Floating Soft
>1, I'm mighty curious as to who would hack something here if it's guarded, just in case there's someone who we need to watch out for. Just gotta make it clear to the mods that it's just a scan.
Razzay: So am I. I have no doubt that Harold Pal is fucking watching right now, which is fine because I don't intend to piss him off. But here's the thing: I don't actually have any hacking programs. Nezzwell's scans are more ... defensive. So you gotta help me with this.
What I've done is given you Query capability. For us to figure out what ELSE the hacker's done to the guy, we have to query him on the TEN and ask him a shit tonne of questions. Shit like "What's your favourite food", "Where were you born", "What is your mother's name?" and then we keep ask'n shit until the answers come back "Undefined", "Magic" or even "God Code". Any of these three means the hacker didn't do anything there.
But what we're looking for are contradictions, spelling mistakes, anything that's just off compared to the other answers. So if we ask shit like "Who was your first kiss" and it comes back undefined, and then you ask "Do you like boys or girls?" and it comes back undefined, but then we like, ask "What's your favourite sex position" and it fucking comes back "I like being fucked from behind in the ass" then we have a hit, 'cause it's kinda odd that he'd have NO information about romance or sex EXCEPT for a sex position. Like it means it's either fucking sloppy code -- which I doubt, even for a knock-off version -- or someone has messed around.
Same deal with mundane shit, because if he's got a mess of details like favourite foods, first kiss, hobbies and shit and then we query another reverend and just get "me hate fucking lewds" then we know someone's fucked around with this boy. You follow?
The reverend looks at Razzay quizzically.
Razzay: Oh hold your shit, we're seeing what's wrong with you.
Hacked Reverend: You swear too much. Didn't your mother raise you better?
Razzay: Actually I was raised Catholic originally.
Hacked Reverend: Huh.
Razzay: Yeah.
Hacked Reverend: Explains a lot.
Razzay: Yeah.
Hacked Reverend: Still remember your bible study?
Razzay: ... actually I recently started to read up on it again.
Hacked Reverend: Oh! Well then. Would you like to discuss it sometime?
Razzay: Not really, it's complicated and personal.
Hacked Reverend: Well I'll be here if you need me.
Razzay: Thanks, appreciate it.
Horny Futa just stares silently at the exchange, completely flabbergasted.
Razzay: He is soooooooooooo hacked.