sunny day in the town of Craneo Seco.
They never meant for me to return.
It's been so long. Don't you think? Since I've eaten? The skies don't really change, never had since I've seen them; Just a rolling black and grey smoke. They say it extends upwards; hundreds of miles into the unknown. Society as we know it stagnates. There are a few ways out that I've heard of, namely by ship or shuttle to somewhere I've never heard of before. And here I am on a trash barge out in the middle of the ocean. I'm not even supposed to be here. (Don't forget to ask some questions, and suggest too!) ==>
>Boot-up complete >Partial memory restoration unsuccessful >Preparing backup databanks... ... >Databanks 98% corrupted. Preparing purge. >...Attempting transfer of uncorrupted files to main databanks... >Estimated time to 100% corruption- Only one. I can only save one memory before everything goes away. Which? 1. Birth 2. Joy 3. Pain
It is said by some that the gods are immortal, unchallenged in their power and glory, living as they do among their realms, set apart from the troubles of man, save when they so choose to interfere. They know no fear, either of death or of failure. They have no challengers, and no one who would truly hope to stand against them. Those who believe such are wrong. Gods were once mortal, though such a time was so very long ago. They knew the troubles of man once, though some have forgotten, and others choose to ignore. Most importantly, the gods are not unchallenged. They know fear. When something comes that could threaten their otherwise eternal life, they act, calling upon mortals to do what they can or will not. Every time before, those mortals failed, their gods dying with them, or stealing away to hide away from that which came. So again, on another world formed by gods both new and old, the first stirrings of fear are felt once more. Something comes, from the darkest corners of the vast realms, seeking the brightly glowing beacon that is life upon the material world. Once again, gods call upon mortals to rise from among their brethren, to lead and fight and, perhaps, to win where those that came before failed. Yet, as the call is made, who is it that stands to lead their kin? >The Dishonored A minotaur of the tribal beastmen. Once chieftain of his tribe, his honor has been taken from him along with one of his horns. Cast out, it is only his pride that has kept him from death, and perhaps saved him for a greater destiny. >The Ironfist A dwarven lord who has watched as his kin have lost themselves to avarice, jealousy and infighting. Loyalty and honor have so far stayed his hand from action. Yet his god calls on him now, to rise and rally the clans once more. Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
you're a good worker. you're timely, thorough, dedicated, and even spent a weekend wrangling an oven so you could bring cookies to the office and suck up to upper management. it's taken years for you to climb the ranks to a cushy desk job in a nice office with only minimal backstabbing.
???: "Greetings, denizens of the internet..."
Welcome to the SINister new installment of Tit's Quest! Cherrie Aghanashini's back and ready to do whatever, I guess... I've got a lot planned out for this area, so buckle up and get ready to drive this crazy train! Thread 1: Thread 2: Thread 3: Angle Quest: DisThread: Patreon: [1/2]
Sensory deprivation is really beginning to wear on you. Quick author's note: This quest is set in the same universe as my other quest, Dead On Arrival, which can be found here: . Also, because of the nature of its premise, it's going to be a little light on art for a while, but I hope that people enjoy it! The premise for this quest is heavily derivative of the AI Box Experiment, which you can read about here: . Obviously, this isn't an example of that experiment, just a fun quest about a robot, but it's only right to give credit where credit is due.
Banned from the blue boards, Too hot for /tg, Allow me to present, THE BRIDE MARKETS OF NYSAS! Here girls from across the world come, some of their own free will, some to pay debts, and are sold to you loveley gentlemen as brides, slaves and concubines! Some girls cost gold, Some have set their own price, Some are just looking for love! Pick any woman that strikes your fancy and just name your price!
The intense light of a new world blinded you. It may have been because you couldn't sleep properly. Anxiety of passing through the Portal and the excitement of starting new things in a new world certainly helped with that. Normally, if you couldn't sleep, you'd just grade papers or plan your curriculum until you did eventually fall asleep. But for the most part, you were cooped up for almost a day in what is known as the Transition Zone, where the New World and the Earth are joined by that portal. You don't know what's in there because you were told to stay in your quarters, and you honestly weren't very interested in trying to test the Security Officers' patience. What matters now though is disembarking off of this cargo ship. You had everything packed in a dufflebag that they gave to all of the civilian staff. The memory of your recruitment was still fresh. Happened only a month ago, had to wait a month for security clearance, background checks, vaccinations, everything to ensure you weren't going to turn into some nuisance on the other side. Right here, right now. You take one deep breath, then check inside your rucksack again. Books, check. Changes of clothes, check. Toiletries, check. Right. Everything's settled. You grab your ID badge and take one look at it. DOCTOR CONRAD BROWN LEVEL 2 CLEARANCE - RESEARCHER INTERWORLD TRANSIT AUTHORITY – UNITED NATIONS You wipe the badge on your shirt sleeve, then hook it onto the lanyard. You slip it around your neck, then zip up your dufflebag. You hear a banging on your door. “Doctor Brown! We disembark in twenty minutes!” Oh dear. You grab the gasmask bag on your counter by your bed, then unzip it. An M50 Joint Service General Purpose Mask, provided by the US armed forces to ITA personnel. Produced en masse for a reason that was explained to you before you arrived actually. You grab Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
THE JOURNEY!! (all images are animated except the title card)
Hey, have you seen her around? Have you seen her today? I only knew her a week, until she went away.
I have no idea if this idea is going to work or not but here goes! Alright so the premise here is that it's sort of a hot potato of sorts where whoever wants to add can and because I don't want it descending into complete chaos I've set up a few rules for this little endeavour; 0) Have fun. Self explanatory. 1) 3 posts minimum before it gets past on. This is to ensure that there is some semblance of cohesiveness before it's free game. 2)You have to draw. I don't care if it's on ms paint or adobe. If it looks like a Mondrian or a Manet as long as it's something it's fine. 3)Let your imagination run wild. Considering if it works it'll be a slew of creativity i think the plot will run in almost the same vain as Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo. Which if you've seen it, you know how crazy that thing gets. And lastly 4) Follow the tgchan rules. It obviously goes without saying but sometimes a simple reminder goes a long way. ----------- So without further ado let's create a character. What the hell are we?
Welcome, ladies and gentleman! After a long time of recovering from some stuff, I'm back in action and ready to bring you a brand new quest! Complete with art from a dear friend known as Aotihav! Hope you enjoy! -------------------- The Fool: The Unnumbered Card. Represents Beginnings, Innocence, and a Free Spirit. ...well, two out of three ain't bad. You are Patrick Dawn. Or, at least, you were. A long time ago, something discovered you, and an Angel descended from heaven to offer you a deal. You could abandon your life, of a dead end job, no friends, no family. And you could enter a new life. With friends, and camaraderie, and a job that was like the RPGs you loved to play. It would be a whole new world... but in exchange, you could never go home. When he extended a hand to you, you took it, and never looked back. And then, you woke up here...
.... ....
[April, 1998, T City]
As an offender of the law of time manipulation and the galactic federation, I was sentenced to life in this asteroid. My kind is known by many names, however in human tounge, I am known as a Siren. Today i break out of here.
Previous chapter Quest Wiki Also, if you like what I do and want to support me
The cycle must begin again. Civilizations unmarred, but time still passes as we go on. Technology lost. Alliances returning to what they were before. A select few remember the past. They are those who are fated to be part of it forever.
You are a tiny IMP girl, suddenly an IMPalpable sphere of blue light appear in front of your eyes, you feel IMPelled to touch it.
C'mon...... so close....
Boy oh boy, you're finally a senior! You know what that means! Your class is on their way to Ground 4-- not to be confused with Ground 0-- to endure what will no doubt be a very boring history lesson about the almost-extinction of the human species that one time. Is anyone ever going to shut up about that? No? ...Well, whatever. At least you don't have to eat school food for lunch.
will likely be nsfw
The Metamyriad: Quantum Refraction is an alternative version of The Metamyriad. Although certain story events and characters may be shared between both quests, neither story is canon in regards to the other.
Hello, your name is "The Hif Bunny" and you are out on the town, thinking about where you are going to give your easter surprises.
"Daniel, do not be sad." I remember crying even harder after she said that to me, I think it was to spite her for what she was doing in that moment, which causes me to cringe in pain every time I do think of it, for I followed a downward spiral ever since. My truest friend was hugging me to try and comfort my sadness, but she was only making it worse, as every second that passed she was disappearing, out of her own accord, to go home and leave me here in my own home, alone. I slowly felt her touch become faint and her grip around me become lighter, and when I opened my eyes to look into her own for the last time, she was as faint as a wisp of smoke. Our final moment together was spent with me breathless and confused to why she was going. She whispered to me, whether it sounded so because she was actually whispering to me or from her connection slowly being severed, and in that last second she opened her mouth to say something to me which I never heard, as she was gone in the next instant, and I remember laying back on my bed, and there on that mattress I lost something very dear to me, which was noticed by all who knew me, and that was definitely any care to wake up any time I went to sleep afterwords. Nobody knew of her, because I did not want anyone else to know of her, she was mine alone, and even then I was the only one who could directly experience her presence. Her voice, visual appearance, and touch was all as real as anyone's, but she did not exist on the physical plane that we do. She came to me in the form of a woman, made of a sort of blue fabric and wore white clothing which covered her whole, save for her clawed hands and feet, and her face which was that of a canine. She would wait for me every day I came home from school and I'd lay on my bed and we'd talk for hours until my parents came home, and then she'd stay with me, her arms folded around my neck, as I'd go about my socializing with my Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
Here we have a basic planet. It shall become the stage for an epic tale but what? Shall it be a fantasy land? An Alien World? That is for you to decide. But first, what is it called?
Your name is Danni. It is short for Dannielle Andras VI. You are an imp, coming from a long line of very respected demons, and you are a woman, 18 years old in Demon Years. You live in Mammon Vale, New York, which is one of eight "Nat Reserves" in the United States of America. You suppose your life isn't too terrible, all things considered. Except for one thing. You don't have a boyfriend! You want to fix that as soon as possible, which is why you've called upon "The Ritual Of Many" to give you what your great great great granddad Andras once referred to as "The Guiding Ones". And here you are.
ERROR DATA NOT FOUND RECOVERING REMAINING DATA DATA FOUND LOADING DO NOT TURN OF SYSTEM Eͥ̍̓̌͋̋͋ͥ̚͏̦͓̲̖̙͍̺͖͙͇̖̯͔̬͓͟ͅR̄̂͒̃̈́̓͂͏̗̠̞͉̦̬̕͢R͖͔̜̘̺̾͛̈́̈́̉̿ͤ̔̿͊͆͆̐ͩ̀́O̪͕̦̠̺̮͎̘̲̪͔̣͎͒͒̂̎̈̌̔̅̀R̖̝̣̫̼̰̹̪̖̰̥̜̫̖̯͕ͩͬ̏̈́ͮ̾̀̚̕ͅ ̶̡̤̮͓̦̗͎̞̮̥͈͈̠͍͙̯̒̏̇̌́͘ͅE̵̢͖̬̞̲̗͑͒̊̄̏̔͋̇̄͡Rͣ͌ͩͪ̅ͪ̆͂̈ͭͣ̆͏̧͉̼̬͙̳̦͔̳̻̮̲͕̟͇̬͜͠R̴̨̧̛͙̘̞̜̣͇̃̾ͬ̋͂̋̆͗͢Ő̸̯̖̜̻̖̹̱͓̣̳͚͎̥̃̅̊̇̾̚͢͠R̶͉͉͖̰͇͕̥͕̮̣̯̯̙͕̦̹͇͙̈́̉͒ͫ͛ͪͭ̓̔ͩ́̽̂̊̏̀̌̒͛́͟ͅ ̨͉͖̟̪͕̬͕̮͖͍͇͇ͮͣͥ̓̽ͥ̈́̌̈́̐͡Ȩ̤̮̖͇͕̹̮ͧͫͬ͑ͯͫ̓̋ͫ͌ͪͮ͠͡ͅR̢̡̩͉̬͍̟̫͕̝̣̻͓̯̗̹̯̹̓ͪͩͤͪ͒ͤ̋̉͋͂̚͝͝ͅR̭̻̣̭̯̣̬̣͈̹͔̹̭̭̗̪͋ͩ̿ͭͥ͗̉̌ͩ͑ͯ̓́͘ͅỎ̶̸̰̯̫͔̌ͮ͗̎ͣͭ̕͟͜R̆̀̊̌ͬͦͪͩͦ͟͏̶̨̩̤͇̫͠ ̢̩̘̩͚͎̹̖͖͈̫ͯ͐ͨ̑͟E̷͖̜͕̙͕̣̼̗͔̳̬̯̟̞͕̫̖͊͛ͧͬͧͨ͋͋̏͐̊̅͊̑̈́͗ͭ̒͜͢͟Ṟ̸̺̗̠͓͇̣̩̻̓̓͑̈̊ͧͬ͘͜͜ͅR̸̹̳͈͇̯̘̓͛̿̅̐̍͛̔̅ͥͪ͋̉̄̚̕O̐͛̒ͫͣ̔ͬ Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
When our most holy saint, Arz, fell into her slumber, we were soon to find that her revered gift, true sight, came with a price.
Last time on SAIYANS FINAL WISH Rubabu and her superior Karavi arrived on the planet Voitamo . . .
The world ended, and we haven't really got over it yet. Billions of people died, and 'countries' as they used to exist stopped being a thing in the wake of so much catastrophe. Confusingly, there's no agreed explanation for how and why the 'End of Nations' happened. Judging by the geiger counters there were a few nuclear weapons used at the time, but the end doesn't seem to have been caused by nuclear war. Instead, news stories and press releases from the time were full of rich and powerful people mysteriously dying or vanishing. From there, others responded to the crisis by declaring wars, martial law and civil wars. Then everything collapsed quickly. The collapse was so quick--and had so little actual war involved--that nobody can convincingly explain it. The most popular ideas involve the alien ecology which took over the old ruins. Those are unconvincing for two reasons. One is that the timing is questionable, and while some of those who were around at the time claim that xenofungus and mindworms first appeared as much as couple years before the end, most others insist that none of it was here until months or even a full year after the end, like it was some mad bioengineer's pet monster that got loose after they died. The other reason it can't be a full explanation is because the fungus only defends itself when people attack and it otherwise doesn't kill people. Instead, it does a lot of nice things that people rely on every day.
part one adventure: discussion adventure: a sticker adventure:
My name is Loomr.