Evening Dust
Aalos - To get fucked by the legendary LoveMachine~
LoveMachine - Bro trust me I would in a heart beat, but sadly I'm in Hokkaido and you're in Cornwall, we could not be any farther apart unless we both got in space ships and flew in different directions...
Aalos - If you've got that much RP kicking around then is buying me one of these an option on the table? I'd like to be able to chrono-fuck somebody so hard they cum a week before we start.
LoveMachine - MMnnnn don't we all... that might be a bit out of reach at the moment, but maybe in a near future you might get a little gift... I think I can make them a little more affordable, if only I could get my hands on that original still in box.
Aalos - Your cult has many temples all throughout Japan right. Maybe some pilgrims could open one in a small town where the brother of their god was discovered.
LoveMachine - a lesser man would laugh and say sure... but I'm not that, there are already pilgrims on route to your current location, they're planning on building a shrine on a hill in a forest, the deed is payed for, the supplies are in storage, all their paper work is in order, they all booked a single boying747... Apparently it caused some flight delays in your town? anywho, I didn't ask them to do it. When I found out about you, I put a registry in the good book that you, my brother, son of the highgoddess, mistress of the holy flesh was born. and within minutes a pilgrimage was formed... they know not to intrude in your daily life and to leave you alone if you don't ask for attention. To disturb the divine research is an abomination, to impede, blasphemy. But they're there for you... I hope you don't think lowly of me and my religion... I truly want to help people, we're all about love and tolerance and MMmnnnnn family~
Aalos - right... Good to know...
Aalos - What about a Powerful sensor package?
LoveMachine - I could hook you up with a little creation of mine, just don't letMMmmm-mom know you have it, and especially not that I made and gave it to you. Mother outlawed in depth cerebral scanning under the basis that readings peoples minds and intentions is "unethical" *Pppfff* anywho it's a thing I made a while back called a crown node. It'll let you see without your eyes, even through walls and yes clothes... and though skin and bones and stuff its very useful, it'll also let you hear without your ears, picks up radio signals, lets you tap into phone calls, read peoples minds... and the last big up for it, is it lets you feel, without your body... I'll let your imagination swim a bit on the practical uses of that~
Aalos - That sounds amazing...
LoveMachine - Happy birthday~
Aalos - thanks!
LoveMachine - oh one more thing... Eves form an S-link real quick
Eves - YESes SIRir, RIGHTght AWAYway GRANDanMASTERter!
>You feel a bridge like connection with you and your brother...
LoveMachine - Let me just... enter these numbers... alright break the connection
Eve - sure thing Grand Master!
Eve - sure thing Grand Master!
LoveMachine - I've added my credit info into the spotpass in your right palm. Go nuts, the state pays for it.
Aalos - th-thanks! but why?
LoveMachine - because money helps... especially when you're starting out. I didn't have that kind of luck, wolfy still doesn't have that kind of luck! Bastard wont take my money...
Aalos - well thank you~
Aalos - Oh! Thought you ought to know we caught a virus. Don't know the vector it came in on, but it was present at or before we updated our Eve because it gliched out and created a new AI based on a combination of her previous version and our AI pattern. That AI has been quarantined and loaded into a disc we're gonna send up to Mother for analysis. But what's got me real worried this means whoever made this virus had access to dev tools based on our system architecture, something which nobody in this world but us should have. You haven't encountered a virus compatible with us before, have you?
LoveMachine - no I haven't... that's scary... *Bbrrr* if I could loose my boner I would right now... but you have it on a flash drive? Ehhh if you send it to mom she'll be super humane with it! she wont get anything done! send it to me instead, slip it in my box, I'll crack her open and see what she really is and make sure who ever did this is dealt with, definitively...
Eve - Did you say it formed an AI?
Eve - yeah it was creepy!
LoveMachine - okay, if that's the case I'll try to spare her, but the important thing is getting to the bottom of this!
Aalos - Just please be mindful about what systems you connect to and what you download, big bro. It'd be a disaster if you got corrupted by a virus and under the control of whoever made it, especially once you got a 2ndfall installed. Be careful, 'k.
LoveMaster - Yeah you're not wrong lil bro... I'll be extra careful. And you to okay, this world is full of dangerous people, be smart be safe. and if anything goes wrong, you have me. I'll get you out of any bind okay?
Aalos - thanks.
LoveMachine - I mean it, anyone who messes with my family, gets it. no bodies not traces... MMMmmnnnmm... literally ninjas~
>You end up awkwardly hanging up and getting back to the boxes.
Aalos - (Oh, I just got a idea: What if we switched over to researching the female side of social and sexual interaction rather than male? 006 has already worked the male side of sexual research so much that he's already picked all the low hanging fruit and then some. And also, since the horrible demise of our sister 003 there haven't been female-by-default TG models, so this is a research area that likely hasn't been explored nearly as much. We could work to be the female counterpart to 006, one day designing a female equivalent to the 2ndfall. ...And then pay Love Machine a visit.~)
Eve - (you're not wrong, we could go down that path!)
>you look at the flash drive and wonder if you should hand it over to mom or give it to your brother...
Doukissa - Hey so... We got more letters addressed to Liam Tremblay... and its the same postal code... I guess you were supposed to be theirs... I suppose you could go to them, since you were intended to... if you want... B-but I'd like to keep you... with me. I'd like to keep you around, I've grown very fond of your company~
>she looks a bit distressed...
>_ _ _