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977676 No. 977676 ID: 67181a

Shooter has been camped out on the old trail for three days now, waiting for a hearse.

She kicks at the fresh snow and spits. Shes been with the redcap gang for damn close to a year already, but never got to tag along on any jobs - just taking care of thibgs in the camp, occasionally being a fresh babyface in meetings where they needed it. But never anything exciting. And now the first time she's out to do any proper outlawing, shes been camped under a tree waiting to steal a damn corpse.

She was already feeling grumpy after getting snowed on all night tryong to sleep,and by the time she woke up she was convinved this whole 'job' was just some kind of prank. She's still not convinced it isnt; but looking off to the south during her breakfast she saw the smoke signqling that the hearse'd be on its way.

It isnt long before she can hear the crack of the reins and rumble of a cart coming down the old road. She runs her fingers along the stock of her sawed down winchester, trying to decide how shes gonna stop the thing. There shouldnt be more than a driver and maybe one other person on board, and she'll have the advantage of surprise.

She's got seven rounds in her gun, and she can hole a silver dollar at 40 paces. However, she has never shot at a person, and isnt sure that she could.

Should she:

A - open fire on the hearse from hiding
B - step out into the road and flg down the hearse
C - step out into tge road and threaten the driver
D - let the hearse pass and try to climb onto it unnoticed
E - other (describe)
47 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 977965 ID: b1b4f3

C. Cart's stopped, no point in staying on it. Let's get the civvies together and then see about sending them off before the rest of the gang gets here. Can't be sure they're as merciful as you.
No. 977970 ID: e7848c

This is getting messy. We can't trust them to not go for their guns if we leave them be, But we also can't divide our attention between watching both of them.

C. With the stipulation that you try and find that discarded revolver and toss it even further away or keep it for yourself.
No. 977973 ID: f56a2b

"I knew damn well, it was me or him. Get off and go check him."
No. 977978 ID: 7713e8

No. 977981 ID: 3994a2

No. 977982 ID: ca2950

No. 977984 ID: 894419

Honestly the only reasonable path
No. 977986 ID: ea066b

No. 977987 ID: eb1fcc

"I only shot his gun. I warned you."
No. 977990 ID: df76b1

Soaring on the wings of Icarus. I'm in.
No. 977996 ID: 094652

"Get out. Now. You're going to walk along the hearse while carrying Whiny Mctwitchfingers, and if I see one more glint of metal from either of you, I'm going to thread your sausage and leave it here to bake under the midday sun."
No. 978002 ID: 864e49

"You guys are moving a corpse, there was no need for either of you to try be a hero! >>977973"

Can someone explain to me what the fuck y'all on about?
No. 978014 ID: 67181a
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Shooter tells the man that she doesnt have any plans to kill anyone today, and motions with her gun for him tk get off the cart, and then over towards fhe fallen driver. He climbs down from the seat and slowly walks over to the downed man with his hands raised up to his sides.

She surveys the area for the dropped revolver, but cant see it anywhere - it must be somewhere in the brush. As he walk, she asks him what good he thinks itd do to die for a corpse, there can't be anything worth fighting for for him.

He stops just short of the driver, pausing for several seconds before responding, "Old Martin deserved what he got, and ain't nobody gonna argue. But he was like a father to me, and the other lads. I figured you might've understood that, but i guess you redcaps really don't have -" he suddenly stops as the driver groans kn front of him, and rushes down to his side to check on him. He rolls the driver up by his left arm, talking softly to him at a tone that shooter cant hear what hes saying. The man looks banged up from the fall, and isnt in his right mind, but theres no sign on him that he was shot.

Shooter feels a flood of relief seeing the man stirring to consciousness, like her body is exhaling something from deep within along with her breath. She catches herself before she can lower her gun, making sure to keep it trained on the fox.

She doesnt actually know how to drive the cart, so she cant really drive it off herself and will need to wait for the gang. She isnt sure how they'll respond to her captives, they're a nice enough bunch at the camp but shes never been on the job with them before.

The driver mutters something about not being able to move his thumb, and the fox says something about getting him to a doc as he helps him back to his feet. He suddenly quiets up as he turns and looks back at Shooter. He seems to have stopped crying, and is putting on a stoic expression; but his eyes still look pensive.

Should shooter:
A - shoot the captives
B - question them further (about what?)
C - have them sit tight and wait for the gang
D - run them off
E - other (specify)
No. 978015 ID: 19da02

E) Make them kiss.
No. 978016 ID: 19da02

D) Run them off after tho
No. 978017 ID: e19a40

B) While we wait why don't you tell me more about the passive passenger.
No. 978018 ID: 6f7a5a

run them off, tell them they don't want to be here when her pals arrive, they dont have the same patience
No. 978019 ID: d909cb

Ask them why anyone would pay to have this man's body stolen.
No. 978020 ID: fa2754

They best be steppin'. The rest of the gang might not be as merciful.
No. 978021 ID: 894419

how long would it be until they made it to the nearest settlement, if the gang will be here in half that time, run them off.

Otherwise, hold them here at gunpoint until the gang arrives.
No. 978034 ID: 094652

B) Ask them about the stiff. Why does he get his own grave? Why not just bury him in the same pit he buried his victims?
C) Make them wait for the gang, you have a medic right?
No. 978059 ID: 4f51b2

No. 978081 ID: 67181a
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The fox uses his scarf to fashion a sling for the driver's arm, and helps him to his feet. Shooter asks about the man in the hearse.

The fox seems stunned when she asks, and after several seconds shakes it off and answers "It's Black Martin, the most famous outlaw in the territory. You mean ... You mean to say you didn't even know this? The law brought him in and hanged him last week, we're sending him back to his hometown to be buried."

Shooter responds that she didn't have any reason to know who it was, her boss gave her this job and she's here to do it. It's nothing personal.

"It's personal now!" He shouts back, "Your boss should have known better than to take a job like this! Once the boys find out about this they'll ride through-"

"Then I guess that shouldn't happen," a cocky voice interrupts, as a man on horseback comes up the road holding what looks like the shotgun the fox tossed from the cart earlier, training it on Shooter's captives. His hat marks him as another member of the redcaps, and Shooter immediately recognizes him as Buddy. She knows him to be a bit of a goofball, but here he seems a lot colder, and more serious.

The fox starts to say something, but Buddy cuts him off, "Im not here to talk to you. You make one sound, or so much as sneeze and I'll shoot you where you stand." Then he turns and smirks at shooter, "You've managed to get a pretty mess here kid, but I guess you did the job. Owain's comin up behind me, i rode ahead when i heard the shot. Found this pretty little lady in the bush." He pats the shotgun.

"What i dont get is how this lad is sitting here running his mouth for you. He's one of martin's boys, not gonna help you out any how, hes probably just trying to get you close enough to stick you." The fox looks furious and starts to shout, but freezes as Buddy pulls back the hammer on one of the barrels of the shotgun. "I'd happily take care of this for you if you arent up to it, but i dont want to rob you of the chance to dip your cap. Whattaya say?"

"Can it, buddy," a gravelly old voice calls out, as a burly old cat comes jogging up behind him. "Whats going on here? Everything under control?" Buddy shrugs and nods, gesturing to shooter on too of the cart.

"Looks like she got the body like planned, just a matter of the loose ends."

"Looks to me like she's got that under control too. You trying to horn in on someone else's job?"

Buddy scowls and lowers the shotgun, "I'm just looking out for the kid, dont want her making a big mistake on ger first run. The driver is one thing, but you can clearly see that this guy," he gestures at the fox with the shotgun, "is one of martin's boys. Probably not a great idea to let him scamper off to his pals."

The old cat looks up at Buddy with a suddenly stern expression, "that's not your call. It's the kid's job, their lives are in her hands - not yours."

Buddy shrugs, lowering the gun "sure thing boss." He then calls out to shooter "so whats it gonna be? I can take care of thingd for you if you dont wanna get your hands dirty."

Should shooter:

A - Shoot the fox
B - Shoot the driver
C - Shoot them both
D - A, B, ir C; but have buddy do it
E - Let them go
F - other (specify)
No. 978082 ID: d909cb

F - aim at the fox, but then change the aim and shoot Buddy, and then use Golden Arm to put a bullet through the cat's forehead as well. You always wanted to get out of redcaps, and this seems like a good opportunity, since then the Martin's bois will protec you.
No. 978084 ID: df76b1

They played it smart, they get to walk.

You don't like it, console yourself in your new smoothbore bedwarmer. This is my job, and my rules.
No. 978085 ID: b1b4f3

What's a member of a famous outlaw's gang doing protecting a hearse? Wouldn't the law have rather arrested him than let him on? Let him plead his case.
I expect he's an ex-member, in which case he *might* be trusted to keep his mouth shut.
No. 978086 ID: 36784c

No. 978088 ID: b1b4f3

Oops, I mean F. Other.
No. 978089 ID: e19a40

Here I was thinking this was a useless prize. What a stupid thing to die for. And you were being so cooperative, unlike the driver. But as you said, it's personal now, so let's get this over with.

No. 978090 ID: f56a2b

No. 978091 ID: 894419

Its a shame you made it personal, we all could have walked away from this. But you had to run your mouth and he had to draw a gun, so this is how it ends. C
No. 978092 ID: b1b4f3

Did you mean to vote A?
No. 978093 ID: e19a40

No point in taking half measures. Either kill both of them or spare them both.
No. 978094 ID: 6f7a5a

I vote E
No. 978095 ID: 094652

F) Torture them both. Make them desecrate the corpse themselves. Make them swear on their souls and the souls of their kin that they will head west and leave this sordid conflict behind, start over with their bodies in one piece.
No. 978101 ID: cccb26
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Shooter considers her options for what seems like an eternity, going as far as to move her finger to the trigger, but ultimately lowers her gun and nods to the side, motioning for the captives to leave.

Buddy shrugs and shoulders the shotgun as the fox helps steady the driver on his feet, and Owain walks up to the hearse and places his hand on the side of it. As they walk by, Shooter asks the fox why he was here protecting the hearse. He shakes his head and responds, "You take care of folks that are close to you. It's just how you make it out here," and keeps walking.

Owain claps his hand on the fox's shoulder, causing him to jump reflexively, and then says in a gentle tone, "I got no hate for Martin, boy. Don't do anything foolish" before making his way to the front of the hearse and hopping onto the driving bench. The captives make their way down the road; without horses they're gonna be walking clear through nightfall to get to the next town. Owain gets the horses started and Buddy pulls up alongside the hearse as they drive away.

"You know kid," Buddy starts, "I didn't really think you'd be so cruel. A bullet would've been a lot gentler on him." Shooter sits stoically on the cart as he chuckles. "No worries though, looks like you did a pretty great job either way. I'm gonna go off and get the boys to meet up back at camp, you gonna come with me or ride with the boss?"

He doesn't wait for a response before kicking his horse up to speed and riding off on his own. Owain chuckles, and before long it's just the two of them on the hearse riding through the snowy countryside.

With buddy gone, she no longer feels the need to keep up her air of stoicism, and it feels like the weight of the morning's events finally crash into her as she sinks into the seat. She takes off her hat and pulls down her mask, taking big, slow breaths of the icy December air as she tries to let the big knot of tension inside her unravel. As angry as she was at being out in the snow all night, the cold is refreshing now.

"So," the big cat's gravelly voice breaks the rhythmic white noise of the horses' hooves and the axle's creaks, "your first job. How'd it go?"

She goes over the day's events, sparing no details. Strangely, as she recounts the events to him the feelings of apprehension and worry melt away from her memories - the whole ordeal just feels more thrilling in the retelling. He nods along with her tale, and laughs uproariously about her shooting the gun out of the driver's hand and him tumbling off the cart. "Sounds like a damn good shot, hope I'll get the chance to see more like it someday."

"Good work, Kid."

Is there anything Shooter should talk to Owain about on the ride back to camp?
No. 978103 ID: 53560f

So what do we want a famous corpse for?
No. 978104 ID: b1b4f3

Ask if Martin's gang is likely to find out and come after you.
No. 978117 ID: e19a40

>talk to Owain?
Was it a mistake to let them go?
And this.

>How'd it go?
Outside doing anything better than was done, the only mistake was thinking I could knock down someone with a hit in the back of his head. Silly move but inconsequential.
No. 978121 ID: 5b93d3

Is it the corpse we're after, or is there something else in the hearse?
No. 978123 ID: 094652

Ask about the loot; what do we need, the coffin, the corpse, or the hearse itself? You want to know what to grab first in case something happens.
No. 978124 ID: 4286b4

Strange. Why would they let the fox and the driver go so easily? They know that nothing good would come from leaving them alive - only trouble for the redcaps. Especially with a gang of the most famous outlaw, it would be like asking to get the redcaps erased...
Heh, maybe that's what Buddy went off to do, to finish your job.

The shooter should ask Owain if he's fine with your choice.
No. 978160 ID: cccb26
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Shooter is content to sit in quiet and relax for much of the ride back to camp, letting the tension of the day's adventure seep out of her into the winter air. The ride is long though, so eventually she puts her hat back on and breaks the silence.

She asks Owain why they sat and watched her let the fox and driver go, since it certainly didn't seem like they thought it was a good idea. Buddy seemed particularly annoyed.

"What, you wanted us to stop you? Just gun the fellas down on the road?"

She thinks for a second, feeling the same gnawing emptiness she felt earlier - or perhaps just the memory of it, and shakes her head.

He smiles his big, gentle smile, "Then what's it matter? You made the call, kid. If I didn't trust your judgement, you wouldn't have been on the job."

She starts to interject about Buddy, but he interrupts, "Buddy is just looking out for you. If he wasn't gonna trust you on this, he'd have just shot them."

She presses the matter, concerned that this means Martin's gang is going to be coming for the Redcaps.

His smile fades, but he still shrugs off her concern, "Martin was pretty big on control, his boys aren't gonna be able to organize for anything for a while. That fella on the road seemed pretty sharp, he probably knows better than to try to stir 'em up right now. They're gonna be busy fighting over his legacy for some time, and if he goes back having botched this they'll skin him and string him across the prairie before anything else."

She checks again to be sure that he's fine with her choice.

"Sure am, kid. In fact, I'm proud of you."

She feels a warmth welling up within her, overcoming the gnawing feeling. She says she just has one more question; why this job in the first place? What do they have to gain by stealing a corpse?

He continues driving the cart for a few minutes in silence without responding; and when he does his accent slips out - something Shooter's only actually heard from him on rare occasions, "Just bringin' him back home, lass. Ay, just bringin' him home."

She looks up at him confused, and he notices as he glances down at her. "I guess you wouldn't know, it's an old story. Back when I started the redcaps, it was just the two of us. Martin and me. We grew apart for some pretty good reasons, but e'll always be a brother to me."

He can clearly see that she's taken aback by this, and adds on, "Let's just keep this between us for now though, ay?"

She nods, and goes back to watching the road, having plenty to think about for the rest of the ride.

Toward the late afternoon the pull down into the old valley where the camp is squirreled away. There's a few lean-tos and a big cabin all set up around a central area with a fire pit, and they've even got a stable and yard set up for their horses. The fresh snow adds an air of serenity to the place, Shooter is used to it looking a lot dumpier without the nice dusting of clean white.

Judging by the smoke rising from the fire pit and the time of day, Josey is probably cooking dinner. The stew he makes has an indescribable smell yet somehow tastes like absolutely nothing - it isn't particularly appetizing but it sure is filling, and she hasn't eaten anything all day. It looks like Liberty is tending to the horses, and as they get closer to the camp it looks like there's still two out, so Buddy and whoever he went to round up haven't made it back yet. Since there's two horses gone, that means that either Frank or Indio isn't around, at least. If anyone else is around, they're either off hunting, getting water from the nearby stream, or in the cabin.

Owain pulls the cart up to the edge of the camp and stops it, and Shooter quickly jumps off. Owain waves her off toward the camp, saying "Go ahead on, I'm gonna sit here with Martin for a bit."

Shooter is pretty tired, and pretty hungry. She hasn't eaten all day, though she didn't really notice from the adrenaline until just now - She also didn't get much sleep last night what with all the snow while she was trying to camp.

Should Shooter:

A - Go get some food with Josey
B - Go say hi to Liberty
C - Head on back to the Cabin to lie down for a bit
D - Other (specify)
No. 978163 ID: 6f7a5a

Say hi to liberty and ask about their name
No. 978172 ID: 1d4f2d

A) Go get yourself something nice and hot for supper.
No. 978174 ID: b1b4f3

No. 978175 ID: 094652

No. 978185 ID: 4286b4

>just bringin' him home
Then why didn't he tell this to the fox? It's not a secret, is it? I mean, if the two of them used to work together, then people would quickly notice that and write it down, so it should be a pretty well-known fact among the general population as well as the outlaws.
Also, why would this place be considered Martin's home and not his hometown? Is it because he spent most of his life here, or perhaps wanted to be burried here? Then why didn't Martin's boys know about this? Or at least expected the redcaps to come pick him up?
Lastly, if Owain simply wanted to have a chat with the late Martin, he didn't need to borrow his body. Could've simply visited his grave a bit later.
Sorry Hucke :P

No. 978191 ID: 19da02

Get food. (A)
No. 978217 ID: cccb26
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Shooter decides to go see how Josey's dinner is coming along. He's seated out in the middle of the campsite next to a stewpot with a fire rolling underneath it, stirring it idly with a copper ladle. The stew smells like everything Shooter can think of, and looks like a thick, lumpy, reddish brown sludge with various limp-looking vegetables scattered about.

"Ey there young'n," he says as she approaches, the worlds dripping out in his thick southern drawl. "See ya took care of your end of things." Shooter figures Josey's probably the one that sent the signal that the job was on, and was probably camped out at least as long as she was - she doesn't really know much about him as a person, just that he spends long stretches of time away from the camp and that he was apparently a scout in the army during the war before he became an outlaw.

She nods and walks up to stand across the fire from him, letting her cloak open up a bit to let the heat in to her body. She hadn't realized how cold she was feeling until she got this close to the fire's warmth, it's almost more refreshing than the food could be. Almost. Her stomach rumbles standing this close to the fragrant stew, and Josey notices immediately - chuckling and ladling some into a wooden bowl before handing it over.

"Ya were only out there 3 days, ya gotta feed yerself better'n this. Bein' able to live away from the camp's part of the life, ya know. Don't always got the freedom to come back for dinner." She gratefully takes the bowl, and sits down near the fire to dig in. It's thick, hot, and filling - but tastes of damn near nothing. She doesn't even bother to ask what's in it - it's not like she'd be able to tell any difference.

She says that she doesn't know how he roughs it out in the woods, she was already fraying apart just from three days, but it seems like he could just wander out into the woods and live as well as in the city.

"Yep, probably could;" he says, "But it'd get mighty lonely." He holds out his hand, and shooter notices that she's already gulped down the whole bowl full of stew. She hands him back the emtpy bowl, and he fills it and hands it back to yer. "Ya'd probably last better out there if ya weren't s'damn skinny." He chuckles, and she does the same.

As she tucks into her second serving, she asks where everyone else is. He thinks for a second, saying "Well, Indio was already here when I got back, he went out and trapped some game for this here stew," he taps the ladle on the side of the pot, "I think he's back in the cabin since he don't like the smell of it cooking. Liberty's been back for just a little bit, cursin' up a storm over by the stables. I decided better of getting involved. I haven't seen Frank, and since y'all are back I assume Buddy's gone off to fetch him from whatever he's off doin'. If ya don't mind lettin' 'em know that soup's on, it'd spare my poor throat some yellin' - it looks like this is don't pretty well."

Shooter is starting to feel a bit more tired after the meal, but not like she's going to pass out on her feet or anything like that. Should she:

A - Go see what's bothering Liberty
B - Go find Indio
C - Take either of them a bowl of stew
D - Take a Nap
E - Other (Specify)
No. 978218 ID: b1b4f3

How about you deliver some stew to Liberty?
No. 978221 ID: 094652

Add some extra spices to the stew, see if you can learn some cooking tips from Josey.
No. 978223 ID: d909cb

He didn't sound too impressed with your job. He probably doesn't know that the cart had an extra. Could've mentioned that to get some more praise~

E - Despite fatigue, being alone for three days has the shooter aching for some love, so she decides to find someone to warm her up. Altho I don't know who of these guys she's regularly with.
No. 978420 ID: cccb26
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Josey's real particular about his stew, even though it tastes the way it does, and Shooter isn't close enough with Josey to be comfortable confronting him about it.

She also has no romantic entanglements with any of the other Redcaps; while she has been 'part' of the gang for close to the year, she really doesn't have anything more than a business relationship with anyone other than possibly Owain. Between her chores around the camp and people sometimes spending days out on jobs, or staying in towns, or whatever else they get up to she hasn't really built up any kind of relationship with anyone.

She decides to head over to the stables to see if Liberty needs help with anything, and while it doesn't sound like she's shouting at this point shes still cursing under her breath loud enough to hear and kicking one of the fence posts. Shooter's notice's Liberty's ear twitching, which usually means she's pissed off about something, and her eyes drift down to the bullwhip hanging from the gunbelt that Liberty has on over her wool frock, and decides to call out and greet her from a safe distance.

This proves to be a good decision, as the lanky cat reaches down to unhook it as she quickly spins around, starting to shout something indistinct before catching herself, slowly letting her whip fall back to her hip, and hopping up to sit on the fence.

"Oh, it's you. You seen Indio around? I need to kick the shit out of him about something." She scowls as she looks around the area, clearly not seeing him anywhere.

Shooter tells her that she hasn't seen Indio around, and offers her the bowl of stew, which she quickly snatches away and starts greedily shoveling the flavorless slop into her mouth.

"So Josey made dinner, then" she states after eating about half of the bowl "At least Indio knows how to cook." She quickly scarfs down the rest of the bowl and starts twirling the spoon in her fingers. "Can't say it doesn't feel good to eat, though. I haven't had anything since Tuesday."

Shooter asks why she hasn't eaten, and she responds, "Didn't pack enough, ran out on the trail. Frank and I were watching the other routes up to the north end of the valley, I came back after Buddy came and let me know the job was done. Guess you actually managed to handle it then? Gotta admit I'm pretty surprised. You come off as a bit of a chickenshit. Must've been a pretty easy time."

Shooter tells her about the men on the cart, and how she got it stopped. She leaves out the part where she couldn't hit the fox hard enough to knock him either out or off the cart, and plays up shooting the gun out of the driver's hand.

She starts laughing so hard she nearly falls off the fence, "HOO boy those guys are lucky. They came my way, they'd be spittin' blood for a month; and if they went by Frank he'd've just shot 'em from the brush." She gets a handle on herself and settles back to a balanced position, smiling down at Shooter, "But really, good work kiddo. Sounds like I might've misjudged you a bit."

"Just a bit, though."

She's about as overbearing as usual, but Shooter has still never seen her be this nice to anyone other than Owain. So she'll have to chalk that up as a win. She asks what it was that had her so upset, and if there's anything she can do to help.

"Well, like I said I came back home after Buddy rode up; went to stable Doc and that GOD DAMNED INDIO," She raises her voice and shouts across the valley, Indio's name echoing off the nearby ridges "didn't hook the stable fences and the horses got out. I just finished rounding them up. As for what you can do to help, if you want to break the little shit's legs for me, or hold him down while I do it, that'd probably be a pretty good start."

Shooter is still feeling a bit tired, and doesn't have any particular responsibilities right now - It looks like Liberty also made sure all the horses were fed when she brought them back into the yard. Should she:

A - Keep hanging out with Liberty (suggest a conversation topic or activity)
B - Hang out with Josey (suggest a conversation topic or activity)
C - Go try to find Indio
D - Check in with Owain
E - Go back to the cabin and lie down for a bit
F - Other (Specify)
No. 978421 ID: fa2754

You earned your rest, E
No. 978422 ID: 5ee57a

C. Indio could probably use a quick heads up of what might be coming his way, if the shouting wasn't enough.
No. 978424 ID: 094652

E - You've had to make some tough choices. Good or bad, you're going to need sleep to make competent decisions again.
No. 978439 ID: 4286b4

>she hasn't really built up any kind of relationship with anyone
A year and no relationships? What a nerd. Next thing you're gonna say is that everyone here is already married which is why no one ever tried getting close to her. Or maybe they know that she's a trap.

No. 978462 ID: 82e73e

D. Might as well say hi.
No. 978472 ID: cccb26
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Even when talking to Liberty goes well her mannerisms make it all exhausting. Shooter excuses herself and makes her way back to the cabin to get some rest. Liberty goves a mock salute, and heads over to Josey's fire - presumably to get some more stew.

She opens the door and walks into the cabin. It almost feels a bit kind to call it one, the walls are plenty sturdy but there's basically no furnishings in it, even the 'floor' is just packed dirt. The gang only really uses it as a shelter when the weather's bad, but with winter right around the corner and snow already falling everyone except Josey has their own seasonal bunk set up somewhere on the floor.

Ghe only other things in the cabin's single large room are some racks by the door, where she hangs her hat, and a big cast-iron stove at the edge of the room, with a gentle glow emanating from its belly meaning somebody left coals burning in it to keep the temperature up. She shrugs off her shawl and lumbers over to the front corner, where Buddy has hung up a curtain to cordon off a little section of the room for her privacy. She figures he probably did it to make fun of her l, but she does appreciate it more than she'd admit - she doesnt have the same confidence Liberty does to sleep on the floor surrounded by a bunch of guys.

She pulls open the curtain and hears a gasp, and nearly screams herself when she sees somebody huddled up in the blankets she uses as a bedroll. But even in her tired state, she quickly recognizes the blue-black feathery tail and tip of a beak poking out from the blanket.

She asks Indio what the hell he thinks he's doing, and the shuddering pile of blankets stills for a moment before he shakes his face free from the bundle and looks up at her and grins nervously.

"O-oh, phew, its just you. I thought I was gonna die." He breaths a sigh of relief, but still has the same nervous grin as she looks down at him. "She's gonna kill me, isn't she?"

Shooter is pretty sure that Liberty doesnt want to kill Indio, but is also too tired to bother reassuring him. She asks him what the hell he was thinking leaving the stable gate open.

"Look I just, I just had a lot on my mind. This whole job seemed kinda dangerous, and everyone was getting called out for it; locking the gate just didnt register i was so worried!"

Shooter tells him to go tell it to Liberty, she's exhausted and just wants to go to bed.

"I-i can't right now - I heard her hollerin' out there!" Tears start to well up in the corner of his eyes as he continues,"she'll calm down sooner or later, can't i just stay here until then? I'll stay real quiet, you won't hear a peep."

Shooter's exhaustion is quickly overtaking her patience. Should she:

A - let Indio stay, and just go to sleep anyway
B - force indio out of her bed
C - break Indio's legs
D - call for Liberty
E - give up on sleeping and do something else instead (either from the previous update or suggest alternative)
No. 978476 ID: fa2754

Man this bird is good at his fake tears. B. He can stay in the cabin but you're taking back your corner. Tell him the sooner he gets it over with, the sooner and they can move past it.
No. 978478 ID: cc328e

B, give him a swift couple kicks and get your snooze on. Indio doesn't seem like he's in any real danger, but he's hiding in YOUR private bundle
No. 978481 ID: b1b4f3

A and B seem like the same option to me.
No. 978482 ID: 6f7a5a

A) cuddle with cute bird
No. 978483 ID: 7bc72c

B. Don't force him outta the cabin, but the bed is yours.
No. 978519 ID: d909cb

A, but under the condition that you get to use his butt instead of Liberty. You don't actually mean it, it's just a test to see if he's faking it. If his tears are fake, he'd definitely not accept getting punished by you. So if he rejects, throw his out (or slowly call for Liberty louder and louder until he leaves). If he accepts, then that would make things interesting hehe. In that case, as his punishment, just lie with him in bed, and touch him in weird places. After he can't take the abuse anymore, he'll most likely leave on his own.
No. 978581 ID: 2366df

Voting B. Tell him he needs to suck it up and talk to Liberty tho.
No. 978614 ID: 864e49

Are you...trynna make a move on me?
No. 978935 ID: 5b93d3

B - Get out of my blanket, and my bed, or I'm calling Liberty over right now.
No. 979315 ID: cccb26
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Shooter thinks briefly about letting Indio stay, but then remembers that this is her bed and she has no intention of sharing it with anyone. She stares a hole in him, and after a short moment his eyes widen as he realizes what he was asking.

"N-no, Shooter, listen that's not what I meant. I mean - look, I'm getting up," he scrambles out of her bed, tripping over her blankets on the way, before getting back up to his knees in front of her. "Please don't tell Liberty about this. She'll cut off -" he stops for a second to consider his words "Just please don't. I'll do anything."

She waves him off, telling him to just shut up and let her get some rest. He motions at his beak like he's fastening his beak shut, and shuffles away towards the stove.

Shooter slumps over to her bed and tosses the curtain shut behind her. She removes her gun belt and boots, and lays down to rest, pulling her blankets and shawl over her to stay warm.

She closes her eyes and breathes slowly, trying to just relax and think over everything that has happened today. She hears Indio stoking the fire in the stove, but he keeps his word and doesn't say anything.

She lays in the soft light coming through her curtain and the warmth of her bundle of blankets, thinking over the day's events, and the simple comforts she feels paint over the stress in her recollection.

She closes her eyes and listens to the renewed crackle of flames from the stove as Indio feeds more wood into it. Soon she realizes that, for the first time in as long as she can remember, she feels at home
No. 979316 ID: cccb26
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Shooter suddenly snaps awake at the sound of gunfire.

It is dark, and cold. The fire in the stove is out. She doesn't know how long she was asleep.

Should Shooter:
A) Stay put
B) Investigate
C) Call out for somebody (who?)
D) Other (Specify)
No. 979318 ID: 6f7a5a

see if Indio is still around?
No. 979320 ID: cdabe3

time to investigate. maybe grab a gun and boots first though
No. 979321 ID: 4f5375

No point in calling for help. Everyone must have heard the sound already and if there is an enemy you could be giving away your location.

If the camp is being attacked this blanked in the corner of the room isn't the best hideout. It work for the people who are used to see it but this curtain will be very suspicious for outsiders.

B) Investigate
Put your boots, grab your gun and try to move around unseeing.
No. 979325 ID: b1b4f3

Investigate with gun.
No. 979327 ID: 094652

Get some body armor; you're not planning on running away from your fortified hideout.
No. 979328 ID: 5778ef

Time go go out, guns a blazing.
No. 979329 ID: 0fb221

Peer through the windows after putting your boots on. Maybe you can shoot from an opening if there's a danger
No. 979337 ID: d909cb

You're going to be a prisoner soon~ how does this make you feel?

D) Reminisce about the advice Owain gave you if you found yourself in such a situation
No. 980918 ID: c8c35c
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Shooter hurries to put her boots on and pulls her gun from its holster, moving to peer out through the door - the cabin is almost entirely built for shelter from the elements and has no windows.

By the time she gets to the door, its quiet outside. Everything is dark, and the fire has been stoked to a huge size. The hearse is sitting next to the fire, the coffin has been taken out and is lying cracked open on the ground. Somebody is sitting with their back to the fire. From the size, it looks like Owain.

Should shooter:

A) call out
B) investigate
C) go back to hiding
D) other - specify
No. 980919 ID: 4f5375

Are you in his field of vision? Reveal yourself by the door to see how he react. If he doesn't go for the gun approach him.
B) investigate

If he grab the gun run away outside the cabin. Don't get yourself cornered.
No. 980920 ID: b1b4f3

B, look around. Is anyone on the ground bleeding or anything? Do you see any hostiles?

How many gunshots did you hear?
No. 980999 ID: 598c94

Where is everyone? Why would a guy trigger a gun in the middle of a camp without telling anyone about it first? Or maybe he did, that is, he told everyone to leave the camp while he does his, whatever he's doing. In which case, I'd go with C, since you shouldn't be bothering him anyway.

I would assume that the location of this camp isn't really a secret if one doesn't care about making noise, or producing large smoke clouds for that matter... say that's quite a fire he's got going there. He gonna cremate Martin or something?
No. 981410 ID: 6f7a5a

investigate, but be quiet and stealthy
No. 984704 ID: e7848c

Circle around with your gun at the ready. Come in from the other side.
No. 985035 ID: 67181a
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The camp's location is a pretty well-kept secret, smoke or otherwuse. Its a half-day's ride outside of town, so folks'd need to get quite a ways afield before theyd hear anything out here.

She thinks that she only heard one gunshot, but cant be sure subce she woke up during ut and the ridge tends to have a lot of echoes for loud sounds.

She calls put to owain from the door, as quietly as she can while still being pretty sure he'd hear her from where he's sitting, but theres no answer. She calls out again, a luttle bit louder, but still gets no response.

She holds her gun ready, takes a few sharp breaths, and heads out into thr darkness to investigate. The night is completely silent, save the crackling of the fure which grows steadily louder as she creeps closer. The air grows hot and thick as she dies, the smoke burning at her nostrils as it almost seems to wrap around her and urge her closer. As she closes on the light, she becomes aware of a large shaoe within the roaring flames, something other than wood burning within.

As she closes to within a few meters of Owain, she tries calling out to him again - but still there is no response. He stares unflinching unti the fire, his long rifke lying next to him in the snow. A fee feet away, a large pine box sits with its lid askew.

Should she -
A - More aggressively attempt to rouse Owain
B - Sit quietly next to Owain
C - Check the rifle
D - Check the box
E - Other (specify)
No. 985040 ID: b1b4f3

Is he missing an eye?
The shape in the fire is the body, obviously...

No. 985068 ID: d75ada

Check the box and sit next to him quietly. Let's play to our sharpshooter senses and wait a moment to see if there's anything else amiss. Then we wake him.
No. 985085 ID: fa2754

C. Check that gun. Was it just recently fired? Why? Don't need to shoot a dead man.
No. 985087 ID: 6f7a5a

maybe not everyone is dead? see if you can find Josie or Indio
No. 985109 ID: 5ec3f5

A - tap his shoulder.
No. 988946 ID: d8fe49
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It looks like Owain's gun has been on the ground for long enough for some snow to build up on top of it, so if it has been fired it would have been some time ago.

Shooter tries again to rouse owain, but he doesnt respond to anything she says. She taps him on the shoulder, and he glances back towards her briefly. Something looks off about his face, especially his eye, but shooter cant get a good look in the indirect firelight. He doesnt say anything, merely nods his head over toward the casket before returning to his vigil over the unsettling shape in the fire.

She wonders where Josie and Indio are, but doesnt know where they would be. She finds her attention drawn to the casket, and goes to check it out.

Its a huge pine casket with a heavy lid, and the nails have been pried up. Shooter is not terribly strong, so it takes her some effort to shift the lid over to look inside. As soon as she does, her breath catches in her throat.

A pile of hats is in the casket, each woth a distinctive red feather. Collapsed amongst them is a large, shaggy old cat with a blank, cold stare and blood freshly drying in his matted hair. She recognizes owain immediately.

Shooter hears something shifting in the snow behind her, and hears the unmistakable "click" of a rifle's hammer drawing back...
No. 988947 ID: d8fe49
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And she awakens sharply in her bed, lurching forward and gripoing her bundled up blanket tightly. She feels cool tears on her snout.

Shooter hasnt had a nightmare since she joined up with the crew.

There's a commotion going on outside, and it looks like the sun hasnt set yet from the light coming into the cabin. Liberty is shouting about something, but shooter cant make out the specifics.

The fire in the oven is still going, but it seems like Indio has left the cabin. Thats probably what Liberty is shouting about, but it could be something else.

Shooter feels even less rested than when she came into the cabin in the first place, but isnt sure if its a good idea to go back to sleep. Should she:

A: go out and see what Liberty is shouting about
B: freshen up a bit before going back outside
C: go back to sleep
D: other (specify)
No. 988948 ID: e7848c

B. Might as well keep yourself busy until real sleep can hit
No. 988949 ID: b1b4f3

Liberty is probably yelling at Indio.
No. 988970 ID: a59774

Those nightmares you had, what were they about?
No. 989002 ID: fd5772

D. Huddle by the fire for a second and think about whether you might be a bit upset over the hearse hijacking. Maybe you feel a bit guilty over stealing a coffin?
No. 989027 ID: a59168

If people shouting outside is a normal thing, then go freshen up first.
If it's not a normal thing, then check outside first.
No. 989044 ID: ce39da

A. That dream felt like a bad omen. Don't take any commotion for granted.
No. 989128 ID: 777990

It's natural to be afraid. There might be a reckoning for that man you killed stealing this body. Maybe there would be even without someone getting shot.
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