Purple Twilight Dreamer
Damn, Daniel, these are pretty sweet digs! This place is almost as nice as your father's old home.
To the east of the entrance is the humidifier block. You could get cleaned up in there and change clothes maybe? You're pretty sweaty from the hike up here. However, you feel really weird using someone's personal humidity room. That's something people let you do in their homes, here in Mossland, but it is not something people do where you're from.
On the west wall is a collection of family cyanotypes, some books, maybe a folk art sculpture.
Along every wall are long benches, perhaps with storage underneath, with padding and cushions on top, perfect for lounging or naps: you people take so many naps. The benches are made of wood that matches the door (Mosslanders always have wood). The paneling is full of ornate carvings, hundreds of years old, probably. The carvings are in excellent condition considering how many children must have grown up here.
Behind you, the door and entrance way are well decorated with a collection of odds and ends, more cyanotypes and paintings, folk art, handicrafts, an ornate pendulum wall clock and some plants. In fact, the whole house seems to be full of them. Another Mossland tradition, you suppose.
There's an upstairs but you don't see how to get to it immediately.