Grey Calling Wish
Only one thing really matters- strength and clarity of vision. All other goals pale before it, and all dangers are as nothing next to its importance. When your sight is swift enough to take you down the right path continuously and effortlessly, no obstacles on this worthless world will pose any difficulty any longer. Your current limited abilities are simply not enough; you bend your dreams to thoughts of gaining ever more.
>someone gently catching you as you trip and don't even notice, eyes staring blindly ahead as they slowly ooze red fluid
>>many days spent in solitude, glimpsing the present only enough to stop your fragile body from ceasing to function, cared for by others as one sick or mad
>>mumbling soft glimpses of threads under your breath to those who come and listen, bearing gifts and hoping for answers to petty, irrelevant questions that you look to only for the sake of seeing
>>imprisoned in comfort in a small room, spending endless days seeking the answers to questions murmured into your ear by a man clad in wealthy clothes, and later his family
>yet month by month and year by year, the fog around your vision recedes, body gradually warping to accommodate ever greater powers of sight
>figure before you speaking in a
>>soft, furtive
>>loud, drunken
>>lecturing, scholarly
>voice, telling tales of the unnatural that has not yet been stamped out
>>a long journey to an icy mountain cave, where you find glittering crystal flowers
>>in the dungeons of an aging caliph, a man who shrieks out impossible truths
>>far beneath the ocean waves, the sea floor conceals twisted structures, their center hiding a chamber empty of all things
>and in their presence, the tear in the veil around you rips further, easing sight and smoothing the shifts of your body and mind
Wakefulness strikes you suddenly, arriving the moment that you have the answers you sought within your rest. What you have seen outlines the paths to piercing vision enough to make your current abilities seem mere fumbling about in darkness, you know, but neither is easy. Even with your sight, chasing down legends will be an arduous task, and relying upon simple single-minded tenacity is the work of years at best.
Your thoughts turn to simpler matters in the predawn light, such as the young woman sleeping close to you with her breath creating rhythmic plumes of mist in the chill spring air. Shaping her into a confident aide will not be terribly difficult; simply returning loyalty and encouraging her to handle matters within her capabilities independently will be enough, given time. Answering her questions would help, as well, though it will be a while before she is inclined to believe your answers.
It will be more difficult to turn her into a being of power. The veil around her has only the smallest bit of fraying; it's undetectable even from this close. The only reason you know that she has any strands loose at all is that you were able to exploit it when your sight was far more detailed and clear. Still, around you the tear is fairly significant; enough time in your company and the gaps near her will grow larger. Anything around you will begin to show those effects in time, a phenomenon of inherent danger and possibility. The closer to you, the greater the effects will be; anything which would expose her more directly to your warping body could hasten the process.
The real difficulty in making Viveka's power grow will be stopping her from going utterly insane as her sight clears up, but there is plenty of time to come up with a solution for that.
The sunlight now streaming through the trees catches Viveka's face, and she sits up with a yawn, rubbing her arms against one another to warm herself.
Is there anything you wish to say or do, or should you just return to traveling northward?