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File 128992818451.png - (195.00KB , 750x750 , dq301.png )
256968 No. 256968 ID: bf1e7e

>Previous Threads:

It is a deep, empty place; and music is playing
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No. 291297 ID: 1854db

Poke at the gear design. Is it inset into the door, or just painted on?

You could also try helping Nev push, or try to move the door in other directions.
No. 292578 ID: bf1e7e
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Attempting to hold the gear up to the door has no effect, so you attempt to help Nev push the door open.

The door puts up some resistance, but ultimately yields.
No. 292581 ID: 70d9eb

I think that sign means it's the men's room, Ven. Go pick up the small rock by that bigger rock and follow Nev in anyway.
No. 292582 ID: 2ab266

well you put all that effort into opening the door, all that is left is to go in
No. 292583 ID: 8092e6

Go in and look around.
No. 292584 ID: 15b51b

Looks like Nev disappeared. Look around for him and notice that your surroundings changed.
No. 292661 ID: bf1e7e
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You pick up a rock and head into the building. This doesn't really look very much like you would expect a temple to. It looks like this place has been unattended for quite a while.
No. 292662 ID: 2563d4

Call out for Nev in your most plaintive eelperson cries.
No. 292663 ID: 1854db

Oh hey, a drawer. Open it and see what's in it.
No. 292668 ID: 3416ec

Open that drawer.
No. 292678 ID: bf1e7e
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You check the drawer. It appears to have had a false bottom at one point, though it has rotted and broken away; revealing a strange key. You decide to take it with you.
No. 292681 ID: 3416ec

Good deal. Now go investigate that grid thingy on the other wall.
No. 292684 ID: 1854db

Onto the puzzle.
No. 292726 ID: bf1e7e
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You pocket the key and head over to investigate the grid thingie on the other wall. It looks like some sort of clockwork device embedded into the door. The door won't budge when you push on it.
No. 292730 ID: 221021

Oh, it's one of THESE puzzles. Press the buttons to see what they do.
No. 292734 ID: bf1e7e
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You look over the panels and determine that the items marked '1,' '2,' '3,' and '4' are buttons.

You press button one, and the panels around it sink into the housing as a rhythmic, stuttered clicking sounds, and then rotate clockwise and settle back into place.
No. 292736 ID: dad664
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Press buttans until end result is this
No. 292737 ID: b870d3

Push button 4 once then button 3 once, then 4 then 3 again. I think that gets the left corner and side pieces where they belong at least.
No. 292738 ID: bf1e7e
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You aren't sure that mashing buttons at random is a good idea, you don't know what this does!


You press the buttons in sequence.
No. 292743 ID: e63234

agghhhh it's really probably not a good idea to put small sections of a sequence in until a whole solution is done! I think it should have started out 2231 instead, that would have gotten all the top tiles done and then the bottom rows probably could have been sorted with only 3 and 4's.
No. 292744 ID: e63234

also that was not a suggestion for current solution
No. 292755 ID: 78edaa

2 4 3 3 1 3 3 3 1 2
No. 292810 ID: bf1e7e
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After looking over the keypad, you key in a sequence. A solid 'clunk' sounds.
No. 292811 ID: bf1e7e
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The door swings open.
No. 292814 ID: 3416ec

Enter yonder door.
No. 292815 ID: 8092e6

No. 292818 ID: 1854db

Alright let's go through the main door first then come back and check the side door later.
No. 292904 ID: bf1e7e
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You proceed through the freshly-opened door and into a new room.

There are several things here!
No. 292905 ID: 3416ec

Sure are a lot of things.

Examine the multi... thinged thingy in front of you.
No. 292907 ID: dad664

Read note hug contraption
No. 292908 ID: 221021

Look at the paper and the poster, open the box, and mess with the thing in the middle!
No. 292909 ID: 2ab266

you should check out the paper on the table in the back of the room first, see if you can make anything out
No. 292920 ID: 8092e6

open the chest and see whats inside.
No. 292921 ID: bf1e7e
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The note in the back corner is written in some sort of bizarre, scratchy shorthand.

'It works!

After all this time, and all this effort, the basic functions of the box work. All that remains is to finalize the designs and the mechanical aspect will be complete. Unfortunately, my alchemical skills are still not sufficient. Successful use of the ore's properties will be absolutely critical if my plan is to function. But there is still time.

I have also located a nearby cavern, in which I will establish my secondary facility. My research leads me to believe that it is in the perfect orientation, very little excavation will need to be done. I hope for the Bzzer to begin construction within the next few weeks.

For the sake of the world -- M'

No. 292924 ID: 6b2b68

Turn around, Greet Telwis.
No. 292925 ID: 1854db

Check inside the box.
No. 292928 ID: 70d9eb

Kick open that box with your massive lower body strength.
After that check to see if it's locked and if the key fits.
No. 292930 ID: 8092e6

drop kick that chest and pop it open
No. 292932 ID: 2ab266

check the chest, look for loot
or anything i guess
No. 292940 ID: bf1e7e
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You decide not to kick the chest, it looks pretty solid and you would probably hurt yourself.

You open it, though. There are some weird metal tubes, some small bundles of wire, and what looks like a box of assorted gears and other small clockwork parts. None of them resemble your gear in any significant way, however.
No. 292944 ID: 2ab266

well if none of it looks useful for the moment, might as well inspect the contraption in the middle of the room
No. 292945 ID: 70d9eb

Check out the contraption in the middle, maybe you can make a sweet-ass potion.
No. 292961 ID: bf1e7e
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You look over the contraption in the middle.

It looks like some sort of weird music box. There a lot of extra bits in there that you aren't sure what they're for.

There is a small hole on the side.
No. 292963 ID: 70d9eb

Take a piece of wire and poke it into the hole.
No. 292994 ID: 1854db

Look into the hole.
No. 293030 ID: fa517c

will our new key fit
No. 296028 ID: c9ee57

Stick the key into the whole, twist it.
No. 298314 ID: bf1e7e
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You insert your key into the whole and twist it. It fits securely, though the turn is a bit awkward. It seems like the mechanism is fairly old.
No. 298315 ID: bf1e7e
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The machine begins to operate, the tiny hammers on the top moving up and down and rhythmically striking the metal tubes. Each produces a very faint sound when it is struck. The sound is too faint to make out clearly.
No. 298319 ID: 180ec2

Put your ear up to it and see if you can hear anything better. If not, look at the poster in the back. It looks like it describes the device.
No. 298320 ID: 3416ec

So... did anything change? Any doors open? Any machines start?
No. 298329 ID: 2ab266

Do the tubes in the machine match those you found in the box?

And yes, inspect poster.
No. 298330 ID: bc2220

Can you fit some of the tubes in the box to the machine?
No. 298331 ID: 40cb26

It probably just needs a good cleaning. Wiping it off dry may not be enough though, you'd need a proper cleaner or at least some water. Are there maybe any water sources nearby? Or if not... if the parts in the box are in better shape you could replace any bits in the machine if the box has the same. Risky though, it would be easy to mess it up and have no way know how to get it back.

Either way you'll have to be careful fixing this thing, but it seems important for whatever reason. What you do right now is examine the mechanisms and see what you can do with them without messing it up.
No. 298333 ID: bf1e7e
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A quick check of the poster in the back looks like it's a plan for up-scaling the device on the pedestal by an enormous amount. Unfortunately, you can't see just HOW enormous because the corner where the measurements are listed is torn away.

The tubes on the machine appear to be the same sort as the ones in the box, though they are all very slightly different sizes.


The only machine that you know started was this one. If it did something else, it also did it somewhere else.


You CAN hear it better when you get close! You soon realize that you aren't even hearing it directly from the machine, it seems like the sound is emanating from the rock on which it is sitting!

Pressing your ear against the rock, you are able to make out that it is playing a song. You hum along with it, it is very soothing and familiar.
No. 298337 ID: bc2220

Is it the same song Nev's musicbox plays?

Put your ear to the ground in several places.
Does the sound definitely come from this rock, or could it be coming from somewhere else entirely and just resonate from it?

Try fitting some of the box's pipes on top of the machine's.
No. 298342 ID: 2ab266

Check the base of the machine. Do the tubes continue on down through the rock, or is what you can see the entire machine?

In any event, get Nev and see what he makes of it.
No. 298348 ID: 180ec2

Also ask Nev if he knows the song as well, because you don't know where you know it from.
No. 298353 ID: bf1e7e
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It IS the same song!

You can hear it from other parts of the room, but it's fainter. Almost like it's transferring down from the rock to the floor.

>Try fitting some of the box's pipes on top of the machine's.

The device that is striking the tubes is on top of them!


It looks like it is just sitting on the rock. You are able to shift it by pushing against it, but it's pretty heavy.


Unfortunately, you haven't seen Nev since you opened the door.
No. 298354 ID: 2ab266

The pipes and machines and songs are cool and all, but,

you should probably find out what Nev is up to. Or if he is even still around.
No. 298357 ID: bc2220

Nev can take care of himself. Actually, no, he likely fell down some ditch, but he's probably fine.

Either way, go back inside and investigate the doorway(?) next to the drawer.
No. 298373 ID: 10c20a

Go back inside and check the other door
No. 298389 ID: bf1e7e
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You figure that wherever Nev is, he's probably fine.

You head back and push on the remnants of the other door, and it collapses inward. Heading into the next room reveals a big mess. Most of the floor is covered in tatters of paper, and there's a workbench on the far wall. It probably held a bunch of books and files in the cubbies underneath it, but it looks like whatever was in here was removed in a hurry.
No. 298393 ID: 180ec2

Examine the writings in the heap.
No. 298397 ID: 70d9eb

Check out that dilapidated wall that seems to have a hole on your right, and the papers near it.
No. 298399 ID: 2ab266

It could not hurt to sift through those papers and see if they tell you anything.

What is that object on the floor to your left?
No. 298421 ID: 1854db

At some point it would be wise to *write down* the mysterious composition.
No. 298444 ID: 180ec2

That reminds me, actually. Is that the same song that you found on that board a while back?
No. 298450 ID: bf1e7e
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It is!

This pile of writings in the corner is a big stack of musical compositions, too. They're all very similar to the song, but they each have some minor variances and a bunch of notes. They were apparently being cross-referenced heavily.

However, one page in the pile is different.

They're coming more often, and they're different now. They appear to be almost frantic, driven more to reach some point in town than simply to attempt to slaughter wantonly as they typically do. Everyone else is confused, but I understand.

I don't think that they're completely mindless. I think that, somehow, they know what I am doing. And they are afraid.

The preparations for the lab at the site are well under way. Hopefully I will be able to move my work there before the attacks become too much for the guard to handle.



Most of the papers strewn about the room appear to be schematics for random clockwork Trinkets of no real significance.


It looks like it is some kind of metal tube with some mechanisms inside. It doesn't look like it can do anything on its own.
No. 298458 ID: 1854db

Grab dat tube. If we could find any writing materials I'd suggest composing the correct music... Hey, what's that thing on the counter?
No. 299864 ID: c9ee57

Check the thing on the shelf/counter.
No. 646320 ID: eb5c78
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The thing on the counter looks to be some sort of old, rusted tool. You aren't really sure what it's for.

You decide to grab the tube from the floor, but it's sort of bouncing around a bit. Everything is, in fact. You notice that some kind of vibration has been gradually building, and you almost feel like you can hear music.
No. 646341 ID: f61b8d

Woooow, seventh-level necromancy! Whooo!

Put your ear to the floor. Also, make sure you're not under anything unstable or damaged.
No. 646363 ID: e114bc

Time to leave, I think.
No. 646412 ID: 9ddf68

HOLY SHIT, I'm I seeing this right? This quest is actually back?!

It could either be an earthquake or something probably just as bad, probably a good time to take what you have and leave.
No. 646431 ID: 26e769

It's almost certainly that machine.

Go turn it off, see if that helps.
No. 646503 ID: eb5c78
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You listen at the ground, and it's definitely the same song that the machine was playing. And it's getting louder pretty quickly!

You decide to hurry over to try to shut off the machine, Feeling the vibrations through the ground and hearing the music fill the air. As you exit the room you were in, however, the vibration increases rapidly, throwing you off-balance!

There is a sudden, sharp vibration, and a sudden shock rolls through the ground. You hear a low rumble, and the ground goes still.
No. 646505 ID: e114bc

...I think something broke. Or something simply opened. Go look outside.
No. 646614 ID: f4d940

Yeah, continue looking for something changed.
No. 646694 ID: 26e769

Search for Nev. See if he's okay.

...or find out if he was ever there at all.
No. 890354 ID: eef56a
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You lose your footing attempting to rush back to the other room, while the crashing sound and echoes of the song ring through your head. Your senses swim as time seems to slow to a crawl. You find yourself thinking back over everything that happened since you woke up ( https://tgchan.org/wiki/Deep )

You feel as though you have been falling for years, though even as you push yourself back to your hands and knees the dust is still settling. You look up through the doorway toward the room where you left the music device running.

But there isn’t anything there. Just a massive hole, and crumbling walls.
No. 890356 ID: d887c0


Are you hurt? Did you break anything?
No. 890370 ID: cb22c8

Can you see anything down the hole?
No. 890395 ID: ad51b8

anyone else around you or are you by yourself right now?
No. 890398 ID: 65b0da


Look down hole. Don't get pushed.
No. 890401 ID: 556258

Is the song still playing or is it stopping?
No. 890406 ID: 4b8164

I was going to ask about Nev and if he was okay, but... looking back he seems to have up and vanished as soon as you got the door open. And the building changed too. Since the walls are crumbling, can you look outside at where that gear statue was? Is it changed?
No. 890434 ID: 5fa661

Look UP before you check the hole, make sure there isn't any rubble about to fall on your head.
No. 890438 ID: 166e1c

Get away from the edge. You don't know what structures are compromise, the least we can assume is that the further you are from the parts that already fall the safer you will be.
No. 890466 ID: eef56a
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There isn’t really a ceiling left, it looks like whatever happened here collapsed basically everything above you. There doesn’t seem to be anything in the hole, just a massive void of darkness that seems to go down forever.


There’s nobody else around, and the only sound you hear is a low, echoey rumble and crashing sounds echoing up from the hole. You think you may hear the song echoing up extremely faintly, but it’s probably just in your head.


You may arguably have broken a lot of things, but none are parts of you. You are a bit sore and very disoriented, but don’t seem to have been hurt by your fall in any way.


You decide to leave the building, which is easy as this whole side of the building isn’t really any more than rubble. The town certainly looks considerably more abandoned now, the buildings are all in a much greater state of disrepair than you remember them being when you lived here, but you aren’t sure how much of that is from the collapse that just happened or how much is just a factor of time and abandonment.

You go to look at the statue, which seems to have not fared particularly well. There is an inscription on it that you didn’t notice earlier, like most indahl art it seems to be dedicated to the Muse, the goddess that they say sacrificed parts of herself to save them when they were a fledgeling race. It stirs feelings of something important, like it should be drawing out memories that aren’t there to be drawn out.

The eerie silence of the town is suddenly broken by an echoing, rhythmic scratching sound. Listening more closely, it seems to be coming from the direction of the hole that opened up beneath the music box.
No. 890467 ID: cb22c8

>when you lived here
...so, your amnesia seems to be getting better. Do you conveniently happen to recall an escape path out of here? That monster you fought earlier was supposed to be one of many down here, wasn't it...
No. 890472 ID: b1b4f3

You should probably find somewhere close to the exit where you can watch the hole without being seen. Just in case whatever's making that noise is hostile.
No. 890482 ID: 166e1c

>sacrificed parts of herself
>memories that aren't there
Are you connected to this muse?

>rhythmic scratching sound
Something is climbing perhaps? You probable want to take a look at that, but from far away ready to run.
No. 900627 ID: d387e3

Do you have any vague memory of what the rest of the buildings were? Perhaps that could assist in scavenging for some supplies.

>Rhythmic scratching
I'd find a hiding spot, fast. The notes seem to imply that the dark things are attracted to the music box, and turning it on probably drew their attention.
No. 915825 ID: e2dc7c
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You ... aren’t sure how you knew that you lived here. Did you live here? You can’t really remember properly, you suppose you were wrong and it’s not like there aren’t memories to find, It’s like they’re locked away in your head, and sometimes you can see them, but you don’t know how to get to them.


You find another wrecked building and tuck yourself into it to collect your thoughts about everything going on. You could stick your head out to peek at the caved-in building you were in before at a moment’s notice.


You’re connected to the muse the same ways all indahl are, your hand and eyes are gifts from the muse’s sacrifices, and you never would have had the drive to complete your great works had the muse not sacrificed her wakefulness and gone into an endless slumber to grant the indahl the cleverness and inspiration to create!

The scratching sound gets steadily louder for a while, but then it suddenly stops

No. 915826 ID: e2dc7c
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But then there is a sudden, echoing crash sound as if more of the building had collapsed into the hole!
No. 915828 ID: fe4f01

is... is that a foot?
No. 915830 ID: becba8

Spiky tentacle monster! Run!
No. 915831 ID: b1b4f3

Time to peek then run away.
No. 915833 ID: cb22c8

That's sharp looking. And it seems like it has a long reach. Try to keep walls between you and it while you run away.
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