Emerald Desire
It seems we have a bit of a consensus on what to do with the vertical piece: elevation! While you're not entirely sure what automation is, you certainly know about golemation! A bit of mud, a ton of clay, some magic words, and a bit of misinterpretation of jewish folklore. Viola! A golem to do all sorts of manual labour for you. This staunch fellow is set to man a wheel, allowing you to be lifted, elevated, descended, and moved at your command. It's by no means the most efficient or quickest way to travel about the tower, but it certainly feeds into your megalomania to have a lesser being do manual labour for you.
You're a wizard, of course you have megalomania.
At the top, a bedroom does seem like a fine choice. It's a bit sparse for now, but at least you once again have a nice, comfy bed to rest in when you're not doing an all-nighter on your latest experiment. You'll have to track down all your decorations and miscellany that your ex gave away, but all in do time.
So many room ideas! Just need to get the tower built up to match it. So let's channel in some more pieces to do just that!
Er, hold on. It seems a woodland creature that is a wolf is approaching your abode.
Awoooo! Woof! Worf! Borf Bark! Waff wuff wuff!
Thanks to your magnificent brain, you know that this doggo isn't just making random barks but is speaking in the not-so-ancient language of caninese. Thank goodness every wizard knows comprehend languages as a spell. With a few mutterances, you begin speaking with the flea factory.
So, like, hey man/dude/dudette/person. I came by to like, warn you and stuff. There's these real tripping pack of wolves out there that are, like, not being cool? And they're probably seriously thinking of doing you a bad. Cause like, that's what rebellious critters do, ya know?
Interesting. And why is this boofer telling you this?
Cause like, you house living people, like really don't like it when wolves attack you. Which I totally get. I wouldn't want someone kicking in my den, duder. But like also? You people tend to over react and like, go butt itchy crazy and kill all wolves, and not just the ones who did you, like, the opposite of a solid? Anyways, I pretty sure at the end of like, two more turns? They'll get all their jam together and attack you.
Forewarnings are always good. By a turn one can presume that the wolfo means channelling pieces and then creating rooms. Though how does this wild barker know so much about this?
I like to watch, okay? Don't, like, kink shame me. 