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282165 No. 282165 ID: 8c0848

Great. The bus is running late. I love standing out here in the cold in the middle of the night.

C'mon, I want to go home already. It should have been here fifteen minutes ago.
52 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 282350 ID: c71597

Pace yourself, you don't want to get completly exhausted, it's good to have some left if you need to sprint like a motherfucker.

And keep an eye out for stores or shit that looks open. Some place where you can find some other people or maybe a landline telephone.
No. 282355 ID: 8c0848
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What the hell is going on? That was just bizarre and now it's starting to snow. At least it's nice, normal snow.

>keep an eye out for stores or shit that looks open.

There's a gas station to the right and the hospital is straight through the intersection. Neither of those should be closed. I should choose one before the weather gets worse.
No. 282356 ID: c71597

Gas station. The attending dude might have a gun or something. If nothing else there should be flammable materials, lighters, stuff to make rags out of and bottles. Molotov cocktails and improvised flamethrowers here we go!
No. 282357 ID: 1a693f

That's, uh, bit paranoid. Gas station is a go, though.
No. 282358 ID: 252e1b


Go to the gas station and use their phone to call a cab. You don't want to walk home in a snow storm.
No. 282361 ID: b6c6fc

I'm gonna vote hospital

it's more likely to be open
No. 282362 ID: 1a693f

Gas stations never close. Plus, she said she just got off work. What time is it, by the way?
No. 282373 ID: 8c0848
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>Go to the gas station.
I walk a few blocks and some to the gas station. There's no vehicles in there, but it's lit up and should be open.

>What time is it, by the way?
It's 9:41 now.

It's still eerie silent around here.
No. 282375 ID: 3416ec

Run to the gas station. Go go go!
No. 282377 ID: 1a693f

Ah, a blood smear and a broken window. You should cross to the other side of the street before continuing.
No. 282390 ID: e3f578

Stay away from the car woman, there could be something under there. Run, bitch, RUN!
Then we can get a twinkie and slushie.
No. 282395 ID: c71597

Go for the gas station. You can find useful tools and shit there.
No. 282405 ID: b6c6fc

I'm supporting this, stay away from that side of the street
No. 282406 ID: 7d8cf7

Panic and sprint to the gas station.
No. 282415 ID: 8c0848
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I run past trying to get to the station, but can't help taking a look. There's blood like something was dragged from the car to the window.
No. 282419 ID: 3416ec

Don't follow the blood. Nothing good can come of it.

Keep hoofing it to the gas station!
No. 282421 ID: 1a693f

That's something to tell the cops when we get to a phone. If it works. Don't stop.
No. 282427 ID: f6360f

Don't stop, and don't stop looking around. Situational awareness at all times. Attention to detail. Never let anything sneak up on you.

When you get to the gas station, see if you can get a good look inside through the windows/glass walls before you actually go in.
No. 282428 ID: b6c6fc

keep moving, get to that gas stations

and pray real hard there's someone there
No. 282430 ID: 8c0848
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The inside of the gas station is warmer and brighter than outside. That's a good sign. I don't see anyone around, though.
No. 282432 ID: 3416ec

Look for a phone behind the counter.

Call the police.
No. 282433 ID: f6360f

Priority one: Sweep the building. Check the bathrooms if they're connected to the main part of the building, behind the counters, etc. for anything nasty or anyone else. Make as little noise as possible while doing this.
No. 282441 ID: 28e94e

Check behind the counter.
No. 282444 ID: 8c0848
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>Call police
It seems to be ringing, but there's no answer.

>Sweep the building.
The main area of the store has nothing in it. I haven't checked the bathrooms or the storeroom.
No. 282446 ID: 1854db

Check the storeroom. Maybe you can get a crowbar or some other long blunt instrument for use as a weapon.

Or if you're very lucky, a gun. Hmm. Do you know how to use one?
No. 282448 ID: 3416ec

Canned goods also make for some damaging projectiles.
No. 282455 ID: 1a693f

Glass bottles. Specially once you smash them.
No. 282457 ID: f6360f

Storeroom first. Grab anything useful, as viewed through the lens of someone extremely nervous and paranoid. Then the bathrooms.
No. 282458 ID: b6c6fc

check the other rooms, but only if they're connected to the same building

also try to bar the doors if you can
No. 282464 ID: e3f578

You should get a slushie. The city seems to be in turmoil with weird shit and I suppose drinking something to help calm your nerves without paying for it would be the least of its problems.
Or a pop if there's no slushie machine. Then grab your favorite candy.
No. 282466 ID: 8c0848
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>long blunt instrument for use as a weapon.
There's a baseball bat behind the counter. Probably for robbers or something.

>grab a slushie, pop, candy bar
I'm not in the mood right now.
No. 282467 ID: f6360f

Excellent. Now the storeroom.
No. 282468 ID: 8c0848
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The door to the store room is slightly ajar.
No. 282469 ID: 1a693f

Grab a bag or two of beef jerky. If something attacks you again maybe you can distract it with the meat. Eat one too, maybe drink a V8. You need the calories. You don't eat you don't think well, you get tired more easily, etc. This isn't a fun meal, this is a necessary step.
No. 282471 ID: 1a693f

Use the baseball bat to carefully open it.
No. 282482 ID: 8c0848
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Nothing? Something's wrong here. Why is no one around?
No. 282483 ID: 133617

There isa box with a stain on it foward and to the left, jab the side three times violently, if you hear noises that arn't shattering sound or a thud, smash the hell out of it, if you hear any of the prevoius two, open it carefully.
No. 282484 ID: 68f11f

Uhm... hmmm maybe a mass abduction? Or perhaps you got slightly timelagge-wait no, that was a very silly story, all the stuff would be gone too anyhow.
No. 282486 ID: 3416ec

Aren't there flashlight keychains sold here? Grab one and... wait, grab several, and keep them handy.
No. 282500 ID: 8c0848
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Just a box.
No. 282502 ID: c6b41e

Examine box closer.
No. 282503 ID: 3416ec

Investigate the rest of the store room.
No. 282507 ID: 8c0848
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>examine the rest of the store room
Oh god, there's a body back here. Is this what happened to the clerk?
No. 282509 ID: 3416ec

Ho boy...

Move closer cautiously, bat at the ready, and examine the body.
No. 282510 ID: 1a693f

Go back and get a light, shine it on him.
No. 282512 ID: a7a85a

You might want to fill some pockets with jerky.

I know it doesn't seem like it now but they could become rations later.
No. 282513 ID: a7a85a


Yeah, that doesn't look quite right. Do not investigate closely without a light. Retreat to the main part of the store and grab ye some keychain flashlights.
No. 282514 ID: b6c6fc

poke it with a stick
No. 282519 ID: 8c0848
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I go back out and find a flashlight. Looking at bodies in dark rooms is just too freaky. I need some light.
I grab a flashlight and put some batteries in. I should be good now.
No. 282522 ID: 8c0848
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I go back to the store room and check out the body...
No. 282523 ID: 1854db

fuck fuck fuck RUN!
No. 282524 ID: cb45f0

Behind you.
No. 282526 ID: 3416ec

Grab beef jerkey.


No. 282527 ID: b6c6fc

only flee to the well lit part of the store, don't leave yet, it might just be a hobbo
No. 282544 ID: 8c0848
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There's nothing out here. Where did it go then?
No. 282546 ID: 2eac65

It could be hiding in a box or on a shelf. Or maybe it vanishes in the light.
No. 282547 ID: 1a693f

You're freaked out. Calm down, get something to eat. As long as the lights are on it can't sneak up on you.
No. 282552 ID: 8c0848
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>It could be hiding in a box or on a shelf. Or maybe it vanishes in the light.
That's crazy. That doesn't happen...

>As long as the lights are on it can't sneak up on you.
Right. Deep breaths. I'll be fine as long as I stay in the light.
No. 282553 ID: 1a693f

No. 282554 ID: 1854db

Turn around.
No. 282556 ID: 8c0848
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>Turn around
I can tell something's behind me and spin around to look.
I wish I hadn't.
No. 282557 ID: e3f578

I believe now is a time for diplomacy.
I propose the homerun approach type of conversation, don't you agree?
No. 282558 ID: 1854db

Use baseball bat on can into monster's face.
No. 282561 ID: 701a19

Rushing it gives it the initiative. Move so the monster, the outside door, and the door to the back are all in your field of vision.
"Who are you? What's going on around here?"
No. 282563 ID: f88f02



It has NO FACE

No mouth

No ears

No eyes

Now is not the time to be talky.
No. 282566 ID: e3f578

Seven, my form of diplomacy is infallible in all situations. Bat's were humanity's first engagement ring, but back then we called them clubs.

Show him your love and passion Laura. Release the tension all over his non-existent face. Didn't that feel nice, Laura?
No. 282568 ID: 701a19

Yes, now is the time to be smashy, but talking is a free action. Do both.

The body in the back was moved and this thing is in the front. Either it's fast enough do both and rushing it is a very bad idea, or there's another creature flanking from the back.
It's more likely that there are multiple monsters in here, but caution saves lives.
No. 282573 ID: 207b57

Who knows it could be friendly.
No. 282575 ID: 2563d4

Bash its head in.
Don't flap your jaw about like an idiot while fighting.
No. 282576 ID: 197650

Aim for the joints if it attacks, keep mobile, and above all keep your balance when you swing out at it. Hit it with the tip of the bat, you want to keep as much space between you and it.
No. 282585 ID: 8c0848
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It has a mouth, because it can scream. I have to drop the bat to cover my ears. The florescent bulbs burst and the glass on the windows and doors begins to crack.
Once it stops, the whole store is shrouded in darkness.
No. 282587 ID: c71597

Oh fuck, that's a very big mouth. Ok, time to run again. Grab the bat, smash down a window and run away. We need a better place to stay at. Might have to break into some place and ransack it for more survival stuff.
No. 282588 ID: 701a19

If you can't see well enough to fight in here then get outside.
Otherwise? Smashy smashy!
No. 282591 ID: f6360f

One hand, bat. The other hand, flashlight. Flee.
No. 282593 ID: 252e1b

Well Laura, you're in some sort of weird nightmare or something. Certainly in "through the looking glass" territory, except the Red Queen is less "mad" and more "batshit homicidal."

Run away and live to fight another day. We're going to have to figure out a way to get home. Or turn everything back to normal, if the looking glass came to you.
No. 282660 ID: 8c0848
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I don't know if I can get past it with it grabbing me. It's not moving very fast, but it's arms are so long. It would be a gamble.
No. 282661 ID: f6360f

Most gas stations have large glass windows forming at least one of their walls. Taking your eyes off it long enough to smash one and go out that way might be slightly less risky.
No. 282662 ID: 3416ec

Break a window and run to the hospital!
No. 282664 ID: c71597

Go backwards around the aisle. Then you should be able to reach the windows without it reaching you. Smash out a window pane, get through without cutting yourself and then fucking run. Hospitol might be as bad as this. You want to find a apartment or something similar.
No. 282668 ID: a41aaf

This thing was a corpse shortly before it was a thing. The hospital might not be such a good idea if the morgue happens to be unlocked.
No. 282670 ID: 1a693f

Police station and/or gunshop. We could get guns at walmart or something, but that kinda place is gonna be packed with baddies.
No. 282671 ID: 28e94e

Break one of the windows to your right and climb out. Watch out for broken glass.
No. 282675 ID: e3f578

why didn't the flashlight lens crack? Or for that matter, the refridgerator glass?
No. 282693 ID: 28e94e

No. 282748 ID: 8c0848
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It lurches off the countertop and starts coming down the aisle at me, hissing and thrashing it's head.

I need to get out of here, now.
No. 282749 ID: 8c0848
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run around the end of the aisle and smash the window with the bat. It shatters and I jump through into the cold.
Better than being in there with that thing.
No. 282752 ID: f6360f

All right, beat feet. For your initial move, I would recommend moving into an open area where you can be sure that there's nothing coming for you from any direction. A large parking lot or the middle of an intersection with decent sidewalks should suffice. Once you're sure that you've either gotten away or have a minute to think, you can plot out your next move.

The lack of any other people at all is highly disturbing. Surely there should have been someone else around by now- or at least something more than... that. When was the last time you saw another person?
No. 282773 ID: 8c0848
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I'm out of the station and nothing seems to be following me. I get well away from the window, though.

>When was the last time you saw another person?
Everything was normal until I left work to wait for the bus and it never came.

All I can hear is the snow falling and the buzz of the streetlamps. It gives me a strange, nervous, tingling feeling.
No. 282774 ID: 3416ec

Go to the police station, quickly.

Did you snag some snacks back there?
No. 282775 ID: e3f578

Maybe run back to your workplace? If you have to use the bus to get from there to home it shouldn't be very far. You might have a few coworkers there, barricaded in due to similar problems.
No. 282776 ID: 1854db

Let's check out the blood.
No. 282778 ID: f6360f

There may or may not be a police station within a reasonable distance- it could be miles away.

Where there's blood, there's danger- and someone who fought it and lost. Why take that risk?

This seems reasonable enough. Go back to the last place you saw people- if it wasn't too long ago, hopefully there'll still be some there. You don't want to face the monsters alone.
No. 282783 ID: f88f02

Okay, you'll need a few things. A hit list of items.

1) A bag or a backpack. Prreferebly something that distributes the weight evenly when you wear it.

2) a crowbar or similar metal lever. This is for opening doors and similar things.

3) [strike]A close range weapon, preferebly metal. [/strike] The bat will do fine, for now.

4) [strike] A light source [/strike] Well-done. Keep getting batteries.

5) A long range weapon. Rocks you keep in your pockets, a bow and arrow, a handgun, it doesn't matter. You need an option for long-to-midrange.

6) A safe place to sleep, craft, and relax.
No. 282787 ID: 701a19

Ok, now that we have a moment there are some questions we need to ask:

1: Where do you work?
If things were normal until you left then it could be the source of the problem, or these things could have intentionally avoided it.

2: What is the name of this city?
There are several places that are known for strange events of this sort.

You said there was a hospital nearby, right? Go there next, unless there's a gun shop in the area.
No. 282809 ID: 692e92

1. How is your mental state doing?

2. What's your general status?

3. Is there any gun shops within reasonable distance?

4. Where do you work? And how far away is it.

5. How far away is the police station?

6. How big is the city?

7. Where is your house located, and how far?

You should either go to the police station, or the nearest gun shop. If both of them are farther away from your work, you should go there.
No. 282810 ID: 692e92

Are you crazy? Hospitals are always hot spots for monster activity. Going there would be suicide.
No. 282819 ID: c71597

Lets get back to your workplace. It's a place you already know, so it will be easier to find stuff there. And with any luck there might not be any monsters there. Or we can catch them sleeping again and beat the shit out of them before they start standing up on their arms and screaming and shit.
No. 282823 ID: 2563d4

That's just the mutagenic effect of the "snow".

To the workplace!
No. 282855 ID: 28e94e

A few questions:

Do you know of any places nearby where you can find a decent ranged weapon (firearms etc)?

Do you know how to use a gun?

Which way is your home?
No. 284835 ID: 180ec2

Clearly she lives in Arkham, Massachusetts.
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