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File 147667054235.png - (332.94KB , 800x800 , Pumpkin Quest.png )
753281 No. 753281 ID: ee4c90

Just in time for Halloween!

This quest may be NSFW.
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No. 753432 ID: 398fe1

No. 753436 ID: ee4c90
File 147674083363.png - (124.22KB , 800x800 , Pumpkin Quest 13.png )

Squash exits the TOWERING FOREST, on their way to ABANDONED TOWN.

Once she reaches the edge of the forest, she encounters MARQUIS DECARABIA. He wears nothing, floating above the grass ominously.
No. 753438 ID: 3663d3

what's his deal?
No. 753439 ID: ee4c90
File 147674209018.png - (243.23KB , 800x800 , Pumpkin Quest 14.png )

MARQUIS DECARABIA knows the virtues of all herbs and precious stones, and can change into all birds and sing and fly like them before the conjurer.

He's looking for HERBS and PRECIOUS STONES as we speak, but he hasn't seen any mortal this far down here, let alone a woman. It's a downright WEIRD MONSTER SAUSAGEFEST.
No. 753440 ID: 398fe1

Say hello. I wonder if there's anything he wants, in exchange for a boon?
No. 753443 ID: 350a50

Ask if he has any herbs that will help you disguise your HUMAN SCENT from the LOST DOG, so that it DOES NOT EAT YOU.
No. 753444 ID: 9f3729

"Any reason you got your dick out dude?"
No. 753445 ID: ee4c90
File 147674331291.png - (124.03KB , 800x800 , Pumpkin Quest 15.png )

MARQUIS DECARABIA does indeed have what you wish! Though it won't help much. You wanna know what would though? Generally being devilish. Gluttony, Lust, Pride, that sorta shit. That would convince the dog you're not human. ...Also probably make you not human.

Clothes are fuckin' itchy. He can't understand how YOU wear them.

MARQUIS DECARABIA will give you his GROSS SMELLING HERBS for a single DENARIUS. You know. Those roman coins.
No. 753447 ID: 91ee5f

>Clothes are fuckin' itchy. He can't understand how YOU wear them.
Hey, do you have any idea how hard it was to find something to fit over Squash's gigantic ass? She went through the trouble to find it, so she's going to wear it, damnit!
No. 753448 ID: 3abd97

Freckles, or is that the grass you faceplanted in?

Well, for what it's worth, you think it would probably itch to not have a head. To each their own.

Also clothes come with pockets! They're kind of hard to replace.

Has he, perchance, seen the dog recently? Or a pumpkin?
No. 753453 ID: 350a50

Squash: Check inventory.
No. 753454 ID: ee4c90
File 147674688311.png - (134.36KB , 800x800 , Pumpkin Quest 16.png )

They're Freckles.

MARQUIS DECARABIA has seen neither. But there's a very large pumpkin shaped tower to the southwest of here.


The HUMAN SOUL might be hers. She's not sure.

The MYSTERIOUS PILL has a random effect, she thinks. She could end up Incredibly powerful! Or she could die. Or anything else, really!

the 10XL CONDOM could probably hold an entire person's worth of cum. Who knows what you'd do with that, though.
No. 753456 ID: 350a50

No. 753457 ID: 398fe1


Well you could fuck him. You got a condom and everything.
No. 753460 ID: 3abd97

Let's not. The other horrors we've encountered were a lot cuter, if we're really looking for that.

We should save that until we have the resources with which to crush it for snorting.

>what do
Bid the Marquis good day, and continue on towards town.
No. 753462 ID: 398fe1

Does NABERIUS even have a dick tho
No. 753468 ID: 350a50

This. We'll return once we find some cold, hard cash.
No. 753469 ID: 3e3c26

Before we continue towards the town, ask DECARABIA if he knows of anyone who could provide HUMAN FLESH.

Also, rename DOG to WAFFLEDOG.
No. 753470 ID: ee4c90
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Squash bids MARQUIS DECARABIA adieu, heading off towards the town. Along they way, they decide to EAT THE SOUL.
No. 753471 ID: ee4c90
File 147675360132.png - (200.08KB , 800x800 , Pumpkin Quest 18.png )

Squash undergoes a HORRIBLE TRANSFORMATION as she loses her humanity
No. 753472 ID: ee4c90
File 147675369564.png - (118.35KB , 800x800 , Pumpkin Quest 19.png )

Squash is now an IMP.

Squash's rocking hips have DESTROYED her SLEEPING GOWN. She now has IMP PASTIES equipped.

No. 753475 ID: 398fe1

Well that wasn't so bad. Strange that eating a human soul results in losing humanity but I'm not complaining really. Being an IMP is pretty low-tier though. Maybe we can climb the demon ladder.

Head into the ABANDONED TOWN, we should be able to find some clothing in there.
No. 753477 ID: 350a50

Everything considered, better than being eaten by a hellhound.
No. 753478 ID: 3abd97

Oh gosh darn it. You can adjust to horns or a tail or even hippier hips, but losing your dress is just inconvenient. You've nothing to curtsy with anymore! You'll have to be carefully shaking hands with those claws too.

...did you lose your freckles? Not the freckles!

How did your soul taste, anyways?

Did you gain any imp powers that you can tell?
No. 753479 ID: ee4c90
File 147675545172.png - (163.78KB , 800x800 , Pumpkin Quest 20.png )

as an IMP, Squash has the powers of MINOR HYPNOTISM, FIRE IMMUNITY, and the ability to SWALLOW MORTALS WHOLE. She has pretty flawless skin and is a TIER 1 DEMON.

On the way to town, Squash is stopped by an incredibly tall fellow in FULL ARMOR.
No. 753480 ID: 350a50

Greet the Knight (of Hell?).
No. 753482 ID: 3abd97

>She has pretty flawless skin
The flaws were not a detriment. Maybe you can fix the unnecessary fixing later.

No. 753484 ID: 91ee5f

>the ability to SWALLOW MORTALS WHOLE.
Sounds like you've developed a huge appetite! So, are you hungry or are you good for now?
No. 753485 ID: ee4c90
File 147675657239.png - (175.63KB , 800x800 , Pumpkin Quest 21.png )

PRESIDENT AMY introduces themselves. He make men marvelous at astrology, Procures excellent familiars, and bequeaths treasures protected by spirits.

Also he's fucking RIPPED. So don't make fun of his name.

PRESIDENT AMY is curious what brings an IMP so far away from the LIES OF GOD.
No. 753487 ID: 3abd97

You're actually a former human, as it happens. You didn't travel from the LIES OF GOD, where I assume imps come from?

You're currently looking for a punpkin and a lost dog. And clothes. Have you seen either, PRESIDENT AMY?

>excellent familiars
Oh, that's neat! What kind?
No. 753488 ID: 398fe1

Ask how you might become a higher tier demon.
No. 753489 ID: ee4c90
File 147675788576.png - (151.52KB , 800x800 , Pumpkin Quest 22.png )

Squash is CONSTANTLY HUNGERING. after all, consuming SOULS is how one reaches higher TIERS of DAEMONHOOD.

PRESIDENT AMY has seen neither hide nor hair of a LOST DOG nor a PUMPKIN, though HALLOWEEN TOWER is bound to have one of the latter. Good luck getting in without some GRAND SOULS. The owner of the tower is a bit of a gourmand after all.

Clothes, however, are probably IN TOWN, at the tailors.
No. 753491 ID: 398fe1

Alright thanks, let's go get some.
No. 753492 ID: 9f3729

vomit up soul, regain humanity
No. 753499 ID: 350a50

Let's experiment with that once we have some privacy. We're only clothed by our IMP PASTIES, after all!
No. 753500 ID: 9f3729

Counterpoint, we're meeting people with entrails and their dicks out all over the place, I don't think modesty is a HUGE consideration here
No. 753504 ID: ee4c90
File 147676035280.png - (122.35KB , 800x800 , Pumpkin Quest 23.png )

The SOUL has already been digested. It can't be regained no matter how much you try...

Squash heads to the TAILOR's.

DUKE SALOS is here, with his CROCODILE. He's covered in SCENTED OILS and is apparently the TAILOR.
No. 753505 ID: 350a50

Try not to get too distracted by that chiseled bod.

Ask if he has anything in your size.
No. 753512 ID: ee4c90
File 147676184954.png - (173.77KB , 800x800 , Pumpkin Quest 24.png )

He is DUKE SALOS. He is of a pacifist nature, and causes men to love women and women to love men.

Of course he has something in your size.
No. 753513 ID: 213ff6

Compliment scented oils. They're very...scenty.
No. 753514 ID: ee4c90
File 147676200972.png - (81.85KB , 800x800 , Squash Dress Up Doll.png )

But would it really be you? Why doesn't he let those VISITORS try to design something, hmm? He is impatient, however, so he will only allow them to design until THE SUN RISES AND LOWERS AGAIN.

Use this, as a base.
No. 753516 ID: 18c950

I notice some overlap with DUKE ZEPAR's line of work... the women loving men, part, at least. Ask if they're coworkers.
No. 753517 ID: 91ee5f

Ask if you're allowed to pet his adorable CROCODILE. We shall give it belly rubs and tell it that it's been a good boy/girl!
No. 753518 ID: 9f3729

Well that's silly, why did we do that without thinking? Now we can't get into heaven and fuck hunky dudes for all eternity.

O well, we can still do that here on earth just not as long I guess.

Also, ask who's in charge of the gays, is that one guy or what?
No. 753521 ID: 3abd97

So do all these powers over men and women still apply to you? I'm not clear if that means mortals or people / beings in general.

Give us a formal jacket in thin pinstripes, over a tight skirt.

And undergarments, please, these pasties just don't cut it.

Plus a piece of ribbon or lace to tie in some manner of bow on our tail.
No. 753522 ID: ee4c90
File 147676319225.png - (124.34KB , 800x800 , Pumpkin Quest 25.png )

DUKE SALOS is pleased with your compliments. They keep his skin FRESH and GLISTENING.

He knows DUKE ZEPAR. He knows literally every demon you've met thus far.

This is definitely NOT EARTH. But it's not hell, either. all 72 of us were SEALED AWAY, and woke up HERE.

He has no idea who is in charge of making Men love Men and Women love Women, but it doesn't sound like that bad of a job. He'd still prefer to keep his, though.
No. 753523 ID: 3abd97

>Squash is CONSTANTLY HUNGERING. after all, consuming SOULS is how one reaches higher TIERS of DAEMONHOOD.
In retrospect, it was awful nice of everyone you met not to devour you and/or your soul when you were still human, then. There can't be too many unclaimed souls wandering about.

A question and clothing suggestion I would still support.
No. 753530 ID: 18c950
File 147676403754.png - (68.61KB , 800x800 , lolita fashion but with more cleavage.png )

beware of bad mouse drawing
No. 753532 ID: 91ee5f

I still want to pet his adorable CROCODILE and give it belly rubs and tell it that it's been a good boy/girl!
No. 753535 ID: 71d443


...I don't mean to pry but: are you all virgins?
No. 753537 ID: ee4c90
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DUKE SALOS is already among the highest rank of devils. One measly soul, while most likely a feast for you, is naught more than a sunflower seed for them.

It totally applies to himself and others as well. But he's not a creepy person that would use his mind roofies to get a date.

Please don't pet JERRY. They are a giant crocodile. You are about the size of a treat.

72 Virgins joke, huh. You. You really gonna make that Islamophobic ass joke. You really gonna make the '72 virgins when you die in heaven' joke here. when they are clearly the 72 Demons sealed away by Solomon. the Ars Goetia. You reaaaaaally gonna make that joke here. You disgust Salos.
No. 753538 ID: d1eb65

I'll take note you didn't answer the question, and pry no further.
No. 753545 ID: 71d443

You said it, not me.
No. 753548 ID: 91ee5f

>Please don't pet JERRY. They are a giant crocodile. You are about the size of a treat.
Awwww..... :'-(

Maybe when we climb up the demon ranking ladder and become a giant, we can come back and pet JERRY without having to worry about being eaten.

That's how demon ranks work, right?
No. 753551 ID: 71d443

Probably. Those mannequins are huge, and he's even bigger!
No. 753576 ID: 9f3729
File 147677838058.png - (13.25KB , 200x200 , tits.png )

This had zero effort put in but I tried my hardest to somehow make our garment even more lurid
feat. crotchless underwear and a form-hugging t-shirt

(I'll probably do a real one later)
No. 753585 ID: 594c18
File 147678336947.png - (74.88KB , 800x800 , making up an outfit.png )

Bangles and shit. Also still sexy.
No. 753595 ID: 350a50

I apologize if the other VISITOR's joke was in poor taste, we have no filter.
No. 753604 ID: 2a7417

Go stick your head in a pig, you're not the Intrusive Thought Police.
No. 753610 ID: 8d65de

Go ahead and listen you want like what you hear from us.
No. 753611 ID: 8d65de

No. 753613 ID: 3e182c
File 147680767085.png - (80.79KB , 800x800 , Notsteve.png )

No. 753614 ID: fd3aaf

A vote towards this design because bangles. Anklets would be cool too but don't really work when one's legs taper to a point.
No. 753628 ID: ee4c90
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Don't worry. DUKE SALOS will be incorporating ALL the designs submitted, even if it's just in a small way. Everyone's contributions matter. Yes. Even the really terrible ones.

JERRY has moved slightly. For a crocodile this is an astounding achievement, really.
No. 753631 ID: 3d2d5f

Wave to Jerry and express appreciation for his effort.
No. 753643 ID: 398fe1

Don't get eaten.
No. 753646 ID: 350a50

Ask DUKE SALOS if he will require you to undergo a QUEST in return for CLOTHING.

You see, QUESTING is something of a specialty of us VISITORS.
No. 753656 ID: 3e182c

We can also Solve Puzzles, Argue incessantly, and sacrifice livestock poorly in MS paint.
No. 753677 ID: ee4c90
File 147682880415.png - (122.36KB , 800x800 , Pumpkin Quest 28.png )

JERRY does not respond to the wave. They aren't too good at making expressions.

DUKE SALOS is glad you lot catch on quick. Yes, he'll need payment for the dress he's about to make, which means collecting a QUALITY OF LIFE from the MYSTERY HOLES. They're like SOULS, but BETTER.

You should have LITTLE TO NO PROBLEM collecting it, unless you do something STUPID.
No. 753679 ID: 3abd97

Well getting clothes is at the top of our priority list, so I guess we're off to the holes, then. See you soon, your Dukeship.
No. 753702 ID: a7a25c

fair enough, care to avoid some hilarious situation down the line by letting us know what kind of thing would be stupid?
keeping in mind how new to this we are.
No. 753707 ID: 350a50

We should probably not eat it.
No. 753712 ID: 71d443

Good point, we'll need to find a second one if we want to eat it.
No. 753714 ID: 350a50

At least we know what our Sin is. It explains those hips, too.
No. 753729 ID: 398fe1

Tell him you have very little experience being an Imp. What are the Mystery Holes like, and how does one go about collecting a Quality of Life?
No. 753741 ID: 3663d3

so should we bring a bucket or..?
No. 753745 ID: 340747

we do have those condoms, they could work
No. 753778 ID: ee4c90
File 147684977691.png - (87.92KB , 800x800 , Pumpkin Quest 29.png )

Before heading out to the MYSTERY HOLES, Squash is all DOLLED UP. She has NO PANTS, some nice looking STOCKINGS AND A RING, a RIBBON around their tail, and her SWEATER is quite FRILLY. She also has PINSTRIPE UNDERGARMENTS.

She owes DUKE SALOS a QUALITY OF LIFE. don't dilly dally, now!
No. 753780 ID: 3abd97

Curtsy, now that you can properly again, thank him, and off with you.
No. 753785 ID: 91ee5f

Do this then head off to the MYSTERY HOLES to retrieve a QUALITY OF LIFE for DUKE SALOS.
No. 753925 ID: ee4c90
File 147691720013.png - (155.32KB , 800x800 , Pumpkin Quest 30.png )

On the way to the MYSTERY HOLES, Squash encounters an odd looking PEACOCK.

"Any sugar to spare? Sugar for a poor poor peacock?" They inquire.

An odd request, from a peacock anyway.
No. 753927 ID: c441c1

tis a male peacock ask for clarification on the type of "sugar" it means.
No. 753930 ID: 398fe1

What kind of sugar? Cane sugar? Maple sugar?
No. 753931 ID: 3abd97

Apologies, I'm not carrying any sugar. Perhaps I could return if I come across some?

Introduce yourself, see if the peacock reciprocates.
No. 753933 ID: 350a50

We can sing a Def Leppard song about sugar if you want.
No. 753936 ID: ee4c90
File 147692088308.png - (325.81KB , 800x800 , Pumpkin Quest 31.png )

They introduce themselves as MARQUIS ANDREALPHUS, a peacock who who raises great noises and teaches cunning in astronomy, and when in human form also teaches geometry in a perfect manner. He can also turn any man into a bird.

And by sugar he means 'powdered substance derived from sugar cane.' He's making a cake and has run short.
No. 753937 ID: 3663d3

apologize, you have no sugar as well. but we will keep an eye out and if we come across any he will be the first to know of it.
No. 753938 ID: 350a50

Not at the moment, but we travel enough we should find some eventually. We'll let you know if we do.
No. 753939 ID: ee4c90
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MARQUIS ANDREALPHUS is pleased! Sugar is, sadly, only found in the human world, and they've been banned from entering it ever since they turned Harold into a GOOSE.

But FUCK Harold, you know?

Anyway, if you're on your way to the HELL GATE you could go pick some up.
No. 753941 ID: 398fe1

Ah, that's near the mystery holes. Alright, we can probably manage that yeah.
No. 753942 ID: 3abd97

You actually have a prior engagement in the MYSTERY HOLES to pay back DUKE SALOS for your outfit. One's appearance is important, after all. But when you find yourself able to return to the human world, you'll see about picking up some sugar.

Hmmm. Are imps welcome in the human world? You were rather more human the last time you were there.

Where is the hell gate located?
No. 753943 ID: 350a50

>Are imps welcome in the human world?
If it's Halloween, will anyone really know?
No. 753946 ID: 91ee5f

That's a 1 in 365 chance or 1 in 366 chance of it being the correct day in the human world. Those are terrible odds.
No. 753948 ID: ee4c90
File 147692520529.png - (151.76KB , 800x800 , Pumpkin Quest 33.png )

Time seems to move at an accelerated pace in this realm, at least for Squash, anyway. As far as she can tell, It's currently the 19th of October.

Imps are probably only allowed on earth in certain, very lewd circles. The types of people to summon succubi and such. Eugh.
No. 753949 ID: 91ee5f

>It's currently the 19th of October.
That's actually good enough! Some humans like to dress up in their costumes early, but only in the month of October. So as long as it's October, humans will think you're one of those people that dress up early and they shouldn't bother you.
No. 753950 ID: 3abd97

How unpleasant.

As you're in no rush to play second string succubus to a bunch of rude people, we'll have to endeavor to find some manner of loophole.
No. 753970 ID: 37f049

Just wait for a summons from an inexperienced summoner and force him into a Faustian bargain. Maybe put together a shopping list?
No. 753972 ID: 350a50

Nothing says good demonic deal like "all I want is for you to do my shopping" accompanied by a completely normal grocery list of milk, sugar, and human flesh.
No. 753988 ID: 3663d3

what if someone does a generic summon? a kind that all demons can ignore from how weak it is, but instead you jump into it and head up.
No. 753989 ID: ea2bfa

Hey, unrelated question, do you ever get in fights with AMDUSIAS about that whole "making noise" nonsense? I feel like that's the sort of thing there'd be fights over with demons.
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