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File 150273359422.png - (291.76KB , 800x800 , Spookquest Chapter 2 Title.png )
822661 No. 822661 ID: d8df18

>In a dark dark forest there was a dark dark hill.

>On the dark dark hill there was a dark dark house.

>In the dark dark house there were some dark dark stairs.

>At the end of the dark dark stairs there was a dark dark room.

>In the dark dark room there was a dark dark painting. In the dark dark painting...
Expand all images
No. 822663 ID: 22b85b
File 150273377341.png - (146.59KB , 800x800 , Spookquest47.png )

> Lavender, having stepped through into the new world.

> What's with that GLOWING LIGHT?
> the FIELD seems oddly inviting.
> Man is that platform UPSIDE DOWN?
> There's some sort of OBELISK down below.
> [x] there is no way to traverse the void yet.
No. 822665 ID: 143250

Lets start with the area closest to us, and work our way to the farthest area, to the upsidedown platform and then the glowing light. Afterwards, we end with the field as it seems to continue on from there

Start with the OBELISK
No. 822666 ID: ba56e6

Agreed. It seems to match Naut's color scheme.
No. 822674 ID: 91ee5f

Let's go to the OBELISK!
No. 822678 ID: 4b1927

No. 822694 ID: bf8f3f

No. 822703 ID: 3abd97

Check out the GLOWING LIGHT. Good place to set up a web to catch moths.
No. 822718 ID: 22b85b
File 150275121961.png - (88.51KB , 800x800 , Sapphire.png )

> Lavender heads towards the OBELISK. Along the way she runs into an interesting figure, sitting on the bridge that heads along the way, smoking a cigarette as she gazes out into the abyss.

[???] : Nautilus doesn't usually open the door unless he knows you pretty well, you know. He might know the people with you. But I don't think he knows you.
No. 822719 ID: 3abd97

Introduce yourself to Sapphire. Hello, nice to meet you!
No. 822722 ID: ba56e6

We were kind of a bag of dicks the last time he met Lavender. And not the good kind of bag of dicks.
No. 822724 ID: deec6e


No. 822725 ID: 486e87

Oh hello Sapphire, how's things?

We saw Naut earlier, but well, we didn't expect him to be here and kinda well, shut the door on him. So, we're looking to apologise to him for that, and introduce Lavender.
No. 822726 ID: 22b85b
File 150275293214.png - (88.51KB , 800x800 , Sapphire.png )

[SAPPHIRE] : I know. He probably knows you want to apologise too, but he's not gonna hear it. You can visit him anyway if you'd like, but you're probably juts gonna meet with him being all mopey. He... does that when things don't go the way he envisions them. Bit of a scatterbrain in that regard... Regardless of that. It's been... fine. Tidied things up. Haven't gotten around to finishing that Housequest thread; not sure if I ever will. Not the best author in that regard, but then again, Naut has authored 3 quests by now and he hasn't really finished any, has he.
No. 822735 ID: 91ee5f

That's a cool trench coat and a neat sword you've got there!
No. 822737 ID: c4f375

I'm sure it'll work out in the end. So how about you, Sapphire? What's up with you?
No. 822738 ID: 22b85b
File 150275574782.png - (88.51KB , 800x800 , Sapphire.png )

> She smirks lightly, still smoking on the cigarette.

[SAPPHIRE] : It's a Bunny Duster. Get it? Huh?

> They look over, but the amused light in their eye fading after a moment, and they look back out into the void.

[SAPPHIRE] : I stole it off some monster hunter. Same with the sword.
No. 822739 ID: 5ad6f0

Great talking to you, Sapphie. Anything else we should know about this place?
No. 822743 ID: 3abd97

>It's a Bunny Duster. Get it? Huh?

So what's with the painting? It's kinda different in here.
No. 822744 ID: 91ee5f

>It's a Bunny Duster. Get it? Huh?
Giggle at the joke!

>I stole it off some monster hunter. Same with the sword.
Wow! You must be pretty strong!

Sooo, uh, in case you couldn't tell, Lavender is new here and we were wondering if you could tell us about yourself and/or the other residents that're here in the Secret Area?
No. 822762 ID: 22b85b
File 150275776787.png - (88.51KB , 800x800 , Sapphire.png )

> Sapphire looks over at Lavender, rolling her one good eye.

[SAPPHIRE] : Who do you want to know about? Me, I've just sort of been a wandering about. I both am and am not a monster; don't need to feed on fear, but don't fit into human societies. Immune to the 'monsterization' effect, but don't cause it myself. So on.

No. 822763 ID: 3abd97

>I both am and am not a monster; don't need to feed on fear, but don't fit into human societies. Immune to the 'monsterization' effect, but don't cause it myself. So on.
Wow, that's incredibly fortunate. How'd that happen?

What do you eat, then?
No. 822764 ID: 3ce125

How do monster hunters avoid getting turned into monsters?
No. 822767 ID: 91ee5f

Where's the "ALL OF THE ABOVE" option? Although, we probably shouldn't do that. We don't want to annoy her.

Let's start by asking about The Bright Light.
No. 822773 ID: be0718

Rainbow tail?
No. 822776 ID: ba56e6

What's the bright light?
Is that God?
No. 822781 ID: 22b85b
File 150276095144.png - (88.51KB , 800x800 , Sapphire.png )

> She sighs, lightly, at the questions, taking a long drag from the cigarette before speaking.

[SAPPHIRE] : I do need to eat. Thankfully I have a tendency to eat, hey, rabbit food. Leafy greens and such. Easily grown nearby, if a bit dusty to taste. I don't mind. I don't know how it happened.

> She looks over at the question about monster hunters, eye narrowing slightly.

[SAPPHIRE] : Monster Hunters are genetically predisposed to resist monster effects. It's like a virus; some people are better equipped to combat than others.

[SAPPHIRE] : the 'bright light' is Ezikeal. They're what you would call a 'nice' monster. They announce their presence with 'ye sinners behold and weep' and so on, which causes those that believe themselves to be guilty of something to panic. He feeds on that stuff. He also found a way around the whole 'percieve a monster and turn' thing. People can't see you if they're blinded first.

[SAPPHIRE] : the rainbow tail is Vanilla, a 'shapeshifter' and one of the origins of those stories about witches in candy houses. She can turn into pretty much anything, but the catch is that she's made out of candy. It's like a lure for little kids. She likes to appear semi humanoid usually, at least.
No. 822790 ID: ba56e6

>He also found a way around the whole 'percieve a monster and turn' thing. People can't see you if they're blinded first.
I like this guy already. Knows how to beat the system.
No. 822806 ID: 91ee5f

Ok, well, how about yourself and Naut? Anything you want to tell us?
No. 822811 ID: 8c51fa

>Monster Hunters are genetically predisposed to resist monster effects. It's like a virus; some people are better equipped to combat than others.
That's interesting. So we can't turn them into monsters, but can we still feed on their fear? If we run into one, I want to know if it'll be worth trying to make them good and scared before finishing them off, or if we should just play it safe and kill them before we put ourselves at risk.
No. 822822 ID: 22b85b
File 150276707526.png - (88.51KB , 800x800 , Sapphire.png )

> She gives a cynical laugh at the statement of 'scaring a monster hunter'

[SAPPHIRE] : Yea, you'd be able to feed off the fear. If you could get one scared in the first place. People that hunt nightmares for a living tend to have pretty iron wills. It's kinda how they operate.

> Sapphire looks a little bit whimsical at the second question, still staring out into space. She takes a moment to reply.

[SAPPHIRE] : We're... okay. I'm surviving out here, and so is he. It's like... that's all you really need, y'know? Existing? Living. Being alive, in the moment. There's no other moment to be alive.

> She sighs and puts out her cigarette on the side of the bridge, before looking up at Lavender.

[SAPPHIRE] : ...You get used to the way things are. Adjust your definition of happy down lower and lower until you can meet it. Happy used to be getting a nice place to live with someone that loved me and not a care in the world. Now happy is getting a particularly crisp head of lettuce when you weren't expecting it. Not that it matters. It still counts. How about you? What's your definition of happy? What do you want to come of all this?
No. 822824 ID: 3ce125

A large brood, a safe and secure house for everyone living in it, and someone cute to cuddle up to.
No. 822829 ID: c4f375

Good friends, good food, comfortable surroundings and thousands of spider babies.
No. 822831 ID: be0718

To be the best at monstering we can be, to provide for a long and pleasant life with our monster friends.
No. 822833 ID: 91ee5f

Basically just try to make the best of the situation we're in. That's all we really can do, right?

Hey, uh, I'm not sure how familiar you are with everyone in the main part of the house, but Matilda said that someone here in the Secret Area probably knew of a way to help us communicate with another monster named Daisy. Do you happen to know where we could find something called a Singing Stone?

Oh! Speaking of Matilda, she wanted to have a little dinner party and invite everyone to gather together to try and cheer everyone up. Would you want to attend?
No. 822838 ID: 22b85b
File 150277093630.png - (88.51KB , 800x800 , Sapphire.png )

> Sapphire smirks lightly at this, standing up and slinging the sword over her shoulder. She stands after a moment, and then turns to face lavender properly, with her whole body.

[SAPPHIRE] : Well, that's... respectable. Aiming to be a mom, huh? Quite the responsibility. I'd be envious if you managed to get it. Who knows? If you keep up your work, you just might. ...I'll attend your dinner party, and I'll see if I can't convince Naut to come along too. Xerxes has got the singing stone you're looking for, they're the skeletal looking one. It'll probably help with your problem.

> She turns and heads off without so much as a goodbye.
No. 822839 ID: ba56e6

>You get used to the way things are. Adjust your definition of happy down lower and lower until you can meet it.
Not as easily done for one who bears too much ambition for their own good. For those people, there is no 'happy ending', no peace found in an end goal. Only progress sates their thirst, and only the journey gives them purpose.
No. 822840 ID: 22b85b
File 150277112944.png - (147.13KB , 800x800 , Spookquest48.png )

> What's with that GLOWING LIGHT?
> the FIELD seems oddly inviting.
> Man is that platform UPSIDE DOWN?
> [x] Sapphire is busy talking to Naut.
> [x] there is no way to traverse the void yet.
No. 822842 ID: ba56e6

The Field. The way to the light is in the same direction as the reversed platform, so it makes sense to do those two in sequence.
No. 822845 ID: 3ce125

Let's check out the field.
No. 822849 ID: 91ee5f

Let's go to the field and frolic through the flowers! .....if there are any flowers.
No. 822856 ID: be0718

Go upside down. You can do whatever a spider can!
No. 822860 ID: 22b85b
File 150277286455.png - (248.92KB , 800x800 , Vanilla.png )

> You head to the field, and find yourself heading towards something almost indescribably sweet. The scent you can't quite place but it's definitely alluring, until you stumble upon her, at the center of the field, sitting idly upon what appears to be a massive flan is a... person. Only... made of... cake? At a closer observation it appears to be devil's food cake specifically.

[VANILLA] : Oho! A spider in MY gossamer web! She's a real cutie, too~

> Her voice is sickeningly sweet, almost purposefully so.
No. 822863 ID: 91ee5f

Say hello and introduce yourself to the monster made outta sweets!
No. 822866 ID: c4f375

"Hi sweetie, I'm Lavender. How are you doing?"
No. 822867 ID: be0718

Introduce yourself to Vanilla. Any relation to Toblerone, perchance?
So, let's get to the sweet candy at the center of the tootsie pop right away: When you're shapeshifted, does being spotted by humans have an effect on them?
No. 822868 ID: 3ce125

Wow, what a cute!
No. 822873 ID: 7b7ab3

Well, hey there, sweety! You look good enough to eat! Rawr!~
No. 822874 ID: 22b85b
File 150277434647.png - (248.92KB , 800x800 , Vanilla.png )

> The monster circles lavender, apparently able to float with utmost ease, and then giggles, crossing her legs and 'sitting' in the air. She places a hand over her mouth and giggles.

[VANILLA] : it looks like you already know who I am, even if you haven't met me yet~ Looks like someone was gossiping about me~

> She places her hands on her cheeks and wiggles back and forth in place a little bit, seeming giddy.

Dateability: 9/10
Sweets: 10/10
Treats: 9/10
Eats: 10/10

[VANILLA] is a particularly GLUTTONOUS VISCERAL type monster that specializes in turning her targets into CONFECTIONS to be eaten by others. She uses this to TRICK OTHERS into EATING THEIR FRIENDS and then revealing it only later for the EXTRA BIT OF HORROR. She's an ACE BAKER and SURPRISINGLY FRIENDLY, but has ODD HABITS OF SHOWING AFFECTION. She may or may not enjoy TURNING HUMANS INTO MONSTERS by KISSING THEM. She can NULLIFY PAIN RECEPTORS with the right baking mix, which is why Toblerone SENDS INNOCENT HUMANS to her.

[VANILLA] : The answer to your question is an unfortunate no. I wish I could spend time with humans~ They're deliciously sweet~
No. 822875 ID: 094652

>Pro: Sexy as hell and willing to date you
>Con: Sadistic mass-murderer of humans
It's like looking at the second most delicious Cyanide-and-Happiness-themed cake ever known in the history of the universe.
No. 822879 ID: be0718

How is that a con? She takes pride in her work, and because it's all emotion-based, the very act of doing so makes it more effective!

Can humans get back here, into the painting? I wonder how they're convinced into doing so.
No. 822881 ID: 22b85b
File 150277580919.png - (248.92KB , 800x800 , Vanilla.png )

> She giggles again as Lavender babbles to herself, smiling wide before floating closer, getting right up close.

[VANILLA] : Wow, you really have no filter, huh? As for a 'mass murderer of humans' I'm pretty sure that's just in the job description of our species! You wouldn't define a wolf as 'mass murderer of lambs' would you? Course I don't always kill them, I do like to keep humans around if I can, they make very lovely monsters if you ease them through the turning process~

> She giggles again and sets down and relaxes... on Lavender's abdomen. She's not as heavy as she looks, surprisingly. Or... unsurprisingly. She WAS floating earlier.

[VANILLA] : Humans can get in here if Toblerone lets 'em! They're usually ushered to me so I can help ease 'em through the turning process like I was talking about just a few seconds ago. Really gentle~~
No. 822882 ID: 91ee5f

>She's an ACE BAKER
Ask if she's got a sample of something that you can try?
No. 822883 ID: ba56e6

I do hope we don't stick our foot in Lavender's mouth again. She's had quite enough problems because of our brutish approach.

So, does your baking have any other properties, besides being a potent painkiller?
No. 822885 ID: ba56e6

Ah, so you're something like a recruiter, then? Ease the pain of transformation?

Don't suppose Jerry was one of yours'?
No. 822886 ID: 91ee5f

*have sudden traumatic flashbacks of Peabody*
Sorry! I'm trying to not do that! it's harder than I thought!

Remember: Lavender says absolutely everything we say out loud so if you don't want a repeat of what happened with Peabody, put anything you don't want Lavender to say in spoilers!
No. 822887 ID: 7b7ab3

What if you could turn every human in the world into a monster? The only problem then would be that there would be no humans left to feed on. If you could solve the fear requirement issue and find a means of mass turning, then think of the possibilities.
No. 822888 ID: be0718

I'm sure it's sweet, but really we're full. Absolutely engorged on dead bodies.
We're glad to have found a caterer though, we want to hold a big get-together for all the monsters of the household and painting (without chasing any more off in the process). Are you interested?
No. 822889 ID: 3ce125

So, innocent humans get sent to you... if they accidentally get exposed? I mean, Toblerone isn't kidnapping people as far as we know, and the 3 hour policy is meant to keep innocent humans from getting attacked.

Oh hey since we're planning a feast, could she bake something for it? Ohhh we should ask all the monsters if they can bring something! Make it a pot luck.
No. 822890 ID: 22b85b
File 150277680872.png - (248.92KB , 800x800 , Vanilla.png )

> Vanilla giggles, and gives the spider a light pat on the abdomen, before beginning to trace tiny circles with one finger, thinking to herself, her tongue sticking out as she grows lost in thought for a moment.

[VANILLA] : Jerry wasn't one of mine! I'm sure he'd be far less grumpy if he was; He had to go through the full pain of turning. And my baking, naturally, can assist in transformations~

[STAGE 2 EVOLUTIONS ARE UNLOCKED, Lavender can further evolve if she meets the requirements and returns to the confectionary.]

Trapdoor- Not yet reached, requires 'Hidden Hunter'
Rosy- Not yet reached, requires 'Sweetheart'
Redknee - Not yet reached, requires 'Blood Festival'
Goliath - Not yet reached, requires 'Full to Burst'
No. 822891 ID: be0718

Blood! BLOOOOOOD! Need more blood!
Oh, that probably means seeing the vampire doesn't it.

She mentioned a web earlier. Take a closer look at this 'field' you're in.
No. 822892 ID: ba56e6

No. 822893 ID: 2cae31

That's an interesting thought. How we'd accomplish it is beyond me, but it's definitely something to think about.
No. 822895 ID: 22b85b
File 150277770019.png - (248.92KB , 800x800 , Vanilla.png )

> You can't examine evolutions until you qualify for them! What's the point of getting a preview of something you couldn't get.

> Vanilla giggles, and thinks to herself as she considers the idea of planetwide monsterization.

[VANILLA] : ...Maybe. We'd need to find a way of ensuring that we would still have a good source of food, not only that, but we'd need some backups as well. Just in case~

> The field that you're in is shining with dew, but closer look reveals everything is made out of sweets, the grass is frosting and the dew is honey. Doesn't Sapphire get her food from here?

[VANILLA] : Hehehe~ Innocnet humans that get exposed or are forcefully held over the time limit by a more cruel human! You'd be surprised how many jerky humans bring younger siblings to scare them and force them to stay over the time limit.

[VANILLA] : I'd love to cook for this hangout! I'll make a triple decker molten chocolate lava cake~ It'll be a pompeii of sugar, and an apocalypse for everyone's waistline!
No. 822897 ID: ba56e6

>and an apocalypse for everyone's waistline!
8bit is already shivering in anticipation, I'll bet.

What do you know about Peabody and his work? I never got a chance to delve into that before we chased him off.
No. 822898 ID: 91ee5f

>Goliath - Not yet reached, requires 'Full to Burst'
Well would ya look at that! Looks like there is a transformation that requires Lavender to eat until she's Overstuffed after all! and so far, that looks to be the easiest one to get, since we know what to do to get it.

>I'll make a triple decker molten chocolate lava cake~
Lavender, you're drooling. Wipe the drool of your mouth.

Maybe ask if you can have a tiny sample of what she's got?

>It'll be a pompeii of sugar, and an apocalypse for everyone's waistline!
Pat your belly and say, "I'm already an expert in when it comes to that!"
No. 822899 ID: 91ee5f

Wipe the drool off your mouth.
No. 822900 ID: c4f375

Where do you get your ingredients from? Matilda gave us a pie recipe we'd like to try making for the get-together.
No. 822901 ID: ba56e6

Keep in mind that absurd size comes with mobility issues. Don't want to get stuck somewhere.
No. 822902 ID: be0718

Good thing we get so much exercise running around the house. Still, a treat every now and then can't hurt.
Okay! Thanks for your interest, and we'll be seeing you again soon hopefully! {Return to center}
No. 822903 ID: 3ce125

I'm guessing "Full to burst" would require eating way too much.
Blood Festival probably requires drinking the blood of an enemy human. Or killing multiple humans so that Lavender gets covered in blood.
Sweetheart is probably from starting some real romance. We're close to accomplishing that with Teleste, I'd say.

Wow, those jerks. Oh well, can't really avoid that. ...hey, if blinding works to prevent monsterfication, would pitch-dark rooms work too? Some of the monsters here glow, unfortunately.
...hmm, can monsters feed off of the fear of whatever Sapphire is? Or maybe we could turn monsters into... whatever she is.
Your candy isn't enough for a monster to stay fed off of, is it? Empty calories, I'd guess.

Ah, I'm sure there's a way to improve things but we don't have all the pieces of the puzzle yet. We'll keep working on it! Maybe we should meet some more people, it's been nice talking to you!
No. 822904 ID: 22b85b
File 150277901518.png - (248.92KB , 800x800 , Vanilla.png )

> Vanilla grins a wide, manic grin, as she reaches into her hat, and from the oddly chilling haze that exudes from the interior of it, pulls forwards an absolutely decadent looking triple fudge brownie. She pushes it into Lavender's hands.

[VANILLA] : I Like you~ Don't ask questions you already know the answer to~~
No. 822905 ID: 22b85b
File 150277910739.png - (147.45KB , 800x800 , Spookquest49.png )

> Lavender says goodbye to Vanilla while chewing on the excessively sugary brownie. Where to now?

> What's with that GLOWING LIGHT?
> A sugary scent wafts over from VANILLA's field
> Man is that platform UPSIDE DOWN?
> There's some sort of OBELISK down below.
No. 822906 ID: ba56e6

UPSIDE DOWN platform.

Try not to think too hard. Don't want vertigo to ruin those sweets.
No. 822908 ID: 2cae31

Can spiders puke? Can monster spiders puke?
No. 822909 ID: c4f375

Turn that smile upside down. And the rest of you too.
No. 822911 ID: ba56e6

The females of stegodyphus lineatus apparently liquefy their own insides and then 'puke' them up to provide a meal to their newly hatched spiderlings.

Thank you for making me google that, by the way.
No. 822912 ID: be0718

Gaze into the abyss.
No. 822914 ID: 22b85b
File 150278050548.png - (175.39KB , 800x800 , Xerxes.png )

> You head up to the upside down section, and find that rather than you becoming upside down, the world itself seems to rotate around you. It's not too disorienting, but still unexpected. Near the center of this area, a being tends to... what appear to be at a glance, sick beds. The figures inside seem to be... human? The being turns and immediately moves over nearby, seeming to have an odd method of walking.

[???] : Careful! Don't let them see you! You'll accelerate the process... They have blindfolds on but still.
No. 822915 ID: 91ee5f

True, but just like Rancho, the new form should provide Lavender with the leg muscles necessary to move around.

>We're close to accomplishing that with Teleste, I'd say.
And 8bit, since both him and Teleste are 10/10 on dateability.

Lavender, check your abdomen where Vanilla was sitting on you to see if any of her candy body got stuck to you.

If there is, then eat it. No sense in letting some candy go to waste sitting on your back!

>Where to?
Go to the Upside Down platform!
No. 822916 ID: c4f375

Flatten down Lavender, like a sneaky spider, and introduce yourself. Ask if he's studying these people.
No. 822917 ID: ba56e6

So you're the researcher I've heard about. These Vanilla's subjects, or separate ones?

Oh, but I almost forgot introductions. This is Lavender. We are her voices.
No. 822918 ID: ba56e6

I didn't mean the leg muscles, so much as fitting through doorways.
No. 822919 ID: 91ee5f

And once again, I prove to everyone here that I'm a slow typer! >_<;;

If those are humans in the beds, then let's stay over here, where he came to meet you. And if he doesn't want them to notice you, the it might be best to quietly whisper to him.

Introduce yourself to the new monster and ask for their name.
No. 822920 ID: 3ce125

Hello! Don't worry, we'll be careful.

Studying monsterfication huh? We're quite interested in the whole monster-human conflict. What have you found out so far?
No. 822921 ID: 91ee5f

But think of how funny it would be to see that! XD
No. 822922 ID: 22b85b
File 150278125521.png - (175.39KB , 800x800 , Xerxes.png )

> The being leans forwards, a little interested, and watches Lavender pick through the fur on her back to eat up the absurdly rich tasting cake residue left by Vanilla.

[XERXES] : Ah... I am Xerxes, and these are both my test subjects and infected patients. I am trying to cure and... potentially, eventually reverse the turning process. ...I am actually one of Vanilla's 'Cupcakes', which is to say she turned me.

>Dateability: 8/10
>Skulls: 6/10
>Skills: 8/10
>Skins: 0/10

[XERXES] is a MENTAL type monster that exceeds in CONVINCING OTHERS THEY'RE DEAD. He's also very good at POKER and is technically an EXCEPTIONAL DOCTOR. He usually feeds from INFECTED SUBJECTS, simultaneously attempting to cure and feeding off his PATIENTS. He has a BIG HEART, and CLAIMS RESPONSIBILITY for those that end up turning under his care. This has earned him the nickname DEATH'S DAD.
No. 822923 ID: ba56e6

So not only are you neato, but you are also a papa. You are amazing.

I'd like to learn from you sometime, perhaps bounce ideas over a hand of poker? We're new to the business, but an ethical and sustainable food source is my ultimate goal.
No. 822924 ID: c4f375

Oh that's interesting. How's your research been going?
No. 822925 ID: 2cae31

Well hey, bone daddy! Don't keep me in suspense! What can I do ya for? Need me to shake a leg or two?
No. 822926 ID: 91ee5f

It's very nice to meet you.

Um, this is kinda sudden, but I've heard that you might have something called a Singing Stone. There's a monster in the main house named Daisy and she can't speak, so I was wondering if I could have the Singing Stone? I want to give to her so that she can talk.

I'm willing to do something and/or get something for you in exchange for the Singing Stone.
No. 822927 ID: be0718

Hey there big guy! Is that a bone in your pants or are you just happy to see me?
No. 822938 ID: 3ce125

Hmm... if monsterfication is like a virus, I wonder if it's possible to make a vaccine from the soul of a monster hunter?
No. 822956 ID: ba56e6

Sliver of a Hunter?
No. 822959 ID: 8c51fa

You're a fascinating fellow. I like you.

I think I'm noticing a trend for the monsters inside the painting. It seems like they've all got some special relation to the human/monster dilemma. You're trying to study the infection and reverse it, Vanilla's helping ease people through it, and Sapphire's in some special "in-between" state.

We're planning to make a feast for the other monsters later. Wanna come? If you can't make it, do you want us to save something for you?
No. 822961 ID: ba56e6

I've also noticed that 'turned' monsters often take an undead form, or at least something like it. Are their glamor simply weaker than most? The two we know that turned normally, Wendigo and Jerry, look ghastly and are almost falling apart. This Xerxes fellow's form and glamor appear much more stable.

I'm wondering if a human's state of mind during the transformation affects the resulting monstrous form. Is becoming 'undead' standard for turned humans? Is it simply because they usually believe they are dying? Is the - for lack of a better term - elegance of Xerxes' form because his transformation was less traumatic?
No. 822983 ID: 22b85b
File 150282670811.png - (175.39KB , 800x800 , Xerxes.png )

> Xerxes scratches the side of their head, or rather, their main skull; sighing lightly as they glance off to the side. They huff for a moment before they begin to speak.

[XERXES] : I can see why you were the one that pushed Peabody over the edge... You have a bad habit of just speaking your mind, don't you? Which is fine, but if you have a negative opinion of someone... Well...

> They wince slightly, before continuing.

[XERXES] : Ethical food is something that's at the back of my mind. In truth, most of the monsters that dwell here in the painting do so because we don't actually like to see humans suffer, which is something that inevitably happens a lot within the rest of the house. We tried to get Jerry to join us but he said he wanted to make sure Toblerone didn't go overboard. ...Hes... Untrusting. Of naturalborn monsters.

> Xerxes sighs after a moment, before wincing at the mention of Hunters. They drum their fingers together before looking back towards the 'patients'.

[XERXES] : A Monster Hunter's immunity could sadly not be used to make an antibody. Though it spreads like a Virus, true, it acts more like a very violent, malignant cancer. There is no microscopic thing that's turning the person, or if there was, when they were no longer exposed it went away, though the damage has already been done. Like... a radiation, almost.

[XERXES] : And, ah... Not. really. Humans tend to turn into whatever they think monsters should be when they turn. Zombies, Wendigo, Werewolves, Vampires, Skeletal things like myself and so on are common conceptions of what a 'monster' is. Fledgling Monster Hunters, one whose ability to resist turning is based on their sanity, often turn into grotesque 'eldritch horror' types.

> Xerxes laughs lightly, seeming amused at the thought of the feast.

[XERXES] : I'll certainly come, it sounds like a fun get together, but I have no stomach, or organs! I can only eat fear, which is just sort of absorbed, similarly to how a plant absorbs sunlight. Thank you for your offer, though!
No. 822986 ID: ba56e6

>most of the monsters that dwell here in the painting do so because we don't actually like to see humans suffer
Interesting. Do you all feed off of the patients here, or does the painting have some sort of dulling effect on the hunger itself?
No. 822988 ID: ba56e6

Oh, I forgot to mention:

On the subject of the monster hunters, if it spreads like a virus, but it's more like a form of radiation, does that mean that proximity to monster hunters turns humans into monster hunters? Or is there some other external source they're using to turn people?
No. 822991 ID: 22b85b
File 150282837816.png - (175.39KB , 800x800 , Xerxes.png )

> Xerxes winces, before looking out to the void. They drum their fingers on their arm slightly before hobbling off towards the bedstand of one of the patients. They mumble lightly as they pick up a hollow stone and carry it back to Lavender.

[XERXES] : Here is the singing stone. I use it to... sooth one of my patients, the noise it makes has a calming effect. If you could find something to mimic the noise it makes - maybe an ocarina of some sort. I'll give it to you.

> Xerxes then sighs again, and looks out towards the void. They seem almost... humbled by it.

[XERXES] : Though I supplement myself slightly with the people present here... Most of use feed off the Void itself. Locations like this are only generated by a sudden trauma, a very unsettling occurrence. The pain and fear of someone echoes around in this space, and when it has finally faded this place will in turn crumble. It location is a makeshift graveyard of someone who died with so much pain and fear in their heart that the world made a space to accommodate it.

[XERXES] : ...I should have been more clear. Monsterification acts like a radiation, not Monster Hunter's Immunity. That is an inherent trait people are born with. You cannot 'make' a new monster hunter from a person that already exists.
No. 822995 ID: 91ee5f

>If you could find something to mimic the noise it makes - maybe an ocarina of some sort. I'll give it to you.
Ok, I'll try to find something like that for you.

Thank you for your time, bye-bye!

Let's go to that GLOWING LIGHT!
No. 822996 ID: 3ce125

Ah, I feel sorry for the poor soul whose passing created this place.
No. 822998 ID: 22b85b
File 150283231378.png - (147.32KB , 800x800 , Spookquest50.png )

> You bid Xerxes goodbye, and head back to the rest of the painting.

> What's with that GLOWING LIGHT?
> A sugary scent wafts over from VANILLA's field
> XERXES tends to his patients carefully.
> There's some sort of OBELISK down below.
> [x] there is no way to traverse the void yet.
No. 823002 ID: 3ce125

Alright, glowing light it is.
No. 823010 ID: 22b85b
File 150283704503.png - (168.40KB , 800x800 , Ezikeal.png )

> Approaching the light reveals it to be a being in and of itself, sitting unnaturally still, rings swirling around it. When lavender approaches, the rings coalesce into an eye to closely observe her.

[???] :Who is it that treads upon my domain?

>The voice is, at the same time, both gentle and imposing, and reverberates within Lavender's skull. This monster is incredibly imposing, even when they don't seem to be trying to.
No. 823012 ID: 9c2d0c

Hi! I'm a spider! My name is Lavender!
No. 823014 ID: 7b7ab3

Hello, Ezikeal. My name is Lavender. I'm new to the house. It's a pleasure to meet you.
No. 823015 ID: ba56e6

We're Quest, and this is Lavender. We're the new girl.
No. 823017 ID: 91ee5f

"H-hi, I-I'm s-s-scared. I mean Lavender! M-my name i-is L-L-Lavender."

Stop being rude! Let him introduce himself!
No. 823020 ID: 22b85b
File 150283849112.png - (168.40KB , 800x800 , Ezikeal.png )

> If Ezikeal has any response to being known first, it does not show. In fact, it's rather hard to tell whether or not this... thing even has emotions in the first place! They float closer, and for a moment it seems to get a little bit brighter.

[EZIKEAL] : I am Ezikeal, The Eternal. This is my domain, as you have chosen to enter it, I assume you wish something of me. What is it that you desire?

Dateability: 1/10
Bright: 9/10
Flight: 5/10
Sight: 10/10

[EZIKEAL] Is a HORROR type monster that seems to believe they're a LITERAL ANGEL. They seem to be NOT QUITE TOGETHER in terms of MENTAL FACULTIES but are nonetheless QUITE EFFECTIVE. They are ALL BUT SILENT when they aren't making noise, and if you didn't know better, you'd GENUINELY BELIEVE THEM TO BE AN ANGEL. Ezikael IS NOT INTERESTED IN DATING but is a GENUINELY SUPPORTIVE FRIEND.
No. 823025 ID: ba56e6

I'm inviting everybody to a dinner party to improve household morale. Matilda and Vanilla are cooking. Would you be interested in attending?
No. 823034 ID: 3ce125

Well, getting to know all the residents is nice.
No. 823041 ID: 91ee5f

No. 823049 ID: 22b85b
File 150284075682.png - (168.40KB , 800x800 , Ezikeal.png )

> The being responds after a period of silence that Lavender thinks maybe a little bit too long, before replying.

[EZIKEAL] : I am uncertain. I may or may not attend. I am uncertain how I will be recieved. As far as monsters go, I count as one only due to my similarities with them. I am otherwise an angel, and probably would not fit well with a monster get together.
No. 823053 ID: be0718

Just think of it as a "get-together," then. It doesn't matter what you are, because what you really are is family! Even if we forget that sometimes.
This is just conjecture, but... are you natural-born? You wouldn't happen to have been a monster-hunter in another life, would you?
No. 823059 ID: 7b7ab3

Oh honestly, Ezikeal! You're nervous that the others won't like you? Don't be silly. We're a house of post-humans, undead, giant arachnids, and more. You'll be right at home and welcomed happily.
No. 823062 ID: 91ee5f

Well, then just think of it as a party that everyone in the house is invited to!
No. 823066 ID: ba56e6

If you feel uncomfortable around the others, that is the very reason for the dinner, is it not? To bring everyone closer together. Seeing it through is the least we can do, to atone for our mistakes.
No. 823071 ID: 3ce125

What's the difference between an Angel and a Monster around here? The house policy is to only prey on bad people. Sounds like the same thing Ezikeal does.
No. 823084 ID: 22b85b
File 150284833262.png - (168.40KB , 800x800 , Ezikeal.png )

> They make no outwards sign of considering anything, and instead simply wait in silence for a few moments, before they speak once again, their voice reverberating around the area.

[EZIKEAL] : Very well. i will attend this gathering that you have suggested. I am certain that it will be one that is desperately needed, and fondly remembered for years to come.
No. 823085 ID: be0718

...Thanks. Be seeing you.
He's brushing off questions. That's a pretty clear sign he's not open to more right now.
Head back across the rocks to Xerxes.
No. 823090 ID: ca661e

So can somebody explain to me what quests Naut and Sapphire are from? And am I doing the spoiler right? I'm kinda new here at tgchan...
No. 823091 ID: ba56e6

Glad to hear it, Ez. Look forward to seeing you there.
No. 823095 ID: be0718

If it's not a suggestion, ask it in questdis. They are from previous quests in the Nautverse you can look up on the wiki.
No. 823100 ID: 22b85b
File 150285088550.png - (147.05KB , 800x800 , Spookquest51.png )

> You bid Ezikeal goodbye for now, before trying to decide where to go next.

> The light of EZIKEAL is easily seen
> A sugary scent wafts over from VANILLA's field
> XERXES tends to his patients carefully.
> There's some sort of OBELISK down below.
> [x] there is no way to traverse the void yet.
No. 823102 ID: ba56e6

Exit the painting.
No. 823103 ID: 91ee5f

Good news! We successfully invited everyone in the Secret Area to the party! And thanks to Matilda's new powers, she probably already knows, so she's probably really happy also!

Although, we still haven't traveled into the Void to see if anyone's over there. But we'll have to wait for some other time, when we can actually move around in there.

Anyways, all that's left is to go back to the main house and invite everyone over there!

And Xerxes said he was looking for an ocarina or something, right? Why don't we go visit Reginald and ask if he's got one?
No. 823104 ID: be0718

Speak to Xerxes about an internship. Research into the monster condition is a strongly shared interest!
No. 823106 ID: ba56e6

We could make a silk hang glider?
No. 823107 ID: 22b85b
File 150285199838.png - (294.31KB , 800x800 , Spookquest52.png )

> Lavender returns to the FOYER.

> head up the stairs to the HALLWAY
> the COURTYARD looks beautiful tonight
> looks like the LOUNGE is in the basement
> take a shortcut to the PAINTING
> TOBLERONE's painting frame is shifting very quietly
> SAINT JOHN stands stock still in the corner
No. 823109 ID: 3ce125

It's TOBLERONE time. His painting changed description. Actually I think SAINT JOHN's did too...
No. 823110 ID: 91ee5f

Let's start inviting everyone by going to Toblerone first!
No. 823111 ID: 3ce125

No nevermind, SAINT JOHN's description is normal.
No. 823112 ID: ba56e6

TOBLERONE is troubled. Let's see if we can help.
No. 823114 ID: 22b85b
File 150285288143.png - (309.40KB , 800x800 , Toblerone.png )

> Toblerone pops out of the painting with a wide grin, seeming amused by something. they slink down next to Lavender, and look her over, humming to themselves as they think.

[TOBLERONE] : So you've been to the painting, huh? What did you think? How was everyone? About as nice as they usually are, I would presume. So, what do you think of the house? Everyone here is pretty nice.

>Their face then turns a bit grim, and serious, and they look over Lavender seriously.

[TOBLERONE] : Now that you've met everyone it's... My duty to let you know that... You're not. Obligated. To stay here. You can head out whenever you would like, and if you don't... like the people here, I can't force you to stay. We like you here and hope that you do, but... In the end, it's up to you.

[leave] : More Environments, More characters, Less consistent character interactions. Lavender goes out on her own, and you meet more monsters of more varied types.
[stay] : Less Environments, Less Monsters, More Interaction. The characters you've met you get to know better, and the plot becomes more of a 'dating sim'.

Your choice will unlock something distinct to each choice.
No. 823115 ID: be0718

Don't assume too much.
Er, what's our Quest log again? It's getting a bit long, I'm not sure if there was anything that took priority over the rest right now.
No. 823116 ID: be0718

Woah woah woah. Stay. Why would we give all this up over a few missteps? Besides, we have so many threads left unfinished.
We're not all gonna be cut off from you forever if we step out the front door, are we?
No. 823117 ID: ba56e6


Someday, perhaps, our ambitions will lead us elsewhere, be it a temporary expedition or a more permanent journey. For now there is much we have to learn here, and people we would like to help if we can.
No. 823118 ID: 143250


Also, ask if you can have a room of your own. If not, you'll just spin a web in a corner of a room to live in.
No. 823119 ID: ba56e6

We were told we can. We just have to pick somewhere and a door will form there to our own room. We've also had a few past ideas for room design, but we weren't sure where to settle down yet.
No. 823120 ID: 35a0e0

Will we get this choice in the future? If not then Leave. If we do then we'll stay.
No. 823121 ID: 91ee5f

>Stay or leave?
We'll stay.

Also, you said we met everyone now, right? What about the Void in the Secret Area? Is there anyone out there that we didn't meet? And what about Peabody's old room, did someone new move in while we were exploring?
No. 823127 ID: 22b85b
File 150285633455.png - (309.40KB , 800x800 , Toblerone.png )


[Unlocked: Special Evolutions]
[Special evolutions are evolutionary paths that wouldn't be possible under normal circumstances. The requirements and outcomes of these evolutions will be hidden until they're reached, so good luck!]

[TOBLERONE] : Oh, that's wonderful! In that case, how is the plan for gathering everyone up going? There's a new Monster that took Peabody's Place, so they're probably gonna want a little bit of guidance from you. I think a gathering would be a great way to introduce them to everyone!
No. 823128 ID: ba56e6

The painting monsters check, the lounge monsters check. Got the yard, the foyer, and the hallway left to comb.

You and Oddrie are kind of immobile though, aren't you? Will you two need help getting to the dinner?
No. 823130 ID: ca661e

I think we should introduce ourselves to the new munster who moved in, then look for a place to "set up shop" as it were. I mean, we have to sleep sometime, right?

thanks for the help
No. 823131 ID: 91ee5f

>how is the plan for gathering everyone up going?
It's going great! We've managed to invite everyone in the Secret Area and they all said they'd show up!

In fact, right now, it's your turn to get invited! So, Toblerone, do you want to come to the party?

>There's a new Monster that took Peabody's Place
Neat! We'll head up in a bit and introduce Lavender to them!

>so they're probably gonna want a little bit of guidance from you.
I'm.....not sure that's a good idea, considering we're still new to this also. The best we can do is introduce Lavender and then send them over to you if they've got any questions or anything like that.
No. 823132 ID: 91ee5f

>lounge monsters check
Not true! The only monster we talked to about the party in the lounge is Matilda and it was her idea! We still need to invite 8bit and Crackle!
No. 823133 ID: be0718

I think the act of inviting everyone should maybe happen as a fast travel option later because for now we have other priorities as well and coordinating a comprehensive survey with so many minds is a herculean task.

I'm sure we'll love it here. One last thing: How will we know if a human is in the house?
No. 823134 ID: 3ce125

Oh right, how do we get a room?
No. 823135 ID: 22b85b
File 150286004522.png - (309.40KB , 800x800 , Toblerone.png )

> Toblerone seems pleased to answer everything, and even more pleased that he's seeing black bars, indicating some hidden thoughts.

[TOBLERONE] : Looks like you've finally started to learn how to keep some things to yourself! Excellent! And of course I'll head to the party. The head of household should attend a gathering held within their own home, after all. ...And yes, you're allowed to host the party. I think it's a great idea. I will announce if there's a human in the house, don't worry! And you simply need to set up space in a location you wish to house. We've got space pretty much everywhere, though the hallway is getting a bit crowded...
No. 823137 ID: 3ce125

I feel as though the perfect place for a spider is under the stairs.
No. 823140 ID: be0718

If there's a space under the lounge stairs that'd be a good place to set up. Before heading down though, let's go see friends new and old in the Hallway!
No. 823142 ID: 91ee5f

Yay! ^_^

Lavender, give Toblerone a high five! No, wait he's only got 3 fingers, uh, give him a high.....three? Just, give him a high something!

That sounds good! And Toblerone can be our neighbor!

Although, it might be hard to sleep with everyone always going up and/or down the stairs. Maybe we can get our room soundproofed?
No. 823144 ID: ca661e

Is there an attic or any rafters somewhere for us to make a home? I like the under the stairs idea, just want to explore all of our options.
Maybe somewhere in the forest à la Aragog?
No. 823147 ID: ba56e6

Under the stairs does theme thematic. I'd rather not settle in the woods, since Wendigo is out there. I don't trust that one.
No. 823151 ID: 22b85b
File 150286413185.png - (225.28KB , 800x800 , Home.png )

> Lavender decides to set up her HOME in the FOYER. She now has a place to settle down and recooperate! Additionally, she now has a place to store things, like gifts or items.

> Lavender is now able to view her INVENTORY by returning home. Lavender is now able to view her TROPHIES by returning home.

> Lavender has no TROPHIES.
No. 823153 ID: ca661e

...well, looks like we'll need to get our apendages on some furniture, or at least contact an interior decorator
No. 823154 ID: e08248

Well, that's just neat.
So I guess we should finish inviting the folks and start coming up with some plans for this shindig. We definitely need to go see Daisy and show her the Singing Stone. We also need to figure out how to convince some of the more antisocial monsters to attend.
No. 823156 ID: 3ce125

Lay a few eggs for drones.
No. 823157 ID: 3ce125

We don't have the singing stone, the bone doctor kept it because a patient needs it. We need to find an ocarina or something to replace it with.
No. 823159 ID: be0718

We already have eggs laid, down in the lounge. They won't hatch without a source of fear, such as Xerxes' patients. Or maybe Vanilla's brownie.
We can spin our own furniture. A hammock, for starters.
No. 823163 ID: 8a947d

where can we get a lamp ? or a lantern or a candle or something because we can't see anything down here.
No. 823164 ID: 22b85b
File 150286673603.png - (272.45KB , 800x800 , Home.png )

>Lavender is plenty comfortable in the Sleepy little Hidey Hole she's made at the back of her nest, but she opts to lay a few eggs. It's a surprisingly arduous task, but she's satisfied with her work when it's done.
No. 823165 ID: 3ce125

>eggs won't hatch without fear
...but they take 3 hours to hatch? Are you talking about the regular eggs or the ones Lavender needs a pregnancy for?
No. 823168 ID: 3ce125

Hmm, didn't get that reaction when we left one with Matilda...

Anyway, let's go back out and head to the HALLWAY.
Wait, before that... what's in our INVENTORY?
No. 823169 ID: ba56e6

Any chance you can use your webs to communicate with us more directly? What do you think of everything that's been going on?
No. 823172 ID: 22b85b
File 150286782409.png - (278.29KB , 800x800 , Home.png )

>Lavender plucks at the strings, rhythmically.

[LAVENDER] : {I'm starting to develop my own thoughts and feelings. It's... slow going. You take up a lot of room in my head. I'm a little airheaded so I'm just sort of... letting you guys have control right now...? Is that okay? A lot of the people here are really cute and I get flustered around them, so It's good you have some control...}
No. 823175 ID: 3ce125

Good to know. Who's your favorite? Teleste?
No. 823176 ID: ba56e6

I would like to know your opinion, yes. Matters of the heart, after all, are not something you should allow others to control.
No. 823177 ID: ca661e

That, aaaand...we probably need to start making babies at some point

Just saying....
No. 823178 ID: 22b85b
File 150286850076.png - (284.53KB , 800x800 , Home.png )

> There is some hesitation before more plucking is noted.

[LAVENDER] : {I like Teleste, and 8Bit, and Vanilla, and Xerxes... There's a lot of cuties, and there's still someone we haven't met yet that just showed up! They might be cute too...}

> The blush is so bright it's visible in the darkness. She's pretty flustered along this line of questioning.
No. 823180 ID: be0718

They have a minimum of 3 hours before they will hatch, but they won't actually do so until a source of fear is detected.
That's the point though? Also I'd hate to see what happens if a lantern tips over in a room covered in flammable web.

Howdy Lavender. We're your best friends!
What's your take on the Wendigo? I think we should give him a chance, invite him to the dinner too. Also, should it be held outside to accommodate Audrey?
No. 823181 ID: e08248

Well, none of them are as cute as you.
No. 823185 ID: ba56e6

I must concur. Lavender is objectively the most adorable.
No. 823186 ID: be0718

Yeah, well, many minds, one track. Remember, you can blame any screwups in front of your crushes on us. Hopefully they (the monsters) won't take it personally from you.
If you have a priority you want us to focus on over others, something big and/or long-term, speak now or hold your peace for like, five minutes.
No. 823189 ID: 6f2790

How about a nice trapdoor silk mat, Lavender?
No. 823191 ID: 22b85b
File 150286982910.png - (286.42KB , 800x800 , Home.png )

> Lavender plucks in a method that can only be described as 'keysmashing' for a moment before turning into a more understandable method of communication.

[LAVENDER] : {We should try to meet the new person before we decide on anything! I don't mind vying for the hearts of multiple people either! Poly is fine for me, as long as the others are also alright with it...}

> Lavender has already made a silken trapdoor that leads to the location under the stairs.
No. 823192 ID: ba56e6

So shall it be done. Let us go meet the new guy/girl/thing.
No. 823193 ID: be0718

Remember, you've got 8 hands for hand-holding.
Let's go to HALL!
No. 823194 ID: 22b85b
File 150287021162.png - (285.12KB , 800x800 , Spookquest53.png )

> Lavender heads to the HALLWAY

> REGINALD can be heard practicing through the moldy trapdoor
> the door to VICTORIA's room is well kept and clear of any unwanted grime.
> there's a door with HEAVY VEGETATION on it.
> there is a WEIRD SYMBOL where the submarine hatch used to be
> DAISY probably hasn't moved from her spot if you wanna visit
> JERRY's door is slightly ajar
> TELESTE's has old timey grain flickering on the doorknob
> actually, let's check out the FOYER
No. 823195 ID: 3ce125

Hmm, plant monster? Let's meet them.
No. 823196 ID: be0718

Veg out!
No. 823199 ID: 22b85b
File 150287100765.png - (72.09KB , 800x800 , Luna.png )

> Lavender heads through the Vegetation thick door to find that there's no plant monster here. Rather, hidden deep within the plants is a single, ambient light that glows, the rest of the place all but dark due to the thickness of the vegetation. A timid sounding voice calls out from the darkness, and is accompanied by a pair of glowing red eyes.

[???] : Ah... Hello? Who might you be?
No. 823202 ID: be0718

We are Lavender, and youuu are pretty fly for a bug gal!
No. 823203 ID: e08248

Hello. I'm Lavender. Who are you?
No. 823204 ID: 35089a

bug hug?
No. 823205 ID: 143250

resist urge to eat fly.
No. 823206 ID: 3ce125

Say hello and introduce yourself, invite her to the gathering. Has she spoken to Toblerone yet?
No. 823208 ID: 22b85b
File 150287161267.png - (72.09KB , 800x800 , Luna.png )

>The insect girl watches curiously as Lavender seems to struggle with a mixture of hunger and infatuation during her greeting. She seems to find this quite cute, as a slight smile creeps across her face.

[LUNA] : My name is Luna. I'm new here, so It's nice to meet you! You're the other new person, right? We look very alike!

Dateability: 9/10
Dust : 8/10
Bust : 2/10
Thrust : 9/10

[LUNA] is a MENTAL type monster whose WINGS emit a fine dust that can CAUSE HALLUCINATIONS. She's fairly BOTTOMHEAVY and apparently is QUITE RECEPTIVE. She apparently enjoys SKIRTING DEATH a little bit but at the same time enjoys CUDDLING. She can apparently PREDICT NEGATIVE EVENTS and MAY BE ATTRACTED TO LIGHT.
No. 823211 ID: 3ce125

>predict negative events
Now that's got to be useful. How's it work?
No. 823212 ID: e08248

So seeing as you're the new new girl, I need to ask you: do you have any questions? Because there are some things I think you may want to know about.
No. 823213 ID: be0718

How lucky that she took that as a flirt of some kind instead of the red flag it really was!
We're new to this place too, and to existing at all for that matter! You'll find they're a very nice, very forgiving bunch here.
...*Stage whisper* Do you hear the voices too?
No. 823214 ID: 22b85b
File 150287228843.png - (72.09KB , 800x800 , Luna.png )

>She looks slightly confused at the mention of voices, and shakes her head slowly after a moment.

[LUNA] : Ah... No, I don't. Hear voices. Um... Should I? I already spoke with Toblerone, he was really helpful... Is there anything you think I should know...? Um. I'm new to the whole monster thing but not to living. I used to be human a little while ago...
No. 823215 ID: be0718

Great. Neither do I. That's perfectly normal. If you've got questions, I've got answers.
No. 823216 ID: 3ce125

Oh I'm sorry. I hope you got help from Vanilla.

Um, well, you must know the basics already, about fear and the house rules on human prey. Keep in mind monsters cope with the human-monster conflict in different ways. Try not to judge them too harshly if they justify their actions by saying bad things about humans.

Matilda holds surplus fear-infused food if you need it, and maybe you should avoid asking people about the secret area, Toblerone likes to handle that.
Be careful about the forest, the monster there seemed... suspicious.
No. 823217 ID: e08248

Okay, Luna, I have some good news and some bad news.
The bad news is that you are no longer human. Your humanity is just gone. You have become a monster; a cursed creature of darkness doomed to haunt the shadows until your dying day. A monster must feed on the fear of humanity lest they starve. Any human who so much as sees a monster is damned to becoming a monster themselves. It is not a happy fate you have suffered.
But the good news is that we're all in this together. We all know how hard it can be living like this. Some of the monsters here are probably going to frighten, disgust, and enrage you with their actions and attitudes, but try not to hold it against them. They've been through a lot. Also, you don't need to hurt anyone in order to feed on fear. In fact, I'd advise against it as injury can cause humans to turn faster. Just some scares should be enough to keep you fed.
Also, we're having a party soon and we'd love it if you'd attend.
Any questions?
No. 823219 ID: 22b85b
File 150287423835.png - (72.09KB , 800x800 , Luna.png )

> One of her antennae twitches slightly as she listens, and her face only... cocks to one side, slowly, and eventually she reaches up and places a hand on her own cheek, simply... looking at Lavender.

[LUNA] : ...I. Know? I've already been to the secret area, I am aware of the whole turning process and how monsters feed on fear and everything. I went through the turning process myself. With a bit of help from Vanilla, of course, but I chose this. I chose to go through with becoming a monster. ...There's things about my old life I want to forget, and to be honest.. Being a monster is... more desirable to me. Even the part where I have to hide in the shadows all day, this place is a place where I actually get to... be. Me. I don't have to worry about anything hateful that other people will spout because everyone here has seen or done so much worse than... Existing. I guess. I don't have to be told I'm someone I'm not and I don't have to be told who I'm allowed to love and it's... Freeing for me.
No. 823220 ID: 3ce125

Ah, embarrassing. Then... I don't know what advice to give, aside from maybe not talking to Jerry or Teleste too much about humans, it's a touchy subject for them, for different reasons.

Since she was "born" beyond the painting, she doesn't need to unlock passage through it?
No. 823221 ID: 7b7ab3

Oh. Well, cool. Sexy even.
I'd suggest meeting the other housemates if you haven't already. Some of them are a little intense and freaky, but no one will hurt you and we're pretty supportive of each other. We don't really have a set time for the party, but we'll keep you posted. I imagine Vanilla's already fed you, but Matilda always has some extra meat lying around just in case. If you have any questions, just ask me or Tobe. You seem like a very nice person and I hope you enjoy your time here. I think we're going to be good friends.
No. 823222 ID: 35089a

bug hug.
No. 823223 ID: 22b85b
File 150287583790.png - (285.54KB , 800x800 , Spookquest54.png )

>You give Luna a hug before you leave, which takes her a bit by surprise, but she clearly doesn't mind, as she gives Lavender a saucy wink and a quick smack on the abdomen as she's leaving, which leaves Lavender quite flustered.

> REGINALD can be heard practicing through the moldy trapdoor
> the door to VICTORIA's room is well kept and clear of any unwanted grime.
> LUNA's light barely flickers through the door.
> there is a WEIRD SYMBOL where the submarine hatch used to be
> DAISY probably hasn't moved from her spot if you wanna visit
> JERRY's door is slightly ajar
> TELESTE's has old timey grain flickering on the doorknob
> actually, let's check out the FOYER
No. 823224 ID: 7b7ab3

So what now? I feel like there's something we should be doing, but I just can't keep my head straight.
No. 823225 ID: be0718

We just don't learn, do we. Wow.

Lavender, at the frequency you're blushing you're going to unlock a bright pink evolution.
Enter Victoria's room, after all that dressing down it's time for some dressing up.
No. 823226 ID: 3ce125

Let's talk to Teleste! It's been too long and she looked like she needed the company last we saw.
No. 823231 ID: 91ee5f

Yes, let's go to Victoria! We've got some dye that needs to be delivered to her!
No. 823234 ID: 91ee5f

Oh, wait! I just realized that we forgot to mention something to Luna!

We should warn her to not touch the WEIRD SYMBOL on the ceiling in the HALLWAY because Toblerone said something bad might happen to the house if it's activated!
No. 823240 ID: ca661e

Let's see what Jerry's up to
No. 823246 ID: d6afc2

Of course we learn, but not everyone takes the same insight from what is learned.
No. 823247 ID: 8111b6

Did we ever visit Naut to apologize?
No. 823248 ID: ba56e6

Or rather, we need to figure out what style of clothes she likes. Maybe we can even work on it together with her!

Go to Victoria.
No. 823251 ID: 91ee5f

Duh, that's the whole point! Only Victoria knows what style of dress she wants!

I don't know why everyone is trying to overcomplicate this by asking someone that isn't Victoria what kind of dress Victoria would want!
No. 823256 ID: 22b85b
File 150290794341.png - (125.70KB , 800x800 , Victoria.png )

>Lavender decides to visit Victoria, PURPLE DYE in tow. Victoria looks her over for a moment, seeming to consider something, frowning ever so slightly.

[VICTORIA] : ...Yes? What did you need? I'm sorry, I've been all in a tizzy as of recently. It's... surprisingly loud when someone moves out.
No. 823257 ID: 19dd52

Sorry about that, we really didn't mean to stir things up so badly!

We just wanted to know what style of dress you would like best? We have the dye and the silk, but you're the one with style!
No. 823260 ID: 91ee5f


Also, invite Victoria to Matilda's party!
No. 823261 ID: 22b85b
File 150290927384.png - (125.70KB , 800x800 , Victoria.png )

>Victoria looks genuinely surprised, before thinking for a moment. She hums slightly to herself before loosely drifting around the edge of the room, floating along with her parasol.

[VICTORIA] : Well... I do like Victorian Era dresses, but... the new fashions, things like keyhole sweaters and the like also greatly fascinate me. I suppose it's up to you which you would rather make, really!

> [The type of clothing you decide on will determine Victoria's Evolution]
No. 823263 ID: 8a947d
File 150291109680.png - (79.59KB , 607x809 , Dress.png )

Something like this ?
No. 823279 ID: be0718

We're the only monster that moves around, it's a moot point.

For the dress, let's go full old school. A crimson gown that's all frills, all chills, and doesn't stain!
No. 823281 ID: 91ee5f

>We're the only monster that moves around, it's a moot point.
She's gotta leave her room to come to the party, right?

Everyone else already know not to touch it, but Luna doesn't!

I like this!
No. 823285 ID: ba56e6
File 150291783170.jpg - (87.89KB , 600x800 , GDR1065_main.jpg )

How do you feel about chinese dresses?
No. 823286 ID: deec6e


Oooh. Slightly risque and lovely.
No. 823294 ID: be0718

Consult your mortician before trying this on: Side effects may include rigor mortis and having to hop everywhere.
No. 823300 ID: ca661e
File 150292018826.jpg - (193.00KB , 1000x1350 , God+is+dead+_81adf6fd9bbd2f1bf1bd2e72debe0828-1.jpg )

A Virgin Killer sweater
No. 823305 ID: 3ce125

She already spoke to Toblerone, he should have warned her already.
No. 823310 ID: 91ee5f

No. 823324 ID: 22b85b
File 150292366056.png - (65.50KB , 800x800 , Spookquest55.png )

> There are currently 4 proposed evolutionary Paths

> Keyhole - Batty
> Chinese Dress - Hopping
> Victorian Dress - Nosferatu
> Virgin Killer - Modern
No. 823327 ID: 8d4593

Chinese Dress
No. 823329 ID: 91ee5f

Is this one: >>823263 , the Keyhole? If it is, then I vote for the Keyhole!
No. 823332 ID: ca661e

Modern for sure
No. 823334 ID: 3abd97

No. 823335 ID: be0718

Nosferatu, Batty, please just anything but the half-shaved look yet again.
No. 823336 ID: ba56e6

Chinese Dress
No. 823359 ID: 481ecf

Keyhole looks like a winner to me.
No. 823361 ID: deec6e


No. 823362 ID: 3ce125

Virgin Killer is literally the worst and so are modern vampires (regardless of hairstyle).

The mythology around hopping vampires is pretty stiff, tbh. It'll be pretty inconvenient for her. I'm gonna go with keyhole/batty.
No. 823369 ID: 35a0e0

No. 823371 ID: 91ee5f

Results so far:

Keyhole - Batty has 5 votes.

Chinese Dress - Hopping has 2 votes.

Victorian Dress - Nosferatu has 0 votes.

Virgin Killer - Modern has 2 votes.

Please correct me if these are wrong. Also, I put this in spoilers, just to prevent Lavender from saying them out loud.

No. 823377 ID: 7cdf1e

No. 823380 ID: 22b85b
File 150293470263.png - (125.70KB , 800x800 , Victoria.png )

> After some thought, Lavender decides to make a KEYHOLE SWEATER DRESS for Victoria, who smiles as she watches, showing off her brilliant ruby red teeth.

[VICTORIA] : Oh this looks amazing! Here, Let me change, and then I'll show you!

> She ushers Lavender out of the room for a moment, and you can hear the sound of shuffling fabrics behind the door.
No. 823381 ID: 22b85b
File 150293477316.png - (116.23KB , 800x800 , Victoria.png )

> When you are finally allowed to re-enter the room, she gives a little spin, showing off both the new clothing and the new form. She does a little curtsy afterwards, seeming pleased.

[VICTORIA] : Well, what do you think?~
No. 823384 ID: 7cdf1e

Absolutely adorable!
No. 823389 ID: be0718

Not bat! ...That was a pun, see.
I'm happy it came out so well for you! Make sure to starch it well so it doesn't flop over your face when hanging around.
No. 823399 ID: 91ee5f

Lavender, clap your hands and tell her that she looks amazing!

Oh, look! Even her parasol changed shape!

Mention to her that she now has a fabulous new dress and an awesome new look to show off at Matilda's party! .....if she'd be willing to attend that is.
No. 823400 ID: 486e87

Looks good!
No. 823410 ID: e54266

Th@ b@ is ph@!
You'll knock them dead at the party, V!
No. 823412 ID: ba56e6

Our color schemes match now!
No. 823430 ID: 91ee5f


Well, that's just great, now Lavender is going to repeat that out loud.

No. 823431 ID: ba56e6

I'm lost.
No. 823433 ID: 094652


Hm, your dress is downright chibi-sexy, but it's missing something... how about a pet bat inthekeyhole?
No. 823461 ID: 22b85b
File 150298062309.png - (116.23KB , 800x800 , Victoria.png )

> Victoria does a little twirl, clearly pleased that Lavender is also pleased with the change, before Lavender scoops her up into a hug, which takes her by surprise. She looks off to the side bashfully.

[VICTORIA] : I-I'm glad you like it, heheh... I'll be sure to attend the party, okay? It sounds like it'll be a ton of fun!

No. 823465 ID: 91ee5f

Express excitement that Victoria said she'd attend the party! Politely thank her for letting you help her pick out her dress and make it for her. Then tell her that you've got more invitations to give out, so you've gotta get going. Tell Victoria bye and you'll see her later!
No. 823472 ID: be0718

Happy to be of service. Bid adieu!

I'm still concerned about catering for this dinner. We have desserts, but what about a main course? Matilda's stockpile is, well, a stockpile, using it all up in one go is unwise! Does Audrey grow fresh vegetables? Do monsters eat vegetables? Ach, we're so unprepared we don't even have a place to set up tables!
No. 823502 ID: ba56e6

Can Lavender produce edible unfertilized eggs?
No. 823515 ID: 8a947d

A better question is would anybody eat them ? How tasty can spider eggs be ?

Can anybody in the house cook ? I know Vanilla can bake but we need more than sweets.
No. 823517 ID: 3ce125

Matilda, IIRC.
No. 823552 ID: 22b85b
File 150307084685.png - (284.57KB , 800x800 , Spookquest56.png )

> You let Victoria know you're excited, and that you have to plan the dinner a little bit before exiting.

> REGINALD can be heard practicing through the moldy trapdoor
> the door to VICTORIA's room is well kept and clear of any unwanted grime.
> LUNA's light barely flickers through the door.
> there is a WEIRD SYMBOL where the submarine hatch used to be
> DAISY probably hasn't moved from her spot if you wanna visit
> JERRY's door is slightly ajar
> TELESTE's has old timey grain flickering on the doorknob
> actually, let's check out the FOYER
No. 823553 ID: 19dd52

Let's check in on Teleste next! Invite her and see how she's feeling.
No. 823555 ID: be0718

Visit Daisy to invite her and let her know we're working on getting a musical rock. Communicating if she'd like to attend is simple enough.
No. 823562 ID: 91ee5f

Wouldn't Reginald have an ocarina of some sort? We could ask him about it while we're inviting him to the party.

Make sure you knock before entering!
No. 823563 ID: be0718

Shakespeare wasn't exactly known for his musical numbers.
No. 823567 ID: 91ee5f

True, but out of all the residents we've met so far, Reginald seems to be the only one that has something to do with music. He's even got a huge pipe organ in there! So he's gotta have other musical instruments also!
No. 823569 ID: 3ce125

Talk to Teleste.
No. 823571 ID: 22b85b
File 150308264883.png - (166.13KB , 800x800 , Teleste.png )

> After some deliberation of thought, Lavender decides to visit Teleste. At first, her room seems empty, but before Lavender can turn to go, she's pounced from behind and sent tumbling forwards by Teleste. She ends up head over heels and curled next to Teleste, who is signing so frantically that Lavender can't actually make out anything she's saying.
No. 823573 ID: 42770e

Please! Slow down, I can't follow if you go that fast!
No. 823577 ID: be0718

Slow down, I'm bad at charades!
No. 823578 ID: 22b85b
File 150308526610.png - (166.13KB , 800x800 , Teleste.png )

> Teleste plants a big kiss on Lavender and cuddles her tight for a moment, seeming overall quite pleased, if quiet. She stops moving for a moment before beginning to silently sign again, slower this time so lavender can understand her.

[TELESTE] : {Are you okay? WHat happened? I heard you got into a fight and then you didn't talk to me in forever and I had to hear it from Matilda who is a big gossip so I wasn't sure that it wasn't something dangerous or fatal and I'm just... I'm so glad you're okay}
No. 823579 ID: be0718

Oh, I just uh... pissed off Peabody with my big fat mouth. Sorry. We're bad at keeping track of time, also, and keeping ourselves busy.
No. 823581 ID: 3ce125

Sorry for making you worry! I thought everyone knew what happened, from what Toblerone said...
No. 823586 ID: 91ee5f

>Teleste plants a big kiss on Lavender and cuddles her tight for a moment
*turn a really bright shade of red* O///W///O
No. 823591 ID: ba56e6

Peabody triggered some of us, we triggered Peabody, everybody got triggered, Peabody left, and it was a bad time.
No. 823600 ID: 22b85b
File 150309320961.png - (166.13KB , 800x800 , Teleste.png )

> Teleste's signing begins to grow slower as she calms herself down, apparently oblivious to the fact that Lavender is looking more beet red at the moment. She doesn't really let GO of lavender as she does so, and as a result it makes some of the signing a little hard to read.

[TELESTE] : {Toblerone told us that Peabody and the newest resident got in a fight, and Peabody finally left as a result! We didn't really get much information about it, but... I mean. I'm just glad to know you're okay, you know? It would really be a terrible thing if you got hurt after existing for such a small amount of time...}
No. 823607 ID: 143250

Oh dear, seems the rumor mill is stretching the truth. Set the record straight. Tell her It wasn't an actual fight with violence, it was more of an argument.
No. 823611 ID: 91ee5f

>She doesn't really let GO of Lavender as she does so
She's not squeezing you too hard, is she? If she is you can say, "Hugging...too...affectionally...! I...can't...breathe...!"

No. 823613 ID: 3ce125

Give her a kiss and tell her you're fine.
No. 823623 ID: 22b85b
File 150309669165.png - (166.13KB , 800x800 , Teleste.png )

> She settles down after you tell her it was an arguement rather than any physical altercation, seeming to calm down considerably. After all, she was worried about physical harm first and foremost. At the same time however, she seems to have been concerned about your mental wellbeing, and comforting her seems to have calmed down this fear. She simply sighs and holds on to Lavender loosely, cuddling in a relaxed manner. Lavender could leave easily if she desired.
No. 823631 ID: be0718

But she doesn't... we could stay here as long as Teleste wants, as long as it's no more than a day probably. But who's counting?
No. 823632 ID: 179409

Stay, its not like we have anything important to do.
No. 823633 ID: 7b7ab3

>Lavender could leave easily if she desired.
Hell to the no. Snuggle the cute mime.
No. 823634 ID: 91ee5f

>Lavender could leave easily if she desired.
Not yet. Let's stay like this for a little bit.

Also, Lavender, make sure you mention the party and that you want to invite Teleste to it.
No. 823636 ID: 91ee5f

Other than making sure we invite everyone else to the party.
No. 823652 ID: ba56e6

Relax, for a little bit. The world can wait a few minutes.
No. 823657 ID: 3ce125

Maybe get a little handsy.
No. 823670 ID: a307f1

Lavender... Its Time For Smooch
No. 823756 ID: 91ee5f

*turn an even brighter shade of red* >///W///<
No. 823780 ID: 22b85b
File 150315749937.png - (257.26KB , 800x800 , Spookquest57.png )

> There are no words that come between Lavender and Teleste. only passion.

>TELESTE has gained 1 ROMANCE POINT [1/5]
No. 823783 ID: 91ee5f

Awwwww! (-':
No. 823784 ID: 7b7ab3

We have a party to plan and quests to complete and everything, but we could honestly just keep doing this all night and I'd be just as happy.
No. 823789 ID: f97b68

Cute! 1/5 romance points eh? looks like we got a new mission!

spend a little more time cuddling with teleste to let her know how much you appreciate her.
No. 823794 ID: 3ce125

Ask her how monster dating works.
No. 823838 ID: f8f9ea

Woah now, Lavender's a spider on a mission. Better get back to planning that party.
No. 823841 ID: ba56e6

Parting is such sweet sorrow, but I should go invite the rest of the family. To dinner. Not to group makeouts.
No. 823843 ID: 91ee5f

These, I guess.

Just make sure Teleste knows that she's invited to the party!
No. 823846 ID: be0718

Three days have passed without us realizing it, reality can wait for us. There's no set date yet, and thus no deadline.
No. 823863 ID: a307f1

Squeeze Teleste, tell her you like her, and invite her on a walk in the courtyard! Under the stars!
No. 823936 ID: 22b85b
File 150324128277.png - (285.49KB , 800x800 , Spookquest58.png )

> After a bit of time alone together, Teleste bids Lavender Adieu, saying she has some things to take care of. Whether Teleste is referring to herself or Lavender is unknown, but nonetheless you enjoyed your time together. She says lavender might want to wait with the dating until AFTER this feast is prepared.

> REGINALD can be heard practicing through the moldy trapdoor
> the door to VICTORIA's room is well kept and clear of any unwanted grime.
> LUNA's light barely flickers through the door.
> there is a WEIRD SYMBOL where the submarine hatch used to be
> DAISY probably hasn't moved from her spot if you wanna visit
> JERRY's door is slightly ajar
> [x] Teleste is busy with something
> actually, let's check out the FOYER
No. 823937 ID: 7b7ab3

Let's see Jerry. It's been a while and we should see how he's doing. Plus he needs his invite.
No. 823938 ID: be0718

Tell Jerry the door is ajar.
No. 823941 ID: 5aee0b

Knock on Jerry's door.
"Jerry berry? Hon, can I come in?"
No. 823944 ID: 91ee5f

Let's see here:

Invited Luna? Check.

Invited Victoria? Check.

Invited Teleste? SUPER CHECK! X3

The only Hallway residents left to invite are: Reginald, Daisy, and Jerry.

Let's start with Jerry.
No. 823945 ID: a307f1

seems like jere-bear might want us to pay a visit.

this is very cute.
No. 823972 ID: 22b85b
File 150326577558.png - (82.71KB , 800x800 , Jerry.png )

> Lavender sneaks into Jerry's room. It looks like he's very focused on cleaning some of the Taxidermied animals he has around. He turns around to look at Lavender for a moment, before turning back to work.

[JERRY] : You're beet red, Lavender. Got a crush on someone?
No. 823976 ID: a307f1

giggle and change the subject to jerry's taxidermy. I wanna know about his hobby!

What's he workin on lately?
No. 823985 ID: be0718

Nah, I just killed somebody and haven't washed off the blood yet.
No. 823991 ID: 22b85b
File 150326775314.png - (82.71KB , 800x800 , Jerry.png )

>Jerry looks over the taxidermied animals quietly, after a moment. After a while they speak.

[JERRY] : They're uh. They used to be my pets. Monsters don't exactly have limited lifespans, so you're able to own a lot of pets and enrich their lives. They don't turn either so they're good for companionship. I keep 'em with me cause I don't want to forget about them.

> Some of these animals are incredibly exotic. How the hell he got his hands on a White Rhino you may never know.
No. 823992 ID: a307f1

That's so cool, Jerry! And Sweet!
Do you wanna talk about any of em? What about the rhino? Was he a good pet?
No. 823995 ID: 3ce125

What are their names?
No. 823998 ID: be0718

They do have a limit though. A pretty important one... Jerry, how long can a monster go without fear?
No. 824002 ID: 91ee5f

Have you heard about Matilda's party? Everyone's invited! You're coming too, right?
No. 824012 ID: a307f1

Its not Matilda's party! Its everyone's!
Technically I think we're the one throwing it though.

Its for everyone to get together for a fun friendly time and lift all our spirits and become closer! A big house jamboree!
No. 824020 ID: 91ee5f

But it was her idea to get everyone together, so that makes it her party, right? We're just passing out the invites.
No. 824028 ID: ba56e6

Ask what he thinks would look good on you.
No. 824030 ID: 22b85b
File 150327782731.png - (82.71KB , 800x800 , Jerry.png )

> Jerry stops, looking over their shoulder and looking... tentative.

[JERRY] : ...I don't... exactly. Get along well with the others. I think I've had the hardest time coping with the... changes, and seeing the others just reminds me of that. I'm. Not sure.

> They then turn back to look at the taxidermied pets they'd been tending to.

[JERRY] : ...I would oftentimes spend a lot of my time alone with these guys, trying to pretend my life was normal. The more aware I became that my life wasn't normal the more outlandish and absurd the pets became, until eventually I was spending the fortune I had amassed overtime to purchase rare exotic animals over the black market, blithly pretending I was some sort of ultra rich person to which rules didn't apply. ...That came around to haunt me, eventually, but... I'm not... comfortable telling that story.
No. 824033 ID: ba56e6

If we said we understood what that's like, we would be lying.

If you don't think you're ready for such a big step, that's okay. Is there anything we could do to help things get better?
No. 824035 ID: 3ce125

Huh, is there some monster-run black market? Or do monsters have some contacts with the human business world?
No. 824043 ID: 91ee5f

>Coping with the changes.
We could point him towards Xerxes and Ezikeal at the party! Xerxes, because he also used to be human and could help Jerry with some coping advice. Ezikeal, because he's a GENUINELY SUPPORTIVE FRIEND that can encourage Jerry when he starts to feel down.

>Jerry being unsure if he wants to go to the party.
"Please? I'd hate to see you get left out."

If we can get him to open up, even just a little, then we could probably get him to be more social with everyone.
No. 824045 ID: 3ce125

We could also tell him about the new girl. She used to be human too.
No. 824048 ID: 91ee5f

Oh yeah. Luna can help too!
No. 824050 ID: be0718

To be upfront, however, Luna is a willing convert.
No. 824056 ID: a307f1

Let Jerry know some other former humans are coming too. He doesn't Have to come, but everyone would absolutely love for him to and would be excited to see him. If he doesn't feel comfortable with the others right now, he could sit by us! It would cheer him up!

I do feel like Jerry and Xerxes could potentially get along. Jerry, have you met Xerxes?
No. 824103 ID: 22b85b
File 150329775982.png - (82.71KB , 800x800 , Jerry.png )

>Jerry looks down, and away, very pointedly no longer actually working, but rather just... thinking to themselves quietly. It takes them a short while to respond, but when they do so, they look Lavender in the eye.

[JERRY] : I have long since given up on turning back, like what Xerxes is working on. I've done some terrible things, and I don't think I could bear the weight of those sins if I were human again. ...I'll... Come to the party. Okay?
No. 824106 ID: 91ee5f

Clap your hands and say, "Yay!"
No. 824107 ID: ba56e6

As long as it won't be too taxing for you. Heh. Get it?

Looking forward to seeing you there.
No. 824108 ID: 3ce125

Okay! Hey do you know if anyone's got an ocarina? 8-bit might have a Zelda-themed one...?
No. 824111 ID: 91ee5f

It's most likely Reginald. He's got a huge pipe organ in his room, so he's probably got other musical instruments in there!
No. 824116 ID: be0718

Thanks for accepting, Jerry. We accept you the way you are, and everyone else will too. Or else.
Would this black market be a good place to get an ocarina?
No. 824117 ID: 91ee5f

"Hey, Jerry, what's a Black Market?"

Because Lavender is new to the world, this is something that would make sense for her to ask.
No. 824118 ID: 3ce125

I wasn't asking you.
No. 824131 ID: a307f1

Tell Jerry you like him and being friends with him and are thrilled he's coming to the party!
No. 824269 ID: 22b85b
File 150341315202.png - (82.71KB , 800x800 , Jerry.png )

> Jerry looks over his shoulder at Lavender, debating as tospeak on something or not, before tentatively beginning to voice their thoughts.

[JERRY] : The... Black Market is where humans purchase illicit goods. Whether obtained fraudulently, illegal, or needed in a secretive manner, all of these can be purchased at the black market. I personally used the internet to access this. ...It's often the only way humans and monsters can interact. Viewing something through a screen makes the Monsterification process not work, So video chatting and viewing monsters in recordings is safe for humans. It's why 8Bit is even able to HAVE a following on the deep web; They wouldn't be able to view his videos otherwise.

> There's another pause before Jerry speaks again.

[JERRY] : I'm pretty sure Amelie has an Ocarina. It's... probably a little damp, but. I doubt that will matter, you're probably trading it for something, right?
No. 824274 ID: ba56e6

Ah, the internet. What would we do without it?
No. 824287 ID: 91ee5f

>you're probably trading it for something, right?
"Yes, I'm going to give it to Xerxes and he'll give me a Singing Stone. Then I'll give the Singing Stone to Daisy."
No. 824299 ID: 3ce125

Well we know where the ocarina is now. May as well go talk to Amelie and see what we need to do to get it since we're coming back here later anyway to deliver the singing stone. I want to get the stone before the party so that Daisy can talk to the other guests!
No. 824307 ID: a307f1

Ask Jerry where he got a computer.

It would be really cool to have one too. We could play games with 8bit and have access to the............. Web
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