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801846 No. 801846 ID: 395c02

Behold, O nation of Sapengkad! We, Ekwi Irrepaumal, return to you!

From that moment in ancient times when you first conceived of Us, that time when you set aside your petty conflicts and internecine strife and first dreamed of unity for the Sapengkadbuk, We have always answered you and provided for you. We have given you strength in battle as you claimed the land that was rightfully yours and brought lesser nations under your rule, and We have kept your people healthy and safe within your borders.

When the mighty and bloodthirsty Ngasibuk rode from far up the river Uwedai, they were never able to lay siege to your cities or burn your farms under Our protection. We confused their scouts, brought rains from the sea Mpidon, struck their mounts with disease and let them fall to fighting one another, and finally they moved on to other lands, without a single Sapengkadbuk soldier raising arms against them.

When the treacherous Otsasegbuk sailed in their ships across the Mpidon to seize beautiful Mamidn, the jewel of your empire, We ensured they never made landfall. We moved the winds to keep their fleet at bay, confounded their navigators as they ran their boats into rocks, and finally destroyed their whole navy with a powerful storm, without a single Sapengkadbuk sailor boarding his ship to fight them.

Even in those most desperate of times, when the forces of nature themselves made their attempts to leave your nation in ruins, We were beside you. By Our intercession, the unseasonable flooding of the rivers Tsedai and Uwedai, brought on by the hateful Ilesai, brought you only greater harvests. When the whole land of Sapengkad was plunged into drought by the terrible Iakna, Our power gave to you the food and water you needed to survive the season. And, indeed, by Our hand, Mamidn was spared when the blind wrath of Ngkau wrenched apart the very earth itself.

As We led you to the greatest heights of any nation on this earth, We have been the God that you needed, for always.

And so, We instructed you in the creation of a great monument in the heart of your proud city in Mamidn. It was a terrible and difficult task, requiring labor and blood and ritual for many generations. Lesser nations would have failed, and lesser nations indeed have failed at this very task, but you persevered, and finally you completed this glorious testament to your faith and Our power.

We did not reveal to you at that time why We had commanded you to construct such a monument, for We knew of your trust in Our design. Now, see, how your effort and patience is finally rewarded!
44 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 803530 ID: a363ac

they are lesser beings not even fit to grovel at your feet. Continue your journey to find proper servents.
No. 803531 ID: 094652

Despite their wretched way of life, they have survived to this day. They will be useful, for the moment.
No. 803533 ID: 7b7ab3

At the very least, they may be able to provide Us with information.
Is there a way to make Ourself less intimidating?
No. 803534 ID: 8111b6

First things first... Do you want to be a kindly and merciful god, or a god of wrath and fear? The former, something like 'Be not afraid' would be good. The latter, a bold demand for them to bow before you would be prudent. You could aim to become something worshipped by many races. Perhaps a primitive tribe raising to prominence would attract attention. If nothing else, it'd be a desperation source of worship to survive on, if you need that.
No. 803537 ID: 91ee5f

You know.....there's no guarantee that you'll find your people or what's left of them. And these little guys, despite everything that happened around here, are still here while your people are nowhere to be found. What they lack in anything else, they make up for it in being able to survive.

Maybe you could become these guy's new god? I mean, you don't have to, it's just 1 of many options that're available.

Also, is there going to be a language barrier of some kind? Because it'll be annoying if neither of you can understand each other.
No. 803539 ID: 8cb228

Get what information you can, and find worthy followers. Their use to you is not as worshipers, but as information into the world as it is now, rather than as it was; seek greener pastures, as it were.
No. 803542 ID: 70983e

In memory of your former nation, wipe these defilers off the face of their graves. Sapengkad yet lives while We remain.
No. 803555 ID: 3ce125

Before, you seemed like a strong sheltering force. Well, stands to reason you'd be a bit angry that your entire empire is gone.

Bully the pests a bit, but don't kill them. Like, you could grab this one by the leg and dangle it in front of your face while you interrogate it. You need a lot of information... it's a pity that this thing won't know very much.
We need to know how long this place has been desert, what the nations of the world are now, and where the nearest real town is.
No. 803557 ID: 91ee5f

I also hope for your sake that your new form doesn't require food. There's no way in hell you're ever going to find enough to sate your hunger! DX
No. 803570 ID: 51aede

Whatever their faults, these guys do seem to have a knack for survival, which might be valuable if you decide to spare.

As for some of their faults, I get the feeling it's likely a result of having no one (God or some fairly mortal) to guide them, leaving them to go it on their own. Maybe they could be more useful than you think if you adopt them as worshippers.
No. 803572 ID: ddd967

Surely, a mighty deity such as yourself could make these pitiful creatures into worthy followers? Magnify their virtues (such as they are), minimize their flaws? I assume it would be a strenuous task to do so for the entire race, but perhaps you could introduce a dominant superior strain into their bloodline.

In any case, ask/demand to speak to the "wisest" of their group, and test them on their knowledge of history. How did they/their ancestors come to live here?

By the way, you don't have a means of calling other gods, do you?
No. 803575 ID: 91ee5f

Do you think you could come down to their eye level or something? They're so tiny and you're so big, you might not even be able to hear what they're saying because of the distance between them and your ears!
No. 803583 ID: ba506f

wait, ancestor worship might actually be a good thing here. If they remember their ancestors then that means they pay at least some attention to the past right? I say ask it what happened to the old kingdom that use to thrive in this lands and if it gives a useful answer leave it a small boon. Like a small source of water in the village or something.
No. 803731 ID: 8c51fa

That's an interesting thought. A divine being who is not limited by their followers could be something that no other gods could be. That is not an opportunity we should pass up. But what sort of being should we become?

To put it another way, what can we do now that we havn't been doing before? Besides the whole "physical presence" thing, I mean. It would be sad to see Sapengkad vanish into obscurity, but what caused our empire to crumble? What were its weaknesses? What mistakes did our people make?

It probably had something to do with all the war and conquest. If you invade and conquer neighboring cultures looking for followers and slaves, then you're going to make enemies out of pretty much everyone. They might have been able to get away with it for a while when they had divine power on their side, but once you were out of the picture, any number of things could have turned against them. The remnants of destroyed nations could have banded together to reclaim their stolen land. The surrounding nations could have decided to end the threat before they become the target of the next invasion. They could have suffered from some other disaster and found themselves without allies in their time of need. The slaves or lower classes could have revolted against their oppressive leaders; some of the upper classes might have even sympathized with them and aided the rebellion. The rulers could have become prideful and complacent in their superiority, or schemed against each other to grab power for themselves. They could have simply been outperformed by civilizations with more effective social structures.

In any case, if we don't know how the old Sapengkadbuk fell, we don't know how to do things right this time. It would be wise to avoid making any enemies until we have a clearer idea of how things are going. If time has marched on as far as it seems, then there have likely been several nations rising and falling in the past; we can learn from their successes and failures.

For starters, let's talk to the creature in front of us and ask about its civilization and what it's doing there. Don't be too threatening, and don't get too hung up on your past impressions of them. They might be more effective when they aren't overwhelmed by fear.
No. 803984 ID: 395c02
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>Is there a way to make Ourself less intimidating?
If there is, We are not currently interested in it. Even though Our plans seem to have gone astray, We did not select such an imposing form to shy away from using it!

>By the way, you don't have a means of calling other gods, do you?
We are not interested in this, either. Unless things have dramatically changed during Our absence, other gods are not likely to appreciate Our contact. In the same way, We would assume any god reaching out to Us is not likely to have our interests in mind.

>Also, is there going to be a language barrier of some kind?
Our powers may be minimized, but We still speak the language of the divine, and should be able to understand any language spoken by mortals.

>You might not even be able to hear what they're saying because of the distance between them and your ears!
Likewise, We are sure that this is of no concern for Us.

>I also hope for your sake that your new form doesn't require food.
We are still divine!

We suspect this form may slowly degradeif We are unable to regain followers, but with the sheer energy originally put into it, We believe the timeframe to be on the order of millennia.

>Do you want to be a kindly and merciful god, or a god of wrath and fear?
Our former nature pointed Us to the latter, but We may reenvision Ourselves as We please.

>Surely, a mighty deity such as yourself could make these pitiful creatures into worthy followers?
If We were at full power, We suppose that this would be trivial. In Our current state, however, We can do little more than wait for them to improve over time.

>It would be sad to see Sapengkad vanish into obscurity, but what caused our empire to crumble? What were its weaknesses? What mistakes did our people make?
The flaws of mortals are myriad. We would have hoped that Our people would thrive better even in Our unexpected absence, but for now We can only guess at the fate of Our lost empire.

After some thought, We come to a decision. We need not rekindle the old ways of Our lost empire exactly as they were. These Kataung are no more below Us than any other mortal, and... while We admit to a bit of reluctance over their nature, We are willing to accept them as followers.

For this one at Our feet...

"You there. Do not think you have escaped Our notice."

While We might in some sense enjoy dangling this pathetic creature from Our great height, We decide to show some restraint, leaning over to address it at its own level.

... It responds by falling supine and crying noiselessly. It is only fitting that mortals be awed by Our presence, but the spinelessness of this Kataung is truly uninspiring.

"We desire information. What has become of the empire that built this city, and why are you Kataung living here now?"

It whimpers quietly, without speaking a word. We are wasting Our time even talking to this one, We feel.

>In any case, ask/demand to speak to the "wisest" of their group, and test them on their knowledge of history.
... Perhaps this may be a better tactic.

"If you cannot answer Us, get off of the ground and find someone who will. Can you at least perform this task?"

It hesitates. Our patience is short.

We bring Ourselves closer to it.

"Go. Now."
No. 803985 ID: 395c02
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Finally, the Kataung scrambles to its feet and runs into the ruins, neglecting its spear in its haste. At least it is good for something.

It returns in due time with a much older member of its kind, one who clearly struggles with walking. As soon as the elder catches sight of us, it gasps, then falls to its knees and carries the motion forward into prostration. The other Kataung takes the opportunity to flee again.

"M-my Lord... forgive us..."

We believe this creature knows Us, at least for what We are. This is not the form of address We might have expected, but it will do for now, We think. It is something to consider.

"Stand up. We appreciate your supplication, but you cannot answer Our questions with your face in the sand."

"Y-yes, my Lord." With a bit of difficulty, it returns to its feet, avoiding Our gaze.

There is something pleasantly familiar about this.

"We know not what the one who brought you to Us might have told you, but We desire information. Can you provide it?"

"I will do the best I can, my Lord."

Perhaps these Kataung have potential after all.
No. 803986 ID: 395c02
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"First: do you recognize Us?"

"N-not by name. We are sorry. My Lord's divine likeness is all over these ruins, so we do at least know my Lord's form." It moves to prostrate itself again. "Please forgive us, my Lord. If only we had—"

"Quiet. First answer Our questions, and only then raise your concerns, Kataung."

This obedience to Our words... Our memories may be faded, but We know that this is as things should be.

"Since you do not know, We will tell you: We are Ekwi Irrepaumal, god of the Empire of Sapengkad, which We understand to be lost. Now. How long has this land been a desert? What became of this city?"

"I... I am sorry, my Lord, I cannot say. We came to live in this ruin so long ago I can only guess, fifty generations past at least, and as far as my knowledge goes, it was already a ruin in a desert even then."

Fifty generations... a thousand years.

A thousand years We have been gone, if not more.

That is... even for Us, a very long time, indeed.

"I-if this answer displeases my Lord, I am sorry...!"

... The Kataung before us has prostrated itself again.

"Off of the ground, Kataung. You cannot answer Our questions with your head in the sand. Now. What nations exist that you know of?"

"T-there is..." It struggles in thought for a moment. "We are a lonely people in the desert, so I do not know its name, but... many miles southeast of here, after the desert stops, there is a kingdom of some sort. There is a larger settlement of us nearby; we send settlers that way at times, as this ruin cannot support many of us."

A kingdom up the old Tsedai... perhaps the Sapengkadbuk still live?

"And your presence here? Why do you live in Our empire's ruined city?"

"W-we are sorry, my Lord! Even though we are a humble people, other races have always driven us from our homes. It is said that a group of us traveled into the desert out of desperation, finding this ruin and its small spring just before they would have died of thirst, and we have lived here ever since. Please forgive us for our presence here, and spare us. If we had known..."

This Kataung's propensity for throwing itself to the ground is a bit excessive.

Still, We have some information now. We could continue asking questions, of course, and We must decide unequivocally whether or not to make these creatures our followers.
No. 803992 ID: 47160d

Do we only have the ability to have one sort of followers?
No. 803995 ID: ddd967

>We would assume any god reaching out to Us is not likely to have our interests in mind.

Are the gods of your world naturally rivals to each other? Forgive me, but in other worlds, many gods are known to collect in pantheons, and to have close relationships of various kinds to each other. The mortals who worshiped such pantheons would offer their worship to the gods as their domains appeared in their lives, so they would worship a fertility god at plantings and harvests, a war god when at war, et cetera. You would not engage in any such partnerships?

>We could continue asking questions, of course, and We must decide unequivocally whether or not to make these creatures our followers.

Judging by the one who speaks, they're not incapable of having some wits. More concerning is their attitude. Showing humility and fear before you is entirely appropriate, of course, but I get the impression that this race has been so repeatedly whipped by existence that cringing is in their bones. It would not do to have them whimpering before anyone besides yourself, would it?

You would need to stiffen their spines to make them at all useful. What powers are at your disposal, aside from occupying a huge body, and your basic divine senses and speech? You may need to make demonstrations.
No. 804000 ID: ba506f

I actually kind of feel bad for this little guys. Ask more about their people. I mean if we do decide to make them followers even if for no other reason then to try and preserve these ruins from our fallen empire then knowing their wants and needs could make them more likely to truly worship you instead of just pay lip serves.
No. 804003 ID: 3ce125

>Our former nature pointed Us to the latter
Oh. Your people noticed your absence and assumed they had displeased you. The nation must have descended into more and more desperate attempts at placating you. Weakened by such chaos, they would have been easy pickings for a rival god. It's possible one of your rivals noticed you were missing, as well, and directly assaulted your lands to wipe out your worshipers completely, to make sure you never came back.

We could take them in, but on one condition: they clean up this settlement. Repair it, make it more like it once was. If they are to be part of our flock they must live in a way that is worthy of respect. If they don't consider themselves able to do such a thing, due to (expected) lack of knowledge and expertise, then We will at least allow them to live here so long as they try to preserve the ruins, but We will not aid them or accept their worship.

I think we can do better than these folk, to be honest.
No. 804012 ID: 91ee5f

>other races have always driven us from our homes.
Ha! Just imagine if you allowed them to be your followers, they'd become powerful enough to take revenge against the other races for mistreating them!
No. 804023 ID: 70983e

They already followed you, though they knew not your name. Head south to see what became of their settlers.
No. 804033 ID: a363ac

Everyday your people shall pray to me and I shall return one day to lift you from the sands of death. We should check out this other place unless you wish to sunbath for a bit.
No. 804346 ID: 06b1fc

We seem tending towards ignoring them. I see no reason to make waste of those who would follow Us but that is Our decision to make; not a single thought's.
No. 804353 ID: c88e6d

That explains it. The small spring is the last remnant of your godly power in existence and sustained this group of faithful beings. In a way, their directionless faith might have helped awaken you.

Either way, I suspect a Kingdom will already HAVE a deity at this point, and going into a fist fight with a fully powered god, even with your divine physical construct, is an idea so horrible it should not be countenanced.

We're stuck with the Kataung. Live with it and embrace it. First off, we need to figure out how to get the others to be as un-spineless as this one. Yes, this one barely has a backbone at all, but it's still better than nothing. Then we need to examine the spring and ensure it is sustained by our godly powers after forcing these creatures to worship us. If divine power is all that prevented these lands from becoming a blasted wasteland, this place is gonna need all the divinity it can get.
No. 804354 ID: 8d4593

Hmmm.... A Persecuted people. Perhaps in the past they were mere savages, but a thousand years is indeed a long time. They have a history now. Likely a difficult one that has been romanticized over and over throughout the generations.

If the Katung remain among the lowliest of this world, then the emergence of a living god who favors them could send shock-waves throughout their communities the world over. Smile upon them, destroy a few of their enemies, carve them some fertile borders... And watch as every Katung in the realm makes pilgrimage to this new holy land.

An empire in a day.
This one has been helpful.
No. 804380 ID: 094652

The downtrodden, casteless, unenlightened survivors. I dare you to find a more susceptible culture ripe for indoctrination. They will do.

Get your priests and preachers here. Their bitter life experiences will keep them honest, at least for a single generation. Hopefully you can get them to develop a philosophy before they grow too corrupt from prosperity.
No. 804382 ID: 0b99d7

oh for goodness sake.

'Cease your apologies, I was the divinity of a thriving empire, not of desert ruins. I have no reason to take offence at action performed in recent memory, and less to enact retribution.'
No. 805390 ID: 56fca5

I just had a thought: What if We took a volunteer with us? They would have better knowledge of the current world and would give Us a better understanding of their people! They'd be like a kind of... celestial... envoy..?

If so, I would suggest dropping the godly pretense when speaking to this individual. Speaking candidly would help them feel more comfortable and would probably work out better in the long run.
No. 805398 ID: 904bad

Look, you are an ancient, physical god, you are allowed to window shop for a while, you dont have to get the first race you find laying around... I say keep going. We can comeback later if we want.
No. 817111 ID: 56ffef

examine genitals. both yours and the little guys to make sure they are on right
No. 822252 ID: c7a0f8

So if gods are formed from mortals believing/worshiping them, what happens if other gods believe in or even worship something higher?
No. 852559 ID: 13cc26
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>Are the gods of your world naturally rivals to each other?
It is said, in the time before even Us, that the old primeval gods once cooperated with one another. By Our time, however, they had all become blind, stupid and hateful. Ilesai, Iakna, Ngkau... they are hardly even gods at this point, almost unable to make decisions of their own will.

But the primevals are of a very different nature than Ourselves. All gods who thrive on followers are naturally rivals to one another, or so it was in the days of Our lost empire. Even if this has changed, given Our current state, We believe it would be wise to assume other gods are hostile for now.

>The nation must have descended into more and more desperate attempts at placating you. Weakened by such chaos, they would have been easy pickings for a rival god.
Surely the Sapengkadbuk...

>It's possible one of your rivals noticed you were missing, as well, and directly assaulted your lands to wipe out your worshipers completely, to make sure you never came back.
... but We were so much stronger than any other...

... We must reluctantly admit that this scenario is more probable than We would like.

>Do we only have the ability to have one sort of followers?
Before the Translation, in the days of Our lost empire, Our followers were the Sapengkadbuk. Our people sometimes grew to include related groups, but... never anything like the Kataung.

... Still, We suppose We need not be limited by the ways of Our lost empire in this regard.

>Showing humility and fear before you is entirely appropriate, of course, but I get the impression that this race has been so repeatedly whipped by existence that cringing is in their bones.
We are indeed concerned.

>What powers are at your disposal, aside from occupying a huge body, and your basic divine senses and speech?
With Our followers gone, We... know not what abilities We still have. We may need to experiment, later.

>they'd become powerful enough to take revenge against the other races for mistreating them!
We are unsure the Kataung alone can supply the necessary quantity of followers to allow Us to challenge the other races and their gods.

Bringing a race such as the Kataung from the very bottom is not how We envisioned our Translation, but...

... We can see the appeal...

>We're stuck with the Kataung. Live with it and embrace it.

The Kataung before Us has been patiently waiting for Us to respond. ... On its hands and knees.

"We do not appreciate being made to repeat Ourselves, Kataung. Get up. We will not say it a fourth time."

"M-my Lord—! I-I am sorry, please forgive—"

"Cease with your endless apologies."

It looks up at Us silently. We can sense its fear much more strongly now, but perhaps it will stop wasting Our time with unnecessary words.

>The small spring is the last remnant of your godly power in existence and sustained this group of faithful beings. In a way, their directionless faith might have helped awaken you.
We should have sensed them as followers when We called out. Though, perhaps...

"Now. There is a spring in these ruins?"

"Y-yes, my Lord. In the center. It provides the purest of water, despite its location."

Is it possible that some tiny measure of Our power remained here, in some way?

We begin to have a thought... We know but one way to answer this.
No. 852560 ID: 13cc26
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O nation of... no.

O followers of Ekwi Irrepaumal, known and unknown, your God calls you!


... !

It pales in comparison to the power We once knew. Indeed, We might describe it as pathetic.

But, at the same time, these Kataung...

>They already followed you, though they knew not your name.
We suppose the choice has already been made for Us, in a way.
No. 852562 ID: 13cc26
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"Kataung. ... Servant."

"M... my Lord..." We note that the creature now struggles to stand...?

"We know not how it has happened, but We have become aware that your people are, in a fashion, already followers of Ourselves."

"... w... what does this mean... my Lord...?"

"Our followers are entitled to Our power and protection, in exchange for their unyielding faith and loyalty."

The Kataung gasps as it realizes Our meaning. It appears ready to again throw itself at Our feet in the sand, but hesitates, remembering Our command.

"Go forth and inform your people, servant..."

>What if We took a volunteer with us? They would have better knowledge of the current world and would give Us a better understanding of their people!
"... and when you return, bring Us a volunteer. We wish to take one of you as a companion on Our journey."

"Y... yes, of course, my Lord!" The creature runs back into the ruins, stumbling.

>If so, I would suggest dropping the godly pretense when speaking to this individual.
Absolutely not.
No. 852567 ID: 094652

Now at this point, the prophet will begin shouting and ranting about the coming of gods and their new status as chosen. Without evidence, he will be deemed a pariah and punished. Even if you appear after the fact, it could cause serious division, as many will re-interpret their punishment of their new leader and savior as a fraud who worships kaiju. And if you start poking things immediately before that, they might focus on you as a greater threat.

You need to play this smart.

Begin by walking slowly towards the city. When the masses finally notice you in earnest, wait and stare back. Wait for your prophet to bring the volunteering champion forward, then talk to them and only them. Ask your champion what they need right now, and get to that.

Do not speak to your followers. The more you demand and cow, the stupider they'll get. You need both mystery and power in balance to dominate their intelligence to your will, anything less will get you fanatics or idiots.
No. 852570 ID: 56fca5

Until We speak to this individual We can't rightly choose the best next course of action.

We were planning to pursue the Nulgasum lands to seek the Sapengkadbuk's origins. We should ask this individual what he knows of the Sapengkadbuk and their fate. We can alter Our plan based on what information We unearth this way. Ask their opinion as to where they believe We may find Our previous worshippers.

We should do something for the Kataung both in return for their help and to ensure their continued reverence. Can We make food and water easier for them to come by?

As for the manner by which We address Our new companion, maybe you will warm up to the idea.
No. 852573 ID: b4f880

There's something very satisfying about their form of worship until now. They didn't know your name or nature, just likenesses in stone. Yet those indistinct hopes and prayers
seem all the purer for being yours regardless.

It's unfortunate that they seem so unused to standing tall, it might be difficult for them to learn.
No challenge for you of course, you have time.
No. 852577 ID: 33cbe7

Specify that they should not be afraid of heights, because they will be riding on top of the munificent Ekwi Irrepaumal.
No. 852581 ID: 613c3b

You should probably take the moment of solitude by trying to work a small miracle of some sort to test your current power. Perhaps a fruit tree beside the spring to provide them some additional sustenance.
No. 852582 ID: c88e6d

Prepare to bring forth water, and lots of it!
No. 852585 ID: 33cbe7

Uhh, can we get a rain check on the golden shower?
No. 852590 ID: 91ee5f

>We note that the creature now struggles to stand...?
What'd you expect would happen? Remember, that guy was a much older member of its kind and clearly struggles with walking, which is why there was someone helping him come to you earlier! And let's not forget that you just used some of your divine powers to call for your followers while he was right next to you, so of course being that close to you when you did that was going to make him a little shaky!

>"...and when you return, bring Us a volunteer. We wish to take one of you as a companion on Our journey."
You probably should've specified that you want their bravest and/or most adventurous to come with you. That way they would be less afraid of you.

.....well, not enough to be unafraid of you, but just a little less afraid of you.
No. 852591 ID: 91ee5f

Ewww! He didn't want to pee on them!

He just wanted to maybe improve the small spring in the ruins that these guys have been drinking from!
No. 852702 ID: 56fca5


If someone is volunteering for this position, they probably can tell by looking in Our general direction what they are getting themselves into. They don't need to be particularly brave; they just need to be in the right mindset. We aren't choosing Our mortal champion or anything like that.
No. 852839 ID: e0ac54

Now what's this nonsense of shunning pariahs, fraudulence, and threats?
Nay. Quite the contrary, it has been established that they already worship Us by -albeit vague- indirect lip service. Almost by purest happenstance. And calling out to them, well, We can safely assume that anyone related to this individual (as in the entire bloody "village") will have similarly felt the same thing. We rather seriously doubt random forgotten gods come along and start literally tugging the strings in the hearts of mortals every other day. That kind of spiritual experience? No, no that's world altering for simpletons like themselves. They're gonna all already know the jig is up. Just saying. :V

They'll react with a great deal of confusion if anything, a none too insignificant amount of fear to boot,... and from what We have seen they're far too cowardly and spineless to do anything. Not "do anything to displease Us" but "do anything period." Kinda pitiful, but kind of endearing in its own perverse way.They are free to be shaped at the faintest whim and they'll throw themselves into bedlam to do so.

Boy do We have our work cut out for Us with these poor wretches,...

Now, all serious business,... Yeah, no, fuck that noise I'll buy that for a buck fiddy and a half.
We really do need to play this one by the cuff, and yes that does mean we really need to play up the mystery. Hell, we are probably quite literally the biggest fish presently walking the earth. Godly shenanigans quite literally flows through whatever vein analogues run through that actual glorified colossus. So the question is precisely how do you exploit any advantages available?

Well for starters, assume that, by virtue of sheer size, magnificence, dignity, and yes even power over these little things you're "overbearing" in every sense. That's bad, at least in this case. Your mere presence is going to set them back further and further from ideal usefulness, and (my personal, ultimate goal at least) not being insufferable. Getting them to think, and getting them to reflect are the best ways to get them using their brains. And when they're using their brains, they might just realize they have SPINES for a REASON. The best way to pull that off thus far at least is to play the part of the aloof totally-seriously-100% holier-than-thou divinity. Keep them at an arms length. Don't let them try to defer to you for everything. Keep squashing those damnable platitudes (okay seriously I really want a crusade to hunt down and eradicate the things. Can we murder concepts? I hope so.) Better to be a god of logic and reason with followers that go out of their way to serve your whims before you even know you want them. Than you know,... the mindless alternative that are too ass backwards to follow the simplest instructions without start a "holy" civil war. Many times over. That lasts for centuries.

The only thing they need to know is that you are their mysterious benefactor, and as long as they keep paying you genuine respect they'll be able to expect the same in return. I mean, I don't know if you noticed, but this tiny ass village full of ignorant creatures no better than children somehow through sheer force of innocent honesty managed to generate enough force of belief that it registered at all, let alone enough to be a NOTICEABLE quantity in comparison to your memories of the faith we can assume the Sapengkadbuk EMPIRE managed to crank out. (Ya know I'm going to start calling those poor blighters Sapens, that's getting out of hand) That's kind of nuts. As terrible followers they may be, considering your current position that is nothing to turn your snout up at. Easy to keep in line, and if they step out they can still be easily cowed back, a good population of them would serve as -if nothing else- a good, cheap, dirty, but reliable generator of power for you. Compared to no power, that's one hell of a starting boost.

AND SO! The best place to start doing so, I agree, is with taking the opportunity to try working a small miracle. Get a feel for the scope of your meager power, and get used to have to exercise A WHOLE LOT of finesse if you want to do anything. The bottom of the barrel requires deficiency! And your target should be simple. Fruit tree? Too paltry an effect, and inefficient. Nay, the bottle neck is that these ruins are not capable of supporting a larger population. And a small population will always be more primitive unless they can become sufficiently advanced, which they can't do without a larger population anyway. Helluva pickle huh? So let's start by filling their water barrels! Water is everything in a dessert and it is far easier to gauge just how much of an effect you have with a simpler task like strengthening the spring. Any small amount helps, and ideally we want an oasis here anyway if we want to begin rebuilding the not-desolate-wasteland that was the old empire. In turn,they will be grateful and all the more fervent in their worship. Which in turn strengthens you and lets you further improve their living conditions. Quite simply getting them to associate your pleasure with benefits for them and you're golden! well more golden than ya already are.
And hey if you feel adventurous afterwards, ya might try rejuvenating that poor old chump as a reward for being,...
Ugh, I'm hesitant to say "useful" but at least "helpful" compared to our only other example of their kind. Gotta start somewhere with the little blighters.
No. 853357 ID: 75b8ec

What happens if a god worships another? Could you get under another one's protection that way, if you had to?
No. 854034 ID: 32cd1c

Blasphemy! How dare you suggest that the magnificent Ekwi Irrepaumal prostate themselves before another! Oblivion would be preferable!
No. 854160 ID: a363ac

If your guide knows not of a direction to head in pick a random direction (I am sure the progenitor god above Typo will provide a plot along the way) and walk while protecting your guide in your hands while traveling so as not to kill him with air resistance.
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