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694551 No. 694551 ID: 28d9e2

Fuck. I am bored. Being in a dungeon is boring. Maybe I should escape?

But I don't even have a name.
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No. 740225 ID: 398fe1

Ask why he is stuck in the door.
No. 740241 ID: 24100f

I think you broke it.
No. 740254 ID: 15a025

I think you broke blue guy.
No. 740900 ID: f8b29a
File 147059419420.png - (9.01KB , 1024x768 , sq10.png )

I am in pain, but I am also in love. Is this pain what love is?...

Nope this is broken arm pain.
No. 741026 ID: 5f5579

Alright, are you still stuck? If not, perhaps you can at least get something out of this and at least be able to see her through the whole.

But if you are still stuck, at least let's see to which way this door opens.
No. 741030 ID: 24100f

"Thank you, may I please have another?"
No. 741041 ID: c6dd9a
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>Alright, are you still stuck? If not, perhaps you can at least get something out of this and at least be able to see her through the hole.
I pull my FFFFFFFF
I pull my arm out of the hole. I see a cute little pink faixie...
"Hello very strong madam."
"Hi, hello!"
"Snnnf... Do you think you can open this door?"
"This door has no hinges!"
"... Fuck. Well, can we at least exchange names? I'm Pugsly."
"Hmm. I don't have a name. Can you maybe give me one?"
No. 741048 ID: 24100f

>Can you maybe give me one?
...Arm Breaker?
No. 741052 ID: 59bd8b

Arm breaker sounds too much like what she does and not enough like a name. How about Ann Baker?
No. 741776 ID: 650554
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>...Arm Breaker?
>Arm breaker sounds too much like what she does and not enough like a name. How about Ann Baker?

Oh, that's a pretty sophisticated name. I hope she likes it.

"Ann Baker. How about it?"
"Ann Baker?"
"Err-- I--"
"I like baking! I'll be Baker for short! Thanks!"

Heh. She's as excitable as any average faixie. Despite my pain I try to smile but damn, broken bones hurt too much.
No. 741777 ID: 24100f

She's pretty strong. Maybe she can force the door?
No. 741781 ID: 15a025

Agreed. She could probably take it down like nothing.
No. 741823 ID: 650554
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>She's pretty strong. Maybe she can force the door?
>Agreed. She could probably take it down like nothing.

Well that's--
No. 741824 ID: 650554
File 147102541535.png - (9.42KB , 1024x768 , 1471013413967.png )

That isn't happening. Okay.
No. 741827 ID: 650554
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Guys, I hate recycling images like this, but Paint Tool SAI is not being nice to me, and my buffer for this quest has run dry...

No. 741842 ID: 398fe1

What about the wall next to the door? Does that repair itself?
No. 741902 ID: 24100f

Um, can you still hear me, or is the magic self-repairing door soundproof, now?

...man, I could use a magic, self-repairing arm.
No. 741984 ID: bc378d
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>Um, can you still hear me, or is the magic self-repairing door soundproof, now?
no response.

>What about the wall next to the door? Does that repair itself?
No. 741985 ID: bc378d
File 147111213973.png - (6.48KB , 1024x768 , 1308162.png )

It does. How are we supposed to leave?...
... I want to know him more.
No. 741991 ID: bbbcc9

Pugsly, stand back from the door.

Hey Baker you're pretty strong, maybe you can rapid punch the door down instead of the wall.
No. 741994 ID: 24100f

Maybe try prying the door open instead of breaking it down?

The problem might also be the hinge isn't on the side we thought it was, so you were opening the wrong side. Or maybe the door is supposed to slide into the wall, floor, or ceiling?
No. 742002 ID: 398fe1

Baker, is there anything in your room of note or is it a featureless wall thing?
No. 742109 ID: 0bb200
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>Maybe try prying the door open instead of breaking it down?
This incredulously featureless door is absolutely impossible to touch. I can't slide my fingers through any cracks.
>The problem might also be the hinge isn't on the side we thought it was, so you were opening the wrong side. Or maybe the door is supposed to slide into the wall, floor, or ceiling?
There are no hinges, and no enchantments that make the door do into walls. We're not the most technologically advanced place...

>Pugsly, stand back from the door.
I hope he heard you. I don't know if he can hear you currently.

>Hey Baker you're pretty strong, maybe you can rapid punch the door down instead of the wall.
There's an apparent enchantment on this ... door? It seems more like a piece of plywood fit over a door shaped hole in a stony wall. The enchantment seems to, err, automatically fix the walls of this dungeon.

>Baker, is there anything in your room of note or is it a featureless wall thing?
Nothing but a magic enchantment that doesn't let things damage it.

But... how did the hole in the door get sealed over when it was already there? I'm magical. I wonder if I can put a hole in the door that is more permanent that I can fit through.
No. 742149 ID: 031add

Well if magic poses a chance of causing permanent damage then I believe the only logical recourse is to firepunch the door down.
No. 742152 ID: 398fe1

Try some magic out on it then.
No. 743162 ID: cc2dbb
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And Baker just made a giant hole in the door. the flame caught onto the door and is burning it away.
No. 743164 ID: cc2dbb
File 147158141694.png - (10.29KB , 1024x768 , 1908162.png )

"Hello, there."
"Heya. I'm Baker."
"I'm Pugsly. And nice to meet you. I like your strength."
"I like you. Your naming! I mean uh--"
"So how'd you get here?"
"I don't remember, Pugsly. Do you?"
"Actually, no."

Uh... wow. we broke down the door. But... we're still here. alone. Together.
No. 743177 ID: 398fe1

Talk about what you did on the outside. Flirt. Make out.
No. 743468 ID: 3abd97

>Magic fire

>But... we're still here. alone. Together.
Look back between the two connected rooms.

"So... your place or mine?"

Once the silliness is done, you two might want to explore the two rooms together. They have to connect to something else.
No. 743571 ID: bb5adf
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>Talk about what you did on the outside.
Sounds like a good plan--

Okay well--

>Make out.

>Look back between the two connected rooms.
I start walking in Baker's--
"Pugsly, if you're about to check my room, I can tell ya nothing's in it. Just the ashes of the magic door."
Well, that answers that.

>"So... your place or mine?"
"Which room should we stay in, Baker?"
"It doesn't matter. There's something weird about your room, but I can't seem to determine what..."
is she okay with my hand holding hers, why am i doing this

>Once the silliness is done, you two might want to explore the two rooms together. They have to connect to something else.
"Do you think the enchantment leads to another room?"
"Probably. Hey! Watch the hands there!"
"I-- well, I didn't--"
"If you hold my hands, you'll probably get accidentally frozen or burnt or -- I dunno. My magic gets unstable sometimes."
"Are you tied to a specific element, Baker?"
"No - I'm a descendant of the blood tribe of the Rainbow. I can do it all. Kinda. I can't do fire and water at the same time, but of I focus, I can do one or the other."
"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I don't really have magical powers."
"You look like an inkling. You should have floaty powers or something."
"I... don't think I do. I'm kinda... dumb in the brain and not very good at thinking."
"well, neither am I."
"But you're a faixie, and they're really smart, and you had to go to school or something, right?"
"I'm only good at English, and history. I'm like a C student."
"I don't remember much about myself. I don't even know what I am."
"Well, you're an inkling. I think. The only way to know is to stab you."
"If you're an inkling, you'll bleed ink and if not, then, I've just cut you. Wait, I don't even have a knife! What are we supposed to do?!"
"I dunno. Kiss or somthing."

... I have a strange feeling about this girl.
No. 743579 ID: 398fe1

Can she do anything about your broken arm?
Have either of you checked the ceiling of your rooms?
No. 743586 ID: af6e04

She wants to stab you. Run and hide in the corner.
No. 743608 ID: 180f83

Wait, after comparing you two, I have to ask, are you naked?
No. 743622 ID: 117129
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>Wait, after comparing you two, I have to ask, are you naked?
I immediately let go of Baker's hand. I'm... I think I'm not naked? I've never thought to wear clothes. Mostly because I can't remember ever wearing clothes.

>Can she do anything about your broken arm?
I ask.
"I'm not the best healer on strangers. My most successful healing attempts come from being intimate with someone.
"I... INTIMATE?" Oh, boy.
"Heh... n-not necessarily that kind of ... intimate. Are you okay? I know that we're strangers but... you don't have to be afraid of me."
"I'm... I'm not afraid of you..."
"Then... why are you acting so strange?"

>Have either of you checked the ceiling of your rooms?
What a great way to stop talking about this!
"Hey, Baker, have you really looked at the ceiling of your room?"
"No, why?"
We both look up.
No. 743623 ID: 117129
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Baker says something before I do.
"Oh my god!"
"It's... full of stars?"
No. 743624 ID: 117129
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I sit on the floor! Yowch!!
I must have made a grunt of pain.
"Pugsly! How did I forget your arm was broken?! I'm so sorry!"
"It's fine." I force a chuckle.
"So. C-can you do something?"
"Well... umm..."
Baker clearly is uncomfortable. I try to talk calmly and gently.
"Baker, do whatever it is you have to."
She's silent. She's afraid to make the move. What should I do?
No. 743628 ID: 9f3729

Drop trou, and start whirling your dick about while singing the star-spangled banner.
Never fails to set a mood.
No. 743647 ID: 180f83

Is the ceiling painted with stars, or is there no ceiling to begin with. If the latter is true, ask if she can fly up and see what she can see out there
No. 743648 ID: 398fe1

No. 743664 ID: 59bd8b

Pugsly, I know your in a lot of pain but your being really aggressive. Apologize to Baker for pushing so hard, tell her if she's not comfortable just doing whatever she has to to heal you then maybe explaining what she would be doing would help her. Also see if she can check to see if the ceilings painted on or is actually stars.
No. 743683 ID: 4bf789

Just play it cool pugsly. If you push her she might just get angry and break the rest of your bones.
No. 743724 ID: 3abd97

Well, you're blushing blue. That might support the ink-for-blood theory.

So... you're in open air boxes? They open to the night sky?

Close your eyes?
No. 745504 ID: ad985f
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>Apologize to Baker for pushing so hard...
"I'm sorry for being so pushy. I'm... It's been pretty interesting to say the least, but a broken limb isn't what I had in mind, you know?"

Ann Baker smiles. "Yeah. Sorry 'bout that."

>...ask if she can fly up and see what she can see out there
>...see if she can check to see if the ceilings painted on or is actually stars.

"These stars weren't here earlier, I don't think."
"Are they fake?"
"You can fly up there, right? Can you see?"
"You sit still, Pugz. I'll see. And then, I'll fix your arm. Or try."

My arm suddenly ... doesn't hurt at all now. Still horribly disfigured but not crushed.

What am I feeling deep down inside?! This niggling feeling. I can't stand it. Like I remember something but don't know what.
No. 745509 ID: ad985f
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This is not a painted ceiling.
No. 745517 ID: 180f83

look into the horizon.
No. 745567 ID: 3abd97

Oh neat. So there's a way out. For flying people at least.

Maybe she'll find someplace out there? Or some help?

Not much to do but stargaze and wait for her return.
No. 756388 ID: b04c2d
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I can't get back down!
"Silly blood tribeswoman. Did you think escape was possible through flight?"
"Uh... no?!"
"What? Wait, seriously? You aren't trying to flee?"
"Look, I can't even figure out how I got in this godforsaken place! I don't wanna be here. It's boring, I'm kinda hungry and as much as I wanna get out, I can't just flee through magical cieling space! I don't even know if I'm actually alive! I've been flying for like, 40 minutes, wondering if I'm hallucinating or not!"
"I wanna go home! I wanna leave with Pugsly and maybe get like, coffee with him and laugh this off! Fuck you, disembodied voice!"
"L-look, sorry, okay? It's my first dungeon, I'm kinda new at this. Just go-- just, like turn around and you'll be back in the dungeon. Also, don't come up here yet, it isn't finished."

Um... should I listen to a space-voice... that sounds kinda like a woman about to cry?
No. 756389 ID: 9f3729

"Sure, just don't start bringing in the weird sex shit, I'm not into that kind of dungeon until at least the third date."
No. 756394 ID: 180f83

Hi voice, we're voices too. Sorry about that, we'll bring Baker back in the dungeon right away.
No. 756407 ID: 3abd97

Geeze, if you didn't want anyone going up, you should have put a lid on top.

Fly back down.
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