Lavender Snow Circles
"Yeah, I guess. Might as well."
"Sounds good. Maybe first I'll show you how to use the boat, then show you how to fish, then leave you to it."
He shows me how to get in the boat without usually tipping it over, and shows me how to paddle around. Kinda what you'd expect, really. I give it a try for a minute, until Ben's satisfied I can at least make it back to shore.
>What's there to know about fishing
I know, right? ...aaaand that's basically what he says. He sticks some unidentifiable bug on the hook, tells me not to stick myself on the hook, and has me toss it in the water.
"Ok, looks good." He gets a rod, too, and sits opposite me on the pier.
And...we wait. A bit of chit chat. After maybe 20 minutes, Ben says, "Well, I should probably get back to the bar. Just put everything back when you're done with it, ok?" "Ok. See you around; thanks!"
And so I wait. I watch the clouds and imagine shapes in them.
After about an hour, I've started to run out of clouds. And other things to think of. I'm not very fond of fishing yet. Maybe that only happens after two hours. I did see a few dragonflies at one point; that was kinda cool.
Good thing I didn't actually want a fish; I could have gone to the market, bought, fried, and eaten three fish in the time I've been sitting here.
So, what now? I could still paddle around the lake. Or not. Maybe they have a sale at that new old bookstore. They close pretty late, though, so it's not like I'm on a timer. Heck, do they even close, period?